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John Arul Phillips
Project Directors: Prof. Dr. Mansor Fadzil
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Widad Othman
Open University Malaysia

Module for Open Entry to Master of Education

Module Writer: John Arul Phillips

Asian e University

Developed by: Centre for Instructional Design and Technology

Open University Malaysia

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First Printing,
Copyright @ Open University Malaysia (OUM), Module for Open Entry to Master of
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Version September 2008

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Curriculum 1
1.1 Definitions of Curriculum 4
1.2 The Hidden Curriculum 7
1.3 Curriculum Approaches 8
1.3.1 Curriculum as Content 8
1.3.2 Curriculum as Product 9
1.3.3 Curriculum as Process 11
1.4 Foundations of Curriculum 12
1.5 Curriculum Development 14
1.6 Curriculum as a Discipline 15
1.7 Curriculum and Instruction 16
Summary 18
Key Terms 18
References 20

Chapter 2: Introduction to Psychology 21

2.1 What is Psychology? 23
2.2 History of Psychology 25
2.3 Branches of Psyschology Base 34
2.4 Research Methods in Psychology 36
2.5 Psychology of Learning and Education 40
2.6 What is Learning? 44
Summary 46
Key Terms 47
References 48

Chapter 3: Introduction to Educational Assessment 49

3.1 History of Educational Assessment 50
3.2 National Assessment in Malaysia 59
3.3 Tests, Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment 60
3.4 Why Do We Assess? 62
3.5 Types of Assessment 67
3.6 Trends in Assessment 71
Summary 73
Key Terms 74
References 74

Chapter 4: The Educational Research Process 75

4.1 What is Educational Research? 76
4.2 Methods of Acquiring Knowledge 77
4.3 Research Defined 78
4.4 Characteristics of Research 79
4.5 The Research Process 81
4.5.1 Generating Research Ideas 81
4.5.2 Formulate the Research Problem 83
4.5.3 Develop Hypotheses or Research Questions 85
4.5.4 Design Study to Test Hypotheses or Research
Questions 85
4.5.5 Collect Data 86
4.5.6 Analyse and Interpret Data 87
4.5.7 Communicate Results 87
4.6 Constructs and Variables 88
Summary 92
Key Terms 93
Discussion Questions 94
References 95
Chapter 1 X Introduction


By the end of this chapter, you be able to:
1. Define what is a curriculum;
2. Compare the various definitions of curriculum proposed by different
3. Explain what is the hidden curriculum;
4. Differentiate between the three approaches to curriculum;
5. Identify the foundations of curriculum;
6. Discuss the connection between curriculum and instruction;
7. Briefly describe the curriculum development process; and
8. Argue whether curriculum is a discipline.

1.1 Definitions of Curriculum
1.2 The Hidden Curriculum
1.3 Curriculum Approaches
1.3.1 Curriculum as Content
1.3.2 Curriculum as Product
1.3.3 Curriculum as Process
1.4 Foundations of Curriculum
1.5 Curriculum Development
1.6 Curriculum as a Discipline
1.7 Curriculum and Instruction
Key Terms

• „Homework should be made more
• „Students canÊt read properly after 11 years of
• „Students are bored with studying the same
thing each year‰
• „Teachers are unable to complete the syllabuses
because too much time is spent on co-curricular
• „Teachers are reluctant to teach beyond what is
in the curriculum, considering it a waste of
• „Thinking skills of students need to be
• „Parents passing the responsibility of educating
their children to teachers‰
• „Sports is being neglected in schools‰
• „Environmental education should be taught‰

You would have probably come across these headlines in newspapers and
magazines. These headlines are an indication of societyÊs concern with what is
going on in schools and in particular the curriculum. It should be remembered
that a curriculum is a contract between society and those in power stating how its

next generation of young people will be educated. Hence the general public have
a right to question how schools are preparing its next generation of citizens.

As society becomes more educated, more of its members are keen in expressing
their views on various issues regarding what are schools doing and what is
taught in schools. Sometimes it is tempting to ask whether society ever come to a
consensus on what it wants schools to do.

Some sectors of the population are demanding that schools teach for the mastery
of the facts, concepts and principles of a discipline, while others are calling for
reducing content and placing more emphasis on the development of critical and
creative thinking. Still others feel that schools are not paying enough attention
towards developing the character of students. It appears that society is in a state
of confusion not knowing what it wants of its schools. However, what may be
defined as confusion is in reality dynamism because curriculum is a reflection of
our values, choices and perspectives in differing contexts. As society changes so
will the curriculum because it is a reflection of society at a particular point in
time. For example, during colonial times, education in Malaysia was confined to
producing clerks and office assistants for the English administrative system.

Whether we consider curriculum narrowly as a listing of subjects to be taught in

schools or broadly as all learning experiences that individuals acquire while in
school, there is no denying that curriculum affects us all. Curriculum is the
concern of everyone, whether they are teachers, academics, students, parents,
politicians, businessmen, professionals, government officials or the person on the

Activity 1.1

1. Discuss any 3 headlines listed above that you agree with. Why?
2. Locate and report other concerns about the curriculum that you have
you come across?


Just like most things in education, there is no agreed upon definition of

ÂcurriculumÊ. The word originates from the Latin word currere referring to the
oval track upon which Roman chariots raced (see picture). The New International
Dictionary defines curriculum as the whole body of a course in an educational
institution or by a department while The Oxford English Dictionary defines
curriculum as courses taught in schools or universities. Curriculum means
different things to different people. Most people, including educators equate
curriculum with the syllabus (Do you agree?) while a few regard curriculum as
all the teaching-learning experiences a student encounters while in school. Since
the early 20th century when Franklin Bobbitt dubbed the Father of Curriculum
wrote his book The Curriculum in 1918, various theoreticians and practitioners
have proposed definitions of curriculum.

Tanner (1980) defined curriculum as „the planned and guided learning

experiences and intended outcomes, formulated through the systematic
reconstruction of knowledge and experiences under the auspices of the school,
for the learnersÊ continuous and wilful growth in personal social competence‰

Ć Schubert (1987) defines curriculum as the contents of a subject, concepts and

tasks to be acquired, planned activities, the desired learning outcomes and
experiences, product of culture and an agenda to reform society.
Ć Pratt (1980) defines curriculum as a written document that systematically
describes goals planned, objectives, content, learning activities, evaluation
procedures and so forth.

Ć Goodlad and Su (1992) define curriculum as a plan that consists of learning

opportunities for a specific time frame and place, a tool that aims to bring
about behaviour changes in students as a result of planned activities and
includes all learning experiences received by students with the guidance of
the school.
Ć Cronbleth (1992) defines curriculum as answering three questions: what
knowledge, skills and values are most worthwhile? Why are they most
worthwhile? How should the young acquire them?

Summary of Various
Interpretations of
Curriculum is:
Ć that which is taught in school
Ć a set of subjects
Ć content
Ć a programme of studies
Ć a set of materials
Ć sequence of courses
Ć a set of performance objectives
Ć a course of study
Ć everything that goes on within
a school
Ć everything that is planned by
school personnel
Ć that which is taught both inside
and outside of school directed
by the school
Ć a series of experiences
undergone by learners in
Ć that which an individual
learner experiences as a result
of schooling

[Source: Peter F. Oliva, Developing the

Curriculum. Boston: Little, Brown &
Company. 1982. p. 5]

Ć Grundy (1987) defines curriculum as a programme of activities (by teachers

and pupils) designed so that pupils will attain so far as possible certain
educational and other schooling ends or objectives.
Ć Hass (1987) provides a broader definition, stating that a curriculum includes
„all of the experiences that individual learners have in a program of
education whose purpose is to achieve broad goals and related specific
objectives, which is planned in terms of a framework of theory and research
or past and present professional practice‰ (p.5).

Self Check 1.1

1. Identify the FIVE common features of a curriculum mentioned in

most of the definitions given by scholars in the field (exclude Peter
2. Select SIX interpretations of the curriculum summarised by Peter
Oliva which you think gives a comprehensive definition of

Are you confused with the different definitions? Well, donÊt be! It is not
necessarily a bad thing having numerous definitions of curriculum. The variety of
definitions demonstrates the dynamism of the field because it reflects the
philosophical beliefs, conceptions of human learning, pedagogical strategies,
political experiences and cultural background of the society the curriculum is
planned for (Ornstein and Hunkins, 1998). Though much time may be spent on
defining curriculum, it may be time well spent because it encourages exploration
of many possibilities. One should be aware that if a curriculum is too narrowly
defined there is the tendency and likelihood to omit, ignore or miss relevant
factors related to teaching and learning because they are not part of the written
plan. On the other hand, if they are too broadly defined, it would difficult to
implement because it may be open to different interpretations. This will make the
task of evaluating achievement of the goals and objectives of the programme
more difficult. Despite varying definitions of curriculum, there seems to be a
consensus that it is a statement:

Ć of what students should know (knowledge or content),

Ć be able to do (skills),
Ć how it is taught (instruction),
Ć how it is measured (assessment), and
Ć and how the educational system is organised (context).

It is a structured plan of intended learning outcomes, involving knowledge, skills,

behaviour and associated learning experiences organised as a sequence of events
that a student acquires through education and training. How we conceive of the
curriculum is important because our conceptions and ways of reasoning about
curriculum reflect how we think, study and act on the education made available
to students. In short, how we define the curriculum reflects our assumptions
about the world (Cornbleth, 1990).


You may have heard of the phrase „hidden curriculum‰. What is it? The phrase
hidden curriculum was coined by the sociologist Philip Jackson in his book Life
in Classrooms written in 1968. He drew attention to the idea that schools did
more than simply transmit knowledge from one generation to another. Students
learn things that are not actually taught in the formal curriculum. It could be
viewed as the entire range of educational experiences promoted by schools and
teachers through practices that are not necessarily written down.

As pointed out by Doll (1992), „every school has a planned, formal acknowledged
curriculum, but there is also has an unplanned informal and hidden one that
must be considered‰ (p.5). The planned, formal curriculum focuses on goals,
objectives, subject matter and organisation of instruction. The unplanned,
informal curriculum deals with socio-psychological interaction among students,
teachers and administrators, especially in relation to their feelings, attitudes and

If we only consider the planned curriculum, the official curriculum stated in a

written document, we ignore both the numerous positive and negative
consequences that can result from the planned curriculum. Oftentimes, we fail to
realise the power of the hidden curriculum, which may not be written but will
certainly be learned by students. For example, they learn even without being
formally taught:

Ć about „the rules of the game‰ in the school canteen, in the playground, in
the corridors of the school and so forth,
Ć the specific relationships between senior and junior students, between male
and female students, cliques of students,
Ć how order is created and maintained in the classroom, the way individual
teachers interpret the behaviour of students, and
Ć the way teachers and principals or headmaster have different expectations
of students based on interpretations of behaviour in class.

The hidden curriculum involves learning such things as how to respond to and
cope with authority, how to get on with others, how to pass the time, how deal
with boredom, how to establish priorities and how to conform to the expectations
of teachers and their peers.

Self Check 1.2

1. What is the hidden curriculum?

2. Why is the hidden curriculum important in education?
3. Give examples of the hidden curriculum other than those stated in
the text.


If you examine the definitions provided by the experts in the field, there are three
ways of approaching a curriculum (see Figure 1.1). First is to approach it as
content or a body of knowledge to be transmitted. Second is to approach it as a
product or the learning outcomes desired of learners. Third, is to approach it as a
process or what actually happens in the classroom when the curriculum is

1.3.1 Curriculum as Content

It is quite common for people to equate a curriculum with the syllabus which is a
concise document listing the topics of a subject. If you have experience in
preparing students for national examinations, you will be familiar with such
documents. What do they contain? Perhaps, a list of topics, the concepts to be
mastered and some suggestions on how the topics are to be taught. For example,
a primary school mathematics curriculum will consist of topics on addition,
multiplication, subtraction, division, distance, weight and so forth. A syllabus
will not generally indicate the relative importance of the topics or the order in
which they are to be studied. But, there is tendency for teachers to follow the
sequence prescribed in the syllabus. In most cases teachers follow the logical
structure of selected textbooks simply because the textbooks have been written to
match closely the syllabus. For example, in secondary school geography
involving the study of countries or regions, textbooks tend to begin with physical
geography such as relief, climate, vegetation followed by economic activities such
as agriculture, mining, industries, urbanization and so forth.

It has been suggested that if one adopts the content approach to curriculum, focus
will be on the syllabus and the body of knowledge to be transmitted or 'delivered'
to students using appropriate teaching methods. When curriculum is equated
with content, there is the likelihood to limit instruction to the acquisition of facts,
concepts and principles of the subject matter transmitted.

Figure 1.1: Approaches to curriculum

Self Check 1.3

1. What do you mean when curriculum is approached as content?

2. Why is it a common approach of viewing curriculum?

1.3.2 Curriculum as Product

Besides viewing curriculum as content that is to be transmitted, it has also been
viewed as a product. In other words, what is it that is desired of students having
been taught using a curriculum. Franklin Bobbitt (1918) in his book The
Curriculum, stated that;

Human life, however varied, consists in the performance of

specific activities. Education that prepares for life is one that
prepares definitely and adequately for these specific activities.
However numerous and diverse they may be for any social
class they can be discovered. This requires only that one go out
into the world of affairs and discover the particulars of which
their affairs consist. These will show the abilities, attitudes,
habits, appreciations and forms of knowledge that men need.

These will be the objectives of the curriculum. They will be

numerous, definite and particularised. The curriculum will
then be that series of experiences which children and youth
must have by way of obtaining those objectives. (p: 42).

According to Bobbitt, education should prepare people for life with detailed
attention to what people need to know in order to work and live their lives. Go
out into the world and see for yourselves what society needs („the abilities,
attitudes, habits, appreciations and forms of knowledge that men [women] need‰
according to Bobbitt). Curriculum should not to be the result of 'armchair
speculation' but the result of systematic study of society. The product from the
curriculum is a student equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to
function effectively and efficiently. Ralph Tyler (1949) shares BobbittÊs approach
to curriculum when he said that the real purpose of education is to bring about
significant changes in students' pattern of behaviour [We will examine TylerÊs
view in more detail in Chapter 5]. It is important that any statement of objectives
of the school should be a statement of changes to take place in the students. The
attraction of this way of approaching curriculum is that it is systematic and has
considerable organising power. Central to the approach is the formulation of
behavioural objectives which provide a clear notion of outcomes or desired
products so that content and teaching methods may be organised and the results

In order to measure, things have to be broken down into smaller and smaller
units („numerous, definite and particularise⁄series of experiences which
children and youth must have ‰ according to Bobbitt). The result, as many of you
will have experienced, can be long lists of often trivial skills or competencies. This
can lead to a focus on the parts rather than the whole; on the trivial, rather than
the significant. It can lead to an approach to education and assessment which
resembles a shopping list. When all the items are ticked, the person has passed
the course or has learnt something. The role of overall judgment is somehow

Self Check 1.4

1. How is curriculum as product different from curriculum as content?

2. What should be the overall purpose of a curriculum according to
Bobbitt and Tyler?
3. How are these objectives to be derived?

Activity 1.2

Criticisms of the „Curriculum as Product‰ Approach

There are a number of disagreements with the Curriculum as product

approach. The first is that the curriculum can become too technical and
sequential. The tendency is for the curriculum to exist prior to and
outside the learning experiences which takes much away from learners
and end up with little or no voice. They are told what they must learn
and how they will do it. The success or failure of a curriculum is judged
on the basis of whether pre-specified changes occur in the behaviour of
learners. If the curriculum is closely followed it might limit creativity
and turn educators into technicians.

Also, since the approach emphasises measurability, it implies that

behaviour can be objectively, mechanistically measured. There are
obvious dangers here; there always has to be some uncertainty about
what is being measured. It is often very difficult to judge what the
impact of particular experiences has been. Sometimes it is years after
the event that we come to appreciate something of what has happened.

[Source: Smith, M. K. (1996, 2000) Curriculum theory and practice, The

Encyclopaedia of Informal Education.]

1. To what extent do you agree with the criticisms of the curriculum

as product approach?
2. What are some advantages of this approach?

