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Journal of Risk Model Validation 13(2), 47–77

DOI: 10.21314/JRMV.2019.205

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Research Paper

Model risk tiering: an exploration of industry

practices and principles
Nick Kiritz, Miles Ravitz and Mark Levonian

Promontory Financial Group, 801 17th Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20006, USA;
emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

(Received August 14, 2018; accepted November 29, 2018)

Model risk management continues to be an important area of risk management across
financial services firms. Regulatory expectations for model risk management apply
to an expanding number and variety of financial firms. In our conversations with
clients, we find that many risk managers are unaware of standard practices in devel-
oping and implementing frameworks for model risk management. This paper – based
on our experience as consultants, former banking supervisors and leaders of units
focused on model risk management – seeks to shed light on one critical area of such
frameworks: model risk tiering, or the rating of risk inherent in the use of individual
models, which can benefit a firm’s resource allocation and overall risk management
capabilities. Although the range of practice in model risk tiering across financial
services is broad and varied, our work has revealed a number of insights.

 Most financial firms use explicit procedures and decision tools to assign
models to risk tiers.

 Nearly all firms assign models to several risk tiers rather than seeking to rank
them individually from high to low.

Corresponding author: M. Ravitz Print ISSN 1753-9579 j Online ISSN 1753-9587

c 2019 Infopro Digital Risk (IP) Limited

48 N. Kiritz et al

 Although most firms use model risk-tiering tools, these tools serve primarily
to systematize the application of judgment to the risk posed by models rather
than to directly quantify risk.

 A set of useful principles regarding the construction of such risk-tiering tools

can be gleaned from observing industry practices.

 Tiering tools generally fall into one of two categories – scorecards or decision
trees – with scorecard approaches being the more common of the two.

 Tiering tools generally take into account both the risk and the impact of model
failure; the building blocks for these two factors include a variety of descriptors
regarding the construction and use of each model in the inventory.

 Calibration of model risk-tiering tools is largely judgmental and often depends

on whether the firm has a preexisting allocation of models to risk tiers.

 Governance over model risk-tiering tools is an evolving process with rising


Keywords: model risk tier; model risk rating; SR 11-7; OCC 2011-12; supervisory guidance on
model risk management; model governance.

1.1 Model risk
Modeling continues to play an increasing role in financial services. Indeed, as more
and more data becomes available and the technology for using data becomes cheaper
and more powerful, more sophisticated quantitative modeling and business analytics
are spreading across the industry landscape. As modeling processes come to play
a larger role in business decisions, the need for model risk management continues
to grow. Financial regulators are increasingly recognizing that need, incorporating
model risk management requirements into rulemaking across an increasing variety
of financial regulations.
Model errors continue to drive unexpected losses. Some of the more spectacular
model risk failures have been well documented. High-profile examples include Long-
Term Capital Management in 1998, the evident shortcomings due to using Gaussian
copulas in the pricing of structured products in the financial crisis, and the AXA
Rosenberg loss.
Bulletin 2000-16 from the US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (2000),
which focused on model validation, was the first formal supervisory guidance on

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Model risk tiering 49

model risk for financial firms. Model risk was subsequently addressed at a high level
in the Basel capital rules, developed in greater depth by the Committee of European
Banking Supervisors in its guidelines on the implementation, validation and assess-
ment of the advanced measurement and internal ratings-based approaches (Commit-
tee of European Banking Supervisors 2006), and expanded in the European Union’s
Solvency II rules for insurers (European Parliament and Council of the European
Union 2009). Globally, the most important collection of supervisory documents on
model risk management (MRM) to date is the US regulators’ consistent, but sepa-
rately issued, Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management (Board of Gover-
nors of the Federal Reserve System 2011; Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
2011; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 2017: collectively known as the US
banking agency guidance).
Model risk has been addressed within a number of other supervisory and regula-
tory documents. These documents include the Capital Requirements Regulation in
the EU (European Parliament and Council of the European Union 2013), the Model
Risk Management Guidance of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA; Fed-
eral Housing Finance Agency 2013), and the Securities and Exchange Commission’s
(SEC’s) Standards for Covered Clearing Agencies (Securities and Exchange Com-
mission 2016) and Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (Securi-
ties and Exchange Commission 2014). More recently, the Office of the Superinten-
dent of Financial Institutions in Canada released a guideline titled “Enterprise-wide
model risk management for deposit-taking institutions” (Office of the Superintendent
of Financial Institutions 2017).

1.2 Risk-sensitive model risk management

Sound risk management generally requires the allocation of resources according to
risk, with riskier areas receiving relatively more. Although the US banking agency
guidance does not explicitly refer to risk-sensitive MRM, it does allow that “the
range and rigor of validation activities conducted prior to first use of a model should
be in line with the potential risk presented by use of the model”. The guidance also
states that, “[a]s is generally the case with other risks, materiality is an important
consideration in model risk management”. The FHFA’s guidance (Federal Housing
Finance Agency 2013) goes into greater detail in this regard, stating expectations
for model risk ranking and suggesting areas of activity in which MRM efforts might
vary. These include “[t]he level of prioritization, scope, frequency, and documenta-
tion of validation activities”. The statements of principle in these supervisory docu-
ments are appropriately viewed as endorsing a risk-sensitive approach to MRM. In
practice, risk-sensitive MRM is applied by varying the breadth and depth of activities Journal of Risk Model Validation

50 N. Kiritz et al

in a number of areas, including model documentation, model validation and ongoing

As the importance of model risk and the supervisory requirements around its gov-
ernance have increased, financial firms have sought to develop means of effectively
allocating resources for MRM. Model inventories may be very extensive. Large and
complex firms subject to the US banking agency guidance will likely have several
hundred or even thousands of models. Given the number of models in many firms and
US supervisory expectations for some level of MRM coverage of all models, effec-
tive allocation of MRM resources has become an increasingly pressing issue.1 For
example, a model’s risk level might determine the breadth, depth, priority and fre-
quency of validation activities, such as review of documentation, developmental data
and/or performance testing. Similarly, a model’s risk level might impact the extent
of model validation testing, such as backtesting, benchmarking, sensitivity testing,
stability testing or others. Model risk may also influence the nature of model imple-
mentation testing, such as system implementation testing, or the extent of ongoing
monitoring activities, such as process verification.
Firms that fail to differentiate models according to risk are unable to implement
risk-sensitive MRM. For instance, we have observed an institution with a large model
validation unit fail to appropriately implement risk-sensitive model governance for
model validation. The validation function found itself overwhelmed by validation
exercises conducted entirely to a single high standard. This led to delayed valida-
tions that significantly impeded business operations. The model risk unit of this firm
also sought to exclude all nonstatistical models from its MRM framework in an effort
to address the overwhelming workload. This exclusion led to significant supervisory
issues around judgment-based models used for anti-money laundering (AML) and
stress testing purposes. This one-size-fits-all approach may also have led to signif-
icant numbers of unreported low risk models, subjecting the firm to additional risk
and regulatory exposure. Anecdotal evidence suggests that other firms have faced
the opposite problem, failing to rigorously validate simple but highly risky models,
resulting in severe regulatory issues and reputational events.

