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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203



Regulation –R2013
Academic Year 2018-19

Prepared by:

Mr.G.AnbuChezhiyan, Assistant Professor (Sr.G)/ Mechanical

Mr.R.Srinivasan, Assistant Professor (OG)/ Mechanical
Mr.S.Sivalingam, Assistant Professor (OG)/ Mechanical
Mr. G.Rajesh, Assistant Professor (OG)/ Mechanical



Semester/Year: VI/III

PART-A (2 Marks)
Design of Flat belts and pulleys - Selection of V belts and pulleys – Selection of hoisting wire ropes and
pulleys – Design of Transmission chains and Sprockets

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1 Distinguish between open drive and cross drive of a belt drive. Remembering
Which is better.
2 How the ends of flat belt joined? BT-1 Remembering
3 Define the term “ Crowning of pulley” BT-1 Remembering
4 In what ways the timing belts are superior to ordinary V-belts. BT-4 Remembering
5 Why tight side of the Flat belt should be at the bottom side of the Creating
pulley? BT-6
6 List the effect of centre distance and diameter of the pulley on the Remembering
life of a belt? BT-1
7 Write notes on Slack adjuster. BT-2 Understanding
8 Mention the losses in belt drives. BT-3 Applying
9 Summarize the centrifugal effects on belts. BT-3 Applying
10 List the factors upon which the coefficient of friction between the Understanding
belts and pulley depends? BT-2
11 Define maximum tension in a belt. List the few materials for belt Understanding
drives. BT-2
12 Why slip is less in case of V-belts when compared to flat belts? Evaluating
Sketch the cross section of V-belt and label its important parts. BT-5

13 Give the relationship of ratio of tension in a V-belt drive and Analysing

summarize its advantages. BT-4
14 How the wire ropes are designed? Write any four rope Analysing
applications. BT-4
15 Sketch and name the different types of compound wire ropes. BT-5 Evaluating
16 Under what circumstances chain drives are preferred over V belt Creating
drives. BT-6

17 List the factor that affects the working conditions of chain drive. Understanding
What is done to accommodate initial sag in chain drive? BT-2

18 Name four elements in a chain. Give any three applications of Remembering

chain drives. What are the limitations? BT-1
19 Write notes on chordal action in chain drives. What do you Creating
understand by simplex, duplex and triplex chains? BT-6
20 Define coefficient of friction. What do you meant by angle of Remembering
friction? BT-1
PART-B (13 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
Calculate the power capacity of the leather belt of 9mm x 250mm
is used to drive a CI pulley 900mm in diameter at 336rpm. If the
1 active arc on the smaller pulley is 120o and stress in tight side is BT-3 Applying
2Mpa. The density of the leather may be taken as 980 kg/m3 and
coefficient of friction of leather on CI is 0.35.
Design a flat belt drive for a fan running at 360rpm which is
driven by a 10 KW at1440 rpm motor. The belt drive is open type
2 BT-6 Creating
and the distance between the pulley Centres is 2000 mm .The
diameter of a driven pulley is 1 m.
Design a flat belt drive to transmit 20kW at 720rpm. The centre
3 distance is 3m and the speed ratio is 3. Diameter of rolling pulley BT-6 Creating
is 1.2 m.
Design a flat belt drive to transmit 15 KW at 480rpm from an
4 engine to line shaft at 1200 rpm. The centre distance between the BT-6 Creating
pulleys is 2 m .The diameter of engine pulley is 600 mm.
A flat belt drive is required to transmit 12 KW from a motor
running at 720 rpm. The belt is 12 mm thick and has mass density
of 0.001 gm/mm3. Permissible stress in the belt not to exceed 2.5
5 BT-6 Creating
N/mm2.Diameter of driving pulley is 250 mm whereas the speed
of driven pulley is 240 rpm. The two shafts are 1.25 m apart,
coefficient of friction is 0.25. Determine the width of the belt.
Design a suitable V-belt for a centrifugal pump running at 340
6 rpm is to be driven by 100 KW motor at 1440 rpm. The drive is to BT-6 Creating
work at least 20 hours every day. Centre distance is 1.2 m.
Design a V-belt drive to transmit 10kW at 400 rpm. The speed
7 ratio is 3. Centre distance between the pulleys is 600 mm and the BT-6 Creating
drive is crusher.
Design a V-belt drive and calculate the actual belt tension and
average stress for the following data. Driven pulley diameter, D=
8 500 mm, driver pulley diameter, d=150 mm, center distance BT-6 Creating
C=925 mm, speed n1 = 1000 rpm, n2 = 300 rpm and power, P =
A truck equipped with 9.5 KW engine uses a roller chain of the
final drive to the rear axle. The driving sprocket runs at 900 rpm
9 BT-6 Creating
and driven sprocket at 400 rpm with a center distance of
approximately 600 mm. select a suitable the roller chain.
A roller chain drive is used between a driver shaft running
at 1440rpm and a driven shaft running approximately at 720rpm.
The power transmitted is 15KW. The drive is to be used for 2
10 BT-6 Creating
shifts/day with 8hours/shift. The center distance is
approximately 1000mm and the chain tension can be adjusted
by moving the motor in the rails. Design the drive.
A work shop crank carries a load of 30KN using wire ropes and a
hook. The hook weighs 15KN. Diameter of the rope drum is 30
11 times the diameter of the rope. The load is lifted with an BT-6 Creating
acceralation of 1m/s . Find the diameter of the rope. FS = 6, Er
=80KN/mm2, σu = 180KN/mm2, cross section of the rope =
0.4x (Dia. of the rope) 2.

