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�Give each player Fan Support Card (Visitor or Home)

�Shuffle cards and place face down with event (?) counter near.
�Deal starting cards. May discard any / all for replacements.
�Place Score counter at 0, Rush at 1 and Referee on checkered hex.
�Coaches get 5 Team Action Tokens and Dice of their color
�Home then Visitor team places 6 models anywhere on their half of board.
Remaining models in Subs� Bench.
�Ball launched onto pitch, Home team goes first.
Start of Rush -move rush marker (14 turns) & Launch ball if it's not in play
Launching the Ball - from Rushing coach�s left board side, roll die: p30

�On 1-5: place on DB hex that # of spaces from side.

�On 6: ricochets off opposite wall (roll die) 1-3:to Rushing coach, 4-6:away
�If ball hits player, works like hitting player in Scattering the Ball
�If Rushing team fails Catch, Rush Ends.
Take Actions - 5 team actions (track w/tokens) + special action cards p33
�Each player max: 2 team, 1 special, unlimited Free
Rush Ends When -run out of team actions / cards or players.
�Throw Strike or at opposing player or Keeper Punts
�Drop the ball (fail pick up/catch or fall over with ball)
�Rush does not end if you catch scatter from any above action.
End of Rush - move your out of play(Sin Bin) players 1 step to Subs Bench
�Move Ref = # spaces <= # in upper left of a drawn card. May not end
move in colored space or move onto ball. If Event, resolve. p49
�Declare which direction is 1. Roll die for direction and distance.
�If ball hits standing player from front arc, must attempt Catch if able
(0 success Throw). If not able or fail, ball scatters.
�Double on Catch allows free Run/Throw, even Non-Rushing team.
�Knocked down players don�t block ball, but scatter if stops on top.
Hitting the Wall - Ball bounces off the wall at a 60 degree angle. p14
�If the ball hits the wall in one of the 6 hexes with 3 sides touching the
outside of the board, it bounces straight back.
Strike / Scoring -Throw Strike within strike zone hex to its strike hex. p13

�1 point for closest 2 zones, 3 points for farthest zone. p14

�Bonus +1 point if scores from farthest hex in zone. p14
�Adjust score track up or down. p16
Winning - If any player gets 7+ points, they win instantly. p16
�After 14 turns, highest score wins. If tie, go to Sudden Death.
Sudden Death - Reset rush counter, first team to score wins.
�No new players may come on field.
�Team also wins if opponent has no Throwers. Draw if both have none.
�At game start, underdog places 2, higher rank places 1. On tie, both 1.
Place on any empty spot on score track. Rest to Subs� Bench. p8(s2)
�When score marker ends on spot w/a cheerleader, move to Subs� Bench.
If cheerleader removed owned by scoring team, make Fan Check. p9(s2)
�At game start, place all coaching staff in Subs� Bench. p11(s2)
�At start of rush, may try to call Offensive, Defensive, or Support Play.
3d 5+ test(1). +1d if Staff type matches play. No penalty for fail.
�Offensive Success - One player may have 3 team actions max.
�Defensive Success - Get 1 Defense Die (Coaching die usable only during
opp. next rush for slambacks/dodges) (Doubles) - Get 2 Defense Dice.
�Support Success - Move cheerleader on board or from Subs� Bench to
empty score track location. (Doubles) - Move 2.
Coaching Dice (blue) can be added to your team�s dice test before rolled.
Dice removed after used. p28

Models - may not enter hex with another model. p14

�Front Arc - anything in front half of standing model. p11

�Threat Hexes - 3 hexes in front of standing model. p11
Subs� Bench - store extra players. players block if in entrance hex. p15
Sin Bin -injured/fouling players stored for # of turns out of play. p15
Selecting a Random Player - Identify eligible players & draw card. p49
�Use 1st matching player # on right. Mark w/(?) if needed.If Event, resolve
Push Back - Winner moves player into 1 of 3 hexes away from pusher. p36
�If all 3 hexes have models already, player does not move.
Event Cards - Stay active until another event (except Ball Shatters). p48
�If drawn as action, may play at any time (after current action).
�If drawn for Fan Check, Ref Move, or Random Player, event after.
Move / Pushed onto Ball - try pick up if standing & able or ball scatters p42
�Agree on team budget. Starter team (100mc) + extra
�Spend extra on MVPs bidding / advancements (5mc / table roll)
�May also agree to spend money on extra players.
Games - may play 1 for league points per round. Any # for XP / $. p52

�Pick Opponents -lowest players on league table pick first.