1.3.3 Curriculum as Process

We have seen that the curriculum as content approach emphasises the content to be
transmitted while curriculum as product approach is focussed on the setting of
instructional or behavioural objectives. Another way of looking at curriculum is via
process. Here, curriculum is not seen as a physical thing, but rather the interaction of
teachers, students and knowledge. It is what actually happens in the classroom such as
the questions asked by the teacher, the learning activities students engage in and so
forth. It is an active process with emphasis on the context in which the processes
occurs. Stenhouse (1975), used the analogy of the a recipe in a cookbook which
teachers translate into practice in the classroom. Like a recipe it can be varied according
to taste. So can a curriculum.

According to the process approach curriculum is seen as a scheme about the

practice of teaching. It is not a package of materials or a syllabus of content to be
covered. The classroom is seen as a laboratory in which the teacher is like a
scientist who tests the ideas stated in the curriculum. The teacher translates an
educational idea into a hypothesis that is tested in the classroom. It involves
critical testing rather than acceptance. The focus is on finding out those processes
which enhance (if it is successful) or hinder (if it goes wrong) a personÊs learning.
So, the curriculum is not a finished product but rather the proposed educational
ideas that have to been verified in the classroom by teachers. So, you may not
know what you are going to get and may differ from what has been specified in
the curriculum document [ÂLife is like a box of chocolates, you never know what
youÊre gonna to getÊ ă Forest Gump]. This differs from the product approach
where the desired behaviours have been pre-determined or more or less fixed
and applies to all learners.

The process approach to curriculum treats the learners are not as objects to be
acted upon. They have a say in what is going on in the teaching-learning sessions.
The focus is on interaction and attention shifts from teaching to learning. On the
other hand, the product model, by having a pre-specified plan or programme,
tends to direct attention to teaching. A process approach to curriculum theory
and practice, as argued by Grundy (1987), tends towards making the process of
learning the central concern of the teacher with emphasis on thinking and


Debate is still continuing as to the definition of curriculum. Despite this lack of
consensus, it has not hindered institutions, school districts, states and nations
continually developing and improving curriculum in schools, colleges,
universities and training organisations. Imagine what would have happened if
we had to wait for an agreed upon definition of curriculum. The design and
development of curriculum is a team effort involving curriculum planners,
curriculum developers, teachers, academicians, education officers,
administrators, community members and may others. They decide the goals of
the curriculum, what content to include, how it should be organised, suggest how
it should be taught and how to determine whether efforts have been successful.
To help them make these decisions, they have turned to philosophy, psychology,
sociology and history. These have been accepted as the foundations of a
curriculum [We shall discuss the influence of these disciplines in detail in
Chapters 2, 3 and 4 respectively].

These disciplines have produced a vast amount of knowledge that provide

guidelines for people interested in developing curriculum. For example, from
philosophy has evolved numerous beliefs as on how people should be educated
and what knowledge is worthwhile. These beliefs have provided curriculum
developers with guidelines on how they should go about designing curriculum.
From psychology, various perspectives on how humans learn have been
proposed. This knowledge is of great significance since a curriculum is a plan on
what individuals are supposed to learn. Decades of research have provided
insight into the human psyche which curriculum developers have tapped into to
guide decisions on how a body of content is to be taught and acquired at different
levels of human development. The disciplines of sociology, economics, culture,
and politics provide an insight into society. A curriculum is a reflection of societal
values and beliefs it serves. It is usually a response to what society wants and
desires. [Refer to the newspaper headlines listed at the beginning of the chapter].
The community plays an important role in influencing what is taught in the
classroom. Finally, many curriculum plans are an evolution from earlier times
and curriculum developers refer to historical events to better understand the
decisions made at different points of time. It provides a background for better
understanding present day curriculum development efforts [We will examine the
curriculum of early American and Japan in Chapter 4 to understand how and
why curriculum changes with the evolution of society].

Activity 1.3

Problems with the „Curriculum as Process Approach‰

• Teachers who want uniformity in what is taught will find this
approach problematic because the focus is on the learner. So there
will be different content and methods of delivery to cater to
individual needs.
• Examinations would be difficult to conduct because learners would
be learning different things and at a different pace. It would not be
fair to have one examination as you might not be assessing the real
ability of a learner.
• Examinations do not pay attention to the context in which learning
takes place and so some students might be disadvantaged.
• Teachers implementing a curriculum using the process approach
have to believe that learning is the making of meaning and
construction of knowledge. If teachers are not convinced this should
be the aim of education, then the process approach will not succeed.

1. To what extent do you agree with the problems with the „Curriculum
as Process Approach‰?
2. Do you think the curriculum as process approach would be easier to
implement if there were no centrally controlled or national
3. What is the main difference between the curriculum as product and
curriculum as process approachÊ?
[Source: Smith, M. K. (1996, 2000) Curriculum theory and practice, The
Encyclopaedia of Informal]


Curriculum development is a process involving many different people and
procedures. Thus, it is usually linear and follows a logical step-by-step fashion
involving the following phases: curriculum planning, curriculum design,
curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation. [We will discuss each
phase in detail in Chapter 5, 6, 7 and 8. If you were to specialise in curriculum,
then each of these phases would be taught as a separate course by itself]. The
phases of the process provide us with guideposts and structure to clarify our
thinking. The phases can be graphically or pictorially illustrated and are
conceived in technical terms ă with the assumption that one must be
knowledgeable of the process to fully appreciate and understand. DonÊt worry!
By the end of Chapter 8, you will fully understand the technical terms associated
with each of these phases of curriculum development.

Many curriculum development models have been proposed. Generally, most models
involve four phases. First is, curriculum planning which involves decisions about the
philosophy of education and the aims of education. Having decided on the
philosophical beliefs, curriculum goals and objectives are derived which are later
translated into the classroom as desired learning outcomes among students taught.
The second phase is curriculum design which refers to the way curriculum is
conceptualised and involves the selection and organisation of content, and the
selection and organisation of learning experiences or activities. Among the issues
that have to be resolved is deciding Âwhat knowledge is of most worthÊ, Âhow should
the content be organised to maximise learningÊ. The third phase is curriculum
implementation in the classroom setting. It involves getting people to practice the
ideas in the curriculum, providing them with the necessary resources, training and
encouragement. The fourth phase is curriculum evaluation which is determining the
extent to which the efforts in implementing the ideas of the curriculum have been

successful. It involves identification of factors that have hindered implementation as

well as success stories; and most important whether students have benefited from
the programme.


Can curriculum be considered a discipline just like sociology, economics, biology
or political science? Graduate students have been taking courses in curriculum
planning, curriculum evaluation, primary school curriculum and so forth in
various universities. Many graduate schools of education offer doctoral
specialisations in curriculum and instruction, better known as ÂC&IÊ. To arrive at
a decision as to whether an area of study is a discipline, one must first ask the
question, ÂWhat are the characteristics of a discipline?Ê.If we know the
characteristics of a discipline, than maybe we can decide if ÂcurriculumÊ is a
discipline. According to Oliva (1982), a discipline has the following
• A discipline should have an organised set of theoretical principles.
• A discipline encompasses a body of knowledge and skills pertinent to that
• A discipline has its theoreticians and its practitioners.

The field of curriculum has its set of principles. For example the term
ÂcurriculumÊ itself is a concept describing very complex ideas. In curriculum
planning there are principles such as educational philosophy, curriculum goals
and learning objectives which are applied in developing programmes for school,
universities and training centres. In curriculum design, the principles of scope,
sequence and balance are used in the organisation of content to be taught. The
field of curriculum has its own body of knowledge and skills, though much of it
has been borrowed from a number of pure disciplines. For example, in the
selection of content (What to teach?), curriculum has relied on the principles,
knowledge and skills from psychology, philosophy and sociology. In the
organisation of content, curriculum has drawn from the fields of management
and organisational theory. In the implementation of curriculum, various ideas
from systems theory, organisational behaviour and communication theory have
been used to enhance effectiveness. For example, research in organisational
behaviour has been used to bring about change among teachers, educational
administrators and the community. Has the field of curriculum its own body of
knowledge and skills? Applying the ideas drawn from the different disciplines
and through experimentation it has generated its own body of knowledge and
skills, or at least, new interpretations of principles as applied in the educational

The field of curriculum has its list of theoreticians and practitioners and they
include curriculum planners, professors of curriculum, curriculum developers
and so forth who are termed as curriculum specialists. These specialists are well-
versed in areas relating to curriculum, such as the history and origin of a
curriculum (to know of earlier successes or failure), curriculum planning and
how a particular curriculum is to be implemented in schools successfully. The
specialist is well-informed about how students learn, how teachers react to
change and obstacles to improvement. The curriculum specialist generates new
knowledge by recombining existing programmes, adapting approaches and
constructing new curriculum. [Perhaps, after completing this course you might be
more convinced that curriculum meets the requirement of a discipline or maybe

Self Check 1.5

1. Why do curriculum developers rely on the knowledge and skills of

other discipline?
2. How would you justify the field of curriculum to be a discipline?


Now that you have an idea of what is a curriculum; what is the relationship
between curriculum and instruction? Simply put, curriculum is what to be taught
while instruction is how it is taught. The relationship between curriculum and
instruction is a partnership. We may think of the curriculum as a plan stipulating
the content to be taught along with the learning experiences to be included.
Instruction may be thought of as methodology, the teaching act and assessing of
achievement. In other words, it is putting into practice what has been planned.

Oliva (1982) described curriculum and instruction as two entities. You could have
a situation in which the two entities are apart, called the dualistic model (see
Figure 1.2a). What takes place in the classroom under the direction of the teacher
has little relationship to what is stated in the curriculum plan. Planners ignore
what teachers are doing and vice-versa. The curriculum or the instructional
process may change without affecting one another. This separation will do
serious harm to each other. On other occasions, curriculum and instruction are
mutually interdependent as shown in the concentric model (see Figure 1.2b). In
this model curriculum assumes the superordinate position while instruction is
subordinate; that is, instruction is a subsystem of curriculum which is itself a
subsystem of the whole system of education. This model implies a system that is

hierarchical, with curriculum dominating instruction. Instruction is not a separate

entity but a very dependent portion of the curriculum entity. In other situations,
curriculum and instruction may be separate entities with a continuing circular
relationship, called the circular model (see Figure 1.2c). Curriculum makes a
continuous impact on instruction and similarly instruction impacts on
curriculum. This model assumes that instructional decisions are made after
curriculum decisions are made. But, these curriculum decisions are later modified
when they have been implemented and evaluated in the classroom. This process
is continues, repeated and never-ending.

Figure 1.2: Curriculum and instruction relationship

[Source: Peter Oliva, Developing the curriculum. 1982. Boston: Little Brown &
Co. pp.12-13]

Of all the models, the cyclical model seems to the best alternative as it emphasises
the need for a close working relationship between implementers and planners.
Though curriculum and instruction may be different entities they are
interdependent and cannot function in isolation. It is impossible to plan
everything that happens in the classroom in the curriculum document. It should
be accepted that what is planned on paper may not work exactly because the
numerous factors operating in the classroom are impossible to predetermine. The
constant feedback from the classroom as to what works and what does not work
has to be recycled to curriculum developers so necessary adjustments and
modifications can be made to the curriculum plan. This may explain the need for
pilot-testing a curriculum before it is widely implemented.

• Curriculum is a statement of what students should know, be able to do,

how it is taught, how it is measured, and how the educational system is

• Curriculum can be approached as content (knowledge, skills and values),

product (desired learning outcomes) and process (interactions in the

• Curriculum development is a process involving planning, designing,

implementation and evaluation.

• Curriculum can be considered a discipline because it has an organised set of

theoretical principles, it includes a body of knowledge and skills and has its
theoreticians and its practitioners.

• The relationship between curriculum and instruction is interdependent,

continuous, repeated and never-ending.

Curriculum Curriculum development

Curriculum as: Curriculum and instruction

- content - dualistic model
- product - concentric model
- process - cyclical model

Curriculum as a discipline Hidden curriculum


1. Write down your definition of curriculum.

(a) What does your definition of curriculum include?
(b) Does it include a process? . . a product? . . materials for
teaching? . . . an approach to education and methods of
instruction that fosters certain values and attitudes?
(c) Compare your definition with the definitions given by scholars
in the field. How similar or different is yours?
2. „The curriculum on paper and the curriculum in action‰. What do
you understand by these statement?
3. „The curriculum is too examination-oriented and children are
deprived of their childhood‰. Discuss.
4. „An over-loaded curriculum is a concern of many teachers.
Increasingly, teachers are feeling that there is not enough time to
cover all the traditional material being put into the curriculum‰.
(a) To what extent do you agree?
(b) Suggest solutions to overcome the problem.

Ć Alistair, R. (200). Curriculum: Construction and Critique. London: Falmer

Chapter 1: What is the curriculum? [available at eBrary].

Ć Woods, R.N. (1989). Introduction to philosophy of education. London:

Chapter 3: Curriculum theory [available at eBrary]

Ć Ornstein, A. and Hunkins, F. Curriculum: Foundations, principle and

issues. (1998). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Chapter 1: The field of curriculum.

Ć Sowell, E. (2000). Curriculum: An integrative introduction. Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Chapter 1: Overview of curriculum processes and products.

Ć Smith, M. K. (1996, 2000) Curriculum theory and practice. The

encyclopaedia of informal education,

Ć The hidden curriculum.

Chapter 2 X Introduction
to Psychology


By the end of this chapter, you be able to:
1. Define what is psychology;
2. Trace the origin of psychology;
3. Compare philosophy and psychology in explaining human learning;
4. List the branches of psychology;
5. Compare the various research methods in psychology;
6. Identify the differences between the teacher as a theorist and the
teacher as a practitioner-researcher; and
7. Compare the various definitions of learning.

2.1 What is Psychology?
2.2 History of Psychology
2.3 Branches of Psychology
2.4 Research Methods in Psychology
2.5 Psychology of Learning and Education
2.6 What is Learning?
Key Terms

This chapter traces the origin of psychology as a discipline. You will learn how
psychology, which has its roots in philosophy, plays an important role in
explaining how humans learn, think and behave. Even though psychology is
among the youngest disciplines in the social sciences, it has contributed much
towards understanding human behaviour. However, there is much we do not
know about ourselves and perhaps never will. There is so much variability in our
behaviour depending on our culture, social position, political orientation,
upbringing and more recently; our genetic makeup.

The human being (Homo sapiens) is an unattractive smelly and aggressive creature
that walks upright, grumbling and bellowing. It is one of many species that lives on
this planet and emerges among the worst adapted. Its young is helpless compared to
other species. It has lost most of its bodily hair and what is left is little protection
against the cold. Its eyesight is weaker than that of many other species, and its
sense of smell responds only to the strongest odours. If pursued, it can only run a
very short distance, that also very slowly. It is remarkably unskilled at climbing
trees or digging holes. It cannot live under water and it swims with less grace than
almost any other animal. It is heavy and awkward and cannot fly. It can’t even jump
very high. It is unequipped by nature with weapons either for defence or killing for
food. It is absolutely remarkable and utterly fascinating that the species has
survived at all.

[Source: Adapted from Guy R. Lefrancois, Psychology for Teaching, 1982. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Publishing Company. p.6]

Yes, it is truly remarkable that we have survived all these years. The humorous
description by Lefrancois is something to think about. How has the physically
inferior human being survived? He has survived because of his God-given
capacity to THINK. This capacity to think has enabled the human being to
overcome his many deficiencies. For example, the human who is not naturally
endowed with weapons invented spears, bows and arrows to hunt animals for

food. Human eyesight is inferior compared to other species and he invented the
telescope. Humans are less strong than many other species and invented the
pulley and lever to lift heavy things. The capacity to think has enhanced our
ability to survive which simply means learning to cope with the world.

Bruner (1964, 1966) sees human survival as a process of amplifying capacities and
reducing inadequacies. Humans began with amplification of motor capabilities
with the invention of simple machines (wheel, pulley) followed by amplification
of sensory capacities with the invention of telescopes, radio and television, and
culminating in the amplification of intellectual capacities with the invention of
theory. Humans used their intellectual capacities to propose concepts, principles,
theories and laws to explain and understand various phenomena in their
environment. Among the many phenomena humans are attempting to unravel
and understand is their own behaviour (and the behaviour of other species). This
gave birth to the discipline called psychology.


