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Sterile water injections for back pain in labour

This paper examines the research surrounding use the woman’s care. The researchers found that, while
of sterile water injections to reduce maternal low the subcutaneous injections were almost painless, the
Margaret (Margie) Duff
back pain during labour. It describes the various intracutaneous injections of sterile water caused a sharp
PhD, BN, RM, RCompN, Certificate in Tertiary
techniques used by the researchers, assesses the results 20 second long pain. Injections were therefore given
Teaching, Senior Midwifery Researcher
and considers issues for practice. during a contraction to ‘mask’ this experience. Women
University of Western Sydney, Australia.
were asked to rate their pain using a visual analogue
Correspondence to: [email protected] Literature Review scale (VAS) on four occasions: before they had the
Early studies describe how lumbosacral subcutaneous injection; 10 minutes, 45 minutes and 90 minutes
Abstract injections of local anaesthetic were first used around after the injection. The VAS was graded from 0 to
Sterile water injections to reduce low back pain during 1929 to relieve labour back pain but these were not 10 with “0” (no pain) to “10” (pain as bad as it gets).
labour have been used for the last 25 years in Scandinavia effective (Ader et al., 1990). In 1975 Odent (1991) Results indicated that women in both groups identified
and since 1990 in the United States of America (USA) used injections of distilled water into an area just below that they had less pain after the injections compared
and Canada. The technique is not featured in current the ribs of labouring women before he accidentally to before the injection. However VAS scores for the
midwifery textbooks except for two USA publications. found that sterile water (used for washing hands in treatment (sterile water) group were significantly less
This paper reviews the use of sterile water injections the operating theatres) was more effective. According for each time period after the injection compared to
in six studies published between 1990 and 2008, to Trolle, Moller, Kronborg et al. (1991) sterile water the control (normal saline) group. That is, this study
the various techniques used by the researchers and injections have been used effectively for relieving renal showed that both the treatment and the placebo reduced
their results. The paper concludes with a discussion colic pain during the early 1980s. In 1986 the principle the level of back pain during labour, although more
around some considerations for practice that emerged was successfully applied to women with low back pain women in the sterile water group achieved an analgesic
from these studies, including the different techniques in labour. However, none of the studies contained a effect than in the normal saline group. (p=<0.001 at
and the number and type of injections to use. The control group (Ader et al., 1990). This led Ader and 10 minutes, p=<0.02 at 45 minutes and p=<0.05 at
evidence from the studies suggests that sterile water her colleagues to investigate the effects of sterile water 90 minutes). The researchers noted that there were no
injections are an effective method to relieve low back injections compared to a placebo (normal saline) in a long lasting side effects, that the injections could be
pain in labour. They are simple to undertake and may randomised controlled trial. Their study consisted of easily administered by midwives; however the women
provide women with an alternative option to narcotics 45 women who required pain relief for low back pain did complain that the injection caused a burning pain
during labour. One group (treatment group) received which lasted a few seconds. Unfortunately, this study
and epidurals. The transitory pain experienced by the
four intracutaneous injections. Intracutaneous used two different injection routes for the treatment
women immediately after the injection appears to be
injections are those that are given within the layers and control groups which may have influenced the
the only side effect.
of the skin. It is a term derived from Latin with results. This was rectified in the following study.
‘curtis’ meaning skin and ‘intra’ meaning within. It
is interchangeable with the term intradermal which Trolle et al. (1991) in a double blind randomised control
Severe low back pain during labour is often derived from ‘derma’ meaning skin in Greek (Harris, trial assessed the degree of pain relief achieved in 272
associated with the fetus lying in a posterior Nagy, & Vardaxis, 2006). Each injection women with low back pain in labour using the same
position. It is estimated that posterior positions injection route for all participants. The researchers used
occur between 5.5% (Ponkey, Cohen, Heffner, the same technique as Ader et al’s (1990) study (0.1 mls
& Lieberman, 2003) and 8% (Cheng, Shaffer, & of fluid into four points of the Michaelis’ rhomboid) of
Caughey, 2006) and can cause long and painful sterile water or normal saline. Both injection mediums
labours (Coates, 2003). One method that may assist were provided in identical ampoules and randomly
in reducing persistent back pain associated with mixed and numbered so that the midwives were not
the posterior position is sterile water injections into aware of the fluid being used. All participants received
the maternal lumbosacral region. The technique, intradermal injections into the lumbar-sacral area.
known also as sterile water blocks (Trolle, Moller, Women were asked to rate their pain using VAS on
Kronborg, & Thomsen, 1991) or papules (Ader, three occasions: before they had the injection, one hour
Figure 1. The location of injection sites in relation
Hansson, & Wallin, 1990), to reduce pain during to the Michaelis’ rhomboid. and two hours after the injection. The VAS was similar
labour have been used by midwives for the past 25 (Photographer: M. Duff). in design to the one described by Ader et al. Results
from both groups indicated that women had less pain
years in Scandinavian countries (Peart, James, &
after the injections compared to before the injections.
Deocampo, 2006) and in the USA and Canada
contained sterile water 0.1ml injected into the area The researchers found a significant difference between
since the 1990s (Varney, Kriebs, & Gegor,
marked by the sacral dimples (Michaelis’ rhomboid) the two groups post injection results. They found that
2004). A brief search of midwifery textbooks
89% of women in the sterile water group experienced
published during the last 10 years found only two during a contraction. The area known as the Michaelis’
an analgesic effect compared with 45% of women in
that mention the use of sterile water injections rhomboid is shown in Figure 1 as a broken line, while
the normal saline group (p=<0.005) with the effect
(Lowdermilk & Perry, 2004; Varney et al., 2004). the area where the injections can be inserted is indicated lasting one to two hours. The authors noted that
It has been included in the Canadian National by the four small diamonds. intradermal injections using normal saline were painful
Guidelines for Family-Centred Maternity and but those using sterile water were more painful. Yet
Newborn Care (Health Canada, 2000) and it is The other group (placebo group) received 0.1 ml of significantly more women from the sterile water group
mentioned by Enkin, Keirse, Neilson, et al. (2000) normal saline subcutaneously into the same region. All would request the same pain relief again than from the
as a method for reducing labour pain. injections were given by a midwife, not involved with normal saline group (p=<0.005).

