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Quarter 2 – Module 7:
Multimodal and its Elements

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7

English – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 7: Multimodal and its Elements
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Author: Lillian S. Pagulongan, Sherrylynn Jennifer S. Carantes

Reviewer: Armi Victoria A. Fianga-an
Layout Artist: Alvin A. Sevilla
Celeste Faith R. Almanon
Mark R. Delatina
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Quarter 2 – Module 7:
Multimodal and its Elements
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
write your use of the elements of multimodal in your presentation. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language
used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged
to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module consists of:

Lesson 1: Multimodal Elements

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the elements of multimodals.
2. Transcode emojis into plain text/word.
3. Create instructional video/script for presentation using animated

What I Know

Directions: Read and answer the questions below with your knowledge of the topic
to be discussed. Use a clean sheet of paper for your answers. Write the
letter of your choice.

1. What is the other term for pictures?

A. illustration
B. still image
C. image

2. Facial expressions is an example of __________________.

A. spatial
B. gestural
C. audio

3. Line, shape, size and symbols are resources of ________________.

A. digital multimodal text
B. live multimodal text
C. visual multimodal text

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
4. This element of multimodal text observes the vocabulary and grammar.
A. Linguistic
B. Visual
C. Spatial

5. This element of multimodal text uses color, images, and vector.

A. Aural
B. Spatial
C. Visual

6. It is the movement of the body, the facial expression.

A. Gestural
B. Spatial
C. Aural

7. Animation, Infographics, Screencast and eBook are examples of

A. Digital Multimodal
B. Print Multimodal
C. Physical Multimodal

8. Multimodal can be print, ___________ or digital.

9. Language modes (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and

videographing are often integrated in composing multimodal text.
A. True
B. False

10. Emojis are considered as gestural and visual.

A. True
B. False


1 Multimodal Text

What’s In

Communication is not only relaying messages through voice and letters. It

does not limit its purpose to written and verbal text. Communication uses
multimodals. When technology came into this world, different modes of
communication came to existence. They are called multimodal.

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
Many texts are multimodal where meaning is communicated through
combinations of two or more modes. Modes include written language, spoken
language, and patterns of meaning that are visual, audio, gestural, tactile and
Multimodal texts include picture books, text books, graphic novels, comics,
and posters, where meaning is conveyed to the reader through varying combinations
of visual (still image), written language, and spatial modes.

Digital multimodal texts, such as film, animation, slide shows, e-posters,

digital stories, and web pages, convey meaning through combinations of written and
spoken language, visual (still and moving image), audio, gestural and spatial modes.

Live multimodal texts, for example, dance, performance, and oral storytelling,
convey meaning through combinations of modes such as gestural, spatial, spoken
language, and audio.

In a visual text, for example, representation of people, objects, and places can
be conveyed using choices of visual semiotic resources such as line, shape, size, line
and symbols, while written language would convey this meaning through sentences
using noun groups and adjectives which are written or typed on paper or a screen.

Elements of Multimodal Text

A text may be defined as multimodal when it combines two or more semiotic


• Linguistic: vocabulary, structure, grammar of oral/written language

• Visual: colour, vectors and viewpoint in still and moving images
• Audio or Aural: volume, pitch and rhythm of music and sound effects
• Gestural: movement, facial expression and body language
• Spatial: proximity, direction, position of layout, organization of objects in

Multimodal text can be print, physical or digital. Examples of types of

Multimodal text are …


CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
The NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum defines modes, multimodal and language
modes as "Comprising more than one mode. A multimodal text uses a combination of two or more
communication modes, for example print, image and spoken text as in film or computer

It also mentions that …

"language modes listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing are
often integrated and interdependent activities used in responding to and composing
texts in order to shape meaning" and that "any combination of the modes may be
involved in responding to or composing print, sound, visual or multimedia text."

What’s New

Activity 1. Picture/Movie Interpretation

Directions: Give the proper meaning or interpretation of the given emojis.

Example: = Breaktime

1. = _________________

2. = _________________

3. = _________________

4. = _________________

5. = _________________

6. = _________________

7. = _________________

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
8. = _________________

9. = _________________

10. = _________________

What is It

The Five Modes


The visual mode refers to the images and characters that people see.

