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The Mines of Khazakahn

he Mines of Khazakahn is intended for four

characters with an average party level (APL) Market Day
of 7. Characters who complete this
adventure should earn enough experience
to reach approximately halfway to 8th-level.
It’s Market Day in the town of Arcanfeld near
the border of the Greenwood. Townsfolk mill
Local livestock have been going missing and
around going about their daily routines. The
the adventurers need to track down the
market square is packed and a merchant
culprit.. This campaign takes place in Arden, although it caravan has setup shop for the day. Despite
can be set in your own world. Any party composition this, there is an air of unease about the folks
should be able to finish the adventure with intelligent play. around. Recently, the outlying farms have had
issues with livestock going missing. It’s caused
Background an untimely hardship for Arcanfeld and its
people, so much so that the mayor offered a
The mountains that separate the Greenwood from the reward for anyone who can rectify the
Empty Lands have always been rich with jewels and ore. situation.
Over the centuries, many Dwarven clans have laid claim to
various peaks and caverns in search of profits. While some
have prospered, others have vanished beneath the earth, Let the party know that most of townsfolk and local
never to be heard from again. farmers have come to town for market day. If they want to
Khazakahn was one such outpost. Lost to a duergar investigate the locals, the following people can be found
warband over a century ago, the veins of precious metals among the market goers.
have all but run dry under their harsh mining efforts. As
such, few soldiers and workers remain. In fact, being Tommy Tall Tales
stationed at Khazakhan has become a form of punishment
among the duergar as it's close to the surface and of little Who He Is: The local drunken halfling, Tommy spends his
importance to their people. Tired of his position, the days begging for coin to spend on drinks. He’s wearing
leader of the Khazakhan duergar has been raising a young raggedy clothes and his right shoe has a hole that his big
red dragon in secret with the hopes of using it to usurp toe sticks out of. If the party engages him in conversation,
control of the faction from the elders who banished him to he offers what he knows in exchange for a few coins.
Khazakhan. What He knows: Tommy was out drinking a few nights
As it grew, however, it began needing more food than ago and somehow managed to wander out of town to
the duergar could find within the caves and caverns. So, Hershel Felspar’s farm. Before he passed out in the old
they've been raiding local farms for livestock. This has man’s hay loft, he saw four little men and a giant rock man
attracted the attention of the mayor of Arcanfeld whose make off with a sheep. Imagine that?
people have been hurt the most by the raids. Now, he's
offered a reward for anyone who can put an end to the Hershel Felspar
raids once and for all.
Who He Is: A local gnomish farmer, he raises sheep on his
farm just outside town. He’s an elderly man with bad
Adventure Hooks eyesight and very thick glasses.
The Mines of Khazakhan can be set in any mountainous What He knows: One of his sheep disappeared a few
location adjacent to a town or city. Choose one of the nights ago. He found Tommy Tall Tales asleep in his hay
reasons below for why the party finds itself in Arcanfeld or loft drunk as a skunk the next morning, but there’s no way
make up your own. he was responsible.
A Call to Arms. The characters heard that the mayor of
Arcanfeld had put out a reward for the head of whoever
has been stealing the local livestock from surrounding
farms. Thinking it would be a quick payday, they arranged
to meet with him.
A Favor to an Old Friend. An old acquaintance of the
characters has retired to a farm just outside Arcanfeld.
Recently, his livestock have been going missing. It’s gotten
so bad that the mayor of the local town has offered a
reward to whoever can solve the mystery.
All the Glitters is Gold. The characters acquired an
old map of the area. It wasn’t precise enough to lead them
to anything of value, but it indicates there might be an old
Dwarven stronghold nearby. Thinking the missing livestock
might be related, they sought out the mayor to get more
Mayor Reginald Valmark To the Scene of the Crime
Who He Is: The town mayor, Reginald is a large human Below are the two possible locations the party can
man with a full white beard and a penchant for elaborate investigate.
suits. He’s currently wandering about chatting with
everyone in the square.
The Felspar Farm
What He Knows: If the town keeps losing livestock like
it has been, they won’t be able to feed everyone once The Felspar farm is located on the outskirts of town.
winter comes. Not to mention the hit to the local economy. Hershel Felspar raises sheep and supplies the town with
He’s willing to offer 500 gold pieces as a reward to both wool and meat throughout the year. Investigating the
whoever can deal with the problem once and for all. He premises reveals the following with appropriate skill
mentions the latest victim, Hershel Felspar, has a farm just checks:
outside of town.
DC 14 Wisdom (Animal Handling): The sheep are docile
Petra Tannis and likely didn’t wander off.

