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Sentence Pattern in English (fundamentos de la

estructura básica del Inglés)Lesson 1 (Basic)

Hablaremos de :
- Nouns / Subjects / adjectives / verbs / adverbs / complement / modifiers
Nouns : (sustantivos)
Names a person, place, thing or idea (Nombra a una persona, lugar, cosa, o idea)
Examples: John, love, world, picture, Madrid
Subject: (Sujeto)
It is the person, place, thing or idea (a noun) that does the action of a sentence
and it goes before theverb. (Es el sustantivo que realiza la accion de la oracion)
Examples of Subjects:
- George likes boats (George and boats are nouns but George is the subject)
- The weather was horrible yesterday.
- The bank closed early.
Verb (verbo)
It shows the action of the subject. Every sentence must have a verb. (Hace la
acción del sujeto y toda oracion necesita de un verbo)
- My wife went to France.
- We have studied English all night.
- I am writing a letter.
- She works for IBM company.
 Adjective (adjetivo): Describes a noun (califica a un sustantivo) -
Examples : Blue house , old man, interesting book, prettywoman etc…
 Adverb (adverbio): Describes the verb or adjective. (califica al verbo o
adjetivo) – Examples: He walks slowly / He studies quietly (muchas veces acaba
en -ly)
It completes the verb and it is usually a noun or noun phrase. Every sentence does
not require a complement. The complement answers the question what? or whom?
(Es el complemento del verbo y no es requerido tenerlo en toda oración).
 Modifiers: Tells about the time, place or manner of the action. (Hable del
tiempo, lugar y manera de accion del verbo)

Subject Verb Complement Modifier

John and I ate a pizza last week

We studied english last night

Verbo to be en ingles y pronombres leccon
gratis (Lesson 2)-
Pronouns :
Singular: I , You, He, She It
Plural: We you they
Verb to be (in the present form): am/is/are
Table # 1 (Positive form) Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) and its
“Subject” Verb Contraction
Pronouns (To be)
1St I am I’m
2nd you are you’re
3rd He/She/It Is he’s / she’s / it’s
1st We are we’re
2nd You you’ re
3rd They they’re
Table 2 : (Negative form) Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) and its

“Subject” Verb Contraction

Pronouns (To be)

1St I am + I’m not


2nd you are + you’re not / you aren’t


3rd He/She/It is + not he’s / she’s / it’s + not

he/she/it + isn’t


1st We Are we’re not / we aren’t

2nd You you’ re not / you aren’t

3rd They they’re not / they aren’t

Table # 3 (Questions)
Verb (to Subject Complement
be) Pronoun (optional)

1St Am I a good student?

2nd Are you married?

3rd Is he/she/it your friend?


1st Are we ready?

2nd you at home

3rd they tired?

Table 4: Short answers (Yes and no answers)

Positive Negative

1St Yes, I am No. I’m not

2nd Yes, you are No, you aren’t

3rd Yes, he is No, he isn’t / No, he’s not

No, she isn’t / No, she’s not
No, it isn’t/ No, it’s not


1st Yes, we are No, we’re not / No, we aren’t

2nd Yes, you are No, you’re not / No, you aren’t

3rd Yes, they No, they’re not / No, they aren’t


 Recuerden que en ingles siempre deben poner el Sujeto. En una oración
positiva o negativa deberán seguir la formula (SUBJECT + VERB +
COMPLEMENT) en donde el complement es opcional.
Ejemplo :
- Es bonita
- Is pretty (INCORRECTO) –> No hay sujeto y en el ingles es necesario
- She is pretty (Correcto)
 No se enamoren del verbo to be. Solo quiere decir ser o estar. Algunos creen
que siempre lo deben poner pero depende de que acción haga el sujeto.
- Juega futbol.
- He is play futbol (ERROR) –> el sujeto no hace 2 acciones a la vez.
- He plays football (CORRECTO)
Es decir, el sujeto puede hacer distintas acciones y el verbo to be solo es para
expresar acciones de ser o estar. En otras lecciones aprenderemos como hacer
oraciones con otros verbos
Algunos ejercicios de Grammar in Use Basic usando pronombres y el verbo to
be en ingles

Respuestas (Thanks toDinorín from México)

Question words with the verb to be, preguntas
con el verbo to be (LESSON 3)
LECCION 3: Verb to be with question words:
In this class we will talk about question words and how we can use them with the verb
to be in the present tense.
En esta clase vamos a hablar de los “questions words” y de como podemos
usarlos correctamente con los verbos “to be”
Question words are those words that may go in the beginning of a question. When we
use question words we do not use a yes or no answer.
Los “questions words” son las palabras específicas que se deben colocar al inicio de la
frase pregunta en inglés. Cuando se utilizan estos no se responde con las respuestas
cortas si o no (Yes, I am por ejemplo) Se responde con una oración completa
( S+V+C).
Ejemplo :
What’s your name?
I’m David Taylor. (The answer is a sentence)
With no question word:
Are you Maria?
No, I’m not (The answer is a yes/no because there isn’t a question word)
Question words are used to gather specific information. The following table shows the
meaning of the question words in Spanish.
Table # 1 Question words en ingles (verb to be practice)

English Spanish

Where Donde
Why Por que

Who Quien

What / (time) Que / Cual (a que


Which Que / Cual

How long Por cuanto tiempo /

para medidas

How often Con que frecuencia

Whose De quien

How many/much Cuantos

How old Edad

How Como

How + adjetivo Descripciones

How come Como asi

Table # 2 (Question structure of the verb to be in the present simple with QW’s)

Question Word Verb (to be) Subject Complement

What is (your) name? [no complement]

How old are you? [no complement]

Where is Juan from?

Who is (the) present for?

In questions with the verb to be, only the question words can go in the beginning.
Nothing may go in front of the question words in fullquestions.
¿ De donde eres? -> Lo lógico seria : From where are you? (INCORRECTO)
Recuerden que si algo va en su idioma antes del QW entonces lo mandamos al
final en el complemento.
Correcto: Where are you from? (QW goes first)
Typical questions with the above properties:
What is this for? (¿Para que es esto?)
Who are the books for ? (¿Para quien son los libros?)
What is the movie about? (¿De que se trata la película?)
Preguntas importantes con sus respuestas para aprender:
Where are you from? – I’m from Australia
What‘s (what + is) your address? – It’s 876 Snow Road.
What’s your nationality? – I’m Peruvian.
Whose pencil is this? – It is my pencil (Whose = de quien y va antes del sustantivo)
How old is Marcus? – He’s twenty years old.
Why are you sad? – Because I am sick.
How are you? – I’m fine, thank you.
Ejercicios Gracias a Basic Grammar in use de los question words en ingles:
Demonstrative pronouns/adjectives, articles
a/an and plural nouns (LECCION 4)
1) Demonstrative pronouns en ingles/adjectives:

Singular Plural Distance

This These Close to the


That Those Far from the

 Demonstrative Pronouns en ingles: substitute nouns that are understood in
context and indicate if they are replacing singular or plural nouns and give the
location of the object.
What’s that? (that se refiere a algo en singular y que se encuentra alejado de la
- That is a book. (That es el sujeto pues va antes del verbo to be)
En estos casos son Demonstrative Pronouns pues renombran a un sustantivo (noun)
 Demonstrative Adjectives: these describe nouns and there position. In this
case, you need to put a noun after the demonstrative adjectives.
Whose is this umbrella? (el sustantivo es “umbrella” y “this” esta describiendo la
- That umbrella is Juan’s. (De igual forma “that” describa la localizacion de el paragua
pero umbrella es el sujeto y sustantivo)
En ingles es mas simple que en español asi que recomiendo aprender la estructura sin
necesidad de traducir pues en espanol hay mas reglas.
2) Article (a/an)

Como vemos a/an se utiliza para decir “un” pero “a” va antes de consonantes y “an”
antes de vocales o sonidos de vocales. (En pre-intermedio veremos las reglas de
cuando usar “a/an”)
What’s that? – This is my book ——– What are those? – These are cookies.
What’s this? – That’s your pen ——– What are these? – Those are guitars.
What’s that? – It’s a book. ———— What are those? – They are computers.
* Tambien se puede usar para personas:
Who’s that? — That’s Joe.
Who are those? — They are my friends (Those are my friends)

3) How to make plural nouns (como formar la forma plural de los sustantivos)
Es cuestion de practicar y de seguir las reglas. En cuanto a las formas irregulares, se
les llama asi pues no hay regla para formar el plural.
Possessive forms: Possessive nouns and
possessive adjectives (LECCION 5)
In this class we will discuss about how to form the possessive form for nouns and how
to use the possessive adjectives correctly.
To form the possessive for a noun we must add to the noun an apostrophe (‘) and then
the letter “s”.
Examples of regular nouns:
The boy’s name. (El nombre del chico) —- The boys’ toys. (los juguetes de los chicos)
The girl’s pen. (el lapicero de la chica) —-The girls’ pen. (el lapicero de las chicas)
Example of irregular nouns:
The man’s car is in the garage. (el carro del hombre esta en el garaje) —– The
men’s cars are in the garage. ( los carros de los hombre estan en el garaje)
* Como ven, en los sustantivos regulares tienen que saber donde poner el
“apostrophe” (‘) para dejar el claro si es possesión de singular y plural –> boy’s
(singular) boys’ (plural).
En los irregulares es mas simple por que simplemente se agrega el “apostrophe” mas
la letra “s”.
—> man’s (singular) men’s (plural) , child’s children’s …etc.
 FIGURA # 1

Possessive nouns with names:

With names we add the apostrophe plus the letter “s” before the noun or nouns that we
want to show possession.
Juan’s brother is sick. (El hermano de Juan esta enfermo)
Miguel’s house is very far. (La casa de Miguel esta muy lejos)
Carlos’ girlfriend is at the party. (La novia de Carlos esta en una fiesta)
* Noten que con nombres que acaben con “s” no se le agrega otra “s” sino
simplemente el “apostrophe” (‘).
We normally use (‘s) for people.
- I went (fui) to my brother’s house. (NOT the house of my brother)
- This is my mom’s sister.
We use of for things, places etc…
- What is the name of the movie.
- Lima is the capital of Peru.


 Figura # 2
We can use the possessive adjectives BEFORE the nouns to show possession.
—> This is my BOOK. That’s her pencil. (Possessive adjectives need to be followed by
a noun)
* En conclusión podemos utilizar los possessive nouns o los possesseive pronouns pero estos tienen

que ser seguidos por un sustantivo. Los possessive pronouns son usados para especificar. En

cambio, los possessive adjectives son usados cuando ya se sabe de quien estamos hablando.
 Figura # 3

There is – there are en ingles – Curso gratis de

tructure and Use (there is/are)
There are and there is are forms used to express “existence of”. The structure is:
There + verb to be (is for SINGULAR nouns ; are for PLURAL nouns)
- There is a guitar in my room. (A guitar “exists” in my room)
- There are two chairs in my room. (Two chairs “exist” in my room)
The following chart is the forms of “there is/are” in positive (+), negative (-),
and questions (?)

Singular Plural
(+) There is a {chair, There are [some] {chairs,
book, man} books, men}

(-) There isn’t a There aren’t [any]

{laptop,bathroom} {laptops,bathrooms}

(?) Is there a {problem, Are there [any] {problems,

shirt} shirts}

This table is only for COUNTABLE NOUNS. In the future we will talk about uncountable
nouns. For this level when you use “there is” use the article “a”. In the plural “there are”
you can use “some” for positive and “any” for negative and questions (some/any) is
Nota: Estas reglas son para los sustantivos contables (aquellos que se pueden
contar o poner en singular y plural). Por ejemplo “chair” es contable porque uno
puede decir “chairs”. Un ejemplo de no contable es “water” o “rice”.

Some more examples:


Problems with “there is/are”

- Be careful when you translate from Spanish into English. Remember, follow the
Structure in English.
Problemas con “there is/are”
Esta es una de las primeras veces en que vemos que tenemos que tener cuidado en
traducir ya que las estructuras del Español u otro idioma pueden ser distintas. En este
Un ejemplo:
Como se dice: ¿Hay algún restaurante cerca de aquí?
ERROR: Is there any restaurant near here?
Es un error pues restaurant es singular pero any va con plural.
-Is there a restaurant near here?
- Are there any restaurants near here?
El problema es que ustedes quieren decir algún pero en ingles algún o algunos es
“some/any” pero se usa solo en PLURAL. Así que por favor cuando traduzcan háganlo
pero siempre teniendo en cuenta la estructura correcta. ESTO ES, EMPECEMOS A
PENSAR EN INGLES. No es necesario traducir aunque es inevitable pero es un paso
que se da después de saber y respetar las estructuras de el Ingles.

Exercise/ Ejercicios de “there is y there are”

Completar: Recuerden “There is (a) -> singular, There are -> Plural (se puede usar

 Respuestas cortas
Is there a TV in your room?
(+) Yes, there is .(-) No, there isn’t.
Are there (any) books?
(+) Yes, there are. (-) No, there aren’t.
 There también es usado para decir “allí”.
Ejemplo : My brother is (over) there. (Mi hermano esta allí) – Over es opcional. En este
post solo estamos estudiando el there + to be pero recuerden que tiene otros

Dar ordenes e insturcciones en Ingles, Giving

commands and orders with the Imperative form
In this lesson we will talk about how to give commands and orders and to use “please”
with the imperative.

The Imperative pattern

It is used to give instructions, commands and orders. It is a very
simple structure because we do not need to use the subject. The sentence is started
with the verb or verb phrase and “don’t” is used for the negative form.

Positive form:
Verb: Example: (to write / to ask / to read / to bring / to take / to give / to be)

(+) Write your name on the sheet. {There isn’t any subject because it is an order)
(+) Read chapter 5 for tomorrow.
(+) Be quiet!

Negative form:
To use the negative form add the word “don’t” before the infinitive without to

(-) Don’t write on the table.

(-) Don’t read that book.
(-) Don’t bring food to the class.

Example: (figure # 1)

* We can use the word “please” to make a request or petition. We put it at the
beginning or end of the imperative sentence (positive or negative).

Use a comma if “please” is at the end of a request. Don’t use a comma if “please” is at
the beginning of a request.

(+) Please be quiet.
(-) Don’t make noise, please.
(+) Bring me my sweater, please.

