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50 Marais Street, Rustenburg, E-mail: [email protected]

Verified Print Quantity 25 000 newspapers per week | Find us on @ Platinum Weekly Newspaper 8 JANUARY 2021

Police investigators gathered evidence near the

spot where their colleagues were shot.

Rustenburg – Two police officers were shot and

injured when a group of four armed men who had
just robbed the Safari SUPERSPAR on Monday
4 January, fled the scene.
A manhunt has since been launched for the four
unidentified men, who – like the rest of us – were
wearing masks during the robbery. At this stage
it is unclear how much money was robbed from
the store.
Investigations by the police suggest that after
entering the store at around 13:00, the suspects
allegedly threatened an employee with a gun, and
emptied a cash register before they fled the scene.
Read more on page 4

Anyone with information regarding the robbery or the whereabouts of the suspects should please contact captain
Tyson Ndlovu on 071 481 2867, SAPS Crime Stop at 08600 or provide a tip-off on the My SAPS App.

COMBO • Security officer training • E, D, C Combo

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• Firearm training
• Hand Gun P|B
BOOKS • Shotgun P|B R R250,00
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Shop 5, Oliver Tambo Dr, Rustenburg
014 594 2788 | 067 110 3621 | 063 026 9242
p 02 8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 5653, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected]

If to stop drinking was your

...You couldn’t
new year’s resolution...
have asked for
a better year.


NW – The North West police arrested 305
suspects from Thursday 31 December
2020 to 1 January 2021 as their Safer
Festive Season operations shifted into
arrested for the sale and dispensing of
liquor, two for transportation of liquor, and
three for drinking liquor in public.
“The other 35 suspects were nabbed for
SA – Children believe the internet to be a magical place, where any question can be asked and answered.
top gear. more serious crimes including assault, Scholars use the internet for their school projects as the internet and Wikipedia, are of great help.
A total of 270 suspects were apprehended robbery, the illegal possession of firearms Kids are not aware of things like viruses, malware, spyware, ransomware, online privacy, phishing, social
media etiquette and any other internet safety issues you can think of.
for failing to confine themselves within and ammunition, driving under the HERE ARE SOME TIPS ON PREPARING YOUR KIDS FOR SAFETY ON THE INTERNET,
their residence while 83 were nabbed for influence of liquor, burglary and theft,” FROM THE EXPERTS
being in a public or open space without police spokesperson brigadier Sabata • Discuss safety on the internet with your children from the moment they start using it.
wearing a mask. A further six were Mokgwabone said. » Young children might share a computer with their parents, and this provides you with the opportunity
to start helping with online safety, by discussing the things that are there to protect us, for example,
Internet Security Protection, passwords, etc.
• Do not do things online that you would not do face to face.
» They must be taught that talking to people online is still a real conversation with a person.
» Children need to remember that what they do and say on social pages is captured forever, they need
to be taught the implications and long-term effect of this fact.
» They must refrain from posting personal photos, for example in their school uniforms and photos that
could divulge their location.
» They may never communicate personal details like telephone numbers or addresses.
» Teach children how to lock down their social pages and be vigilant about their privacy settings.
• Children should be taught to be very wary of strangers offering gifts.
» Teach children not to open emails or links from addresses that they do not know.
» If there are attachments to emails, rather ask if it is safe to open, do not just click to open.
• Be vigilant and monitor what you can.
» For little ones, make sure they are always accompanied by an adult when using the internet.
» For the older children who have their own devices, make sure you set up their ‘clouds’ through the
respective service providers and that it is safe.
» Install monitoring software on all the devices and set them up to only allow the device to connect to
websites you deem to be safe.
• Spend time with your children, do not just tell them the rules.
» It is important to spend time with your children, explaining the dangers of the internet.
» Have an open discussion, where they can ask any question they might have.
» Teach them in a practical way. Help them create passwords, long sentences, which are easy for them
to remember, but hard for anyone else to guess.
» You do not have to be linked on any of their social media platforms but explain to them to think of
anything they want to post… “Would I still post this if my mom or dad could see it?”
• Social Media…
» They must make sure they know the person sending the friend request.
» Ask to see your children’s devices often and look at the apps installed.
STEEP FUEL HIKES » If an app is unfamiliar to you, do some research on the app, even download the app on your own
EXPECTED FOR JANUARY phone and join in, to see what it is all about.
Apply the same rules online as you would in the real world. If you do not understand something, ask a
SA – Fuel prices will rise significantly responsible adult. If anything unusual happens on your device, speak to your parents about it.
in January. This is according to the Warning to parents as well, if you are not sure about the operation of your computer systems, rather contact
Automobile Association (AA) which was an IT specialist to assist.
Parents should be actively and consciously involved in the lives of their children and educate their children
commenting on unaudited month-end with regards to the dangers of social media on every platform, whether they are able to access it via their
fuel price data released by the Central cellphones or a laptop/PC.
Energy Fund. Serious Violent & Serious Economic Crimes press release extracts
“The Rand has continued to advance
against the US dollar, which is a pleasing
outcome considering the severe beating
the currency took earlier in the year. But
even the currency’s ongoing strength has
not been enough to contain oil’s march
back towards its pre-COVID-19 price
levels,” says the AA.
“The outcome is steep increases across
the board. Petrol is set to rise by up to 43c
a litre, and diesel and illuminating paraffin
by 55c,” says the Association.
While South African fuel prices are well off
their record highs, the country’s economy
is in a fragile state, and any shocks
to international oil prices or the Rand/
US dollar exchange rate could hurt fuel
users badly.
AA press release extracts,
4 January 2020

ZAR/USD 15.05
Rand/Pound 20.44
Rand/Euro 18.53
Friday 08 Jan 2020 27°C - 19°C Rainfall Rand/Aus Dollar 11.71
Dollar/Pound 1.36
Saturday 09 Jan 2020 26°C - 19°C probability
Pound/Euro 1.10
Sunday 10 Jan 2020 28°C - 19°C 20 % Gold 1 926.06
Monday 11 Jan 2020 27°C - 18°C Sunrise 06:13 Platinum 2 461.50
Tuesday 12 Jan 2020 28°C - 19°C Sunset 18:02 Palladium 1 114.10
At time of print At time of print
8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 5653, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] p 03


NW – Traffic volumes are
expected to rise this week as TO MOST
holidaymakers return to work
after the festive season. PARTS OF
In anticipation, the joint road
safety and law enforcement RUSTENBURG
operations were ongoing in
Mogwase and other parts of the Rustenburg – Electricity supply
North West province on Monday to most parts of Rustenburg have
4 January 2021. The aim is to been reconnected back onto the
ensure road users are safe, electrical network.
traffic are violations monitored
and road accidents reduced. This follows the illegal industrial action
When we start a trip, we should by employees at the city’s electrical
be mindful that driving under unit. The efforts of the accounting
the influence of alcohol is highly officer, director for technical and
reckless, speed kills and it is infrastructure services as well as the
important to ensure that the entire management of the electrical
vehicle is roadworthy, and the unit are appreciated in ensuring that
tyre tread is not worn. Always residents have their electrical supply
buckle up and advise the driver restored and that services were not
to rest every two hours. hampered further.
Department of Transport and
Community Safety press The municipality also appreciates
Road users can rest assured that North West traffic officials may stop them on
release extracts the road to make sure COVID-19 protocols are adhered to. the work done by the directorate for
public safety (DPS), without whom
the operation to restore electricity
WOMAN SHOT ON would not have been completed
successfully. The DPS escorted all

