Does N-Acetylcysteine Have An Effect On Acetylcholine-Induced Contractions and Histopathological Changes On Isolated Rat Ileum?

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Does N-acetylcysteine have an effect on acetylcholine-

induced contractions and histopathological changes on
isolated rat ileum?

Emine Koc, PhD, Sema A. Yavuzer, MD, Belgin Can, MD, Banu Ocakcıoglu, MD, Ahmet Ergun, MD, Yuksel Saran, Dt, PhD.

ABSTRACT N -acetylcysteine (NAC) is a known thiolic

antioxidant. It acts by direct action between its
reducing thiol group and radical oxygen species (ROS),
Objectives: To investigate the action of N-acetylcysteine
(NAC) on rat isolated ileal contractility, and to determine and may also protect against oxidative damage in
the effects of NAC on histopathological changes on ileal vitro and in vivo.1,2 It could act as a precursor for the
tissue. substrate glutathione (GSH).3 It enhanced interleukin-
1beta-induced nitrite production; and this effect was
Methods: The study took place at the Faculty of apparently associated with increased iNOS mRNA
Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, in January transcription and protein expression.4 S-Nitroso-
2003. Adult Wistar rats were used in all experiments.
Two groups were designed. The experimental group, to N-acetylcysteine (NACysNO) are nitrosothiols that
which NAC 0.5 g/Kg/day was administered orally by release nitric oxide (NO) is a nitrosothiol that mimics
adding to their water for 7 days, and the control group the effects of endogenous NO, and is reported to cause
to which only saline was administered. At the end of the relaxation in rat aorta.5 It was also shown that treatment
experimental periods, one cm pieces of terminal ileum with NAC inhibited the phosphorylation of desmin.6
segments were removed for testing ileal contractility, N-acetylcysteine inhibits constitutive NF-Kappa Beta
and one cm pieces of ileum segments were removed for family of transcription factor and inhibits growth of
histopathological experiments. The acetylcholine (ACh)-
induced contraction was recorded, and the ileal tissue
vascular SMCs.7 The NAC also reduced the radical
examined using light and electron microscopic technics intensity and cytotoxic activity of some antioxidants in
for histopathological changes. cell culture.8 It was shown that NAC inhibits the growth
of various cell types in vitro and in vivo.9,10 Not much is
Results: The average peak amplitude of ACh-induced known on the effects of NAC on gastrointestinal smooth
contraction recorded in standard tyrode solution of the muscle contraction or ileal motility. Therefore, the aim
experimental group was decreased significantly when of our study was to investigate the effect of NAC on
compared to the control group in standard and calcium-
isolated ileal contractility and to determine the effects of
Free tyrode solution. On histopathological findings,
there were swollen mitochondria with disturbed cristae NAC on histopathological changes on ileal tissue.
in the ileal muscle.
Methods. The study took place at the Faculty of
Conclusion: Our data suggest that the NAC in the present Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, in January
experiment decreased the ACh-induced contractility on 2003. Healthy, adult Wistar rats (n=14), weighing
rat-isolated ileum. 180-200 g, and including both genders, were used in
these experiments. The animals were obtained from the
Saudi Med J 2007; Vol. 28 (8): 1180-1184 Animal Care and Research Center of Ankara University,
From the Departments of Physiology (Koc, Yavuzer, Ocakcıoglu, Ergun), School of Medicine. Before initiating the investigation,
and Histology-Embryology (Can, Saran), Faculty of Medicine, Ankara ethical approval has been obtained from the ethics
University, Ankara, Turkey.
committee of Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine.
Received 27th December 2006. Accepted 14th March 2007. They were kept in pathogen-free cages, under standard
Address correspondence and reprint request to: Dr. Emine Koc, Department environmental conditions. They were fed with normal
of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University, Tip Fakultesi, granulated food and had access to water at all times
Fizyoloji ABD, Sihhiye 06100, Ankara, Turkey. Tel. +90 (312) 3103010.
Fax. +90 (312) 3097404. E-mail: [email protected] from a drinking bottle. They were deprived of food, but
not water, for 12-16 hours before the experiments.