1.3 Model risk-tiering tools

In an ideal world, the risk posed by each model would be measured and quantified on
a consistent basis. The cost of that risk would be characterized, and risk-mitigating

1 Although the expanded coverage of MRM driven by the US banking agency guidance likely
drove the proliferation of model risk-tiering processes across the industry, it had already been
enhanced in a number of firms, including Fannie Mae, where one of this paper’s authors developed
a risk-tiering scorecard to rationalize the massive model validation effort undertaken to support the
financial restatement in 2005–6.

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resources would be allocated according to their highest value. In addition to resource

allocation, such quantification could help characterize the amount and concentration
of model risk within the firm as well as allow transparent reporting of model risk
exposure to senior management. The results reported could conceivably be used to
create a capital reserve, or buffer, for model risk.
In practice, initiatives to develop approaches for quantifying model risk that can
be applied consistently across a model inventory are ongoing and at various stages
of maturity. Model risk managers generally use less formal processes – model risk-
tiering methods of various types that group models into broad risk groups or tiers
but do not further differentiate risk within each tier – to stratify models by risk
in order to meet the needs of risk-sensitive model governance frameworks. These
model risk-tiering tools implement subjectively derived methodologies that maxi-
mize the use of objective data inputs while relying on expert judgment to set at least
some input values as well as parameterize the tools. This largely heuristic approach
has the advantage of being tractable: the tools can be built and implemented using
commonly available data. This has allowed firms to develop and implement simple
and transparent approaches to assigning models to broad tiers (that is, to conduct
model risk tiering) according to formally applied heuristics.


Little academic, technical or regulatory literature has attempted to address the pro-
cess of tiering the contents of a model inventory by the risk posed to an organization.
Although model risk tiering was implemented by some banks after the release of
OCC 2000-16 (or even before), neither that bulletin nor the subsequent US bank-
ing agency guidance explicitly addresses model risk tiering. In contrast, the FHFA’s
guidance (Federal Housing Finance Agency 2013) explicitly discusses risk ranking:

Policies and procedures should provide clear guidelines for developing model classi-
fications or risk rankings. A model’s complexity, business impact and the extensive-
ness of use generally determine its risk ranking or classification. In large, complex
enterprises, the model risk management group and internal audit should harmonize
their model risk rankings to achieve consistency.

Outside of the financial supervisory community, a few authors have attempted

to address the need to create model risk metrics, both to facilitate compliance
with supervisory expectations and to establish capital reserves against model fail-
ure. In the process, they have addressed model risk-rating approaches. For example,
Mankotia and Joshi (2013) propose a decision tree for assigning models to risk tiers Journal of Risk Model Validation

52 N. Kiritz et al

(discussed further in Section 4.1).2 Keenan (2015) similarly addresses model risk
ranking, although in the context of a broader discussion of modeling and model risk
measurement. While his goal is clearly stated as risk quantification, Keenan main-
tains that “the first order goal of the framework is rank ordering of models by risk”.
Although Keenan’s objective is to build a “model risk score” (MRS) to rank-order
individual models rather than just assign them to risk tiers, his approach could be
used for tier assignment as well. Keenan first proposes to build an “intrinsic model
risk score” that combines measures of the risk of technical model failure with mea-
sures of operational risk, and with a “nesting penalty” that penalizes models that use
other models’ outputs as input components. The intrinsic model risk score is added to
a “risk mitigation index”, which is meant to reflect the quality of controls applied to
the model in order to yield a “model quality score”. This score is, in turn, added to an
exposure measure to yield the MRS. Keenan uses Figure 1 to illustrate his approach.
Industry surveys provide additional public information about current practices in
model risk tiering. As an example, the American Bankers Association has published
multiple surveys on MRM in cooperation with consulting firms, the most recent of
which was released in October 2017 (American Bankers Association 2017). Useful
information that may be found in industry surveys includes the types of criteria used
in risk-tiering tools, areas with responsibility for model risk tiering and the aspects
of MRM that commonly vary by model risk tier.


Through our work in this area, we have identified a number of basic principles that
successful practitioners generally follow when developing and implementing model
risk-tiering tools:
 avoid false precision by emphasizing risk-tier assignments rather than inter-
mediate outputs such as scores that could be interpreted as more granular risk

 accept the necessity of a significant role for expert judgment and heuristics;

 make the process of risk-tiering assignment transparent;

 avoid unnecessary complexity to ensure that the tiering process – and the data
and tools that support it – is tractable;

2 Mankotia and Joshi (2013) point out that “model mechanics and [measuring risk for] specific
types of models have garnered most of the industry’s attention”. They are unable to find “any
existing model risk measurement methodologies that can be applied to a broad range of models or
that are comprehensive in nature”.

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FIGURE 1 Components of Keenan’s model risk measure.

Model risk score

Model quality score

Intrinsic model score (risk inherent in type of model, ie, related to

model complexity, quality of data, etc)
Quality of data (quality of
Model controls)
used to build Implementation Use

Source: Keenan (2015).

 focus on inherent rather than residual model risk;

 tier models in relative terms, not on an absolute scale;

 tier models relative to the rest of the firm-wide inventory, not relative to smaller
business or functional areas, to promote consistency in the tiering process
across the entire model inventory within the organization;

 aim for a reasonable distribution of model assignments across risk tiers; and

 ensure tier assignments are relatively stable and predictable.

Most of these principles stem from the quantitative challenges inherent in the pro-
cess of assessing model risk and the critical role that such assessment plays in risk-
sensitive MRM frameworks. Model risk-tier assignments drive the frequency and
intensity of many activities. For that reason, a model risk-tiering tool must be widely
accepted and understood. Model risk managers use model risk tiers to schedule vali-
dation activities and determine their scope. Model owners use model risk tiers to help
inform the model approval process. Senior management relies upon model risk tiers
to receive clear and concise model risk reporting. Therefore, model risk-tiering tools
must be simple to use and logical for both technical and nontechnical audiences.
Any criteria underlying the risk-tiering system should be lucid and any calibrations
intuitive. A firm-wide awareness of any model risk-tiering tools in use encourages Journal of Risk Model Validation

54 N. Kiritz et al

a strong risk culture and supports the consistent assignment and interpretation of
model risk tiers.
The remainder of this section discusses these principles in more detail.

3.1 Risk tiering versus risk ranking

Few practitioners rank models top to bottom by risk with each model being assigned
a unique rank number. Instead, for a variety of reasons – including tractability –
model risk ranking at most firms has evolved into a process of assigning models
to a small number of risk levels or tiers (ie, three or perhaps four tiers). Risk tier-
ing requires less precision than model-by-model risk ranking, and risk-tier assign-
ments are more stable, changing primarily in response to material changes in risk.
In addition, there are not many decisions about risk management that would be
improved in a substantial way by a more granular approach to model risk ranking.
Current practice is to vary MRM requirements according to risk-tier assignment,
with some requirements added as needed for particular models or model-use situa-
tions. An appropriately calibrated model risk-tiering tool serves risk managers better
than a framework based on a granular risk ranking. Attempts at excessive precision
in measuring model risk add complexity but, in practice, bring little benefit.