MARIKANA FARM the teams which had been tasked with

the responsibility of restoring power.
Marikana – A woman was rushed to hospital The RLM wishes to reiterate its
after she was shot on her farm near Marikana in position that ill-discipline will not be
the afternoon of Tuesday 29 January. According tolerated, and that consequence
to police spokesperson captain Aafje Botha, management processes will be
the woman was outside when four attackers initiated until they are concluded.
entered her house. A shot was fired by one of the Additionally, the RLM remains open
attackers after they were startled by the woman. to discussions with employees over
Fortunately, she sustained no serious injuries. any workplace grievances which
A case of attempted murder is being investigated.
will ensure that issues raised in-
line with the established procedures


are resolved amicably. Any acts of
sabotage are not in the best interests
of the city’s residents, the municipality
or service delivery.
Koster / Swartruggens – A true victory for raw sewage flowing into the Koster and supplied to the residents of Koster and
human rights! ... The Kgetlengrivier Local Elands river. The contaminated water, with Swartruggens within 10 weekdays from The RLM expresses further gratitude
Municipality (KLM) had to acknowledges an Ecoli count of more than 4,000 times the date of the court order. to the residents, who displayed
the sovereignty of the Mahikeng High the allowed amount, was then supplied to KLM was ordered to immediately cease patience during this period until
Court. Koster and Swartruggens residents to use – often as drinking water. their usage of a raw sewer trench/ pipe or such time that the electricity supply
residents were granted the power by the Concerned residents of the Kgetlengrivier furrow to divert the flow of raw sewage into was restored.
court to take over the management of district emerged as victors in the court the Koster river and take remedial steps
the Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality’s case on 18 December 2020. The judge to stop the pollution by fixing the cause of RLM press release
(KLM) water services as from Thursday presiding over the matter declared that the spillages and to remedy the effects the
7 January. According to reports, the the water purifying works at Koster and pollution caused.
residents were at first prevented by the Swartruggens are in a state of disrepair The KLM failed to adhere to the ruling and
KLM’s municipal manager to enter the and are being mismanaged. The court in line with the court order, Kgetlengrivier
premises of the waterworks, however the order also stated that Bojanala Local residents were authorised to take control
situation was resolved. The residents are Municipality and KLM are in breach of of the water works by appointing or
now in control of the waterworks. their constitutional obligations of providing employing suitable qualified people
Being fed up with the collapse of water potable water sustainably. to operate the water works at Koster
services by the KLM, residents took to the It was accordingly ruled that the systems and Swartruggens.
courts for their assistance. for the provision of clear potable water The costs for these appointments must be
For several years, residents had to deal is repaired and clear potable water, paid jointly by members of the executive
with contaminated water stemming from in sufficient quantities, is sustainably council for environmental affairs, KLM and
In an attempt to make sure that those
who failed the residents are being held
accountable, KLM’s municipal manager
Problems with Debt?
We provide assistance with:
was ordered to file a report at court Debt Counseling – Payments in arrears? Creditor Harassment?
11  weekdays from the date of the order Sheriff calling? Don’t lose assets?
on steps taken to resolve the spillage of Administrations – New Applications and transfers from
another administrator, removal of garnishee orders;
raw sewage and the prevention of similar
Management of Body Corporates;
incidents in the near future. If he failed to Divorces;
present the report, it was ordered that he Blacklisted? Rescission of Judgments, ITC clearances;
will be imprisoned for 90 days. Deceased Estates;
“Residents of the KLM could no longer just Conveyancing – Property Transfers;
sit back and hope that everything will be All Queries and advice relating to the National Credit Act;
All General legal litigation
fixed. They knew something drastic had
to be done. We assembled a great team
of people to work on this and thanks to
their determination, we were successful,”
said Andreas Peens, the attorney for the
Kgetlengrivier residents.
The KLM has until 1 March 2021 to prove
Recent photo in the Kgetlengrivier their case as to why the order should not
municipal area. be made final.
p 04 8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 5653, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected]

North West Health MEC Madoda Sambatha

(extreme right) congratulated many mothers
whose babies were delivered on Christmas Day.

Rustenburg – Two police officers were shot Weekly that one of the law enforcement
and injured when a group of four armed men agents received her initial treatment inside
who had just robbed the Safari SUPERSPAR their facility.
on Monday 4 January, fled the scene. Another eyewitness, who works at a nearby
A manhunt has since been launched for the Pick n Pay outlet, said the armed men ran
four unidentified men, who – like the rest of towards the BP filling station after the incident
us – were wearing masks during the robbery. before fleeing the scene with their vehicle.
At this stage it is unclear how much money The police assigned crime intelligence
was robbed from the store. operatives, detectives as well as the Hawks
Investigations by the police suggest that to gather more information on the case to
after entering the store at around 13:00, the bring the suspects to book.
suspects allegedly threatened an employee
with a gun, and emptied a cash register
before they fled the scene.
On their way out, they spotted and disarmed
a police officer who was about to enter the
store. The suspects then fired several shots NW – Bojanala Platinum District (16 males and 13 females). BPDM
at a Rustenburg Flying Squad police vehicle Municipality (BPDM) accounted for many recorded 31 babies (15 males and
in the parking area. babies that were delivered in hospitals 16 females) while Dr Kenneth Kaunda
“A sergeant and a warrant officer sustained across the North West province on District recorded 34 babies (17 males
hand and arm gunshot injuries. The suspects Christmas Day. According to the North and 17 females). There was one twin
fled the scene in a silver Volkswagen Polo,” West Department of Health, a total of delivery at Potchefstroom Hospital.
police spokesperson brigadier Sabata 133 babies (68 males and 65 females) Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, which has
Mokgwabone said. were born in the various public hospitals in previous years recorded lower numbers
A woman working in Pharmacy Tuine, and clinics on 25 December 2020. of deliveries, accounted for 39 babies
Onlookers passed through the spot where the
located a few metres from the spot where the suspects shot at the police vehicles. MEC for the Department of Health in (20 males and 19 females) this time
two police officers were shot, told Platinum the North West Madoda Sambatha around. “As part of COVID-19 prevention
commended all mothers who gave birth measures, we are discouraging hugging
Anyone with information regarding the robbery or the whereabouts of the on this special day. and kissing of babies and their mothers,”
suspects should please contact captain Tyson Ndlovu on 071 481 2867, Of the 133 babies born on Christmas MEC Sambatha explained. The MEC also
SAPS Crime Stop at 08600 or provide a tip-off on the My SAPS App. Day, Ngaka Modiri Molema District congratulated the mothers and wished
Municipality recorded a total of 29 babies them and their babies good health.


