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Bharati Vidyapeeth

(Deemed to be University) , Pun e, India

In st i t u t e of M an age ment and En t rep re n eu rsh i p

Develop ment, Pune

A Comparative Study on Consumer Behavior

about Colgate and Pepsodent Paste
A Summer Training Project Report

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Award of degree of Master of Business

Administration 2019- 2021

Submitted by: Guided by:

Kunal Kumar Dr.Anuradha Yesugade

Certificate of Originality

This is to certify that the project report entitled “A Comparative Study on

Consumer Behavior about Colgate and Pepsodent Paste”

Submitted by Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Business
Administration is an original work carried out by Mr. Kunal Kumar under the
guidance of Dr. Anuradha Yesugade.

The matter embodied in this project is genuine work done by Kunal

Kumar to the best of my knowledge and belief and has not been
submitted before, neither to this University nor to any other University for
the fulfillment of the requirement of any course of study.

Signature of the Student Signature of the Guide

Mr. Kunal Kumar Dr. Anuradha Yesugade


This is to certify that the Project titled “A Comparative Study on

Consumer Behavior about Colgate and Pepsodent Paste”

Is an academic work done by “KUNAL KUMAR” submitted in the partial

Fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Master

of Business Administration from Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be

University), Pune. It has been completed under the guidance of Ms.


.The authenticity of the project work will be examined by the viva

examiner which includes data verification, checking duplicity of

information etc. and it may be rejected due to non-fulfillment of

quality standards set by the Institute.

Dr. Sachin S Vernekar


Director IMED


Apart from my efforts, the success of my project depends largely on the

encouragement and guideline of many others. I take this opportunity to
express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the
successful completion of this project.

I am gratefully indebted to our esteemed guide Dr.

Anuradha Yesugade for her sincere guidance and priceless
support which would have been impossible for us to
complete this project.

I express my gratitude to the staff members of Bharati

Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) who directly or
indirectly helped me.

Finally I thank Institute of Management and

entrepreneurship Development (IMED) for giving me this
golden opportunity to do my summer internship.

Name and Signature of the Student

Kunal Kumar


In this era of fast changing world, class room teaching is not sufficient to attain maturity and
perfection for application of theory into practice. The dynamic economy, political and
technological environment in which we live continually place demand on us to change,
improve and learn more about jobs, superiors and subordinates. Two years of continuous,
classroom teaching is sufficient for students to implement directly their knowledge in the
market. A practical approach is needed.

The knowledge through project report is an essential requirement for M.B.A students. The purpose
of this project report is to study the “A Comparative Study on Consumer Behavior about Colgate
and Pepsodent Paste”.

I have tried my level best to do justice to the project. And I hope the study which was
conducted will help not only the organization but also me and the society too.

Name and Signature of the Student

Kunal Kumar


Chapter No: Topic

1 Introduction

2 Research Methodology

3 Data Analysis

3.1 Data Analysis and interpretations


4 Findings
4.1 Suggestions

4.2 conclusion

5 Bibliography

6 Annexures

Chapter: 1
Colgate, an oral hygiene product line and one of the namesake brands of the Colgate-Palmolive
Company, is a manufacturer of a wide range of toothpastes and toothbrushes. Colgate
Palmolive is the market leader in the Indian oral care market, with a 51% market share in the
toothpaste segment. Colgate's long history of strong performance comes from absolute focus
on our core global businesses: Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition. This
has been combined with a successful worldwide financial strategy. Around the world, Colgate
has consistently increased gross margin while at the same time reducing costs in order to fund
growth initiatives, including new product development and increases in marketing spending.
These, in turn, have generated greater profitability.Colgate has achieved global leadership in
toothpaste, hand dishwashing liquid.

The Colgate-Palmolive Company. The small soap and candle business that William
Colgate began in New York City has become a truly global company serving hundreds
Of millions of consumers worldwide. Today, with sales surpassing $13 billion, Colgate
Focuses on four core businesses around the world which are dedicated to increase
Market shares in all our core businesses. Colgate has achieved global leadership in
Toothpaste. Colgate’s growth strategy includes an emphasis on innovation in
Everything it do, from new products to distribution, from effective advertising
and promotion to valuable partnerships with the dental, veterinary and scientific
communities, suppliers and research firms.