�League Table - by Ranking ($), Points (W/L), Strike Difference. p55
Underdog - $ for MVP/Free Agent, = difference in team rankings. p54
�After MVP auction, for every 10mc left, roll on Free Agent Table.
1=Human Jack 3=Human Striker 5=Forge Father Guard
2=Human Guard 4=Veer-Myn Striker 6=Orx Guard
�Alternate Free Agent Table. Must choose table before rolling. p20(s2)
1=Void Siren Jack 3=Void Siren Striker 5=Robot Jack
2=Void Siren Guard 4=Z�zor Jack 6=Judwan Striker
�Free Agents - may take any/all rolled. No XP, roster limit applies.
Between Match Sequence p56

1. Man of the Match -Team (both on tie) w/ most Fans: random player who
played and is alive gain 1 XP. No award if game was tie. p56
2. Results - W:2pts, L/T:1pt. Score 7=W:3/L:0, Note Strike difference. p57
3. Player Advancement - Mark as occurs in game. p57-58
�Gain 1 XP - Scoring 3/4 strike, Injuring 3+ hits, Man of the Match.
�Advance - spend XP = to next rank (player max 1 rank / game).
Player value +5mc / rank.
�Roll on Table - matching role or spend coach die for coach table.
�Table Maxed - choose another role table.
�Invalid Result - choose another from same table.
�Max Game Value - 3+ & max 1 gain per. (Strength, Speed, Skill)
�Abilities - may not have same Ability more than once.
1.Roll 1.Running Interference 1.Can�t Feel a Thing 1.Lucky/Really Lucky
2.Jump 2.Strength 2.Does This Hurt? 2.Can�t Feel a Thing

3.A SafePairofHands 3.Speed 3.Keeper 3.Grizzled

4.Backflip 4.Skill 4.Steady 4.Backflip
5.Skill 5.Choose 5.Strength 5.Str., Speed, Skill
6.Choose 6.Choose Any S/J/G 6.Choose 6.Choose
�Alternate Table - Must choose above or below table before rolling. p21(s2)
1.Show Off 1.Misdirect 1.Can�t Feel a Thing 1.Quick Recovery
2.Misdirect 2.Alert 2.Stretch 2.Duck & Weave

3.A SafePairofHands 3.Stretch 3.Quick Recovery 3.Alert

4.Stretch 4.Slide 4.360 Vision 4.360 Vision
5.Skill 5.A SafePairofHands 5.Strength 5.Str., Speed, Skill
6.Choose 6.Choose Any S/J/G 6.Choose 6.Choose
4. Team Revenue - Roll 1d per league point earned + 1d per 10 team
rankings lower than opponent before game. Add sum to cash. p59
�Dead Player -lose unspent & game XP. buy (base $+1d mc) or sell (5mc)
or Recovery Roll (4mc): (Fatal result if - skill would make > 6+)
1= Fatal 3= -1 Speed 5= Lose random ability
2= -1 Skill 4= -1 Strength 6= Full Recovery

�New Players - Max 14 players, Each role max # = 2x starting #.

