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6/25/2020 Harry Potter Quiz | Print - Quizizz


Harry Potter Quiz
22 Questions

1. What is the Dursely's address?

a) 5 Sizzly Drive b) 4 Rude Street

c) 4 Privet Drive d) 9 Brickley Street

2. Who killed Dumbledore with ‘Avada Kedavra’?

a) Harry Potter b) Bellatrix Lestrange

c) Draco Malfoy d) Severus Snape

3. What were the three of the seven horcruxes of

a) The elder wand b) Tom Riddle’s diary
c) Nagini, the snake d) Marvolo Gaunt’s
e) Albus Dumbledore

4. What position does Harry play on the Quidditch

a) Seeker b) Chaser
c) Beater d) Keeper

5. Which type of insect is Ronald Weasley most afraid

a) House y b) Grasshopper
c) Cockroach d) Spider 1/5
6/25/2020 Harry Potter Quiz | Print - Quizizz

6. Who is Harry Potter godfather?

a) Peter Pettigrew b) Albus Dumbledore
c) Remus Lupin d) Sirius Black

7. What is the name of the device that Dumbledore

uses when putting out street lights?

a) The Philosopher's b) The Golden Snitch

c) The Elder Wand d) Deluminator

8. What was the name of the tree Harry and Ron

crashed their car into?
a) The Great Oak b) Shreaking Shack
c) Whomping Willow d) The Legendery

9. Tom Riddle's middle name is _______.

10. How many ingredients are there in the Polyjuice

a) 7 b) 10
c) 5 d) 9

11. Which class has a di erent teacher every year?

a) The Potions class b) The charms

c) The Defence d) The Divination
Against the Dark
Arts class 2/5
6/25/2020 Harry Potter Quiz | Print - Quizizz

12. Who is the betrayer in the four Marauders?

a) Peter Pettigrew b) Sirius Black

c) James Potter d) Remus Lupin

13. What was the name of the shop where Harry got his
rst wand?
a) Ollivander's b) Flourish and Blotts
c) The Wand shop

14. What was Harry Potter’s patronus?

a) A otter b) A fox
c) A beaver d) A stag

15. Who was ying with Mad Eye Moody when he died?

a) Mundungus b) Fred Weasley

c) Harry Potter d) Ron Weasley

16. Which character served as a Quidditch

a) Lee Jordan b) Minerva
c) George Weasley d) Hermione Granger

17. What was Hermione Granger’s parents’ pro esions?

a) Pianist b) Writer
c) Artist d) Dentist 3/5
6/25/2020 Harry Potter Quiz | Print - Quizizz

18. Who comes together with Harry in the Chamber of

Secrets in the second book?
a) Gilderoy Lockhart b) Albus Dumbledore
c) Ron Weasley d) Hermione Granger

19. Who comes to tell Harry that he was a wizard?

a) Rubeus Hagrid b) Minerva

c) Albus Dumbledore d) Severus Snape

20. What were the three tasks given to Harry in the

Triwizard Tournament?
a) To kill a basilisk in b) To save Ron from
the Chamber of a dragon
c) Tackling a dragon d) To save Ron from
and stealing a gold the lake
egg from the
e) Finding the
Triwizard cup in a
maze full of beasts

21. When was Harry Potter born?

a) 14 February 2000 b) 1 January 1981

c) 31 July 1980 d) 1 September 1991

22. What is the name given to someone who can talk to

a) Snake-talker b) Death Eater
c) Pro esor d) Parselmouth 4/5
6/25/2020 Harry Potter Quiz | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. c 7. d 13. a 19. a
2. d 8. c 14. d 20.
3. 9. Marvolo 15. a 21. c
4. a 10. a 16. a 22. d
5. d 11. c 17. d
6. d 12. 18. 5/5

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