Driving Growth Worldwide: Innovative approach has led to continuous strengthening

of brand leadership positions and market shares in key product categories. Colgate’s
global market share leadership in toothpaste expanded during the year, reaching an
all-time record. Reaching consumers effectively today means going beyond traditional
mass media outlets. Colgate marketing and research people spend time with
consumers in their homes to see how they use our products and in stores to see how
they shop for them. Focusing on where and how consumers shop has led to placing
television commercials in-store and enhancing packaging to allow consumers to touch
and feel unique features of our products right at the shelf.

In 1806, William Colgate, himself a soap and candle maker, opened up a starch, soap, and
candle factory on Dutch Street in New York City under the name of "William Colgate &
Company". In the 1840s, the firm began selling individual bars in uniform weights. In 1857,
William Colgate died and the company was reorganized as "Colgate & Company" under the
management of Samuel Colgate, his son. In 1872, Colgate introduced Cashmere Bouquet, a
perfumed soap. In 1873, the firm introduced its first toothpaste, an aromatic toothpaste sold in
jars. His company sold the first toothpaste in a tube, Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream, in 1896.

By 1908 they initiated mass selling of toothpaste in tubes. His other son, James Boorman
Colgate, was a primary trustee of Colgate University (formerly Madison University).
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the "B.J. Johnson Company" was making a soap
entirely of palm and olive oil, the formula of which was developed by B.J. Johnson in
1898. The soap was popular enough to rename their company after it - "Palmolive".
At the turn of the century Palmolive, which contained both palm and olive oils, was
the world's best-selling soap, and extensive advertising included The Palmolive Hour,
a weekly radio concert program which began in 1927. A Kansas based soap
manufacturer known as the "Peet Brothers" merged with Palmolive to become
Palmolive-Peet. In 1928, Palmolive-Peet bought the Colgate Company to create the
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company. In 1953 "Peet" was dropped from the title, leaving only
"Colgate-Palmolive Company", the current name.Colgate-Palmolive has long been in fierce
competition with Procter & Gamble, the world's largest soap and detergent maker. P&G
introduced its Tide laundry detergent shortly after World War II, and thousands of consumers
turned from Colgate's soaps to the new product. Colgate lost its number one place in the
toothpaste market when P&G started putting fluoride in its toothpaste. In the beginning of
television, "Colgate-Palmolive" wished to compete with Procter & Gamble as a
sponsor of soap operas. Although the company sponsored many shows in part, they were most
famous for being the full sponsor of the serial The Doctors George Henry Lesch was president,
CEO, and chairman of the board of Colgate-Palmolive in the 1960s and 1970s, and during that
time transformed it into a modern company with major restructuring.

In 2006, Colgate-Palmolive announced the intended acquisition of Tom's of Maine, a

leading maker of natural toothpaste, for US $100M. Tom's of Maine was founded by
Tom Chappell in 1970.

Today, Colgate has numerous subsidiary organisations spanning 200 countries, but it
is publicly listed in only two, the United States and India.
In June 2007, phony Colgate toothpaste imported from China was found to be
contaminated with diethylene glycol, and several people in eastern U.S. reported
experiencing headaches and pain after using the product. The tainted products can be
identified by the claim to be manufactured in South Africa by Colgate-Palmolive
South Africa LTD, they are 5oz/100ml tubes (a size which Colgate does not sell in the
United States) and the tubes/packaging contain numerous mis-spellings on their
labels. Colgate-Palmolive claims that they do not import their products from South
Africa into the United States or Canada and that DEG is never and was never used in
any of their products anywhere in the world. The counterfeit products were found in
smaller "mom and pop" stores, dollar stores and discount stores in at least four states.


William Colgate starts a starch, soap and candle business on Dutch Street in New
York City.

First Colgate advertisement appears in a New York newspaper.