New Zealand College of Midwives • Journal 39 • October 2008 33

The findings from these two studies indicated that In an Australian study, Peart et al. (2006) evaluated the reduction in the FRS pain scores in both groups after
intradermal injections of sterile water provided effect that sterile water intradermal injections had on the injections compared to before the injections.
effective analgesia but were initially very painful. low back pain of 60 women during labour from two However, there was a significant difference (p <0.01)
This led Mårtensson & Wallin (1999) to examine different hospitals. Women were required to request between the two groups at 10 and 45 minutes after
the differences in analgesia achieved between this type of pain relief prior to labour to be eligible for the injections; indicating that sterile water had a
intracutaneous and subcutaneous injections using a the study. The researchers used a similar VAS to those greater analgesic effect compared to normal saline.
randomised controlled trail of 99 women in labour. studies described previously and injected the sterile The researchers found that women complained
Two groups were given sterile water injections: one water into the Michaelis’ rhomboid region using four that the injection was painful and the pain lasted
group received 0.1 ml intracutaneously while the other injections. To reduce the pain of the injections each pair approximately two minutes.
group received 0.5ml subcutaneously. A placebo group of injections were given simultaneously by two staff.
were given a subcutaneous injection of 0.1 ml normal The injections were not given until women indicated a A recent RCT (Mårtensson, Stener-Victorin, &
saline. Each woman received four injections, during a VAS pain score of seven or more. This was because the Wallin, 2008) evaluated pain relief and relaxation
contraction, into the same area described previously researchers had undertaken a preliminary evaluation achieved during labour in 128 women using 0.05ml
except this time the researchers asked the women to which indicated that the pain of the injections was of sterile water injections compared with acupuncture.
breathe on a combination of oxygen and nitrous oxide unacceptable to the women unless their VAS pain Both interventions were administered by 40 midwives
to reduce the pain sensation created by the injections. score was seven or more. VAS sores were collected prior trained in the procedures and the interventions were
Women were asked to complete a VAS (similar to that to the injection, five minutes after the injection and repeated when required. In the sterile water group four
described previously) before the injections, then at 10, then every 30 minutes for two hours. Results showed a to eight injections were administered subcutaneously
45 and 90 minutes after the injection. Women were significant difference in responses between the pre and during a contraction in the area indicated by the woman
also asked if they would request the injections during post injection VAS scores indicating 90% of women as being the most painful. The area was not restricted
a future labour. Results indicated that there was no were experiencing less pain after than before the to the lower lumbar sacral region. The pain relief
significant difference in the VAS scores between the injection. There was also a significant reduction in achieved was assessed by VAS prior to the intervention
groups using intracutaneous or subcutaneous sterile the VAS scores for a period of 90 minutes following then at half hourly intervals after the intervention
water. There was however, a significant difference in the injection indicating the period of analgesic effect. for three hours by the women and also assessed by
the VAS scores between the two sterile water groups Women were very satisfied with the technique and another midwife. Results from women indicated
and the placebo (normal saline) group indicating that would use it again although 96% indicated that it those in the sterile water group reported significantly
sterile water had a greater analgesic effect than normal was very painful. Unfortunately, the authors stated less pain (p<0.001) than the acupuncture group and
they administered between 0.1 and 0.5 mls of sterile had a higher degree of relaxation (p<0.001). The sterile
saline for more than 45 minutes after the injections.
water but no mention was made why there was a water group continued to have significantly less pain
Women in the two treatment groups experienced
difference in the volumes injected or if this effected (p =< 0.04) for 180 minutes after the interventions
