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NAME: Marvin N. Gonzales YR.AND SEC.: BSAR – 4A DATE: 05/25/2019 .

Instructions: answer the following questions and some questions will be answered based on your personal
views as a person living in a community/society.
Submit this docx file to my email address: [email protected]

 Attached references as well

 What are the types of communities?

Different types of communities:

 Urban
 Suburban
 Rural

 What are the types of community development?

 Community engagement with a focus on community development or building

 Community participation in consultation and decision-making
 Community engagement that helps organizations and businesses to improve their service
delivery to achieve their goals

Community development is in fact a process and method to bring about proper development and
upliftment of the village society. It has the following forms:

 Community development as a process

 Community development as a method
 Community development as a programme
 Community development as a movement

 What are the roles of community development?

 Community development seeks to empowerment individuals and groups of people with the skills
they need to effect change within their communities.
 A response to the growth of nationalism in the colonies, and partly, as a desire to improve
industrial and economic development.
 It takes collective action to generate solutions to existing problems.
 It defines the practices of civic leaders, activists that are aimed at involving citizens and
professionals in the various aspects of community life to build stronger and more stable local
 To bring people to motivate themselves through programs geared towards their overall
development as a unit of society
 Encouraging togetherness and teamwork
 Aims to bring social reforms through discouraging ancient social or cultural practice
 Build communities on the basis of justice, mutual respect and equality
 Promote good governance
 What are the characteristics of community development?

Some of the characteristics of the community development process are as follows:

o Community member involvement in problem-solving and decision making.
o A learning process that is geared towards a change in behavior and requires learning by
o Participants who increase their competence and capacity to manage their own affairs and
o A grass-roots approach to social action

Distinguishing characteristics:
o Focuses on the whole community
o Emphasizes public participation as self-help
o Uses participatory democracy as a model for decision making
o Uses a holistic approach
o Often initiates the process using a paid professional from outside.

 What are the approaches to community development?

In community development there are numerous overlapping approaches to community

development. Some focuses on the process, some on the outcomes/objectives. They include:
 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: focuses on relationships at the core of the community.
 WOMEN SELF-HELP GROUP: focusing on the contribution of women in settlement groups.
 COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING: focusing on helping communities obtain, strengthen, and
maintain the ability to set and achieve their own development objective.
 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: focusing on the development of the said community.
 COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: economic development that encourages using local
 COMMUNITY ORGANIZING: a term used to describe an approach that generally assumes that
social change necessarily involves conflict and social struggle in order to generate collective power for
 LANGUAGE BASE DEVELOPMENT: focuses on the use of language so that it serves the needs of a

 What are the principles of community development?

The principles of community development are as follows:

 Self-help and self-responsibility are required for successful development
 Participation in public decision-making should be free and open to all citizen.
 Broad representation and increased breadth of perspective and understanding are conditions
conducive to effective community development.
 Methods that produce accurate information about the community are vital to the process.
 Understanding and general agreement are the basis for community change.
 All individuals have the right to be heard in open discussion, and the responsibility to respect
opposing viewpoints.
 Trust is essential for effective working relationships.
 Community participation
 Community ownership
 Empowerment
 Lifelong learning
 Access and equity
 Social action
 Advocacy
 Networking
 Self help
 Culturally safe and affirming
 Community development practice builds community capacity and resilience
 Supports socially conscious democracy
 Builds healthy sustainable communities
 Action oriented research
 Builds shared identity and belonging

 What are the core values of community development?

The values of community development can be considered under three broad headings: the things
it challenges; the ideas it promotes, and the thinking it influences. Community development is
committed to combating social exclusion, poverty, disadvantage, and discrimination.

Community development core values are the following:

o All people have basic dignity.
o People have the right to help make decisions on issues that impact their well-being.
o Participatory democracy is the best way to conduct a community’s civic business.
o People have the right to strive to create the environment they want.
o People have the right to reject an externally imposed environment.
o The more purposeful interaction and dialogue within the community, the more potential
for learning and development.
o Implied within a process of purposeful interaction is an ever-widening concept of
o Every discipline and profession is a potential contributor to a community development
o Motivation is created through interaction with the environment.

 Do buildings and infrastructure take advantage of resource-efficient

Does the community respect nature, integrating natural areas and
systems into regional planning and neighborhood design?design and
management practices?
 Do the community design and social structure encourage healthy living
and well-being?
 Does the community include public spaces of beauty, character, and
 Does the community respect and enhance important local conditions,
resources, and culture?
 Does the community encourage collaboration in planning and
 What is your responsibility to your community?
 In what ways do you demonstrate responsibility?
 How do you build a strong community relationship?
 How can you improve my human relations skills?
 How can we make our community better?

o There are countless ways each of us can do, whether big or small, to make our
community a better place to live, work and play. There are plenty of opportunities out there if
you look out for them. One simple thing to do is to take care of your community.
 If everyone took a moment while they were out walking to pick up a few pieces of
garbage, could you imagine how clean our neighborhoods would be? Or maybe
just putting your garbage on proper disposing areas to minimize the unwanted
scattering of trash can really make a difference. Taking care of our community by
cleaning up garbage, removing graffiti and more helps to instill a sense of pride in
the community for everyone can make an impact specially to the younger
generation since they look up to us and will surely replicate what we do.
 Another thing to do is to get involved as a volunteer. Manpower hours are the
single most important resource for bettering our communities, whether it’s by
helping organizing events, building a community playground or becoming an
active member of your local community. Today is the month of May and it is the
month for “Pangamuyo” as what it is locally known here. Being a volunteer or
“youth” in these occasions can make a difference to those children taking part in
these events since you can instill to them actions according to bible which makes
up a good child before and after pangamuyo.
 Also a great thing to do is to invest in your community. It’s not just a trend,
spending money locally is something that used to be done on a regular basis by
the older generation. Start looking around at the little independent shops and
make a conscious decision to frequently buy from them. Start looking around at
the smaller clothing boutiques that carry better quality than huge stores do.
Choose non-chain, locally owned restaurants every time you eat out. Give up the
brand name coffees and support your smaller local shop. Eat on small local
eateries and enjoy lutong bahay menus. You’re going to not only get a great meal
still, but you’ll get to know the person who’s actually giving you a real smile from
across the counter. They also most likely live in your neighborhood, so you know
exactly where your hard earned pesos are going to, a local family. This is
probably the number one thing we can do to better our communities, by
supporting our local businesses.
 An easy approach to making a better community is get to know your neighbours.
There are a few neighbourhoods in my city that I would love to live in simply
because everyone knows each other. I find that older neighbourhoods tend to be a
closer knit community than the newer ones, perhaps because they now have the
years of knowledge behind them. Community events, impromptu street parties,
some of these neighbourhoods have multiple yearly events that encourage getting
to know your neighbour. On a small scale, getting to know the people on your
street is something we all should attempt to do. Not only does it make for a
happier neighbourhood, but it also makes for a safer one as well. My neighbours
watch my house for anything out of the ordinary when we are on vacation and we
return the favor as well! Knowing who belongs where is one of the simplest ways
to keep your street safe, making it easier to see when something is wrong or out of
the ordinary.

 Scenario 1
 The cemex corporation is proposing to build a chemical processing
plant along old kawayan Road to provide additional employment to the
low-income communities situated in that area. As a planner, assess the
potential socio-economic and environmental impacts of such a plan to
the surrounding communities and recommend ways of alleviating some of
the possible negative outcomes.

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