Upon the death of founder William Colgate, the company is reorganized as Colgate &
Company under the management of Samuel Colgate, his son.
B.J. Johnson opens a soap factory in Milwaukee, WI which later becomes the
Palmolive Company.
Peet Brothers establish Soap Company in Kansas City, Kansas where they make
Crystal White soap. Cashmere Bouquet, the first milled perfumed toilet soap, is
registered as a Colgate trademark.
Colgate introduces toothpaste in a collapsible tube.
Colgate wins top honors for its fine soaps and perfumes at the World’s Fair in Paris.
Colgate & Company celebrates its 100th anniversary. Product line includes over 800
different products.
Colgate is incorporated by the five sons of Samuel Colgate. Ribbon opening added to
Colgate tube: “We couldn't improve the product so we improved the tube.”
Colgate begins establishing operations in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa
Soap manufacturers Palmolive and Peet merge to become Palmolive-Peet Company.
Colgate merges with Palmolive-Peet to become Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company.
Colgate-Palmolive Company becomes company's official name.
Colgate toothpaste adds MFP Fluoride, clinically proven to reduce cavities
Colgate-Palmolive acquires Hill's Pet Nutrition. Today Hill's is the global leader in pet
nutrition and veterinary recommendations
Annual Company sales surpass the $5 billion mark
Colgate Total toothpaste is introduced in the U.S. and quickly becomes the market
leader. Only Colgate Total, with its 12-hour protection, fights a complete range of oral
health problems.
Colgate enters the fast-growing Naturals segment by purchasing Tom’s of Maine, a

leader in that market in the United States.

Today …
Today, with sales surpassing $13 billion, Colgate focuses on four core businesses:
Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition.


Colgate Total

Advanced Whitening

Advanced Clean

Advanced Fresh

Whitening Paste and Gel

Plus Whitening Liquid

Mint Stripe Gel

Colgate Max Fresh

Mouthwash Beads

Minty Wave

Luminous Crystal

Luminous Paradise


Colgate 2in1

Oxygen Whitening

Icy Blast

Fresh Cool Mint

Pepsodent toothpaste was introduced in the USA in 1915 by the pepsodent company of
Chicago.The original formula for the paste contained pepsin,a digestive agent designed to
break down and digest food deposits on the teeth,hence the brand and company name .From
1930 to late 1933 a massive animated neon advertising sign,featuring a young girl on a swing
,hung on west 47th street Times Square in New York city.Following the acquisition of the
pepsodentcompany by Unilever in 1944,sales of pepsodent in the UK increased rapidly,more
than doubling between1944 and 1950.

Pepsodent is a brand of toothpaste with a wintergreen flavor. It was formerly owned by

Unilever (but, since 2003, by Church and Dwight in USA). It was advertised for its purported
properties fighting tooth decay, attributed in Advertisements to the supposed ingredient Irium.
Irium is another word for sodium lauryl sulfate, an inexpensive ionic surfactant. Pepsodent
was a very popular brand before the mid '50s, but its makers were slow to add fluoride to its
formula to counter the rise of other highly promoted brands such as Crest and Gleem toothpaste
by Procter & Gamble, and Colgate's eponymous product; sales of Pepsodent plummeted. Today
Pepsodent is a “value brand” marketed primarily in discount stores and retails for roughly half
the price of similarly-sized tubes of Crest or of Colgate. Pepsodent is still sold as a Unilever
property in India, Indonesia, Chile, Finland, and several other countries.


Pepsodent 2 in 1

Pepsodent center fresh

Pepsodent germi check

Complete+Gum care

Complete 12 pepsodent

Pepsodent Milk Teeth Orange

Pepsodent Milk Teeth Strawberry

Pepsodent whitening


Dabur India Limited

Hindustan Unilever Limited

Gillette India Limited

JHS Svendgaard Laboratories Limited

Amar Remedies Limited

J.L. Morison (India) Limited

Elder Health Care Limited







Pental products


Arm and Hammer


“Research methodology is a method of studying problems whose solutions are to be

desired partly or wholly from the facts. These facts may be statements of opinions, historical
facts, those contents in records and reports, the results of tests, answers to questionnaire,
experimental data of any sort and so forth”

- W.S.Monroe.