Apuntes del Profesor:

Como vemos, es una estructura simple pero es una buena forma de empezar a ver
otros verbos además del verbo to be. Recuerden de que tienen que empezar a pensar
en ingles así que cuando requieren dar una orden, instrucción o petición (con “please”)
pueden utilizar la forma imperativa afirmativa o negativa. Si no saben el verbo basta
con buscarlo en el diccionario y simplemente ponen la forma infinitiva sin el “to” antes.

No saben como decir “No saltes” Vas al diccionario y buscas y encuentras que saltar
viene del infinitivo “to jump”. Por ende se dice “Don’t jump“

Present continuous en ingles – progressive

tense Uso y estructura – Leccion 8
The Present Continuous or present progressive tense
 Structure: S + verb to be (AM/IS/ARE) + -ing form of a verb+ Complement.
 Use: To describe actions that are happening at the moment (NOW).

La estructura consta del uso del verbo mas el gerundio. se usa para describir
acciones que suceden en el momento. Se usa para explicar lo que uno esta
haciendo ahora.

I) The positive form of the present continuous.

- Remember to use the Subject (this can be a subject pronoun or a noun -LESSON 1
Click AQUI) plus (+) the verb to be in the present tense (am/is/are) and complement

The following is the table of the positive form of the present continuous / progressive.

Table #1 :Positive Form

Common mistakes:

- Students forget to use the verb to be


a) My father working (INCORRECT) —> My father IS working. (Correct)

- Sometimes students do not use the -ing form.

b) Robert is play with my sister (INCORRECT) —> Robert is playING with my sister.

Recuerden de no omitir el sujeto. En español “Esta comiendo” esta usando un

sujeto tácito. En ingles siempre debemos decir quien hace la acción (salvo en el
imperativo) Entonces en “esta comiendo” el sujeto puede ser el, ella, o ello. En
ingles seria “He/she /it is eating” dependiendo del contexto.

II) The negative form of the present continuous

The negative form is used by adding “not” after the verb to be in the present tense
form. You may use contractions.

Table # 2:The negative form.

Common mistakes:

-Some students place the negative first. REMEMBER TO USE THE S+V+C !!!

a) Not working my father (INCORRECT) —> My father isn’t (is + not) working

- Students use the don’t/doesn’t to do the negative:

b) She doesn’t playing (INCORRECT) —> She isn’t playing (CORRECT)

III) The question form of the present continuous.

We have to put the verb to be + the subject + -ing form + the complement.

Are you watching TV?

Remember that we can use the Question words before the structure:


- What are you doing? Answer: I am studying English with my virtual teacher.

- Where is Pedro going? Answer: He is going to the shopping mall.

Table # 3: Question form

Common mistakes:

- Students do not change the order of the verb to be with the subject:

a) He is working? (INCORRECT) —> Is he working? (CORRECT)

- Students use do or does in questions:

b) Do you studying? (INCORRECT) —> Are you studying? (CORRECT)

IV) Let’s practice ! (Ejercicios de practica)

Prepositions of place on in at, Preposiciones de
lugar en ingles (on in at) LECCION 9
Preposition of place (at, on, in)
Part 1: Uses of at, in, and on

 In: We use in to specify that a noun (object, person

etc) is inside.

Figura #1:


- Where is your father? He’s in the kitchen.

- Who is in the room?

- Brian was swimming in the ocean.

- Bogota is in Colombia.

* “IN” es usado para decir y explicar que un objeto, animal o persona se encuentra
dentro de un lugar, objeto o sitio.

 At: We use at to refer to a “general” location.

Figura # 2


- Maria is at the window talking on the phone.

- Juan is at the table with his girlfriend.

- Please read the paragraph at the top of the page.

- The restaurant is at the end of German Avenue.

*AT: es usado para explicar que un objeto animal o persona se encuentra en el sitio de
forma general. Es decir, si uno quiere decir: “Mi padre esta en la puerta” uno no puede
utilizar “in” puesto que “in” es usado para decir que algo se encuentra dentro de otro y
una persona no puede estar dentro de una puerta. Es por eso que en estos casos uno
habla de forma general. Por ende seria de la forma siguiente: “My father is at the door”.

 On: We use on when we want to say that an object or

person is on the surface of another object.
Figura #3:


- Your books are on the shelf.

- Don’t put your hands on my head.

- There is an orange on the table.

We always say : on a horse, on a bike (bicycle) , on a motorcycle and we usually say

on a plane.

*ON:Es usado para explicar que un objeto esta sobre la superficie de otro.

Lets Practice !!! (Part 1)

Figura 4:
Part 2 – rules to use (at, in, on)
- Reglas para usar (at, in, on). En los siguientes cuadros vemos frases comunes que
van con at, in y on.
Let’s Practice !!! Figure 5:

Homework – Tarea
Parte 1: Uso de (in on at) – Write the correct preposition (on in at)
Simple present positive form – La forma
positiva de el presente simple en ingles
(LECCION 10a-grammar)
 Structure / form:
The forms (or conjugations) of the present simple tense are two. Remember that with
the verb to be there are three forms (am, is, are). To form the present simple
conjugations we first need to have the verb. In this example we will use the verb to

Verb to play
One conjugation is formed by eliminating the “to” — > play
The other conjugation is formed by adding “s” or “es”. —>plays

So you can now form the conjugations of any verb in the present simple!
- to work: work / works
- to study: study / studies
- to watch : watch / watches
- to bring : bring / brings
- to get : get / gets
- to dance: dance / dances

Note : With the verb to have the conjugations are —> have
/ has (NOT haves)
Now we learned to conjugate and form the verbs. Let’s learn what pronouns go with the
correct form.
He / she / it ————> with the “s” form (plays)
I / you / we / you / they ———-> normal form without the “to” (play)

*Como vemos, en el present simple existen solo dos conjugaciones con los verbos que
no son “to be” (con los to be son tres conjugaciones : am, is, are). Estas dos
conjugaciones son formadas muy fácilmente. Una es formada con solo quitarl

e el “to” (play) y la otra forma es agregándole la letra “s” o “es”. Cuando comparamos
con el español vemos que esto es mas sencillo puesto que con el verbo jugar las
conjugaciones son: juego, ju

egas, juega, jugamos, jugáis, y juegan. Entonces si hablan el español el ingles véanlo
como algo mas simple y sencillo.

Figure #1: The positive form of the simple present tense

 Use (uso del presente simple)

Now that we know the structure/form it is IMPORTANT to understand when we use the
simple present. This will help us talk and participate in conversations. Without knowing
the use, we will have problems expressing ourselves.

We use present simple in the following situations:

- To express habits and routines.

Juan plays football on Saturday.
I go to work everyday at 8:00 am.
- General, mathematical and scientific truths:
English people drink a lot of tea
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.



**La forma y estructura es importante pero es indispensable saber el uso. Es decir,

tenemos que entender cuando y en que situaciones utilizamos el simple present tense.
Estas es la única forma de empezar a pensar en ingles. Cuantas veces me encuentro
con alumnos que saben rellenar un examen pero no saben hablar. Esto es porque no
prestan atención al uso. El uso les permitirá usar el tiempo correcto en la situación
correcta y les ayudara a tener conversaciones fluidas. Olvídense de traducciones
antes de hablar ingles. Esto les traerá problemas y les hará hablar lento. Simplemente
piensen y practiquen el uso de los tiempos.

Como vemos usamos el tiempo present simple cuando queremos expresar, rutinas,
hábitos, y verdades generales, matemáticas científicas. NO SE UTILIZA EL PRESENT

Figure #1: The positive form of the simple present tense

Common errors:
Remember that when we use “other verbs” we DO NOT use the verb to be:
- I’m have two sisters (INCORRECT) — I have two sisters (Correct)
- She is plays in the park (INCORRECT) —– She plays in the park (Correct)

*Recuerden de no usar el verbo to be cuando quieran expresar otra acción. “I” va con
“am” solo cuando ustedes quieran decir estoy o soy. SI quieren decir: Yo juego, no es
posible decir “I am play” puesto que están diciendo que yo soy/estoy jugar.

Figure # 2: Let’s practice

Figure # 3 (Look at the pictures and practice)


The Present Simple, forma negativa y preguntas

interrogativa- Question and negative form
El Present Simple en ingles -The Simple
Present tense
Negative form
The structure of the negative structure is formed by adding the auxiliaries do or does
plus the negation not

Do + not —> don’t

Does + not —> doesn’t

These auxiliaries are used TO HELP you. When you use the auxiliary the verb is
always in its simple.

In positive we had 2 conjugations for every verb (not to be)
- play/plays , work/works, study/studies, watch/watches, etc…

The conjugation is simple: HE / SHE / IT —- with the “s” form and I / WE / YOU / THEY
—- simple form

My brother works for IBM.
My parents live in Paris.


He / she / it + doesn’t + verb (simple form)

I / We / You / They + don’t + verb (simple form)

Figura #1:

Let’s Practice
Nota del profesor:Como vemos, lo que se conjuga en la forma negativa es el auxiliar y
no el verbo. Es decir, uno va elejir entre don’t y el doesn’t pero el verbo SIEMPRE
estara en su forma simple (sin la terminación “s”)

Question form
The question structure is formed by following the following structure

Question word + [do / does + SUBJECT + Verb (simple form)] + Complement

We use the auxiliaries do and does in the question form and they have to agree with
the subject
The conjugation is the following:
Does —–> he/she/it
Do ———-> I/we/you/they

The verb ALWAYS stays in the simple form (not with the “s” form)

Short Answers
Las respuestas cortas son con los auxiliares do y does con la forma positiva y don´t y
doesn’t con la forma negativa. La respuesta corta se refiere a cuando responde solo si
o no.

Do you study English for free in InglesTotal? ———-> Yes, I do

Yes, (I, you, we, you, they) do. ———— No, ( (I, you, we, you, they) don’t.

Yes, (he,she,it does)————————- No, (he,she,it )doesn’t

Figura #2

Figura #3
Let’s Practice

The auxiliaries appear in the negative and question form with the verbs that are not to

(+) Juan plays soccer.
(-) He doesn’t play soccer.
(?) Does he play soccer?


(+) She is a teacher
(-) She isn’t a teacher.
(?) Is she a teacher?

Nota: Recuerden que cuando usen el verbo to be (es decir cualquier conjugacion de
ser o estar en el presente) no se usan los auxiliares puesto que estos se usan solo con
los demas verbos y en negativo y en pregunta)
Tarea / Homework
I) Cambie las oraciones de formpositiva a forma negativa

II) Escriba la forma de pregintas de las siguientes oraciones

Prepositions of place Preposiciones de lugar
Clase muy sencilla pues veremos algunas prepociciones de lugar. Estudiaremos los
siguientes next to, between, in front of, behind (in back of), across from, by (beside),
under, below and above)


- Adam is next to Bob
- Bob is between Don and Adam,
-Don is in front of Bob and Carla
- Carla is behind (in back of) Don

Figura # 2


Anne is across from (opposite) Christa



- The man is by (next to) the window



- The Cat is under the table.

- The girl is under the tree.


- A is above B and B is below A


Let’s Practice (FIGURA # 6)

Exercices (oral) — IN AUDIO


1) The cat is ________ the table

2) There’s a big tree ________ the house
3) The plane if flying _______ the clouds
4) She’s standing __________ the piano.
5) The movie theater is _________ the right
6) He’s sitting _________ the phone
7) The calendar is __________ the clock
8 ) The cabinet is ________ the sink.
9) There are some shoes _________ the bed.
10) The plant is _________ the piano.
11) Paul is sitting _________ Anna.
12) In Japan people drive ________ the left.

Object Pronouns – Pronombres de objeto en

inglés (LECCION 12)
Object Pronouns:
Definition:: It is a pronoun that is used as an object in the sentence.

Remember: A subjective or subject pronoun does the action and goes BEFORE
the verb while object pronouns go AFTER the verb.


SINGULAR: —> Me (first person) You (2nd) Her / him / it (third person)
PLURAL —> Us (1st) You (2nd) Them (3rd)

Figura 1

** No confundir con los possessive adjectives : my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their

Figura # 2

* Como vemos los object pronouns reciben la action del verbo y pueden ser direct or
indirect objects. EN español esto se entiende como me, le, se, nos, os etc.. En ingles
siempre que hay un object pronoun hay que colocarlo en la oración (al igual que con el
subject pronoun).

Otros Ejemplos:
Imaginense que ven unos zapatos y dicen “Me gustan”. Esto en ingles no es I like o
peor Me like. Primero que I like esta incompleto puesto que no se dice elo objeto. Me
like es una patada a mi higado puesto que los object pronouns nunca hacen la acción.
Lo corrcto es. I like them. (them por que se refiere a zapatos)

- La oracion: Quiero darle un beso. —–> I want to give her a kiss. (suponiendo que el
objeto es una mujer)


Le quiero mucho. —–>> Quien quiere (subject) a quien quiere (object)

I love him/her. (Como vemos no hay tácito y se debe poner el “I” y tambien el objecto
(en este caso indirecto) him her o tambien it deacuerdo al contexto.
Let’s Practice
Circle the correct pronouns

1) We/Us usually see they/them.

2) I/Me write to she/her everyday.

3) He/Him loves her/she very much but she/her doesn’t love he/him.

4) Please don’t wait for she/her.

5) Do you like he/him?

Homework / Tarea

Adverbs of frequency Adverbios de frecuencia

Adverbs of Frequency
We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do
things. Adverbs of frequency go before all verbs EXCEPT
the verb to be.
De menos a mas:

Never – hardly ever – rarely (seldom) – sometimes – usually (often)- always

Note 1: Remember that with never and hardly ever we use POSITIVE sentences.

- We don’t never smoke. (INCORRECT)
- We never smoke.

Note 2: With don’t and doesn’t we use the adverb of frequency after these and before
the verb.
- We don’t usually travel.

Note 3: Sometimes can go at the beginning of the sentence. (Sometimes puede ir al

comienzo de una oración)

The adverbs of frequency answer the typical question starting with “How often”.

1) How often do you brush your teeth?
I always brush my teeth

2) How often does your mother cook?

She seldom/rarely cooks.

3) How often is Claudio late for class.

He is never late for class

** How often = Con que frecuencia. Para decir la horas exacta uno tambien puede
preguntar (What time?) Para responder la hora exacta utilizamos la preposicion “at”
antes de la hora.

What time do you wake up?
I wake up at 7:00 am.
Let’s Practice
Before we practice we need to learn some common verbs that we do everyday.


Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency

1) They _________ drive. They don´t have a car.