Hartbeespoort – Concerned residents of the to move Harpo to a safe environment will be reviewed.
Hartebeespoort Dam area contacted Mike Bolhuis, a On Tuesday 29 December 2020, Bester contacted the
fervent advocate for wildlife to look after the interests administrator of Harpo, the Hippo’s Facebook-page
and safety of Harpo, their well-known local hippo. and requested its followers to verify Harpo’s location
Rumour had it that the hippo was in line to be culled and since he has not been spotted for a while. Two reports
the relevant permit for the killing was approved. came in on the evening of 29 December 2020, when a
Because hippos are extremely territorial animals, they hippo was sighted in the Farmall area, but it cannot be
are extremely dangerous and may pose a threat to the confirmed that it was a sighting of Harpo. The river from
safety of residents and tourists visiting the area. Farmall to Hartebeespoort dam is approximately 40 to
Mike’s company, Specialised Security Services stated 47 kilometres. Board members of estates in the Farmall
that Harpo will not be shot without an in-depth validation area is preparing a statement of caution regarding the
of the reasons why this decision has been made and danger of hippos.
the case is being investigated by the appointed team at A member of Nature Conservation did not want to share
no cost. too much information regarding the sighting at Farmall.
Specialised Security Services task team leader, He said that the matter is confidential and that they are
Werner Bester, contacted the Department of Economic monitoring the situation.
Development, Environment and Tourism (DEDET), and For any information regarding Harpo, sightings, etc,
was informed that all information regarding a possible please contact Bester directly on 082 458 8627 or
Harpo – resident celebrity culling permit is confidential but that reasonable proposals [email protected].
of Hartebeespoort Dam.


A year ago, my friends and I were looking that gave us a chance to have fun in our last
forward to our last year of fun at Bergsig year. We poked fun at the boys whose skirts
Academy. We all arrived at school prepared, were just a little too short!
but none of us were prepared for what was to Sadly though, our matric farewell was not
come in less than three months… actually a social event… it was more like
First an extensive lockdown ... then school till going to a conference where COVID-19 rules
15:00 in the afternoon to catch up, prelims, applied. Wear a mask at all times and keep
and then the end of year exams. This is what your distance, but even this didn’t stop the
our year consisted of. We had to work hard night from being a success.
– harder than we ever did before to succeed Our principal Ms Karen Potgieter shared
in 2020. Matric learners had to come up a heartfelt message with us, as she bid
with a game plan but there were so many us farewell. “Be safe in the big world and
distractions like Tik Tok and Netflix. remember every action has a reaction,” she
Thankfully, our school did not forget to create cautioned.
opportunities for good memories. They COVID-19 was unexpected and disrupted our
allowed us to hold the crazy cross dress day lives and plans, but it made us realise that we
on 17 September where grade 12 boys had can tackle and overcome any challenge with School desks were left empty
to wear the girls’ uniform and the girls had to the right attitude. as communities isolated to
deal with COVID-19.
wear the boys’ uniform. It was a hilarious day Cayla Gerber
8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 9677, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] p 05


Rustenburg – In Touch Therapy provides – ranging from calm and regal to silly
a unique form of therapy for people of and energetic. In Touch Therapy recently
For more information or to book a session, contact
various ages and needs. Horse therapy moved to a tranquil area nestled between
improves muscle tone, breathing and the Magaliesberg mountains on the R24. Karen Spies on 084 422 2377 or [email protected].
posture as well as balance, coordination, The new home offers riders the chance
and motor functions. to take in the beautiful landscapes while
Anyone struggling with trauma, physical improving their physical and mental health.
and/or emotional challenges or who just The project is not profit driven. The fees
wants to relax will benefit from this form of charged for the sessions are used to cover
therapeutic horse riding. In Touch Therapy the maintenance of the horses and the
currently has seven horses that form part project itself. Their aim is to be able to offer
of the therapy and lessons. Each of these these sessions free of charge for those
horses has its own distinct personality who need it but cannot afford it.

In Touch Therapy owner In Touch Therapy equine

Karen Spies and Abigail assistant Nhlanhla Nyati and
Fouche [on Shiloh]. Minke White [on Boesman].

Customer service: 010 590 9270 It’s your choice 11 JAnuARY to 20 JAnuARY 2021

Boitekong Mid Month speCiAls

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Roots Boitekong - Shop No.22, Boitekong Mall, R510, Paardekraal, Rustenburg, North West. Follow us on:

[email protected] - 014-593-4462
iteMs MAY diFFeR FRoM Region to Region. eRRoRs And oMissions exCluded - we ReseRve the Right to liMit quAntities.
p 06 8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 5653, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected]


Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of
the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention


to apply for the issue of a certified copy of the
Deed of Transfer ST21216/2007 passed by
NUMBER 7406015046081, MARRIED OUT OF
Rustenburg – Teenagers are often very particular when GLOY, IDENTITY NUMBER: 8303250081080,
it comes to their birthday celebrations and are likely to MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF
PROPERTY in respect of Section 2 ZANMAR,
invite their friends for parties or other ‘cool’ activities to situated in REMAINDER OF PORTION 3 OF
mark the occasion. Most parents of teenagers will agree THE ERF 1615 IN THE TOWN RUSTENBURG,
that their children enjoy hip-hop birthday parties and that LOCAL AUTHORITY, RUSTENBURG LOCAL
MUNICIPALITY, which has been lost or destroyed.
organising such events for them is not an easy task,
All persons having objection to the issue of such
causing endless headaches for parents. copy are hereby required to lodge the same in
However… for Omphile Mvelase – who turned 16 on writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria
Tuesday 17 November 2020 – a birthday is more about within two weeks after the date of this publication
sharing than receiving. of this notice.
“I am not big on receiving gifts as lots of times you December 2020
receive something you do not need. So, I had a chat with Applicant: ABEL JOHANNES JACOBUS GLOY
my mother. We both decided to do something special & JANEANE GLOY
for Monato Primary School,” Mvelase told Platinum Address: p/a Honey & Partners Inc. Honey
Weekly. “I asked my mother to help me to buy uniforms, Chambers Northridge Mall Kenneth Kaunda Road
Bloemfontein 9301
school shoes, socks, shirts, skirts as well as masks for Email: [email protected]
learners at the school as a way of celebrating my birthday Contact Number: 051 403 6600
with them.”
To bring joy to the learners, Omphile, joined by her mother
Mimi Mvelase, grandmother Hilda de Bees and aunt
Monica Chiponde went to the school which is located
outside the Rustenburg central business district on Friday
11 December. Excitement was written on the faces of the
16 learners who benefited from her kind gesture.
Monato Primary School educator Botsang Mokotedi was
touched by Omphile’s concern: “You have taught all of us
here to share the little that we have with others.”
The Mvelase family is very grateful to Kinni Rangaka from
Foro SPAR in Tlhabane, Phiri Inc and other sponsors for
supporting the initiative. Omphile Mvelase (centre) donated uniforms, school shoes and stationery.

PLH Group has the following vacancies

available in the Rustenburg area
* Boilermaker / Foreman
* Boilermaker
* Semi Skilled Boilermaker
* Engineering Assistants
• All candidates must have minimum 3 years
underground mining experience
• Medically Fit & No criminal record
• Must reside in the area Rustenburg area
Applicants who possess the necessary skills and
drive to succeed will be favorably considered.
Should you meet the requirements for this
position, please email full cv with certificates to
[email protected] or [email protected]
Should we have not contacted you within 2 weeks,
your application will have been unsuccessful.