The RESEARCH METHODOLOGY for the project is done with the help of survey
through questionnaire. In this project, the questionnaire was a key tool of research to gain
knowledge about the employee engaging activities and to know responses of the employees
towards these activities.

Primary Data: The primary data has been collected with the help by using questionnaire AND

Secondary Data: The secondary data has been collected through following sources:

Past Survey Data

Data through Internet source

Data Collection Tool:

Online Forum

Depth Online
Interview collection Communities


Web survey-

Research design: In Research design a Descriptive research has been used. This research
study adopted survey and content analysis in order to find the effectiveness and the impact of
communication in branding any product or the service among the target market through social
networking sites like Face book, Twitter and Instagram.

Survey: Survey was conducted randomly among Face book, Twitter and Instagram user
community, by sending questionnaire through online to collect the individual opinion from the

Sampling: Non probability sampling technique is used to collect the opinion from the online
respondents. The total population is social networking user community, but to collect the
effective data the sampling is constrained to 50 respondents of total number of customers
visited 4fins of various age groups like young adults, graduates, businessmen’s etc.

Sample size: 50 customers visited.

Content analysis: In content analysis, the following three popular social networking sites
were selected to find the effective brand communication among its users (Face book, Twitter
and Instagram).

Parameters and units of analysis:

1. Target group: category of audience visiting these sites.

2. Types of advertisements: what are the types of brand communication followed by them?

3. Ads placement: how do these sites place their ad in their pages?

4. Communication strategy: kinds of brand promotion used by them.

5. Visual appealing factors: regarding the appearance of these sites.

6. User Interaction: kinds of participation with the brand.

7. Accessibility: how legibly they present themselves.

8. User interest: the forms of expectations from users in these sites.

9. Customization: the factors that the users could create by themselves.


Primary Data: The primary data has been collected by using questionnaire AND

Secondary Data: The secondary data has been collected through following sources:
Monthly Reports of Digital Marketing

Past Survey Data

Data through Internet source

Q.1 For how many years you are the customer of Colgate?

S.No Topic Percentage

1 One year 0

2 Two year 33

3 More than two year 67

4 Less than one year 0

Q.2. How would you rate the quality of Colgate paste?

Q.3. How would you rate the product that Colgate provide?

Q.4 How would you rate the packaging quality of Colgate product?

Q.5 how would you rate the availability of the stocks of Colgate products in your near by

Q6.colgate is able to provide value for money ?please rate:-

Q.7 in comparison of Colgate competitors the product quality of colgate is:-

Q.8.compared to Colgate competitors the price of product is:-


30% says higher

40% says about the same

30% says average

Q.9.overall how would you like to rate colgate performance?

Q.10 age group of Colgate user:-

s.No Age group Percentage

1 0-10 10

2 10-20 50

3 20-30 25

4 Above 30 15

10% are of 0-10 years of age

50% are of 10-20 years of age

25% are of 20-30 years of age

15% are of above than 30 years of age

Q.11.For how many years you are the customer of pepsodent?

S.NO Topics Percentage

1 One year 0

2 Two year 60

3 More than two year 40

4 Less than one year

60% says from two years

40% says more than two year

Q.12. How would you rate the quality of pepsodent paste?

S.No Topic Percentage

1 Excellent 10

2 Very good 50

3 Good 40

4 Poor 0

10% says excellent

50% says very good

40% says good

Q.13. How would you rate the product that pepsodent provide?

S.NO Topics percentage

1 Excellent 8

2 Very good 52

3 Good 40

4 Poor 0


8% says excellent

52% says very good

40% says good

Q.14 how would you rate the packaging quality of pepsodent product?

