8 FD - Week 1 - Adonis Cara

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First Quarter, Week 1

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Date:__________________________

Grade Level /Section: __________________________

Drawing Tools And Materials

Functions Of Lines


In this lesson, you will learn and understand how to draw basic shapes using lines, You will also
learn how to create complex forms by combining geometric shapes.
Line is everywhere, Shape is everywhere. We can see them everywhere, Lines and shapes are
very important to you as a beginner in making drawing as you in this course.
All objects can be represented and drawn using basic objects as foundation of drawing
construction. Squares, rectangles, triangles, cones, cylinders, circles, ovals are basic shapes that would
help you in drawing objects or group of objects accurately. The following are example of shapes.

Square Triangle

As you go along in this lesson, you are able to learn basic tips in basic drawing. Are you ready?

Tips to Draw a straight lines (Square, Rectangle, Triangle)

Drawing straight lines or straight edged shapes can be easy if using a rules or triangle. Here are
some tips that you can follow to make neatly looking shapes.

1. Swing your arm from the elbow rather than using just your wrsit and hand.
2. Draw quickly. Drawing slowly increases mistakes.
3. Avoid short, sketch lines using long, smooth strokes.
4. If the line tends to drift up or down as you draw, turn the paper to adjust for the natural
direction of your stroke.
5. If needed, place a dot at the starting and ending point of the line. Focus on the end point as you
draw the line.

How to draw a square?

A Square is a four-sided shape that is made up of dour straight sides that are the same length and
that has four right angles.
Drawing a basic square is the simple connection of four straight lines, two along the horizontal
axis and two to describe the vertical axis.
Drawing these lines is all about living in the future: pinpoint your start point; imagine the end
point. Place your pencil on the start point, relax and focus on the endpoint. Pull your mark along the
imagined path removing the pencil once it reaches the end point. Pull your lines towards their goal: this
uses more adept muscle groups. Or, follow the steps and illustration below.

a. Draw a vertical straightline, at the endpoint start to draw a horizontal straight line.
b. Connect a vertical straightline on the endpoint of the horizontal line.

c. Then, connect the two vertical lines to form a square.

Tips to Draw a Circle/Oval

Here are some tips in making circles or oval shapes.

1. Draw lightly
2. Place the side of your hand down on the paper, and begin circling with your pencil above the
peper in the air.
3. Circle several times befire lowering your pencil and continuing the same circular movements on
the paper creating multiple light circles.
4. Erase the lines that are inaccurate leavinng the best circle. Touch up the shape if necessary.
5. An alternative method is to make one tap around the circle stopping once you reach the starting
point. The practice circles will only be made in the air before the pencil touches the paper.
6. To draw a large circle, rest the outside, bony part of your wrist (right below the large padded
section of the palm).
7. On the paper, hold the pencil firmly without allowing it to move. Turn the paper with the pencil
touching the surface until it has made a complete circle.

How to draw a circle

A Circle is a perfectly round shape; a line that is curved so that its meet and every point on the
line is the same distance from the center.
Here are some tips to draw a perfect circle.

a. Measure out a square using a ruler. From the top left corner, draw a line

b. to the bottom right. Draw a second from top right to lower left .

c. Add two centre lines, and

d. On the eight short lines going out from the centre, plot dots at incremental thirds.
e. Now draw your circle tangent to the sides of the square and using the plots points placed two
thirds from the centre. ‘Ghost draft’ this to practice first..

How to draw an ellipse

A Ellipse is a shape that resembles flattened circle.

Here are the spets to draw a perfect ellipse.

a. You can simplify this process by drawing two lines dissecting each other, one short and vertical
and the other horizontal and longer.

b. Now plot end points. Those on the horizontal line should be equal in distance from the centre.
complete your ellipse.
Once again it’s about connecting these points with a curvilinear path. But this time the upper semi-
circle (a) is more foreshortened than the lower arc (b). Practise this process small at first, just to build up
your confidence-- then move onto larger ellipses, which require more gestural arm and shoulder
movements. It takes a lot of training to draw accurate ellipses.

And if we combined the different basic shapes we can achieved the Illusion of volumes which is
good exercise for all the beginners for you to be able to practice to draw.

Drawing Cubes

A Cube is the regular solid of six equal squares sides.

A cube is a three-dimensional square. The viewer will be able to see two or three sides depending
on where the cube is positioned. Moving the cube up and down or side to side in front of your line of sight
changes the number and amount of the sides you will be able to see. This concept can be used to draw
both square and rectangualr objects. A rectangle drawn in perspective is called a rectangular solid.
Here are the steps on how to draw a cube.
Method 1

a. Draw a square

b. Draw a second overlapping square that is slightly higher and to the sides of the first square.
c. Connect the four corners of the square.

d. Erase all the interior lines so that the cube has a front, top and side.