A compressor is to run by a motor pulley running at 1440 rpm,

speed ratio 2.5. Choose a flat belt crossed drive. Centre distances
between pulley is 3.6m take belt speed as 16m/s. Load factor is
12 BT-3 Applying
1.3 take a 5 ply, flat belt. Power to be transmitted to be 12 KW.
High speed load rating is 0.0118KW/Ply/mm width at V=5 m/s
.Determine the width and length of the belt.
At the construction site,1 ton of steel is to be lifted up to a height
of 20m with the help of 2 wire ropes of 6x 19 size, nominal
diameter 12mm and breaking load 78 KN. Determine the factor of
13 BT-3 Applying
safety if the sheave diameter is 56 d and if wire rope is suddenly
stopped in 1 second when travelling at a speed of 1.2 m/s. What is
the factor of safety if bending load is neglected?
A centrifugal pump running at 340rpmisto be driven by a 100kw
motor running at 1440rpm. The drive is to work for at least 20
hours every day. The centre distance between the motor shaft and
14 BT-6 Creating
the pump shaft is 2000mm. Suggest a suitable multiple V-belt
drive for this application. Also calculate the actual belt tensions
and stress induced.

PART C (15 Marks)

A leather belt 9mm*250 mm is use to drive a cast iron pulley 900

mm in diameter at 336 r.p.m. If the active are on the smaller
pulley is 120o and stress in tight side is 2 MPa, find the
1 BT-2 Understanding
power capacity of the belt. The density of the leather may be
taken as 980 kg/m3 and coefficient of friction of leather on cast
iron is 0.35.
Designs a chain drive to actuate a compressor from a 12 kW
electric motor at 900 r.p.m , the compressor begin 250 r.p.m.
2. Minimum centre distance should be 500 mm, the chain tension BTL4 Analyzing
maybe adjusted by shifting the motor on rails. The compressor is
to work 8 hour/day.
Design a flat belt drive to transmit 110 kW for a system
consisting of two pulleys of diameters 0.9 m and 1.2 m
3. respectively, for a centre distance of 3.6 m, belt speed of 20 m/s BTL6 Creating
and coefficient of friction =0.3.There is a slip of 1.2% at each
pulley and 5% friction loss at each shaft with 20% over load.
Design a chain drive to actuate a compressor from 15 KW electric
motor running at 1000 rpm , the compressor speed being 350 rpm.
4. The minimum centre distance is 500 mm. The compressor BTL3 Applying
operates 15 hours per day. The chain tension may be adjusted by
shifting the motor.
PART-A (2 Marks)


Speed ratios and number of teeth-Force analysis -Tooth stresses - Dynamic effects – Fatigue strength - Factor of
safety - Gear materials – Design of straight tooth spur & helical gears based on strength and wear considerations
– Pressure angle in the normal and transverse plane- Equivalent number of teeth-forces for helical gears

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1 State law of gearing and summarize how interference can be BT-2 Understanding
avoided in gear.
2 Name the profiles of spur gear. List the various methods of BT-1 Remembering
manufacturing gears.
3 Describe the following (i) Pressure angle (ii) Diametrical pitch BT-2 Understanding
iii) module
4 List the different types of gear mechanism. BT-1 Remembering
5 Describe backlash. What factors influence backlash? BT-2 Understanding
6 Explain undercutting in gears. BT-5 Evaluating
7 Why is gear tooth subjected to dynamic load? BT-4 Analysing
8 Classify the main types of gear tooth failure? BT-3 Applying
9 Why dedendum value is more than addendum value? BT-5 Evaluating
10 Integrate the materials commonly used for gears. BT-6 Creating
11 Differentiate involute and cycloid profiles BT-4 Analysing
12 Mention the advantages of non metallic gears. BT-6 Creating
13 How does failure by pitting happen in gears? BT-3 Applying
14 How number of teeth affects the design of gears? BT-3 Applying
15 Specify the conditions based on which gear cutters are selected? BT-4 Analysing
16 Identify the forces and stresses that act on spur gear tooth? give BT-2 Understanding
their expressions
17 Label (a) addendum (b) flank in simple sketch of a gear tooth BT-1 Remembering
18 State the advantages and disadvantages of helical and herringbone BT-1 Remembering
19 Name four important elements in chain BT-1 Remembering
20 Define chordal action in chain drives? Name a company that produces BT-1 Remembering
driving chain.