Does NAC have effect on isolated rat ileum ... Koc et al

Two experimental groups were designed. The first glycol-bis (Beta-aminoethyl-ether)-N, N’-tetraacetic
group, the control group (n=7), had only saline (0.9% acid (EGTA) 3 mM and equimolar NaCl were added
NaCl) added to their water. The second group, the to the tyrode solutions instead of CaCl2. The ACh-
experimental group (n=7) was administrated NAC induced contraction amplitude was measured in mm
(Sigma Chem Co.) 0.5 g/Kg/day orally by adding to from recorded traces, and the calibration was made as
their water for 7 days. At the end of the experimental 1 g per 10 mm. The ileal tissue was examined using light
periods, under pentobarbital anesthesia (35 mg/Kg and electron microscopic technics for histopathological
intraperitoneal) the abdomens were opened and one changes. In the light microscopy studies, the ileal
cm pieces of terminal ileum segments were removed tissue was fixed in 10% formaldehyde, dehydrated in
rapidly for isolated tissue bath experiments, and one alcohol, and embedded in paraffin. Sections were cut
cm pieces of ileum were removed for histopathological in 5-6 microns and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin
experiments. To measure the isometric contraction of (H-E). For electron microscopic examination, the
ileum, tissue segments were suspended in an isolated ileal tissue was fixed at 40C for a period of 1-2 hours
tissue bath containing 20 ml standard tyrode solution in 2.4% phosphate buffered glutaraldehyde solution,
(Tyrode solution in mM: sodium chloride (NaCl) 137, and postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide. After alcohol
potassium chloride 2.7, magnesium chloride 1.05, dehydration, the samples were embedded in Araldite
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) 1.8, sodium dihydrogen 6005. Sections were cut on a Leica Ultracut R with a
phosphate 0.42, sodium bicarbonate 11.90, glucose glass knife, stained with uranyl acetate, and lead citrate,
5.5) and bubbled with 95% oxygen, 5% Carbon and were viewed on a LEO 906 E transmission electron
Dioxide mixture at 370C, pH adjusted at 7.4. To microscope.
record tension, the samples were mounted vertically Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney-
between a fixed holder and a force transducer (Ugo U and Wilcoxon tests where appropriate, using SPSS
Basile isometric transducer No 7003) and the tissues software. The results were expressed as means ± SD.
were brought into equilibrium in 30 minutes under an Statistical significance was set for p<0.01 or p<0.05.
optimal resting tension of 0.3 g. The isometric tension
was recorded by an Ugo Basile no: 7050 recorders. Results. The ACh-induced contraction responses
Contraction of ileum segments was induced by adding of the experimental group and the control group both
ACh 2.7 x 10-7 M into the bath solutions. These in the standard tyrode and calcium-free tyrode group
procedures were repeated in the calcium-free medium. are summarized in Figure 1. The histopathological
When calcium-free solutions were used, 2 Methylene- changes observed by both light microscope and electron

Figure 1 - The changes of contraction amplitude as millimeters measured in standard and calcium-free tyrode solution in
control group and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) administrated group. Data are given as mean ± SD, P-significant
level for the changes experimental period, *p<0.05. **p<0.01, n=number of animals. The calibration is 1 g per
10 mm in our setup.

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Does NAC have effect on isolated rat ileum ... Koc et al

microscope are shown in Figures 2-4. As shown in

Figure 1, the average peak amplitude of ACh-induced
contraction recorded in standard tyrode solutions of
the experimental group was significantly lower when
compared to the control group (p<0.05). Furthermore,
contractile response to the ACh was lower in the experim-
mental and control groups as compared to the standard
tyrode group when calcium-free tyrode solution was
used (p<0.05 and p<0.01). The histopathological results
showed that the smooth muscle cells of the control ileum
were normal, cells were fusiform with homogenous
cytoplasm and centrally placed elongated nuclei and
several nucleoli (Figure 2). In the longitudinal sections
of the smooth cells of the experimental animals, the
Figure 2 - Light microscopic photograph of control group. Smooth
nuclei of cells appeared shorter and broader, and were muscle cells from the tunica muscularis of ileum. Elongated
frequently folded. There was thickness of the cytoplasm nuclei with their prominent nucleoli are seen (arrows).
and staining with greater intensity than the rest of the Hematoxylin-Eosin x 250.

fibrils, reflecting the abundance of myofilaments chara-

acteristic in contracted cells (Figure 3). Ultrastructurally,
an irregular outline due to infolding of the nucleus was
prominent (Figure 4). A larger number of mitochondria,
related to energy requirement were present. Some of
the mitochondria appeared slightly swollen and had
disturbed cristae. The majority of sarcoplasm was filled
with myofilaments, which were oriented in relatively
larger bundles or irregular cross bands, considered to
be contraction bands. Free ribosomes were abundant.
Granular endoplasmic reticulum vesicles surrounding
individual mitochondria in cells engaged in active
protein synthesis were seen.