21 Van Zyl Street, Pienaarsdorp, Klerksdorp,

2571 | [email protected] |
018 464 4148 | 018 464 3098 |

Learners and educators at

Monato Primary School were
thankful and jubilant after
receiving gifts from Omphile.
PLH Group has the following vacancy


Well established Engineering company
available in the Klerksdorp area.
We are looking for an Estimator who ideally
Rustenburg – It can take as little as 30 seconds for a small flame to evolve into a based in Rustenburg requires Receptionist to has the following skills:
manage our front desk daily and to perform a • Minimum 5 years’ working experience as
destructive force, devouring everything in its path. A Rustenburg family lost everything in an estimator
variety of administrative and clerical tasks.
a fire on Wednesday evening, 30 December, when a fire broke out in their house in Unie • Minimum 5 years’ experience in the
street, causing extensive damage. • Proven work experience as a Receptionist,
manufacturing sector
They urgently need household items to help them to rebuild their lives. If you can assist, • Well-developed communication, organisation
Front Office Representative or similar role and negotiation skills are essential.
please contact Tilla Schultz on 079 390 5395. • Proficiency in Microsoft Office • Must be able to read and interpret drawings
• Hands-on experience with office and quantities
equipment (e.g. fax machines and printers) • Sober habits and strong work ethics are crucial
• Professional attitude and appearance Responsibilities:
• Solid written and verbal • Identify tender opportunities
communication skills • Attending site inspections and compiling reports
• Ability to be resourceful and proactive based on visual inspections
when issues arise • Compilation of tender results
• Excellent organisational skills Please email CV with certificates to meralda@
• Multitasking and time-management skills, or [email protected]
with the ability to prioritise tasks Should we have not contacted you within 2 weeks,
• Customer service attitude your application will have been unsuccessful.
• High school Matric and additional
certification in Office Management is a plus 21 Van Zyl Street, Pienaarsdorp, Klerksdorp,
2571 | [email protected] |
Last chapter of 2020 up in smoke. Email CV to [email protected] 018 464 4148 | 018 464 3098 |
8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 3257, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] p 07


Rustenburg – Hospice Rustenburg is looking for volunteers to join their winning team.
You can make a real difference by donating your time. For any queries, suggestions
They need a seamstress and volunteers for their charity shops as well as at the or more information, please
office located at 4 Boshoff street. Hospice Rustenburg is a non-profit organisation, contact Reinette van Aswegen at
founded in 1997, which provides excellent home-based palliative care to people with
life limiting and life-threatening illnesses in the greater Rustenburg community. 014 592 8925 or you can email us
The charity shops help Hospice Rustenburg to sustain the organisation and the work at [email protected].
it does in the community.

“Tharisa plc (Tharisa) is a European headquartered, integrated resource group.
We are uniquely positioned incorporating mining, processing, beneficiation,
marketing, sales and logistics.” Tharisa Minerals Mine is situated near the town