Drawing Cones

A cone is a form that has a circular base with sides that taper up to a point or apex. The circular
end of the cone is an ellipse. A perfect circle would only be drawn when the cone is viewed straight on
from the bottom or apex.

Steps on how to draw Cone.

a. Draw a triangle
b. At the bottom of the triangle draw an oval shape.
c. Erase the unnecessary lines
Drawing Cylinders

A cylinder is a geometric shape that has a parallel sides and a circular cross section. Example of a
cylinder cans, tubes and pipes.

Steps on how to draw Cylinder

a. Draw a rectangle or a square depending on the length of the cylinder.

b. Draw on the top and b ottom edges of the quadrilateral.

Drawing Sphere

A sphere is a three-dimensional shape that looks like a ball.

Steps on how to draw Sphere

a. Draw a circle.
b. Draw a half round line inside the circle.
c. Darken the part where the halround line was located.
d. Darken a small part outside the circle.

Draw basic shapes with illusion of volume.


Directions: Identify the following questions. Write the answer on the space provided before the number.

_____________________1. It is a shape that resembles flattened circle.

_____________________2. It is a geometric shape that has a parallel sides and a circular cross section.
Example of a cylinder cans, tubes and pipes.
_____________________3. Is a form that has a circular base with sides that taper up to a point or apex
_____________________4. Is a perfectly round shape; a line that is curved so that its meet and every
point on the line is the same distance from the center.
_____________________5. It is a three-dimensional shape that looks like a ball.


Directions: Arrange the steps on how to draw the following shapes. Use only letters to arrange the steps.

____1. Erase all the interior lines so that the cube has a front, top and side.
____2. Draw a square
____3. Connect the four corners of the square.
____4. Draw a second overlapping square that is slightly higher and to the sides of the first square.
____1. On the eight short lines going out from the centre, plot dots at incremental thirds.
____2. Now draw your circle tangent to the sides of the square and using the plots points placed two
thirds from the centre. ‘Ghost draft’ this to practice first.
____3. Measure out a square using a ruler. From the top left corner, draw a line
____4. to the bottom right. Draw a second from top right to lower left .
____5. Add two centre lines.


Directions: Write TRUE if the state is correct and FALSE if it is not.

________________1. Swing your arm from the elbow rather than using just your wrsit and hand.
________________2. Draw quickly. Drawing slowly decreases mistakes.
________________3. Avoid short, sketch lines using long, smooth strokes.
________________4. If the line tends to drift up or down as you draw, do not turn the paper to adjust for
the natural direction of your stroke.
________________5. If needed, place a dot at the starting and ending point of the line. Focus on the end
point as you draw the line.
________________6. Place the side of your hand up on the paper, and begin circling with your pencil
above the peper in the air.
________________7. Circle several times befire lowering your pencil and continuing the same circular
movements on the paper creating multiple light circles.
________________8. Erase the lines that are accurate leavinng the best circle. Touch up the shape if
________________9. An alternative method is to make one tap around the circle stopping once you reach
the starting point. The practice circles will only be made in the air before the
pencil touches the paper.
________________10. To draw a large circle, rest the outside, bony part of your wrist (right below the
large padded section of the palm).

Directions: Follow the following steps to draw the basic shapes and illusions.


a. Begin by drawing a square.

b. Draw 3 diagonal lines that move in the same direction toward an imaginary point in space.
c. Lines should gradually be getting closer together as they move back and away from the square.
d. Once the intended length of the box side and top has been reached, draw the back edge and side
edge of the box.

Try here!!!

a. Draw a rectangle or a square depending on the length of the cylinder.
b. Draw on the top and b ottom edges of the quadrilateral.
c. Erase the unnecessary lines.
Try here!!!

a. Draw a circle.
b. Draw a curved line on the opposite side of the circle from the light
c. Fill in the form of shadow.
d. Continue to shade from dark to light.
e. Erase the unnecessary lines.

Try here!!!
Guide Questions:

1. How important the lines in creating shapes?

2. Do the tips on how to draw a circle/ oval and straight lines are effective/efficient? Explain your

Rubric for Scoring

Excellent Good Average Needs Improvement

5 poionts 4 points 3 points 2 points
Following project

Shapes and lines

repeated showing

Total Points _________________

Teacher’s Comments:

How did the lesson improve your drawing skills? What is the best part of the lesson? Why?


Gallarde, Joel R , Computer 2 Freehand Design, Palayan City National High School
Meriam Webster Dictionary

Prepared by: ADONIS A. CARA

Name of Writer


Division ICT Coordinator/ OIC EPS



5. Sphere 4. B 4. B

4. Circle 3. A 3. C

3. Cone 2. E 2. A

2. Cylinder 1.D 1. D

1. Ellipse CIRCLE CUBE

1. T 6. T
2. F 7. T
3. T 8. F
4. F 9. T
5. T 10. T

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