�Buy Cards (10mc) & Dice (6mc) - Max 1 each / game. Max 7 each p61
�Buy Cheerleaders (8mc) - Max 7. p8(s2)
�Buy Coaching Staff (8mc) - Max 1 ea:Offensive,Defensive,Support. p10s2
5. Team Ranking - MVPs/Free Agents don�t count. p61
�Players(base $ +5mc / rank) + Cards(10mc) + Dice(6mc) + unspent cash
MVPs - auction available MVPs after next round games assigned. p60
�Minimum Bid - cost listed (minimum) or cost last round. Start bidding w/
last owner or random. If no bids, cost -2mc next round.
�Available for all games in next round. Roster limit applies.
DreadBall Reference v2.1 by RangerRob (from BGG) / RangerRobAZ (Mantic)
TEAM STATS p66-75, p37-45(s2) MVP STATS p76-82, p46-54(s2) ABILITIES p62-65, p24-
31(s2) MVP STATS p76-82, p46-54(s2) ABILITIES p62-65, p24-31(s2)
M Str Spd Skill Arm $ # Notes
Humans - SStart wt with: 1 Coachiing Dicee, 2 Carrds
Guard 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 10mc x2
Jack 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 8mc x3
Striker 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 10mc x3
Orx and Goblinsoblinsoblins - Starrt with: 1: 1 Coachhing Dicce, 1 Caard
Guard 5 3+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 13mc x3 Orx
Jack 5 5+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 9mc x5 Goblin
Veer-Myn -S Starrt with: 0: 0 Coachhing Dicce, 1 Caard
Guard 6 4+ 3+ 5+ 4+ 12mc x2
Striker 6 4+ 3+ 5+ 5+ 11mc x6
Forge Fathehers -- Start wt with: 1 C Coachinng Dice, 1, 1 Cardd
Guard 4 3+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 13mc x3 Steady
Jack 4 3+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 9mc x3
Striker 4 3+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 9mc x2
Robot - Starrt withth: 1 Cooachingg Dice, 1, 1 Card
Guard 5 3+ 5+ 4+ 4+ -x0 Quick Change Artist
Jack 6 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 14mc x6 Quick Change Artist
Striker 5 5+ 3+ 4+ 5+ -x0 Quick Change Artist
Z�zor - Start wt withth: 1 Coaaching DDice, 1 Card
Guard 5 3+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 17mc x1 Can�t Feel,Steady
Jack 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 9mc x5 Can�t Feel,Slide
Striker 6 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 11mc x2 Can�t Feel a Thing
Judwan - Statart wt with: 0 C Coachinng Dice, 1 Cardd
Striker 6 5+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 15mc x6 Pacifist, Misdirect
Long Arms
Humans FeFemalele (Void Soid Sirensns) - Starrt with: 4: 4 Coachhing DDice, 0 Cards

Guard 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 10mc x1
Jack 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 9mc x4 Running Interference
Striker 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 10mc x3
M Str Spd Skill Arm $ Notes
Helder G 5 3+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 9mc Grizzled, Prima Donna,
Does This Hurt?
Buzzcut G 6 2+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 11mc Grizzled, Can�t
Feel a Thing
DBR7 K 5+ 3+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 10mc Lucky, Steady
Enforcer G 7 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 10mc Jump, Backflip
Gorim S
Ironstone 5 3+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 8mc FF Grizzled, Steady
John Doe G 4 3+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 8mc No
OG Gotcha!
Lucky J
Logan 6 4+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 8mc H Really Lucky
Ludwig J 6 4+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 10mc Zz Can�t Feel a Thing,
Slide, Jump
Mee-Kel S
Judwan 6 5+ 3+ 3+ 5+ 12mc Jud
Pacifist, Long Arms,
Misdirect, 360 Vision,
Can�t Feel a Thing
S 6 4+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 8mc No
Ast Dirty Tricks
Number J
88 8 4+ 2+ 4+ 4+ 8mc Mind Like Water,
Reek G
Rolat 5 3+ 3+ 6+ 4+ 9mc V Can�t Feel a
Rico S
Van Dien 6 4+ 4+ 3+ 5+ 12mc Jump, Show Off
Slippery S
Joe 5 5+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 7mc OG A Safe Pair of
Wildcard J 6 4+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 9mc H
Even the Odds,
Wyn S
Greth�zki 5 5+ 4+ 3+ 5+ 11mc Rbt Duck & Weave,
Yurik G
Yurikson 4+ 3+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 11mc No
Steady, 360 Vision,
Can�t Feel a Thing,
Quick Recovery
360 Vision (Any) no rear arc, all 6 hexes around are threat.
A Safe Pair of Hands (S/J) +1 to Catch inaccurate pass (scattering ball or
0 success Throw)
Alert (Any) Immediately turn to face opponent that moves adjacent.
Back Flip (Any) Auto pass Stand Up action as if Doubled.
Can�t Feel a Thing (Any) +1 success on Armour Checks.
Dirty Tricks (Any) Once per match my call Foul! against a player.
Does This Hurt? (J/G) Treat Stomp as a Slam for move/adjacent bonus.
Still a Foul.
Duck & Weave (Any) +1d on any Dodge attempt.
Even the Odds (J) As Running Interference, except 1/Rush while losing.
Gotcha! (Any) Causes -2 Threat instead of -1. Failed Evades away from
player don�t move.
Grizzled (Any) -1 for Slams against this player.
Jump (S/J) 2 hex move part of run/sprint (counts as 2 movement and no
Evade Check), 1st hex must have player. See Actions.
Keeper (G) Role change to Keeper, type of Guard. Still Guard, unless
specifically says otherwise. 3+ Armour. May Pick up Ball or Catch at -1.
Punt action - place ball anywhere on field, ball scatters twice, Rush Ends.
Long Arms (Judwan-Any) Replace Throw distance chart with: 1-4 hex:3d,
5-8 hex:2d, 9-12 hex:1d. Cannot score +1 bonus point on Strikes.
Lucky (Any) Once per rush, player may re-roll one dice.
Mind Like Water (Any) Always responds to Slams with Slamback (using
Speed) and rolls same # dice as Slammer.
Misdirect (S/J) Can do Feint Action.
Pacifist (Any) May not Slam/back,Throw at player,Sucker Punch,Stomp
Prima Donna (G) Before match roll die. On 2-6, normal Guard. On 1,
Modified Striker: Armour 5+, No S/G bonuses, Action Reactions as Striker,
except may Slamback, Move like Jack. Other respects as Guard.
Quick Change Artist (Robot-Any) Start game as Jack. Can do TransformAction. May
choose any advancement table, but only valid while in that
Quick Recovery (Any) On 1-3 damage, reduce to 1.
Really Lucky (Any) Replaces Lucky. Lucky per action now.
Roll (S/J) If target of Stomp, treat normal Dodge as Double.
Running Interference (J/G) May use once per match, see Actions.
Show Off (S/J) -1d on Strikes, a successful Strike counts as Doubles.
Slide (J) May Dash as part of any action that allows 1 hex movement.
Steady (J/G) Not knocked down by Slam. Still pushed/armor check.
Stretch (Any) +1d on any Dash attempt.
DreadBall Reference v2.1 by RangerRob (from BGG) / RangerRobAZ (Mantic)
Action Role Test Modifiers Outcome / Notes