(a) Definition of Psychology
ÂPsychologyÊis an ancient Greek word made up of psyche which is the mind
or the soul and logy which means study. Simply put, psychology is the
study of the mind or the soul. Many psychologists prefer to focus on the
mind and leave the issue of the soul to theology and the great religions of
the world. Though it is largely concerned with the study of humans, the
behaviour of animals is also studied. In fact, many of the earlier theories of
psychology originated from studies conducted with rats, pigeons, cats,
monkeys and dogs. These theories have been used to describe human
behaviour and have influenced educational practice.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines psychology as the scientific study of

the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a
given context. The American Heritage Dictionary defines psychology as the
science that deals with mental processes and behaviour. It also includes the
study of the emotional and behavioural characteristics of an individual or
group. In short, psychology may be defined as the scientific study of
behaviour and mental processes. There are three key words and phrases in
these definitions, namely,scientific, behaviour and mental processes.

• The first is the term scientific which means the study uses a scientific
method. The scientific method proposed by Dewey (1920) comprises
the following steps:

1. A statement of the problem and identification of the hypothesis

to be tested.
2. The design of the study and employment of data collection
techniques to answer the research question or hypothesis.
3. The collection and analysis of data.
4. Report of the findings and decision on whether to accept or reject
the hypothesis.

• The second term is behaviour which relates to whatever activity (by a

human or animal) that can be observed, measured and recorded.
Behaviour is also observed to occur when individuals speak or write
something. For example, a person who records his or her fear or
attitude is a manifestation of behaviour.

• The third term is mental processes which include all processes

involved in thinking, memory, learning, attitudes, emotions and so
forth. This has become the focus of many psychologists but the
problem is that these processes cannot be observed and are difficult to
record and measure accurately. [This is an issue which will be
discussed later in the chapter].

(b) The Psychologist and the Scientist

Both the psychologist studying human behaviour and the scientist studying
the physical world use the scientific method. However, for the psychologist,
humans possess neither the simplicity nor the predictability of the physical
world. Even the behaviour of a cat or dog is unpredictable! The physicist,
the chemist and even the biologist, employing the scientific method, has
been able to discover great theories and laws explaining the behaviours of
physical matter, molecules, cells and so forth. These explanations are more
stable, precise and replicable. The psychologist is still struggling with
having to discover a single, precise and magnificent law explaining the
behaviour of a human or even a rat.

Even though the scientific method is widely used in psychology,

researchers have to make various kinds of inferences and interpretations.
Why? This is because the subjects studied are humans. Compared to cells or
chemicals studied by scientists, humans are comparatively less stable (see
Figure 2.1). Studying the behaviours of humans is more complicated
because of the influence of extraneous variables that are difficult to control.
Oftentimes it requires researchers to make inferences or interpretation
because the data is comparatively less clear-cut.

Figure 2.1: The scientific method used by the scientist and the psychologist

Self Check 2.1

(a) Trace the origin of the word ÂpsychologyÊ.

(b) Explain the three key attributes of the definition of psychology.
Discuss the main issue concerning the scientist studying physical
phenomena and the psychologist studying human behaviour.


(a) The Roots of Psychology
Psychology is interested in the nature of human beings and how they
function. However, psychology is by no means the only field of inquiry that
seeks answers to the puzzles of human nature. The roots of psychology can
be traced to the ancient philosopher based on their early records to
understand psychology. The earliest roots of modern psychology can be
traced to two different approaches to human behaviour: philosophy and
physiology (see Figure 2.2). Philosophy explores and attempts to explain
human nature through introspection or self-examination of oneÊs
experiences. Through a process of self-questioning and asking others
questions, philosophers have attempted to unravel how we think, how we
learn, how we gain knowledge and how we use our experiences.

On the other hand physiology is the study of the human body. Through
observation, early Greek scholars attempted to understand the workings of
the human body.

Figure 2.2: Roots of psychology

The First ÂPsychological ExperimentÊ

An experiment by King of Egypt, as far back as the seventh
century B.C., could be considered the first psychology
experiment. The king wanted to test whether Egypt was the
oldest civilisation on earth. His idea was that, if children
were raised in isolation from infancy and were given no
instruction in language of any kind, then the language they
spontaneously spoke would be of the original civilisation of
man ă hopefully, Egyptian.

The experiment, was flawed but the king deserved credit for his idea that
thoughts and language a from the mind and his ambition to test such an idea.
While the experiment failed to support the kingÊs hypothesis, Morton Hunt
(1993) suggested that it did illustrate perhaps the first evidence in written
history that as long as 2,700 years ago there was at least one individual who
had the „highly original notion‰ that mental processes could be systematically
investigated and studied.

[Source: Morton Hunt, The History of Psychology, 1993, p.1]


Early philosophers were most concerned with nature of

knowledge or epistemology. In epistemology, you ask such
questions as: What is knowledge? What are the origins of
knowledge? What does it mean to know?
• Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.), known as the father of modern
medicine, argued that there was a close connection
between the mind and the body. He proposed that mental
illness was not caused by demons but by physical
malfunctions. By dissecting human cadavers and Hippocrates
operating on living organisms, he concluded that the mind 460-377 B.C
controlled the human body. He was the first to suggest
that the mind resided in the brain.
• Plato (427-347 B.C.); who lived at about the same time; also subscribed to
HippocratesÊ view that the mind and body were separate and that the mind
was located in the brain.
¾ He believed that reality did not lie in concrete objects but was
represented in abstract form in our minds. In other words, when we
see a chair, the ÂrealÊ chair exists in our minds. Plato reasoned that the
head is the seat of the mind.
¾ Plato was a rationalist who believed that knowledge was gained
through thinking and analysing in an effort to understand the world
and people's relationship to it.
¾ He said the mind and body interacted with one another but were
essentially different. The mind was superior to the body. Truth was
found in our thoughts (via introspection) and not through our senses
(via observation).
¾ Plato's views formed the foundation for theorising about
psychological processes, an activity that might or might not lead to
subsequent empirical investigation.

• Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), who was PlatoÊs student, disagreed with him on
many points. He argued that the mind and body were NOT separate and
felt that the mind and body were one and the same.
¾ He believed that we could understand the mind by studying the body
and that we relied on observation of concrete objects and actions
rather than on our own thoughts (introspection) to discover truth.
¾ He argued that reality lay only in the concrete world of objects that we
apprehended through our senses.

¾ Aristotle was an empiricist who believed that knowledge was gained

through experience, observation and experimentation. Aristotle's
views formed the foundation for the methods of empirical
psychological research.

• Ibn Sina (980-1037), a Muslim philosopher famous for

his works on medicine, viewed the human being as
consisting of both hidden (sirr) and open (alin)
elements. The hidden part consisted of the powers of
the mind while the open part was the human body
and its organs (Abd al-Rahman al Naqib, 1993). The
powers of the mind or mental faculties were classified
into three groups:
¾ First, the group of vegetative faculties, which
humans and plants both share. These are
concerned with the survival of the human being, Ibn Sina
growth through nutrition and preservation of the 980-1037
species through reproduction. The group
comprises three faculties ă feeding, growth and
¾ Second, the group of faculties shared by humans and animals. They
comprise two faculties. One is the perceptive faculty of the exterior
world though the five senses ă sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
The other faculty is directed from within, by way of common sense,
imagination, memory and reflection.
¾ Third, the group of faculties which distinguish human beings from
animals. It comprises two faculties ă an active faculty directing the
humanÊs practical conduct, and a cognitive faculty directing his or her
intellectual conduct. The first is practical and the second is

There seems to be consensus among these early philosophers that the mind and
body relationship is important is determining human behaviour. Most
psychologists today agree that the concept of mind and body have merit. But,
more important was to provide empirical evidence to confirm the relationship
between mind and body.

(b) The Beginnings of Modern Psychology

• Rene Descartes (1596-1650), a French mathematician and philosopher,
took up the viewpoint that introspection and reflection were
investigatory methods superior to observation. Descartes revived the
Platonic ideas of mind-body dualism and innate (versus acquired)
¾ He said that what separated humans from animals was that
humans had a non-material, spiritual mind and a material body.
The human mind and its powers were supreme.
¾ He was known for coining the famous phrase "Cogito ergo sum"
(I think therefore I am).
¾ Though he gave supremacy to the mind, he agreed that the body
could influence the mind. He viewed the mind as superior to the
body and said that there was a two-way interaction between
mind and body.

• John Locke (1632-1704), an Englishman, believed that the interaction

between mind and body was an equal relationship between two
aspects of the same unified phenomenon.
¾ He argued that the mind depended on the body through the
senses for its information while the body depended on the mind
to process and store sensory experiences for later use.
¾ He was also an empiricist and believed that humans were born
without knowledge, which was subsequently acquired through
experience and empirical observation. He proposed the term
tabula rasa (blank slate) to describe this condition. Life and
experience, according to Locke, "write" knowledge on each of us.

• Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), a German philosopher,

began the process of trying to reconcile or synthesise
the competing viewpoints of mind and body. He
redefined the mind-body question by asking how the
mind and body were related rather than whether the
mind was in control.
¾ Kant proposed that humans had a set of
faculties or mental powers ă senses, Immanuel
understanding and reasoning. These faculties, Kant
working together controlled and provided a 1724-1804
link between mind and body, thus integrating
the two.

¾ Kant believed that to understand the mental faculties we must

use both rationalistic and empirical approaches.
¾ He believed that there were two types of knowledge ă
experiential which he called a posteriori knowledge, meaning
from afterward (after the fact) and a priori (from beforehand) or
general knowledge that existed regardless of one's experience.
¾ An example of the latter type of knowledge would be our
knowledge of time. He argued that understanding required both
types of knowledge; a priori knowledge permited us to make use
of a posteriori knowledge.
¾ For example, with respect to time, we link together our fleeting
sensations into a seemingly continuous stream of existence in
which one event precedes and causes another event (cause and
effect relationships). Understanding involves both nature (innate
concepts and abilities) and nurture (knowledge gained through

The issues confronted by philosophers, physicians and psychologists were so

intertwined that when psychology was starting out as a field of study in the late
1800s it was viewed by some as a branch of philosophy and by others as a branch
of medicine. Gradually, the psychological branches of philosophy and medicine
broke away from their parent disciplines and psychology increasingly became a
distinct, unified scientific discipline focused on the study of mind and behaviour.

Contemporary psychology continues to wrestle with the same issues that

philosophers and physiologists wrestled with. As you explore the field you will hear
this continuing debate. Most philosophers agreed that human behaviour and mental
processes synchronised to adapt to the environment. Charles Darwin in his theory of
natural selection suggested that only those organisms that adapted well to their
environment thrived. Humans, thus far, both as a species and as individuals, have
adapted and thrived.

Self Check 2.2

(a) What was the main issue philosophers were concerned about?

(b) What were the similarities and differences in their arguments?


(c) The Birth of Psychology

The year 1879 is generally regarded as the year in
which psychology as a formal science was officially
born. A German scholar named Wilhelm Wundt (1832-
1920), who was trained in both philosophy and
medicine, wrote in his first book on sense perception
in 1862 that psychology could become a science only if
it employed the experimental method in studying the
workings of the mind. In a subsequent publication in
1873, he announced that he intended to make
psychology a science and he established the first Wilhelm Wundt
psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879. 1832-1920
Others in both North America and Europe were also
doing psychological research at this time but Wundt's laboratory was the
first to be formally established and to have its research results published in
a scholarly journal. These were among the reasons that he was credited as
the primary founder of the modern discipline of psychology.

Many of America's early psychologists received their training in Wundt's

lab. The focus of research in the Leipzig laboratory was on sensation,
perception, imagery and attention. Wundt doubted that more complex
processes could be studied experimentally. One of Wundt's favourite
research methods was "trained introspection." Wundt and his associates and
students trained research subjects to carefully observe and analyse their
own mental experiences ă including sensations, mental images and
emotional reactions ă under controlled conditions. The training of subjects
in introspection was rigorous and exhaustive. Wundt hoped that by
providing such training he could produce reliable, verifiable and objective
results. In the long run, however, it proved to be impossible to use
introspection to produce reliable results and the approach was abandoned
as a research technique by other psychologists.

• Structuralism and Functionalism

In the early days of psychology, there were two dominant theoretical
perspectives. Structuralism was the name given to the approach pioneered
by Wundt. The term originated from Edward Titchener, an American
psychologist who had been trained by Wundt. Structuralism relied on
trained introspection, a research method whereby subjects related what was
going on in their minds while performing a certain task. However, it proved
to be an unreliable method because there was too much individual variation
in the experiences and reports of research subjects (Wade & Tavris, 2002).

An American psychologist named William James (1842-

1910) developed a competing approach, which came to
be known as functionalism. He argued that the mind
was constantly changing and it was pointless to look for
the building blocks of experience. Instead, focus should
be on how and why an organism did something. It was
suggested that psychologists should look for the
underlying cause of behaviour and the mental the
processes involved. This emphasis on the causes and
Looking into
ourselves and
consequences of behaviour influenced contemporary
describing how we psychology.

• Psychoanalysis
Another early theory in psychology was developed by the Austrian physician,
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Originally trained as a neurologist, Freud became
interested in how psychological factors might contribute to some of his patients'
problems. He became convinced that many of his patients' symptoms had
mental rather than physical explanations. In particular, he believed that early
experiences such as conflicts and traumas had caused such distress for his
patients as children that the memory of them was extremely threatening and
therefore the patients were unable to consciously recall these events.

He believed that even more important than our conscious thoughts in

determining how we react and respond to events were forces that operated
unconsciously. Such unconscious material as repressed wishes, conflicts, guilty
secrets, yearnings and desires exerted a powerful influence on our behaviour
and emotional reactions.

Freud gradually developed his ideas into a broad theory of human

psychological functioning and a method for treating patients with
psychologically based disorders. Both the theory and the treatment method
became known as psychoanalysis.

• Behaviourism
A very different approach to psychology emerged in the early 1900s. The work
of several scholars contributed to the development and growth of this
approach but one of them, the American John B. Watson (1878-1958) was
typically credited as the „father of behaviourism‰. Behaviourism is a theoretical
perspective that is based on the premise that scientific psychology should
study only observable behaviour. In 1913, he published an article that has since
become known as „The Behaviourist Manifesto‰. In it, he argued that
psychology should altogether abandon the study of consciousness (mental

processes) and attend only to directly observable, and therefore, verifiable,

behaviour [We will discuss this further in Chapter 2: Behavioural Learning

A strict empiricist, Watson proposed a revolutionary re-definition of

psychology. He argued that mental processes were not a proper subject of
study for a scientific discipline because there were private events which
could not be examined by an impartial observer. He proposed that
psychology should instead be the science of behaviour. WatsonÊs ideas and
the works of Thorndike and B.F. Skinner became the dominant theoretical
perspectives in much of psychology from the 1920s to the 1960s.

• Cognitivism
The 1960s saw the rejection of behaviourism and the emergence of the
cognitive revolution. The movement was composed of psychologists who
challenged the prevailing behaviourist model of human functioning and
insisted that focus should shift towards studying „interior‰ mental processes.
Using the computer as an analogy, researchers provided important clues and
directions in understanding the human brain ă how it perceives, stores and
organises information and how information is used to make decisions and
solve problems.

Among the prominent scholars who developed various theories explaining

human cognition were Miller (1956), Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968), Bartlett
(1932), Festinger (1957) and many others [We will discuss further in Chapter
3: Cognitive Learning Theories and Chapter 4: Information Processing
Model]. A broad array of disciplines such as cognitive psychology,
linguistics, artificial intelligence, semiotics, neuroscience, anthropology and
philosophy have contributed to the emergence of what we now call
„cognitive science‰.

Self Check 2.3

(a) What is the main difference between structuralism and functionalism?

(b) State one difference between psychoanalysis, behaviourism and



As mentioned earlier, psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental
processes. Psychology as a discipline aims to describe, explain and predict
behaviour as well as control or modify some behaviour. Psychology does not
have a single unifying theoretical perspective. Rather, it is a discipline comprising
various theoretical viewpoints. Sometimes it seems that these perspectives are
competing with each other, but many psychologists tend to agree that the various
perspectives complement each other.


