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1. How much torque can a cone torque transmit if the angle of conical elements is 10 degrees, the mean diameter of the conical clutch
sections is 200 mm and an axial force of 550 N is applied? Note: the coefficient of friction between the clutch elements is 0.45.

A. 141.67 N C. 124.65 N
B. 142.53 N * D. 132.45 N
Using uniform wear method:
f F   R  r 
sin   2 
D 0.20
Rm  m   0.10 m.
2 2
0.45  550 
T= 0.10 = 142.53 N-m
Sin 100

2. An engine developing 40 hp at 1250 rpm is fitted with a cone clutch built into the flywheel. The cone has a face angle of 12.5 degrees
and a maximum diameter of 14 in. The coefficient of friction is 0.2. The normal pressure on the clutch face is not to exceed 12 psi.
Determine the face width required.
A. 2 in. C. 4 in
B. 3 in. * D. 5 in.


T  2 fPnR m2w
where :
T  2015in  lb
R  r R  (R  w sin12.5)
Rm    R  0.1082w
2 2
2015  2 (0.2)(12)(7  0.1082 w)2 w
w  3 in

3. A cam-type clutch is use to drive a centrifugal pump. The clutch must transmit 125 Hp at 1800 r/min to the pump, which starts and stops
40 times per hour throughout its 12 hr/day, 360 day/year operating period. Compute the torque acting on the clutch.
A. 365 ft-lb * * C. 200 ft-lb
B. 320 ft-lb D. 156 ft-lb



T  365ft  Ib

4. A simple band brake has a 76 cm drum and fitted with a steel band 2/5 cm thick lined with a brake lining having a coefficient of friction of
0.25. The arc of contact is 245 deg and the drum is attached to a 60 cm hoisting drum, that sustains a rope load of 820 kg. The
operating force has a moment arm of 1.50 m and a band is attached 12 cm from the pivot point. Compute the torque just required to
support the load clockwise.

A. 2413.96 N-m * 245 C. 4434.5 N-m

B. 4515.45 N-m D. 3215.5 N-m

60 cm
t = 2/5 cm

820 kg

0.12 F

d  0.60 
T = W    820x9.81    2413.26 N
   2 
5. A disc clutch has 6 pairs of contacting friction surfaces.. An axial force of 100 lbs. acts on the clutch. The shaft speed is 400 rpm. How
much horsepower can the clutch transmit if the frictional radius is 2 in. and the coefficient of friction is 0.30?
A. 4.35 hp C. 2.28 hp *
B. 3.24 hp D. 1.44 hp

Using uniform wear method:
T = f F  R f   n 
= 0.30 100  2   6  = 360.0 in.-lbs.
 360 
2  TN
2    400 
P = =  12  = 2.28 hp
33,000 33,000

6. A cast iron flywheel with a mean diameter of 36 inches changes speed from 300 rpm to 280 while it gives up 8000 ft-lb of energy. What
is the coefficient of fluctuation.

A. 0.069 * C. 0.015
B. 0.082 D. 0.020
V1 - V2 N - N2
Cf = = 1
Vave Nave
300 - 280
Cf =
= 0.069

7. A cast iron flywheel is rotated at a speed of 1200 rpm and having a mean rim radius of 1 foot. If the weight of the rim is 30 lbs. What is
the centrifugal force? Use factor C=41.

A. 14,800 lbs C. 70,000 lbs

B. 14 860 lbs D. 14,760 lbs *

 1200 
V = 2  RN = 2  (1)   =125.66 fps
 60 
Solving for the centrifugal force:
WV 2
Fc =
Fc =  14712 lb
32.2 (1)

8. A helical-coil spring has a mean coil diameter of 1 inch and a wire diameter of 1/8 inch. Compute the Wahl factor of the spring.

A. 1.148 C. 1.184
B. 1.418 D. 1.814

Dm 1
C= = =8
d 1/8
4C-1 0.615
Kw = +
4C-4 C
4  8  -1 0.615
= + =1.184
4  8  -8 8

9. A horizontal shaft of 1-in. in diameter rotates at 500 rpm in a sleeve-type bearing. The coefficient of friction is 0.15. If the reaction
between the shaft and the bearing is 800 lbs, compute the horsepower lost in the bearing.