+/- dice for modifiers (1) test - need 1 success.

S=Striker #d: Roll # dice + coaching dice? (x) test - need > opponent roll


J=Jack >=stat: success (123) test - need 1 1st time, then 2 for next, etc.

. = Reaction
G=Guard 6: roll extra die ignore acting player�s Double - 2x needed successes
& target�s threat Opponent rolls 0 - need 1+

Movement Actionns p34,41,42 Throw Actionss p38-39

RUN SJG Move # hexes = M = Movement, turning freelyy. May Dash. Must Evade if move
out of threat hex
SPRINT SJG Move # hexes = 2
May Dash. Must E
= 2x Movement, straight fo
t Evade if move out of thre
t forward. May turn 1 hex side per Movement point.
eat hex
* Req. Ability
SJG 3d Speed (123)
-1 per threat (max -2)
on hex moving from+1 if Striker
Dash - move 1 extra hex, then test.
Evade - after move out of enemy threat hex.
Jump - uses 2 move,1st hex player. No Evade p63
0/1/2 - fall down in hex moved to.
If ball carrier - ball scatters and Rush Ends
1/2/3+ - success
SJ 3d Skill (1)
-1 per threat (max -2)
-1 if Sprinted
-1 if Keeper
+1 if Striker
0 - ball scatters. Rush Ends
1 - pick up ball, action ends.
2+ -Also free Run/Throw action.

J may move 1
S may Run
Xd Skill (1)
3d: 1-3 hex range
2d: 4-6 hex range
1d: 7-9 hex range
A clear (no
standing models),
shortest path to
target is required.
-1 per threat (max -2)
-1 if moved
-1 target is Strike hex
+1 if Striker
STRIKE - target must be in front arc.
0 - ball scatters from target. Rush Ends
1 - adjust score track. Rush Ends
2+ - (or score 3+ points) Also do Fan Check.
PASS - target must be in front arc & able to Catch.
0 - Inaccurate Pass, attempt Catch
1 -Accurate Pass, attempt Catch
AT PLAYER - target must be in front arc & Dodges if
Thrower in front arc (vs. 0 if back).
Win - push back, target faces vacated hex,
ball scatters from vacated. Rush Ends
Double -Also knock down and Armour Check.
Xd Skill (1)
X=throw successes
X=0 on scatter
-1 per threat (max -2)
-1 if Keeper
+1 if Striker
Ball must come (via throw or scatter) from front arc
0 - ball scatters from target. Rush Ends
1 - catch ball, action ends.
2+ -Also free Run/Throw action.
.DODGE SJG 3d Speed (x) -1 per threat (max -2)
+1 if Striker
Draw / Win - Ball scatters from target. Rush Ends
Double -Also free 1-hex move & turn any way