Developmental Psychology The study of changes that accompany age throughout

the lifespan of human. These persons are called
developmental psychologists, child psychologists,
gerontologists and lifespan psychologists.
Physiological Psychology The study of the biological basis of behaviour
focusing on neuropsychology, psychobiology,
genetics and heredity.
Experimental Psychology The study of basic psychological processes involving
learning, memory, perception and emotion.
Personality Psychology The study of differences among individuals,
development of personality types and measurement
of personality traits.
Social Psychology The study of how people influence one another and
group behaviour focusing on communication,
political behaviour and the formation of attitudes.
Industrial & Organisational The study of selection and training of personnel,
Psychology improvement of productivity, working conditions,
stress and other worker problems.
Clinical & Counselling Clinical psychology: Diagnosis, cause and treatment
Psychology of psychological disorders as well as development of
(Applied Psychology) programmes for the prevention of emotional illness.
Counselling psychology: ÂNormalÊ problems of
adjustments in life and coping with the problems of
daily life.
Evolutionary Psychology The study of the evolutionary origin of behaviours
and characteristics, their adaptive value and how they
change over time to meet the demands of the

Cognitive Psychology The study of human intelligence and how people

Educational Psychology The study of efforts to improve teaching methods and
materials, solve learning problems and measurement
of learning ability and educational progress.
Abnormal Psychology The study of behaviour disorders and disturbed
individuals such as the causes of violent or self-
destructive behaviour or the effectiveness of
procedures in treating emotional disturbances.

Figure 2.3: The different branches of psychology and research focus

A more complete and accurate picture of human behaviour and mental processes
is better understood by integrating these various perspectives. That being said, it
remains true that individual psychologists tend to specialise in and emphasise a
particular theoretical perspective. Because it considers the mental, attitudinal,
motivational and behavioral characteristics of individuals, psychology has many
subdivisions and areas of specialisation and is a more complex field than many
realise. Among the major branches within psychology is shown in Table 1.1. At
times psychologists blend particular combinations of these theoretical
perspectives together. For example, some psychologists are interested in studying
how abnormal behaviour is related to various brain structures. These
psychologists might combine perspectives from physiological psychology and
abnormal psychology. Other psychologists might combine cognitive psychology
and social psychology to study thinking and racial attitudes and call the
perspective social cognition. Still other psychologists might describe themselves
as eclectic in their orientation which means that they draw upon several
theoretical perspectives in their work.

You will notice that ÂlearningÊ is seldom considered a separate branch of

psychology but is studied specifically within cognitive psychology, educational
psychology, experimental psychology, developmental psychology and
counselling psychology. Learning is also studied indirectly within personality
psychology, abnormal psychology and social psychology. Besides the branches of
psychology listed, there are also newer branches of psychology, each giving a
somewhat different emphasis. Some of these newer branches are environmental
psychology, health psychology, forensic psychology, race psychology and
neuropsychology. As society becomes more modern and complex, one can expect
the emergence of newer branches of psychology attempting to understand and
explain human behaviour in these environments.


Example #1: Do university students remember information longer after

preparing for essay exams than for multiple-choice exams?
Answer: The question is testable but needs to be more precise. What types of
memory? What age group? Are memory tests biased towards one age group
over another?

Example #2: Are some people born evil?

Answer: This question is not testable because there is no way to measure
evilness in newborns and later as adults. Perhaps, in the future, neuroscientists
may identify biological markers (such as chemicals or structures in the brain)
for evilness that could be measured in newborns.

The key in doing research in psychology is science. Science is a way of asking and
answering questions through careful observation and rigorous analysis.
Psychological science attempts to describe and explain human nature. To achieve
its goals, psychology uses a number of methods such as experiments,
observation, surveys, correlational methods and case histories.

The experimental method is used by psychologists inside the laboratory as
well as outside. Experiments take place in laboratories because the
researcher is able to carefully control conditions and take measurements
accurately using various kinds of instruments such as computers. However,
it is not essential for all psychological problems to be brought into the
laboratory for study. To show the effects of certain treatments and
procedures in real-world settings, experiments are conducted outside the

An experiment is a research method used to determine the effectiveness of a

particular action or treatment on a single or group of organisms. To show that a
particular treatment has an effect or brings about a particular change, the
researcher has to control all other factors that might influence the occurrence of
the particular change. The experimental method is the best method to show
effectiveness of a particular treatment (eg. teaching method, curriculum
innovation). Experiments are ideally suited for the task of causal analysis
(claim to show "cause and effect"). No other method of scientific inquiry
permits the researcher to say with confidence that "X (praising young learners)
caused Y (to repeat the task) to happen". Hence, it is important that you use the

word "effectiveness" carefully, as it only applies if you are using the

experimental method.

Figure 2.4: A simple experiment in psychology

See Figure 1.4 which shows a simple experiment to determine whether

teaching young learners using analogies (e.g. blood circulation is like a river
and its tributaries) "causes" them to perform better academically in science
("effect"). The experiment involves administering a treatment (independent
variable) such as teaching science using analogies. A pretest (dependent
variable) is given before the experiment and the same test or equivalent test
is given after the experiment. The differences between pretest scores and
posttest scores will determine whether teaching using analogies improves
performance in science.

A key problem in conducting experiments is establishing suitable control,

so that any change in behaviour can be attributed only to the treatment
introduced by the researcher. Control means ruling out other possible
causes for the changes in the behaviour of subjects (see Figure 1.4). There
are many extraneous variables (irrelevant or unrelated or unconnected
factors) that need to be controlled so that they do not contaminate or
interfere with the findings of the study. Once an extraneous variable creeps
into an experiment, the researcher can no longer draw any conclusion
regarding the causal relationship that exists between the independent and
the dependent variable (Christensen, 1988).

In experiments conducted outside the laboratory in natural settings many

factors not related to the treatment may influence performance in the
posttest. With reference to Figure 1.4, some students may have discussed
with their friends at home concerning the science topic, while others may
have viewed a programme on the topic on TV. So, improved performance

on the posttest may not be attributed to the treatment but due to the
influence of other factors. Therefore, it is necessary to control for the
influence of these outside factors or variables in order to attain internal

Some experiments have both an experimental group and a control group.

An experimental group consists of subjects who are exposed to the
treatment. For example, a particular counselling technique is used for a
group of juvenile delinquents. The control group consists of subjects who
do not receive the treatment (i.e. they are not ÂtreatedÊ with the counselling
technique). Comparison between the experimental group and the control
group determines the effectiveness of the counselling technique. In some
experiments there may be more than one experimental group; subjects
treated with two or three different methods or techniques or procedures are
compared with the control group who do not receive any of the treatments.
You can also compare the effectiveness of different treatments on the
dependent variable.


The observational method of research concerns the
planned watching, recording and analysis of observed
behaviour as it occurs in a natural setting. To achieve
this aim, precautions must be taken to avoid
interfering with the behaviour. Such precautions
usually include concealment of the observation team
and their equipment. For example, in studying how
young children interact socially in a preschool As I was saying⁄..we
situation, investigators may videotape their behaviour should make a serious
through a one-way mirror so that the children are effort to improve⁄⁄..
unaware that they are being observed. You can well But, on the other
imagine that the childrenÊs behaviour might change if hand, it is also⁄⁄⁄
the investigators were to intrude openly into the

Some problems are difficult to study by direct observation may be studied
through the use of survey questionnaires or interviews. What is a survey?
Survey research involves selecting a small or large population and stuying
samples chosen from that population to discover the relative incidence,
distribution and interrelations of sociological and psychological variables. It
is a method of obtaining information about a population from a sample of
individuals. Surveys can provide a quick, inexpensive and accurate means
of obtaining information from a large group of people. If you want to know

about the opinions, attitudes and perceptions of respondents, survey is an

appropriate method of collecting data. Besides, surveys can also be used to
explain the relationship and differences between variables. The term sample
survey is often used because a sample which is representative of the target
population is used. The survey method is widely used in psychology.
Basically, information is obtained by asking people questions either orally
or in written form e.g. on paper or computer screen concerning:
• What they know (e.g. who was the first Prime Minister of Malaysia?)
• What they believe? (e.g. should students be given the freedom to
express themselves?)
• What they expect? (e.g. do you think you expect to be a famous
• What they feel? (e.g. do you think your father was fair?)
• What they have done? (e.g. how often do you use the computer in a
• What they plan? (e.g. do you intend to continue studying or work?)

An adequate survey requires a carefully pre-tested questionnaire,

interviewers trained in its use, a sample of people carefully selected to
ensure they are representative of the population to be studied and
appropriate methods of data analysis, so that the results can be properly


The correlational method is a technique whereby two or more variables are
systematically measured and the relationship between them (i.e. how much
one can be predicted from the other) is assessed. A positive correlation
means when one variable (e.g. stress) increases, the other variable (e.g.
illness) increases. However, because two variables correlate, it does not
mean that one thing cause, the other. For example, stress and illness
correlate, but that does not mean stress causes illness. A negative
correlation means when one variable increases, the other associate variable
decreases. For example, the correlation between the number of cigarettes a
person smokes and the number of years a person can expect to live.


Scientific biographies, known as case histories, are important sources of
data for psychologists studying individuals. There can, of course, be case
histories of institutions or groups of people as well. Most case histories are
prepared by reconstructing the biography of a person on the basis of
remembered events and records. Reconstruction is necessary because the
individualÊs earlier history often does not become a matter of interest until
the person develops some sort of problem; at such time, knowledge of the
past is important for comprehension of present behaviour. The retrospective
method may result in distortions of events or oversights, but is often the
only method available.

Case histories may also be based on a longitudinal study. This type of study
follows an individual or group of individuals over an extended period of
time, with observations made at periodic intervals. The advantage of a
longitudinal study is that it does not depend on the memories of those
interviewed at a later date.

Self Check 2.4

(a) List the main difference between different branches of contemporary


(b) Describe the research methods used in the study of psychology.


The Teaching Profession and Psychology

What is the difference between a bomoh (medicine man) and a medical

practitioner? For example, when approached by a person with high fever; both
will note the symptoms and prescribe relevant remedies. The bomoh might
suggest that the patient chew the bark of the chinchona tree which contains
quinine while the medical practitioner might prescribe a capsule containing
quinine. The method of prescription is not the issue. The essential difference is
the reasons for the given treatment. The medical practitioner will rely on his
network of knowledge and procedures based on science. The bomoh might give a
logical explanation stating that it worked in the past and based on the inductive

principle that Âif such-and-such works for this ailment, it is likely to work again.
The cure rate by bomohs might not differ from that of your friendly
neighbourhood general practitioner. Yet, society regards the medical practitioner
as a professional and the bomoh as not. What, then, is the difference between a
profession and a craft or trade? According to Telfer and Rees (1975), a profession
requires a licence to practise. It requires intensive education in the theoretical
knowledge that gives validity to the skills and expertise required to practise.

Is teaching a profession? In Malaysia, to be able to teach in government primary

and secondary schools, all teachers need to provide evidence of credentials in
education such as a diploma in education, a certificate in education or a
bachelorÊs degree in education. In obtaining these credentials, they will learn
about psychology as the scientific study of learning as well as various teaching

Does that make teaching a science? As mentioned by William James in 1899,

„Psychology is a science, and teaching is an art‰. The question that arises is
whether Âteaching as an artÊ can use psychology as its underlying theory.
Although teaching may well be an art, there is theory behind the practice of that
art, and that theory is drawn from psychology. Teachers, of course, have to know
their subject matter and together with theoretical knowledge about the nature of
learning can claim their art to be a profession. An educator who does not have an
in-depth understanding of psychology will not appear convincing in explaining
the underlying principles for his or her action in the classroom. At the end of the
day, most of what we do in education is to ensure that THE LEARNER HAS
LEARNED. Learning is the core business of education, and obviously the
educator has to know about how humans learn. Regardless of whether you are an
administrator, curriculum developer, counsellor or discipline teacher, your main
task is to ensure that all your actions lead to the enhancement student learning.

Teacher as a Theorist

You may be a teacher in a primary or secondary school. You may be an instructor

or lecturer in a tertiary organisation. You may be a trainer in a business or
industrial organisation. Essentially, you are an educator and a professional. A
professional does his or her work based on a set of principles, theories and laws.
Hence, educators need to enhancement with theories related to the psychology of
learning (see Figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5: Teacher as theorist and practitioner-researcher

In this course, you will be introduced to a pool of concepts, principles and

theories about human learning. As you read this material, think of yourself as a
theorist. Some teachers, lecturers, instructors or trainers may be of the opinion
that theories are a waste of time as they are Âstill theoriesÊ. It should be reiterated
that most that is done in the classroom or lecture hall is based on some theory or
principle of human learning. For example, the idea of giving immediate feedback
is based on the theory that informing students how they are performing
motivates them to learn.

It is likely that you have a set of assumptions, beliefs or theories on what

constitutes effective teaching and what steps you have to take to be an effective
teacher. These beliefs and theories serve as your current theoretical base for your
actions in the classroom. It would be beneficial if you were to compare your
beliefs with the concepts and theories on learning discussed in this course. Test
the accuracy of your assumptions about student learning as you examine the
theories proposed by scholars in the field in the last 100 years.

Perhaps, you may realise that some of your beliefs about student learning are
confirmed while others may be myths. For example, you may assume that low
achievers are not ÂintelligentÊ when in fact they lack skills in learning from text
material. Some of our common sense beliefs about student learning may not be
accurate in light of what we know about theory and research governing human
learning. For example, we may think that it is all right to ÂstreamÊ students
according to ability, when in fact it can prove destructive when low achievers are
grouped together for the rest of their schooling years.

As you proceed through this course, many of your personal beliefs and theories
about the teaching-learning process may find support, while others may be
proven less accurate. This awareness will help you develop a more accurate

guide for your professional development (Tan, Parson, Hinson & Sardo-Brown,

Teacher as a Practitioner-Researcher

You would be concerned being treated by a doctor who is not aware of the latest
research in medicine. Imagine the consequences of a doctor prescribing a
pharmaceutical product that has since been banned in the United States!
Similarly, as a teacher, your students and society expect you to be well-informed
about developments in human learning and their application in the classroom.
The material in this course provides a source of practical ideas that may be used
to enhance teaching or training. The scientific information you acquire about
human learning can be applied in specific ways to improve teaching. You may
have been a teacher for many years and it is likely that you may approach your
profession differently after having been exposed to the concepts, principles and
theories of human learning. Some of this scientific information you may already
be familiar with, while others may be new to you. With this store of information,
you may be encouraged to analyse your present practice, particularly its
strengths and weaknesses.

The principles, suggestions and examples are intended to help you think about
how you can apply psychology to teaching. The rich source of ideas may
encourage you to re-examine your teaching and find ways and means of
improving what you do in the classroom. Hopefully, the information provided
will encourage you to see the classroom and education in general differently. It is
possible that you may have been preoccupied with some aspects of teaching and
have ignored other facets of instruction.

Effective teachers are reflective teachers. Reflective teachers know what they are
doing, why they choose to do it and review the effectiveness of what they have
done. It is possible that some teachers may be motivated to try out some of the
strategies in the classroom. To systematically tryout strategies in the classroom,
the method of action research is suggested. Action research is a systematic
method of data collection by the teacher. For example, you employ the techniques
of action research to try out the effectiveness of a particular method of teaching

Self Check 2.5

What is the difference between the teacher as a theorist and the teacher as a


If you were to ask someone, „What is learning?‰, you will get different replies.
Saljo (1979) asked a number of students what they understood by ÂlearningÊ.
Their responses were classified into the following five categories:
1. Learning is a quantitative increase in knowledge Âknowing a lotÊ.
2. Learning is memorising; storing information that can be reproduced.
3. Learning is acquiring facts, skills and methods that are retained and used
when necessary.
4. Learning is making sense or extracting meaning; it involves relating parts of
a subject matter to each other and to the real world.
5. Learning is interpreting, understanding and re-interpreting knowledge.

You will notice that statements 1, 2 and 3 imply that learning is the acquisition of
a body of knowledge or content. It is like going to the supermarket, when you go
out to buy knowledge and it becomes your property. This has been referred to as
the product of learning. Statements 4 and 5 define learning as something the
learner does with the information. This has been referred to as the process of

(a) Learning as a Product

Learning is seen as an outcome or the end product of some process which
can be recognised. Learning is defined as a change in behaviour. Prior to
learning; an organism is not able to perform a particular task but after
learning, the organism is able to perform the task. In other words, learning
has taken place and there is a change in behaviour. For example, before the
lesson, students did not know about the formation of a tsunami but after the
lesson, they know how it is formed. The overt change in behaviour is
observed when students express their understanding of the formation of a
tsunami either orally or in an essay.

Figure 2.6: Learning as a Product and Process


(b) Learning as a Process

When learning is seen as a process, the focus is on what happens when
learning takes place. Are people conscious of what is going on when they
are learning something? Are they aware that they are engaged in learning?
Can they identify the processes involved when learning something? For
example, to understand the facts related to the policies of Tunku Abdul
Rahman and Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, learners could use the process skill
of comparison to deepen their understanding of the subject matter. Most
disciplines or subject areas have their own process skills and when
appropriately applied by learners, enhances their acquisition of the facts,
concepts and principles of the respective content.

