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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region 11/12, Quarter 2, Week 5



Name: ___________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Learning Objective:

Conceptualizes contemporary art based on techniques and performance practices in their

locality. (CAR11/12AP-0f-h-14)

Time Allotment: 4 hours

Key Concepts

A. Some of the arts and crafts of Marinduque include the following:

 Ceramics– things that are made from heated and hardened clay.
 Pottery– things such as pots and dishes, that are made from baked clay.
 Arts and crafts in Marinduque are being learned by local residents in the province.
Local residents treat their arts and crafts as a source of income, making it an
 Marinduque is a province in Luzon that is found in MIMAROPA (short for
Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, and Palawan).
Marinduque is known for its "Moriones Festival" where people wear masks and
costumes like those of biblical Roman soldiers.
 Modern art reffered to as “Tradational “ compared to Contemporary
Art.Contemporary art is the art of the present ,which is continously in process and
in a flux.
 Fine or Aesthetic (major arts) Arts are primarily for aesthetic through the senses,
especially visual and auditory.
 Practical or Utilitarian (minor) Arts are intended for practical use or utility. It is the
changing of raw materials for utilitarian purposes.

Types of Practical or Utilitarian (minor arts)

 Industrial Art- it is the changing of raw materials into some significant product
for human consumptions or use. Examples of this are shell-craft bamboo-craft,
leather-craft, shoe-craft, shoe-making, pottery-making, sheet –metalwork, and
manufacture of automobiles.
1. Applied or Household Art-This refers mostly to household art such as flower
arrangement, interior decoration, dressmaking, home-making, embroidery, cooking
and others.
2. Civic Art-This includes city or town planning, maintenance and beautification of
parks, plaza, roads, bridges and farms.

3. Commercial Art-This involves business propaganda in the form of advertisements

in newspaper and magazines.
4. Graphic Art –it is anything printed from raised or sunken reliefs and plane

Author: Charine C. Meramonte

School/Station: Sta. Juana National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
5. Agricultural Arts- this refers to agronomy (crop production) horticulture (garden
or orchard cultivation) and husbandry (raising of cows, Carabaos poultry, swine
and farming.
6. Business Art –this includes merchandising, accounting, bookkeeping and etc.
7. Fishery Art –its includes shallow and deep sea fishing, fish refrigeration and
culture net weaving.
8. Medical or Clinical Art-It includes first aid treatment, medicinal manufacturing
surgery and medical operations.


1. .Pre-Colonial Arts (Ethnic Arts)-In Pre-colonial Philippines, art is for ritual

purposes or everyday use.
2. .Islamic Arts –is Characterized by geometric designs and patterns eliciting focus
from the believers.
3. .Spanish Era-Art become a hand maiden of religion serving to propagate the
catholic faith.

4. .American Era-In the American regime, commercial and advertising arts were
integrated into the fine art curriculum.

5. .Japanese Era-The Japanese advocated for the culture of East Asia. Preference was
given to the indigenous art and tradition of the Philippines.

6. .Modern Era-began after world 2 the granting of the independence. Writers and
artist posed in the questions of national identify as the main theme of various art

7. .Contemporary Art –Philippine contemporary art was an offshoot of social realism

brought about by martial law.


 Subject matter in contemporary art is not confined to confined to representation of

human figures and lands scape.

 In some artworks, the subject matter is not easily recognizing, if the artwork as in
experiment on technique, the subject matter is the technique itself.

 It is a post-world-war II art movement in American painting developed in New York
in 1940’s. It was first he first specifically American movement to achieve
international influence and put New York city at the center of the Western Art, a
role formerly filled by Paris.

A form of abstract art that gives the illusion of movements by the precise use of
pattern and colour, or in which conflicting patterns emerge and overlap.

A range of artistic practices encompassing both historical approach to nature in art
and more recent ecological and politically motivated types of works.


Author: Charine C. Meramonte

School/Station: Sta. Juana National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
In others such as those in conceptual arts, the viewer has to engage and thinking and
exploring the meaning of the artwork.

Art from any medium that contains movements perceivable by the viewer or depends
on motion for its effect.

Form of art in which artist use their voices and/or their bodies, often in relation to
other objects to convey artistic expressions.

 The feminist art movement refers to the efforts and accomplishment of feminist
internationally to produce art that reflect women’s lives and experiences as well as
to change the foundation for the production and reception of contemporary art.