2) I _______ eat turkey. (Only at Christmas)
3) She doesn’t have a watch so she’s _________ late.
4) We __________ get up at 8:00, except Saturdays and Sundays.
5) I ________ play tennis (when I have time)
Homework (Tarea)

Modal verb Can and Could – Ability (LECCION

Modal Verbs Can and Could (to talk about
We can use can (for present) and (could) for past to talk about abilities. The form of the
modal verbs are very simple. All the verbs go with the same modal verb plus the
infinitive without “to”.


Maria can play the piano very well. (Maria has the ability of playing the piano)

They can play soccer.

I can speak English.

** Can y Could se utiliza para describir acciones referentes a habilidades. La forma es

muy simple ya que va con una sola conjugación para todoas las personas. Can es
para describir habilidades en el tiempo presente y Could para habilidades en el

Positive and Negative form (Modal Verb

Figura 1

Modal Verb Subject Infinitivo

without to
| I |
you |
he VERB – Simple
she form (DANCE)
CAN / it |
COULD we |


1) Can you play the guitar?

2) Can your sister speak French?

3) Can they dance salsa?

En el básico solo quiero que se enfoquen en usar can y could para describir
habilidades pero can y could tambien pueden ser usados para pedir favores. En este
caso Can = Could


1) Can / Could you open the door please?

2) Can /Could they bring more beers?

Short Answers
Yes, ( I you he she it we they) can/could – No ,( I you he she it we they )

Exercises / Ejercicios (Figura 3)

Simple Past: Verb To be – El Pasado de ser o

The Simple Past Tense (with the verb to be)
Similar to the Present simple tense, The simple past is divided in two main parts. The
form with the “to be” and with “other verbs”

Quiero que quede claro que esta regla que vamos a aprender a continuación es solo
para las conjugaciones del verbo ser y estar. Si utilizan otros verbos llevará otra forma.
Es muy similar al “Present Tense” Si recuerdan bien, con los verbos to be la regla
era distintaque con los demas verbos. Por favor si esto no esta claro visiten las
siguientes lecciones:


- LECCION 2 : The present tenes Verb To be (Positive and Negative)
- LECCION 3 : The present tense Verb To be (Question form)

Forma del PRESENT TENSE (Other Verbs)

- LECCION 10a : The present simple tense OTHER VERBS (Positive)
- LECCION 10b : The present simple tense OTHER VERBS (negative form and

Let’s remember the Simple Present Tense with the verb to be


It is quite simple. We DO NOT use auxiliaries (do, does, don’t and doesn’t) To form the
negative we just add the “not” and for questions we just switch the SUBJECT and the

We do EXACTLY THE SAME with the Past Simple tense: PLEASE LOOK AT THE


In present tense we used: Am / Is / Are

I/He / she / it — was (Positive) Wasn’t (Negative)
we / you / They— were (Positive) Weren’t (Negative)

Short Answers
Look at the next table. This is how we answer yes/no questions
Let’s Practice


Notas del profesor:

Como vemos, el Simple Past Tense con los verbos to be es casi igual al
Simple Present tense son el verbo to be. La diferencia es que en vez de usar las
conjugaciones “AM/IS/ARE” vamos a utilizar “WAS/WERE”.

Leccion de Simple Past Tense en ingles-

I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + VERB (PAST
FORM) + Complement
CONJUGACION . Lo único que hay que aprender es a formar esta conjugación. Esto
depende si es REGULAR o IRREGULAR verb.

The verb in the past simple form can be REGULAR or IRREGULAR

 Regular Verbs:

To from the irregular from we need to add “ed” to the infinitive form.
For example:
to watch -> watched | to talk -> talked | to wash -> washed (FIGURA 1)


PRACTICE (Regular verb spelling) – FIGURA 2


1) Maria played soccer last week.

2) Pedro and Juan watched TV yesterday
3) We studied for the test but we all failed.
4) They talked on the phone for two hours last night.

 Irregular verbs

The past forms of the irregular forms DO NOT end in “-ed”. They have different forms
and we need to learn them gradually. Here is a list to begin with: (FIGURA 3)



1) We went to the movies last weekend

2) They were hungry and ate the whole chicken.
3) She went to the mall and spent a lot of money.
4) Diego got up very late.
5) I came home early yesterday.
PRACTICE del Simple Past Tense en INGLES

Let’s Practice
Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the past simple tense
Homework (Tarea)

Hemos aprendido la forma del SIMPLE PAST con los demas verbos (que no son to
be) pero solo en la forma affirmativa.

Simple Past – Negative and question form

he past simple tense (NEGATIVE FORM)

To form the past simple in the positive we need to conjugate the verb to the past form.
This past form may be in the regular andirregular form.

Regular : verbs that end in -ed

- worked / studied / finished / stayed / liked / watched / worked / lived etc…

Irregular: verb change form

- ate / went / bought / read (pronunciado como “red”) / got up / woke up / spent … etc

To form the positive: S +V +C

I / you / he / she / it / we / you /they —- went —- to the park


In the negative form we need to use the auxiliary did + not (didn’t). remember that
when we use the auxiliary we put the verb in the INFINITIVE form. The auxiliary didn’t
is used in the negative form with verbs that are not to be. DO NOT USE DIDN’T WITH

Subject Auxiliary (did) + not Infinitive

I Study
You Work

She Play

He Did not (didn’t) Go

It Eat

We Arrive

They Live

Ejemplos (TABLE # 2):

Positive form Negative form

I went to school I didn’t go to school

She studied all night She didn’t study all night

They ate a lot They didn’t eat a lot

We had lunch We didn’t have lunch

 Simple Past (QUESTION FORM) – TABLE # 3:

In the question form we need to use the auxiliary “Did” and we have to write the verb in

Auxiliary (Did) Subject Infinitive

||| IYou StudyWork

| He Play

Did She Go

| It Eat
| We Arrive

| You Live

They Sleep

We can also place the question word before this structure.

QW + DID+ Subject+ Verb (Infinitive)

- What did you do yesterday?
- Where did Maria go last week?
- What time did Pedro leave the party?
- When did Sarah get married?
- How many bottles of beer did they drink?
 Let’s compare present simple with past simple


Present Simple Past Simple

(-) I don’t study I didn’t study

(-) She doesn’t work She didn’t work

(?) Does she study? Did she study?

(?) Do you like movies? Did you like the movie?

*** Como vemos en esta comparación, lo único que cambia es el auxiliar. Recuerden
que el auxiliar DID (ademas de do y does)APARECEN EL LA FORMA NEGATIVA E

 Short Answers (respuestas cortas)


Did you see Pam yesterday? ——– No, I didn’t.

Did it rain on Sunday? ———– Yes, it did.
Did Helen come to the party? ———– No, she didn’t.
Did your parents have a good trip?——— Yes, they did.



- I studied English last night.

- She finished school 3 years ago.
- Martin wanted to go to the movies yesterday.
- We went to New York 5 months ago.

Let’s Practice

Going to – Future LECCION 17 Expresar planes
y futuro
Hoy les presentamos un nuevo tiempo que esta relacionado al futuro. Se trata de la
estructura “going to”. Es muy similar al PRESENT CONTINUOUS ya que requiere del
verbo to be y going es el verbo go mas la terminación “ing” conocido como GERUND.

Tengo que hacerles recordar que para que ustedes hablen en inglés no solo es
importante saber la estructura sino saber en que momento usarla. Esto se logra por
analizar la situacion y saber el uso correcto de las estructuras aprendidas. Por
ejemplo, cuando necesitamos hablar de rutinas usamos el PRESENT SIMPLE (How
often do you go to the dentist?) Usamos el PRESENT CONTINUOUS para hablar
de acciones que estan sucediendo en el momento (What are you doing?). Para
expresar habilidades usamos CAN y para hablar de tiempos definidos del pasado

Así que recuerden que no es necesario traducir porque esto les traera problemas. Es
mejor PENSAR en Inglés y esto solo se logra con práctica.



Subject + to be + going to + infinitive


We use the future with “GOING TO” to talk about plans


Subject Verb To be Going to Infinitive

I Am dance
Going to
He / She / It Is Study

We / You / They Are Go shopping

- Maria’s going to travel this holiday.
- They’re going to go to a very expensive restaurant.
- I’m going to come home late.


Subject Verb To be + not Going to Infinitive

I Am not Clean
Going to
He / She / It Is not (isn’t) Cook

We / You / They Are not (aren’t) travel

- I’m not going to go to the party.
- Juan isn’t going to work today.
- They aren’t going to stay at that hotel.


Question Word Verb To Be Subject Going to Infinitive

What Am not I Do
Going to
Where Is not (isn’t) He / She / It Go

—————– Are not (aren’t) We / You / They travel

- What are you going to do later?
- What is she going to cook?
- Are they going to attend the meeting?
- Where is Maria going to study?

Short answers are with the to be verb

- Yes, I am – Yes, you are – No, he isn’t – No, they aren’t ETC

Errores típicos
Recuerden de NO USAR el do/does (para preguntas) & el don’t y doesn’t (para
negativos). NO SE USAN porque usamos el verbo to be.

- INCORRECTO: I don’t going to study.

- CORRECTO: I‘m not going to study.

- INCORRECTO: Where do you going to go?

- CORRECTO: Where are you going to go?

Recuerden de NO OLVIDAR de poner el verbo TO BE

- INCORRECTO: Juan going to buy beer.

- CORRECTO: Juan is going to buy beer.

Verbo Gustar – Like – Como Expresar

Preferencias en INGLES
Present Simple (verb to like)
USE (Think in ENGLISH!)
We use the verb to like in the present simple to talk about PREFERENCES or to
express interest about something or someone.

 Subject + verb to like + NOUN

When we talk about nouns (what is a noun?) after the verb to like we talk about things
in general therefore we use THE PLURAL FORM for countable nouns.


- I like mangoes. ( NOT: i like a mango)

- Do you like dogs or cats?
- What kind of movies does your friend like?

With nouns that are UNCOUNTABLE (nouns you cannot form in plural e.g. RICE,
WATER, MUSIC) we DO NOT put it in a plural form obviously.


- Maria likes beer. (NOT: Maria likes beers because beer in an uncountable noun in
- What kind of music do you like?
- I like Italian food.

 Subject + verb to like + “verb” GERUND

FORM (-ing)
When we want to use a “verb” as a complement we use the verb in the gerund form (-
ING ENDING e.g dancing, going out, running, swimming etc)


- I like going to the disco.

- My wife likes cooking.
- What do you like doing?

In American English you can use the gerund OR the infinitive form after the verb
to like.


Carlos likes teaching English — OR — Carlos likes to teach English.

*** Notas del profesor.

Vemos que el verbo to like es para hablar de preferencias y de gustos en el PRESENT
SIMPLE. Si el complemento es un sustantivo usamos la forma plural a no ser que sea
un sustantivo no contable. Cuando se use el verbo en el complemento usamos la
forma gerundia que es el verbo mas la terminación “ING”.

En en inglés americano se puede usar en infinitivo (to dance) en vez de el gerundio.

En InglesTotal vamos a recomendar usar la forma gerundio porque los mejores libros
lo recomiendan y en muchos examenes tendrán que usar la forma de gerundio.

Como ofrecer algo en INGLES

How do we offer something in English?
Now that we know the structure of some tenses (e.g Present simple, continuous, past,
modal verb can, going to) it is important that we focus on PRODUCING and in thinking
in English. Remember that we need to look at the situation and use the correct form
andstructure in English and AVOID TRANSLATING. We do not need
to translate because this can be confusing.

** Ahora que sabemos algunas estructuras básicas es importante que sepamos que
estructura usar en la situación indicada. Debemos EVITAR traducir oraciones
completas ya que en Español muchas veces se utilizan distintas estructuras que en el
INGLES. Veamos entonces como ofrecer algo en INGLES.

 Using the verb “WANT”

We use the verb want to offer something in English. When we use the verb to want we
to offer something we will use the present simple.


a) What do you want to drink?

b) I want a glass of water.
a) Do you want to eat anything?
b) Sure. What is there?
a) There is some chicken.
b) Yeah, I want some chicken.

When we use want it is considered not very formal.


When we use a “verb” after the verb like, we will use TO +INFINITIVE


Vern to want
Subject Infinitive

I/we/you/they Want To study

He/she/it Wants To be famous

*** Recuerden que hay verbos a los cuales le siguen el infinitivo con el “to” por delante
(como want) y hay verbos que son seguidos por el gerindio o forma -ing (como like)


We use would you like to offer something. It is a FORMAL WAY to offer.

The structure of “would” is the same as the structure of “can”.

*** Como utilizar el “would”: Es muy simple. Lo usamos igual que el “CAN”. Si no
saben como usar el “can” ir a LA LECCION 14 CLICK AQUI


a) What would you like to drink?

b) I’d (I + would) like some beer.
a) I am sorry, We don’t have any beer. Would you like some wine?
b) Yes, I would.
a) And what would you like to eat?
b) I’d like a sandwich.

Similar to want, when we use a “verb” after WOULD LIKE we will use the TO +

Would like Infinitive

I/we/you/they Would like To travel

He/she/it Would like To drink

*** recuerden que despues de would like va la forma to + infinitive. WOULD LIKE no es
lo mismo que LIKE


Do you like?:

We use the verb like to talk about preferences (If you have questions READ LESSON

a) Do you like apples? (Do you like it in GENERAL – We use the plural form if it is a
countable noun)
b) Do you like dancing? (we use the gerund form after the verb to like)
Would you like?:

We use would like to offer.

a) Would you like an apple? ( we are offering an apple at the moment – we use singular
if it is a countable noun
b) Would you like to go to the cinema? (We some TO + INFINITIVE after WOULD

Possessive Pronouns – LECCION 20


The Possessive pronouns are:


To understand these pronouns it is important to review the pronouns that we already


“Subject” Object Possessive Possessive

Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns

I Me my mine

You You Your Yours

He Him His His

She Her Her Hers

It It Its Its

We Us Our Ours

You You Your Yours

They Them Their Theirs

These are the pronouns that we know so far. Remember that the “Subject” and Object
pronouns refer to people, places and things (nouns) and the Possessive adjectives and
possessive pronouns refer to possessions.
Como vemos estos son todos los pronombres aprendidos hasta la fecha. Les hago
recordar que es importante aprenderlos y saber las diferencias que existen entre ellos.
Los “Subject” y object pronouns van a tomar el lugar de sustantivos y los possessive
adjectives y possessive pronouns se utiliza para expresar posesión. Les recomiendo
escuchar bien el audio para despejar dudas.