(c) Definitions of Learning by Scholars

The following are some definitions of learning by scholars in the field:
• Jerome Bruner: Learning is an active process in which learners
construct new ideas or concepts based on current and past knowledge.
• B.F. Skinner: Learning is a function of change in overt behaviour. The
probability of learning occurring is enhanced when there is
• Albert Bandura: Learning occurs when individuals observe and
imitate otherÊs behaviour.
• Lev Vygotsky: Learning is determined by interaction with the
surrounding culture and people such as parents, peers and significant
• Howard Gardner: People learn and understand the world through at
least seven ways ă verbal-linguistic, visual-spatial, logical-
mathematical, body-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal and
• Jean Piaget: Learning occurs through the process of assimilation and
accommodation with oneÊs schemas and constantly seeking
equilibrium between these processes.
• David Ausubel: Learning occurs when new material is related or
subsumed with oneÊs existing cognitive structure.
• F. Craik and R. Lockhart: Information is processed at multiple levels.
The ÂdeeperÊ the processing, the more that information will be
remembered because of its many associations with existing

• W. Kohler: Problem solving is facilitated when an individual recieves

insight into the overall structure of the problem.

Activity 2.1

(a) What is the difference between the product and process of learning?

(b) To what extent do the definitions of learning reflect what you do as a

teacher, instructor or trainer?

• This capacity to think has enabled the human being to overcome its many

• Psychology ia an ancient Greek word made up of psyche, which is the mind

or the soul, and logy which means study. It is the study of the mind or the

• Studying the behaviours of humans is complicated because of the influence

of extraneous variables that are difficult to control.

• The roots of psychology can be traced to the ancient philosophers based on

their early records to understand psychology.

• Philosophy explores and attempts to explain human nature through

introspection or self-examination of oneÊs experiences.

• Most philosophers agree that human behaviour and mental processes

synchronise to adapt to the environment.

• The year 1879 is generally regarded as the year in which psychology as a

formal science was officially born when German scholar Wilhelm Wundt
proposed that psychology could become a science only if it employed the
experimental method in studying the workings of the mind.

• Structuralism relied on trained introspection, a research method whereby

subjects related what was going on in their minds while performing a
certain task.

• The mind is constantly changing and it is pointless to look for the building
blocks of experience. Functionalism suggests that focus should be on how
and why an organism does something.

• Psychology as a discipline aims to, explain and predict behaviour and

control as well as modify some behaviour.

• Psychology does not have a single unifying theoretical perspective. Rather,

it is a discipline comprising various theoretical viewpoints.

• Psychological science attempts to describe and explain human nature using

a number of research methods such as experiments, observation, surveys,
correlational methods and cases histories.

• The teacher, instructor, lecturer or trainer is both a theorist and a


• Learning is both a product and a process.

Psychology Behaviourism Teacher as theorist

Philosophy Cognitive revolution Practitioner-researcher
Mind and Body Psychoanalysis Learning
Structuralism Correlational method Survey
Functionalism Experimental method Observation method

• History of the Psychology: A time line of psychological ideas. Marcos

Emanoel Pereira Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil.

• Ibn Sina. Prospects: The Quarterly Review of Comparative Education.

XXIII, 1 & 2. vol. 93. 53-69.

• Major Field of Psychology.

• Structuralism. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopaedia.

• Functionalism. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.

• Teacher Research. Sharon Parsons, San Jose State University.
Chapter 3 X Introduction
to Educational


By the end of this chapter, you be able to:
1. Describe the imperial examination in China;
2. Identify important events in the development of educational testing
in the United States;
3. Differentiate between measurement, evaluation and assessment;
4. Explain the purposes of assessment;
5. List the differences between formative and summative assessment;
6. Justify when norm-referenced and criterion-referenced is adopted

3.1 History of Educational Assessment
3.2 National Assessment in Malaysia
3.3 Tests Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment
3.4 Why Do We Assess?
3.5 Types of Assessment
3.6 Trends in Assessment
Key Terms

This chapter discusses the differences between testing, measurement, evaluation
and assessment as well as the purposes of assessment. Also explored is the
difference between formative and summative assessment as well as the difference
between criterion and norm-referenced tests. Finally, recent trends in assessment
are discussed.



Before examining assessment in detail, let us go back in history to see how the
measurement of human abilities all began. Early evidence of educational testing
was conducted in China, called the Imperial Examination system or keju system.
It originated during the Han Dynasty around 115 AD and was introduced during
the Sui Dynasty around 600 AD. The examination was fully implemented across
the nation during the Song Dynasty (960 ă 1279) and continued to be adopted
throughout the reign of the Ming and Qing dynasties. However, during the last
few years of the Qing Dynasty, the examination was abolished in 1905. The
examination system was conducted over 1300 years.

Before the system was

introduced, most appointments
in the imperial bureaucracy
were based on
recommendations from
prominent aristocrats and
existing officials, and it was
commonly accepted that
recommended individuals must
be of aristocratic rank. What is
the Imperial Examination
System? It was an examination
system that tested proficiency in
Figure 3.1: Examination hall with 7500 cells in the „Six Arts‰ namely; music,
Guangdong in 1873. Cheating became a big archery & horsemanship,
problem despite tough measures to prevent it arithmetic, writing and
knowledge of the rituals and
ceremonies in both public and
private life. Later it was

expanded to cover the "Five Studies", namely; military strategy, civil law, revenue
& taxation, agriculture and geography, and the Confucian classics. These
examinations are regarded by many historians as the first standardised tests
based on merit.

The imperial examinations were virtually the only path for common people to
enjoy a privileged life if they passed (obviously competition was extremely
fierce). Passing the exams became the ultimate goal of schooling. Most candidates
tended to study only for the exams' sake, rather than thoroughly understanding
all the material. Students tended to memorise just enough to pass the exams and
many could not put their knowledge to practical use. It has been acknowledged
by Western scholars today that China's imperial examination system exerted
direct influence on the modern civil service examination system in the West.

Self Check 3.1

(a) What is the Imperial Examination conducted in China?

(b) How is the examination system similar or different from current

practices in Malaysia?


Francis Galton
The study of human abilities began with the work of Sir
Francis Galton (1822-1911) who was the first to apply
statistical methods to the measurement of human
differences and heredity. He introduced the use of
questionnaires and surveys for collecting data on human
abilities and competencies. Galton was fascinated with the
work of Charles Darwin (his half-cousin) and his book, The
Origin of Species. In his own book Hereditary Genius (1869)
he argued that human mental abilities and personality traits
are essentially inherited. He coined the term „eugenics‰ and
in which he called for methods of improving the biological
make-up of the human species through selective
parenthood. He went to the extent to suggest that it was
Francis Galton possible to produce a race of highly gifted people by the
1822-1911 process of selective breeding; He also advocated restricting
people who were weak and Âfeeble-mindedÊ (Irvine, 1986)
from reproducing.

GaltonÊs study of human abilities led to the foundation of differential psychology

and psychometrics. Differential psychology is the branch of psychology that
concerns itself with psychological differences between people such as academic
performance, attitudes, personalities and so forth). Psychometrics is the science of
measuring mental abilities.

Alfred Binet
In 1904, the French Ministry of Public
Instruction commissioned psychologist,
Alfred Binet to find a method to differentiate
between children who were intellectually
normal and those who were not. The
purpose was to put the Âless normalÊ
children into special schools where they
would receive more individual attention.
Also, it would lessen the disruption they
caused in the education of intellectually
normal children. In 1905 he produced the
Binet-Simon scale (with Theodore Simon).
The test required subjects to perform 30
short tasks requiring subjects to; name parts
of the body, compare lengths and weights,
count coins, assess which of several faces is Figure 3.2: A child performing the
'prettier', name objects in a picture, digit bead-stringing task which is part
span (the number of digits a person can of the Binet-Simon tests of 1905
recall after being shown a long list), word
definition and filling in the missing words in

The underlying assumption was that all these tasks involved basic processes of
reasoning. The tests were arranged in increasing difficulty. Each level of tests
matched a specific developmental level - i.e. all tests at a given level were capable
of being solved by any normal child in that specific age-group. This was a turning
point in psychology: A new type of test had been produced in which the average
level of performance was the criterion. In 1908 the test was revised and then
again in 1911. The test results proved to be correlated with other criteria (e.g.
results of school examinations, assessments of teachers, etc.). Binet is celebrated
in history as the man who created the first 'intelligence test' in the form as we
know them today. He is commonly known as the „father‰ of IQ testing.

Lewis Terman
Lewis Terman (1877-1956) of Stanford
University decided to use Binet's test in
the United States. He found that the
Paris-developed age norms did not
work very well for Californian school
children. So he revised the test: adapted
some items, added other items,
established new age norms, and
extended the upper age limit to
"superior adults". This became the
Stanford-Binet revision in 1916. In this
revision the Intelligence quotient first
appeared. The Intelligence Quotient or
IQ was a score meant to quantify
intellectual functioning to allow Figure 3.3: Stanford-Binet materials
comparison among individuals. To arrive (1937) which shows the test materials
at an IQ score, Terman relied on a for younger children
formula expressing the relation between
an individualÊs mental age and chronological age developed in 1912 in Germany
by Wilhelm Stern in 1912. This formula works fairly well for children but not for
adults (Thomson, 1968)

World War I
The US army at the beginning of
WWI was faced with the problem
of assessing the intelligence of
great numbers of recruits in order
to screen, classify, and assign
them to suitable tasks. The
Stanford-Binet test required a
highly trained person for
individual administration and
proved time consuming and
costly for large-scale use. So,
when the US entered WWI in
1917 a committee was appointed
by the American Psychological
Association (APA) to consider
ways that psychology might assist the conduct of the war. The head of APA
Robert Yerkes headed a committee to develop a group intelligence test. He
assembled a staff of psychologists; and Lewis Terman was one of them. The
Army Alpha and Army Beta tests were developed. The Beta was a version of the

Alpha specifically for use with non-English-speaking and illiterate persons.

Instructions to those taking the Beta were given by demonstration or pantomime,
rather than orally or in writing. By the beginning of 1919, nearly two million
Americans had taken the tests. The Army scores were not expressed using the
intelligence quotient, but instead by simply awarding points for correct answers.
On the basis of theses points, men were divided into one of 5 classes ranked from
A to E.

After the war, industry, business and education saw potential value of
psychological testing. In 1926, the Army Alpha test was modified to become the
first well-known Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) used in the selection of students
for college or university entry.

Activity 3.1

(a) Comment on GaltonÊs argument that human mental abilitiesare

inherited, i.e. the natureănurture controversy.

(b) Do you think IQ tests should be used in Malaysian schools? Why?

Charles Spearman
Up to now, the approaches to intelligence had been very pragmatic - i.e. tests
were developed for particular needs. However, another approach to
understanding intelligence, involved analysing data that was already collected. In
1927, Spearman analysed the scores on various intelligence tests and using 'factor
analysis' argued that, people who do well on some intelligence tests also do well
on a variety of intellectual tasks such as vocabulary, mathematical and spatial
abilities. And if people did poorly on an intelligence test, then they also tended to
do poorly on other intellectual tests. He observed correlations among
performance on a variety of intellectual tasks and proposed, a 'two-factor' theory
of intelligence which consisted of:

• „g‰ factor: which is a kind of 'mental energy' or general intellectual capacity

that is required for performance on all kinds of mental tests.
• „s‰ factor: which is an ability required for performance on just one kind of
mental test.

This implies that if a person performs well on a test that is highly saturated with
„g‰ that it likely that the person will also perform well on another test that is
highly saturated with „g‰. Thus, the most important information to have about a
personÊs intellectual ability is an estimate of his or her „g‰. For example, scores on

a verbal comprehension test are largely determined by oneÊs level of general

intelligence but they are also affected by oneÊs specific ability to perform verbal
comprehension tasks.

The main thrust of Spearman's analysis was this idea of a general intellectual
capacity. This formed a major theoretical platform for many subsequent
approaches to intelligence. It might be also noted, however, that Spearman was
perhaps excessively enthusiastic about g. For example, he advocated restricting
voting rights to people whose g exceeded a certain level, and he was a eugenicist
(eugenics comes from the Greek "eugenes" meaning well-born) - arguing that
only people with a certain level of g should be allowed to have offspring. "g" was
controversial then as now.

David Weschler
David Weschler (1896-1981) observed the scores obtained by children and came
to the conclusion that intelligence was not entirely fixed. He noted that as
children grew older, the variance in their scores diminished. He suspected this
might be due to environmental factors. Wechsler administered the Stanford-Binet
tests to army recruits and recognised that the test questions were not
appropriately assessing soldiers' abilities. He felt that that the Stanford-Binet
scales were too verbally loaded and so he designed an instrument with sub-tests
to measure both verbal and nonverbal abilities largely borrowing from many
other tests, such as the US Army Alpha test. In

He produced the Wechsler Adult Intelligence

Scale (WAIS). The scale consisted of 11
subtests, each of which provided a score. Six
of the subtest covered verbal material (such
as information, comprehension, arithmetic,
digit span, similarities, and vocabulary skills)
and five of subtests covered performance
material (such as picture arrangement,
picture completion, block design, object
assembly and digit symbol substitution). He
also produced the Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children (WISC) in 1949, which
competed with the Stanford-Binet test. Later
in 1963, he produced a scale which could be
used with pre-primary children.

Wechsler believed that general intelligence cannot be equated with intellectual

ability, but must be regarded as a manifestation of the personality as a whole.
Factors other than intellectual enter into our concept of general intelligence, and

in everyday practice, we make use of them knowingly or not. Wechsler noted that
some of these factors are drive, persistence, will, and preservation, or in some
instances, to aspects of temperament that pertain to interests and achievement.

Leon Thurstone
Leon Thurstone (1887-1955) accepted Spearman's notion of the „g‰ factor but he
found no conclusive evidence for „g‰. He identified 7 'primary mental abilities'
which the judged to be more important in explaining human competence. These

1. Verbal Comprehension: vocabulary, reading, comprehension, verbal

2. Word fluency: the ability to quickly generate and manipulate a large
number of words with specific characteristics, as in anagrams or rhyming
3. Number: the ability to quickly and accurately carry out mathematical
4. Space: spatial visualizations as well as ability to mentally transform spatial
5. Associative Memory: rote memory
6. Perceptual Speed: quickness in perceiving visual details, anomalies,
7. Reasoning: skill in a variety of inductive, deductive, and arithmetic
reasoning tasks

Thurstone's approach is significant because it is the first multi-factor approach to

intelligence. He argued that that intelligence is better described and measured by
considering distinct primary mental abilities, rather than a single factor „g‰
which does not provide specific information about specific intelligences
(Flanagan, Genshaft & Harrison, 1997)

Self Check 3.2

(a) Explain the „g‰ factor proposed by Spearman.

(b) What was main criticism of the Stanford-Binet Test by David


(c) Discuss the differences between SpearmanÊs „g‰ factor and

ThurstoneÊs seven mental abilities in describing intelligence?

Visual Discrimination Test for Horses

These are patterns the authors used to

investigate the ability of horses to
discriminate which symbol of a pair
was associated with a treat or food. The
horses were presented with the patterns
drawn on cards. The cards had the same
smell so that the animals did not
discriminate based on smell. Also, the
cards did not have colour so as not to
complicate the horses and prevent the
animals discriminating based on colour.

[Source: D. Mader and E. Price, 1980. Discrimination Learning in Horses: Effects of

Breed, Age and Social Dominance. Journal of Animal Science. 50: 962]

World War II
The U.S. Army Personal Research Office was responsible for the development,
construction, validation and standardisation of all personnel screening test and
interview techniques for the Army. The Army General Classification Test is the
best-known product of the Office. Among other tests developed were mental
alertness tests for the WomenÊs Army Corps, aptitude tests for specialised
training, performance tests and trade knowledge tests.

