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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Mediation Effect of Customer Satisfaction from the

Relationship between System Quality, Information
Quality, and Service Quality towards Interests of
Tourist Visiting in East Java Park 3
Bestio Putra Pratama Syarif Hidayatullah*
Student of Tourism Destination Lecturer at Management Department FEB
University Merdeka of Malang University of Merdeka Malang
Malang, East Java, Indonesia Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Stella Alvianna Widji Astuti

Lecturer of Tourism Destination Lecturer at Management Department FEB
University Merdeka of Malang University of Merdeka Malang
Malang, East Java, Indonesia Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Rulli Krisnanda
Lecturer of Tourism Destination
University Merdeka of Malang
Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Abstract:- Over time, many new destinations have also I. INTRODUCTION

emerged, causing competition between destination
owners. This study aims to determine the effect of system Indonesia can be said to be a paradise for natural
quality, and information quality and service quality on resources, this is because Indonesia has oceans, suns,
tourist satisfaction through user satisfaction as a coastlines, and land which are managed properly will
moderating variable. This type of research is an generate huge profits. One way to take advantage of these
explanatory research, located in the tourist destination of resources is to create a tourist destination, many areas that
Jawa Timur Park 3. The population of this research is all have natural exoticism, are expected to be an attraction for
people who have or have never visited, while the number the area and make tourists interested in visiting, one of which
of samples used is 95 respondents. To analyze the data is East Java. East Java is one of the provinces that is famous
used descriptive analysis, path test, and hypothesis for its several leading tourist destinations, many cities are
testing. From the results of the existing path analysis, it often used as a reference for domestic and foreign tourists. Of
can be seen that the Information Quality variable and the the many choices of cities that are quite famous and most
Service Quality variable have a significant effect on frequently visited by tourists is Batu City. This tourist city is
Customer Satisfaction who visits Jatim Park 3. From the a paradise for tourists who want to spend their time on
analysis, it is also known that the System Quality variable vacation, ranging from natural tourism in the form of
does not have a significant effect on the Customer waterfalls (coban) to artificial tours in the form of BNS, Jawa
Satisfaction variable. Information Quality variables, Timur Park Group, which can be an option for tourists.
Service Quality variables and Customer Satisfaction
variables have a significant effect on Return Interest, but Because of this, a lot of competition has emerged, so
the System Quality variable has no effect on Return that inevitably the owners of several destinations are
Interest. Information Quality and Service Quality have a competing to make a distinction between one another, for
significant effect on Return Interest through visiting example, like the East Java Park Group. Jatim Park Group
Customer Satisfaction, while the System Quality variable always releases its latest innovations so that their destinations
also has no significant effect on Return Interest through are not left behind by technological developments and with
Customer Satisfaction as a mediator variable. competitors in the region (Astuti, 2010). The real results of
the innovation owned by the Jawa Timur Park Group are
Keywords—component: System, Information, Service JatimPark-1, JatimPark-2, and JatimPark-3. Jatim Park 3
Quality, User Return Interest and Satisfaction. itself, they have a quality system, information, and services
that are well known both among foreign and domestic

Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Tourists will usually prioritize visiting Jatim Park 3, service excellence, to employees who wish to apply to Jawa
rather than going to other destinations, this is because of the Timur Park 3.
uniqueness of the rides owned by Jatim Park 3 managers,
which are not found anywhere else. In addition, the security B. User Satisfaction
offered makes tourists sure of their safety. The formulation of According to (Kotler, 2012), Customer Satisfaction is
the problems in this study are 1) Is there an efect of the an expression that consumers have after purchasing or using
quaality system on castomer satisfacsion in JawaTimurPark-3 services in a company. The number of tourists visiting makes
? 2) Is there an effeect of informaation quallity on custommer Jawa Timur Park 3 always try their best so that tourists are
sattisfaction in JawaTimurPark-3 ? 3) Is there an effect of always satisfied with the attractions and facilities provided.
service quallity on custommer satisffaction at JawaTimurPark- Moreover to (Rakhmadian et al., 2017) Customer Satisfaction
3 ? 4) Is there an effect of system quallity on return interest in is action from consumers in the form of responses given to
JawaTimurPark-3? 5) Is there an effect of the quallity of companies regarding the products or services they sell. Jawa
imformation on return interest in JawaTimurPark-3? 6) Is Timur Park 3 always minimizes things that make tourists
there an effect of service quality on return interest in uncomfortable, by providing services that are in accordance
JawaTimurPark-3 ? 7) Is there an effect of customer with standards.
satisffaction on return interest in JawaTimurPark-3 ? 8) Is
there an effect of system quality on customer sattisfaction and C. Return Interest
return intterest in JawaTimurPark-3? 9) Is there an effect of According to (Utomo et al., 2017)(Rakhmadian et al.,
imformation quality on customer satisfaction and return 2017), Return Interest is an impetus for consumers to
interest in JawaTimurPark-3? 10) Is there an effect of quality purchase a product that they have previously used repeatedly.
of service to tourist consumer satisfaction and return interest By giving a positive impression, making Jawa Timur Park 3
in JawaTimurPark-3? sure of the satisfaction of the tourists who visit and are sure
they will come back. Meanwhile, according to (Sari &
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Pangestuti, 2018), Return Interest is an action taken by
consumers in purchasing a product by seeing which product
A. System Quality sells best. With the popularity of Jawa Timur Park Group in
Be guided by opinion (DeLone & McLean, 2003), the eyes of tourists, making Jawa Timur Park 3 under its
System quality is the ability of a company or institution to auspices feels sure that their destination will always be visited
provide the information needed for users, in this case, the by domestic and foreign tourists.
Jawa Timur Park Group which provides information for
tourists. Meanwhile, according to (S.K, Purwanto & III. RESEARCH METHODS
Pawirosumarto, 2016), the system is a measure of the success
of a system in conveying information, which focuses on user A. Research Conceptual
interaction with the existing system, with the number of
tourists interacting, indicating that the Jawa Timur Park Group
has been successful in conveying information

B. Information Quality
According to (Batini, 2016) Information quality is a
description of the situation provided by the company or
institution regarding the latest information and will change
every day. In this case, Jawa Timur Park 3 always provides an
overview of the destination through the Jatim Park Group
website. Moreover (Fendini et al., 2013), The quality of the
system is a measuring tool for companies or institutions
regarding information content aimed at users. Here, Jawa
Timur Park 3 always delivers interesting information, so that Picture 1: Research Conseptual
tourists who read are interested to see. Source: Primary research data, processed (2020)

C. Service Quality B. Research Model

According to (Hidayatullah, Rachmawati, et al., 2020), This research is explanatory research. (Singarimbun &
Service quality is an expectation that every consumer has for Efendi, 1989) (Singarimbun, 2006) argue that explanatory
the products offered by the company. In anticipation of high research is explain the causal relationship using hypothesis
expectations, Jawa Timur Park 3 always improves service testing and pathways. The formulated hypothesis will be
quality in dealing with visiting consumers, by providing tested to determine whether there is a relationship or
friendly service and quality of very adequate facilities. influence between the variables to be studied. The variables
Moreover to (Kotler, 2000) , Service Quality is the act of to be examined in this study are sistem quallity, imformation
employees who work in a company in serving consumers who quallity, and service quallity, return intterest, and customer
come in a kind and friendly manner. For the Jawa Timur Park sattisfaction. The approach used in this research is a
3 itself, it has set standards for its employees in providing quantitative approach. The study population was all tourists
friendly service to consumers by providing training regarding who had visited the Jatim Park3 artificial destination, while

Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the research sample (because the population was unknown) Tabel 1. The results of the path analysis regression model I
was used from the theory (Hair, Jr, 2015) recommends the
number of samples between 5 -10 multiplied by the number
of existing statements. In this study, the number of statements
was 19 items. The researcher used the lowest limit so 5 x 19
= 95. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistical
analysis, path analysis, and hypothesis testing.