more pain during the injection than the women in
the period of analgesia. except for at the 150 minute point, which produced
the placebo group yet significantly more women in
a non significant result. Midwives also assessed
the experimental groups would use the method again
In another randomised control trial (Bahasadri, women in the sterile water group as having less pain
compared to the placebo group. A limitation of the
Ahmadi-Abhari, Dehghani-Nik, & Habibi, 2006) (p<0.001) and greater relaxation (p<0.002) than those
study was that the researchers were unable to determine
explored the effect of the subcutaneous route and in the acupuncture group. There were no significant
which injection route was more painful.
one injection site rather that the four injections used differences in birth outcomes however there was only
by Ader et al.(1990); Trolle et al (1991); Mårtensson a 7% caesarean section rate of the study. Interestingly,
To assess which injection route caused more pain for
& Wallin (1999) and Peart et al. (2006). Bahasadri this study did not exclude women from the study if the
the women Mårtensson, Nyberg and Wallin, (2000)
et al. investigated the effect of using subcutaneous location of their pain was other than low back pain.
investigated, in a double blind study, two injection
injections of sterile water (treatment group) and Earlier studies only included women with severe low
routes: intracutaneous or subcutaneous. The study
normal saline (placebo group) on 100 women back pain. Unfortunately, the authors did not report
involved 100 non pregnant women between the ages
during labour. Both groups received one 0.5 ml of the most common areas where this pain occurred but
of 18-45, randomised into two groups. Both groups fluid injected into subcutaneous tissue in one area is an interesting issue since the results support sterile
received the same treatment: two injections 10 minutes only. This area was the one women considered most water injections as an effective pain relief measure. Pain
apart. One group were given 0.1 ml of sterile water painful in the sacral-lumbar region. Pain scores were relief has been reported using this method in other
intracutaneously into the left sacrum followed 10 calculated using a faces rating scale (FRS) prior to anatomical areas (Trolle et al., 1991).
minutes later by 0.5 ml sterile water subcutaneously into the injection and again 10 and 45 minutes after the
the right sacrum. The same method was used with the injection. The FRS used was the Wong-Baker Faces The evidence from these studies suggests that sterile
second group except they were given the subcutaneous Pain Rating Scale which has six faces with varying water injections are an effective method to relieve low
injection first and the intracutaneous injection 10 expressions from smiling (scored as “0” and labelled back pain in labour although the placebo (normal
minutes later. Women were asked to rate the pain they No hurt) to crying (scored as “5” and labelled Hurts saline) also produced, to some degree, an analgesic
experienced 90 seconds after each injection on a VAS, worst) (Belville & Seupaul, 2005). Although the effect. Table 1 provides a summary of the studies
similar to those described previously. A second trial was FRS was developed for paediatric use (Crisp & reviewed. Interestingly, when reported none of the
undertaken a week later with both groups receiving the Taylor, 2005) it has been used across cultures and studies identified any statistical differences between
same injections but in reverse order. The researchers has been translated into a number of languages birth outcomes of the experimental or control
found that women experienced significantly more (McCaffery, 2002). It has also been validated reliably groups except Trolle et al (1991) and Mårtensson
pain with the intracutaneous injections than with the in adults against the visual analogue scale (Freeman, et al.(2008). The former study was the largest and
subcutaneous injections. These women however, were Smyth, Dallam, & Jackson, 2001; Ware, Epps, Herr, they found a significant difference in the caesarean
not pregnant and not in labour. & Packard, 2006). Results indicated that there was a section rates between the groups (p=<0.05) which

34 New Zealand College of Midwives • Journal 39 • October 2008

Table 1: A Summary of the Studies Reviewed.
Note: VAS – Visual analogue scale; FRS – Faces rating scale. Note- For ease of comparison the term intradermal has been used throughout this summary in place of intracutaneous used by some authors.