Si tienen aún dudas visitar la lección 12 de object pronouns

AQUI o también ver la leccíon 5 de posessive adjectives AQUI


We use both to talk about possession but they have different rules. LET’S COMPARE

 Possessive Adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)

When we use the possessive adjectives IT IS NECESSARY TO PUT A NOUN AFTER

the possessive adjective.

I didn’t take my book. (YOU NEED TO PUT “BOOK”)

Maria went to her house.

We need to put the noun after the possessive adjective “my”.

 Possessive Pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs)

When we use the possessive pronouns WE DO NOT PUT THE NOUN AFTER
the possessive pronoun.

Example: “We are talking about a book”

- That is mine.
- Maria didn’t take hers.

It is not necessary to put book because possessive pronouns can stand alone.

*** Entonces entendemos que con los possessive adjectives es necesario que sea
seguido por un sustantivo pero los possessive pronouns pueden ir solos. Cuando
usamos los possessive pronouns se tiene que tener claro de que uno esta hablando
sino lo correcto es usar los possessive adjectives.


Whose book is this? (Usar el question word “whose” para hablar de posesión y de usar
el sustantivo “book” despues del QW)

a) It is my book. (Here we use the possessive adjective “my” followed by the noun
b) It is mine. (Here we use the possessive pronoun “mine” and we do not need to put
the noun after it).

NOTE: It is also possible to use the POSSESSIVE NOUNS (Ver lección 5 AQUI)

Ejemplo usando el POSSESSIVE NOUN

- It is Juan’s book. (Se utiliza el sustantivo propio aumentandole apostrofe y “s”).

Comparative Form of Adjectives LESSON 21

Comparative Form of Adjectives
We use the comparative form to compare and contrast different objects or people in
English. Use the comparative form to show the difference between two objects or
people and we use THAN before what or who we are comparing to.

Remember that is it VERY IMPORTANT to know and learn adjectives because we will
need to use them to form this structure. If you need a list please CLICK HERE.




Miami is more modern than Lima.

*Entonces, usamos “The comparative form” para comparar y contrastar sustantivos

usando ADJETIVOS en INGLES. Es vital aprender adjetivos asi que se necesitan una
lista ir acá (HACER CLICK).

Reglas para formar la forma comparativa en INGLES

In this following table we can learn the rules TABLE #1

Adjective Rule Example

Adjective with one
syllable | |

1. Ending in – e ADD –r a) The Honda is wider than

the chevrolete
Wide |
b) A big car is safer than a
Safe | small one.

2.Consonant – Vowel – Double the |

Consonant consonant and add
-er |
| c) My house is bigger
Thin than yours.
3. All others d) Joe is thinner than Mary.
ADD –er
Tall |

e) John is taller than Brian

Adjectives with two or

more syllables | |

1. Ending in –y | |

Pretty Change the –y to –i f) Ana is prettier

and add –er than Nina g) A motorcycle
Noisy is noisier than a car
2.All others |
Use more (or less)
Beautiful before the adjective h) Marisu is more
beautiful than Elena
i) The shirt is more
expensivethan the trousers

Size Touch Shape Time

good - better
bad – worse

far -further /farther

Remembre to use THAN after the comparative form. Recuerden de usar “than” (y
nunca what) despues de la forma comparativa.

EXAMPLES: My house is more expensive THAN my car John is funnier THAN Tim


ADJECTIV Comparativ ADJECTIV Comparativ ADJECTIV Comparativ
E e E e E e

Happy Cheap Honest

Difficult Strong Busy

Clean Interesting Young

Early Hot Near

Beautiful Warm Funny

Soft Expensive Easy

Intelligent fresh Bad

Dirty Kind Late

Good Boring Dangeerou


Careful Cold weak


1) She’s much __________ her husband. (young)

2) It’s a __________ day _____ yesterday. (warm)

3) The vegetables in the shop are __________ _____ the one ones in the
supermarket. (fresh)
4) The train is __________ _____ the bus (expensive)

5) The new TV programme is __________ _____ the old one. (funny)

6) Mrs. Jones is a __________ teacher ____ Mr. Andrews. (good)

7) My office is __________ _____ Helen’s. (near)

8) The traffic is _______________ it was last year. (noisy)

9) You have a __________ life _____ I have. (busy)

10) Drivers in this country are _______________________ _____ drivers in my

country. (dangerous)

11) The exam today was _______________ _____ last year’s exam. (difficult)

12) She’s __________ _____ her sister. (smart)

13) Micheal is __________ _____ than Mathew. (Rich)

14) The students ask _______________ questions _____ they did before. (intelligent)

15) Her second book is _______________ _____ her first one. (interesting)





Lista de preposiciones mas comunes en

What are Prepositions?
It is a word used before a noun or pronoun to relate it to the other words. When you
form a phrase with the preposition it is called a prepositional phrase. This consists of a
preposition and its object. (
For example:

My English books are in my house.

“in my house” is the prepositional phrase. In is the preposition and house is the object
of the prepositional phrase.

* Como vemos las preposiciones son importantes para unir y relacionar sustantivos

Why are prepositions and prepositional phrases

It is important mainly because they indicate a relationship between the object of the
prepositional phrase with the rest of the sentence

In these examples, we see how the object of the prepositional phrase “table” is related
with the rest of the sentence

The notebook is on the table.

The notebook is under the table.
The book is beside the table.
She held the notebook over the table.

* Cuando usamos las preposiciones y los “prepositional phrases” unimos ideas y

relacionamos sustantivos con el resto de la oración. Es decir, damos mas profundidad
a nuestras oraciones y somos mas claros al hablar puesto que damos mas

List of most Common Prepositions – Lista de

preposiciones en Ingles mas comunes
Aviso: En esta lista damos las traducciones de preposiciones. Estas palabras también
pueden ser usados como adverbios, adjectivos, conjunciones haciendo que su
tradución varie. Acá les damos las traducciones de las siguientes palabras


About Acerca de / sobre

Above Encima de / por encima de

Across En frente de / cruzando

After Despues

Against contra

Along Por (una vía paralela) “Go along this street”

Among Entre (en medio de)

Around Alrededor de

At En / a

Before antes

behind Detrás de / atrás de

Below Debajo de / abajo de

beneath Debajo de / bajo

beside Al lado de / junto a

Between Entre (usualmente entre 2 personas u objetos)

By Por (de autoría “The book was griten by Dan Brown”) /

Por (vía de transporte) “I go to school by bus”

During durante

Except Excepto / salvo

For Para (destinatario / uso / propósito)

From De (origin / remitente)

In en

In front of En frente de

Inside Dentro de

Instead of En vez de / en lugar de

Into En / a / con (movimiento de entrar) “Come into my

Like Como / parecido / igual que

Near Cerca de / junto

Of De (posesivo)

On Sobre / en “on the table , on TV, on Sunday”

Outside Fuera de

Over Encima de / por encima de

Since Desde

Through Através

To A (destinación)

Toward / Towards hacia

Under / Underneath Debajo de

Until Hasta

With con

Within Dentro de (distancia / tiempo) “ I am going to traval

within the next week”

Without sin

Superlative Form – Curso INGLES BASICO

The Superlative Form en inglés

The superlative is the form of an adjective or adverb that shows which thing has that
quality above or below the level of the others. It denotes the greatest degree regarding
the quality of the adjective used. (

To use the superlative form please review adjectives CLICK HERE.

Brian is the tallest student in the class -> RECUERDEN DE UTILIZAR THE ANTES

Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.

*Entonces, usamos “The superlative form” para comparar establecer la cualidad

máxima del adjetivo en uno con relación al contexto. Es decir, es la forma del adjetivo
o adverbio que espresa su mayor qualidad. SINECESITAS ADJETIVOS(HACER

Por ejemplo:

“Mount Everest is the highest mountain” quiere decir que el Monte Everest es la
montaña mas alta. No hay mas alta que el Everest y expresa su supremacia con
respecto a las demas montañas en cuanto al adjetivo “high” que es alto.

Reglas para formar la forma Superlativa en INGLES –

Superlative Form en inglés

In this following table we can learn the rules TABLE #1

Adjective Rule Example

With one syllable

| |
1. Ending in – e
the + (adjective + – a) Jupiter is the largest planet
Large st)
2.Consonant – Vowel – |
Consonant |
the +(Double the
Hot consonant and add b) The hottest place on earth
-est) is Ethiopia.
3. All others
| |
the + (Adjective + – c) The Great Wall of China is
hard thelongest wall in the world.

d) Math is the hardest subject

in school.
Adjectives with two or
more syllables | |

1. Ending in –y | |

Easy the +(Change the – e) The easiest subject for me

y to –i and add – is geography.
2.All others est)
important the+[Use most (or
least) before the f) The most important thing
adjective] in life is love

Size Touch Shape Time

good - (the) best

bad – (the) worst

far -(the)furthest /farthest

Remember to use THE before the superlative form. Recuerden de usar “the” antes
de la forma superlativa.


SUPERLATIVES. En español no es igual. Impriman las 2 tablas de esta lección y la
lección 21 para que aprendan la regla y no tengan errores.


Brian’s car is THE most expensive

1) __________ (large)cucumber weighed 66lbs.

2) __________ (popular) tourist attraction in the United States is Disneyworld.

3) __________ (successful) songwriters are Paul Mccartney and the late John Lennon.
4) __________ (heavy) baby at birth was a boy of 22 lbs. 8 oz. He was born in Italy in

5) __________ (fat) person was a man in New York. He weighed almost 1200 lbs.

6) One of __________ (famous) painters was Pablo Picasso.

7) __________ (long) attack of hiccups lasted 67 years.

8) __________ (big) omelet was made of 54,763 eggs.


Superlative exercises:

Superlative Vs Comparative

Countable and Uncountable nouns –

Sustantivos contables y no contables
Countable and Uncountable nouns en inglés
A noun renames a person, place or thing. If a noun is viewed as countable if:

• A or an can be used in front of it : a table, an egg

• It has a plural form : there are two tables
• It can be used in a question with how many: How many rooms are there?
• A number can be used before it: four computers
If a noun is viewed as uncountable:

• a/an cannot be used in front of it: Cereal is healthy

• it does not have a plural form: I like butter (NOT BUTTERS)
• it can be in a question with how much: How much sugar would you like?
• a number isn’t used in front of it: It has little caffeine.
• it always takes a “singular” verb: Milk is good for you.

*** En si los sustantivos contables son aquellos que puedes contar (poner un numero
antes del sustantivo: una mesa pero no una agua Todos los liquidos como agua, leche,
cerveza, vino son no contables (EN ESPAÑOL PUEDE SER DISTINTO). Tambien las
carnes son no contables como pollo, pescado etc.



Countable Uncountable

Singular Plural One form

(+)There is a chair. There are some chairs. There is some water

(-) There isn’t a table. There aren’t any tables. There isn’t any cheese.

(?) Is there a bathroom? Are there any bathrooms? Is there any coffee?

Conclusions from the table:

• With countable nouns we have two forms: singular and plural and when we refer to
uncountable nouns we only use one form.
• When we use the singular form with countable nouns we use a/an and with plurals we
use some/any.
• With the uncountable nouns we do not use a/an and we can use some/any
• With countable nouns some/any means “an indefinite number”
• With uncountable nouns some/any means “a portion of”


Como vemos cuando un sustantivo es contable hay dos formas: singular y plural pero
con los no constables solo hay una forma. Nunca usen la forma plural cuando usen los
no contables. También cabe resaltar que cuando usamos el some /any con
loscontables significa algunos/algunas o en negativo ningun pero cuando se usa con
los no contables quiere decir algo de. Veamos:

There are some books on the table. (Hay algunos libros)

There aren’t any books. (No hay ningun lbro) Ojo que en español se usa la forma
singular de libro pero en inglés no.
Are there any books? (Hay algún libro)
There is milk. (Hay algo de leche)
There isn’t any milk. (No hay nada de leche)
Is there any milk? (Hay algo de leche?)


nouns en inglés:

Identify if the noun is countable or uncountable (Identificar si el sustantivo es

contable o no)

There is or there are?


LINK de Vocabulario mas lección (formato PDF)

Prepositions of Time and place – Preposiciones

Prepositions of place and time – Preposiciones en inglés

Before we start presenting more prepositions of place please review Lesson 9 (Link

Prepositions of place show where something is in relation to another object or person.

They show “position” and help us describewhere something is located in a sentence.

In lesson #9 we practiced the prepositions of place and today I would like to expand the
conceptwith the rollowing rules.
Prepositions of place and time : IN / ON / AT
Use IN before:
- Countries and cities :Colombia, Bogota (Paises y ciudades)
- Buildings: a shop, a museum (Edificios)
- Months: February, June (Meses)
- Seasons: winter, summer (Estaciones del año)
- Years: 1998, 2003 (Años)
- Times of the day: morning, afternoon, evening – NOT night (Partes del día)

Use ON before:
- Transport: a bike, a bus, train, plane, a ship – NOT car (Transporte)
- A surface: the floor, a table, a shelf, the balcony, the roof, the wall (Superficies)
- Dates: March 1st (Fechas)
- Days: Tuesday, New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day (Dias)

Use AT before:
- The following words: school, home, work, university, the airport, the station, a bus
stop, a party, the door, night, the weekend
- Times: 6 o’clock, half past five, 4:45 pm (Hora)
- Festival periods: Christmas, Easter (Festivales)

More Prepositions of time (colaboración Mas preposiciones en

Links to practice Prepositions of Place:

Prepositions of time

Exercises IN / ON/ AT

Extra Reading:

Leccion de Present Perfect en ingles clase de

The Present Simple and Present Continuous

We have studied these two tenses before. These refer to the present tense but in
different ways. The present simple is used to talk about actions that “usually” happen.
These actions describe routines or habits. The present continuous is used to
describe actionsthat are happening at the moment in which they are spoken.

Present Simple: For routines, habits and current information

- I usually get up at 6:00 am.
- Tom goes to the gym at weekends.
- Sarah has two children.

Present Continuous: for actions happening at the moment

- We are studying English at InglesTotal.

- I am not watching TV at the moment

** Como vimos estos 2 tiempos gramaticales que hemos estudiado antes (Present
tense :LECCION 10 y Present Continuous:LECCION 8) Usan el nombre present ya
que tienen una relacion con ella pero de manera distinta. El present tense se usa para
describir una acción que sucede usualmente como una rutina en cambio el present
continuous es utilizado para describir acciones que suceden en el momento en que se

Leccion de Present Perfect Tense en INGLES

This tense has the name “Present” but it has many uses and it is sometimes confusing.
Today we are going to study the first use which is for ‘EXPERIENCES”.