3.2 Expert judgment

Processes related to quantitative modeling almost always require at least some dis-
cretion on the part of experts, a fact that can be observed through each stage of a
model’s life cycle. Similarly, when firms assess relative risks posed by specific mod-
els as part of the MRM process, an element of expert judgment is required. Recog-
nizing this fact, management or other expert judgment generally plays at least some
role in processes that assign models to risk tiers. Rather than being based entirely on
the statistical fitting of models to data, the design of these tools relies upon the quali-
tative selection of risk drivers and the definition of quantitative boundaries associated
with their use.

3.3 Transparent
Although expert judgment necessarily plays an important role in most cases, prac-
titioners also try to use objectively measurable inputs wherever practicable in order
to enhance transparency and consistent application. Having the process be transpar-
ent within an organization is important, not least because it increases organizational
acceptance of the risk-tiering framework. Transparency also reduces uncertainty
about model tier assignments, making it easier for model owners and developers
to orient their development and documentation efforts toward meeting the standard

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required by the risk tier to which they expect their models to be assigned. However,
some important indicators of model risk, such as model complexity, are exceedingly
difficult to measure objectively. Developers of risk-tiering tools must balance the
goal of transparency with that of incorporating all significant model risk drivers,
since some risk drivers will likely be judgmental.
In order to establish transparency in the development of model risk-tiering tools,
developers often solicit input from significant groups of model owners, developers
and users, as well as from senior management. In addition to fostering transparency,
such an open development process also serves to enhance the organizational legiti-
macy of the resulting risk tiers as well as to promote consistency in model risk-tier
assignments across the organization.
Most firms delegate development and implementation of the risk-tiering method-
ology to the MRM group, with the head of MRM retaining the authority to override
the results of the framework should they appear inappropriate for certain models.
Some policies only give the head of MRM the authority to move individual models
to a higher (but not a lower) risk tier than that resulting from the risk-tiering tool.

3.4 Tractable
Model risk-tiering tools should be tractable, that is, easily managed and adjusted.
Significant factors that affect tractability include the ease or difficulty of obtaining
or generating data on the model properties used for risk tiering; the simplicity and
flexibility of the risk-tiering process and any internal calculations it uses; and the
ease with which the tool can be tuned to bring results more closely in-line with
the expert judgment on which the tiering relies. The ability to modify the tool to
reflect expert judgment is generally more important than, for example, incorporating
complex processes for inputs or rankings in a quest for precision. More tractable tools
also tend to be more transparent, so the principles of tractability and transparency
reinforce one another.

3.5 Inherent risk

As in other areas of risk assessment, metrics for model risk can measure inherent risk
or residual risk.3 In the area of model risk measurement, residual risk might be the
focus of a model risk charge, capital charge or haircut. A few firms have implemented

3 The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2004) states: “Inher-
ent risk is the risk to an entity in the absence of any actions management might take to alter either
the risk’s likelihood or impact. Residual risk is the risk that remains after management’s response to
the risk. Risk assessment is applied first to inherent risks. Once risk responses have been developed,
management then considers residual risk.” Journal of Risk Model Validation

56 N. Kiritz et al

a scorecard factor to capture out-of-date or absent model validations or unremediated

model issues, both of which are closely related to residual model risk.
However, in practice, most risk-tiering methodologies focus on inherent risk
rather than residual risk. Residual model risk takes into account the impact of risk-
governance activities. If the primary goal of model risk-tiering tools is to support
risk-sensitive model governance, using factors related to the governance of individ-
ual models can become circular, with a low level of governance resulting in a model
being assigned to a higher risk tier, thereby requiring a higher level of oversight,
which could cause a lower risk-tier assignment on the next review (and long-term
instability in the tier assignment). In addition, if tier assignment depends on the
assessment of residual risk, it will be nearly impossible to compare the risk posed
by a reviewed model to an unvalidated model with unknown issues. Tiering that is
independent of the results of risk management activities like validation – that is,
based on inherent risk rather than residual risk – is better able to treat validated and
unvalidated models equally.4 Inherent risk does not refer to the risk inherent in the
model alone. Model risk depends on how a model is used for business decisions.
The US banking agency guidance is clear when it defines model risk as “the poten-
tial for adverse consequences from decisions based on incorrect or misused model
outputs and reports”.5 Thus, inherent model risk must refer to the risk inherent in a
model’s use or uses. In practice, many ranking tools put a higher weight on aspects
of a model’s use than on those intrinsic to the model’s design. Any reference to a
model’s inherent risk or risk tier should be interpreted as a reference to the risk of
the model and its associated uses, and not to the intrinsic riskiness of the model

3.6 Relative risk

Measures of risk can be either relative or absolute. Model risk tiering generally
reflects an assessment of the risks posed by one model’s use compared with the risks

4 This may be particularly important when model risk-tiering systems are first implemented. Many
firms first implement a risk-tiering system while working through a model backlog, and the ini-
tial model inventory may include many unvalidated models. This creates significant challenges for
approaches that include validation results in risk-tier assignments, as the vast majority of mod-
els may lack necessary data; Keenan’s (2015) proposed framework, for instance, places critical
reliance on model validation and ongoing monitoring results.
5 We note, however, that this definition of use can cause some confusion where firm models are

used to provide financial advice to firm clients or made available for public use. While firms may
not base their own business decisions on these models, their clients or the general public might.
Failure to reasonably control such risk may be viewed by regulators such as the SEC as failures in
fiduciary duty and result in financial penalties and reputational harm.

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posed by other models in the inventory. The metric produced thus represents rela-
tive, not absolute, risk. Moreover, that risk is relative to other models in that specific
firm’s inventory, and not relative to the models in use at other firms. This has impli-
cations for the definitions of risk-tiering factors and any weights placed on them.
For example, an exposure threshold for a regional bank with $1 billion in assets will
almost certainly differ from that used by a systemically important bank with $1 tril-
lion in assets; if not, then one firm would end up with a much higher proportion of
high-risk-tier models than the other. The differences in size and complexity between
firms are addressed by differences in the MRM frameworks, which typically dictate
more robust MRM activities at each tier for larger and more complex firms than for
smaller, simpler ones.

3.7 Firm-wide consistency

The coverage of the relative ranking process should be the same as that of the
firm’s MRM framework. In other words, each model should be ranked relative to
all other models subject to the same framework, which usually means the entire
enterprise. This facilitates consistent risk-sensitive model governance across the firm.
While most firms appear to follow this principle (generally using a single frame-
work, inventory and tiering process across the enterprise), a few may have developed
separate risk-tiering tools or calibrations at the business level. This approach could
create problems insofar as risk management resources may be misallocated to busi-
ness units with model inventories that significantly differ from those for which the
framework was developed.
For very large, global firms, establishing a firm-wide relative-risk-tiering process
may present additional challenges. For instance, a central MRM function at a firm
with a very large number of models and businesses may find it difficult or impossible
to assess the full inventory well enough to detect material inconsistencies in the rank-
ordering results generated by the tiering process. Regulatory challenges may arise for
companies operating in multiple jurisdictions. For instance, if a bank’s operations
in a foreign country are smaller or less complicated relative to those in its home
country, the distribution across risk tiers of models used in the foreign country may
be perceived by a foreign regulator as excessively skewed toward the lower risk tiers.
Such complications, while tractable, are beyond the scope of this paper.

