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Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education


Paper 1

3 hours

Compulsory photograph interpretation question

1. Study the photograph provided below and answer the questions which

a) Using the tracing method, draw a landscape sketch of the photograph shown
below and on it mark and label the;
i) One relief region
ii) Two land use
iii) Types
iv) Two types of vegetation (09 marks)

b) Name the type of clouds shown in the photograph above. (01 marks)
c) i) Describe the processes responsible for the formation of the clouds
identified in (b) above. (07 marks)
ii) Explain the effects of the clouds identified (above) on the weather and
climate of the areas where they occur. (06 marks)
d) Giving reasons for your answer, suggest an area in East Africa where this
photographs could have been taken. (02 marks)

Answer one question from their section
2. a) Distinguish between geomorphic processes and geomorphic stage
(06 marks)
b) Examine the influence of geomorphic processes on the formation of
relief landforms in East Africa. (19 marks)
3. To what extent are denudation processes responsible for the formation of
lakes in East Africa (25marks)
4. Explain the impact of Eustatic change on the development of landforms in
East Africa. (25 marks)
Answer one question from this section.
5. Examine the causes and effects of prolonged droughts in East Africa.
6. Given that the dry bulb thermometer (DBT) reading is 28oC and the wet
bulb thermometer (WBT) reading is 22oC
a)Calculate the Dew point temperature at which water vapour will
condense when the multiplier is 2. (06 marks)
b) Explain the factors which lead to water vapour condensation in
East Africa. (19marks)
7. a) Distinguish between environmental lapse rate (ELR) and adiabatic
lapse rate (ADLR) (06 marks)
b) Examine the factors which influence environmental lapse rates in
East Africa.

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