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Grammar activity answers

Introduction 2A  present perfect and past simple

  What do you remember? a 2  I’ve been   3  did you go   4  finished  5  I’ve been  
2  a  3  b  4  c  5  c  6  a  7  b  8  c  9  a  10  a  11  a   6  did you go   7  went
12  b  13  a  14  b  15  a  16  c  17  c  18  b  19  b  20  a b 1 2  had  3  did you meet   4  was  5  went  6  ’ve known  
7  got  8  were you   9  ’ve just met
2 1  did you go   2  didn’t leave   3  came  4  Have you finished  
Introduction 5  sent  6  ’ve just made   7  ’ve already had
  Don’t make these mistakes!
2  I was born
3  ’ve lived
2B present perfect + for / since, present
perfect continuous
4  wife’s name’s Emilia
a 2  She’s been playing the violin for two hours.
5  We don’t have any children
3  She hasn’t been feeling well since last week.
6  get on with them
4   They’ve been waiting for the bus for a long time.
7  we’d like to have
5  It’s been raining all day.
8  We’re looking for a flat
6   They’ve been watching TV since they got home.
9  Emilia is a translator
b 2  A  have the children been doing
10  work very hard
  B  ’ve been doing, for
11  don’t have to do
3 A  have you been going out
12  they look after the house
  B  ’ve been going out since
13  much free time
4 A  has Penny been
14  enjoy doing
  B  ’s been single since
15  I used to play
5 A  have you had
16  I don’t have enough time
  B  ’ve had, for
17  I want to get 6 A  has Pete been trying
18  I have to speak   B  ’s been trying since
19  I often make mistakes 7 A  has your sister wanted
20  I’m going to go   B  ’s wanted, since
21  to do 8 A  have you known
  B  ’ve known, for
1A present simple and continuous, action and
non-action verbs 3A choosing between comparatives and
a 2  I’m doing   3  do you come   4  do you have   5  It depends   superlatives
6  Do you know   7  Do you mean   8  I’m getting ready   3  ✓
9  are you living   10  I’m staying  11  are you doing   12  want 4  more comfortable than
b 2  ’m buying   3  don’t like   4  depends  5  gets  6  do   5  younger than
7  sounds  8  Do (you) have to   9  have  10  doesn’t work   6  ✓
11  meet  12  Do (you) want   13  need  14  is staying 7  ✓
8  more modern than
1B future forms: present continuous, be going to, 9  better than
will / won’t 10  ✓
2  ’re having (’re going to have’ also possible) 11  the most beautiful beach I’ve ever been
3  ’m going to look for 12  the worst actor
4  ’m having / ’m going to have 13  ✓
5  ’m going to be / ’ll be 14  the best city in the world
6  ’s going to fall / ’ll fall 15  cheaper
7  won’t tell 16  ✓
8  ’ll check 17  hotter
9  ’s going to pass / ’ll 18  the same school as
10  ’re going (’re going to go’ also possible) 19  ✓
11  Shall I turn 20  ✓
12  won’t be
13  ’m introducing / ’m going to introduce 3B articles: a / an, the, no article
14  ’m going (’m going to go’ also possible) 3  –  4  the  5  –  6  the  7  –  8  The  9  a  10  an  
15  ’ll live / ’re going to live 11  –  12  an  13  –  14  – / –   15  the / –   16  a / –  
17  – / –   18  an / the   19  a / a / The / the   20  – / –