PART-B (13 Marks)

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
Design a pair of straight spur gear drive for a stone crusher, the
gears are made of C40 steel. The pinion is to transmit 30 KW at
1 1200 rpm. The gear ratio is 3. The gear is to work 8 hours/day BT-6 Creating
6days in a week for 3 years.

Design a spur gear pair to transmit 22.5KW at 900 rpm. Speed

reduction ratio is 2.5. Material for pinion and wheel are C15 steel
2 BT-6 Creating
and cast iron grade 30 respectively. Take pressure angle 200 and
working life of gear is 10,000 hours.
Design a spur gear drive required to transmit 45 KW at pinion
3 speed of 800 rpm. The velocity ratio is 3.5:1. The teeth are 200 BT-6 Creating
full depth involute with 18 teeth on the pinion. Both the pinion
and gear are made of steel with a maximum safe static stress of
180 N/mm2. Assume medium shock condition.
Design a straight spur gear drive to transmit 8KW. The pinion
speed is 720rpm and the speed ratio is 2. Both the gears are made
of the same surface hardened carbon steel with 55RC and core
4 BT-6 Creating
hardness less than 350BHN. Ultimate strength is 720N/mm2 and
yield strength is 360 N/mm2.

Design a spur gear to transmit 2 KW at 1440 rpm. Desired speed

5 ratio is 3. Use C45 steel for gears. BT-6 Creating

A 37.5 kW power is transmitted at 450 rpm to a shaft running at

approximately 112 rpm through a spur gear drive. The load is
steady and continuous. Design the gear drive and check the
6 BT-6 Creating
design. Assume the following materials: Pinion-heat treated cast
steel; Gear-High grade cast iron.

Design a spur gear drive for a heavy machine tool with moderate
shocks. The pinion is transmitting 18KW at 1200 rpm with a gear
ratio of 3.5. Design the drive and check for elastic stress and
7 BT-6 Creating
plastic deformation. Make a sketch and label important
dimensions arrived.

A motor shaft rotating at 1500 rpm has to transmit 15KW to a low

speed shaft with a speed reduction of 3:1. The teeth are 200
involute with 25 teeth on the pinion. Both the pinion and gear are
made of steel with a maximum safe stress of 200 N/mm2. A safe
8 stress of 40 N/mm2 may be taken for the shaft on which the gear BT-6 Creating
is mounted and also for the key. Design a spur gear drive to suit
the above conditions. Assume starting torque to be 25% higher
than the running torque.

Design a helical gear to transmit 15 KW at 1440 rpm to the

following specification. Speed reduction is 3, Pressure angle is
200and helix angle is 15 degree. The material for both the gears is
9 C45 steel. Allowable static stress is 180 N/mm2, Surface BT-6 Creating
endurance limit is 800 N/mm2 and Young’s Modulus of material
is 2 x 105 N/mm2

Design a helical gear for the following specification: Power -

12.5KW, Pinion speed-1200 rpm, Gear Ratio - 3.5, Pressure angle
10 is 200, helix angle is 15 degree. Gear are expected to work 6 BT-6 Creating
hours/day for 10 years.

A helical gear with 30 degree helix angle has to transmit 35kW at

1500 rpm with a speed reduction ratio 2.5. If the pinion has
24 teeth determine the necessary module, pitch diameter and
11 BT-3 Applying
face width for 20 degree full depth teeth. Assume 15Ni 2Cr 1
Mo15 material for both pinion and wheel.

A helical gear speed up drive is required to drive a centrifugal

compressor running at 3000rpm. The helical gear speed up unit is
driven by an electric motor running at 1000rpm. The compressor
12 requires a nominal input power of 12.5 KW. The helix angle of BT-6 Creating
250 may be assumed for the gears. Standard involute profile 200
full depth system will be used for the gear teeth. The gear pair is
required to last for at least 10,000 hrs. Design the gear drive for
the following materials. Pinion: Heat treated cast steel, Gear:
High grade cast iron.

Design a pair of helical gears to transmit 37.5KW at 1750 rpm of

the pinion. The drive is subjected to heavy shock loading. The
speed reduction ratio is 4 and the helix angle is 150. Select
13 BT-6 Creating
suitable material and design the gears. Check for working stresses
and sketch the drive.

Design a helical gear drive to transmit the power of 14.7KW.

Speed ratio 6, pinion speed 1200rpm, helix angle is 250. Select
14 BT-6 Creating
suitable materials and design the gear.