Discussion. In the present study, our results showed

that the administration of NAC to rats (one week,
0.5 g/kg/day) significantly decreased ACh-induced Figure 3 - Light microscopic photograph of experimental group. Nuclei
of smooth muscle cells are shorter and broader (arrows).
contractions in isolated ileum in both standard and Hematoxylin-Eosin x 250.
calcium-free tyrode solution medium as compared to
the control groups.
It is well known that NAC acts as a precursor of GSH
synthesis. Bridgeman et al11 reported that plasma GSH
concentration increased significantly in patients taking
NAC 600 mg/Kg per day for 5 days. Also, Hashimoto12
showed that intracellular GSH levels increased NAC-
treated cells. The NAC has been shown to exert effects
on GSH metabolism in animals and in humans,13
both in vitro14 and in vivo, in patients with congenital
GSH synthetase deficiency. Oral supplementation
of NAC increased plasma GSH levels in leucocytes.15
With the administration of 600 mg NAC per day for
14 days in healthy individuals, the superoxide anion
production by neutrophiles was decreased. Satoh and
Sakagami8 showed that cysteine, N-acetyl cysteine,
and GSH significantly reduced the radical intensity Figure 4 - Electron microscopic photograph of experimental group. A
smooth muscle cell nucleus (n), swollen mitochondria (m),
and cytotoxic activity of these oxidants in cell culture granular endoplasmic reticulum (arrow head), free ribosomes
medium. They thought that all these compounds have a (arrows). Uranyl acetate-lead citrate x 16700.

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Does NAC have effect on isolated rat ileum ... Koc et al

free SH group, and cysteine (which has disulfide bonds) decreased significantly in the control and experimental
has no radical scavenging activity, therefore the free SH groups (p<0.05, p<0.01). This finding is not interesting in
group might play a significant role in protecting the terms of the control group because of decreased calcium
cells from oxidant-induced cytotoxicity. Thus, NAC entry in calcium-free medium. However, contractile
might directly or indirectly, via its metabolites, act as a response was extremely reduced in the experimental and
scavenger of ROS.16 control groups in calcium-free medium. Therefore, we
We showed that NAC decreased the ACh-induced thought that NAC would act as a toxic substance with
ileal contraction, and therefore the ileal contractility. these doses, and these effects would cause a disturbed
When we designed the study, our hypothesis was energy metabolism as we showed in the histological
that NAC may increase the ileal contractility by its data. N-acetylcysteine seems to be able to protect
antioxidant effects. It was interesting to find decreased against apoptosis through mechanisms that maintain
contractility. So, therefore, we thought that the dosage mitochondrial integrity.25 Our histological findings
of NAC that we used was not enough to increase showed that, when 0.5 g/kg/day NAC was administrated,
GSH or, as Meister’s data indicates, it may be toxic mitochondria were swollen and cristae were disturbed.
at these doses.17 However, there are some reports that In contrast with our present results, previous results
are compatible with our findings. Lida et al18 thought showed that NAC administration had beneficial effects
that, in glioblastoma and glioma cell lines, intracellular on synaptic mitochondria, at least partially by its direct
GSH concentration was not changed by NAC; thus, antioxidant action. The NAC would act potentially on
the effect of NAC may depend on its radical scavenging mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation complexes by
effect instead of its GSH modulating effect. Also, Alton possibly protecting oxidative damage by maintaining
Meister reported that administration of cysteine is not the protein sulfhydryl groups.26,27 The NAC could
an ideal therapy because it may be followed by toxic reduce the lipid peroxides in mitochondrial membrane
reactions.17 In addition, Kharazmi et al19 showed that that can impair mitochondrial complex activities.28,29 In
high concentrations of NAC has a strong cytotoxic contrast with these studies showing a beneficial effect of
effect on neutrophils. Vina et al20 demonstrated that NAC on mitochondria,26-29 our histological data show a
intraperitoneal injection of cysteine or NAC causes swollen mitochondria and disturbed cristae, in which the
depletion of GSH in rat brain.20 inner mitochondrial membrane (cristae) is responsible
Our findings suggested that 0.5 g/kg/day NAC for the mitochondrial production of ATP in aerobic
administration (although we cannot determine the ROS metabolism. The possibility that the dose of NAC in
activity) may cause an increase in ROS production, which the present experiment was insufficient to modify
affects ACh-induced contraction. Our histopathological complex specific activities on cells that would increase
findings supported the physiological data. As shown in GSH in cytosol and complex antioxidant activities in
Figures 3 & 4, there are large numbers of mitochondria, mitochondria exists. Our results agree with the report
and some of the mitochondria appeared slightly swollen, that, some antioxidants, cysteine, NAC, and GSH,
and had disturbed cristae. Mitochondria degeneration significantly reduced radical intensity and cytotoxic
may be due to the presence of abnormal collections activity and these antioxidants induced cytotoxicity via
of mitochondria since high-energy requirements of their pro-oxidants action.8
contracting muscle cell cannot be metabolized. It was In conclusion, we showed that NAC decreased the
shown that mitochondrial lesions can diverse cellular ACh-induced contractions on isolated ileal strips by yet
bioenergetic capacity and also increase the generation of undefined mechanisms. In view of our data, and since no
ROS.21 Martensson et al15 found that chronic depletion other study seems to have reported the effect of NAC on
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al22 demonstrated that GSH concentration diminishes supplementation of NAC decreases ileal contractility,
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