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Electric Machine-I

PC-EE-401, 4TH Semester

1 Mark MCQ

1. MMF of magnetic circuit is analogous to which one of electric circuit

(a) EMF * (b) Current (c) Resistance (d) Conductance

2. Flux is given by
(a) MMF / Reluctance * (b) EMF / Resistance (c) Voltage / Current (d) 1 / Reluctance

3. The property of a material which opposes the flow of magnetic flux in it is known as
(a) MMF (b) Reluctance * (c) Permeance (d) Permittivity

4. Which one of the following circuit elements will oppose the change in circuit current?
(a) Capacitance (b) Inductance * (c) Resistance (d) Diode

5. Which equation is given by Ampere’s circuital law

6. For Biot Savart’s law dB is directly proportional to

(a) Idl SinƟ / r2 * (b) Idl SinƟ / r3 (c) Idl SinƟ / r (d) Idl Sin2Ɵ / r2

7. For electromechanical energy conversion process, it is essential that coupling magnetic field reacts on
(a) Electrical system * (b) Mechanical system
(c) both Electrical and Mechanical systems (d) Electrical or Mechanical system

8. In the magnetic circuit, the coil is excited by a current. Choose the correct statement from the following:
(a) Most of the magnetic energy will get stored in the air gap
(b) Most of the magnetic energy will get stored in the iron core *
(c) The magnetic energy stored will be stored almost equally in the iron core and the air gap
(d) All the magnetic energy will be stored in the iron core

9. Magnetic stored-energy density in iron is given by

(a) 1/2 φ2Rl (b) ½ B2μ * (c) ½ B2/ω (d) ½ B/ω

10. The energy stored in a magnetic field is given by

(a) B2 / 2μ (b) Li2 / 2 * (c) Bμ / 2 (d) MMF
11. The electromagnetic force and/or torque, developed in any physical system, acts in such a direction as to
tend to
(a) decrease the magnetic stored energy at constant mmf
(b) decrease the magnetic stored energy at constant flux *
(c) increase the magnetic stored energy at constant flux
(d) increase the magnetic stored energy at constant current

12. The electromagnetic force, developed in any physical system, acts in such a direction as to tend to
(a) decrease the co-energy at constant mmf (b) increase the co-energy at constant flux
(c) decrease the co-energy at constant flux (d) increase the co-energy at constant mmf *

13. The electromagnetic torque, developed in any physical system and with magnetic saturation neglected,
acts in such a direction as to tend to
(a) decrease both the reluctance and inductance
(b) increase both the reluctance and inductance
(c) decrease the reluctance and increase the inductance *
(d) increase the reluctance and decrease the inductance

14. The developed electromagnetic force and/or torque in electromechanical energy conversion systems acts
in a direction that tends to
1. increase the co-energy at constant flux 2. increase the co-energy at constant mmf
3. decrease the stored energy at constant mmf 4. decrease the stored energy at constant flux.
From these, the correct answer is
(a) 2,4 (b) 1,3 (c) 2,3 (d) 1,4 *

15. A physical system of electromechanical energy conversion consists of a stationary part creating a
magnetic field with electric energy input and a moving part giving mechanical energy output. If now the
movable part is kept fixed, the entire electrical energy input will be
(a)stored in the magnetic field * (b) stored in the electric field
(c) divided equally between the magnetic and electric fields (d) zero

16. Electromagnetic torque in rotating electrical machinery is present when

(a) air gap is uniform (b) stator winding alone carries current
(c) rotor winding alone carries current (d) both stator and rotor windings carry current *

17. All practical electromechanical energy conversion devices make use of the magnetic field rather than the
electric field as the coupling medium. This is because
(a) electric field systems present insulation difficulties
(b) electric field systems have more dielectric loss than the magnetic loss for the same power rating of the
(c) in electric field systems, for normal electric field strength, the stored energy density is high
(d) in magnetic field systems, for normal magnetic flux density, the stored energy density is high *

18. In a DC machine armature reaction is produced actually by

(a) its field current b) armature conductors c) load current on armature * d) none of these.
19. If the thickness of laminations of a DC machine is increased
(a)Eddy current loss decreases (b) Eddy current loss increases *
(c) Hysteresis loss increases (d) Hysteresis loss decreases.

20. The armature reaction mmf in a dc machine is

(a) sinusoidal (b) trapezoidal (c) rectangular (d) triangular *

21. The armature mmf in a DC machine is

(a) stationary w.r.t. field poles * (b) stationary w.r.t. armature
(c) rotating w.r.t. field poles (d) rotating w.r.t. armature
22. The direction of generated EMF is determined by
(a) Lenz’s law (b) Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
(c) Fleming’s left-hand rule (d) Fleming’s right-hand rule *

23. A commutator in a DC generator can convert

(a) ac to dc * (b) dc to ac (c) pulsating to dc (d) none of these.