 Contemporary arts and design works that make use of traditional techniques, a
tendency that spans global cultures and includes a wide range of experiments with
materials and imagery. Examples include the incorporation of calligraphy into
paintings and the use of embroidery or weaving, for instance, in the textile works
of Alighiero e Boetti or the digitally spun tapestries of Pae White. These works often
blur the boundary between the concept of art and craft, representing a hybrid of

 Concept art is a form of illustration used to convey an idea for use in films, video
games,animation, comic books, orother media before it is put intothe final product.

Remember these key points:

The following are the kinds of art to choose what concept will draw:
 Abstract Expressionism – a post-world war II art movement in American painting.

 Kinetic Art – art from any medium that contains movement perceivable by the
viewer or depends on motion for its effect.
 Op Art –in which conflicting patterns emerge and overlap.
 Performing Arts–form of art in which artists use their voices and/or their bodies,
often in relation to other objects, to convey artistic expression.
 Environment Art – a range of artistic practices encompassing both historical
approaches to nature in art and more recent ecological and political motivated
types of works.
 Minimalism – describe movement especially visual art and music.
 Video Arts– moving pictures in a visual and audio medium.
 Graffiti Art – also called “street Art”, “Spray can Art”, “Sub way Art” or “Aerosol
 Post-modern Art –Body Art and Digital Art.
 Body Art – art made on, with, the human body. Example: Body tattoo and Body

Author: Charine C. Meramonte

School/Station: Sta. Juana National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
 Digital Art- artistic work uses digital technology.

Activity 1. Essay Writing!

What you need: Pen and Paper
What to do: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Name at least three festivals that are celebrated in your region.

2. Enumerate the activities that showcase different arts in your region.

3. Why is it important to know the contemporary arts technique in making an artwork

within the locality?

Rubrics for Essay Writing

Points Quality of Writing Grammar, usage and mechanics

4  Piece was written in an Virtually no spelling, punctuation
extraordinary style mark or grammatical errors
 Very informative and well organize
3  Piece was written in an interesting Few spelling and punctuation errors,
style minor grammatical errors
 Somewhat informative and
2  Piece had little style A number of spelling, punctuation
 Gives some new information but or grammatical errors
poorly organized
1  Piece had no style So many spelling, punctuation

Author: Charine C. Meramonte

School/Station: Sta. Juana National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
 Gives no new information and very or grammatical errors that it
poorly organized interferes with the meaning

Activity 2: Body Painting!

What you need: Paint and Paint brush
What to do: Draw or paint an image or picture that symbolizes your zodiac sign on a part
of your body or on your model either on the face, hands or legs. Use henna powder or any
washable painting materials. Take a picture and paste on the box provided.

Rubric for Grading Art Project


The student explored The project was The artwork was
several choices before continued until it was beautiful and patiently
selecting one, generated complete as the student done; it was good as
many ideas, tried could make it; gave it hard work could make
unusual effort far beyond that it.
combination or changes, required.
used problem-solving
The student tried a few The student worked hard With a little more
ideas before selecting one and completed the effort, the work could
or based his/her work on project, but with a bit have been
3 someone else’s idea, more effort it might have outstanding; lacks
made decision after been outstanding. the finishing touches.
referring to one source.

Author: Charine C. Meramonte

School/Station: Sta. Juana National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
The student tried an idea The student finished the The student showed
but it lacked originally, project, but it could have average
might have copied work, been improved with craftsmanship;
2 and substituted more effort, chose an adequate, but not as
“symbols” for personal easy project and did it good as it could have
expression. differently. been, a bit careless.

The student fulfilled the The project was The student showed
requirements of the completed with average
1 assignment, but gave no minimum effort craftsmanship, lack of
evidence of trying pride in finished
anything unusual work
The student showed no The student did not The student showed
evidence of original finish the work poor craftsmanship;
0 thought adequately evidence of laziness or
lack of understanding

How will you apply the insights that you have gained in a real life setting?


- Cagampang and Ladera,2020, ADM Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions Module
2 Module 2: Contemporary Arts Production , First Edition, Philippines
Key Answer

Activity 1: Essay Writing

Answer are expected to vary

Activity 2: Body Painting

Answer are expected to vary

Author: Charine C. Meramonte

School/Station: Sta. Juana National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
Author: Charine C. Meramonte
School/Station: Sta. Juana National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]

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