3.8 Reasonable distribution

While the boundaries between risk tiers, and thus the distribution of models across
risk tiers, may emerge naturally from observations of model profiles, the initial appli-
cation of a model-tiering tool may produce an unreasonable distribution of models Journal of Risk Model Validation

58 N. Kiritz et al

across risk tiers.6 In practice, a commonly encountered issue is an excessive con-

centration of models in the highest risk tier. While this is not necessarily an incorrect
outcome, such concentrations raise natural questions about the design and calibration
of the framework. Since the tool is meant to produce a relative risk tiering of models
to support risk-sensitive model governance, such clustering may suggest weaknesses
in the tool’s ability to discriminate between models presenting different levels of
inherent risk. In that case, the tool may not be fulfilling its purpose and could require
further refinement.
For a number of reasons, the distribution of models across risk tiers will vary
widely between firms. Commonly observed practices within the banking industry
suggest a few guiding rules of thumb. In a typical system with three or four tiers,
any risk tier containing fewer than about 10% of the total number of models in the
inventory is probably too narrowly defined to be useful. Similarly, for any of the
higher risk tiers, any tier containing more than about 30–40% of the total number
of models is likely too broadly defined to provide the degree of risk differentiation
needed for effective MRM. However, since the distribution of models across tiers
is set arbitrarily by the construction of the tool, tool developers must consider the
resulting distribution of models across risk tiers as part of the tool’s calibration.

3.9 Stable and predictable

Firms look for model risk tiering that is both stable and predictable. Given the extent
to which risk-tier assignments may drive model development and validation activi-
ties, model owners and developers will frequently request a determination of a pro-
posed model’s risk-tier assignment before or during the development process so that
development activities can be tailored to meet the relevant expectations. With an
established process, indicative risk tiers can be quite easy to produce. Challenges
may arise if the model profile changes once the model is made available for use,
particularly if users embrace a model more or less enthusiastically than expected,
or if the volume of business at which the model is directed changes substantially
within a short time. More problematic predictability issues may stem from disagree-
ments or miscommunication between the model owner and the MRM team regarding
judgmental model profile elements needed by the tiering tool. For less established
processes, changes made to the tiering tool during model development may drive
changes in models’ ultimate risk-tier assignments.
For models that are in use, instability in risk tiers can be even more problematic.
Reassigning a model to a higher risk tier may require significant incremental work on

6The terms “model profile” and “model profile elements” refer to data about a model and exclude
data used in the development or operation of the model.

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the part of model owners, developers and risk managers, while reassigning a model
to a lower risk tier may be perceived as reducing the value of similar work already
completed. A process that results in frequent revisions to tier assignments after model
implementation can significantly undercut internal acceptance of the entire model
governance framework.
A desire for stability in tier assignments does not override all other considerations.
The risk tiers assigned to models can, and in some cases should, change over time
if new information about model risk comes to light, or if a firm identifies a need to
revise the MRM framework. The assignment of a model to a different risk tier can
be caused by changes to thresholds or other aspects of the model-tiering tool, or by
changes in the model profile elements utilized by the tool. This latter change may
be caused by the discovery of additional uses, the correction of data errors or the
reevaluation resulting in changes to subjective elements of the model profile.
Firms generally find that the stability and predictability of model risk tiering
increases over time as staff gain more experience with a given tool and its inputs,
and as awareness of the tool spreads within the firm. The key to establishing a sta-
ble and predictable model risk-tiering tool appears to be a methodical development
process that provides maximum transparency regarding both the tool’s methodology
and its results to all stakeholders as development progresses.

We observe a wide range of risk-tiering methodologies in practice. However, they
largely fall into two broad classes. Most firms opt for some variation of a scorecard.
A few use a decision tree approach.

4.1 Decision trees

A few firms have elected to implement a model risk tree (MRT) approach like that
described in Mankotia and Joshi (2013), illustrated in Figure 2.
Simple MRTs such as this one have the advantage of being easy to understand
and transparent. In addition, since they do not produce a granular metric, MRTs are
unlikely to convey false precision.
This MRT evaluates the model-use dimension with a two-step process before using
a notional exposure threshold to make the final assignment. The use dimension first
evaluates whether the model measures risk, price or value – an indicator of the mate-
riality of the model’s domain coverage – with a “no” answer automatically resulting
in assignment to a low risk tier, while a “yes” moves the evaluation to the next stage.
The second stage of the use dimension evaluates whether the model is used in critical
decision making or for regulatory or financial reporting. If so, the model is assigned Journal of Risk Model Validation

60 N. Kiritz et al

FIGURE 2 Sample MRT.

Model use dimension

Does the model

measure risk, Yes
price or value?

Used for critical

business decisions, regulatory
purposes or financial
No No Yes
risk rating Model exp. dimension

Exposure level
Exposure Level Exposure level

Low High Low High


Low risk rating Moderate risk tier High risk tier

Expert overlay: are there other significant considerations that would justify overriding the preliminary risk rating?
Final risk rating

Low risk rating Moderate risk tier High risk tier

No further action required Continue to calculate Continue to calculate

residual risk score residual risk score

Source: Mankotia and Joshi (2013).

to the high or moderate risk tier, depending on notional exposure addressed by the
model relative to a threshold; if not, the model is assigned to the low or moderate
risk tier, again depending on notional exposure relative to the threshold. Later boxes
rely on judgment regarding the model’s use and exposure level.
As may be evident from the description, this particular decision tree implementa-
tion relies heavily on judgmental inputs. It also relies on binary categorical outcomes
and therefore does not allow for more than two answers to any question. This is a
common approach to decision tree construction both because multiple categorical
outcomes (also known as multiple-level categorical variables) can make decision
trees very complicated very quickly – and thus difficult to represent and interpret –
and because decision trees may become biased with the inclusion of categorical vari-
ables with multiple levels (see Deng et al 2011). Visual representation of decision

Journal of Risk Model Validation

Model risk tiering 61

trees can get even more challenging when multiple-level categorical variables and
larger numbers of variables are combined.
In practice, in part due to these challenges, designers tend to keep decision trees
simpler than scorecards, even though very complex decision tree models have been
developed in various disciplines (see, for example, Lewis 2000). While simple is
good, oversimplification can create problems for a tiering process. For instance, in
the uppermost diamond of Figure 2, the use of a binary variable identifying whether
the model measures risk, price or value may create a very strong binary effect, where
a more continuous multiple-level categorical variable would give a more nuanced
result that aligns better with expert judgment. In practice, such binary materiality
variables can create tools that inadequately differentiate model materiality and result
in a concentration of model assignments in higher tiers (clustering).