24. A DC series motor should never be switched on to full voltage at no load because
(a)the field current is initially zero (b) the motor does not accelerate
(c) the speed becomes dangerously high * (d) it will take too long time to reach rated speed

25. The direction of rotation of a DC shunt motor can be reversed by interchanging

(a)the supply terminals (b) the field terminals only
(c) the armature terminals only (d) either field or armature terminals. *

26. If the load on a DC shunt motor is increased, its speed is decreased primarily due to
(a) increase in its flux (b) decrease in back emf *
(c) increase in armature current (d) increase in brush drop.

27. The speed control of a DC shunt motor by the variation of field flux results in
(a)constant power drive * (b) variable power drive
(c) constant torque drive (d) variable torque drive

28. The residual magnetism of a self excited dc generator is lost. To enable the machine to regain residual field
(a) the armature connection must be reversed (b) the field winding connection must be reversed
(c) the field winding must be replaced (d)the field winding must be excited by low voltage DC supply *

29. Best electric drive for locomotive is

(a) squirrel cage induction motor (b) DC shunt motor
(c) synchronous motor (d) DC series motor. *

30. The purpose of including an external resistance at the time of starting a dc motor is to
(a) increase the starting torque (b) reduce the starting current *
(c) increase the armature flux (d) none of these.

31. Which of the following is an advantage of the armature control of the speed of a shunt motor?
(a)continuous control of speed *
(b) the armature circuit rheostat needs to be of continuous raring
(c) speed can only be reduced below its normal value
(d) excessive heat loss in the armature.
32. Hysteresis loss in a transformer can be reduced by using
(a) laminated core (b) silicon steel core * (c) oil (d) wooden core

33. In a transformer, electric power is transformed from the primary to the secondary without the change in
(a) voltage (b) current (c) frequency * (d) turns
34. Why are the transformer core made up of laminated sheet?
(a) to reduce eddy current loss * (b) to reduce hysteresis loss
(c) to reduce frequency (d) none of these

35. For successful parallel operation of two single phase transformers, the most essential condition is
(a) percentage impedances are equal (b) connected with appropriate polarities *
(c) turn-ratios are exactly equal (d) KVA ratings are equal.

36. An auto transformer has

(a)one winding with taps taken out * (b) two interlaced windings
(c) two windings of different materials (d) two windings of same wire.

37. An auto transformer is performer over an ordinary two winding transformer due to
(a) safety in operation
(b) availability of taps on the secondary
(c) considerable saving in copper when transformation ratio is nearly unity *
(d)none of above.
38. A shell type transformer has
(a) High eddy current loss (b) Reduced magnetic leakage *
(c) Negligible hysteresis loss (d)None of these

39. Open circuit test in a transformer is performed with

(a) rated transformer voltage * (b) rated transformer current
(c) direct current (d)high frequency current.

40. The core flux in transformer depends mainly on

(a) supply voltage (b) supply voltage and frequency *
(c) voltage, frequency and load (d) voltage, load but not frequency

41. A 3-φ transformer, over a bank of 3 single phase transformers of equal rating has the advantage(s) of
(a) low cost (b) less weight (c) occupation of less space (d) all of these *

42. Scott-connections are used for

(a) single phase to three phase transformation (b) three phase to single phase transformation
(c) three phase to two phase transformation * (d) any of the above.

43. Absence of odd harmonics in magnetising current in a 3-phase core type transformer will make voltage
(a) Sinusoidal * ( b) non-sinusoidal (c) asymmetrical (d) none of these.

44. For a sinusoidal applied voltage in a single phase transformer the flux wave and the magnetizing current are
(a) sinusoidal and sinusoidal (b) sinusoidal and peaky *
(c) peaky and flat topped (d) flat topped and peaky.
45. A 1:1 transformer is used as
(a) pulse transformer (b) isolating transformer * (c) potential transformer (d) current transformer.
46. The magnetizing current in a transformer is rich in
(a) 3rd harmonic * (b) 5th harmonic (c) 7th harmonic (d) 13th harmonic.
47. In Scott connections the teaser transformer operates on 0.866 of its rated
(a) impedance (b) current (c) voltage * (d) power.

48. In which transformer, the tertiary winding is used

(a)star-delta (b) delta-delta (c) star-star * (d) delta-star.

49. The waveform of armature MMF in a DC machine is

(a) square (b) rectangular (c) triangular * (d) sinusoidal.

50. In a properly connected delta winding of a 3 phase transformer, a voltmeter connected by opening a node of
delta will show zero voltage
(a)line voltage (b) double the voltage per phase (c) phase voltage (d) none of these .*

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