Authors (Year) Participants Intervention Control Outcomes measured Main results

Ader et al (1990) 45 women with low back 4 intraderrmal sterile 4 subcutaneous isotonic VAS scores before Mean VAS scores reduced
pain in labour >37 wks water injections saline injections treatment and at 10, 45 in the intervention group
and 90 minutes after • 10 minutes p=<0.001
treatment. • 45 minutes p=<0.02
• 90 minutes p=<0.05
Trolle et al. (1991) 272 women with severe 4 intradermal sterile 4 intradermal saline VAS scores before More women (89%) in
low back pain in labour water injections into injections into lower treatment and at 60 the intervention group
> 39 wks lower lumbar sacral area lumbar sacral area and 120 minutes after reported an analgesic
treatment effect (p=<0.0005). Less
C/S in intervention group
(p = <0.05).
Mårtensson & 99 women with severe Group 1 Group 3 VAS scores prior to No difference in the VAS
Wallin (1999) low back pain in labour. 4 intradermal sterile 4 subcutaneous isotonic treatment and at 10, 45 scores between the two
Term pregnancies water injections into saline injections into lower and 90 minutes after sterile water groups.
lower lumbar sacral area lumbar sacral area treatment Less pain in sterile water
Group 2 groups and the isotonic
4 subcutaneous sterile saline group at 10 minutes
water injections into (p=<0.002) and 45 minutes
lower lumbar sacral area (p=<0.006). <0.001)
Mårtensson et al 100 non pregnant Group 1 One week later the two Pain intensity of the Intradermal injections
(2000) women between 18 and Intradermal sterile groups received the injections measured by were significantly more
45 years water into left sacrum intervention again but in VAS scores 90 seconds painful than subcutaneous
followed 10 minutes reverse order after injections injections (p=<0.001)
later by subcutaneously
sterile water into right
Group 2
Subcutaneous sterile
water into right sacrum
followed 10 minutes
later by intradermaly
sterile water into left
Pert et al. (2006) Women in early labour 4 intradermal sterile VAS scores prior to VAS scores decreased
with VAS> 7 water injections into treatment and at 5, 30, significantly from pre
lower lumbar sacral area 60, 90, 150 and 180 treatment to 90 minutes
given simultaneously by minutes after treatment. post treatment (p<0.000)
two staff Satisfaction survey • 90% satisfied with the
pain relief
• 96% stated the worst
aspect was the pain of the
Bahasadri et al. 100 women in labour 1 subcutaneous sterile 1 subcutaneous normal FRS score prior to Sterile water group had
(2006) with low back pain. water injection into the saline injection into the treatment and at 10 a significantly lower
lower lumbar area lower lumbar area and 45 minutes after pain score at 10 and 45
treatment. minutes compared with
the normal saline group
Mårtensson et al. 128 women in All women treated Four to eight VAS scores prior to Women in the sterile
(2008) spontaneous labour at by acupuncture at subcutaneous injections treatment and after the water group reported
term GV20, L14, and sterile water in the area last treatment at 30, 60, significantly less pain than
SP6 and at another indicated by the woman 90, 120, 150 and 180 the acupuncture group
4-7 acupuncture sites as being the most painful. minutes by the woman (p= <0.001) and greater
selected from BL23-24; and another midwife. relaxation (p= <0.001).
BL54; EX19; GB25-29. Women were significantly
Needles inserted, and older in the acupuncture
stimulated every 10 group compared to
mins for 40 mins. the sterile water group
(p=<0.018). More women
(71%) in the sterile water
group would use the
treatment again compared
to 59% in the acupuncture
group (non significant)

New Zealand College of Midwives • Journal 39 • October 2008 35

the authors were unable to explain. Fewer women
from the sterile water group (4.2%) required surgery
compared with 11.4% from the normal saline group
and both groups had similar rates of instrumental
deliveries. It is possible that reduction in the back
pain allowed women to relax sufficiently to permit
contractions to rotate a malposition. In the later study
(Mårtensson, Stener-Victorin et al., 2008) reported
no differences in the birth outcomes between the two
Figure 2. Comparisons of angles of insertions Figure 3. A bleb or papule is formed as the fluid
groups but their caesarean section rate for the study
for injections (Figure 35.23 reproduced with is injected into the skin layers (Photo Step 22C(4)
was very low (7%). It would have been of value to permission from Potter & Perry (2009, p.751)). reproduced with permission from Potter & Perry
know the caesarean section rate for the population (2009. p.748)).
from which this study was drawn.