DC 14 Wisdom (Survival): There are tracks at the edge

Who She Is: Petra is the local herbalist. She spends her
of the property. Two sets of humanoid footprints and a
days in the forests and hills outside of town collecting
set of larger more misshapen ones lead off into the
different plants and herbs to treat the illnesses of the local
wilderness towards the mountains.
populace. She’s a halfling woman with a bright smile and
cheery disposition. DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation): Remnants of some
What She Knows: She came across some mushrooms kind of gem can be found embedded in the mud a few
the other day while foraging for a rare herb that grows out hundred yards out. The gem appears to be the kind
near the mountains. Mushrooms themselves aren’t used in a ritual summoning spell.
unusual in the area, but the ones she found normally only
grow in the underdark. It looked as if someone dropped The tracks belong to two duergar and an earth
them while they were passing through. Judging by the elemental. They summoned it using an Elemental Gem (A
tracks in that area, two people and something much larger yellow diamond to be precise) and used its vast strength to
came through recently. carry off the sheep. The tracks are easily followed into the
foothills, but then they become harder to follow until they
Vazzic Torson vanish altogether. Hershel is one of the only farmers left
with livestock anymore so he begs the characters to stay
Who He Is: Vazzic is the leader of the merchant caravan in the night and watch over his flock of sheep. If they do,
town today. He’s originally from the Empty Lands but has they’ll witness a duergar raiding party returning the
expanded his business to the Greenwood. He dresses in following night.
flowy robes and bright colors.
What He Knows: His caravan was robbed a couple The Caravan Campsite
nights ago while camped in the mountain pass between
the Empty Lands and the Greenwood. The thieves The merchant caravan camped here two nights ago on
managed to make off with a couple of pigs he was their way to Arcanfeld from the Empty Lands. They chose
transporting for sale. He’s not sure how they got away this location as it was heavily fortified on three sides and
carrying them. It’s almost as if they just vanished into thin there was only one way to approach it from the road.
air. Fearing more might be coming, he packed up quickly When they were robbed, they quickly packed up and fled
and fled. It was only when he reached town that he the area, fearful that another raid could occur at any time.
realized he left some valuable cargo behind. If the Encounter: Thieves and Cutthroats. When the party
characters would be willing to retrieve it for him, Vazzic arrives, they encounter a roving band of thieves and
could pay them 100 gold pieces. The cargo itself is a box of cutthroats. Three bandits , one bandit captain , and two
rare books chronicling the region. veterans are picking at the cargo the caravan was forced
Once the party is done speaking with the townsfolk, they to leave behind. The group will try to intimidate the
have a few options as to where they can begin their characters for coin and, if their demands are not met, will
investigation. Depending on where they go determines attack. The bandits don’t want to die, however, and if the
how the next phase of the adventure proceeds. fight doesn’t go their way, they’ll surrender. They’ll
truthfully explain that they’re not the ones behind the
livestock thefts or the raid on the caravan. In fact, they
were going to hit the caravan, but then they saw four
heavily armored dwarves and a rock creature heading that
way and figured it was more trouble than it was worth. If
the party spares them, the bandits claim they’ll give up the
cutthroat life for good, which is of course a lie. They’ll
attack the next caravan to pass through the area.
Treasure: Spoils of Battle. If the party kills them, they Treasure: Minor Treasure. Once the raiding party has
have the following on them: been dealt with, the characters can search them and find
the following:
20d6 gold pieces
An assortment of martial and simple weapons 2d10 Underdark Mushrooms
Two Potions of Healing DC 12 Constitution saving throw if eaten by a
A Sketchbook non-duergar. Failure means the eater is poisoned
for one hour.
The sketchbook has a variety of drawings in it. It appears 3d10 gold pieces
one of the bandits was an amateur artist. They range from A Map
flora and fauna to landscapes and architecture. The last
page has a rough sketch of four Dwarf-like creatures and The map shows a location in the mountains northeast of
what appears to be a large humanoid made of rock. Arcanfeld. Numerous paths are marked from it, each
Once the campsite has been cleared out, the party can leading to one of the many farms outside of town. There
easily locate Vazzik’s books as well as attempt the are labels written over each in Undercommon specifying
following skill checks: what was found there. There is also a word written in
Dwarvish on the back “Deepstone”.
DC 14 Wisdom (Survival): There are tracks at the edge
of the campsite. Two sets of humanoid footprints and a
set of larger more misshapen ones lead off further into The Plot Thickens
the mountains. Following the map leads them to a large smooth stone
door hidden from sight behind a natural curve in the
DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation): Remnants of some
mountainside. There are no obvious ways to open it.
kind of gem can be found embedded in the ground in a
clearing higher up into the mountains. The gem
Obstacle: Sealed Door. The door is magical. There is
an inscription in Dwarvish along the edge that can be
appears to be the kind used in a ritual summoning
made out with a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check. It
reads “Speak what stone is best and find that which you
The tracks can be followed deeper into the mountains. speak”. The answer is “Deepstone” the word written on the
Eventually, night falls and the characters come across a back of the map. The duergar had to jot it down to
duergar raiding party. remember how to get back in after their raids. If someone
speaks the word, the door splits open and the entrance is

A Thief in the Night revealed. Otherwise, it cannot be opened.