A. 0.48 * C. 0.78
B. 0.54 D. 0.43

F  N  0.15  800   120 lbs.
1 ft.
120 lbs. 1 in.  12 in. 
 d    5 ft-lb
T  F  
2 2
2 NT 2 500  5 
Hploss  
33,000 33, 000
Hp loss  0.4759 hp

10. A bearing carries a load of 4.450 kN. The shaft diameter is 100 mm, the coefficient of friction is 0.01, and the shaft speed is 400 rpm.
Compute the power lost in the bearing.
A. 93.2 Watts * C. 90.45 Watts
B. 84.5 Watts D. 87.50 Watts
F    W   0.01  4, 450   44.5 N
 50 
T   44.5 N    2.225 N-m
 1000 

Plost  2 2.225
 400 
 93.2 watts

11. A 36 mm shaft uses a sleeve bearing that sustains a load of 4,000 N. Compute the length of the bearing and the L/D ratio considering
that bearing pressure is 1.3 MPa
A. 3.45 C. 2.45
B. 2.37 * D. 1.45

Pressure 
Area  = 3.077 x 10 -3 m2
6 N
1.3 x10 2
then: Area  LD
0.003077 m2 x 1000 
Area m2
L 
D 36mm
 85.47 mm
L 85.47
  2.37
D 36.0

12. A flywheel rim which weighs 800 pounds has a mean diameter of 48 inches. The speed is to be maintained between 100 and 120 rpm.
Considering that the effect of the arms and hub accounts for 12% of the rim weight, determine the capacity of the flywheel. Express
your answer in ft-lb.
A. 2875.8 ft-lb C. 2896.7 ft-lb
B. 2685.7 ft-lb * D. 2987.5 ft-lb

V1 =   DN =
  48 120   25.13 fps
12  60 

V2 =
  48 100   20.94 fps
12  60 
1.12 W  V 21  V 22 
KE =


1.12  800   25.13    20.94 
2 2

2  32.2 
KE = 2,685.68 ft-lbs

13. A mass weighing 11.5 kg falls a distance of 1.5 m upon the top of a helical compression spring having a spring constant of 3.6 kg/cm.
Determine the velocity of the mass after it has compressed the spring 203 mm.

A. 5.78 m/s * C. 6.58 m/s

B. 7.58 m/s D. 8.57 m/s
V = 2g(h  y )
= 2(9.81)(1.5  0.203)
V = 5.78

14. A spring is designed to fire a 2 kg projectile. The outside diameter of the coil is 160 mm with an 18 mm wire and a total of 22 coils
squared and ground. The spring has a free lengths of 650 mm. When set or loaded, the spring is compressed to a length of 450 mm.
The shear elastic limit of the spring material is 580 MPa with a shear modulus of elasticity of 80 GPa. Determine the vertical height to
which the projectile maybe fired. (Note: k = 18.3236 )
A. 25 mm C. 19 mm *
B. 15 mm D. 30 mm

W (h+y) =
2(9.81)(h+200) =
F = ky = 18.32 (200) = 3664.72
h = 18,478  19m

15. Crate of mass 1800 kg is moving at a speed of 1.2 m/s. It is brought to rest by two helical compression springs. In stopping the crate, the
springs are compressed 200 mm. If the spring has an index of 6 and allowable stress of 360 MPa, Determine the number of active coils
if G= 89 GPa
A. 20 C. 30 *
B. 40 D. 10

1 8FC3n
F  x = mV 2 y=
2 GDw
1 (1800)(1.2)2 8(6480)(6)3n
F= 200 =
2 (200x10-3 ) 89000(18.56)
F = 6480 n = 29.5 coils say 30 coils

16. A flywheel weighing 457 kg has a radius of 375 mm. Compute how much energy, in N-m, does the flywheel loss from 3 rps to 2.8 rps?
A. 345 C. 180
B. 1474 * D. 386


V1 = 2  0.375  3 
= 7.069 m/s
V1 = 2  0.375  2.8 
= 6.597 m/s

457  7.069  -  6.597  

2 2

KE = m  V1 - V2   =  
1 2 2

2 2
= 1473.91 N m

17. Three extension springs are hooked in series that support a single weight of 100 kg. The first spring is rated at 4 kN/m and the other two
springs are rated 6 kN/m each. Compute the equivalent stiffness of the three springs.

