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Election 1937 • Provincial elections were held in British • The Congress won a clear majority in the United

India in the winter of 1936-37 as mandated by the Provinces, with 133 seats, while the Muslim League won
Government of India Act 1935 only 27 out of the 64 seats reserved for Muslims
• Elections were held in eleven provinces
• Madras, Central Provinces, Bihar, Orissa, United Congress ministries
Provinces, Bombay Presidency, Assam, NWFP, Bengal,
Punjab and Sindh Outline:
• The final results of the elections were declared in • Introduction:
February 1937 • Aspects of Congress Ministries
• The Indian National Congress emerged in power in all the • Atrocities of Congress Ministries:
provinces except for three - Bengal, Punjab, and Sindh • Muslim Reaction
• The All-India Muslim League failed to form the • Resignation of Congress Ministries
government in any province • Impacts of Congress Ministries:
• The Congress ministries resigned in October and • Conclusion
November 1939, in protest against Viceroy Lord
Linlithgow's action of declaring India to be a loud-mouthed Introduction •The establishment of Congress Ministries
in the Second World War without consulting the Indian was a unique episode in the Modern history of Political
people India
• It was for the first time that the responsible government
The election results were a blow to the League. was established
• Jinnah was offered to form coalitions with the Congress
• The League insisted that the Congress should not Congress Ministries • Under Britain rule and for the first
nominate any Muslims to the ministries time, Indians were able to form their own government But
• (the League) claimed to be the exclusive representative the Congress rule was not free from controversy
of Indian Muslims • Rule was marked by the Congress discrimination and
•This was not acceptable to the Congress, and it declined atrocities against the Muslims
the League's offer • It proved to be a turning point in the history of Hindu-
•In three additional provinces, Central Provinces, Bihar, Muslim co-existence
and Orissa, the Congress won clear majorities. • Congress ministries had defining role in the alienation of
•In the overwhelmingly Muslim North-West Frontier Muslim India from the yoke of Hindu India
Province, Congress won 19 out of 50 seats and was able, Atrocities of Congress
with minor party support, to form a ministry • Congress conspiracies against All India Muslim League
Sind • Sindh Legislative Assembly had 60 members • Hindu Conspiracies to erode the identity of Muslims
• The Sindh United Party emerged as leader with 22 seats, • Economic Exploitation
and the Congress secured 8 seats • Religious interference
• Jinnah tried to set up a League Parliamentary Board in • Communal Violence
Sindh in 1936, but he failed, though 72% of the population
was Muslim. i. Congress conspiracy against All India Muslim League
• Though 34 seats were reserved for Muslims, the Muslim (AIML)
League could secure none of them • Congress started its efforts to destroy All India Muslim
Punjab • The Unionist Party under Sikander Hyat Khan League (AIML) in the subcontinent
formed the government in Punjab with 67 out of 175 seats. • Congress refused to form the coalition governments with
• The Congress won 18 seats the All India Muslim League in the provinces of the
Bangal • In Bengal, though the Congress was the largest
party (with 52 seats), The Krishak Praja Party of A. K. Fazl ul a) Congress humiliating conditions for AIML in
Huq (with 36 seats) was able to form a coalition UP
government UP s a province had a great importance due to four factors;
United Provinces • The UP legislature consisted of a like the citadel of Mughal glory, development of Hindu
Legislative Council of 52 and a Legislative Assembly of 228 culture due to Hindu-Muslim social intermixture, and the
elected members ‘home province of Nehru
• Ahmad Saeed wrote in his book, “Trek to Pakistan”, • The publication of books described and propagated that
“It was commonly and popularly believed that all the religions were genuine and, therefore, there was no
agreement between the Hindus and the Muslims in this need to follow any particular religion for salvation
province was bound to throw its shadow on the whole of b) In Behar and C.P., a new scheme known as Vidhya Mender
the subcontinent.” Scheme
• Mualana Azad, the, president of the Congress wrote a • The Muslims were supposed to study Hindi or Marhati
letter to Ch Khaliq-uz-Zaman about the formation of language
coalition government But this letter had the following • The Muslims rejected such proposals and started
conditions agitation in front of the secretariat at Nagpur in January,
Conditions to join Collusion Govt. • Muslim students were persuaded to bow before the
• The UP Muslim League Parliamentary Party cease to exist portrait of Gandhi
• The existing members of the Muslim League Party in the iii. Economic Exploitation. • The doors of employment
Assembly shall become a part of the Congress Party Opportunities for the Muslims were closed by the Congress
• Muslim League Parliamentary Board would be dissolved Party
and the League would not be put up its own candidates in • Economic exploitation for the Muslims Business
any future elections iv.Religious interference • They prohibited the cow
• In the event the Congress Party deciding on resignation slaughtering and introduced the criminal laws against the
from the Ministry or the Assembly seats, the new members claimants of this rule, such steps were against the religious
would follow suit beliefs and practices of the Muslims
Muslim League, therefore, rejected these terms and a pure Communal Violence • During the Congress governed
Congress ministry was formed in the United Provinces provinces communal riots started between the Muslims
and the Hindus
b) Role in the fall of Sir Saad Ullah government in Assam • Till august of 1939, there had been 57 communal riots
• Congress played a major role in the fall of Sir SaadUllah with 11,100 casualties
government in Assam