4.2 Scorecards
Figure 3 shows a sample model risk scorecard (MRS). This scorecard uses a factor/
component approach with four factors. Some factors are represented by single com-
ponents while others utilize multiple components. The “value range” column gives
potential values for the model inputs, some of which may be directly sourced from
the model profile while others may require preprocessing to convert variables with
continuous or widely varying values into more limited categorical variables. Exam-
ples of variables that must be converted to categorical types include estimated dol-
lar exposure, number of users and number of input variables. The “weight” column
gives the percentage weight of each factor (in yellow) in the final score, along with
the weight of each component of the factor value (in pink). In addition to the four fac-
tors, this MRS includes two adjustments: a “capital stress testing” indicator, which
can push a model into tier 1 regardless of its score on other factors, and an MRM
adjustment, a score override allowing the head of the MRM group to add up to 50%
of the total possible value to the base metric. The MRS produces a final risk score
to drive the risk-tier assignment, as seen at the bottom of Figure 3. The process of
setting preprocessing thresholds, component and factor weights, and total risk-score
tier-assignment thresholds is addressed below in our discussion of calibration.
The sample MRS in Figure 3 is clearly more complex than the sample MRT in
Figure 2. It mixes binary variables with multiple-level categorical variables. It also
incorporates a weighting scheme that may be less intuitive than that implicitly incor-
porated into the decision tree structure. However, the MRS has other advantages. For
firms that wish to include several categorical variables with multiple levels, the MRS
will likely prove easier to represent visually, and thus easier for users to understand.
To understand how this scorecard works, consider the calculation of the “oper-
ational factor”. This factor has a weight of 10% in the final score, with 50% Journal of Risk Model Validation

FIGURE 3 Sample MRS.
N. Kiritz et al

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Factors: Value range Weight

Materiality factor: 30%

Estimated dollar exposure 1–4 100% 2 3 3 4

Regulatory exposure factor: 30%

AML, financial reporting 0 or 1 100% 1 1 0 1

Journal of Risk Model Validation

Operational factor: 10%

EUC implementation 0 or 1 50% 1 0 1 1

Number of users 1–4 50% 2 3 3 3

Model complexity: 30%

Complex mathematical formulations 0 or 1 40% 1 0 0 1

Uses other model outputs or feeds
Downstream models 0 or 1 20% 0 0 0 1
Number of input variables 1–4 20% 4 3 3 1
New algorithms 0 or 1 10% 0 0 0 0
New product focus 0 or 1 10% 0 0 0 0

Pillar I/II input 0 or 1 Override 0 1 0 0
MRM adjustment 0–50 50% 0 0 10 0

Model scores
Materiality factor 15 22.5 22.5 30
Regulatory exposure factor 30 30 0 30
Operational factor 7.5 2.5 7.5 7.5
Model complexity 16.5 3 3 19.5
Capital stress testing 0 1 0 0
MRM adjustment 0 0 10 0
Total score 69 59 43 87
Model tier Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 1

Current risk rating Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 2
Model risk tiering 63

contributed by the “EUC implementation” component, a binary variable with poten-

tial values of 0 or 1, and the other 50% contributed by the “number of users” multiple-
level categorical variable with potential values of 1, 2, 3 or 4. The total value of this
component in the final score for model 1 is .1  50% C 2=4  50%/  10% D 7:5%.
Since the total value before adjustments is 100, the “operational factor” contributes
7.5 points to the total score, as can be seen in the “operational factor” line for model 1
in the “model scores” box at the bottom of Figure 3.
The final “model tier” is recorded in the highlighted boxes in the bottom line of
Figure 3. For this scorecard, the thresholds are 50 points for tier 2 and 80 points
for tier 1. Two interesting cases are models 2 and 3. Model 2’s total score of 59
out of 100 points would place it in tier 2, but the model has been assigned to tier 1
because the “capital stress testing” override is set to 1, which automatically assigns
all models used in capital stress testing to the highest tier. For model 3, the total score
is 22:5 C 7:5 C 3 D 33 points. In this case, MRM has decided to add an additional
10 points to bring the score up to 43, but this does not affect the final model tier
assignment, since the total score remains below the 50-point threshold.


Tiering tools are often developed as part of the initial development or overhaul of
the larger MRM framework. We see a number of important preconditions for a
successful development process, including the following:

 clear roles and responsibilities, particularly around the collection of model

profile elements to be used by the model risk-tiering tool to generate tier

 close coordination between developers of the risk-tiering tool and the model
owners in order to establish clarity around profile-element definitions and
challenges in profile-element collection; and

 good communication across the firm regarding principles for developing the
model-tiering tool and evolving tier assignments.

The choice between an MRT and an MRS – tree versus scorecard – is a key deci-
sion that determines other aspects of the design process, since some variables will
be more amenable to one approach than to another. As noted above, a smaller num-
ber of binary variables are likely better suited to an MRT, whereas a larger num-
ber of categorical variables with multiple levels will be better suited to an MRS. Journal of Risk Model Validation

64 N. Kiritz et al

Nevertheless, it is possible to develop the variables first and then to choose a tool
design that accommodates the selection and availability of the chosen variables.

5.1 Factor/component approach

For ease of communication, we will use the nomenclature from Figure 3, calling the
general dimensions of model risk that firms wish to incorporate into their risk-tiering
tool “factors” and the specific variables chosen to indicate those risk dimensions

5.1.1 Factors
Many firms approach model risk tiering as analogous to credit analysis, creating a
score based on factors that roughly correspond to the two credit-risk dimensions of
probability of default and loss given default. In the case of model risk, the analogs are
the probability of model failure (how likely it is the model will experience a problem)
and the impact of model failure (the consequences for the firm if the model does
experience a problem). Some firms make this two-dimensional approach explicit,
although for many it is merely implicit in the selection of factors.
With regard to impact, firms generally consider materiality, which may depend
either on size (such as the notional value of exposures to which the model applies) or
on use. The example illustrated in Figure 3 includes a materiality factor. Many firms
consider both economic consequences and regulatory consequences; models that are
used for financial reporting or to meet regulatory requirements carry the potential for
greater impact, all else being equal. Figure 3 includes a regulatory exposure factor.
Some firms also add a separate factor to indicate the potential reputational impact
of model failure, particularly where this factor would raise some models to a higher
risk tier.7 The example in Figure 3 does not include a stand-alone reputational impact
As discussed above, the FHFA’s guidance (Federal Housing Finance Agency
2013) is the only formal supervisory reference to model risk tiering of which we
are aware.8 It highlights complexity, business impact and “extensiveness of use” as
factors to consider in a model risk-tiering approach. These factors align with the
approach described above. Complexity is a standard indicator of probability of model

7 Examples of such models include those made available for public or customer use, or models
used internally in investment advisory.
8 Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (2017) includes a requirement for a “model

risk materiality classification scheme”, which may include “quantitative factors such as the size and
growth of the portfolio that the model covers in addition to its capital impact (eg, VaR). Qualitative
factors such as model age, complexity, purpose and strategic importance may also be considered,
where relevant, as long as this is done in a consistent fashion.”

Journal of Risk Model Validation

Model risk tiering 65

failure, with more complex models being considered more prone to errors, ceteris
paribus. Figure 3 includes a model complexity factor. Business impact serves as a
blanket indicator of the potential impact of model errors. Extensiveness of use could
be another indicator of probability of model failure, as more extensive model use
may increase the likelihood of model misuse; or it could capture aspects of impact,
as more extensive model use would tend to mean that repercussions of any model
failure would be felt across a broader portion of the institution.
The example in Figure 3 includes an operational factor to cover the risk of model
failure due to lapses in the control environment within which the model resides.
While differences in the probability of model failure due to the nature of model con-
trols may be important, a factor of this type should only be included if the nature of
model controls is unlikely to be affected by tier assignments. Otherwise, the inclu-
sion of a controls factor in tiering, with tiering in turn influencing required controls,
may create instability in the risk-tier assignment due to potential circularity.