There have been three systematic reviews of RCT’s skin however the depth of subcutaneous tissue is
covering complementary and alternative medicine determined by body weight. Both the needle angle and the studies on labouring women used four injections
(CAM) in obstetrics which have included the needle length are determined by the woman’s body except Bahasadri et al. (2006) who used one and
technique of sterile water injections for the relief weight. For example, the angle is determined by the Mårtensson et al.(2008) who used up to eight. Again all
of pain in labour. Simpkin & O’Hara (2002) amount of tissue that can be grasped or pinched. If you except for Mårtensson et al.(2008) used the lumbosacral
evaluated five non pharmacological methods can grasp about 2.5 cms of skin, the needle is inserted region. Therefore, the number of injections used and
including continuous labour support; touch at a 45 degree angle (Figure 2) using a 17 mm 25G the anatomical location may depend on the situation:
and massage; baths; movement and positioning; needle. You can then continue to pinch the skin fold where the woman feels the pain; where the woman is
and sterile water injections. They found that as you insert the needle quickly or you can stretch the labouring; the number of health professionals available;
although all methods reduced labour pain skin and then insert the needle. It is easier to penetrate and the midwives’ skills. If the woman is experiencing
temporarily, sterile water injections had the most and it is less painful when the skin is pulled tightly. In generalised pain over the lower sacral area then the
consistent results. Huntley, Thompson Coon & both situations release the skin before injecting the four injection technique may be the method of choice
Ernst (2004) found 12 RCTs which included sterile water slowly. It may however, be difficult to give however if the woman can localise her pain to one
acupuncture, hypnosis, massage, biofeedback, a subcutaneous injection to very thin women who particular spot then one injection may be appropriate.
respiratory autogenic training and sterile water have little connective tissue. If 5cms of skin is grasped
injections in their systematic review of CAM used however, then the needle is injected at a 90 degree angle Varney et al. (2004) stated that the injections are more
to treat labour pain. They concluded that only using a 25G needle with a length that is approximately effective if women identify their own points of pain.
those trials using sterile water injections provided half the length of the skin fold. Inject the sterile water This is supported by Mårtensson et al. (2008) and
significant evidence of effectiveness. A later review slowly while you continue to maintain a grasp of the Bahasadri et al. (2006) studies. However, if the location
by Anderson and Johnson (2005) examined skin fold as obese women have a layer of fat above is in the lower back, Varney et al. (2004) suggest that
CAM used in health promotion and for obstetric the subcutaneous layer. (Crisp & Taylor, 2005). An the woman leans forward while standing, kneeling
treatments during the prenatal, intrapartum and intradermal injection is typically used for vaccine or or sitting during the procedure. This permits the
postpartum periods. In the intrapartum period serum screening (ibid) or to apply a local anaesthetic sacral dimples to be observed more easily if the four
they identified four interventions used to treat the (Johnson & Taylor, 2006). Fluid is injected under the injections technique is to be used. Peart et al. (2006)
pain of labour: acupuncture; massage; acupressure dermis at a 5 - 15 degree angle (as shown in Figure 2) noted that having an assistant to help administer the
and sterile water injections. These authors also so that a blister, papule or bleb is formed (Figure 3). injections simultaneously decreased the pain sensation
found that the only intervention that was effective During the procedure the skin should be stretched and experienced by the women. Women are also more
was sterile water injections. a 25 G needle inserted into the skin until resistance is willing to have the procedure repeated in another
felt. The needle is then advanced for about 3mm so labour if simultaneous injections are given (Mårtensson
Considerations for Practice the bevel of the needle is still visible under the skin. & Wallin, 1999).
The literature raises some interesting issues that require Further resistance should be felt as the sterile water
consideration. The following section discusses these in is injected slowly. A blister should be visible however Varney et al also suggest (using the one subcutaneous
relationship to midwifery practice within the context of if it does not form, it means the injection has been injection technique) that once the woman has
New Zealand and includes points related to performing placed lower into the subcutaneous tissue. Also, if no identified the area that is painful with her finger,
the techniques; guidance and informed consent. resistance is felt the fluid is probably being injected into that it is marked by the midwife or an assistant
the lower subcutaneous level (Crisp & Taylor, 2005). (Figure 4). Marking a circle around the woman’s
a) Techniques As pain relief is achieved by both routes this is probably finger allows the injection to be placed correctly. It
Firstly, the technique for inserting subcutaneous not so important for midwifery. This is supported by also permits the midwife to monitor the position
injections is easier than intradermal (intracutaneous) Mårtensson & Wallin (1999) who found that 89% of for further injections if pain returns although one
injections and has fewer problems. Figure 2 provides a women having had intracutaneous injections in their author noted that it is not necessary to be exact in the
diagram of the layers of the skin and the angles used of study would be willing to use the technique again placement of the injection site (Reynolds, 1998). The
each type of injection. compared to 81% in the subcutaneous group. subcutaneous injection can then be inserted (Figure 5).