The Past Participle form of the verbs

To form the present perfect tense we need to learn a new form of the verb. This is
called the past participle.

Regular verbs

When you want to form the past participle of regular verbs, it is the same as the past
tense “played”where we add “ed” to the base form.



Verb Past form Past Particple

Work Worked Worked

Talk Talked Talked

Study Studied Studied

Stay Stayed Stayed

Watch Watched watched

List of complete regular verbs (enlace con lista completa de verbos regulares):
Irregular verbs

The irregular form of the verbs in past participle change and you have to learn them
with practice.


Verb Past form Past Particple

be Was/were been

eat ate eaten

go went gone

buy bought bought

ride Rode ridden

write wrote written

List of complete irregular verbs (enlace con la lista completa de verbos


The Present Perfect INGLES –

Positive form


Subject Auxiliary Past Participle Complement

I/we/you/they have been to Brazil

He/She/It has Eaten Sushi

Negative form



Subject Auxiliary Past Participle Complement

I/we/you/they haven’t been to Brazil

He/She/It hasn’t eaten Sushi

Question form



Question Word Auxiliary Subject Past Participle Complement

What countries have I/we/you/the been to?


——————— Has He/she/it eaten Sushi?


He/she/it + has = he’s/she’s/it’s

I/we/you/they + have = I’ve/we’ve/you’ve/they’ve
Short Answers (Yes/no answers)

Positive Negative

Yes, I/we/you/they have No. I/we/you/they haven’t

Yes, he/she/it has No, he/she/it hasn’t

USE of the Perfect Tense

In this class we are going to learn the first use of the present perfect. REMEMBER that
there are other uses and we will study these in the pre-intermediate level.

We use the present perfect tense to talk about: AN

When we want to talk about an experience we can use the present perfect tense. An
“experience” is something that happened in the time but WE DO NOT KNOW WHEN.
Let’s look at the chart.


To emphasize this use of the present perfect we use the word “ever”. More examples:

- Have you ever been to Peru?

In this question we are asking for information about his life experience. We DO NOT
CARE or WANT TO KNOW WHEN. It is a question without a definite point in the past.
- I have been to Mexico three times.
We say that in our life we went to Mexico but we DO NOT SAY WHEN.

- Has Laura ever eaten Paella?

We want to know if Laura has eaten paella once in her life. WE DO NOT WANT TO

*** ¿Cuando usamos el present perfect? El present perfect se usa para describir
acciones que pasaron antes y sin decir cuando. Es un tiempo indefinido del pasado y
se usa para expresar experiencias sin determinar el tiempo en que se dieron. Esto es
muy util ya que la pueden usar para pedir informacion en general. “Ever” se utiliza para
emfatizar este uso.

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

As we have seen, we can talk about the past with present perfect but we need to learn
the differences with the past simple tense.

Present Perfect : Indefinite time in the past

Past Simple: Definite time in the past
Maria has been to Spain (Present Perfect: we do not know when)
Maria went to Spain last year (Past simple: A definite time “last year” other phrases:
three days ago, last week, yesterday etc.)

*** Como sabemos, tambien podemos usar el past simple para hablar del pasado pero
es cuando es un tiempo definido; es decir, un tiempo exacto. Ya en pre-intermedio
ampiaremos este tema

Ejercicios y refuerzo:

Hacer los siguientes ejercicios (las respuestan estan en el audio)

Enlaces y links:

Muy buen enlace listo para imprimir que explica de otra forma el Present Perfect

Ejercicios para practicar el present perfect

Apuntes del uso de “ever”

Present simple AND present continuous –

Diferencias y ejercicios
 Structure differences
Present Simple:
- Maria plays tennis at the weekends
- She doesn’t study French.
- How many children do they have?

- In positive we use two conjugations. One is the simple form and the other is the “s”
form (play/plays)
- In negative sentences we use the auxiliaries don’t and doesn’t and the verb is
ALWAYS in the simple form. (She doesn’t work)
- In the question form we use auxiliaries do and does and also the verb goes in the
simple form. The subject goes in between the auxiliary and the verb. (Do you work

Present continuous
- Maria is playing tennis.
- She isn’t studying.
- What are they doing?

- When we construct the present continuous we use the verb to be. Therefore we DO
NOT USE auxiliaries do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
- Use the “ing” form after the verb to be.

Present Simple Present Continuous

Routines / Habits : Maria smokes Actions happening NOW: Maria is


Permanent Actions: Pedro lives in Temporary actions: Juan is staying at

Sevilla the Marriot hotel.

Current facts/truths: I have two brothers

Exercises: (The answers are in the AUDIO)

Fill in the blanks with am/is/are/do/don’t/does/doesn’t

1. Excuse me _____ you speak English?

2. Have a cigarette. No, thank you. I _____ smoke.
3. Why ____ you laughing at me?
4. What ____ she do? She’s a dentist.
5. I ____ want to go out. It ____ raining.
6. Where ____ you come from? From Canada.
7. How much ____ it cost to send a letter to Canada?
8.I can’t talk to you at the moment. I ____ working.
9. George is a good tennis player but he _____ play very often.

Put the verb in present continuous or present simple

1. Excuse me, ______________ (you/speak) English?
2. Tom _________________ (have/shower) at the moment.
3. They _____________ (not/watch) television very often.
4. Listen! Somebody _______________ (sing)
5. She’s tired. She ____________ (want) to go home.
6. How often ____________________ (you/read) a newspaper?
7. Excuse me, but you __________________ (sit) in my place. Oh I’m sorry.
8. I’m sorry. I ___________________ (not/understand). Please speak more slowly.
9.Where are you Roy? I am in the office. I ___________________ (read)
10. What time __________________ (she/finish) work every day?
11. You can turn off the radio. I _____________________ (not listen) to it.
12. He ____________________ (not/usually/drive) to work. He usually ________



Conectores en INGLES – Como unir y vincular

ideas LECCION 39
A continuación presentaremos los conectores mas comunes de acuerdo a su uso
comunicativo. Les sugerimos que le den la importancia debida a este tema y verán
cambios positivos cuando conversen y se comuniquen oralmente.

 Enumerar listas de forma secuencial

Muy importante exponer diversos puntos en orden cronológico. Muy usado al dar
presentaciones pero también para cualquier situación.

first in the first place first of all to begin with

second in the second place secondly next

third in the third place thirdly another

 Agregar o unir ideas

El uso de “and” es el más común pero en esta categoría pero recomendamos que
usen otros conectores. Si quieren ser fluidos les recomiendo tener diversas opciones y
no solo una.

in addition equally important moreover furthermore besides

also further too and

 Contrastar ideas

En esta categoría el que es mas usado es “but”. A continuación les dejo otros
conectores de contraste.

even though on the contrary however although but

despite on the other hand in spite of yet regardless

though in contrast otherwise

 Para expresar causa y efecto

then as a result because consequently hence

since accordingly therefore thereupon thus

 Dar ejemplos

Importante cuando tenemos que dar una lista de ejemplos. Acá el mas común es “for

namely particularly incidentally to illustrate specifically

For instance in other words for example in particular

 Para expresar comparación

Estas frases y palabras de vinculación son cuando quieren comparar diversas ideas.

similarly in a like manner likewise in the same way in like man

 Para expresar y dar conclusiones

all in all altogether in brief in conclusion to conclude

in short in summary that is on the whole to summarize

Usen estos conectores cuando se comuniquen y verán como les ayudara a transmitir
una mensaje. Serán mas ordenados y claros cuando se comuniquen y a la vez, la
otros notarán que usted tiene un mejor nivel de inglés.

First Conditional –
The First Conditional



If Maria arrives late, her mother will get angry.

I won’t go to the cinema if I am sick.
What will you do if you fail the test?

The first conditional is used for REAL or POSSIBLE situations.

* La primera condicional en inglés se utiliza para situaciones reales o posibles. La

explicación extensa esta en el audio al comienzo de esta entrada.

1. If I _____ to you now, I _____ my bus. (talk, miss)
2. If I _____ the bus, I _____ late for work. (miss, be)
3. If I _____ late for work, my boss _____ angry with me. (be,be)
4. If my boss _____ angry with me, I _____ my job. (be, lose)
5. If Carlos _____ late, his wife ____. (arrive, get angry).
6. Norma _____ if her son _____. (not go out, not call).
7. They _____ the test, if they _____. (not pass, not study).
8. If the teacher _____ late, we _____ the test(be, not have)

Online: Ejercicios en INTERNET


- PDF:

Second Conditional en inglés

The SECOND Conditional en inglés


If Juan were taller, he would be a better goalkeeper.

I would buy a house if I had more money.
What would you do if you found a wallet with 100,000 dollars?

NOTA: En la segunda condicional, cuando usamos el verbo to be en la estructura del

“IF”, todas las personas van con WERE.


If I were you, I would go to the hospital. / If she were my sister I would not let her go to
the party


When do we USE the SECOND

The second conditional is used for HYPOTHETICAL or IMPROBABLE situations
in the future and its consequences.

Cuando se usa el Second Conditional

* La segunda condicional en inglés se utiliza para situaciones hypotéticas o irreales. La

explicación extensa esta en el audio al comienzo de esta entrada.
1. If I _____ a millionaire, I _____ mansion un Paris. (be, buy)
2. If I _____ a car, I _____ everyday. (have, go out)
3. If I _____ sick, I _____ to the party. (not be, go)
4. If Susan _____ more, she _____ her tests. (study, pass)
5. What ____ you ____ if you _____ a wallet wih a lot of money? (do, find).
6. Brian _____ if his son _____ sick. (travel, not be).
7. They _____ the ticket if they _____ money. (buy, have).
8. If Maria _____ to class more, she _____ more(come, understand)

Online: Ejercicios en INTERNET


Enlace directo:

Download (PDF, 285KB)






Going to vs Will – diferencias del FUTURO:

future tenses
DIFERENCES between WILL and GOING TO for the future

When we want to talk about the future there are different ways of expressing an idea.
In this class we are going to focus only on will and going to. However, it is important to
remind you that there are other ways which we will cover in future lessons.
For many people, including natives, there is little or no differences between going to
and will. Many do not even pay attention to these differences because they just want
to communicate and for them both are future and both are the same. But we are not
here to simply learn to communicate but to do it effectively and correctly. Therefore, we
are going to review the differences.

DIFFERENCES IN USE – Diferencias en el uso entre

going to y will
Talking about the future
We use WILL for the following situations:

- Instant decisions
– Promises
– Offers
– Predictions
We use Going To for:
- Plans
– *Predictions
Look at the following conclusions:

* Entonces la diferencia principal entre GOING TO y WILL es dependiendo de

cuando se haya tomado la decisión.

Como esta claro, GOING TO es usado para hablar de planes y un plan es una
decision tomada en el pasado (VER LA FIGURA ARRIBA) Will por el contrario, es
una decision que uno toma en el momento en que uno habla (Desición
Tambíen vemos que hay otras funciones y usos en las cuales utilizamos will o
going to. Para la explicación de estos puntos favor de referirse al audio y a las
lecciones 17 (going to) y 36 (will)

Habiendo estudiado las diferencias llenen los espacios usando los verbos en
parentesis con la estructura WILL o GOING TO de acuerdo con el contexto. LAS
Adverbios en INGLES – English Adverbs –
Reglas y usos de los Adverbios
-Adverbs are parts of speech that modify, qualify or describe a verb, an adjec-
tive or another adverb.

Some examples:

Example: She drove dangerously . (Modifies a verb).

He speaks Engish very fast. (Modifies adjective).

He walks slowly . (Modifies another adverb).

Como vemos, los adverbios son muy útiles ya que podemos adornar mejor nuestras
frases, Es decir, podemos expresarnos mejor y por ende comunicarnos mejor. Asi
como los adjetivos son importantes para describir a sustantivos ( The TALL man) los
adverbios lo son para describir adjetivos, verbos y otros adverbios.

Adverb Types
Adverbs of manner
These adverbs answer the question how.

How does Juan drive?

- He drives carefully.

How does Maria dance?

- She dances beautifully.

Esta clase de adverbios responden a la pregunta cómo. Casi todos estos verbos
acaban en ¨ly¨ aunque hay excepciones. A continuación una lista de Adverbs of

List of common adverbs of manner:

They answer the question ‘where’.

The books are there there.

Juan was sleeping here.
We looked everywhere.

Is your friend outside?

The bathroom is upstairs.

Estos Adverbs of Place responden a la pregunta donde. A continuación podrán ver una
lista con los Adverbs of Place mas comunes. Noten que algunos pueden ser
preposiciones siempre dependiendo del contexto en el que se usen.

List of common Adverbs of Place:



They answer the question ‘when’ and ‘how often’ .

Adverbs of time:

- I want to go to the beach tomorrow.

- Marisu cooked yesterday.
- I haven’t done my homework yet?

Adverbs of frequency:

- Karen always goes out at weekend.

- I rarely cook.
- My father sometimes plays tennis.

List of common Adverbs of Time and


These adverbs answer the question ‘to what extent’?
These adverbs modify adjectives and other adverbs. They usually come before the
word they are modifying

The teacher is very tall.

My sisters are a bit fat.
The weather is quite cold.
He quite understands grammar.

List of common Adverbs of Degree:


Adjetivos que acaban en “-ed” y en “-ing” –

Adjectives ending in “ED” and ”ING”
Some adjectives have the characteristic of ending in “ed” and “ing”. Let’s ltake a look at
the rules.

 We use adjectives ending in “ING” to describe something or someone.

Maria is watching a very interesting movie.
I hate that teacher. He is really boring.

 We use adjectives ending in “ED” when we want to describe how people


This movie isn’t interesting. I am bored.
Juan is very exited because he is going to travel to Miami for the first time.

- We can use adjectives ending in “ing” for things or people. Remember that when we
use “ing” it is describing the person or thing.
- We can use the “ed” ONLY for people (or animals) because THINGS CANNOT FEEL.