PART C (15 Marks)

Design a pair of spur gear to transmit 20 KW at a pinion speed of
1440 rpm. The transmission ratio is 4.Assume 15Ni2Cr1Mo15 for
1. BT-6 Creating
pinion and C45 for gears

For intermitten duty of an elevator , two cylindrical gears made of

alloys steel 40 Ni 2 Cr 1 Mo 28, and have to transmit12.5 kw at a
pinion speed of 1200 rpm.Design a gear pair for the following
specifications: Gear ratio: 3.5, pressure angle 200, involute full
2. BT-3 Applying
depth, helix angle 150. Gears are expected to work 6 hrs a day for
10 years. Minimum number of teeth on pinion can be taken as 20
and IS quality 8

Design a pair of helical gears to transmit 10 KW at 1000 rpm of

the pinion and wheel are made of C15 steel and cast iron grade 30
respectively. The pinion is to transmit 22 KW power at 900 rpm.
3. The gear ratio is 2.5, take pressure angle of 200 and helix angle is BTL4 Analyzing
150. The material for the both gears is NI2Cr1Mo28.Give details
of drive in tubular form.

A speed reducing unit using spur gear is to be designed. Power to

be transmitted is 60 hp and is continuous with moderate shaft
loads. The speed of the shaft are 720 rpm and 144 rpm. The centr
4. BT-2 Understanding
distance is kept as small as possible. Select a suitable material and
design the gears. Give the details of the gear.

PART-A (2 Marks)
Straight bevel gear: Tooth terminology, tooth forces and stresses, equivalent number of teeth. Estimating
the dimensions of pair of straight bevel gears. Worm Gear: Merits and demerits terminology. Thermal
capacity, materials-forces and stresses, efficiency, estimating the size of the worm gear pair. Cross helical:
Terminology-helix angles-Estimating the size of the pair of cross helical gears.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1 Under what situation bevel gears are used BT-2 Understanding
2 Write a short note on Crown gear and Miter gear. BT-6 Creating
3 Mention two characteristics of hypoid gear BT-4 Analysing
4 How bevel gears are manufactures. Summarize zero bevel gear BT-4 Analysing
5 Define back cone radius for a bevel gear BT-3 Applying
6 Define the following term i) Cone distance ii) Face angle BT-1 Remembering
7 Show when do you prefer worm and worm wheel drive? BT-3 Applying
8 List the advantages of and disadvantages of worm gear drive BT-1 Remembering
9 Illustrate reference angle. How is related to speed ratio of bevel BT-1 Remembering
10 State the difference between angular gear and mitler gear. BT-1 Remembering
11 Describe in which gear drive self-locking is available. BT-2 Understanding
12 Generalize what is irreversibility in worm gears and how is it BT-6 Creating
13 Why is the efficiency of worm gear drive comparatively low?
obtained? BT-2 Understanding
14 List the difference between bevel gear formation and other types of BT-1 Remembering
15 Summarize the helix angle of worm. BT-2 Understanding
16 Name the contact occurred between the worm and wheel. How this BT-3 Applying
does differs from other gears?
17 Differentiate between the spiral bevel gears and hypoid gears. BT-4 Analysing
18 List the materials used for the manufacture of worm and worm and BT-1 Remembering
wheel. Justify.
19 Explain why worm is made of harder material than worm wheel. BT-5 Evaluating

20 Explain " crossed helical gear drive is not used for power BT-5 Evaluating

PART-B (13 Marks)