of Marikana in the North West Province, and is seeking to appoint a qualified
candidate to the following position based at the mine:
Load & Haul Manager REF LHMAN001
Job Level: D4
Phokeng/ Rustenburg – Nine people were “The vehicles and occupants were searched. Internal / External
arrested, facing charges of possession of Copper cables suspected to be stolen at a Purpose of Role
suspected stolen copper cables. local mine with an estimated value of R50,000 The incumbent’s role is responsible for ensuring sustainable and optimal use of mining resources
The suspects were all nabbed on Tuesday were found. The six suspects were arrested to ensure business continuity.
29 December 2020 in Morogong village and the copper cables as well as the two Role Context
outside Sun City during the Safer Festive vehicles were seized,” police spokesperson Reports to the production manager; Managing load & haul section so that planned tons/bcms are
Season operations that were conducted brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone said. achieved safely and cost effectively; Ensure that loading equipment is operated effectively and
by the police throughout the North West Three more suspects were arrested along safely; To make sure that water pond/sumps are demarcated around loading and hauling areas;
province. Police got wind of the illegal the R565 road towards Matooster after Design, analyse, and monitor load & haul reports in order to give feedback to the team to improve
activities after receiving a tip-off about a police, who had stopped the white Mazda the performance; Follow budgeting guidelines and bring about necessary changes to curb costs in order
to achieve annual operating and capital budgets; Conform to government guidelines in terms of safety
group of men stealing copper cables at trio was travelling in, discovered more copper by continuously updating load & haul procedures; Manage and assess staff progress, and recommend
Horizon Chrome mine in Tlhatlaganyane. A inside their vehicle. newer methods through researching markets and government guidelines for continuous improvement;
brown Mercedes Benz and a white Toyota “During the search, copper cables with an Coordinate with technical department in order to reduce ore contamination; Ensure accuracy and
Corolla were stopped by police after the law estimated value of R20,000 were found in completion of reports before submission to DMR; Provide direct management of the site operations,
enforcement agents investigating the matter the back of the vehicle. As a result, three which include resource and reserves management, all mining related activities, ore blending and
established that the two vehicles could be suspects aged 27 to 35 were arrested,” equipment maintenance; Lead execution of operations practices and performance; Manage Load and
linked to the copper theft allegations. Mokgwabone said. Haul compliments to align; Through collaboration with the MRM and Engineering department, take
responsibility for the load and haul production plan and the execution thereof; Responsible for the load
and haul organisational structure by ensuring an accurate labour budget is prepared and all vacancies
are filled; Ensure labour unavailability is at an acceptable level as per the labour budget parameters;
Ensure subordinates are kept accountable for the roles and responsibilities.
Core work outputs:
Develop and execute short and intermediate term strategies that support the growth of the operation;
Executive daily approved plan to reach daily production targets safely and cost effectively; Dewater
the pit for continuous mining operations; Maintain quality drilled holes and presplits by loading to the
correct floor elevations; After-blast audit (MF, cracks and fragmentation) and remedial actions; Floor
condition and grade box readings; Highwall scaling; Monitor dumps levelling; Continuous feeding
of reef to the crushers; Coordinate with material suppliers and contractors; Coordinate with rock
engineering specialist to assess drilling areas for faults, dykes and fissures that may result with
unsafe drilling condition; Prepare and summarize progress reports for management and client staff;
Support drilling personnel and recommend optimization technologies; Create and maintain good
and healthy relationship with employees and contractors.
Minimum Requirements:
Mining degree/diploma will be an advantage; Open cast Blasting ticket; 6 years mining experience in
“Tharisa plc (Tharisa) is a European headquartered, integrated resource group. open cast mining as a pit superintendent; Should have excellent command in English both verbally
We are uniquely positioned incorporating mining, processing, beneficiation, and written; Must able to adapt and work effectively in a multi-disciple environment.
marketing, sales and logistics.” Tharisa Minerals Mine is situated near the town
of Marikana in the North West Province, and is seeking to appoint a qualified Inherent requirements
candidate to the following position based at the mine: Must be medically fit; will carry a legal appointment of a 2.6.1
Pit Superintendent REF PITSUP001 Applicants should forward their CV and certified copies of identity document and qualifications, with
Job Level: D3 the reference number LHMAN001 to: [email protected] for internal candidates only or,
Internal / External by following the link: or
Purpose of Role The Employment Equity principles as set out in Company’s Employment Equity Policy shall be
The incumbent’s role is responsible for ensuring that the Production Manager’s functions are applied. Applicants, who are not contacted within 14 days from the closing date, should consider
delivered to the required quality and standards. The incumbent is also responsible for ensuring their applications unsuccessful.
sustainable and optimal use of mining resources to ensure business continuity. Closing date: 22nd January 2021
Role Context
Reports to the production manager; Managing load & haul section so that planned tons/bcms are
achieved safely and cost- effectively; Ensure that loading equipment are operated effectively and “Tharisa plc (Tharisa) is a European headquartered, integrated resource group.
We are uniquely positioned incorporating mining, processing, beneficiation,
safely; Design, analyse, and monitor load & haul reports in order to give feedback to the team to
marketing, sales and logistics.” Tharisa Minerals Mine is situated near the town
improve performance; Follow budgeting guidelines and bring about necessary changes to curb costs of Marikana in the North West Province, and is seeking to appoint a qualified
in order to achieve annual operating and capital budgets; Conform to government guidelines in terms candidate to the following position based at the mine:
of safety by continuously updating load & haul procedures; Manage and assess staff progress, and
recommend newer methods through researching markets and government guidelines for continuous Production Manager REF PROMAN001
Job Level: E1
improvement; Coordinate with technical department in order to reduce ore contamination; Ensure Internal / External
accuracy and completion of reports before submission to DMR; Provide direct management of the Purpose of Role
site operations which include resource and reserves management, all mining related activities, ore
The incumbent’s role is responsible for ensuring sustainable and optimal use of mining resources
blending and equipment maintenance; Lead execution of operations practices and performance;
to ensure business continuity.
Participate with other technical and engineering sections to set production goals.
Role Context
Core work outputs:
Provide direct management of the site operations which include resource and reserves management,
Reaches daily target on both reef and waste; Develop and execute short and intermediate term
all mining related activities, ore blending and equipment maintenance; Lead execution of strategies
strategies that support the growth of the operation.; Executive daily approved plan to reach daily
on the mine in order to enhance current operations practices and performance; Maintain the annual
production targets safely and cost effectively; Dewater the pit for continuous mining operations;
operating and capital budgets; Participate with other staff to set production goals; Inculcate a culture
Maintain quality benches by loading to the correct floor elevations; There is the required signage in
of cross functional team coherence.
the pit; Highwall scaling before permanent leaving loading areas; Monitor dumps levelling; Coordinate
with rock engineering specialist to result with competent highwall by continuously assessing loading Core work outputs:
areas for faults, dykes and fissures that may result with highwall failure; Prepare and summarize Develop and execute short and intermediate term strategies that support the growth of the operation.
progress reports for management; Support loading personnel and recommend optimization
technologies; Create and maintain good and healthy relationship with other departments; Reach Minimum Requirements:
daily TSF plan; TSF and waste dump equipment are operated effectively and safely. Grade 12/ NQF Level 4; Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Mining, Geological; Relevant Technical
Minimum Requirements: Qualifications (i.e. Blasting certificate, Mine Manager’s certificate); 7 years’ experience at Production
Managerial level with general oversight of an open pit mining operation; Significant experience in
Grade 12, Mining degree/diploma will be an advantage, Open cast Blasting ticket, 5 years’ experience the financial aspects of mining such as cost control, budgeting and return on investment; Significant
in open cast mining as Pit Superintendent, Should have excellent communication in English both experience in coaching, mentoring and management of employees from a wide variety of cultures;
verbally and written, Must able to adapt and work effectively in a multi-disciple environment. Computer literate (Word, excel, Power Point, etc.) and working knowledge of mine planning software.
Inherent requirements Inherent requirements
Must be medically fit; will carry a legal appointment of a 2.6.1. Must be medically fit; will carry a legal appointment of a 3.1(A).
Applicants should forward their CV and certified copies of identity document and qualifications, with Applicants should forward their CV and certified copies of identity document and qualifications, with
the reference number PITSUP001 to: [email protected] for internal candidates only or, the reference number PROMAN001 to: [email protected] for internal candidates only or,
by following the link: or by following the link: or
The Employment Equity principles as set out in Company’s Employment Equity Policy shall be The Employment Equity principles as set out in Company’s Employment Equity Policy shall be
applied. Applicants, who are not contacted within 14 days from the closing date, should consider applied. Applicants, who are not contacted within 14 days from the closing date, should consider
their applications unsuccessful. their applications unsuccessful.
Closing date: 22nd January 2021 Closing date: 22nd January 2021
p 08 8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 5653, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected]

I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of AIRCON REGAS AND WINDSCREEN
He has led me and made me walk CROSSING, RUSTENBURG.
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He has aged my flesh and my skin,
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Marcus Martins 067 186 5479
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And surrounded me with bitterness and woe. of the 2021 school term is right schools supplies in plastic bags. CNN Korean Parts. Service parts, engine parts,
around the corner. The organisation Help 4 Souls suspension parts, body parts, new and used
He has set me in dark places
Every year social media is hopes to be able to assist these parts. 073 434 9315 / 066 299 7613
Like the dead of long ago. flooded with photos of youngsters children with much needed school VEHICLE MAINTENANCE
He has hedged me in so that I cannot get out; returning – dressed to impress in supplies. To enable them to do
Pitstop Motors, We are open. Engine overhauls
He has made my chain heavy. their uniforms flaunting their new this, they need the assistance and repairs. Restoration of cars, panelbeating
Even when I cry and shout, school stationary and even a few of the community. Any donations and carwash. Neville 076 025 3541, 1st Ave
He shuts out my prayer. photos where the school bag is of school bags and stationery is Rustenburg rural.
He has blocked my ways with hewn stone; almost bigger than the excited welcomed and will be handed POOLS SPECIAL
He has made my paths crooked. Grade 1 learner. over to learners identified by New fibre & Marbelite pools, Lapa’s & Paving!
Last year was especially hard the schools. Help 4 Souls is a Restoration on Lapa’s, pools & paving, Electric
and with so many parents losing nationwide registered non-profit Fencing, Solar Panels, Security Cameras,
their source of income, they don’t organisation and can issue a Stone walls. Monthly Maintenance on pools,
Finance available! Contact us: 081 467 9242
have the means to make sure Section 18A certificate if needed.
NEW KING JAMES that their kids can start the year If you would like to donate FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE

VERSION (NKJV) off with brand new schoolbags towards this project of for DO YOU WANT TO START YOUR OWN
or stationery. In some instances, more information, contact
children have no choice but to Natalie Grant on 071 270 0297. 081 467 9242 or 081 456 2636

Have your say / Sê jou sê

081 467 9242 – 081 456 2636

All I hope and plan for 2021...