Raymond Cattell
Raymond Cattell (1905 ă 1998) was also significantly involved in early attempts at
psychological measurement] suggested that there are two related but distinct
components of g:

• Fluid intelligence which is the ability to see relationships, as in analogies

and letter and number series = primary reasoning ability

• Crystallised intelligence which is acquired knowledge and skills = factual


Fluid intelligence decreases with age and crystallised intelligence increases with
age. Thus mathematicians and scientists, who need fluid intelligence, produce
their best work in thier 20s and 30s; whereas those in the field of history,
philosophy and literature produce their best work in their 40s, 50s and beyond as
they have accumulated more knowledge. Interestingly, poets, who depend more
on fluid than crystallised intelligence, produce their best work earlier than prose
authors: this has been observed in all cultures, languages and throughout history.

Guilford (1967-1988) parted company from the majority of factorial theorists by
refusing to acknowledge the existence of any general factor at all. Instead, he
proposed that intelligence comprises 180 elementary abilities. The 180 elementary
abilities are made up of a combination of three dimensions which he calls:

• Operations: what a person does (6-types)

• Contents: the material on which operations are performed (5-types)
- products:
• Form in which the information is stored and processes (6-types).

Guilford proposed that each combination of a specific operation, a specific type of

content and a specific type of product defines a unique type of intelligence (6 x 5
x 6 = 180). In later versions of his theory he proposed even more types of

Due largely to the practical implications of such a model, Guilford's theory has
not significantly influenced psychological testing of intelligence.

Self Check 3.3

(a) How does Cattell conceptualise intelligence?

(b) Explain GuilfordÊs conception of intelligence.



Measurement and evaluation in the Malaysian school system began during
colonial times when the colonialists introduced an examination to select people to
work as clerks, low level officers, supervisor and others work in the civil service.
In 1956, the Razak Report was introduced which laid the foundation of the
Malaysian education system. One of the recommendations of the Report was the
introduction of a common examination system for all schools. In 1961 the
Examination Syndicate was established to organise and manage national
examinations for schools in Malaysia. The following is a chronology of events
related to national examinations in Malaysian schools:

Primary School
• 1964 ă The Standard VI Entrance Examination to secondary schools was
• 1967 ă The Standard V Assessment Test was introduced and was later
• 1973 ă The Standard III Diagnostic Test was introduced and was later
• In the 1980s the Primary School Assessment Examination (UPSR) was
introduced which is taken by all Year 6 students before proceeding to
secondary school.
• In the 1980s The First Level Assessment (PTS) was introduced to measure
the ability of academically superior students to allow them to move from
Year 3 to Year 5 which was later abolished.

Secondary School
• The Lower Certificate Examination was introduced (SRP) which was
conducted at the end of Year 3 in secondary school. It was changed to
Lower Secondary Assessment (PMR).
• In the last year of secondary school students sit for the Malaysian Certificate
of Education (SPM).
• Students wishing to enter university complete two years of post-secondary
school and sit for the Malaysian Higher Certificate of Education (STPM)


It is not surprising that many people are confused with the fundamental
differences between tests, measurement, evaluation and assessment as they are
used in education. Hope the following explanation of the three concepts will help
clarify the confusion.

• Tests: Most people are familiar with tests because all of us at some time in
our lives have taken some test. In school, tests are given to measure our
academic aptitude and indirectly to evaluate whether we have gained from
teaching by the teacher. In the
workplace, tests are conducted to select
persons for specific jobs, tests are used
as the basis for promotion in the job
and tests are used to encourage re-
learning. Physicians, lawyers, insurance
consultants, real-estate agents,
engineers, civil servants and many
other professions are required to take
tests to demonstrate their competence
in specific areas and in some cases to be
licensed to practice their profession or
trade. Throughout their professional careers, teachers, counsellors, school
administrators are required to give, score and interpret a wide variety of
tests. For example, school administrators rate the performance of individual
teachers, and school counsellors record the performance of their clients. It is
possible that a teacher may construct, administer and mark thousands of
tests during their career! According to the joint committee of the American
Psychological Association (APA), the American Educational Research
Association (AERA) and National Council on Measurement in Education
(NCME), a the test may be thought of as a set of tasks or questions intended
to elicit particular types of behaviours when presented under standardised
conditions and to yield score that have desirable psychometric properties
(1974). While most people know what is a test many have difficulty
differentiating between measurement, evaluation and assessment. Some
have argued that they are similar!

• Measurement is the act of assigning numbers to a phenomenon. In

education it is the process by which the attributes of a person are measured
and assigned numbers. Remember it is a process, indicating there are
certain steps involved! As educators we frequently measure human
attributes such as attitudes, academic achievement, aptitudes, interests,
personality and so forth. Hence, to measure we have to use certain
instruments so that we can
conclude that Ahmad is better in
mathematics than Kumar while
Tajang is more positive towards
science than Kong Beng. We
measure to obtain information
about Âwhat isÊ. Such information
may or may not useful,
depending on the accuracy of the
instruments we use, and our skill
at using them. For example, we
measure temperature using a
thermometer, and so the thermometer is an instrument. How do you
measure performance in mathematics? We use a mathematics test which is
an instrument containing questions and problems to be solved by students.
The number of right responses obtained is an indication of performance of
individual students in mathematics. Note that we are only collecting
information. We are not evaluating! Evaluation is therefore quite different
from measurement.

• Assessment and Evaluation: The literature has used the terms ÂassessmentÊ
and ÂevaluationÊ in education as two different concepts and also used the
two terms interchangeably, i.e. they are similar. For example, some authors
used the term Âformative evaluationÊ while
other use the term Âformative assessmentÊ.
We will use the two terms interchangeably
because there is too much overlap in the
interpretations of the two concepts.
Generally, assessment is viewed as the
process of collecting information with the
purpose of making decisions about students.
We may collect information using various
tests, observations of students and
interviews. Rowntree (1974) views
assessment as a human encounter in which
one person interacts with another directly or
indirectly with the purpose of obtaining and

interpreting information about the knowledge, understanding, abilities and

attitudes possessed by that person. For example, based on assessment
information we can determine whether Chee Keong needs special services
to assist him in developing reading skills or whether Khairul who was
idenftified as dylexic needs special attention. The key words in the
definition of assessment is collecting data and making decisions. Hence, to
make decisions one has to evaluate which is the process of making
judgement about a given situation. When we evaluate, we are saying that
something is good, appropriate, valid, positive, and so forth. To make an
evaluation, we need information, and it is obtained by measuring using a
reliable instrument. For example, you measure the temperature in the
classroom and it is 30 degrees Celsius which is simply information. Some
students may find the temperature too hot for learning while others may
say that it is ideal for learning. At some during a day we are evaluating
something or someone! Educators are constantly evaluating students and it
is usually done in comparisons with some standard. For example, if the
objective of the lesson is for students to apply BoyleÊs Law to the solution of
a problem and 80% of learners are able to solve the problem, than the
teacher may conclude that his or her teaching of the principle was quite
successful. So, evaluation is the comparison of what is measured against
some defined criteria and to determine whether it has been achieved,
whether it is appropriate, whether it is good, whether it is reasonable,
whether it is valid and so forth.

Self Check 3.4

(a) Explain the differences between testing, measurement and assessment.

(b) Discuss GuilfordÊs conception of intelligence.


Let us begin by asking the question „Why do we as educators assess learners?‰.
Some of us may find the question rather strange. The following may be a likely

Question: Why do you assess?

Answer: Well, I assess to find out whether my students understand what
has been taught.
Question: What do you mean by ÂunderstandÊ?
Answer: Whether they can remember what I taught them and solve
Question: What do you do with the test results?
Answer: Well, I give students the right answers and point out the
mistakes made in answering the questions.

The above could be the reason educators give when asked about the purpose of
assessment. In the context of education, assessment is performed to gain an
understanding of an individualÊs strengths and weaknesses in order to make
appropriate educational decisions. The best educational decisions are based on
information, usually better decisions are based on more information (Salvia and
Ysseldyke, 1995). Based on the reasons for assessment provided by Harlen (1978)
and Deale (1975), two main reasons may be identified (see Figure 3.5):

• to help the LEARNING, and;

• to improve TEACHING.

With regards the learner, assessment is aimed at providing information that will
help make decisions concerning remediation, enrichment, selection,
exceptionality, progress and certification. With regards teaching, assessment
provides information regarding achievement of objectives, the effectiveness of
teaching methods and learning materials.



To improve TEACHING

Figure 3.4: Purpose of assessment



(i) Diagnosis
Diagnostic evaluation or assessment is
performed at the beginning of a lesson or unit
for a particular subject area to assess studentsÊ
readiness and backrground for what is about
to be taught. This pre-instuctional assessment
is done when you decide that you need
information on a student, group of students or
a whole class before you can proceed with the
most effective instruction. For example, you
could administer a Reading Test to Year One
students to assess their reading level. Based on
the information, you may want to assign weak
readers for special intervention or remedial action. Alternatively, the tests might
reveal that some students are reading at an extremely high level and you might
want to recommend that they be assigned to an enrichment programme (see
Figure 3.2).

(ii) Exceptionality
Assessment is also conducted to make decisions on exceptionality. Based on the
information obtained from assessment, teachers may make decisions as to
whether a particular student needs to be assigned to a class with exceptional
children. Exceptional students are students who are physically, mentally,
emotionally or behaviourally different from the normal population. For example,
based on assessment information a child may be discovered to be dyslexic and
may be assigned for special treatment or a student who has been diagnosed to be
learning disabled may be assigned for special education.

(iii) Certification
Certification is perhaps the most important reason
for assessment. For example, the Penilaian
Menengah Rendah and the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
are examinations aimed at providing students with a
certificate. The marks obtained are converted into
letter grades signifying performance in different
subject areas and used as a basis for comparison
between students. The certificate obtained is further
used in selecting students either for further studies,
scholarships or jobs.

Types of Decisions
Help Learning: Questions to be Answered
Diagnosis for remedial Should the student be sent for remedial classes so
action that difficulty in learning can be overcome?
Diagnosis for Should the student be provided with enrichment
enrichment activities?
Exceptionality Does the student have special learning needs that
require special education assistance?
Selection Should the student be streamed to X or Y?
Progress To what extent is the student making progress
toward specific instructional goals?
Communication to How is the child doing in school and how can
Parents parents help?
Certification What is the strength and weakness in the overall
performance of a student in specific areas assessed?
Administration & • How is the school performing in comparison
Counselling with other schools?
• Why students should be referred for
Improve Teaching: Questions to be Answered
Objectives Were the desired learning outcomes achieved?
Teaching Method Were the teaching methods employed effective?
Prior Knowledge Did students have the relevant prior knowledge?
Teaching Materials Were the teaching materials used effective?
Teacher Differences Were particular teachers more effective than

Figure 3.5: Why do we assess?


(iv) Placement
Besides certification, assessment is conducted for purposed of placement.
Students are endowed with varying abilities and one of the task of the school is to
place them according to their aptitude and interest. For example, performance in
the Penilaian Menengah Rendah is used as the basis for placing students in the
arts or science stream. Assessment is also used to stream students according to
academic performance. It has been the tradition that the ÂAÊ and ÂBÊ class will
consist of high achievers based on the end of semester examinations or end of
year examinations. Placement tests have even been used in pre-schools to stream
children according their literacy levels! The practice of place students according
to academic achievement has been debated for decades with some educationists
arguing against it and others supporting its merits.

Activity 3.2
„Streaming according to academic abilities should be discouraged in
Malaysian schools‰. Discuss

(v) Communicate to Parents

Families want to know how their child is doing in
school, and family members appreciate specific
examples of student progress. Showing examples
of their childÊs work over time enables parents to
personally assess the growth and progress of their
child. It is essential to tell the whole story when
reporting information about performance progress.
Talking with families about standards, sharing
student work samples, using rubrics in
conferences, and differentiating between
performance and progress are some ways to ensure that families are given an
accurate picture of student learning.

(vi) School Administration and Counselling

School collect assessment information in order to determine how the school is
performing in relation to other schools for a particular semester or year.
Assessment results are also used to compare performance over the years for the
same school. Based on the results, school administrators may institute measures
to remedy weaknesses such as putting in more resources into students
performing poorly such as the increasing number of students who are unable to
read and write at a satisfactory level.

Assessment results (especially relating to socio-emotional development) may be

used by school administrators and counsellors in planning intervention strategies
for at-risk students. Assessment by counsellors will enable them to identify
students presenting certain socio-emotional problems that require counselling
services or referral to specialists such psychiatrists, legal counsellors and law
enforcement authorities.


If 70% of students fail in a test, do you investigate

whether your teaching-learning strategy was
appropriate or do you attribute it your students
being academically weak or they did not revise
their work? Most educators would attribute the
poor performance to the latter. See Figure 1.2.
Assessment information is valuable in indicating
which of the learning outcomes have been
successfully achieved and which instructional
objectives students had most difficulty with.
Assessment results are valuable in providing clues
as to the effectiveness of the teaching strategy
implemented and teaching materials used. It also indicates whether students had
the required prior knowledge to grasp the concepts and principles discussed.
Assessment data may also provide insight into why some teachers are more
successful in teaching a particular group of students while others are less

Activity 3.3
To what extent have you used assessment data to review your teaching-
learning strategies?


Before we proceed to discuss in detail about assessment in the next chapters, you
need to be clear about these often used concepts in assessment:

• Formative assessment (or evaluation) and Summative assessment (or

• Criterion-referenced assessment and Norm-referenced assessment


Assessment can be done at various times throughout the school year and a
comprehensive assessment plan will include both formative and summative
assessment. The point at which assessment occurs and the aim of assessing
distinguishes these two categories of assessment.

• Formative Assessment: Formative assessment is often done at the beginning

or during the school year, thus providing the opportunity for immediate
evidence for student learning in a particular subject area or at a particular
point in a programme. Classroom assessment is one of the most common
formative assessment techniques. The purpose of this technique is to
improve quality of student learning and should not be evaluative or involve
grading students (see Figure 1.3). In formative assessment the teacher
compares the performance of a student to the performance other students in
the class and not all students in the same year (or form). Usually, a small
section of the content is tested to determine if the objectives have been met.
Formative assessment is action-oriented and forms the basis for
improvement of instructional methods (Scriven, 1996).

Formative Assessment Summative Assessment

Timing Conducted throughout the Conducted at the end of a

teaching-learning process teaching-learning phases (e.g.
end of semester or year)

Method Paper & pencil tests, observations, Paper & pencil tests, oral tests
quizzes, exercises, practical administered to the group
sessions administered to the group
and individually

Aim • To assess progress and • Grading to determine if the

recommend remedial action for programme was successful.
non-achievement of objectives
• To certify students and
• Remediation or enrichment or improve the curriculum
reteach the topic

Example Quizzes, essays, diagnostic tests, Final exams, national

lab reports and anecdotal records examinations, qualifying tests.

Figure 3.6: Differences between formative and summative assessment


For example, if a teacher observes that some students do not grasp a

concept, he or she may design a review activity or use a different
instructional strategy. Likewise, students can monitor their progress with
periodic quizzes and performance tasks. The results of formative
assessments are used to modify and validate instruction. In short, formative
assessments are on-going and include reviews, and observations of what is
happening in the classroom.

• Summative Assessment: Summative

assessment is comprehensive in nature; „When the cook tastes the soup,
provides accountability and is used to thatÊs formative evaluation; when
check the level of learning at the end of the guests taste the soup, thatÊs
the programme (which may be at the summative evaluation‰
end of the semester, year or after two - Robert Stakes
years). For example, after three years in
secondary school, students take the Penilaian Menengah Rendah, which is
summative in nature since it is based on the cumulative learning
experiences of students. Summative assessments are typically used to
evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional programme at the end of an
academic year or at a pre-determined time. The goal of summative
assessments is to make a judgment of student competencyăafter an
instructional phase is complete. For example, in Malaysia national
examination are administered each year. It is a summative assessment to
determine each student's acquisition of several subject areas of between 2 to
3 years coverage of content. Summative evaluations are used to determine if
students have mastered specific competencies and letter grades are assigned
to assess learner achievement.


The main difference between Norm-referenced tests and Criterion-referenced

tests depends on the purpose or aim of assessing your students, the way in which
content is selected and the scoring processes which defines how the test results
must be interpreted.