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
Design a pair of bevel gears to transmit 10 kW at 1440 rpm of the
pinion. The velocity ratio should be about 4. Material for gear is1
1 BT-6 Creating
5 N i 2 C r 1M o 1 5 / Steel. The tooth profiles of the gears are of
20o composite form.
Design a cast iron bevel gear drive for a pillar drilling machine to
transmit 1875 Watts at 800rpm to a spindle at 400 rpm. The gear
2 BT-6 Creating
is to work for 40 hrs/week for 3 years. Pressure angle is 20
Design a Bevel gear drive to transmit 4 KW. Speed ratio = 4.
3 driving shaft speed 225 rpm. The drive is non-reversible. Assume BT-6 Creating
a life of 25000 hours.
A Pair of bevel gears is to be used to transmit 14KW from a
pinion rotating at 400rpm to a gear mounted on shaft running at
4 BT-6 Creating
200rpm. The axes of the two shafts are at 90°. Design the pair of
bevel gears.
Design a pair of bevel gears for two shafts whose axes are
5 at right angles to transmit 10KW at 1440 rpm. The speed of BT-6 Creating
gear is 720 rpm. Use Le w i s and Buckingham’s equation.
Design a straight bevel gear drive between two shafts at right angles
to each other. Speed of the pinion shaft is 360 rpm and the speed of
6 gear wheel shaft is 120 rpm. Pinion is made of steel and wheel is BT-6 Creating
made of cast iron. Each gears are expected to work
2 hrs./day for 10 years.
A hardened steel worm rotates at 1440 rpm and transmits 12 KW to
a phosphor bronze gear. The speed of the worm wheel should be 60
7 BT-6 Creating
± 3% rpm. Design the worm gear drive if an efficiency of at least
82% is desired.
A steel worm running at 240 rpm receives 1.5 KW from its shaft.
The speed reduction is 10:1. Design the drive so as to have an
8 efficiency of 80%. Also determine the cooling area required, if BT-6 Creating
the temperature rise is restricted to 450C. Take overall heat
transfer coefficient as 10 W/m2 ° C.
Design the worm gear drive and determine the power loss by heat
9 generation of Hardened steel worm rotates at 1440 rpm and BT-6 Creating
transmits 12 KW to a phosphor bronze gear with gear ratio of 16.
A hardened steel WORM rotates at 1260 rpm and transmits 8
10 KW to a phosphor bronze gear with gear ratio of 18. Design the BT-3 Applying
worm gear drive and determine the power loss by heat generation.
Design a worm gear drive to transmit 22.5KW at a worm speed of
1440 rpm. Velocity ratio is 24:1. An efficiency of at least 85% is
11 BT-6 Creating
desired. The temperature raise should be restricted to 40 c.
Determine the required cooling area.
Design a bevel gear drive, to transmit 10 KW power at 1440 rpm.
12 Gear ratio is 3, and life of gears 10,000 hrs. Pinion and gear are BT-6 Creating
made of C45 steel and minimum number of teeth as 20.
A hardened steel work rotates at 1440 rpm and transmits 12KW to
a phosphor bronze gear. The speed of the worm wheel should be
13 BT-6 Creating
60 ± 3% rpm. Design a worm gear drive if an efficiency of at least
82% is desired.
Design a worm gear drive to transmit 22.5 KW at a worm speed
of 1440 rpm. Velocity ratio is 24:1. An efficiency of at least 85%
14 BT-6 Creating
is desired. The temperature raise should be restricted to 400C.
Determine the required cooling area.
PART C (15 Marks)
Design a bevel gear to transmit 3.5 KW with driving shaft speed
is 200 rpm. Speed ratio requires is 4. The drive is non- reversible.
1 BT-6 Creating
Pinion is made of steel and wheel made of CI. Assume a life of
25,000 Hrs.
Design a pair of right angled bevel gear to transmit 15KW at 750
rpm to another gear to run at 250 rpm. Not less than 20 teeth are
2 BT-3 Applying
to be used on either gears. The pressure angle is 200. Assume a
gear life of 12000 hrs.
2 KW power is applied to a worm shaft at 720 rpm. The worm is
of quadruple start with 50mm as pitch circle diameter. The worm
gear has 40 teeth with 5mm module. The pressure angle in the
3 BTL4 Analyzing
diametral plane is 200.Determine i) Lead angle of the worm ii)
Velocity ratio iii) Centre distance. Also calculate the efficiency of
worm gear drive and power lost in friction.
A pair of straight tooth bevel gears has a velocity ratio of 4/3. The
pitch diameter of the pinion is 150 mm. The face width is 50mm.
The pinion rotates at 240 rev/min. The teeth are 5mm module, 14
4 BT-2 Understanding
1° Involutes. If 6 kW is transmitted, determine (i) the tangential
force at the Mean radius (ii) the pinion thrust force (iii) the gear
thrust force. Draw the free body diagrams indicating the forces.
PART-A (2 Marks)
Geometric progression - Standard step ratio - Ray diagram, kinematics layout -Design of sliding mesh gear
box - Design of multi speed gear box for machine tool applications - Constant mesh gear box - Speed
reducer unit. – Variable speed gear box, Fluid Couplings, Torque Converters for automotive applications.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1 Write notes on preferred Numbers and Give its advantages. BT-6 Creating
2 List any two methods used for changing speeds in gear box BT-1 Remembering
3 Specify the four types of gear box BT-1 Remembering
4 Which type of gear is used in constant mesh gearbox? justify BT-3 Applying
5 Compare sliding mesh and synchromesh gear box. BT-2 Understanding
6 Illustrate about step ratio. Name the series in which the speed of BT-2 Understanding
Multi speed gear are arranged.
7 Differentiate Ray diagram and structural diagram. BT-1 Remembering
8 List six standard speeds starting from 18rpm with a step ratio of BT-2 Understanding
9 Explain ray diagram and list the advantages of geometric BT-2 Understanding
10 List the ways by which the number of intermediate steps may be BT-4 Analysing
arranged in a gear box.
11 Sketch the kinematic layout of gears for 3 speeds between shafts. BT-1 Remembering
12 Summarize about multi speed gear box. BT-4 Analysing
13 List four applications where constant mesh gear box is used. BT-5 Evaluating
14 List the methods of lubrication in speed reducers. BT-5 Evaluating
15 Specify the function of spacers in a gear box. BT-4 Analysing
16 Explain R20 series. BT-6 Creating
17 List the significance of structural formulas BT-1 Remembering
18 Illustrate the condition required for interchangeability in toothed BT-1 Remembering
19 State any three basic rules to be followed while designing a gear BT-3 Applying
20 Define torque converter. List its functions and applications. BT-3 Applying

PART-B (13 Marks)