If the characters were staying at the Felspar farm, the

following occurs:
Into the Deep
Time passes, night begins to fall. After a few hours, 1. Side Entrance
there’s some movement in the distance. As the shapes get
closer, there’s a flash of light followed by a massive form
rising from the earth. Together the five approach the A long winding stone staircase descends into
animal pen. the mountainside. After a few minutes At the
If the characters were tracking the duergar from the end, there is a dimly lit room containing
caravan campsite, the following occurs: numerous racks of antique weapons and
Following the tracks, day slowly turns to night. As it does armor.
the characters find themselves going deeper and deeper
into the mountains. Rounding a corner, they see four
figures standing in the shadows. As they notice them, one This room is full of antique Dwarven weapons, arrows,
of them smashes something into the ground releasing a armors, etc. It was originally a simple escape tunnel,
bright flash. When the light clears, a massive rock-like however, the duergar have repurposed it as a staging area
creature stands before them and all five begin to advance. for their nightly raids.
Encounter: Raiding Party. The raiding party consists
of four duergar and one earth elemental. If confronted,
they immediately attack. They speak Undercommon and
shout to each other not to let any survivors get away or
the boss will have their heads. They fight to the death
knowing that failure means death anyway.
2. Barracks 5. Mess Hall

These connected rooms are lit by two The front portion of this room contains four
fireplaces. Comfortable chairs sit in front of large wooden tables, each with four stools
them. Numerous doors lead off to smaller next to them. To the right, a large fireplace
rooms. blankets the room in a soft glow. To the left,
you can make out another room adjacent to
this one.
Encounter: Duergar Party. This is where the duergar
that have been involved in the raids have been sleeping.
There are currently six sleeping duergar , and two awake This is where the duergar eat. There are scraps of food on
sitting in the chairs closest to the staging area. If alerted to the tables, including poisonous Underdark Mushrooms.
the presence of the characters, they’ll try to rouse their The fireplace is lit, but it’s burned down to embers.
sleeping allies. If the fight begins to go badly for them, they The room to the left is the kitchen. There, the characters
will try to flee to room 6 to gather reinforcements. will find some of the missing livestock (including two of
Treasure. Minor Loot. If the characters search their Vazzik’s pigs).
corpses, they find an assortment of weapons and armor
along with 2d6 gold pieces each. 6. Forge
3. Flooded Facilities
Heat washes over anyone who enters this
room. A large and imposing forge stands
Ahead, a filthy green, brackish liquid pools on against the wall, its fires burning bright.
the floor outside two doors. The stench is
Encounter: Fires and Forges. If the characters managed
to deal with the duergar in room 2 without them being
Encounter: Dual Oozes. These were the bathrooms, but able to alert their allies here, then the duergar are hard at
they’ve since fallen into disrepair. The northern room work forging a weapon, otherwise, they're ready for a
contains an ochre jelly that has since made its home in fight. There are three duergar working in this room. When
the hole in the floor. Meanwhile, a black pudding has they see the characters, they crush an elemental gem and
made its home in the southern room. If either is disturbed, summon a fire elemental to assist them in battle. If the
both will attack. duergar from room 2 made it here, they also fight.
Treasure: Filthy Loot. If the characters defeat both Treasure: Minor Loot. Once the elemental and the
oozes, they can make a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) duergar have been dealt with, the characters can search
check to locate a suit of Adamantine Half Plate at the their corpses to find an assortment of weapons and armor
bottom of the hole in the northern room. along with 2d6 gold pieces each.
Special Feature: A Weapon in the Making. A DC 16
4. Main Entrance Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a sword in the last
stages of being crafted. If the party can complete the
following skill checks and saves without amassing three
This appears to have been the main entrance failures, they can finish forging a dragon slayer longsword.
to the complex many years ago when it was The duergar leader was making it as a failsafe in case he
first built. The stairs leading upwards, lost control of the dragon in the chamber ahead.
however, have long since been sealed off.
DC 18 Constitution saving throw: Withstand the heat of
the forge while heating the blade.
This was the old entrance, but the duergar collapsed it DC 18 Strength check: Hammer out the blade’s final
when they invaded to keep surface dwellers from gaining shape.
DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check: Quickly douse
the blade in the cooling vat.

DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check : Inlay the proper

magical glyphs into the metal.
7. Storeroom 9. Dragon’s Lair

Metal tracks lead from the forge into this A powerful heat emanates from this room. A
medium sized room and down a long cavern large pile of gold sits surrounded by the
to the left. To the right, horses can be seen in carcasses of half-eaten livestock. The stone
a makeshift pen. Ahead, numerous barrels platform that makes up the majority of this
and crates line the walls. It appears this is room is surrounded on three sides by
where the duergar kept their supplies. bubbling magma.

The horses belong to one of the Arcanfeld farmers. They Encounter: Thrazzix the Lazy. This is where Thrazzix,
were stolen a few nights ago. The shelves and crates the young red dragon Khazoc was raising to use as a
contain a variety of foodstuffs including the poisonous weapon, sleeps. It’s spent its life in this chamber gorging
Underdark Mushrooms. Stale ale fills the barrels and itself on livestock brought to it by the duergar and as such
anyone who drinks it must make a DC 13 Constitution has grown rather complacent. It’s not as intelligent as its
saving throw or else be poisoned for one hour. kin (it has an Intelligence of 8) and it’s rather lazy, content
The long cavern is about 120 feet long and curves to sleep away its day until it comes time to eat. If Khazoc
around a bend before emptying into the main mining site. wakes it, it rises and fights half-heartedly for the first
1d4+1 rounds (it has disadvantage on its attacks and
8. Crystal Chamber saving throws it causes the characters to make are at
advantage). After that, it fights in earnest as it finally feels
threatened. If the party defeats Khazoc, they find it
This massive room is lit by the glow of blue sleeping on its small treasure hoard. If they wake it
crystals lining the walls. Numerous rock peacefully, they can try to reason with it. A DC 25
formations cover the floor and ceiling and a Charisma-based skill check can convince it that there’s no
large hole can be seen in the northeast corner more food and it should seek sustenance elsewhere. If
of the room. Around it, the corpses of they fail, it says they look tasty and attacks.
smallish humanoids lay in piles. Treasure: A Dragon's Hoard. Once the party deals
with Thrazzix, they can loot the treasure hoard. It contains
the following:
Encounter: The Boss Man. The leader of the duergar,
Khazoc Fellhand, a duergar warmaster is currently 2,608 gold pieces
hunched over a table planning the next raids with his men. 8x 100 gold piece gemstones
He has four duergar with him. As soon as they notice the +2 Heavy Crossbow
characters, they crush an elemental gem and summon an Chain Shirt of Fire Resistance
earth elemental to their side. Staff of Healing
If the fight starts to go badly for him, Khazoc will retreat
to room 9 to get his young red fragon to assist him. It’s Aftermath
currently in a deep sleep and it takes him 1d4+1 rounds to
With the dragon and the duergar dealt with, the characters
shake it awake.
can return to town with the missing animals in tow. The
Treasure: Shiny and Strong. Khazoc has a +2
mayor will reward them as promised and the farmers will
warhammer on him along with 12d6 gold pieces and a
forever open their homes to the characters if they ever
gem worth 250 gold pieces. His men have an assortment
need a place to rest. They’ll forever be known as the
of weapons and armor along with 2d6 gold pieces each.
Heroes of Arcanfeld.
If the characters take the time to investigate the
chamber, they can discern with a DC 16 Wisdom (Insight)
check that the giant hole in the northeast corner of the
room is likely where the duergar invaded from. The bodies
around it belong to the Dwarves who lost their lives trying
to fight off the incursion.
Duergar Warmaster
Medium (humanoid), lawful evil

Armor Class 20 (plate, shield)

Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 25 ft.


18 (+4) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

Damage Resistances poison

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Dwarvish, Undercommon
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Duergar Resilience. The duergar has advantage

on saving throws against poison, spells, and
illusions, as well as to resist being charmed or
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the
duergar has disadvantage on attack rolls, as
well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on sight.
Multiattack. The duergar warmaster makes
two melee or ranged attacks.
+2 Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 6)
bludgeoning damage, or 13 (2d8 + 6)
bludgeoning damage while enlarged.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage, or 9 (2d6 + 4)
piercing damage while enlarged.
Enlarge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
For 1 minute, the duergar magically increases in
size, along with anything it is wearing or
carrying. While enlarged, the duergar is Large,
doubles its damage dice on Strength-based
weapon attacks (included in the attacks), and
makes Strength checks and Strength saving
throws with advantage. If the duergar lacks the
room to become Large, it attains the maximum
size possible in the space available.
Invisibility (Recharges after a Short or Long
Rest). The duergar magically turns invisible
until it attacks, casts a spell, or uses its Enlarge,
or until its concentration is broken, up to 1 hour
(as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment
the duergar wears or carries is invisible with it .
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Scavengers: Copyright 2020, Hamrick Brands, LLC END

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