We can say:
Felipe is boring. (describes his personality).
Felipe is bored. (he feels bored at the moment)

We can’t say:
The TV program is bored – INCORRECT (because things can’t feel).
***Queda claro que para cosas, situaciones u objetos usamos la terminación
“ing” y no es posible usar “ed”. La razón es porque se usa la terminación “ed”
para expresar lo que uno siente y está claro que las cosas sin vida no pueden
sentir. Para personas uno puede usar “ed” (cuando uno siente) o “ing” pero
esta última se usa para DESCRIBIR a la persona. Así que si yo digo “Juan
is depressed” quiere decir que se encuentra deprimido ya que describo la
situación actual porque por algina razón se siente asi. En cambio si decimos
“Juan is depressing” entonces describimos a Juan. Es una persona depresiva.

Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing list



alarming alarmed Alarmante /


amusing amused Divertido

annoying annoyed Fastidioso /


boring bored Aburrido

concerning concerned Preocupante /


confusing confused Confuso /


embarrassing embarrassed Embarazoso /


encouraging encouraged Alentador /


entertaining entertained Entretenido

exciting excited Emocionante /


exhausting exhausted Agotador /


frightening frightened Aterrador /


frustrating frustrated Frustrante /


humiliating humiliated Humillante /


interesting interested Interesante /


intriguing intrigued Intrigante /


overwhelming overwhelmed Abrumador /


perplexing perplexed Perplejo

pleasing pleased Agradable /


relaxing relaxed Relajante /


satisfying satisfied Gratificante /


shocking shocked Chocante /


surprising surprised Sorprendente /


tiring tired Cansador /


*** Lista mas completa aquí :

Exercises / Ejercicios (Las respuestas están en el audio)

Choose the correct form of the adjective according to the context.

1) Monday is very bored / boring. It is the first day of the week.

2) I’m bored / boring with my job. It’s always the same.
3) When we lost the football game, we felt depressed / depressing.
4) My team never wins. It is very depressed / depressing.
5) Reading a book is very relaxed / relaxing.
6) I am very relaxed / relaxing at the weekend.
7) The movie I watched yesterday was very interested / interesting.
8) I’m not very interested / interesting in studying French. I prefer English.
9) Julio is very exited / exiting about his brand new car.
10) The Barcelona – Inter match was very exited / exiting.

Online Exercises / Ejercicios EN LINEA : (Para ver respuestas ir a la
parte inferior y click en Answers)

Separata de la BBC (Con respuestas)


Negative Questions – Preguntas negativas en

Negative questions
To form negative questions we simply add n’t (not) after the auxiliary

Negative Questions

Aren’t you married?Don’t you know PRESENT SIMPLE


Isn’t Juan working? PRESENT


Wasn’t Felipe sick?Didn’t Mary study for PAST SIMPLE

the test?

Haven’t you sent the email PRESENT PERFECT

Aren’t you going to the doctor tomorrow? FUTURE

USE of negative questions

Compare the following questions
- Are you sick?

This is a normal information question. I want to know if the person is sick in general.

- Aren’t you sick?

In this case you have the idea that the person is sick. For example, let’s suppose that
Mario arrived late to work and said he was sick. Later that afternoon you see him
drinking a cold beer. You say “Hey Mario, aren’t you sick?”

We use the negative questions:

 To show surprise :
Didn’t you send the email? Why? That was so important.
 To show doubt; to check information
-Aren’t you the Carlos? Don’t you teach English on-line? Wow! Nice to meet you.
- Doesn’t she work for City Bank. I think I know her
 When you expect the listener to agree
-Isn’t it a great day. It is so sunny and the sky is blue.
- Doesn’t this food tase delicious? Yummy Yummy.

En conclusión vemos que para formas los “negative questions” simplemente

añadimos el “not” despues del “auxiliary”. Es es bastante sencillo pero la importancia
esta es saber es que situaciones se usan. COmo vimos lo usamos para expresar
sorpresa, cuando tenemos una duda y queremos corraborar información y finalmente
lo usamos cuando esperamos que la otra persona este de acuerdo con nosotros.
Recuerden de practicar esta formay de no olvidarse de los usos.

Negative Questions (Ejercicio para completar)

Diferencias entre DO y MAKE – Lección: uso

correcto del verbo hacer en inglés
¿Cuándo se utiliza el verbo “do”?
“Do” se usa de la siguiente manera :

- “Do” se usa cuando se habla de trabajo, puestos de trabajo o tareas (work, jobs or

 Have you done your homework?

 I have some friends visiting me tonight so I should start doing the housework
 I do not want to do that job.

- “Do” se usa cuando nos referimos a las actividades , en general, sin ser específico.
Es muy común usarlos con las palabras “thing, something, nothing, anything,
everything” etc.

 Hurry up! Ihave things to do!

 Look! The baby fell – do something!
 Is there anything I can do to help you?

Recuerde que “Do” también puede ser como un verbo auxiliar (para hacer preguntas
en tiempo presente – ¿Do you like pizza? ) Para aprender como usar “do” y “does”
correctamente en el present simple vaya a la lección 10b con audio gratis (clase

¿Cuándo se utiliza “make”?

- El verbo “Make” es para producir , construir, crear o construir algo nuevo .También se
utiliza para indicar el origen de un producto o los materiales que se utilizan para hacer
algo .

 Her wedding ring is made of white gold.

 The house was made of bricks.

 Wine is made from grapes.
 The tablets were made in Switzerland

- Utilizamos “make” para producir una acción o reacción :

 You are making me angry!

 Wine makes me feel sleepy.
 It’s not my fault. My brother mademe do it!

- Después de ciertos sustantivos sobre los planes y decisiones :

 make the arrangements,

 make a choice

- Utilizamos “make” con sustantivos de ciertos sonidos :

 make a comment
 make a noise
 make a speech

- Utilizamos”make” con alimentos, bebidas y comidas :

 make a cake
 make a cup of tea
 make dinner
Lista de frases con “DO” y con “MAKE
Existen muchas frases con estos 2 verbos y algunos no siguen ninguna regla. Lo
mejor es practicar estas frases para poder utilizarlas cuando nos comunicamos en
inglés. Pueden tambíen descargar esta lista desde la página de English-Area
como archivoPDF listo para imprimir desde AQUI:
Palabras similares en INGLES y ESPAÑOL pero
con significado diferente
Lista de palabras similares en INGLES y
ESPAÑOL con distinto significado:
 actually es similar a la palabra en español actualmente; sin
embargo, actualmente se traduce mejor con, por ejemplo currently, ya
que actually significa en realidad.

 embarrassed no es lo mismo que embarazada. La traducción

de embarrassed es avergonzado. Embarazada es pregnant.
 realize no debe de ser confundido con realizar. Realize significa “darse cuente
(de algo)”

 approve es muchas veces traducido como aprobar como en el ejemplo:

“Teacher, did I approve the exam? (ESTO ES UN ERROR)” approve significa estar
de acuerdo con algo.

 eventually no es lo mismo que eventualmente. Eventually es mejor traducido

como finalmente.

 Muchos estudiantes usan el término career para referirse a sus

estudios (Spanish carrera):”When I finish mycareer, I want to go to United States
(sic)”. Career, en inglés se refiere a su trabajo profesional, es decir, “When you
finish your career you’ll be an old person!”

 lecture no es lo mismo que lectura. Un lecture es un discurso hablado de un


 apartment in Spanish is departamento y tambíen department es departamento.

Por ende un error clásico es que al lugar donde vives le digan department.

 try no es tratar como vemos en estas oración erroneas “the movies tries with
the problems of a strange man,” “in business, you have to try with people.” Cuando
se refieran a “tratar” es este contexto el verbo es deal with.

 win no siempre es ganar. No se dice:”They win a lot of money,” se dice

“They make/earn a lot of money.” You win money in the lottery.

 Politics/ Politician: muchos confunden politico(s) with English politics. Politician

= politico. Politics se refiere a la pólitica en general.

 library = biblioteca bookstore = libreria bookcase = librero

 Compromise y compromiso no son lo mismo. Compromiso debe de ser
traducido como commitment.

 La palabra familiar existe en español e inglés; sin embargo, el significado es

distinto. Familiar en español se puede referir a un miembro de la familia. En inglés
es un adjetivo no mas como “Eso me parece familiar”.

 La palabra cientifico es tanto sustantivo como adjetivo. Por ello los estudiantes
usan de manera erronea la palabra scientific para referirse a la persona lo cual es
un error. Para referirse a la persona se usa, scientist como en “He is a famous

 Parents solo se refiere a padre y madre. Por otro lado, parientes Tpuede ser
utilizado para otros familiares. Parientes en inglés es relatives


Present Perfect en inglés con just – Acciones

que acaban de pasar LECCION 48 GRAMMAR – GRAMATICA
Present Perfect – usos comunicativos
- Acciones en un tiempo indefinido del pasado (Lección 26 del nivel Básico CLICK
- Acciones que acaban de pasar con “JUST” (Lección de hoy)
- Acciones que expresan expectativa con “already” y “yet” (Lección aún no
- Acciones que empiezan en el pasado y continuan en el presente (Lección aún no

Present Perfect: Actions that happened a SHORT

We can use the Present Perfect Tense to talk about actions that happened and finished
a short time ago. In these cases we use the keyword: JUST to be clear about this use
and not to confuse it with other Present Perfect uses.

Image 1: (image from English File Preintermediate)

Podemos usar el tiempo gramatical Present Perfect para describir acciones que
justo acaban de terminar. Para poder ser mas claros, se usa la palabra JUST
antes del verbo en pasado participio.


A: Are Paul and Juan here?

B: Yes, they’ve just arrived.

A: Are you thirsty?

B: No, I have just had a glass of water.

A: I don’t see Tom.

B: I’m afraid he‘s just left.

Exercises / Ejercicios
Imagen de ejercicios del libro Grammar in Use

TOO and EITHER – Curso de INGLES gratis

Estar de acuerdo con alguien en inglés usando

- Estar de acuerdo con oraciones o declaraciones POSITIVAS — TOO:

Para estar de acuerdo simplemente tienen que poner la palabra “too” al final de la
oración de la que estan de acuerdo.


a) I like papayas.
B) I like papayas too.

- Estar de acuerdo con oraciones o declaraciones NEGATIVAS— EITHER:

Para estar de acuerdo con una oración negativa simplemente tienen que poner la
palabra “either” al final de la oración de la que estan de acuerdo.


a) I didn’t sleep well.

B) I didn’t sleep well either.



1. I’m happy. – I’m happy ________
2. I’m not hungry. – I’m not hungry. ________
3. I’m going out. – I’m going out ________
4. Brian can’t ride a bike. – She can’t drive a car ________
5. It rained last Saturday. – It rained on Sunday ________
6. I don’t like going shopping. – I don’t like going shopping ________
7. Mark’s mother is a teacher. – His father is a teacher ________

Como verán es una clase sencilla pero util para poder expresarnos mejor cuando
querramos estar de acuerdo con alguien.

Las Estructuras de Preguntas en Inglés

Hay varias formas de formular preguntas en inglés pero hoy vamos a concentrarnos en
preguntas simples. Hay 2 estructuras básicas al formular preguntas en inglés. La
primera estructura es solo para el verbo to be en la forma de present simple y past
simple. Para formar preguntas tomamos el siguiente modelo

Estructura con el verbo to de en PRESENTE y PASADO

IMAGEN 1: QW + [TO BE (am, is, are, was , were)


1) Where are you from?

2) Where were you yesterday at 6:pm?
3) What time is it?
4) Who was the mas in the living room?
5) Are you married?

Estructura general de preguntas

IMAGEN 2: QW + [AUXILIARY (do, does, did,

will, can etc... ) +SUBJECT + VERB] +
1) Where does he live?
2) What did you do yesterday?
3) Can you play tennis?
4) What are you going to do tomorrow?
5) Is she going to work?
Reflexive Pronouns en ingles – Pronombres
reflexivos leccion gratis
The Reflexive Pronouns – Los Pronombres
The Reflexive Pronouns refer to the person or animal that is the subject of the verb. We
use it when the OBJECT is the same as the SUBJECT of a sentence.

Los Reflexive Pronouns nunca renombran un sujeto y por eso siempre estará en el
lado derecho de sus oraciones y expresiones. Se usan como objeto y solo cuando el
sujeto es el mismo que el sujeto de la oración o expresión. Para mayor explicación les
sugiero que escuchen el audio que está el comienzo de esta lección.

Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns


I Myself

You Yourself

He Himself

She Herself

it Itself

We Ourselves

You Yourselves

They Themselves

Reflexive Pronouns en ingles : examples / ejemplos

I made this cake myself.
Be careful with the knife. You’ll cut yourself.
Michael is looking at himself in the mirror.
Susan has hurt herself.
Our cat washes itself after each meal.
We organized the party all by ourselves.
Come in, children, and find yourselves a seat.
Baby birds are too young to look after themselves.

Complete with the correct REFLEXIVE PRONOUN in each blank. (The answers are in
the audio at the beginning of the lesson)

Las respuestas vienen en el audio al comienzo de esta leccion

El Presente Perfecto en ingles con YET y
Tiempo gramatical Present Perfect en inglés (Yet /
Estructura: (imagen gracias a Macmillan English Grammar)
Vemos que para formar la estructura de Presente Perfecto en ingles es importante
saber como usar los auxiliares “have” y “has” y saber como conjugar el verbo en la
forma pasado participio (past participle) Esto ya lo hemos discutido
en clases anteriores pero es muy importante practicar diversas frases usando este
tiempo gramatical.

En dos clases pasadas hemos aprendido que usamos el present perfect tense
para hablar de:

- Un tiempo indefinido en el pasado (Keywords: Ever, before, once, several times)

- Una acción que acaba de pasar (Keyword: Just)

En esta oportunidad hablaremos de un tercer uso comunicativo que le podemos dar a

la estructura Presente Perfecto.

Present Perfect: Used to express EXPECTATIONS – USO COMUNICATIVO

Podemos usar esta estructura para expresar EXPECTATIVAS. Esto lo dejamos en

claro cuando usamos ALREADY (antes del verbo en su forma Past Participle) o YET al
final de una oración. Quizas la forma mas simple es decir que ALREADY lo usamos en
oraciones positives, y YET lo usamos en oraciones negativas y cuando hacemos
preguntas. Pero creemos que hay mas que solo una regla.
We use already to express “sooner than expected”. Usamos “already” para expresar
que algo paso antes de lo esperado. Se entiendo como algo que ya fue terminado
cumpliendo con la expectativa de otros.


I have already done my homework.

Esto se entiende como “Yo YA hice mi tarea”. Esto es, has cumplido antes de lo
esperado con la expectativa del profesor.

Otros Ejemplos:

- She has already paid for that laptop

- They’ve already ordered.
- He’s already sent the email.