5.1.2 Components
Firms must identify one or more specific components for each factor to be reflected
in the model-tiering tool; these are the variables in the tree or scorecard. In choosing
components, builders of tiering tools generally show a preference for those that can
be objectively measured and can be transparently observed (preferably within the
existing inventory system). However, even firms that have already built robust model
inventories may find that they need to significantly expand the scope of model profile
elements collected in the inventory in order to capture the variables required by the
model risk-tiering tool.
In practice, a wide variety of components are used in model risk tiering. In this
section, we discuss examples of some of the typical components used in tiering tools. Impact of model failure. Impact generally depends on some calculation of

materiality, with materiality being measured in a wide variety of ways. In general,
those measures reflect either size or use, as described below. Size. Firms use a variety of variables to indicate the size of the impact of
potential model failure on model results. Firms usually find estimating, or even clas-
sifying, the level of impact of a particular model on a given output to be surprisingly
challenging. The challenge arises when the organization attempts to estimate how
much a model error could affect the modeled result instead of the more tractable, but
arguably less relevant, calculation of the historical impact of the model on the result.
To gauge the impact of a model failure, firms generally use some combination of the
following: Journal of Risk Model Validation

66 N. Kiritz et al

 current (book or market) value of the items modeled;

 sensitivity of values to model error, sometimes indicated by calculated risk

metrics such as “vega”, or sensitivity to changes in volatility;

 number of customers exposed to the modeled item, or number of items

modeled; and

 impact of (or reliance on) the model on the final result (this is nearly always a

The example in Figure 3 uses estimated dollar exposure (current book or market
value) as the only component of the materiality factor. Use. Firms generally make categorical distinctions among model uses.
Examples of categories include general business, accounting and regulatory report-
ing, pricing and risk management, and fiduciary uses.
Most firms view general business use as presenting the least potential impact due
to model failure. Some common examples of model uses included in this category

 direct mail targeting,

 business planning and budgeting, and

 employee compensation.

Many firms see financial accounting and regulatory reporting as presenting the
highest model risk. Some distinguish these as two different uses or even place spe-
cific regulatory uses in separate categories. An example of the latter approach is
evident in the sample MRS in Figure 3, where use in regulatory stress testing leads
to an override of the scoring results. Common examples of model uses included in
this category are

 balance-sheet reporting,

 allowance for loan and lease losses,

 supervisory stress testing,

 regulatory capital or its components, and

 potential future exposure for financial derivatives.

Journal of Risk Model Validation

Model risk tiering 67

The regulatory exposure factor in the example in Figure 3 has as its single
component the use of models in AML, financial or board reporting.
Some firms view models used for pricing and risk management as presenting risk
similar to that posed by models used for accounting and regulatory compliance,
while others view pricing and risk management uses as presenting less risk. Common
examples of pricing and risk management uses include

 residential-mortgage pricing,

 commercial-credit pricing, and

 asset-liability management.

Firms show a wide range of practices in their treatment of models used to advise
clients or otherwise inform the allocation of client investments. Most consider the
use of models to carry out fiduciary duties as a significant contributor to model risk.
The case of AXA Rosenberg mentioned above, in which a financial firm that lost
most of its assets under management after paying US$217 million in restitution to
clients and a US$25 million fine to the SEC to settle a case in which it was found
to have concealed a model error, suggests the potential significance of such models.
However, some firms view the use of models for fiduciary activities as outside the
scope of their model governance frameworks. Risk of model failure. Firms attempt to identify features of models, or of the
use of those models, that may make model failures more likely. Some may be fairly
subjective, such as whether the firm has prior experience with the modeled product
or modeling process, or model complexity (although some firms devise metrics to
characterize complexity). A sample of common components used to indicate risk of
failure is provided below:

 model complexity (either measured using various metrics or set by judgment);

 firm experience with the modeled product or modeling process;

 dependence on upstream feeds from other models;

 use of model results in downstream models;

 nature of implementation platform (end-user computing platform or IT-con-

trolled application); and

 number of users. Journal of Risk Model Validation

68 N. Kiritz et al

The framework illustrated in Figure 3 includes complex model formulations

and number of input variables (model complexity) as well as new algorithms and
new product focus (firm experience) and uses other model outputs or feeds down-
stream models (use of feeds from other models, feeds into other models) as com-
ponents of the model complexity factor. Figure 3 also uses EUC implementation
(implementation platform) and number of users as components of the operational

5.2 Selecting and collecting input data

Decisions regarding which components to include are usually best made in conver-
sations or workshops led by the MRM group and involving a wide range of stake-
holders. This wide participation not only encourages acceptance and ownership of
the process across the organization but also gives valuable information regarding the
difficulty of obtaining the different data elements and assessing their reliability and
meaningfulness as risk indicators. It is good practice to begin the collection process
by targeting multiple components for each factor, since the data-collection process
is unlikely to result in a full set of data for every component targeted for use in the
model-tiering tool.
Once the proposed list of components is settled, primary responsibility for data
collection and maintenance generally falls to model owners (and their staff) regard-
less of whether model owners are developers or users. Of course, the model owner
may not be the ultimate source of that data, which likely comes from a variety of
sources: in many cases, from model users. The MRM group may create a question-
naire in order to solicit the desired model profile elements from model owners and
others. Respondents to the questionnaire are generally required to certify their infor-
mation on a “best efforts” basis and revise and recertify it annually or in the event that
the model is revised or its uses changed. The MRM group should carefully review
responses for completeness and reasonableness. The tiering-tool developer should
maintain a dialogue with model owners to discuss missing or questionable values
and to ensure that data is in a usable form and comparable across models.
While much of the model profile data used in tiering tools is easily observ-
able, many practitioners seek to add one or more variables that are judgmental. For
instance, some model-tiering tools require an estimate of the impact or contribu-
tion of each model on a larger calculation, such as regulatory capital. While intu-
itively appealing, such variables can be problematic if the level of actual or potential
impact of a model on its outputs is unconstrained. For example, when experts attempt
to determine the maximum impact of catastrophic model errors in such situations,
they frequently find that number to be very large, or very hard to quantify, or both.
Such exercises are often reliant on expert heuristics. Disagreements regarding such

Journal of Risk Model Validation

Model risk tiering 69

heuristic inputs can be very challenging to resolve. In part because of these chal-
lenges, many tiering-tool development processes revert to more easily observable
metrics, but this sometimes comes at the expense of useful information.
Different types of components require different treatment. Quantitative variables
with a wide range of potential values are generally converted into categorical vari-
ables represented by a number of integer values, such as categories one through five.
Many judgmental variables are also represented in practice by an integer scale; in
that case, narrative descriptions of the values on the scale may need to be developed
in discussions with stakeholders. Other components may be reduced to simple binary
measures. Regardless of which form a component takes in the tool, it is best to col-
lect the input data in the most granular form possible, to maximize its information
content and the flexibility of the tool-construction process.
Once the input data is collected, the usual data-hygiene processes must be com-
pleted, such as cleaning data and converting text entries to categorical variables. In
practice, this stage can be quite time-consuming, as respondents are likely to interpret
profile-element requests differently, regardless of the care taken in the development
of questionnaires or other instruments, and the descriptive information provided in
response may take a wide variety of styles. Enough time should be allowed for signif-
icant back-and-forth between the tool developer and respondents in order to develop
a data set that is as robust and consistent as it is practical.