Subcutaneous injections are inserted into the The second consideration around the technique is the With the exception of Peart et al. (2006), all researchers
connective tissue under the dermal layer of the number of injections and the anatomical location. All used 0.1 ml of sterile water when the route was

36 New Zealand College of Midwives • Journal 39 • October 2008

as this may cause the fluid to escape (Crisp & Taylor, to include in their skill repertoire as studies suggest that
2005). Likewise, don’t recommence any therapeutic 90% of women were satisfied with the degree of pain
massage over the injection site as it may dislodge the relief achieved (Peart et al., 2006).
fluid and shorten the effect (Reynolds, 1998). Larger
blebs have been suggested as resulting in longer periods The major disadvantage of the technique is the initial
of effective relief (Mårtensson, McSwiggin et al., 2008) severe burning pain that can last up to 90 seconds and
however this requires further research. Other issues has been described as a bee or wasp sting although
would also need consideration. For example, observing research indicates that the pain sensation can be
the site for the injections and making sure they are free reduced using the subcutaneous method (Mårtensson
Figure 4. Marking an outline of the area the
woman indicates as the most painful. of skin infections or damage such as bruising. Likewise, et al., 2000). This information needs to be carefully
(Photographer: M. Duff). in the hours and days after the injections the area should explained to the woman together with the fact that,
be observed for signs of infection. like other pain relief measures, it may not be 100%
effective or last for hours but it can be repeated.
Most of the studies recommended that the injections
be given during a contraction to minimise discomfort. Conclusion
However, the midwives who used this technique in The evidence from these studies suggests that sterile
the USA could not agree that this was an appropriate water injections are an effective method to relieve low
recommendation although they gave no reasons back pain in labour. They are simple to undertake
(Mårtensson, McSwiggin et al., 2008). It could be and may provide women with an alternative method
argued that it would be easier to administer the to narcotics and epidurals. The severe transitory
Photo 5. Using the marked area as a guide, pinch
the skin and inject the fluid at a 45 degree angle. injections between contractions when a woman might pain experienced by the women immediately after
(Photographer: M. Duff). reduce her bodily movements. However, this is an the injection appears to be the only side effect. The
area that has not been researched. Providing women number of injections and the route to be used will
with nitrous oxide and oxygen to breath during the depend on the woman, her place of labour, and the
administration may help to diminish the pain of the midwife’s skills. However, a single subcutaneous
intradermal and 0.5 ml of sterile water used when
injection (Mårtensson & Wallin, 1999). injection, into the area identified by the woman as
the route was subcutaneous. Therefore these volumes
being the most painful, appears to be effective and
should guide practice. Sterile water injections are easy Sterile water injections provide midwives with another cause the least pain. This would be an ideal topic to
to administer and have no side effects except that option to offer women as they work with the pain of be included in the Technical Skills Workshops. An
the initial injection can cause pain described as a bee labour. It has been reported that between 70%-90% evaluation of the technique in a New Zealand based
or wasp sting lasting 30 to 90 seconds (Varney et al., of women experience pain relief for at least 60 minutes population is also required.
2004). The relief of pain is fast (Mårtensson et al., after the injection (Reynolds, 2000) although this relief
2000) lasts two to three hours, and the injections can can last up to two hours (Mårtensson, Stener-Victorin References
be repeated although these should be limited to three et al., 2008) and the injections can be repeated (Varney Ader, L., Hansson, B., & Wallin, G. (1990). Parturition pain treated
as local irritation may occur (Varney et al., 2004). et al., 2004). It may be ideal for women who require by intracutaneous injections of sterile water. Pain, 41, 133-138.