• Khalid bin Sayeed mentions about the remarks of Sir Muslim Reaction • Muslim league tried to cope up
Harry Haig, Goyernor of UP, situation through constitutional wars and tried hard to find
“The enthusiasm of the masses for Congress Raj melted rapprochement with Hindus
imperceptibly into idea of Hindu Raj, which were certainly • In 1938, AIML passed a resolution and asked Congress to
prevalent throughout the Province. These ideas were address the major grievances of Muslims
deeply resented by the Muslims, who were invincibly • AIML was forced to change its creed and Quaid-e
determined not to be ruled by the Hindus.” presented Pir-Purreport, ShareefReport,Fazl-ul- Haq
c) Nehru’s Mass contact campaign • Resignation of Congress Ministries:
Nehru and the Congress leaders started to build direct link • Muslims observed 22’ October, 1939 as ‘Day of
with the Muslims and tried to remove their “narrow Deliverance’
mindedness” and prejudice against the Hindus • Congress resigned on the pretext that Britain inducted
• Though they offered ministries to the Leaguers, but they army in World War II Without the approved consent of
had to sign unconditionally Congress and representative institutions
• Meanwhile Congress also hired the services of Maulvis to
create split among the Muslims The Pirpur Report: • The first report is entitled as the
PIRPUR REPORT which came out on March 28, 1938, the
ii. Hindu Conspiracies to erode the identity of Muslims Council of ML appointed an eight-member committee
Educational policies: • Immediately after coming to under the president ship of Raja Syed Muhammad Mehdi
power, the Congress declared a Tri-colour flag (Taranga) of Pirpur that presented its report on, November 15, 1938.
as the national flag and Band-e-Matram as national It tried to dig out the cruelties of the Congress ministries in
anthem seven provinces. This report also talks about the policies
a) Wardha Educational Scheme was prepared which the Congress in different provinces and how those
• Co-education policies adversely affected the people of those provinces.
• Teaching of music as compulsory The Sharif Report, March 1939 • There is another report
the Sharif Report that was released in March 1939, and this
report focuses on the province of Bihar, what was the • Jinnah instructed the Muslim Leaders to look into various
Congress ministries doing in Bihar and how the Muslims partition proposals
suffered under the govt. of Congress in Bihar. The ML • In February, 1940 The proposal was laid open for
deputed Mr. Sharif with members to investigate the discussion during the 27 annual session of AIML which was
injustices under the dictatorial rule of the Hindus. This held between 22-24 March which is known as Lahore
report mainly collected the facts, concentrating on ill Resolution
treatment of the government with the Muslims in Bihar. • Brought Muslim Provincial Leaders close to Jinnah
The Fazl-ul- Haq Report: (December 1939) • The third • Those Muslim leaders like MoulviFazalHaq, Sir
report is a statement or a detailed account given by the SikandarHayat, Sir Saadullah Khan feared the dominance of
chief minister of Bengal A. K. Fazl-ul-Haq, who published a Congress and joined AIML
pamphlet entitled Muslim Sufferings Under the Rule of
Congress and made many alarming revelations e.g. Jinnah emerged as an undisputed leader of Muslims: •
forbidding of Azan, attacks in mosques, noisy processions Jinnah rose as an undisputed Muslim Leader and sole
of the Hindu scoundrels, forbidding of the cow-slaughter spokesman of League
etc. This pamphlet responded the indictments by the • He was bestowed with the title of Quaid-e during Patna
Congress on the Muslims. session of League in 1938
• This was also synchronized in the change of Jinnah’s cap
Impacts of Congress Ministries and shairwani, a typical Muslim dress which symbolized
Alienation of Muslim India from Hindus that he had changed his role from champion of Hindu-
• Congress ministries shattered all the dreams of united Muslim unity to the champion of Muslim separatism in
India and Hindu Muslim unity India
• Muslims became thoroughly alienated from India and Significance of Muslims in British eyes • this created a
became disillusioned from the policies of Congress vacuum which was eventually filled by Muslims
• It is evident from the rising popularity of League during • British realized the importance of Muslim India as it
by polls. needed Muslim support for their war efforts
Exposed Hindu Mentality: • Muslims realized that Hindu • British realized that there were not two parties, but three
Congress could never be sincere to Muslims parties, Hindus, Muslims and British
• Hindus want to establish Ram Raj in Indian Congress • This change in British outlook is also evident from the
ministries created among the Muslims a realization that British policies in 1940s as all their offers / packages! deals
the rule of Congress was a trailer if they occupied power, for Hindu Muslim question gave Substantial weightage. to
what they would do to Muslims the Muslim demands.
• The Congress would reduce the Muslims to the perpetual • August offer, Cripps Mission, Cabinet Mission, 3 June Plan
minority, groaning under the yoke of tyrant majority are examples of it.
Deep sense of insecurity among Muslims: • Congress rule
aroused a deep Muslim Suspicion that Hindu can never be
their friends and it went a long way in shaping their future.
Gave strong Impetus! Boost to Muslim Nationalism: •
Congress rule reinforced Muslim belief in their exclusive
• This led to tow — nation theory and specific ideology i.e.
ideology of Pakistan
Transformation in the Outlook of Jinnah • Congress
Ministries brought a paradigm shift in the strategy of
• In the beginning Jinnah was willing to form coalition
ministries and cooperate with it, later he became
champion of Muslim and Pakistan cause
• He started his campaign and emerged as a sole Muslim

Popularity of Demand of Pakistan: • 1938 that Sind

Assembly passed a resolution in favor of Pakistan.

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