Blacklisted welcome. (NO ADMINISTRATION
OR DEBT REVIEW) Sms or email us your
details, Full Names & Surname, ID number,
Work and Nett Salary to 081 467 9242 -
EQOSTRIA ENTERPRISE 2 or email: eqostria.
[email protected]
Pandemics, drought, floods, and insect plagues might come – but people will always
find a way to dream and plan for better days. “Keep your eyes on the sun and you EGGS FOR SALE
will not see the shadows” advises an Australian Aborigine saying on leading a 2 ½ dozen eggs @ R40.00
Contact Marieta Olivier on 071 595 2143
positive life. Closer to home, Platinum Weekly caught up with some community
members to hear their future hopes and plans. CAKES AND CUPCAKES
Cakes and cupcakes for all occasions
Contact Faith on 078 470 1498 or
“This is the year for breaking boundaries as 2020 has taught us to 065 968 1473.
adapt in difficult circumstances. I am hoping to study medicine and plan HEALTH
to challenge myself to grow into the inspirational young woman I Estelle vd Vyver Kinesiologist. All ages welcome.
hope to be and to always be filled with gratitude for who and what KINESIOLOGY. Method to balance your
body’s structural, chemical and psychological/
I have when times get tough.” emotional dimensions.
Ketlametswe Moagi 072 651 8557, [email protected]
Kolenzelle Van Lines furniture removal,
general transport, storage. Estelle 072 651 8557,
“I plan on studying “In 2021, I pray for good [email protected]
computer science during my health for me and my family. CONSTRUCTION
first year at the University I plan to do my best for the
of Cape Town. I am hoping differently-abled learners at Services offered: painting, paving, boomsloping/
to climb Table Mountain, go Temogo Special School and tree cutting, garden services.
to conventions and watch to work hard to achieve more IN GOD WE TRUST
live plays and to make than what I have achieved
new friends” in 2020.”
Kagiso Lesomo Sakina Mekgoe CLASSIFIEDS
If you would like to have your say, contact us on 014 592 3257
Platinum Publishers (Pty) Ltd t/a Platinum
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8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 3257, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] p 09
Staan Saam Rustenburg is
SERVICES ‘n baken van hoop.
014 533 1641 | 079 885 3910 SAPS
Staan Saam en doen jou deel. Rustenburg SAPS Radio Control Centre:
Company registration | 014 590 4115/6/7
All tax registrations | Workman’s Compensation
registration | UIF registration | Bookkeeping for Juanita Rustenburg SAPS Community Service Centre:
014 590 4126/27/39
SAPS Boitekong: 014 593 6001/ 6002/ 6003
businesses | Personal tax | Payroll and VAT.
083 444 6391 SAPS Emergency (cell phones only): 112
SAPS Marikana: 014 572 3143
6 Swartbos Ave, Protea Park, Rustenburg, 0299 SAPS Rustenburg: 014 590 4116
80 Bethlehem Drive, Rustenburg. SAPS Tlhabane: 014 565 9171/54/59
P.O Box 20569, Protea Park, Rustenburg, 0305

Ambulance / Metro Control Room:

071 673 4201
Cross Point Trading 014 597 6612
Ambulance / Metro Control Room (provincial):

M.I.N Palisading & Fencing 10177

Gates & Burglar bars MEDICAL EMERGENCY
Balustrades & Handrails
Med 24/7 (Private): 086 177 7761
Carports ER24: 084 124
Steed Construction – Building NetCare 911: 082 911
Steel Frame Construction Trauma Rescue:
014 594 0689
Fabrication of Bins, Chutes, Etc.
Maintenance & Repairs – Plant For all your Steel Work
Ferncrest Hospital (Emergencies):
014 568 4339/8
Special Requests on Steel Work & Construction & Construction needs Peglerae Hospital (Casualties):
014 597 2823

We come to you! Koos : 076 146 6358 | JJ: 079 879 7348 HOSPITALS

Ferncrest Hospital: 014 568 4399


Job Shimankana Tabane (JST) provincial
hospital: 014 590 5100
La Femme Clinic: 014 594 9500

NEEDS YOUR HELP RusMed 24: 014 523 9378/9351

Rustenburg – The Rustenburg Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(SPCA) aims to serve and protect all animals, to uplift their welfare and to ensure Mostert Pest Control: 071 213 5107
that the protection they have under South African law is upheld and respected. CLEANING SERVICES 24/7
Our local SPCA is a non-profit organisation that covers a vast area which includes
large, impoverished areas. The SPCA’s people must always be proactive, CIA Crime Incident Accident:
079 498 7606
respond to reports of cruelty, neglect or abuse and react to emergencies
involving animals. FIRE
The festive season is especially difficult for them as countless pets are handed Fire Department: 014 590 3232 /3444/3333
over, abandoned, or found as strays after the new years’ firecrackers. In addition Rustenburg Local Municipality emergencies
to the increased intake, they also have fuel, municipal costs, salaries, and (fire): 014 590 3090
veterinary accounts that must be paid. RTB LOCAL MUNICIPALITY
The Rustenburg SPCA takes in hundreds of animals per month and without
this SPCA, the lost, abandoned, unwanted, and abused animals would have RLM Accounts Queries:
014 590 3111
nowhere to go. The solution is meaningful support. Press 1 for:
HOW CAN YOU HELP? RLM Emergencies (Fire Dept.)
Press 2 for:
• Sponsor a kennel for only R200 a month. RLM Customer Care Supervisor
• Donate.
• Volunteer. ALARMS
• Adopt from the SPCA. ADT (Control Room):
Their success depends entirely on the support they receive from the community. 086 121 2520 / 086 121 2501
The closest neighbouring SPCA is some 200kms away and therefore Rustenburg Oracle Protection Services:
014 533 3062/3726 / 081 358 4032
cannot afford to lose their SPCA. The SPCA can survives or close its doors as Wesalarms: 014 592 8364
a direct result of the extent (or lack of) community support.
For more information contact Rustenburg SPCA office on 014 592 3181 or
[email protected]. CPF Sector 1: 061 019 6870
CPF Sector 2: 079 085 3424
Find more cars at Find more classifieds CPF Sector 3: 072 204 4847

at Find more jobs at www.platinum- CPF Sector 5: 071 496 5244 Find all tenders at Find
more cars at Find more classifieds at
CPF Sector 6: 084 555 1513 Find more jobs at www.platinumweekly. Staan Saam RTB: 083 444 6391 Find all tenders at Find more CPF Website:
cars at Find more classifieds at www. Staan Saam Rustenburg Community Watch:

2020/2021 Find more jobs at
Find all tenders at Find more cars at 083 296 6949 Find more classifieds at www.platinum- Find more jobs at Find all SOUTH AFRICAN COMMUNITY CRIME
tenders at Find more Find more cars at WATCH RUSTENBURG (SACCW) Find more classifieds at www.platinum- Find more jobs at
079 689 0961
Sharks vs Griekwas Cheetahs vs WP Animal Clinic Zinniaville: 014 538 2114
TM ARAN Veterinary Clinic: 014 592 6007/
Die Haaie was eenvoudig net te sterk vir In die Rosestad word die Cheetahs se 083 410 7960
die moedige Griekwas in Durban en wen bekerdrome beëindig in ‘n dramatiese Bergbos Dierekliniek: 014 533 1959/2084
gemaklik met 47-19. Die Griekwas het game ou grote. Die Kapenaars wen 31-29 Bergbos Dierekliniek (A/H): 083 653 1081
SECURITY CENTRES in die tweede minuut van die game met met ‘n strafdoel deur Tim Swiel in die laaste Rtb SPCA: 014 592 3181
sekondes van die game. Op die dag was die Rtb SPCA (A/H): 072 933 7723
7-0 voorgeloop, maar dit was ongelukkig
WE ARE OPEN vreugde van korte duur. WP se skrums eenvoudig net te veel vir die WATER
voorry van die Blikore – en hulle ondergang.
Remotes Die Haaie se laaste game is teen die WP Die kanonvoet van François Steyn het die Water Problem Helpline: 014 590 3111
JVA op Nuweland. Hierdie game sal bepaal blikore deurgaans in die game gehou maar
of die Haaie tuis ‘n semi-finaal sal speel. dit was nie goed genoeg nie. Die Cheetahs
Die Griekwas se laaste game is teen die se bekerdrome is nou daarmee heen en Electricity Helpline: 014 565 1042
Dahua Cheetahs in Kimberley. Eskom National Line: 086 003 7566
Gate Motors
CCTV Systems die gesogte beker gaan nou ‘n ander tuiste
Pumas vs Leeus kry. Vir baie Vrystaat ondersteuners is ROAD & TRAFFIC
Batteries dit ‘n bitter pil om te sluk en dan
In Mbombela Stadium moes die Leeus hard boonop is hulle uit die PRO- Bakwena N4 Toll Road: 080 022 5936
veg vir ‘n oorwinning en troef die Pumas Traffic Control Room (Rustenburg): 014 590 3221
14 geboelie.
Trading Hours:
Roboguard 33-25. Die man van die dag was die jong
Mon-Thur 08:00-17:00 Die WP speel volgende
Wireless Fri 08:00 - 16:00 heelagter van die Leeus, Tiaan Swanepoel,
teen die Haaie in Kaapstad
Outdoor Beams Sat 08:00 - 11:00 wat 22 punte aanteken het vir die Leeus. Die
en die Cheetahs gaan
FOR ALL YOUR SECURITY NEEDS jong maanhaar druk twee puik drieë en klits NEWSPAPER: 014 592 5653 /
teen die Griekwas in
vier strafdoele deur die pale. Die Pumas 072 482 6871.
Shop 8, Waterfall Mall Kimberley uitdraf.
Matfar Motor City Complex kan hulleself skop dat hulle soveel kanse
Tel: 014 537 2884 om punte aan te kon aanteken verbrou het. Nag ou grote...
p 10 8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 5653, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 16, Rustenburg, 0300, North West Province, South Africa

Tel: (014) 590 3551 Email: [email protected]


ACT 32 OF 2000.
1. The Rustenburg Local Municipality has reviewed its Rustenburg
Land Disposal Policy, which will now be called the Land
Administration Policy.
Rustenburg – Friends and family gathered outside the Rainhill Farm
chapel on Thursday 31 December 2020 to celebrate the life of a
2. The draft policy was tabled as per Council Resolution 243 of the
much-loved and remarkable man, Henry Hartley. Sixty-five years ago,
Virtual Council Sitting of the 4th November 2020.
on the same day, Henry and his wife Berna had married and started
3. The public is given an opportunity to view the Draft Land
a full and adventurous life together which included hiking, traveling,
Administration Policy before it is tabled again at Council.
music, literature, and Rainhill Farm on the Donkerhoek Road.
4. The Municipality will place the draft Policy on the Municipal website: and the Municipal Building, Missionary Rainhill Farm is known by Rustenburg residents for its farmers’
Mpheni House, Rustenburg as from Friday, 15th of January 2021. markets, T-bone steaks and magnificent natural surroundings used
5. Copies of the Draft will be placed at the Regional Community for photoshoots. It all began when Henry, who was born and bred in
Centres and at the following offices: Rustenburg, decided he wanted to do more than run two pharmacies
• Municipal libraries situated at Boitekong, Karlienpark, Marikana and so purchased Rainhill in 1978 and settled there with Berna,
and Rustenburg and their four children, Susan, Henry, Mark, and Simon. Henry Jnr
• Municipal Regional Community Centres (RCCs) situated eventually moved to the United Kingdom with his family and over the
years Henry and the remaining family developed the farms’ assets. Housekeeper Kedibone Sakeng shares
in Boitekong, Lethabong, Monnakato, Marikana, Phatsima
a teatime favourite which is nutritious and
and Tlhabane. Henry helped many organisations and served on several committees quick to make.
6. The local community and other interested persons are invited to including the Fields Primary School, Hoërskool Rustenburg (his Alma

submit their comments, representations, or objections by no later Mater), Rustenburg Town Council, Round Table, the 41’ers, Hospice
than 16th February 2021 to [email protected]. Rustenburg and CANSA.
7. Community members who cannot read or write are advised to Henry would have celebrated his 88th birthday on 11 June 2020,
visit the municipal offices during office hours to contact municipal
but without warning, his heart stopped in the early hours of the
Rustenburg – A kitchen is a child’s
officials whose particulars are indicated hereunder where they will be
morning on 2 April 2020 while on vacation in Sweden. The COVID-19 first science laboratory. Baking
assisted as to how to transcribe their comments or representations. offers many opportunities to make
pandemic placed many obstacles in the way of his travel companion
For enquiries, please contact Phemelo Lekganyane on email: something delicious while learning how
[email protected] or by telephone: 014 590 3046
who persevered even after contracting the virus in Istanbul en route
back to South Africa with his ashes. to accurately measure substances,
or Ronnette Barnard on email: [email protected] or by
telephone: 014 590 3083. The family unveiled a granite
working carefully not to get hurt.
plaque set on a quartz bolder and Using heat and combining different
scattered Henry’s ashes on the things shows how substances
mountain as the sun set over react with each other. In this recipe
SV Makona, Municipal Manager the Magaliesberg on the day bicarbonate of soda is added which
Notice Number: 66/2020 of the memorial. Henry helped froths in the presence of an acid, in
to heal many physical ailments this case the syrup, to release carbon
with the medicines he dispensed dioxide. The baking soda gives the
but just as important are those that crunchies that satisfying crunch.
NOTICE OF VTM ORE (TITANIUM, VANADIUM AND IRON ORE he helped by encouraging them • Prep time: 20 minutes
• Cook time: 20 minutes
little about the plants and • Total time: 40 minutes
Applicant: DMRE REF NO. Farm Name animals that exist there.