5.3 Tool structure

Once the input data has been collected, the structure of the model-tiering tool must
be chosen. One of the most fundamental decisions is between the tree and scorecard
approaches discussed above: that is, between using an MRT and using an MRS.
For an MRT, the design challenges related to tool structure can be much more
significant than those for an MRS. For trees, decisions such as in which order to
place nodes, which nodes belong on which branches, and which branches to prune
are inseparable from calibration decisions such as where to set thresholds and the
assignment of final branches to risk tiers.
For an MRS approach, developers must choose whether to weight and add up risk-
component variables separately or to add them up by factor subgroups. Additional
choices include whether or not to include automatic overrides, whether to include
actual values for continuous variables (such as dollar volume) or convert them to
a more constrained form (such as categories or ranges), and whether to limit the
maximum potential contribution of variables.
In addition to choosing between the MRT and MRS frameworks, tool builders
also need to decide whether to make tier assignments at the model level or at the
model/use pair level. Tiering models at the model/use pair level means treating the Journal of Risk Model Validation

70 N. Kiritz et al

combination of a model and each of its business uses as if they were unique models,
and tiering them on a stand-alone basis. As a result, a single model may receive
multiple risk-tier assignments depending on use. Firms using this approach often
base MRM requirements on the highest tier assigned to any model/use pair. More
commonly, however, firms apply their tiering tools to create a single tier for each
model, taking into account all of a model’s uses at once. Models with more model
uses are more likely to be assigned to higher risk tiers.
Which approach is more appropriate depends on the MRM framework and prac-
tices of the individual firm. Since the depth and frequency of validation activities are
frequently driven by a model’s risk-tier assignment, firms that conduct separate val-
idations for different model uses might reasonably choose to utilize the model/use
pair approach, while those that conduct validations covering all of a model’s uses
might use the model-centric approach.


Calibration is the process of tuning the algorithm that translates model data into
a risk-tier assignment. Effective calibration depends on a combination of factor
and component variable selection as well as properly setting weights and thresh-
olds associated with their use. Although this paper only addresses calibration for
scorecard-type tools, some calibration is required for decision trees as well.

6.1 Variable creation

Many firms apply a bucketing scheme to each component variable with a wide or
continuous range of potential values, converting it to a categorical variable in order
to reduce data dimensionality. This may be done simply to ease the tool-construction
process, to constrain the impact of the variable on the final value or to accommodate a
variable believed to bear a nonlinear relationship to model risk when expressed in its
natural units. For instance, a variable such as the dollar value of exposures covered
by a model might be seen as having a greater risk-differentiation power for each
dollar change at low values than it does at very high values. Alternative approaches
to such nonlinearity, such as converting data using a fractional exponent to convey
the change in marginal impact as values rise, are not generally employed.
If particular data items are not available for some models, the developer must
decide whether to drop the variable from the tool or to set an arbitrary value for the
initial calibration process. Through this iterative process, the risk-tiering tool may be
further revised.

Journal of Risk Model Validation

Model risk tiering 71

6.2 Setting weights and thresholds

Choosing a set of inputs to represent the components for the various risk factors does
not determine how models will be tiered. The same set of factors and components
can lead to an almost endless variety of tier assignments depending on how the vari-
ables are combined and weighted. The determination of an appropriately weighted
combination is the essence of calibration. In this section, we address the calibration
of MRS-style model risk-tiering tools.9
Depending on the structure of the MRS, calibration may be required at multiple
 the thresholds of any buckets for individual variables;
 the weighting of components;
 the weighting of factors; and
 the setting of thresholds for converting the final score to a recommended risk-
tier assignment
Once the approach to the MRS is chosen, developers commonly use one of two
approaches to develop their initial model calibration: expert judgment or regres-
sion analysis. Under the expert-judgment approach, the developer sets parameters
that are intuitively appealing and then experiments with varied parameters to reach
the desired results. Developers will generally look for results to meet the following
 Risk-tier assignments generally align with any existing assignments from a
legacy approach or conform to intuition.
 Each component has a meaningful impact on the result (eg, no component has
a weight so low that it would never be expected to determine a risk-tiering
 The parameters and structure of the MRS are intuitive.
In firms without a preexisting rated-model inventory, the MRM group usually
applies considerable judgment regarding calibrations, as shown on the left-hand side
of Figure 4. Legitimacy for calibrations in this environment is generally established
by communicating the results of the calibration exercise to stakeholders, inviting
feedback and emphasizing the overall reasonableness of the risk-tier assignments
rather than extensively negotiating the details of individual component or factor

9 The calibration of MRTs, while analogous, will differ in important aspects. Journal of Risk Model Validation

72 N. Kiritz et al

FIGURE 4 Approaches to calibrating model risk scorecards.

Model inventory and relevant, accessible model

profile elements gathered and rationalized

A reasonable initial model inventory

Model inventory tiering conducted tiering is a good starting point, but
and deemed reasonable the final scorecard is unlikely to
perfectly reproduce it.

No Yes

Choose expert judgment or

regression approach to

Set/revise regression functional

Set/revise calibration using
Set/revise calibration using form to develop calibration by
expert judgment to approximate
expert judgment regressing tier assignments
legacy inventory tiering
against profile elements

No Apply to model inventory Apply to model inventory Apply to model inventory

Are resulting Are resulting Are resulting

model tier assignments model tier assignments No model tier assignments No
acceptable? acceptable? acceptable?

Yes Yes Yes

Scorecard calibration final Scorecard calibration final Scorecard calibration final

In firms without preexisting model risk-tier assignments, the first round of such
exercises frequently results in an excessive number of models being assigned to the
highest risk tier. Unless the model universe is such that very few models are utilized
in a large number of applications, such a distribution should not be accepted. As
discussed above, the MRS is a tool for distinguishing the riskiness of models within
an inventory; the placement of too many models into a single risk tier suggests that
it is not differentiating risk as intended. In that case, further calibration or changes to
the tool’s structure are likely necessary before the tool can be considered finalized.
For firms that have a legacy approach and therefore begin with an existing distri-
bution of models across risk tiers, the calibration of a new framework may proceed
somewhat differently, as illustrated by the flow on the right-hand side of Figure 4.
In such cases, maintaining the preexisting relative ranking of models is often seen
as a desirable feature for the new system, and risk managers may aim to minimize
the number of model risk assignments that change under the new tool. Assuming