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
Design the six speed gear box is to provide the speeds in the range
of 160 to 500 rpm and transmit a power of 5 kW at 710 rpm.
1 Draw the speed diagram and kinematics diagram. Determine the BT-6 Creating
number of teeth module and face width of all gears, assuming
suitable materials for the gears.
Design a 9 speed gear box for the following data. Minimum
speed: 180rpm, Maximum speed: 1800rpm. Using standard
2 BT-6 Creating
step ratio, draw the speed diagram, kinematic layout. Also find
the number of teeth on each gear.
Design a nine speed gear box for a machine to provide speeds
3 ranging from 100 to 1500 rpm. The input is from a motor of 5 kW BT-6 Creating
at 1440 rpm. Assume any alloy steel for the gear.
Design 12 speed gear box for a minimum speed of 160 rpm and
a maximum speed of 2000 rpm. The input speed of motor is 1600
4 BT-6 Creating
rpm. Draw the speed diagram, kinematic diagram and indicate
the number of teeth on each gear.
Design the layout of a 12 speed gear box for a milling machine
having an output of speeds ranging from 100 to 1200 rpm. Power
is applied to the gear box from a 5kW induction motor at 1440
5 BT-6 Creating
rpm. Choose standard step ratio and construct the speed diagram.
Decide up on the various reduction ratios and number of teeth on
each gear wheel sketch the arrangement of the gear box.
Design the headstock gear box of a lathe having nine spindle
speeds ranging from 50 to 1500 rpm. The power of the machine
may be taken as 6 kW and speed of the motor is 1450 rpm.
6 BT-6 Creating
Minimum number of teeth on the gear is to be 2x3. a) Draw the
speed diagram b) Sketch the layout of the gear box. c) Calculate
the number of teeth on all gears.
Draw the ray diagram and kinematic lay out of a gear box
for an all geared headstock of a lathe. The maximum and
7 minimum speeds are to be 2800 and 63 rpm respectively. The BT-6 Creating
number of steps is 12 and drive is from a 3 kW electric motor
running at 1440rpm.
Select speeds for an 18 speeds GEAR BOX for a minimum speed
of 35 rpm and maximum speed 650 rpm. Draw speed diagram and
8 BT-6 Creating
a kinematic arrangement of the gear box showing the number of
teeth in all the gears.
The spindle of a pillar drill is to run at 12 different speeds in the
range of 100 rpm and 355 rpm. Design a three stage gear box with
a standard step ratio. The gear box receives 5KW from an electric
9 BT-6 Creating
motor running at 360rpm. Sketch the layout of the gear box,
indicating the number of teeth on each gear. Also sketch the speed
Design a 16 speed gear box for the following data. Minimum
speed: 100rpm, step ratio: 1.25. The input is from a 5KW,
10 BT-6 Creating
1000rpm motor. Draw the speed diagram, kinematic diagram and
indicate the number of teeth on each gear.
A 16 speed gear box is required to furnish output speeds in the
11 range of 100 to 560 rpm. Sketch the kinematic arrangement and BT-6 Creating
draw the speed diagram.
A sliding mesh gear box is to be used for ‘4’ forward and ‘1’
reverse speeds. First gear speed ratio is 5.5 and reverse speed gear
ratio is 5.8. Clutch gear on clutch shaft and (constant mesh) on lay
shaft has speed ratio of 2. Calculate the no of teeth on all the
12 BT-6 Creating
gears. Assume that the min no of teeth on any gear should not be
less than 18. Calculate the actual gear ratios. Assume that the
geometric progression for gear ratios, top gear(fourth) third gear,
second and first is 1:x:x2:x3.
Design a nine speed gear box for a machine to provide speeds
13 ranging from 100 rpm to 1500 rpm. The input is from a motor of BT-6 Creating
5 Kw at 1440 rpm. Assume any alloy steel for the gears.
Design a 12 speed gear box for a lathe. The min and max speeds
14 are 100 and 1200 rpm. Power is 5 Kw from 1440 rpm induction BT-6 Creating

PART C (15 Marks)

A six speed gear box is required to provide output speeds in the
range of 125 to 400 r.p.m. with a step ratio of 1.25 and transmit a
power of 5 kW at 710 r.p.m. Draw the speed diagram and
1 kinematics diagram. Determine the number of teeth module and BT-3 Applying
face width of all gears, assuming suitable materials for the gears.
Determine the length of the gear box along the axis of the gear
A machine tool gear box is to have 9 speeds. The gear box is
driven by an electric motor whose shaft rotational speed is 1400
r.p.m. The gear box is connected to the motor by a belt drive. The
maximum and minimum speeds required at the gear box output
2 are 1000 r.p.m. and 200 r.p.m. respectively. Suitable speed BTL4 Analyzing
reduction can also be provided in the belt drive. What is the step
ratio and what are the values of 9 speeds? Sketch the
arrangement. Obtain the number of teeth on each gear and also
the actual output speeds.
In a milling machine, 18 different speeds in the range of 35 rpm
and 650 rpm are required. Design a three stage gear box with a
standard step ratio. Sketch the layout of the gear box, indicating
3 BT-2 Understanding
the number of teeth n each gear. The gear box receives 3.6 kW
from an electric motor running at 1,440 rpm. Sketch also the
speed diagram.
Sketch the arrangements of a six speed gear box. The minimum
and maximum speeds required are around 460 and 1400 rpm.
Drove speed is 1440 rpm. Construct speed diagram of the gear
4 box and obtain various reduction ratios. Use standard output BT-6 Creating
speeds and standard step ratio. Calculate number of teeth in each
gear and verify whether the actual output speeds are within + 2%
of standard speeds.

