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Documentary Collections

Documentary Collections

 The basis for a Documentary Collection:

– The buyer does not get access to the merchandise until
he has paid or promised to pay.
Documentary Collections
 Definitions:

– Documentary Collection - banks carry out instructions to pay

under financial/commercial documents. Banks take no
obligations or responsibility for payments.

– Financial documents - drafts, promissory notes, checks,

receipts etc.

– Commercial documents - invoices, forwarders certificates or

receipts, Bills of Lading.

– A documentary collections can either be paid at sight -

documentary against payments (D/P) - or there could be a
credit period involved - documentary against acceptance (D/A).
Documentary Collections

 When to apply a documentary collection?

– Exporter – to ensure payment from importer prior to the

release of documents/goods (only for D/P).

– Importer – to ensure shipment of purchased goods prior to

Documentary Collections

Banks handle collections under URC 522, 1995 rev. issued by

International Chamber of Commerce (

Remitting bank is always referring to the above mentioned

rules in their instructions to the collecting bank.
Documentary Collections


Exporter Importer

 Advice

  

instruction 
Remitting bank Collecting and/or presenting bank
Documentary Collections
 From the exporters view:

– Pros:
• Simple handling
• The banks keep on reminding the buyer until
payment is settled
• Low cost

– Cons:
• The buyer may choose not to accept the document
• The banks do not undertake any risk on behalf of the
• Problems and cost to re-ship the merchandise if the
buyer do not accept the documents/merchandise
Documentary Collections
 From the importers point of view

– Pros:
• Simple handling
• Payment to be made after the goods have been shipped
• Low cost

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