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Using the Haddon matrix to identify strategies to prevent playground injuries

Mateja Rok Simon, MD, MSc, Specialist in Social Medicine

Institute of Public Health of Slovenia

Every year we witness numerous playground injuries in children and a large part of them
appear to be severe. Most injuries occur due to faulty equipment and improper surfaces below
them, children’s careless behavior, inadequate adult supervision and other factors.
If we want to prevent injuries we need to analyse the specific injury event and to identify
interventions that might prevent such an event from happening again or that might reduce the
harm done. In public health the conceptual model, the Haddon phase-factor matrix, is used as
a tool and framework for understanding the origins of injury problems and for identifying
multiple countermeasures to address injuries of many types.

The matrix combines four columns for epidemiological factors and three rows for time
phases. The epidemiological factors defined by the columns in the matrix refer to the
interacting factors that contribute to the injury process. The host is the person at risk of injury
(e.g. child…). The agent of injury is energy (e.g. mechanical, thermal …) that is transmitted
to the host through a vehicle (e.g. object, person …). Physical environment include all
characteristics of the setting in which the injury event takes place (e.g. playground, home …).
The social environment refers to social and legal norms and practices in the society. The
phases in the matrix refer to pre-event, event and post-event phase of the process that result in
injury problem. The pre-event phase encompasses all that determines whether an accident
will take place (e.g. careless behavior, equipment design, surface with obstacles…). The
event phase includes all that determines whether injury will occur and its nature and severity
once the accident takes place (e.g. height of equipment, protective surfacing, standards…).
The post-event phase encompasses all that determines the extent to which personal injury is
limited and repaired after the actual accident is over (first aid, emergency and hospital
treatment, rehabilitation programs…).

Table: The Haddon matrix applied to the problem of playground injuries in children

Host (children on Agent/Vehicle (playground Physical environment Social environment

playground) equipment, surface under (playground) (community norms,
equipment) policies, rules)
Educate children about Equipment design Enough space between play Educate adults about safe
safety behavior rules appropriate to child’s age structures behavior, countermeasures

Pre-event Children wear clothes Equipment stability, Equipment with moving parts Standards, policies, rules,
without strings guardrails, protective in separate area financing
barriers, safe openings…
Adult supervision Playground free of rocks, tree Maintenance, inspection of
Surface free of objects roots, broken glass… equipment

Disproportionate body Proper height of equipment Proper use cone of protective Educate adults about safe
parts (exposure to head surfacing around equipment behavior, countermeasures
injuries) Soft, thick protective surface
Event (wood chips, sand, rubber Surface under equipment free Standards, policies, rules,
Vulnerability of child’s mats…) of objects (bikes, backpacks) financing
Swing seat made of soft Children don’t stand under Technological
materials equipment development
Adult supervision Surface under equipment free Avoiding exposure to cold Educate and train adults in
of standing water (risk of environment (risk of first aid, emergency
Assisting child and giving drowning) frostbite) guidelines for schools…
Post- event first aid
Efficient communication Medicine science
system, emergency transport development

Emergency and hospital Rehabilitation programs

treatment accessibility accessibility

Different preventive strategies are identified within each cell of matrix and they aim to
prevent accident, injury or health worsening/disability. It is necessary to perform several
different strategies at the same time to achieve more effective results: safe behavior,
implementation of safety measures by adults, supervision, teaching children how to use
playground equipment safely, assuring safe playground equipment, education and training to
give first aid, transportation, emergency and surgical treatment, rehabilitation ... The use of
matrix can help to clarify which interventions might work at any or all phases of an event and
which might be targeted towards any or all of the factors.

This conceptual model helped to shift injury prevention away from an early, naive
preoccupation with distributing educational pamphlets and posters toward modifying the
environments in which injuries occur. By developing new laws and enforcement mechanisms
and through new technologies and engineering changes in products, injury experts from a
broad range of disciplines contribute to prevent injuries. Still the human behavior and
personal responsibility remain undeniably important in injury causation.

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