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4A obligation and prohibition: have to, must, 6A  passive (all tenses)
should a 2  is watched
a 3 don’t have to 3  be shot
4  ✓ 4  was being interviewed
5  have to 5  Has (the thief ) been caught
6  doesn’t have to 6  Have (you ever) been told
7  mustn’t 7  has been robbed
8  mustn’t 8  had already been made
9  should 9  is being painted
10  had to 10  wasn’t offered
11  ✓ 11  be returned
12  shouldn’t 12  had been stolen
b 2  mustn’t b 2  is known
3  don’t have to 3  plays
4  must / have to 4  was directed
5  don’t have to 5  is hit
6  must / have to 6  lose
7  mustn’t 7  lands
8  must / have to 8  is killed
9  are rescued
4B  ability and possibility: can, could, be able to 10  believes
a 2  be able to 11  received
3  both possible 12  was nominated
4  both possible
5  being able to 6B  modals of deduction: might, can’t, must
6  both possible a 2  might
b 2  couldn’t 3  must
3  be able to 4  can’t
4  can 5  can’t
5  been able to 6  may
6  couldn’t b 1 can’t / might not, must
7  being able to 2  can’t, might, might, might
8  can’t 3  can’t, must / might, might
9  be able to 4  can’t, must
10  be able to
11  can’t 7A first conditional and future time clauses +
12  Being able to when, until, etc
2  ’ll have to   3  won’t be able to   4  rains  5  is  6  ’ll have  
5A  past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect 7  don’t forget   8  get  9  ’ll call   10  arrive  11  goes  
2  ’d bought   3  was still feeling   4  didn’t have   12  will you let   13  ’ll leave   14  finishes  15  send  16  ’re  
5  didn’t matter   6  knew  7  had always wanted   8  called   17  Will you come   18  have  19  won’t come   20  ’s  21  leave  
9  told  10  was  11  was shining   12  was driving   22  ’ll tidy   23  get  24  won’t be   25  looks
13  were chatting   14  saw  15  had flown   16  tried  
17  started  18  disappeared  19  felt  20  had stung   7B second conditional, choosing between
21  was driving   22  crashed conditionals
a 3 ’d have   4  lived  5  ’d have   6  came  7  brought  
5B  past and present habits and states 8  ’d have   9  ’d be able to / could   10  was / were   11  moved  
2  They used to live in Paris, but now they live in Chicago. 12  ’d take   13  went  14  wouldn’t take   15  ’d feel  
3  They used to eat takeaway food, but now they (usually) eat 16  didn’t have to   17  would laugh   18  asked
home-made food. b 2 ’d buy   3  goes  4  reduce  5  ’d take   6  gets  
4  They used to live in a house with friends, but now they live in 7  weren’t / wasn’t   8  found  9  ’ll never finish   10  will be
a penthouse flat with their dog.
5  They used to go camping, but now they (usually) stay in 8A  choosing between gerunds and infinitives
five-star hotels. 2  calling  3  to speak   4  not to buy   5  going  6  to look after  
6  They didn’t use to play sport. Now, they both cycle at the 7  do  8  Doing  9  to study   10  drawing  11  to work  
weekend and Thomas often plays golf. 12  to go   13  doing  14  to hear   15  studying  16  arriving  
7  They used to ride bikes, but now they drive a sports car. 17  cooking  18  to like   19  Eating, sleep   20  to give
8  They used to wear second-hand clothes, but now they (usually)
wear designer clothes.
9  They used to get up late and go out at night with friends. Now,
they (usually) stay in, cook, and watch TV.
10  They used to have lots of friends, but now they have just a few
close ones.


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8B  reported speech: sentences and questions
a 2  was
3  had been
4  hadn’t been
5  had started
6  had enjoyed
7  had loved
8  had been able to
9  he was going to be
10  depended
11  would be
12  had to
b 2  if there was too much violence in films
3  who the most difficult actor he had ever worked with was /
who was the most difficult actor he had ever worked with
4  what a young person who wanted to go into acting should do
5  when he was going to retire

9A  third conditional

a 2  have missed the start of the film if you’d been here on time.
3  ’d seen the sign, they wouldn’t have sat down.
4   have finished the race if she hadn’t fallen over.
5  ’d taken my umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet.
6   have crashed if he’d stopped at the red light.
b 2 ’d known, ’d have taken
3  ’d have enjoyed, ’d gone
4  ’d been, wouldn’t have woken up
5  wouldn’t have opened, ’d known
6  Would you have gone, ’d invited

9B quantifiers
2  much  3  loud enough   4  a few   5  any  6  less  
7  loads of   8  early enough   9  too  10  plenty of  
11  very little   12  lots of   13  many  14  a lot   15  many  
16  none  17  fewer  18  too  19  a few   20  no

10A  relative clauses: defining and non-defining

a 2  which  3  which  4  which  5  which  6  who  7  which  
8  whose  9  who  10  which  11  where  12  which
b Sentences in which you could also use that: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12.
Sentences in which you could leave out who or which: 2, 3, 4, 5, 10
c 2  which many people think is the capital of Australia
3  where my grandmother used to work
4  whose best known painting is Guernica
5  which hit the city of New Orleans
6  who died when he was 35

10B  question tags

2  do you   3  weren’t we   4  was it   5  is he   6  do they  
7  have you   8  isn’t it   9  won’t you   10  isn’t she  
11  does she   12  didn’t we   13  are you   14  have you  
15  wouldn’t you


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