J may move 1
G may Run
JG 3d Strength (x)
-1 per threat (max -2)
+1 if moved adjacent
+1 if Guard
Target may Dodge (front/rear) or Slamback (front)
Draw - players turn to face each other
Win - push back (may follow up), players face
each other if follow up, vacated hex if not
Double -Also knock down & Armour Check.
J may move 1
S may Run
SJ 3d Speed (x) -1 per threat (max -2)
+1 if Striker
Target may Dodge (front/rear) or Slamback (front)
Draw - players turn to face each other
Win - ball scatters.
Double - Stealing player takes ball.
* Req. Ability
J may move 1
S may Run
SJ 3d Speed (x)
-1 per threat (max -2)
+1 if started adjacent
+1 if Judwan
Target may Dodge (front/rear) or Slamback (front)
Draw - players turn to face each other
Win - decide facing for both players
Double -Also move target 1 hex.
.DODGE SJG 3d Speed (x)
-1 per threat (max -2)
-1 if knocked down
+1 if Striker
Win - turn any way; enemy turns to face
Double -Also free 1-hex move (even if down)
SJG 3d Armour +1 if Guard
Hits = Slam winner successes loser
Reduce Hits - by 1 per Armour success
Out of Play - 1 turn per hit. 4+ hits: player killed.
Fan Check - for injuring team if 3+ hits.

SlSlam / Steal Actionss p35-37, p15(s2)

Fouls p44-446

THE REF SJG 3d 4+ test (x) +1 if Guard
Draw / Win -Ref only on this player until Rush end
Do Ref Check w/ -1d (no eye)
Double -As Draw/Win, but no Ref Check.
Ref 3d 4+ test (x) -1 per threat (max -2)
from distracting team
Win - do Ref Check against player
Double - player thrown out for rest of game
PUNCH JG Start a Slam actioon in the front arc of targget, but Slam from the back.
STOMP JG Slam a knocked d
Double - target m
down player, but may not makes Armour Check. An
ot move. Target Dodges.
ny other result - turn to face target.
STALL SJG If player in opponnent entrance hex, may C Call Foul on him after any
actions by his team.
SNEAK SJG If team has > 6 pl
Ref can be within
layers on field, may Call
n 7 of any player on team
Foul after any actions by that team.
m. Random player out of play on Ref Check success
Other Actions p400,48, p14(s2)

Actioons Done on Opponnent�s Turn p42-43

Requires ability o
During opponent�s
If Slam successfu
or card to use. Player run
s Rush, may interrupt an
ful, action ends, otherwise
nning interference may not have the ball.
ny action (max 1 interrupt per action) & do a Slam.
e target may resume action.
CALL FOUL If called by opponnent during/after foul andd before next action, Ref
Check done after action.
.REF CHECK 1d 1-3 +1 if Ref <= 7 spaces Sum all dice < 4; player out of play #
turns = sum.
4+ sum: out for game.

STAND UP SJG 3d Speed (1) -1 per threat (max -2)

+1 if Striker
1 - stand up and turn any way.
2+ -Also free action (not Sprint)
* Req. Ability SJG 3d 4+ test (1)
May do on ground.
Scatter ball if .G,
rush does not end
0 - transform fails
1 - change to next role J.G/K/S or G/K/S.J
2+ - change to any role
BUY CARD Draw card, max ddraws per Rush = # of caards on team roster. No hand
Do After - a 3/4Draw Card- place
If 3+ fans - turn c
/4 point strike, Double on
e under fan support card
cards face down and get a
strike, injuring player for 3+ turns.
d, with fans (red dots) sticking out.
t a coaching die. If Event, resolve.

DreadBall Reference v2.1 by RangerRob (from BGG) / RangerRobAZ (Mantic)

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