A. 1.71 kN/m * C. 1.51 kN/m

B. 1.21 kN/m D. 4.71 kN/m

1 1 1 1
= + +
ke k1 k 2 k 3
1 1 1 1 7
= + + =
k e 4 6 6 12

ke = = 1.71 kN/m

18. Two extension coil springs are hooked in series that support a load of 100 kg. The first spring is rated at 4 kN/m and the other spring is
rated at 6 kN/m. Compute the total deflection of the springs.
A. 408.6 mm * C. 465.0 mm
B. 490.7 mm D. 470.8 mm


 t = 1   2
F F k + k 
t = + = F 1 2 
k1 k 2  k1k 2 
 4+6 
 t = 100   9.8066    = 408.6 mm
 4  6  
19. A 50 mm diameter shaft supported by two sleeve bearings carries a load of 13.3 MN. The shaft rotates at 150 rpm. If the coefficient of
sliding is 0.10, compute the total power that is lost in friction?
A. 543.5 kW C. 342.5 kW
B. 522.3 kW * D. 654.7 kW


Load   6.65 MN  for one bearing
 
F   0.10  6.65 x 106 N  0.665 x 106 N
 150 

V    DS   N    50 x 103 
 60 

  0.3927 m/s

 FV =

0.665 x 106 0.3927  
bearing 1, 000
 261.14 kW
Total Power lost  261.14 2   522.3 kW
20. A plate clutch has a single pair of mating surface 30 cm outside diameter and 22.5 cm inside diameter. The maximum pressure was
found to be 825 kPa considering the coefficient of friction of 0.25. Find the power that can be handled based on the drive that rotates
200 rpm considering that this clutch is newly installed.
A. 12.45 kW C. 17.66 kW*
B. 11.34 kW D. 13.45 kW

Use: Uniform Pressure Theory :Newly installed
Ff = f Fa 
 

where: Fa = PA = P   do 2  di2

 

Ff = (0.25)  825   0.32  0.2252  6.38 kN

2  r  r3 
Note: rf   o 2 i2   for uniform pressure theory
3  ro  ri 
T = Ff  rf   n 
 2  0.153  0.11253  
=  6.38    2   
1 = 0.843 kN-m
 3  0.15  0.1125  

2  0.843   200 
P= = 17.66 kW

21. A heavy rotating body which serves as a reservoir for absorbing and redistributing kinetic energy.
A. Brakes C. Fan
B. Flywheel * D. Gear
22. The ratio of mean diameter of coil over the coil diameter is known as
A. Diameter ratio C. Lead angle
B. Spring index * D. Wahl factor

23. The overall length of the spring when it is compressed until all adjacent coils touched.
A. Compressed length C. Free length
B. Operating length D. Solid length *

24. The length of coil spring under no load is known as

A. Compressed length C. Free length *
B. Operating length D. Solid height

25. The length of a coil spring times the effective number of coil is called
A. active length * C. compressed length
B. operating length D. solid length
26. The device for smoothing out the power impulses from the engine is known as
A. Brake C. clutch
B. flywheel * D. gear drive

27. The SAE recommends an angle of______ for cone clutches faced with leather or asbestos or having cork inserts.
A. 7.5  C. 9.5 
B. 12.5  * D. 14.5 

28. The frictional forces depends on coefficient of friction and

A. Moment C. Normal force *
B. Torque D. weights of object

29. The effectiveness of the brake may greatly decrease shortly after it begins to act continuously, a phenomenon called
A. Creep C. Fade *
B. Pressurized D. Worn-out
30. Friction devices used to regulate the motion of bodies and with clutches.
A. Babbitt C. Brakes *
B. Holders D. Rollers

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