• Norm-Referenced Tests: The major reason for norm-referenced tests is to

classify students. These tests are designed to highlight achievement
differences between and among students to produce dependable rank order
of students across a continuum of achievement from high-achievers to low
achievers (Stiggins, 1994). With norm-referenced tests, a representative
group of students is given the test and their scores form the norm after
having gone through a complex administration and analysis. Anyone taking
the norm-referenced test can compare his or her score against the norm. For

example, a student who obtained a score of 70 on a norm-referenced will

not mean much until it is compared to the norm. When compared to the
norm, her score is the 80th percentile which means that she performed as
well or better than 20% of students in the norm group. This type of
information can be useful for deciding whether or not students need
remedial assistance or is a candidate for the gifted programme. However,
the score gives little information about what the student actually knows or
can do. A major criticism of norm-referenced tests is that they tend to focus
on assessing low level, basic skills (Romberg, 1989).

Norm-Referenced Test Criterion-Referenced Tests

Aim • Compare a studentÊs • Compare a studentÊs

performance with other performance against some
students criteria
• Select students for certification • Extent to which student has
acquired the knowledge or skill
• Improve teaching & learning
Types of Questions from simple to Questions of nearly similar
Questions difficult difficulty relating to the criteria

Reporting Grades are assigned No grades are assigned (whether

of results skill or knowledge achieved or not

Content Wide content coverage Specific aspects of the content


UPSR, PMR, SPM national Class tests, exercises and

Examples examinations, end of semester assignments
examinations, end of year

Figure 3.7: Differences between norm-referenced and criterion tests

• Criterion-Referenced Tests: Criterion-referenced tests determine what

students can or cannot do, and not how they compare to others (Anastasi,
1988). Criterion-referenced tests report how well students are doing relative
to a pre-determined performance level on a specified set of educational
goals or outcomes included in the curriculum (see Figure 3.4). Criterion-
references tests are used when teachers wish to know how well students
have learned the knowledge and skills which they are expected to have
mastered. This information may be used as one piece of information to
determine how well the student is learning the desired curriculum and how

well the school is teaching that curriculum. Criterion-referenced tests give

detailed information about how well a student has performed on each of the
educational goals or outcomes included on that test. For instance, a
criterion-referenced test score might describe which arithmetic operations a
student can perform or the level of reading difficulty experienced.

Self Check 3.5

(a) Explain the differences between norm-referenced and criterion

referenced tests.

(b) List the main differences between formative and summative



Easing up on Exams
Putrajaya: Reducing the number of Among the measures proposed are:
examination subject and having a • Reduce the number of subjects in
semester system are among the public examinations
major changes being planned to • Emphasising skills and abilities rather
make the education system more than focusing on content and
holistic and less focussed on achievement
academic achievement. • Encouraging personal development
Education Minister, Datuk through subjects like Art and Physical
Seri Hishamumuddin Tun Hussein Education
said that these measures were in line
• Improving teaching-learning methods
with the GovernmentÊs aim to
by encouraging more project-based
reform the countryÊs education
system. „We do not intend to
abolish public or school-level
He said that emphasis should be on
examinations totally, but we
individual accomplishments rather than
recognise that the present
the schoolÊs performance in public
assessment system needs to be
examinations and also highlighting the
looked at‰, he said.
individualÊs co-curricular achievements.

[Star, 21 March, 2006]


Activity 3.4

Refer to the report on ÂEasing up on ExamsÊ

(a) To what extent do you agree with the measures proposed by the
Ministry of Education to reduce the exam-oriented education system?

(b) Suggest other possible measures.

In the last two decades, major changes have occurred in assessment practices in
many part of the world. Brown, Bull and Pendlebury (1997) identified the
following trends happening in educational assessment:

• Written examinations are gradually being replaced by more continuous

assessment and coursework
• There is a move towards more student involvement and choice in
• Group assessment is becoming more popular in an effort to emphasise
collaborative learning between students and to reduce excessive
• Subject areas and courses state more explicitly about the expectations in
assessment. It is more clearly the kinds of performance required from
students when they are assessed. This is unlike earlier practice where
assessment is so secretive and students had to figure out for themselves
what was required of them.
• An understanding of process is now seen as, at least, equally important to a
knowledge of facts. This is in line with the general shift from product-based
assessment towards process-based assessment.
• Student focussed Âlearning outcomesÊ have begun to replace teacher
oriented ÂobjectivesÊ. The focus is more on what the student will learn rather
than what the teacher plans to teach.

• Early evidence of educational testing was conducted in China, called the

Imperial Examination system or keju system.

• The imperial examinations were virtually the only path for common people
to enjoy a privileged life if they passed.

• Galton argued that human mental abilities and personality traits are
essentially inherited.

• In 1905 Alfred Binet produced the Binet-Simon scale (with Theodore Simon)
which required subjects to perform 30 short reasoning tasks.

• Lewis Terman revised the Binet-Simon test by adapting some items, adding
other items and establishing new age norms, and extended the upper age
limit to "superior adults". This became the Stanford-Binet revision in 1916.

• A the test may be thought of as a set of tasks or questions intended to elicit

particular types of behaviours when presented under standardised
conditions and to yield score that have desirable psychometric properties.

• Measurement in education is the process by which the attributes of a person

are measured and assigned numbers.

• Assessment is viewed as the process of collecting information with the

purpose of making decisions about students.

• Assessment is aimed to help the learner and improve teaching.

• Summative assessment is comprehensive in nature; provides accountability

and is used to check the level of learning at the end of the programme.

• Formative assessment is often done at the beginning of during the school

year, thus providing the opportunity for immediate evidence for student
learning in a particular subject area or at a particular point in a programme.

• The major reason for norm-referenced tests is to classify students. These

tests are designed to highlight achievement differences between and among
students to produce dependable rank order of students.

• Criterion-referenced tests determine what students can or cannot do, and

not how they compare to others.

Imperial examination Primary mental abilities Assessment

Psychometrics Crystallised intelligence Evaluation
Binet-Simon scale Fluid intelligence Criterion-referenced
Intelligence Quotient Summative assessment Norm-referenced
„g‰ Factor Measurement Formative assessment

• Lewis Terman (1916). The Uses of Intelligence Tests. First published in

The measurement of intelligence (chapter 1). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

• Lewis Terman, (1904). General Intelligence: Objectively Determined and

Measured. American Journal of Psychology. 15. 201-293.

Chapter 4 X The Educational



When you have completed this chapter you will be able to:
1. Identify the different methods of acquiring knowledge;
2. Define what is educational research;
3. Discuss the importance of educational research and its characteristics;
4. Identify the criteria of research;
5. Describe the steps involved in the research process;
6. Identify a research problem; and
7. List the criteria of a good research problem.

4.1 What is Educational Research?
4.2 Methods of Acquiring Knowledge
4.3 Research Defined
4.4 Characteristics of Research
4.5 The Research Process
4.5.1 Generating Research Ideas
4.5.2 Formulate the Research Problem
4.5.3 Develop Hypotheses or Research Questions
4.5.4 Design Study to Test Hypotheses or Research Questions
4.5.5 Collect Data
4.5.6 Analyse and Interpret Data
4.5.7 Communicate Results
4.6 Constructs and Variables
Key Terms
Discussion Questions


What is educational research? Generally, educational
research is defined as research that investigates the
behaviour of students, teachers, administrators, parents and
other members of the community who interact with
educational institutions. The word behaviour is taken
broadly to mean such phenomena as learning, attitudes,
aptitudes, abilities, interests, practices, processes, emotions
and so forth. Research is a way of thinking; it involves thinking about what we
want to study, how we go about collecting data, analysing the data and deriving

What is the purpose of educational research? Since education is fundamentally

the development of individuals then the central purpose of educational research
is to find ways to improve student learning. It has been argued that educational
research that does not have this as its ultimate motivation and objective is not
educational research. Anyone who is engaged in a systematic search of ways to
improve student learning is doing educational research. For example, a classroom
teacher experimenting with alternative ways of explaining laws of physics and a
full-time researcher comparing the effectiveness of different reading methods in
early literacy programmes are both engaged in a search for ways to improve
student learning, and, in this sense, are both engaged in educational research. The
leadership styles of the school principal will influence teacher morale and job
satisfaction which will translate to how teachers behave in the classroom. So, the
behaviour of school principals and headmasters can influence student learning
and attitudes.

Activity 4.1

1. Do you agree with statement „..the central purpose of educational

research is to find ways to improve student learning‰?
2. Give some examples of findings from educational research in your
area of interest.


Over the centuries, humans have accumulated vast amount of knowledge and the
amount of knowledge produced is doubling every two years. There are many
ways in which we obtain knowledge about a given phenomenon, event or
situation. There are six ways in acquiring knowledge and they are; through our
beliefs, intuition, authority, empiricism, rationalism and science (see Figure 4.1)

Beliefs Intuition

Rationalism METHODS OF ACQUIRING Authority


Experience Science

Figure 4.1: Methods of Acquiring Knowledge

Source: Adaptation of G.C. Helmstadter, Research concepts in human behaviour.
New York: Appleson-Century-Crofts]

• Beliefs: These are all superstitious beliefs people hold on to as though they
are fact. For example, wear your a lucky shirt when making deals which
you strongly believe will bring you good fortune.

• Intuition: An approach in acquiring knowledge that is not based on

reasoning or inferring. Intuitive knowledge is not scientific but is
knowledge that originates from gut feeling or predictions by soothsayers,
astrologers and fortune-tellers.

• Authority: Knowledge that originates from persons or sources that are

highly respected. For example, various religions have a sacred text that
represents the facts, which are considered indisputable, final and cannot be

• Experience: This approach of acquiring knowledge is based on the

statement which says, „If I have experienced it, then it is valid and true‰. In
other words, only facts that are in agreement with experience are accepted,
and those that do not are rejected. However, reliance on experience has its
shortcomings because our perceptions of people, events and objects are
affected by many factors. For example, we constantly add, delete and
reconstruct our experiences.

• Rationalism: This approach uses reasoning to arrive at knowledge and

assumes that valid knowledge is acquired through correct reasoning.
Ancient philosophers believed that knowledge derived from reasoning was
just as valid as knowledge gained from observation. Reasoning is regarded
as the beginning of the scientific process where hypotheses are proposed.

• Science: It is a process that is followed in generating knowledge and has

been accepted as the best method of acquiring knowledge. It lists a series of
steps to be followed when acquiring knowledge using the scientific method.
However, it has been argued that strictly following the scientific method
prevents us from studying in depth human behaviour.

Activity 4.2

1. Identify the different methods by which we acquire knowledge. Give

specific examples for each method.

2. Which method has contributed most towards our understanding of

how children learn? Give specific examples.


According to the WebsterÊs dictionary, research is diligent scientific search or
inquiry to discover facts. The Wikipedia encyclopaedia describes research as an
active, diligent and systematic process of inquiry in order to discover, interpret or
revise facts, events, behaviours or theories. Kerlinger defines research as „the
systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of natural phenomena
guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed relations among the
phenomena‰ (p.10). You will notice certain key words in these definitions of

• Scientific • Controlled
• Systematic process • Theory, hypotheses
• Inquiry or Investigation • Presumed relations
• Discover • Natural phenomena

It is a scientific (or systematic) process of gathering information about the

hypothesised relations between phenomena. For example, to investigate if there
is a relationship between a studentÊs attitude towards mathematics and his or her
performance in mathematics. The scientific method was popularised by John
Dewey in 1933 and lists the following steps:

1) Formulation of a hypothesis (a tentative statement about the relation

between two or more theoretical constructs. e.g. attitude and mathematic

2) Test the hypothesis (design a study to establish whether the relationship

between the constructs are as hypothesised)

3) Collect data (e.g. collect data on attitude towards mathematics and

mathematics performance)

4) Decide to accept or reject the hypothesis (e.g. correlation between attitudes

towards mathematics and mathematics performance)

The purpose of using the scientific method is to enable the researcher to describe
(the relations between factors); to predict (given what is known we can we
predict what might happen); to control (when certain variables are manipulated,
does it lead to a particular condition), and to explain (can a theory be formulated
to explain the phenomena being investigated).


Research is a way of thinking and to qualify as a research it needs to have certain
characteristics such as follows (adaptation of Leedy, 1993, Borg & Borg, 1983,
Mitchell & Jolley, 1988).

1) Research begins with a question in the mind of the researcher.

You need only to look around and everywhere you see phenomena which
will arouse your curiosity. For example, why are children in this school
unable to read? Why are girls performing better than boys? These are
situations in which the meaning of which you do not comprehend. By

asking relevant questions we create an inquisitive environment which is the

prerequisite for research. Research arises from a question that is
intelligently asked with regards to a phenomenon that the researcher
observes and is puzzling him or her.

2) Research requires a plan.

One does not discover the truth or explanations about a phenomenon
without serious and meticulous planning. Research is not looking-up
something in the hope of coming across the solution to your problem.
Rather it entails a definite plan, direction and design.

3) Research demands a clear statement of the problem.

Successful research begins with a clear, simple statement of the problem.
The statement of the problem should be stated precisely and grammatically
complete, must set forth what it seeks to discover and enables one to see
what one is attempting to research.

4) Research deals with the main problem through subproblems.

Divide the main problem into appropriate subproblems, all of which when
resolved will result in the solution of the main research problem.

5) Research seeks direction through appropriate hypotheses.

Having stated the problem and the related subproblems, the subproblems
are then each viewed through logical constructs called hypotheses. A
hypothesis is a logical supposition, a reasonable guess, an educated
conjecture which may give direction to thinking with respect to the
problem, and thus, aid in solving it.

6) Research deals with facts and their meaning.

Having defined the problem, the subproblems and hypothesis, the next step
is to collect whatever facts pertinent to the problem. Organise the data
collected into a form that is potentially meaningful.

Self Check 4.1

1. Define research in your own words.

2. Identify the steps that are followed in gaining knowledge through the
use of the scientific method.
3. What are the four objectives of science attempting to accomplish?
4. What are some characteristics of research?


As discussed earlier, research is a systematic process which means there are
definite steps involved. Figure 1.1 lists the seven steps involved in the research

4.5.1 Generating Research Ideas

For many beginning researchers and graduate students „the problem of finding a
problem" can be difficult. There are cases of graduate students who have
completed all coursework requirements and "get stuck" at the thesis stage and
some never graduate. Hence, it is advisable that students search for a suitable
problem early which they can explore throughout their coursework. The word
ÂproblemÊ means there is dispute, controversy, debate or disagreement that needs
to be addressed, solved or answered. For example, why do young learners have
difficulty with multiplication and division operations compared to addition and
subtraction operations in mathematics.

Where does one find research problems in education? They are all around you!
There are abundant research problems or unresolved issues everywhere. Look at
the 14 year old who says, „I hate history‰. Do you know why? Do you want to
know why? In fact, whatever that arouses your interest for which there are as yet
no answers or are inconclusive have the potential of being a research problem.
Often one starts with a rather general, diffuse and even confused notion of the
problem. Do not worry, this is the nature and complexity of research process. It is
the first step towards becoming a mature researcher. The following steps are to
help you get a research problem (see Figure 4.2).

2. Formulate 1. GENERATING
Problem IDEAS

7. Communicate
3. Develop a Results

4. Design Study to 5. Collect 6. Analyse and

Test Hypothesis Data Interpret Results

Figure 4.2: The Seven Steps of the Research Process

• Step 1: Identify a Broad Problem in Your Area that is of interest to you and
related to your professional goals. You should build a sizable knowledge in
your area of interest that is for the long term. For example, you may be
interested in how young children learn mathematics, how to get teenagers
interested in science, how to enhance the teaching of moral education, how
to improve training in the corporate sector using e-Learning, the
relationship between headmastersÊ leadership style and teacher morale, and
so forth.

• Step 2: Systematic Programme of Reading within your broad area of study.

For example if you are interested in why children have difficulty in learning
mathematics, you could start with textbooks in the area or chapters of
textbooks. Textbooks explain the basic concepts and facts related to the
issue and may cite research in the area which will be listed in the
'references' which you could further explore. Journals such as the Review of
Research in Education and Review of Educational Research provide
valuable information about a particular field as they review related
literature. Next is to read articles in the relevant journals in the field. For
example if you are interested in reading research then you should read
"Journal of Reading" and the "Reading Research Quarterly". You should
look through the catalogue both in the library and on-line and identify the

journals in your field. Students do not adequately refer to journals in the

field but instead tend to cite from popular sources such as newspapers,
magazines and speeches. Journals report empirical evidence about the field
you are interested in and they indicate the current thinking about research
and the trend of research efforts in the field. This will give you a grasp of
leading edge research in the United States, Britain, Europe and Australia
and how you might do the same in Malaysia.

