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Jamaica H. Ballera

Direction: Answer accordingly.

 Describe the Scholastic Triumph at Ateneo de Manila

 Ateneo Municipal, a college below the administration of the Spanish Jesuits.
Escuela Pia (Charity School) – previously term of Ateneo, a college for deprived boys in Manila
which was well-known by the city government 1817.
 June 10, 1872 – Rizal was go along with by Paciano on his way to Manila.
 Father Magin Ferrano – he was the college record-keeper, who rejected to confess Rizal in
Ateneo for two motives: a) he was late or registration b) he was sickly and undersized for
his age.
 Manuel Xerez Burgos – because of his intercession, nephew of Father Burgos, Rizal was
reluctantly admitted Ateneo.

 He registered Rizal as his surname since Mercado was suspected by the Spanish authorities.
 Rizal was first board in a house outside in Caraballo Street. This was owned by a spinster
named Titay who owed the family the amount of 300 pesos.

 Jesuits System of Education

 trained the character of the students by rigid discipline and religious instructions.
Students were divided into two groups:
Roman Empire – consisting of internos (boarders); red banner.
Carthaginian Empire – composed of the externos (non-boarders); blue banner.
 Intelligence distribution:
Emperor – 1st
Tribune – 2nd
Decurion - 3rd
Centurion – 4th
Stand – 5th
 The Ateneo students wore a uniform consisted of ―hemp-fabric trousers‖ and ―striped
cotton coat‖. The coat material was called ravadillo.

 Expose the Jesuits System of Education

 trained the character of the students by rigid discipline and religious instructions.
Students were divided into two groups:
Roman Empire – consisting of internos (boarders); red banner.
Carthaginian Empire – composed of the externos (non-boarders); blue banner.
Intelligence distribution:
Emperor – 1st
Tribune – 2nd
Decurion - 3rd

Centurion – 4th
Stand – 5th
 The Ateneo students wore a uniform consisted of ―hemp-fabric trousers‖ and ―striped
cotton coat‖. The coat material was called ravadillo.

 Describe Rizal’s First Year in Ateneo (1872-1973)

 Father Jose Bech – Rizal‘s first professor in Ateneo whom he described as ―tall thin man,
with a body slightly bend forward, a harried walk, an ascetic face, severe It and inspired,
smell deep-sunken eyes, a sharp nose that was almost Greek, and thin lips forming an arc
whose fell toward the chin‖.
 A Religious picture – a Rizal‘s first prize for being brightest pupil in the whole class.
 To improve his Spanish, he took private lessons in Santa Isabel College during noon
recesses. He paid three pesos for those extra Spanish lessons.
 At the end of the school year in March, 1873, he returned to Calamba for summer vacation.

 When the summer vacation ended, Rizal returned to Manila for his second year term in
Ateneo. This time he boarded inside Intramuros at No. 6 Magallanes Street. His landlady
was an old widow name Doña Pepay.

Identify the abilities of Rizal during his Second Year in Ateneo (1873- 1874)
 At the end of the school year, Rizal received excellent grades in all subjects and a
gold medal.
 The Count of Monte Cristo –(Alexander Dumas) – the first favorite novel of Rizal which
made a deep impression on him.

 Universal History (Cesar Cantu) – Rizal persuaded his father to buy him this set of
historical work that was a great aid in his studies.
Dr. Feodor Jagor – a German scientist-traveler who visited the Philippines 1859-1860 who
wrote Travels in the Philippines. He was impressed in this book because; 1) Jagor’s keen
observation of  the defects of Spanish colonization, and, 2) his prophecy that someday
Spain would lose the Philippines and that America would come to succeed her as

 Reveal Rizal’s success in his Third and Fourth Year in Ateneo (1874-
 Rizal's grades remained excellent in all subjects but e won  only  one medal – Latin.
 At the end of the school year, Rizal‘s returned to Calamba for the vacation. He himself
was not impressed by his scholastic work.
June 16, 1875 – Rizal became an interno of the Ateneo.
 Padre Francisco de Paula Sanchez – a great educator and scholar, one of Rizal‘s professors who
inspired him to study harder and to  write poetry. Rizal described this Jesuit professor as
―model of uprightness, earnestness,  and  love  for  the  advancement  of  his  pupils‖.  - 
Rizal‘s topped all his classmates ain all subjects  and on five medals at the end     of the school


Describe exemplars of Rizal in his Last Year in Ateneo (1876-1877) Appreciating the
Poems of Rizal in Ateneo
 Rizal‘s studies continued to fare . As a matter-of-fact, the excelled in all subjects. The
most brilliant Atenean of his time, he was truly the pride of the Jesuits
 March 23, 1877 – Commencement Day, Rizal who was 15 years old, received from his
Alma Mater; the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, with highest honor.
 Marian Congregation – a religious society wherein Rizal was an active member and later
became the secretary.
Rizal cultivated his literary talent under the guidance of Father Sanchez.
 Father Jose Vilaclara – advised Rizal to stop communing with the muse and pay more
attention to more practical studies.
 Rizal studies painting under the fawellmous Spanish painter, Agusti Saez, and sculpture
under Romualdo de Jesus; a noted Filipino sculptor.
 Rizal carved an image of the Virgin Mary on a piece of batikuling with his pocket-knife.
 Father Lieonart – impressed by Rizal‘s sculptural talent, requested him to carve for him
an image of Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Describing the Life in the University of Santo Tomas (1877-1882)

 After finishing the first year of a course in Philosophy and Letters (1877- 1878). He
transferred to the medical course.
 April 1877 – he enrolled in the UST taking Philosophy and Letters
 because; 1) his father like it, 2) he was “still uncertain as to what career to pursue”.