We use yet when we are expecting something to happen. Usamos YET con el
Presente Perfecto en inglés para expresar expectativa de que algo suceda.


I haven’t done my homework yet / Have you done your homework yet?

Esto se entiendo como “No he hecho mi tarea pero tengo la expectativa de hacerlo /
No he hecho mi tarea AUN. En la pregunta se entende como “¿Aún no has hecho tu
tarea?” Tengo la expectativa que ya la hayas terminado y quiero preguntar para ver si
has cumplido con mi expectativa.

Otros Ejemplos:

- She hasn’t paid for that laptop yet

- Have the ordered yet?.
- He hasn’t sent the email yet.

Modal Verb SHOULD – Uso y reglas de

Positive form

- You should go to the doctor.

- Elene should talk to her husband more.
- They should stop smoking.

Negative form
SUBJECT + (SHOULDN’T (should not)+ Verb BASE

- You shouldn’t work too much.

- John shouldn’t play futbol because he is not feeling well.
- They shouldn’t wear jeans to go to work.

Question form
- Where should I study English?
- What should we do when there is an earthquake?
- Should we buy a used or new car?

USO – Cuando usamos SHOULD

- We use SHOULD to express an ADVICE or SUGGESTION

a) What’s wrong?
b) I have a headache.
a) You should take a pill.

* Usar SHOULD es la forma mas practica de dar CONSEJOS y sugerencias. Es muy

facil de usar ya que todas las personas (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) usan la
misma estructura y conjugacion.


EXERCICES: Las respuestas estan en el AUDIO que esta

al comienzo de esta LECCION
Expresar OBLIGACION en INGLES – Modal
Verb MUST LECCION 41 PreIntermedio
Estructura de MUST
Positive form

- You must study more if you want to improve.

- Mark must stop drinking beer because of his illness.

- They must stay at home today.

Negative form
SUBJECT + (Mustn’t (must not)+ Verb BASE FORM)+

- You mustn’t work if you have a fever.

- Elene mustn’t leave her baby alone when she goes to buy at the store.

- They mustn’t take the infant to the hospital because he might get infected

Question form


IN CONCLUSION: The following table shows all the forms of MUST
- To use MUST in the PAST FORM we use HAD TO (El pasado de MUST para
expresar OBLIGACION es HAD TO)


- John was very sick yesterday. I HAD TO take him to the hospital.

- My sister HAD TO travel to the USA because she needed to sell her house.

USO – Cuando usamos Must

- We use MUST to say that something is necessarily or very important. It is used to


a) Let me light up a cigarette

b) You mustn’t smoke in the office.

* Usar MUST es una forma comun de expresar obligacíon. Es muy facil de usar al
igual que CAN o SHOULD ya que todas las personas (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they)
usan la misma estructura y conjugacion. Para preguntas NO ES COMUN USAR
EXERCICES: Las respuestas estan en el AUDIO que esta
al comienzo de esta LECCION

Adjetivos y adverbios en INGLES – Adjectives

and adverbs in English LECCION
Primero hay que ver estos ejemplos:


They are quiet students

It is a fast car
The building is nice
It is perfect.

They work quietly.

It moves fast.
She described it nicely
It is absolutely perfect.

Explicacion grammatical

Los adjetivos describen sustantivos y pronombres. Estos en inglés vienen usualmente

inmediatamente después de el sustantivo que esta describiendo. Los adjetivos
también pueden venir después de algnos verbos llamados non-action verbos (to be,
look, seem etc)


- The houses are beautiful. They are new. (Los adjetivos vienen despues ya que
usamos en este ejemplo el verbo ser o estar o TO BE)
- I live in a big house.
- That man looks old.
- I have a preety and intelligent wife.


Los adverbios describen verbos, adjetivos u otros adverbios. Adverbios que describen
adjetivos u otros adverbios usualmente vienen inmediatamente antes de la palabra
que escriben.

- It is an extremely nice apartment (extremely esta describiendo a la palabra nice

que es un adjetivo)
- They found it very quickly (very esta describiendo a otro adverbio en este caso

Adverbs of manner

Estos adverbios describen a los “action verbs” o verbos de acción.

Estos adverbios responden a la pregunta ¿Cómo?. Vienen después del verbo que
están describiendo.

Estos adverbios son usualmente formados agregando “ly” al final de un adjetivo


- He walks slowly.
- Pedro drives dangerously.
- He returned home quickly.

Existe un grupo de adverbios que no usan la terminación “ly”. Estos son: well, fast,
wrong, late y hard.


- Mary speaks English well. (no existe goodly)

- He drives fast. (no se pone fastly)
- My father works hard.

NOTA: cabe indicar también que no toda palabra que termina en “ly” son adverbios.
Hay adjetivos que terminan en “ly” como: silly, friendly, lovely y lonely. Recuerden que
en inglés siempre hay excepciones

Espero que esta clase corta de adjetivos y adverios en inglés le ayude a poder
entender mejor como diferenciarlos. A continuación les dejo con algunos ejercicios en







Errores comunes de palabras mas

Preposiciones – Parte 1
Muchas veces es inevitable traducir palabras y frases del español al inglés.
Usualmente nos encontramos en situaciones en las que no sabemos como decir una
frase en inglés y optamos por la traducción. Si bien a veces nos da resultados, nos
acostumbramos a cometer errores comunes que cometemos los latinos. En esta
lección vamos a dar una lista de errores comunes de palabras mas preposiciones en

Pongamos una situación en donde quieran decir en inglés la frase: “No quiero
depender del uso del diccionario” y no sabemos la frase en inglés pero si sabemos
como decir “depender” y tambien “del”. Entonces, cometemos el error de decir “I don’t
want to DEPEND OF using the diccionary” Estis errores son muy comunes de todo
aquel que tiene el idioma español como lengua materna. En inglés la frase es
“Depend on” y la oración sería “I don’t want to depend on using English” (se usa
using ya que despues de preposiciones se usa la forma ING del verbo)

Lista de errores comunes cuando usamos palabras más preposiciones

En InglesTotal ofrecemos siempre listas de errores comunes ya que intentamos hacer

que el alumno se de cuenta que muchas veces las traducciones nos llevan a cometer
errores. En esta oportunidad les entregamos la parte 1 de errores comunes cuando
usamos una palabra seguida por una preposición. En los ejemplos la mayoría de
casos son verbos más preposiciones (phrasal verbs) pero tambíen hay ejemplos de
adjetivos y sustantivos seguidos por preposiciones. Les invito a que repasen la lista
para que puedan aprender estas frases que les van a servir para comunicarse y para
que vean si muchas veces han cometido errores usando estas palabras mas
preposiciones en inglés.

1) Absorbed in, y no Abosrbed at : Estar absorbido en algo (muy intesado)

- My cousing was absorbed in her work and neglected her children.

2) Accuse of, y no Accused from/for: Acusar de o por algo

- The policeman accused the man of robbing the old woman .

3) Afraid of, y no Afraid from : estar asustado de algo

- I am afraid of big dogs.
- Harry is afraid of speaking in public. (recuerden que si usan un “verbo” despues de
una preposición, se usa la forma -ing)
4) Anxious about, y no Anxious for : estar ansioso de algo

- He is very anxious about his test results.

5) Ashamed of, y no Ashamed from : estar avergonzado de algo

- Bill was ashamed of his son’s behaviour.

6) Believe in, y no Believe to : Creer en algo

- Do you believe in God?
- I never believe in men.

7) Travel by (train), y no Travel in (train) : viajar en algun medio de transporte /

siempre utilizar “by”.
- When I go to study, I always travel (go) by bus.

8) Complain about, y no Complain of/from: quejarse de algo

- My sister complained about the poor quality of rooms at the hotel we stayed in.

9) Composed of, y no Composed from: compuesto de

- The class is composed of 45 students.

10) Congratulate on, y no Congratulate for: felicitar por algo

- Jim was congratulated on obtaining his masters degree at Oxford University.

11) Consist of,y no Consist from: consistir de algo

- The student book consists of 9 units..
12) Covered with, y no Covered by/for: cubierto por
- Maria woke up in the morning and the ground was covered with snow.

13) Cure of, y no Cure from: curado de algo

Don’t say: The man was cured from his illness.

14) Depend on / upon, y no Depend of/from: depender de

Don’t say: It depends from her.

15) Deprive of, y no Deprive of/from: privar de algo/alguien

- Jim was deprived of travelling abroad.

16) Die of an illness, y no Die from an illness: morir de una enfermedad.

- The whole twon was sad becuase the mayor had died of an illness.

17) Different from, y no Different than: diferente a

- My backback is a bit different from yours..

18) Exception to, y no Exception of: excepción a

- That grammar example is an exception to the rule

19) Exchange for, y no Exchange by: intercambiar algo por

- He exchanged his collection of toy cars for a skateboard.

20) Get rid of, y no Get rid from/of: deshacerse de

- That old sofa looks horrible. I want to get rid of it as soon as I can.


¿Qué son los Phrasal Verbs?
Hoy tenemos una lista de 40 frases verbales o Phrasal Verbs pero primero hay que
entender que son los phrasal Verbs. Los phrasal verbs consisten de un verbo simple
combinada con una palabra corta llamada partícula. Juntos forman un significado que
puede o no tener relación con el verbo usado. Por ejemplo, el phrasal verb “run out of”
significa “quedarse sin algo”. En una oración “We ran out of milk” significa “Nos
quedamos sin leche”. El significado del phrasal verb no tiene nada que ver con el
significado del verbo solo “run” que significa “correr”.

¿Por qué Phrasal Verbs son importantes?

Porque sencillamente el inglés está literalmente repleto de frases verbales. Ademas,
son muy utilizados en conversaciones. Muchos alumnos me dices que no quieren
aprenderlos y que solo utilizarán verbos pasicos. El problema es que las personas no
hablán pensando en las palabras que usted conoce. Los phrasal verbs son usados de
forma frecuente y en cualquier tipo de contexto.

Muchos alumnos me preguntan como hacer para hablar mas fluido. Esta es una forma.
Los nativos hablan naturalmente sin pensar que un verbo es compuesto o no. Es por
ello que ustedes deben de aprender todo tipo de vocabulario siempre acordandonos
de aprender el vocabulario efectivo y común como mencionamos anteriormente. De
allí el vocabulario se va expandiendo poco a poco y nunca dejaremos de aprender
mas y mas vocabulario.


No tienen que memorizarlos. Hagan un plan de estudio y si aprenden 3 al día eso
es fantástico. Para poder recordarlos y usarlos es importante la REPETICION.

IMPORTANTE: recuerden que son VERBOS y por tanto pueden ser usados en

- Bring up – mencionar algo. “Dont bring up the problem we had last year”.
- Carry on – “go on” que significa continuar. “We have to carry on with our work”.
- Chase up – encontrar. “I’ll chase up Carlos because I need his help with homework”.
- Come across – encontrarse con alguien de manera inesperada. “I went to the mall
and I came across Claudio. I hadn’t seen him for ages”.
- Come up with – cuando quieres expresar que alguien ha propuesto una buena idea
o plan. “Brenda came up with a great solution”.
- Fall apart – desmoronarse, romperse “The expensive toy we bought our son keeps
falling apart”.
- Get along – tener una buena relación con alguien. “I don’t get along with Howard. We
always argue”.
- Get away with – evitar ser castigado por hacer algo o por romper reglas. “He is not
going to prison? I can’t believe he got away with that”
- Get back to – cuando no puedes dar una respuesta inmediata asi que usas este
verbo para decirle que despues le respondes.“So what did you tell John about the
problem?I’ll get back to him later.
- Get over – Suparar “I know it was hard to leave your country but you will get over it”.
- Get through – conectar a la persona con quien quieras hablar por telefono. “Sorry,
but I couldn’t get through to her, I’ll try in ten minutes
- Give up – rendirse, abandonar “I gave up smoking because it was killing me”.
- Go on! – lo mismo que carry on
- Hold on! – esperar. Comun en inglés hablado. “Hold on” Es como WAIT FOR ME.
- Look after – cuidar. “I have to travel next week. Can you look after mu dog?”
- Look into – investigar. “I’ll look into it right away and come back to you assoon as
- Look up – encontrar algo como en una agenda, en Internet o en algun catalogo.
“Can you look up their address on the Net?”
- Make out –Reconocer o distinguir detalles “I just couldn’t make out what she was
- Point out – señalar o hacer notar “Braulio pointed out that their department hadn’t
done early shifts for a good while”
- Pull over – detenerse (también usado cuando estas en el carro y detienes el carro
llevandolo a un lado de la carretera) “Can you pull over?. I think we hit a dog”
- Put down – escribir, anotar “Hold on, I’ll put it down, let me just find a piece of paper!”
- Put forward – proponer una idea. “Can I put forward something?”
- Put off – posponer o dejar para mas tarde “I don’t want to clean my house today,I’ll
put it off till tomorrow”
- Put through – transferir una llamada “Can you put me through to the sales
department, please?”
- Run out of– agotarse, acabarse “We just ran out of milk, can you buy some more,
- Run off – imprimir copias de un de algo como un documento “Can you run off a few
more survey sheets, please?”
- Set up – fundar, establecer, instalar “I’ve always dreamt of setting up my own
- Show off – presumir “Michael always likes showing off in front of girls, that’s the way
he is!”
- Show up – aparecer (como cuando llegas a una reunion y llegas tarde)“Well, well,
look who decided to show up!” or “He showed up late, and the game had already
started without him.”
- Sort out – resolver un problema “ Bill, please do something about the problem. OK,
Ok I’ll sort it out”
- Stand for – representar “What does AWOL stand for?” “What does J.K. stand for in
J.K. Rowling’s name?”
- Stand up for – defender tus derechos. “I’ll definitely stand up for my rights to take
summer holidays this year as I haven’t had them for four years!”
- Stay on – quedarse en algo o en algun lugar mas de lo esperado. “Are you staying
on today as well?”
- Stick together – estar juntos (cuando 2 o mas personas paran juntos) “We should
stick together, you know, it’ll be much easier as everyone else seems to be on their
- Take over – asumir. “When the president retires, Mr. Tanaka will take over.”
- Talk down to – hablar con menosprecio haciendo a la otra persona que es es
inferior. “He is his boss but he should talk down to Juan”.
- Turn down – rechazar “I’ll never forget how she turned downmy invitation!”
- Turn up – significa llegar o aparecer. “Has Michael turned up today. I haven’t seen
- Turn out – cuando algo sale diferente a lo que esperado “It turned out that I actually
knew that guy from my
- Watch out! – tener cuidado. “Watch out! The floor is slipery. You might fall”

Phrasal Verbs comunes en inglés que debes

Phrasal verbs comunes en inglés que
deberían saber
a) mostrar su boleto en el aeropuerto para poder registrarse y subir sus maletas al

Examples of use:
- I have to check in at 9 o’clock.
- As soon as you get to the airport don’t forget to check in

b) check in(or check into something) tambíen se usa cuando llegamos a un hotel y
pedimos nuestra llave mostrando nuestros documentos para que registre nuestra
Examples of use:
- Elena has already checked in the hotel. We is in room 213.
- Please check in and then we can go to have dinner.
- Where’s Juan? He’s checking in and collecting his room keys.

alegrarse, empezar a sentirse feliz o hacer que otro empieze a ponerse de mejor


Examples of use:
- Terry looks sad. We have to cheer him up.
- Cheer up man. Life goes on.

a) Parar de hacer algo que usualmente te hace mal. (por ejemplo alcohol, el cigarillo,
comer comida chatarra) o parar de hacer algo que te esta resultando muy dificil de

Examples of use:
- Nancy had to give up smoking two years ago.
- I am on a diet so I am going to give up eating pasta.
- I gave up learning Chinese because it was to difficult.

b) rendirse

Examples of use:
- They gave up because the enemy had invaded their base.
- I do not remember the answer to the question. I give up.