PART-A (2 Marks)
Cam Design: Types-pressure angle and under cutting base circle determination-forces and surface
stresses. Design of plate clutches –axial clutches-cone clutches-internal expanding rim clutches-
Electromagnetic clutches. Band and Block brakes - external shoe brakes – Internal expanding shoe brake.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1 Mention a few applications of cams and state its advantages. BT-1 Remembering
2 List the significance of pressure angle in cam design. BT-1 Remembering
3 Define Jerk. Name the profile of the cam that gives no Jerk BT-1 Remembering
4 Define pitch point in a cam. BT-2 Understanding
5 Name four profiles normally used in cams. BT-6 Creating
6 Explain the term undercutting in CAM and how it can be BT-4 Analysing
7 List the function of a clutch in a transmission system. BT-4 Analysing
8 Name the factors upon which the torque capacity of a clutch BT-1 Remembering
9 Name a few commonly used friction materials. BT-6 Creating
10 Specify the desirable properties of friction materials to be used BT-2 Understanding
for clutches.
11 Give examples of axial and radial friction clutches. BT-5 Evaluating
12 If a multidisc clutch has 6 discs in the driving shaft and 7 disc in BT-5 Evaluating
the driven shaft, then how many number of contact surfaces it
will have.
13 Classify clutches based on coupling methods. BT-3 Applying
14 List the effects of temperature rise in clutches. BT-1 Remembering
15 Why it is necessary to dissipate the heat generated during clutch BT-2 Understanding
16 Summarize positive clutch. BT-3 Applying
17 Differentiate between uniform pressure and uniform war theories BT-2 Understanding
adopted in design of clutches.
18 Under what conditions of a clutch, uniform rate of wear BT-4 Analysing
assumptions is more valid.
19 Narrate the axial force required at the engagement and dis BT-3 Applying
engagement of cone clutch.
20 Distinguish between dry and wet operations of clutches BT-1 Remembering

PART-B (13 Marks)

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
A single plate sketch, effective on both sides, is required to
transmit 25KW at 3000 rpm. Determine the outer and inner
diameter of frictional surfaces if the coefficient of friction is
1 BT-3 Applying
0.25, ratio of diameter is 1.25 and the maximum pressure is not
to exceed 0.1 N/mm2. Determine (i) the face width required and
(ii) the axial spring force necessary to engage the clutch.
A plate clutch with maximum diameter 60mm has maximum
lining pressure of 0.35 MPa. The power to be transmitted at 400
rpm is 135 KW and µ =0.3. Find inside diameter and spring
2 BT-3 Applying
force required to engage the clutch. Springs with spring index 6
and material spring steel with safe shear stress 600 MPa are
used. Find the diameters if 6 spring are used.
A multi disk clutch consists of five steel plates and four bronze
plates. The inner and outer diameters of friction disks are 75mm
and 150mm respectively. The coefficient of friction is 0.1
3 BT-3 Applying
and the intensity of pressure is limited to 0.3. N/mm2.
Assuming the uniform wear theory, calculate (i) The required
operating force, and (ii) Power transmitting capacity at 750 rpm.
A plate clutch has 3 discs on the driving shaft and 2
discs on the drive shaft, providing 4 pairs of contact surfaces.
The OD of contact surface is 240mm and ID is120mm.
4 Assuming uniform pressure and µ =0.3, find the total spring BT-3 Applying
load for pressing the plates together to transmit 25KW at 1575
rpm. If there are 6 springs each of stiffness 13KN/m and
each of contact surfaces have worn away by1.25mm, find
the power that can be transmitted, assuming uniform wear.
A multi disc wet clutch is to be designed for a machine tool
driven by an electric motor of 12.5 KW running at 1440 rpm.
5 Space restrictions limit the outside disc diameter to 100mm. BT-3 Applying
Determine the appropriate value of inside diameter, total
number of discs and clamping force.
An engine developing 45kW at 1000 rpm id fitted with a
cone clutch built inside the fly wheel. The cone has a
face angle of 12.5 degree and a maximum mean
6 diameter of 500 mm. The coefficient of friction is 0.2. The BT-3 Applying
normal pressure on the clutch face is not exceeded 0.1N/mm 2.
Determine (i) The face width required (ii) the axial spring force
necessary to engage the clutch.
A single block brake, the diameter of drum is 250mm and the
angle of contact is 90o, the operating force of 700N is applied at
the end of lever which is at 250mm from the center of the brake
7 block. Determine the torque that may be transmitted. Fulcrum is BT-3 Applying
at 200mm from the center of brake block with an offset of
50mm from the surface of contact. The coefficient of friction is
A 360 mm radius Brake drum contacts a single shoe as shown
in figure-1and resists a torque of 250 Nm at 500 rpm. The
co-efficient of friction is 0.3. Determine
(i) The normal reaction on the shoe,
(ii) The force to be applied at the lever end for counter
8 BT-3 Applying
clockwise rotation of the drum if e= 0,
(iii) The force to be applied at the lever end for clockwise
rotation of the drum if e=42 mm,
(iv)The force to be applied at the lever end for counter
clockwise rotation of the drum if e = 42 mm.