Journal of Risk Model Validation

Model risk tiering 73

that some degree of confidence in current tier assignments is justified, controlling

changes in risk tiers has the advantage not only of minimizing the incremental work
to implement the new approach but also of incorporating and making more system-
atic the information contained in preexisting processes, while increasing the general
organizational acceptance of the new tiering methodology.
Calibration to replicate an existing distribution is usually accomplished through
trial and error, using either expert judgment or alternative functional forms to bring
the distribution of models across risk tiers close to that of the current inventory. In
some cases, firms can use regression-based approaches to determine a combination
of model profile elements and weightings that produces an appropriate risk tiering of
models. If the existing model distribution across tiers is regarded as a valid starting
point, then a well-tuned statistical and/or iterative calibration process will replicate
the current model risk-tier assignments as closely as possible using the model profile
elements collected. This process is complete once the resulting model risk tiers and
calibration parameters are deemed reasonable by management.
Although the initial tier assignments serve as a valuable anchor for a new calibra-
tion, the old and new tier assignments should not be required to be, or expected to
be, identical. The consistency imposed on model risk assessment by a well-structured
MRS should be expected to result in some movement of models between model tier
assignments. Considerations that may reasonably affect the distribution of models
across tiers commonly include the following:

 the extent to which individual models are reused for different products or
in different applications (eg, a firm in which a small number of models are
utilized broadly will have a smaller inventory, with a larger proportion of
high-risk models, than one in which each use tends to generate its own model);

 the comprehensiveness of the inventory, since models omitted from the inven-
tory are likely considered less crucial and would thus likely fill out the lower
risk tiers;

 the alignment of tier-specific MRM requirements with the risks posed by the
models assigned to each tier; and

 the proportion of the inventory that must be assigned to the top risk tier due to
supervisory pressure (eg, examiners may suggest that all models used in stress
testing should be assigned to tier 1).

Once a near-final calibration is established, the MRM group should lead a process
to resolve any issue with new risk-tier assignments through discussions with model
owners and business leads. At the end of this process, some firms will also choose Journal of Risk Model Validation

74 N. Kiritz et al

to set overrides in the MRS to guarantee a minimum tier assignment for models of
certain types or with certain uses, such as those required in regulatory-compliance
Our experience has been that initial model calibration frequently results in risk-
tier assignments for the model inventory with which managers are dissatisfied, par-
ticularly at firms with preexisting model risk-tier assignments. While a tiering tool
should not be required to perfectly replicate an inventory’s preexisting tiering, it is
important that the tool be able to generate tiers that are generally consistent with
expert opinion where that opinion is itself internally consistent. Depending on the
choice of inputs, calibrating an MRS to be broadly consistent with current risk-tier
assignments may prove easier than doing so with an MRT.

Any enterprise risk management process should be subject to appropriate gover-
nance, and model risk tiering is no exception. Established governance practices
regarding model risk-tiering tools include the incorporation of risk-tiering proce-
dures into the model-governance framework and the assignment of clear roles and
responsibilities. A common practice is to give ownership of tool development and
maintenance to the MRM function. The head of the MRM function generally has
final sign-off on model risk-tier assignments, with model owners and model users
given an opportunity to challenge and escalate tier assignments in the event of dis-
putes. Most firms also include explicit or implicit requirements for reevaluation of
model risk-tier assignments on at least an annual basis, including a review of the
model profile elements used for model risk tiering.10
Best practices and other important aspects of model risk-tiering governance are
still emerging and not yet standardized. Leading firms maintain the model profile
elements necessary to populate risk-tiering tools in the model inventory system while
others maintain such information in spreadsheets or within a version of the tool itself.
Likewise, some firms require model owners to attest to the accuracy of the relevant
profile elements while others do not.
Supervisors appear to increasingly expect internal audits to evaluate the reason-
ableness of the model risk-tiering process. Although risk tiering is not directly
addressed in the US banking agency guidance, that guidance does state other super-
visory expectations for internal audits, including the assessment of the “accuracy

10 This reevaluation is generally part of the annual model review and meets the expectation in the
US banking agency guidance (2011 and 2017) that “[b]anks should conduct a periodic review –
at least annually but more frequently if warranted – of each model to determine . . . if the existing
validation activities are sufficient”.

Journal of Risk Model Validation

Model risk tiering 75

and completeness of the model inventory” and the evaluation of “whether MRM is
comprehensive, rigorous, and effective”.
Another emerging practice in the governance of model risk tiering is the treatment
of some risk-tiering tools as models themselves. In firms where such tools are sub-
ject to the same documentation, validation, periodic review and even risk tiering as
the rest of the model inventory, this treatment is another step in establishing both
transparency and firm-wide acceptance of the model risk-tiering framework.

As models continue to play a growing and central role in business operations, MRM
will remain an area of focus for both senior executives and regulators. Leading finan-
cial institutions take a risk-sensitive approach to MRM in which model risk tiers drive
the frequency and depth of MRM activities. Model risk tiers are typically assigned
using a tool designed to ensure that they are determined consistently and objectively.
The design of model risk-tiering tools draws upon a variety of principles.

 Expert judgment is instrumental for the design of a model risk-tiering tool.

However, the tool’s design should ensure that tiers are produced objectively
rather than subjectively by the tool’s user.

 In order to be embraced throughout an organization, a model risk-tiering tool

should be transparently designed and generate consistent results.

 Model risk tiers should depend on a model’s inherent risk rather than a model’s
residual risk.

 Model risk tiers provide an indication of the relative (not absolute) risk posed
by model use.

 When designing a model risk-tiering tool, developers should consider the rel-
ative risk posed by models both within and across business units and legal

 Model risk-tiering tools should be simple and easy to use.

 A model risk-tiering tool should broadly distribute the model inventory across
the risk tiers.

 Model risk-tiering tools should produce results that are broadly in line with
management expectations. Journal of Risk Model Validation

76 N. Kiritz et al

In both literature and practice, we have observed two types of model risk-tiering
tools: decision trees and scorecards. Decision trees are designed such that users
answer a series of questions regarding a model to guide the assignment of a model’s
risk tier. Scorecards assign values based on a model’s attributes, with the values then
subjected to a weighting scheme to produce a model risk score; scores within defined
ranges are mapped to model risk tiers.
Calibration plays an important role in the tool-design process, determining both
the thresholds used to map model risk scores to tiers and the weights and thresholds
associated with individual model risk-tiering factors and components. Due to their
design, scorecard tools are generally easier to calibrate than decision trees.
Governance around the construction and use of model risk-tiering tools is an
evolving area. Similar to other aspects of risk management, effective model risk
tiering should rely on a clear allocation of roles and responsibilities with a com-
prehensive documentation framework to guide activities. Model developers, model
owners and users, model risk managers and internal auditors all play valuable roles in
developing, maintaining and ensuring compliance with effective model risk-tiering
Model risk-tiering tools provide a systematic assessment of the relative risk posed
by different models subject to a given governance framework within a firm-wide
inventory. The clear value of these tools is that they provide a transparent and con-
sistent way to determine model risk-tier assignments, which are a critical building
block for the practice of consistent and effective risk-sensitive model governance.

The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for
the content and writing of the paper. The views and conclusions contained herein
are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the views or
conclusions, either expressed or implied, of Promontory Financial Group.

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