Ikwezi Vanadium DMRE REF NO. NW Portion of Portion RE (00)
(Pty) Ltd 30/5/1/3/2/10852MP of Farm Haakdoornfontein
12 JQ
RIP Mr Hartley: you have • Small pot
Nature of Activity: Notice is hereby given in terms of the MPRDA (Act left the world a better • Bowl
No.28 of 2002) together with NEMA (Act No 107 Of 1998): Environmental place and will live on in the • Wooden spoon
Impact Assessment Regulations 2017 (As Amended), that the above hearts of many! • Baking tray or silicon muffin mould
mentioned applicants has applied for Mining Permit and Environmental • Measuring jug
Authorisation’s on the above mentioned farms, situated in the Moses • Measuring spoons
Kotane Local Municipality, North West Province. The applicant intends to • Measuring scale
mine the following mineral: VTM Ore (Titanium, Vanadium and Iron Ore Postebulletin / Job Bulletin
(Magnetite Ore)
Januarie / January 2021
Basic Assessment Report/ Environmental Management Plan will be SAVF HOOFKANTOOR / HEAD OFFICE, POSBUS /
available for review for at least 30 days from the 06th of January 2021 to PO BOX 40526, ARCADIA, 0007 TEL: 012 325 3920 • 2 cups oats
the 05th of February 2021; reports will be emailed upon request and made • 1 cup fine, dried coconut
Aansoeke van persone wat oor toepaslike kwalifikasies en ondervinding beskik,
available at Moses Kotane Library and Mononono Tribal Office (NW) • 1 cup white cake flour
word vir die genoemde betrekking ingewag. Aansoekvorms kan by enige SAVF
In order to participate in the process and/or provide comments and or fasiliteit verkry word / Applications from people that qualify, are awaited for the • ½ cup white sugar
to register as an Interested and Affected Party (I & AP) pertaining to the mentioned post. Application forms can be obtained from any SAVF facility. • ½ cup brown sugar
above-proposed activity, you are invited to contact us as above quoting the Navrae en aansoek aan: Die Streekbestuurder: Mev W Campher • 250g margarine
reference number of the project you have interest in within 30 days of this Enquiries and application to: The Regional Manager: Mrs W Campher • 1 Tbsp golden syrup (this is the secret
notice ending on the 05th of February 2021 via the following methods: E-pos/E-mail: [email protected]
ingredient and cannot be substituted
[email protected]/[email protected] or alternatively on Diensvoordele ingesluit / Benefits included:
Tel: (+27) 67 103 2562 (+27) 81 312 3951. Contact Person: Mphephu • Ruim verlof / Adequate leave
with honey)
Mpho/ Ramulondi Khuliso • Ruim siekteverlof / Adequate sick leave • 1 Tbsp bicarbonate of soda
• Diensbonus / Service bonus • Optional additions could be a ¼ cup
• Pensioen – Voorsorgfonds / Pension or provident fund of raisins, sunflower, pumpkin, or
- Graad 12 / Grade 12
- Erkende en toepaslike rekenkundige kwalifikasie of ondervinding sal as
ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION APPLICATION PROCESS. aanbeveling dien / Acknowledged and applicable accounting qualification will 1. Melt the margarine and golden syrup in
serve as recommendation a pot over low heat while stirring with a
Applicant: Red Dust Trading (Pty) Ltd wooden spoon.
- Goeie Rekenaarvaardigheid / Good computer skills: Microsoft & Excel
DMRE REF NO. NW 30/5/1/1/2/12859PR - Sekretariële kwalifikasie of ondervinding / Secretary qualification 2. When the margarine is completely
or experience melted, remove from the heat, and add
Farm Name: Roodebloem 263 KP; Welbezorgd 262 KP; Goedehoop 245 - Kode 08 Bestuurslisensie / Code 08 Drivers licence the bicarbonate of soda.
KP; Vogelstruisdraai 268 KP; Langverwacht 264 KP; Goedehoop 245 KP; - Kennis en ondervinding van: / Knowledge and experience of: 3. Measure the oats, flour, sugar, and
Lisbon 951 KP. • Interpretasie en toepassing van beleid / Interpretation of policy coconut into a mixing bowl and stir to
Nature of Activity: Notice is hereby given in terms of the MPRDA (Act • Personeeladministrasie / Personnel administration combine. If you are adding any seeds or
No.28 of 2002) together with NEMA (Act No 107 Of 1998): Environmental • Organisering, koördinering en beheer / Organizing, co-ordinating raisins – do so now.
Impact Assessment Regulations 2017 (As Amended), that the above and management
4. Combine the dry ingredients with the
• Finansiële beheerstelsel / Financial management
mentioned applicants has applied for Prospecting Right and Environmental melted margarine and mix with a wooden
- Moet oor goeie menseverhoudinge beskik, goed in ‘n span kan werk asook
Authorisation’s on the above mentioned farms, situated in the Bojanala spoon or use your hands. You should be
onafhanklik / Must have good people skills, ability to work in a team as well
Platinum District, North West Province. The applicant intends to prospect as independent able to form a ball with the mixture at this
the following mineral: Manganese Ore, Limestone, Aggregate, Nickel Ore, stage. If it is too dry and does not hold
Copper Ore, Silver Ore, Gold Ore and Cobalt. together, add a little milk or water.
- Doeltreffende bestuur van die administrasie en finansies / Effective
Basic Assessment Report/ Environmental Management Plan will be management of the administration and finances 5. Use either a greased baking tray or a
available for review for at least 30 days from the 13 of January 2021 to the - Debiteure en krediteure / Debtors and creditors silicon muffin tray. Press the mixture
12th of February 2021; reports will be emailed upon request. - In samewerking met Bestuur verseker dat die afdelings binne hul begroting evenly and firmly into the container
funksioneer / Help management to control budget especially at the corners.
In order to participate in the process and/or provide comments and or - Personeelbestuur en Finansiële Bestuur / Personnel and financial 6. Bake in a pre-heated oven 180oC for 20
to register as an Interested and Affected Party (I & AP) pertaining to the management minutes.
above-proposed activity, you are invited to contact us as above quoting the Beheer oor alle sigwaarde dokumente / Control of all sight value 7. Remove from the oven and if you have
reference number of the project you have interest in within 30 days of this SALARIS / SALARY: Volgens SAVF salarisskale / used a baking tray, cut into squares while
notice ending on the 12th of February 2021 via the following methods: According to SAVF salary scales still warm.
[email protected]/[email protected] or alternatively on DIENSAANVAARDING / STARTING DATE: So gou moontlik / 8. Only remove from the container
Tel: (+27) 67 103 2562 (+27) 73 796 6769. Contact Person: Mphephu As soon as possible when they have cooled. Store in an
Mpho/ Mugagadeli Phathutshedzo airtight container.
SLUITINGSDATUM / CLOSING DATE: 22 Januarie / January 2021
8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 3257, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] p 11

117 Pres. Mbeki Drive | Tel: 014 592 2921
c/o 180b Pres. Mbeki and Marais street
Tel: 014 050 0921
Email: [email protected]

082 453 8761 | 082 339 7066
32 A James Moroko Drive | Tel: 018 294 5799
Email: [email protected]
082 453 8761 | 082 453 8761


p 12 8 JANUARY 2021, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 5653, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected]

Stillwater Sports releases a stellar

2021 Mountain Biking Calendar
SA – Local sports marketing agency, Stillwater Sports, has
released an exciting 2021 Mountain Biking (MTB) events calendar
that includes an iconic two-day stage race, a family focused one
day event and a kid’s event all in the Western Cape as well as a
renowned one-day race in the North West Province.
“I don’t think we’ve ever been this excited to release event
dates,” said Stillwater Sports managing director Michael Meyer.
“2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year and we can’t wait to bring
back some form of normality.”
For more information on Stillwater Sports contact
082 991 0045, email [email protected] or visit


24-25 April 2021 Savanna Origin of Stellenbosch High

Trails MTB Experience School (Western
5 June 2021 Fedhealth Magalies ATKV Buffelspoort
Monster MTB Classic (North West Province)
Fedhealth Magalies
11 September 2021 Fedhealth MTB Blaauwklippen Wine Monster MTB
Challenge Kids Event Estate (Western Cape) Classic. Photo
12 September 2021 Fedhealth MTB Blaauwklippen Wine credit: Tobias
Challenge Estate (Western Cape) Ginsberg.

valid until
31 January

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