The layout of a double block brake is shown in figure -2. The

brake is rated at 250N-m at 650rpm. The drum diameter is
250mm.assuming the co-efficient of friction as 0.3 and for
9 conditions of service a pV value of 1000(Kpa) m/s may be BT-3 Applying
assumed. Determine (i) The spring force “S” required to set
the brake (ii) Width of shoes (iii) Which shoe will have greater
rate of wear?
An internal expanding shoe brake has the following
dimensions: Diameter of the drum = 300 mm, distance between
the fulcrum centers = 80 mm, distance of fulcrum centers and that
of cam axis, both from the drum center=100 mm, distance of the
line of action of braking force from the cam axis = 90 mm,
distance between the points where the cam acts on the two brake
10 BT-3 Applying
shoes = 30 mm. Each shoe subtends an angle of 90° at the drum
Centre. If the braking force is 750 N and the coefficient of
friction is 0.3, find the braking torque on the drum. Assume
the reaction between the brake shoes and the drum passes
through the point bisects the contact angle. Also assume that
forces exerted by the cam ends on the two shoes are equal.
A power of 20 Kw is to be transmitted through a cone clutch at
500 rpm. For uniform wear condition find the main dim of clutch
and shaft. Also determine the axial force required to engage the
11 BT-6 Creating
clutch. Assume coefficient of friction as 0.25, the max normal
pressure on the friction surface is not to exceed 0.08 MPa and
take the design stress for the shaft material as 40 MPa.
Design a differential band for a winch lifting a load of 20 KN
through a steel wire rope wound around a barrel of 600 mm dm.
The brake drum, keyed to barrel shaft is 800 mm diameter and the
12 BT-6 Creating
angle of lap of the band over the drum is about 240 degree.
Operating arms of the brake are 50 mm and 250 mm. The length
of operating level is 1.6m.
Derive the expression to determine the braking torque for an
13 BT-3 Applying
internal expanding shoe brake.
An automobile engine has an output of 80 Kw at 3000 rpm. The
mean diameter of the clutch is 200 mm with a permissible
pressure of 0.2 N/mm2. Friction lining is of asbestos with µ =
14 0.22. What should be the inner diameter of the disc? Take both BT-3 Applying
sides of plates with friction lining as effective. There are 8 springs
and axial deflection in spring is limited to 10 mm. Given G = 80
KN/mm2. Spring index may be taken as 6.


A leather faced conical clutch has cone angle of 30 0 .The
pressure between the contact surfaces is limited to 35N/mm 2 and
the breath of the conical surface is not to exceed 1/3 of the mean
1 BT-6 Creating
radius. Find the dimensions of the contact surface to transmit
22Kw at 2000 rpm Also calculate the force required to engage the
clutch. .Take µ =0.1.
A single plate clutch, both sides being effective is required to
connect a machine shaft to a driver shaft which runs at 500rpm
.The moment of inertia of the rotating parts of the machine is
1Kgm2 .The inner and the outer radii of the friction discs are
50mm&100mm respectively. Assuming uniform pressure of
2 BT-3 Applying
0.1N/mm 2 and µ =0.25, determine the time taken for the machine
to reach full speed when the clutch is suddenly engaged. Also
determine the power transmitted by the clutch, the energy
dissipated during the clutch slip and the energy supplied to the
machine during engagement.
A radial cam rotates at 1200 rpm with the follower rising 20mm
with SHM in1500of the cam rotation .The roller is 32mm in
3 BTL4 Analyzing
diameter and the prime circle is 80mm in diameter. Check
whether undercutting will occur.
A multi – disk clutch consists of five steel plates and four bronze
plates. The inner and outer diameters of friction disks are 75mm
and 150mm respectively. The coefficient of friction is 0.1 and the
4 BT-2 Understanding
intensity of pressure is limited to 0.3 N/mm 2. Assuming the
uniform wear theory, calculate (i) the required operating force,
and (ii) power transmitting capacity at 750 rpm.

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