C. Definiition Operasional

Sourrce: data Primary, processed – 2020

Based on the table path analyisis (table-1) , It is known that

the model I of the regression has a significant value on
System Quality or equal to X1 = 0.906, Information Quality
or equal to X2 = 0.024, and Service Quality or X3 = 0.000.
Based on this description, the variables X2 and X3 have a
significant effect because of the sig value. smaller than 0.05
(or alpha = 5%) while the X1 variable has no significant
effect because the sig value is greater than alpha = 0.05,
D. Demographic Statistic
Influence simultaneously (simultaneously) required the F test
Table 1 : Demographic Profile from the F test results obtained F count 26.244 with a
significant value of 0.000 this means jointly affects
E. Regresion Analyisis Model 1 satisfaction.

Equattion  F. Regresion Analyisis Model-2

Z = PZX1 + PZX2 + PZX3 + e……. (1)
Equattion 
Y = PYX1 + PYX2 + PYX3 + PYZ + e….. (2)

Table 2. The results of the path analysis regression model II

Source: Data Primary, processed – 2020

From the results of Model II regression, it is known that

the value of the Information Quality variable or (X2) is 0.001,
the Service Quality variable or (X3) is 0.049, the Customer
Quality variable or (Z) is 0.024, all of which are smaller than
the alpha of 0.05. It can be concluded that X2, X3, Z have a
significant effect on Return Interest or (Y), while X1 has no
effect on the Return Interest variable or Y.

Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Furthermore, to find out the effect of the existing visitors, this can be accepted or tested statistically. This
variables in model II together (simultaneously) the researcher article is in line with the research conducted by (Utomo et al.,
used the F test from the Model II table obtained from the 2017) (Rakhmadian et al., 2017) (Rachmawati et al., 2019)
regression results of model II F, the count was 18,127 with a variable Information quality, variable system quality, and
significant value (0,000) meaning X2, X3, and Z collectively serviice have an influence on user satisfactiion.
have a significant effect on return interest.
D. Effect of variable System Quality on Returrn Interest
G. Hypothesis Testing From the results of the statistical test using the SPSS
program, it is known that the system quality variable has no
Table 3. Calculation of influence (Direct Effect, Indirect effect on Return Interest, it can be interpreted as the fourth
Effect and Total Effect) hypothesis which says that there is no influence between
System Quality on the acceptable Return Interest variable. or
statistically tested. This research contradicts or contradicts the
research conducted by (Hidayatullah, Khouroh, et al., 2020)
Where the research results say that the Quality of the System
is a factor that greatly affects one's satisfaction.