pain relief prior to transfer from a rural area or for Anderson, F. W. J., & Johnson, C. T. (2005). Complementary
b) Guidance and alternative medicine in obstetrics. International Journal of
women waiting for an epidural. It may also be an Gynecology & Obstetrics, 91(2), 116-124.
This is a technique that is not well known. For example, option for women who do not want to use narcotics Bahasadri, S., Ahmadi-Abhari, S., Dehghani-Nik, M., & Habibi, G.
although it has been identified as being used since 1990 or to have an epidural. R. (2006). Subcutaneous sterile water injection for labour pain: A
in the USA, a survey of 107 midwives knowledge and randomised controlled trial. Australian & New Zealand Journal of
Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 46(2), 102-106.
attitudes in that country (Mårtensson, McSwiggin, & c) Consent
Belville, R., & Seupaul, R. (2005). Pain measurement in pediatric
Mercer, 2008) found that 32% of the midwives used the Sterile water injections are another option for women Emergency Care: A review of the Faces Pain Scale-revised.
technique while 46% of midwives had no knowledge to consider particular if they are keen to use only Pediatric Emergency Care, 21(2), 90-93.
of it. From personal discussions with a number of non pharmacological methods of working with pain. Cheng, Y. W., Shaffer, B. L., & Caughey, A. B. (2006). Associated
factors and outcomes of persistent occiput posterior position:
midwives across the North Island not one identified Women should be offered concise information about A retrospective cohort study from 1976 to 2001. Journal of
that they had heard of the technique. Furthermore, a this technique during their pregnancy once midwives Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 19(9), 563-568.
personal enquiry to four of the education institutions are competent to offer it. The information should Coates, T. (2003). Malpositions of the occiput and malpresentations.
In D. M. Frazer & M. A. Cooper (Eds.), Myles textbook for
offering Bachelor of Midwifery programmes found include advantages and disadvantages of using the midwives (14 ed., pp. 551-579). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston.
that none included the technique as a midwifery skill techniques; an explanation of the different techniques; Crisp, J., & Taylor, C. (Eds.). (2005). Potter& Perry’s fundamentals of
and in addition did not include intradermal injections when the method may be used; and a scientific nursing (2nd ed.). Sydney: Elsevier.
in their curriculum. Therefore, midwives from these explanation of how the technique works. Enkin, M., Keirse, M. J. N. C., Neilson, J., Crowther, C., Duley,
L., Hodnett, E., (2000). A guide to effective care in pregnancy and
programmes, as well as other midwives, may need childbirth. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
additional education and theoretical practise in the The advantages of this method of pain relief is that it is Freeman, K., Smyth, C., Dallam, L., & Jackson, B. (2001). Pain
technique in order to gain competence. relatively quick to administer in any situation, is cheap measurement scales: A comparison of the visual analogue and
faces rating scales in measuring pressure ulcer pain. Journal of
and can be used in homebirths, birthing units or major Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 28(6), 290-296.
A number of authors have provided advice regarding hospitals. It may be used as a main pain relief measure Harris, P., Nagy, S., & Vardaxis, N. (Eds.). (2006) (Australian &
undertaking the different techniques. For example, or used as an interim measure if the woman is being New Zealand Edition ed.). Sydney: Mosby Elsevier.
Health Canada. (2000). National Guidelines for Family-Centred
when withdrawing the needle after insertion of an transferred to secondary care for an epidural. Therefore Maternity and Newborn Care. Retrieved 24th April 2007, 2007,
intradermal injection do not massage the site with a swab it may be idea tool for midwives working in rural areas from