 Father Pablo Ramon – Rector of Ateneo, who had been good to him his student’s days in
that college, asking for advice on the choice of a career but unfortunately he was in
 During Rizal‘s first school term in the UST, Rizal also studied in Ateneo. He took the
vocational course leading to the title of perito agrimensor (expect surveyor).
 Rizal excelled in all subjects in the surveying course in Ateneo, obtaining gold medals in
agriculture and topography. He passed all the subject but the title was no issued to him
because he was only 17 years- old, underage. The title was issued to him on November
25, 1881- the title was issued to Rizal for passing the final examination in the surveying
 Liceo Artistico-Literario (Artistic-Literay Lyceum of Manila) – society of
 literary men and artists held a literary contest in the year 1879. He also served as the
President of the Spanish Literature in Ateneo.
 While at UST, he fell in love with three women. During his first year, he fell in love with a
woman simply called “Miss L”, a woman with a fair, seductive and attractive eyes. The
romance dead a natural death because of two reasons: (1) the sweet memory of Segunda
Katigbak was
 still fresh to in his memory a and, (2) Rizal‘s father did not like the family of Miss L.


 During his sophomore year, he courted Leonor Valenzuela, a tall girl with regal bearing.
Rizal sent her love notes in invisible ink. But just like Segunda he also stopped visiting her.

 During his junior year, Rizal had romance with Leonor Rivera, of
 Camiling, Tarlac. Leonor was a pretty girl and a student of La Concordia Colllege. Both
Rizal and Leonor were engaged, he used the sign name
 ―Taimis‖ to cover their relationship from their parents.
 Rizal studied in UST from 1878-1882. his  grade in Medicine consists of   2 excellent, 3
very good, 8 good, and 2 fair (physics and general pathology). His grades in UST
College of Medicine were not as
 impressive as what he got at Ateneo Philosophy and Letters due to the hostility of the
Dominican professors. Accordingly, laboratory equipment's are just for display and racial
discrimination against the Filipino students.
 La Juventud (To the Filipino Youth) – at 18, submitted tis poem, it is inspiring poem of
flawless form. This poem won as a classic Filipino literature for two reasons: a) it was a
great poem in Spanish written by the Filipino, whose merit was recognized by Spanish
literary authorities,
 2) expressed for the first time the nationalistic concept that the Filipino,
 and not the foreigners, were the “fair hope of the Fatherland” . The Board of Judges,
composed of Spaniards was impressed by Rizal‘s poem  and gave it gave it the first prize
which consisted of a silver pen, feather- shaped and decorated with a gold ribbon.
 A Filipinas – a sonnet written by Rizal for the album of the Society of
 Sculptors; in this sonnet, he urged all Filipino artists to glorify the Philippines.

 Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma – poem honouring the Ateneo Patroness.

 Al M.R.P Pablo Ramon – poem dedication to Father Pablo Ramon (Atenean Rector),
who had been so kind and helpful to him.
 Vicenta Ybardolaza – a pretty girl colegiala who skillfully played a harp at the Regalado
home, whom Rizal was infatuated.
 Compañerismo (Comradeship) – Rizal founded a secret society of Filipino students in UST 1880.
 Galicano Apacible – Rizal‘s cousin from Batangas who is the secretary  of the society.

Describing the Unhappy Days of Rizal in UST

 Rizal found the atmosphere at the UST suffocating to his sensitive spirit. He was unhappy
at this Dominican institution of higher learning because 1) the Dominican professors were
hostile to him 2) the Filipino
students were racially discriminated by the Spaniards 3) the method of instruction was
obsolete and repressive.
 In Rizal novel, El Filibusterismo, he described how the Filipino students were humiliated
and insulted by their Dominican professors and how backward the method of instruction
was, especially in the teaching of the natural sciences. He related in Chapter XIII (The
Class in Physics).


We all know that Dr. Rizal is one of our national heroes and for me, he is the greatest. He is known for
his two great novels the noli me tangere and el filibusterismo and he live his life like us but his mentality
belongs is so great and he learned a lot of things in his journey in the other countries that he visited or in
other words, he is genius. He sacrificed his life in order for us to be independent.
Rizal is the greatest Filipino hero for me because he is genius and he planned all his moves against the
Spaniards in order for the Filipinos to lift or wake the Filipinos up and rise up from the unnecessary
things that was done to them. Rizal did not like the rule or the criticisms and the rage of the Spaniards to
the Filipinos because if you see that our country is like that now, we might be so mad and can’t do an
action to stop the rage or madness of the Spaniards. Rizal is so brave that he did an action against the
Spaniards to stop the wrong doings of them. By his two great novels, Rizal expresses his anger against
the Spaniards that he knows that his life would be in danger if he did that thing, with all his feelings; he
put his life in danger to wake us up. The journey that Rizal had gone through help him so much in order
to come up with a nice novel because in his journey, he learned the different cultures and the
government of the other countries and he wants to apply it in our country for us to have a nice or better
country than others. Being independent in our own country makes our life peaceful because you can live
your life without a ruler that is beside you and torture you if you commit a single yet simple or little
All the things that was done to the Filipinos before, is not nice to see because living in your country, you
must die for your country that is what we called the nationality. What might be the essence of living in
your country without defending it? So that is why Rizal is our greatest national hero.

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