Cuidar de alguien para mantenerlo saludable y en buena condición. Take care of tiene
un mismo significado.
Examples of use:
- Gabriela looks after his grandfather very well.
- I have to go to the mall. Can you look after my son for a while?

Localizar o ubicar a alguien que no has visto por mucho tiempo.

Examples of use:
- If you ever come to Peru don’t forget to look me up.
- Last year I went to Chile and I looked up an old friend.

intentar encontrar informacion en libros, diccionarios, enciclopedias, tesauros, archivos
físicos o usando la computadora

Examples of use:
- I am looking up information for my presentation
- I do not understand the meaning of that word. I will look it up.

Inventar una historia o escusa.

Examples of use:
- Juan had to make up an excuse for not turning in his homework to the teacher so he
made up a story.
- I cannot believe it. The newspaper reporter made up the information about the

Posponer algo o a alguien. Decidir a hacer algo despues.

Examples of use:
- We were going to meet with the manager but we had put it off
- Can we put off the meeting, please? I am quite busy today.

Empezar a hacer una actividad, trabajo o hobby etc.

Examples of use:
- My father has taken up playing golf
- I’ve recently taken up photography.
- He took up car collecting when he was a boy.
a)Usar un dispositivo electrinico para aumentar la fuerza de algo (Ejemplo, volumen,

Examples of use:
- Can you turn the television up, please? I can’t hear the news
- It is very cold. We need to turn up the heat.

b) Cuando alguien o algo aparece de pronto en un lugar.

Examples of use:
- We have to leave. Has John turned up yet?
- It is raining. I hope the taxi turns up soon.

Lista de Question Words en inglés

Question words
Meaning / Significado Examples / ejemplos

who person / persona Who’s that? That’s Raul.

where place / lugar Where do you live? In Bogota

Why do you sleep early?

why reason / razon Because I have to to get up

When do you go to class? On

when time / tiempo
Tuesday and Thursdays

How do you go? By bus but if I

how manner / manera
am late a take a cab.

object, idea or action / objecto

what What do you do? I am a teacher
, idea, o acción

Which one do you prefer? The

which choice / elección
red one please.
whose possession / posesión Whose is this book? It is Erick’s

object of the verb / objecto del Whom did you meet? I met the
verbo manager of the company.

What kind of music do you like?

what kind description / descripción
I like rock and salsa.

What time are you going to go

what time time / tiempo (hora)
to the dentist?

quantity (countable) / cantidad How many students were there

how many
(contable) in the party?

amount, price (uncountable) / How much money did you spend

how much
monto, precio (no contable) at the mall? Ten minutes

How long did you stay in that

how long duration, length / duración
hotel? For about a month.

How often do you go to the

how often frequency / frecuencia
cinema? Twice a month.

How far is your house? It’s one

how far distance / distancia
kilometer far.

how old age / edad How old are you? I’m 34.

How come I didn’t see at the

how come reason / razon

Vocabulario Académico en INGLES - Lista

de 352 palabras
Un estudio a fondo de diversos libros de texto, tareas, normas de contenido temático,
y exámenes se obtiene la siguiente lista de palabras.
1. abbreviate 1. abreviar
2. abstract 2. abstracto
3. according 3. conforme
4. acronym 4. siglas
5. address 5. dirección
6. affect 6. afectar
7. alter 7. alterar
8. always 8. siempre
9. analogy 9. analogía
10. analysis 10. análisis
11. analyze 11. analizar
12. annotate 12. anotar
13. anticipate 13. anticiparse
14. application 14. aplicación
15. apply 15. aplicar
16. approach 16. enfoque
17. appropriate 17. apropiado
18. approximate 18. aproximado
19. argue 19. argumentar
20. argument 20. argumento
21. arrange 21. organizar
22. articulate 22. articular
23. aspects 23. aspectos
24. assemble 24. montar
25. assert 25. afirmar
26. assess 26. evaluar
27. associate 27. asociar
28. assume 28. asumir
29. assumption 29. asunción
30. audience 30. audiencia
31. authentic 31. auténtico
32. background 32. fondo
33. body 33. cuerpo
34. brainstorm 34. idea genial
35. brief 35. breve
36. calculate 36. calcular
37. caption 37. título
38. category 38. categoría
39. cause 39. causar
40. character 40. carácter
41. characteristic 41. característica
42. characterize 42. caracterizar
43. chart 43. trazar
44. chronology 44. cronología
45. citation 45. citación
46. cite 46. citar
47. claim 47. reclamar
48. clarify 48. aclarar
49. class 49. clase
50. clue 50. pista
51. code 51. código
52. coherent 52. coherente
53. common 53. común
54. compare 54. comparar
55. compile 55. compilar
56. complement 56. complementar
57. complete 57. completar
58. compose 58. componer
59. composition 59. composición
60. conceive 60. concebir
61. concise 61. conciso
62. conclude 62. concluir
63. conclusion 63. conclusión
64. concrete 64. hormigón
65. conditions 65. condiciones
66. conduct 66. conducir
67. confirm 67. confirmar
68. consequence 68. consecuencia
69. consider 69. considerar
70. consist 70. consistir
71. consistent 71. consistente
72. consistently 72. consecuentemente
73. constant 73. constante
74. constitutes 74. constituye
75. consult 75. consultar
76. contend 76. contender
77. context 77. contexto
78. continuum 78. continuum
79. contradict 79. contradecir
80. control 80. controlar
81. convert 81. convertir
82. convey 82. transmitir
83. copy 83. copiar
84. correlate 84. correlación
85. correspond 85. corresponder
86. credible 86. creíble
87. credit 87. crédito
88. criteria 88. criterios
89. critique 89. crítica
90. crucial 90. crucial
91. cumulative 91. acumulativo
92. debate 92. debate
93. deduce 93. deducir
94. defend 94. defender
95. define 95. definir
96. demand 96. demanda
97. demonstrate 97. demostrar
98. depict 98. representar
99. derive 99. derivar
100. describe 100. describir
101. detail 101. detalle
102. detect 102. detectar
103. determine 103. determinar
104. develop 104. desarrollar
105. devise 105. idear
106. diction 106. dicción
107. differentiate 107. diferenciar
108. dimension 108. dimensión
109. diminish 109. disminuir
110. direct 110. dirigir
111. discipline 111. disciplina
112. discover 112. descubrir
113. discriminate 113. discriminar
114. discuss 114. discutir
115. distinguish 115. distinguir
116. domain 116. dominio
117. draft 117. borrador
118. draw 118. dibujar
119. edit 119. editar
120. effect 120. efecto
121. elements 121. elementos
122. emphasize 122. enfatizar
123. employ 123. emplear
124. equal 124. igual
125. equivalent 125. equivalente
126. essay 126. ensayo
127. essential 127. esencial
128. establish 128. establecer
129. estimate 129. estimar
130. evaluate 130. evaluar
131. event 131. evento
132. evidence 132. evidencia
133. exaggerate 133. exagerar
134. examine 134. examinar
135. example 135. ejemplo
136. excerpt 136. extracto
137. exclude 137. excluir
138. exercise 138. ejercer
139. exhibit 139. exhibir
140. explain 140. explicar
141. explore 141. explorar
142. expository 142. expositivo
143. extract 143. extraer
144. fact 144. hecho
145. factor 145. factor
146. feature 146. característica
147. figurative 147. figurativo
148. figure 148. calcular
149. focus 149. enfocar
150. footer 150. pie de página
151. foreshadow 151. prefigurar
152. form 152. formulario
153. format 153. formato
154. former 154. ex
155. formulate 155. formular
156. fragment 156. fragmento
157. frame 157. marco
158. frequently 158. frecuentemente
159. general 159. general
160. genre 160. género
161. graph 161. gráfico
162. graphic 162. gráfico
163. header 163. encabezamiento
164. heading 164. título
165. highlight 165. destacar
166. hypothesize 166. hipotetizar
167. identify 167. identificar
168. illustrate 168. ilustrar
169. imitate 169. imitar
170. imply 170. implicar
171. inclined 171. inclinado
172. include 172. incluir
173. incorporate 173. incorporar
174. indicate 174. indicar
175. indirect 175. indirecto
176. infer 176. inferir
177. influence 177. influir
178. inform 178. informar
179. inquire 179. preguntar
180. instructions 180. instrucciones
181. integrate 181. integrar
182. intent 182. intención
183. intention 183. intención
184. interact 184. obrar recíprocamente
185. intermittent 185. intermitente
186. interpret 186. interpretar
187. introduce 187. introducir
188. introduction 188. introducción
189. invariably 189. invariablemente
190. investigate 190. investigar
191. involve 191. involucrar
192. irony 192. ironía
193. irrelevant 193. irrelevante
194. isolate 194. aislar
195. italics 195. cursiva
196. judge 196. juez
197. key 197. clave
198. label 198. etiqueta
199. likely 199. probable
200. list 200. lista
201. literal 201. literal
202. locate 202. localizar
203. logical 203. lógico
204. main 204. principal
205. margin 205. margen
206. mean 206. significar
207. measure 207. medir
208. metaphor 208. metáfora
209. method 209. método
210. model 210. modelo
211. modify 211. modificar
212. monitor 212. controlar
213. motivation 213. motivación
214. narrative 214. narrativa
215. narrator 215. narrador
216. never 216. nunca
217. notation 217. notación
218. note 218. nota
219. notice 219. nota
220. objective 220. objetivo
221. observe 221. observar
222. occur 222. ocurrir
223. opinion 223. opinión
224. oppose 224. oponerse a
225. optional 225. opcional
226. order 226. orden
227. organize 227. organizar
228. origins 228. orígenes
229. outline 229. perfilar
230. pace 230. paso
231. paraphrase 231. parafrasear
232. participation 232. participación
233. passage 233. pasaje
234. pattern 234. patrón
235. perform 235. realizar
236. perspective 236. perspectiva
237. persuade 237. persuadir
238. place 238. lugar
239. plagiarism 239. plagio
240. plan 240. plan
241. plausible 241. plausible
242. plot 242. parcela
243. point 243. punto
244. point of view 244. punto de vista
245. portray 245. retratar
246. possible 246. posible
247. preclude 247. excluir
248. predict 248. predecir
249. prefix 249. prefijo
250. prepare 250. preparar
251. presume 251. presumir
252. preview 252. avance
253. previous 253. anterior
254. primary 254. primario
255. prior 255. anterior
256. probably 256. probablemente
257. procedure 257. procedimiento
258. process 258. proceso
259. produce 259. producir
260. profile 260. perfil
261. project 261. proyecto
262. prompt 262. pronto
263. proofread 263. corregir
264. property 264. propiedad
265. propose 265. proponer
266. prose 266. prosa
267. prove 267. demostrar
268. purpose 268. propósito
269. quotation 269. cita
270. quote 270. citar
271. rank 271. clasificar
272. rare 272. raro
273. rarely 273. rara vez
274. reaction 274. reacción
275. recall 275. recordar
276. reduce 276. reducir
277. refer 277. remitir
278. reflect 278. reflejar
279. regular 279. regular
280. relate 280. relacionar
281. relationship 281. relación
282. relevant 282. pertinente
283. rephrase 283. reformular
284. report 284. reportar
285. represent 285. representar
286. representative 286. representante
287. request 287. solicitar
288. require 288. exigir
289. requisite 289. requisito
290. respond 290. responder
291. responsible 291. responsable
292. restate 292. reafirmar
293. results 293. resultados
294. reveal 294. revelar
295. review 295. revisar
296. revise 296. revisar
297. root 297. raíz
298. rule 298. gobernar
299. scan 299. escanear
300. score 300. puntuación
301. sequence 301. secuencia
302. series 302. serie
303. set 303. establecer
304. setting 304. ajuste
305. show 305. mostrar
306. signal 306. señal
307. significance 307. significado
308. simile 308. símil
309. skim 309. desnatar
310. solve 310. resolver
311. source 311. fuente
312. spatial 312. espacial
313. specific 313. específico
314. speculate 314. especular
315. stance 315. postura
316. standard 316. estándar
317. state 317. estado
318. statement 318. declaración
319. strategy 319. estrategia
320. structure 320. estructura
321. study 321. estudiar
322. style 322. estilo
323. subject 323. sujeto
324. subjective 324. subjetivo
325. subsequent 325. posterior
326. substitute 326. sustituir
327. succinct 327. sucinto
328. suggest 328. sugerir
329. sum 329. suma
330. summarize 330. resumir
331. summary 331. resumen
332. support 332. apoyar
333. survey 333. estudio
334. symbolize 334. simbolizar
335. synonym 335. sinónimo
336. synthesize 336. sintetizar
337. table 337. mesa
338. technique 338. técnica
339. term 339. plazo
340. test 340. prueba
341. theme 341. tema
342. thesis 342. tesis
343. timeline 343. línea de tiempo
344. tone 344. tono
345. topic 345. tema
346. trace 346. rastrear
347. trait 347. rasgo
348. transition 348. transición
349. translate 349. traducir
350. typically 350. típicamente
351. unique 351. único
352. utilize 352. utilizar

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