• Step 3: Relate Your Research Problem to a Theory in the field. A theory is an

explanation of events or phenomena or behaviour. For example, if you are
interested in finding out whether providing children with multimedia
presentations explaining science concepts will enhance understanding, you
may want to explore the underlying theories of visual learning. Many
phenomena in education are explained drawing upon theories from
cognitive psychology, sociology, psycholinguistics, management, computer
science and so forth. It should be remembered that theory provides the
direction of the research [we will discuss in more detail the role of theory in
Chapter 2].

Self Check 4.2

1. How do you go about finding a research problem in education?
2. What other sources provide research problems in education?

4.5.2 Formulate the Research Problem

Upon having a broad idea of what you want to investigate, the next step is to
formulate the problem simply, clearly and completely. This is what we mean by
Âstatement of the problemÊ. An adequate statement of the research problem is an
important step in the research process. Obviously, if you want to solve a problem,
you must know what is the problem. What is a good problem statement?
Although research problems differ greatly, and although there is no one "right"
way to state one, certain characteristics of problems and problem statements can
be learned and used to good advantage.

Example: The relationship between self-esteem, attitudes toward science and

academic performance in science.

This is an example of a research problem stating the relation between three

factors or variables (self-esteem, attitudes and academic performance). A problem
is an interrogative sentence or statement that asks: What relation exists between
the variables? The answer to this question will be sought by conducting the

Three Criteria of Good Problem Statements

1) The problem should express a relation between two or more variables

Is A related to B?
How are A and B related?
How is A related to B under condition C?
Is there a difference between A and B in terms of C?

2) The problem should be stated clearly and unambiguously preferably in

question form. Instead of saying, "The problem is ....", or The purpose of
this "study is...."; ask a question. Questions have the advantage of
posing problems directly. The purpose of a study is not necessarily the
same as the problem of the study. For example, the purpose of the
study was to throw light on the relationship between academic
performance and self-esteem. The problem stated as a question: Is self-
esteem related to academic performance?.

3) The problem should be such as to imply possibilities of empirical

testing. A problem that does not contain implications for testing its
relationship or relations is not a scientific problem. So, if you can
measure the constructs self-esteem and academic performance, then the
problem is considered a good problem.

Self Check 4.3

1. What is a good problem statement?
2. Why do graduate students have difficulty in stating research problems?

4.5.3 Develop Hypotheses or Research Questions

Your car will not start. You put forward the hypothesis that
"the car that does not start because there is no petrol". You check
the fuel gauge to either reject or accept the hypothesis. If you
find there is petrol, you reject the hypothesis.

Next, you hypothesise that "the car did not start because
the spark plugs are dirty". You check the spark plugs to
determine if they are dirty and accept or reject the hypothesis

Similarly, in educational research you have to put forward hypotheses or

research questions that states a relationship between the variables or constructs
you are studying. After having established the research problem or area that you
plan to investigate, the next step is to breakdown the problem into subproblems
called hypotheses or research questions. A hypothesis or research question is an
"educated guess" or a hunch about possible relationships or differences. The
hypothesis or research question guides the selection of appropriate research
method, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques (e.g. the statistical
analysis to be used) and so forth.

Hence, hypotheses or research questions have to be clearly stated and you should
be prepared to defend or support your choice of hypotheses or research
questions. For example, you hypothesise that „Students taught science using a
problem-based approach will more creative‰. You are seeking to confirm
empirically that the problem-based approach in science teaching will enhance
creativity of learners.

4.5.4 Design Study to Test Hypotheses or Research

Having determined the hypotheses or research questions, the next step is to
design the study. We often hear of graduate students saying they want to do an
ÂexperimentÊ or a ÂsurveyÊ. But, they are unable to state with clarity and precision
the hypotheses or research questions they intend to answer. It is like Âputting the
cart before the horseÊ. The hypotheses or research questions determines the
design of the study. If you intend to test the effectiveness of an educational

phenomenon such as a teaching method or a counselling technique, the logical

choice would be to design an experiment. If you intend to find out whether
teachers are satisfied with their profession or how they perceive their principals,
than the survey would be the appropriate research design. If your intention is to
study inter-racial mixing among students in the school canteen, than a qualitative
approach using the observation technique might be more appropriate.

Activity 4.4

The following are research problems taken from the research literature.
Study them carefully and construct one or two hypotheses or research
questions based on them.

• How do self-esteem and level of aspiration influence academic

• Does providing learners with graphic organisers enhance their
understanding of science text material?
• How does the organisational climate in schools affect teacher
satisfaction and morale?

Hence, the decision on which methodology to use will depend on the research
problem and the research questions or hypotheses. It is not good practice to
decide on a methodology and than work on the research questions. You have to
be able to state clearly what you intend to study and then decide on an
appropriate methodology. If you are clear about your research problem and
research questions, you will find it easy get assistance from your supervisor and
other students in designing a study to find answers to your research questions.

4.5.5 Collect Data

The research question determines the design of the study and method of data
collection to answer the question. Say for example, one of your research questions
is determine whether there are differences in self-esteem between male and
female 16 year old students in secondary school. To answer this question you
have to collect data on the self-esteem of students. This may be done by
developing a self-esteem instrument (or using an available instrument) and
administering it to a sample of secondary school students. The sample will have
to be representative of 16 year old students in secondary school to allow you to
generalise the results obtained to the population. Here you are using quantitative
data collection methods.

Activity 4.5

You have stopped at a junction because the lights had just turned red. But,
on your left a motorcyclist and a car beat the lights. You are most annoyed.
Being a good social scientist, you ask yourself why people beat traffic
lights. If you were to convert the problem into a hypothesis, which of the
following would be the best hypothesis? Explain your answer.

(a) Some people beat traffic lights more frequently than others.
(b) People who beat traffic lights are a danger to themselves and other
road users.
(c) Beating traffic lights is common in crowded cities.
(d) Road users are more likely to beat traffic lights when traffic is light
than if traffic is heavy.

On the other hand, if you are interested in studying student-teacher interaction,

you may have to spend time in classrooms. You can use a structured observation
checklist or leave it open-ended and record all the processes that occur in the
classroom. Here you are using qualitative data collection methods.

4.5.6 Analyse and Interpret Data

The data collected from subjects (e.g. students, teachers, school administrators
and others) will have to be analysed. If your study involves quantitative data
than statistical procedures will be used to analyse the data. The analysed data is
usually presented as tables and graphs. Based on the statistical analysis, the
researcher interprets the data in relation to the research questions or hypotheses.
In the case of qualitative data, information is coded and presented anecdotally.
Instead of numbers, data is presented in the form of words and sentences.
Similarly, the data is interpreted in relation to the research questions or objectives
of the study.

4.5.7 Communicate Results

Data that has been analysed and interpreted will have to communicated to the
community of fellow researchers and practitioners. The results of a study are
most commonly communicated to interested parties through journals. There are
numerous journals in education reporting the findings of studies in the many
fields of education (e.g. early childhood, reading, second language learning,

educational psychology, adolescents, mathematics teaching and so forth). If you

are a graduate student, you will most probably be communicating the results of
your study in the form of a thesis or dissertation or even a research practicum.
There is an established format of presenting the findings of your study which will
be discussed in detail in Chapter 10.

Activity 4.6

1. Identify a research problem that you are interested in investigating.

2. Formulate TWO research questions or hypotheses based on the
research problem.


A construct is deliberately and consciously invented or adopted for a special
scientific purpose. "Intelligence" is construct based on observation of presumably
intelligent and less intelligent behaviours or having a value of more or less.
Constructs are used in theoretical schemes and are related in various ways to
other constructs. e.g. school achievement is in part a function of intelligence.
Intelligence is so defined and specified that it can be observed and measured. e.g.
administering intelligence tests, interview teachers about their students.

Researchers somewhat loosely call constructs or properties they study as

ÂvariablesÊ. eg. gender, social class. A variable is something that varies. A variable
is a symbol to which numerals of values are assigned. For example, the symbol
"intelligence" is assigned a set of numerical values which may be IQ scores
ranging from 50 to 150. In the case of the variable "gender" there are only 2 values
and they are called dichotomous variables, i.e. male (1) and female (0). Other
examples of two-value variables are: graduate-nongraduate, low income-high
income, citizen-noncitizen. Besides dichotomous variables, some variables are
polytomies, eg. religion - Islam, Christianity, Buddhism. Hinduism, etc

There are many ways of classifying variables but in educational research, the two
most common methods of classification are as follows:

• Independent and Dependent Variables

• Continuous and Categorical Variables

(a) Independent and Dependent Variables

An independent variable (IV) is the variable that is presumed to cause a
change in the dependent variable (DV). The independent variables is the
antecedent while the dependent variable is the consequent. See Figure 1.3
which describes a study to determine which teaching method (independent
variable) is effective in enhancing the academic performance (dependent
variable) of students.

• The independent variable (teaching method) can be manipulated

ÂManipulatedÊ means the variable can manoeuvred, and in this case it
is divided into Âdiscussion method and Âlecture methodÊ. Other
examples of independent variables are gender (male-female), race
(Malay, Chinese, Indian), socioeconomic status (high, middle, low).
Other names for the independent variable are treatment, factor and
predictor variable.
• The dependent variable in this study is academic performance which
cannot be manipulated by the researcher. Academic performance is a
score and other examples of dependent variables IQ (score from IQ
tests), attitude (score on an attitude scale), self-esteem (score from a
self-esteem test) and so forth. Other names for the dependent variable
are outcome variable, results variable and criterion variable.

Put it another way, the DV is the variable predicted to, whereas the
independent variable is predicted from. The DV is the presumed effect,
which varies with changes or variation in the independent variable.




Figure 4.3: Independent and Dependent Variable

(b) Continuous and Categorical Variables

A continuous variable (also called ordinal variable) is capable of taking on
an ordered set of values within a certain range. For example, an attitude
scale towards smoking may have values ranging from 5 to 20 which

expresses differing amounts of attitude towards smoking. A categorical

variable (also called nominal variables) may be made up of two or more
subsets or categories. Each subset or category possess certain characteristics
and individuals are categorised by their possession of those characteristics
that defines a subset. For example, the variable socio-economic class (SES)
may consist of 3 values such as high SES, middle SES and low SES.

(c) Operational Definition of Variables

„If you lead a good life, you will not suffer‰. This is a specific prediction of
the future, but it cannot be scientifically tested. Such a prediction is not
scientifically tested because we cannot define it operationally. How do you
define Âgood lifeÊ and how do you define ÂsufferÊ. According to Bridgman,
1927, operational definition means that variables used in the study must be
defined as it is used in the context of the study and publicly observable.
This is done to facilitate measurement and to eliminate confusion.

For example, when you state in your study that you are studying 'excellent
principals, you should be able to explain what 'excellent' means. Once the
behaviours of an excellent principal have been identified the operational
definition will be unique to your study (see Figure 4.4).

However, it should be borne in mind that in education not all variables are
directly observable. For example, we cannot really observe learning,
memory, reasoning, and so forth. Though they cannot be observed they can
be measured to see their traces. With enough indirect evidence, researchers
can make a convincing case for the existence of these invisible variables
(Mitchell and Jolley, 1988). For example, though we cannot observe learning
directly, we can see its effect on performance, i.e. we can operationally
define learning as an increase in performance. Thus, if we see students
improve their performance after practicing a task, we conclude that learning
has occurred. Similarly, we can provide operational definitions for such
intangible variables such as self-esteem, racial stereotype, attitudes and so

Operational Definition
The person:
• listens to teachers
Excellent • looks after the welfare of teachers
Principal • acknowledges effort
• consults teachers
• motivates teachers

Figure 4.4: Example of an Operational Definition of an Excellent Principal


Self Check 4.4

1. What is a variable?
2. What is the difference between an Independent Variable and
Dependent Variable? Give specific examples.
3. Why do you need to define variables operationally?

Example of operational definition: Engaged Learning


Indictors of Engaged Learning

Indicator of Engaged
Variable Indicator Definition
Learner involved in setting goals, choosing tasks; has
Responsible for big picture of learning and next steps in mind
learning Learner actively develops repertoire of
Vision of Strategic thinking/learning strategies
Learning Energized by Learner is not dependent on rewards from others; has a
learning passion for learning
Collaborative Learner develops new ideas and understanding in
conversations and work with others

Pertains to real world, may be addressed to personal

Difficult enough to be interesting but not totally
Tasks Challenging
frustrating, usually sustained
Involves integrating disciplines to solve problems and
address issues

Involving a performance or demonstration, usually for

Performance-based a real audience and useful purpose
Generative Assessments having meaning for learner; maybe
Assessment Seamless and produce information, product, service
ongoing Assessment is part of instruction and vice versa;
Equitable students learn during assessment
Assessment is culture fair

Teacher or technology program responsive to student

Instructional Interactive needs, requests (e.g., menu driven)
Model Generative Instruction oriented to constructing meaning; providing
meaningful activities/experiences

Instruction conceptualizes students as part of learning

community; activities are collaborative
Collaborative Learning experiences set up to bring multiple
Learning perspectives to solve problems such that each
Context perspective contributes to shared understanding for
Empathetic all; goes beyond brainstorming
Learning environment and experiences set up for
valuing diversity, multiple perspectives, strengths

Small groups with persons from different ability levels

and backgrounds
Heterogeneous Small groups organized so that over time all students
Grouping Equitable have challenging learning tasks/experiences
Flexible Different groups organized for different instructional
purposes so each person is a member of different
groups; works with different people

Engages in negotiation, stimulates and monitors

discussion and project work but does not control
Facilitator Helps students to construct their own meaning by
modeling, mediating, explaining when needed,
Teacher Roles redirecting focus, providing options
Teacher considers self as learner; willing to take risks
to explore areas outside his or her expertise;
collaborates with other teachers and practicing

Students have opportunities to explore new

ideas/tools; push the envelope in ideas and research
Learning is situated in relationship with mentor who
Explorer coaches students to develop ideas and skills that
Cognitive Apprentice simulate the role of practicing professionals (i.e.,
Student Roles engage in real research)
Producer Students encouraged to teach others in formal and
informal contexts
Students develop products of real use to themselves
and others

• The word research has been used in many different ways and sometimes
rather loosely giving rise to confusion and sometimes with the intention to

• There are six ways in acquiring knowledge and they are; through our
beliefs, intuition, authority, empiricism, rationalism and science.

• Research is defined as the systematic, controlled, empirical and critical

investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses about
the presumed relations among the phenomena.

• The purpose of the scientific method is to describe, explain, control and

predict phenomena.

• Educational research is defined as research that investigates the behaviour

of students, teachers, administrators, parents and so forth.

• The seven steps of the educational research process is a useful guide for
beginning researchers to follow.

• A good research problem is stated clearly, expresses a relationship between

variables and can be tested empirically.

• An independent variable can be manipulated to see its effect on a

dependent variable.

• Operational definition of variables is necessary to allow measurement and

elimination of confusion.

Research Variables
− continuous variable
− categorical variable
− independent variable
− dependent variable

Scientific Method Operational Definition

Educational Research

The Research Process

− Research question
− Hypothesis
− Research questions


1. Write down your definition of research.

2. Suggest how you will go about finding a research problem that you
propose to investigate.

3. Discuss some educational research you have read?

4. [Go to OUMÊs Digital Library and click on ÂProQuestÊ which has a good
collection of journals in education]
5. List the current thinking on research in your area of interest.

6. Make up operational definition for the following variables:

• Underachievement
• Parental bonding
• Aspirations [of teenagers]
• Autocratic Leader [principal or headmaster]
• Teacher Burnout
• Socioeconomic status
• Leadership
• Reading ability
• Delinquency
• Interests

OUM Digital Library

(a) Bechhofer, F. (2000). Principles of Research Design in the Social Science.

London: Routledge. Chapter 1: Fundamentals [available at eBrary].


(a) Mitchell, M. and Jolley, J. Research Design Explained (1988). New York:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Chapter 2: Generating the research hypothesis.

(b) W. Borg & M. Borg, (1988), Educational Research: An Introduction. New

York: Longman. Chapter 3: The research problem, research plan and pilot
study. 71-106.

(c) Kerlinger, F. (1990). Foundations of Behavioural Research. New York: Allyn

and Bacon. Chapter 3: Constructs, variables and definitions. 28-46.

Internet Resources

(a) Problem formulation, W. K. Trochim,

(b) Defining the research problem. Andrea Chan, Language and Learning Unit,

(c) The Research Question Outline. Mary Mikijanis and Dee Thom

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