S.No Topic Percentage

1 Excellent 20

2 Very good 40

3 good 25

4 poor 15


20% says excellent

40% says very good

25% says good

15% says poor

Q.15 how would you rate the availability of the stocks of pepsodent products in your near by

S.No Topics Percentage

1 Excellent 7

2 Very good 46

3 Good 35

4 Poor 12


7% says excellent

46% says very good

35% says good

12%says poor

Q16.pepsodent is able to provide value for money ?please rate:-

S.No Topic Percentage

1 Excellent 10

2 Very good 42

3 Good 28

4 Poor 20


10% says excellent

42 % says very good

28% says good

20% says poor

Q.17 in comparison of pepsodent competitors the product quality of pepsodent is:-

S.No Topics Percentage

1 Good 7

2 Better 52

3 About the same 41

4 Below 0


7% says good

52% says better

41% says about the same

Q.18 age group of pepsodent user:-

S.No Age group Percentage

1 0-10 48

2 10-20 32

3 20-30 14

4 Above 30 6

Q.19.compared to pepsodent competitors the price of product is:-

S.No Topic Percentage

1 Higher 25

2 Lower 2

3 About the same 35

4 Average 38


25% says higher

2% says lower

35% says about the same

38% says average

Q.20.overall how would you like to rate pepsodent performance?

S.No Topic Percentage

1 Getting much better 12

2 Getting better 47

3 Staying about the same level 41

4 Getting worse 0

1. In case of customer agent behaviors the COLGATE customer are more efficient and


2. There are many schemes given by the COLGATE in small quantity to

Customers i.e., Cash discount on every purchase.

3. Experience salesman easily influences the customer.

4. COLGATE are providing much benefit to the customer as customer satisfaction is more
than the pepsodent consumer

5 Quality of Colgate is better than pepsodent.

6 Price of both pepsodent and Colgate is greater than others.


1. Colgate should focus on young generation as well as children.

2. Pepsodent should also focus on children as well as young generation.

3. More service center should be opened.

4. The price should be economic.

5. The quality should be superior.


1. Most of the Colgate toothpaste s are used by young generation 10 to 20 years and
pepsodent is mostly used by children of age group 0 to 10 years.

2. Colgate focuses on young generation as they advertise and pepsodent focuses on

children as they advertise with children and their parents.

3. Colgate and pepsodent both the pastes are easily available in the market.

4. Customer satisfaction of both the company is increasing year by year.

5. Value for money is good for both Colgate and pepsodent.


1. Wikipedia




Q1.For how many years have been done as a customer of colgate?

a) One year

b) Two year

c) More than two year

d) Less than one year

Q 2. How would you rate the quality of Colgate?

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) Good

d) Poor

Q.3. How would you rate the product that Colgate provide?

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) Good

d) Poor

Q.4 how would you rate the packaging quality of Colgate product?

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) Good

d) Poor

Q.5 How would you rate the availability of the stocks of Colgate products in your nearby

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) Good

d) Poor

Q6.colgate is able to provide value for money? Please rate:-

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) Good

d) Poor

Q.7 in comparison of Colgate competitors the product quality of colgate is:-

a) Good

b) Better

c) About the same

d) Below

Q.8.compared to Colgate competitors the price of product is:-

a) Higher

b) Lower

c) About the same

d) Average

Q.9.overall how would you like to rate colgate performance?

a) Getting much better

b) Getting better

c) Staying about the same level

d) Getting worse

Q.10.Age group of Colgate user:-

a) 0-10

b) 10-20

c) 20-30

d) Above 30

Q11.For how many years have been done as a customer of pepsodent?

a) One year

b) Two year

c) More than two year

d) Less than one year

Q 12. How would you rate the quality of pepsodent?

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) Good

d) Poor

Q.13. How would you rate the product that pepsodent provide?

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) Good

d) Poor

Q.14 how would you rate the packaging quality of pepsodent product?


b) Very good

c) Good

d) Poor

Q.15 how would you rate the availability of the stocks of pepsodent products in your
nearby store?

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) good

d) Poor

Q16.pepsodent is able to provide value for money? Please rate:-

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) Good

d) Poor

Q.17 in comparison of pepsodent competitors the product quality of colgate is:-

a) Good

b) Better

c) About the same

d) Below

Q.18.compared to pepsodent competitors the price of product is:-

a) Higher

b) Lower

c) About the same

d) Average

Q19.overall how would you like to rate pepsodent performance?

a) Getting much better

b) Getting better

c) Staying about the same level

d) Getting worse

Q.20.Age group of pepsodent user:-

a) 0-10

b) 10-20

c) 20-30

d) Above 30


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