E. The Influence of Information Quality on Return Interest

From testing using the SPSS program, the results of the
second regression model (II) show that the effect of
Information Quality on Return Interest, the result is that the
X2 variable (Information Quality) has a value of t = 3.405
with significance. of 0.001, meaning that using alpha
(significant limit) 5% (0.05) means that the fifth hypothesis
Source: Data, procesed -2020 which says that there is an influence between the Quality of
Information on Return Interest can be accepted or tested
IV. DISCUSSION statistically. This research is in line with the research
conducted by (Jogiyanto, 2009) (Rachmawati et al., 2019)
A. The influence of the Quality System variable on visitor Where the research results state that the quality of information
satisfaction of tourist destinations has a significant effect on satisfaction.
The results of testing using SPSS analysis obtained
from the regression equation model 1 where the System F. The Influence of Service Quality on Return Interest
Quality variable has no influence on the visitor satisfaction After the analysis was carried out using the SPSS
variable, the significance level is 0.906, meaning that using program, the results obtained from the regression model 2
alpha (significant limit) 5% (0.05) can be interpreted as the where the Service Quality variable has an influence on Return
first hypothesis which states there is The influence of system Interest, this means that the sixth hypothesis which states that
quality on visitor satisfaction cannot be accepted or not the Service Quality variable affects the Return Interest
statistically tested. This article is in line with the research variable can be accepted or statistically tested. . The research
being conducted (Ratnaningrum & Muhammad, 2015) which conducted is in line with or supports previous research
research results that the system quality variable does not have conducted by(Hidayatullah, Rachmawati, et al., 2020),
a significant effect on the satisfaction of users of information (Hidayatullah, Windhyastiti, et al., 2020), (Kuong-Lau et al.,
systems in the use of electronic payment media. 1986)(Alvianna, 2017a) which states that Service Quality has
a significant effect on Visiting Interest.
B. The influence of the Information Quality variable on the
Customer Satisfaction variable G. The influence of the User Satisfaction variable on the
From the SPSS test conducted, the researcher produced interest in returning to visit
the value of the first regression model where it turned out that From the results of the statistical test carried out with the
the Quality of Information had an effect on Customer SPSS program, it was found that the customer satisfaction
Satisfaction. This article supports the previous research variable had an influence on Return Interest. This means that
conducted by (Darmawan, 2010) where the research results the seventh hypothesis which states that Customer Satisfaction
show that the variable quality of information has a positive affects Return Interest is proven and statistically tested. This
and significant influence on the satisfaction variable of users research supports and is in line with the research conducted by
of information systems. (Sandrio et al., 2020) (Williams & Soutar, 2009) (Chen &
Chen, 2010) The results of this study indicate that Customer
C. The effect of the Service Quality variable on the visitor Satisfaction has an effect on Return Interest.
satisfaction variable
Based on the results of the statistical test using the SPSS H. The influence of the System Quality variable on the
program, regression results are obtained where it is known Return Interest variable through visitor satisfaction
that the Service Quality variable has an influence on In the table above, it is known that the Customer
Customer Satisfaction, this means that it can prove that the Satisfaction variable as a moderating variable between the
third hypothesis between Service Quality variables affects System Quality variable and the Return Interest variable

Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
produces a greater indirect effect than the direct effect, this Based on the description above, it can be concluded that
means that the System Quality variable affects the Return the Quality of Information and Service Quality has a strong
Interest variable through visitor satisfaction. This means that enough influence to make tourists visit or have a vacation in
the eight hypothesis can be accepted and statistically tested. Jawa Timur Park 3, while the Quality System is not strong
This research contradicts or is not in line with previous enough in influencing tourists to decide to visit Jawa Timur
research conducted by (Kanji, 2002) where the research Park 3. visiting Jawa Timur Park 3 they do not see the quality
produces and shows the system quality variable has a of the system there, tourists pay more attention to the quality
significant effect on repurchase intention through customer of information and service quality provided by Jawa Timur
satisfaction. This is because every tourist who visits does not Park 3 so that these two variables greatly influence the
see the quality or quality that exists as one of the most decision of tourists to determine their visit to Jawa Timur Park
important things in influencing their satisfaction, but there are 3. In addition to the variables studied, other things need to be
other variables that greatly affect tourists in making visits and considered in seeing tourist interest (Shodiq et al.,
cause satisfaction. 2018)(Alvianna, 2017b)(Hidayatullah, 2020). Besides, the
empowerment of pokdarwis also needs to be considered to
I. The Influence of Information Quality on Return Interest grow the local economy around Jatim Park3(Hidayatullah &
through Customer Satisfaction SBW, 2011) (Hidayatullah et al., 2017) (Rachmawati et al.,
From the test results of the direct effect and indirect 2020)(Hariyanti et al., 2020)(Hidayatullah et al., 2018). In
effect, it is known that the variable Customer Satisfaction as a addition to this, technology factors also need to be considered
moderator variable between the variables of Information in managing tourist destinations, considering that currently the
Quality and Interest in returning visits results in an indirect millennial age dominates so that the existence of technology
effect value that is smaller than the direct effect, meaning that and social media in services and information delivery needs to
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visitor satisfaction so that the ninth hypothesis can be 2020)(Amelia, Rizka ; Hidayatullah, 2020)(Neuhofer et al.,
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