New Zealand College of Midwives • Journal 39 • October 2008 37

Huntley, A. L., Coon, J. T., & Ernst, E. (2004). Complementary
and alternative medicine for labor pain: a systematic review.
Continuity of midwifery care - the practical guide
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 191(1), 36-44. The book as the title says is a guide on “how to’
Johnson, R., & Taylor, W. (2006). Skills for midwifery practice. establish midwifery continuity of care. The inclusion
Caroline Homer, Pat Brodie, and Nicky Leap (2008).
Edinburgh: Elsevier. of theory around the concepts related to midwifery
Churchill Livingstone Australia. 1st Edition. ISBN continuity of care and the evidence provides
Lowdermilk, D. L., & Perry, S. E. (2004). Maternity & women’s
9780729538442. robustness while the use of summaries and vignettes
health care (8th ed.). St Louis: Mosby.
bring the practice of providing continuity of care to
Mårtensson, L., McSwiggin, M., & Mercer, J. S. (2008). US
Reviewer: life. The issues of safety and quality (uppermost in
Midwives’ knowledge and use of sterile water injections for labor
Nimisha Waller, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery, all practitioners' minds), working collaboratively
pain. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 53(2), 115-122.
AUT, Self employed midwife and Midwifery with other colleagues effectively (a good reminder
Mårtensson, L., Nyberg, K., & Wallin, G. (2000). Subcutaneous
Co-ordinator NZCOM Auckland Midwifery that we do not work in isolation) and of achieving
versus intracutaneous injections of sterile water for labour
Resource Centre. sustainable change as well as looking after yourself
analgesia: a comparison of perceived pain during administration.
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
as a midwife are fully explored. The information
107(10), 1248-1251. Recently there has been much discussion about in the appendices is useful for midwives as well
how we can continue to provide midwifery as organisations providing continuity of care or
Mårtensson, L., Stener-Victorin, E., & Wallin, G. (2008).
Acupuncture versus subcutaneous injections of sterile water continuity of care while facing midwifery thinking of doing so.
as treatment for labour pain. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica workforce issues, rising intervention rates and
Scandinavica, 87(2), 171-177. increased complexity in pregnant women. Midwives, midwifery managers, student
This book by renowned international midwives, educators, policy makers and health
Mårtensson, L., & Wallin, G. (1999). Labour pain treated with
contributors from Australia, New Zealand service executives will find this book invaluable.
cutaneous injections of sterile water: a randomised controlled trial.
British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 106(7), 633-637. (Dr Chris Hendry, Associate Professor Liz Women and women’s groups that advocate for
Smythe and PhD Candidate and independent better maternity services for women may also
McCaffery, M. (2002). Choosing a faces pain scale. Nursing, 32(5), 68
midwife Caroline Young), Canada, England find aspects of this book useful.
Odent, M. (1991). Comments on ‘Parturition pain treated by
and Scotland introduces midwifery models
intracutaneous injections of sterile water,’ by L. Ader, B. Handsson
of care (including LMC care), care within The book is dedicated to Tricia Anderson who
and G. Wallin (Pain, 41 (1990) 133-138)[comment]. Pain,
different settings: i.e. city, rural and remote as inspired and encouraged many midwives to find
45(2), 220.
well as different organisational and industrial ways of providing continuity of care and reflect
Peart, K., James, W., & Deocampo, J. (2006). Use of sterile water
challenges faced in provision of midwifery on what “woman centred” care really means. This
injections to relieve back pain in labour. Birth Issues, 15(1), 18-22.
continuity of care. book is a fitting tribute to an inspiring midwife.
Ponkey, S. E., Cohen, A. P., Heffner, L. J., & Lieberman, E. (2003).
Persistent fetal occiput posterior position: obstetric outcomes.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, 101(5 Pt 1), 915-920.

Potter, P., & Perry, A. G. (2009). Fundamentals of nursing (7th ed.).

St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.

Reynolds, J. L. (1998). Practice tips. Intracutaneous sterile water

injections for low back pain during labour. Canadian Family
Physician, 44, 2391-2392.

Reynolds, J. L. (2000). Sterile water injections relieve back pain of

labor. Birth, 27(1), 58-60.

Simkin, P. P., & O’Hara, M. (2002). Nonpharmacologic relief of

pain during labor: systematic reviews of five methods. American
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 186(5 Suppl Nature),

Trolle, B., Moller, M., Kronborg, H., & Thomsen, S. (1991). The
effect of sterile water blocks on low back labor pain. American
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 164(5 Pt 1), 1277-1281

Varney, H., Kriebs, J. M., & Gegor, C. L. (2004). Varney’s Midwifery

(4th ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett.

Ware, L. J., Epps, C. D., Herr, K., & Packard, A. (2006). Evaluation
of the revised Faces Pain Scale, Verbal Descriptor Scale, Numeric
Rating Scale, and Iowa Pain Thermometer in older minority
adults. Pain Management Nursing, 7(3), 117-125.

Accepted for publication March 2008

Duff, M. (2008) Sterile Water Injections for Back Pain

in Labour

New Zealand College of Midwives Journal 39, 33-38

38 New Zealand College of Midwives • Journal 39 • October 2008

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