It is sometimes possible to find compositions that almost, if not completely,

rely on a single mode. For instance, the “No Guns” symbol has no alphabetic text
and no sound. Like many signs, it relies for its meaning on visual information.
However, we might be able to say that the sign uses the spatial mode as well, since
the gun appears behind the red bar that signals “no” or “not allowed.” So while the
visual dominates in signs, even this composition is not “purely” visual.

Aural or Audio

The aural mode is focused on sound including, but not limited to, music,
sound effects, ambient noises, silence, tone of voice in spoken language, volume of
sound, emphasis, and accent. [1]

An example of an aural mode — one that depends almost exclusively on sound

— might be the recording of a public speech that was delivered orally to a live
audience, such as President Rodrigo Roa Duterte “ State of the Nations Address
2020” This speech exemplifies the aural mode. Delivered before radio and recorded.
A speech like this one represents one of the early examples of hearing a speech
without being in the same time and place as the speaker.

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7

The gestural mode “refers to the way movement is interpreted. Facial

expressions, hand gestures, body language, and interaction between people are all
gestural modes. This has always been important in face-to-face conversations and in
theater, but it has become more apparent on the web lately with the wide use of
YouTube and other video players. The gestural mode works with linguistic, visual,
aural, and sometimes even spatial modes in order to create more detail and convey
it better to the consumer”

Linguistic (or Alphabetic)

The linguistic mode refers to written or spoken words. The mode includes word
choice, the delivery of written or spoken text, the organization of words into sentences
and paragraphs, and the development and coherence of words and ideas. Linguistic
is not always the most important mode; this depends on the other modes at play in
the text, the type of text, and other factors. Linguistic is probably the most widely
used mode because it can be both read and heard on both paper or audio. The
linguistic mode is the best way to express details and list.


The spatial mode, as the name implies, refers to the arrangement of elements
in space. It involves the organization of items and the physical closeness between
people and objects.

A good example of the spatial mode might be the different ways in which chairs
and desks are arranged in a classroom.

Here is a “traditional” classroom: Individual desks are arranged in orderly

rows, facing the front of the room to make the teacher who would stand before the
chalkboard the center of attention. The teacher also stands at a distance from the
students; the students who sit in the back could hardly even see the board!

A traditional classroom setting with orderly class rows.

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
By contrast, in this advertisement for “collaborative classrooms,” we see the
chairs and desks clustered in small groups so that students can work together on
projects. The classroom is also de-centered, which suggests that the teacher and
students are working together as partners rather than in a hierarchical manner. All
of the people are in close proximity to one another.

A classroom where students interact with each other in different groups


What’s More

Activity 2: Picture or Image Perception

Directions: Determine the type of modes using the pictures given.

1. = ________________________

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
2. = ________________________
Source: clipart

3. = ________________________

4. = ________________________
Source: clipart

5. = ________________________

6. = ________________________
Source: clipart

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
7. = ________________________

8. = ________________________
Source: clipart

9. = ________________________

10. = _________________________

What I Have Learned

Activity 3: Transcribing Challenge

Directions: Transcribe the given emojis or pictures into plain text. Use a clean sheet
of paper for your transcription.

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
COVID-19 a Virus

In the last of 2019 there have been reported a spillover of the

virus from to in Wuhan, . Since then, the

entire was affected by the said causing a lot of to be and

, resulting to some .

By the of March the spread to the different neighboring

until it reached the part of the .

was one of the that was badly affected due to the of cases

of affected by the Corona reported.

The World Health Organization declared a pandemic crisis resulting to

the immobilization of the of the , where were forced to 🚫🚫

due to the 🚷🚷ordered by the . This issue made a lot of to and

lose their and . The decided that all Filipino

are already required to strictly stay at and any

🚷🚷with other .

Months later, all the Filipino were required to wear and

practice proper in order to the spread of the .

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
What I Can Do

Activity 4. Instructional Video Making/Script

Directions: Option 1: Create a 10- minute video presentation illustrating the images
provided below using GoPro application in your cellphones or Movie
Maker in your laptops. Save the video in a jpeg file. Option 2: Write a
script for a presentation using the images provided below to prevent the
spread of COVID-19 virus.


CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7

Directions: Read and answer the questions below with your knowledge of the topic
discussed. Use a clean sheet of paper for your answers. Write the letter
of your choice.

1. What is the other term for pictures?

A. illustration
B. still image
C. image

2. Facial expressions is an example of __________________.

A. spatial
B. gestural
C. audio

3. Line, shape, size and symbols are resources of ________________.

A. digital multimodal text
B. live multimodal text
C. visual multimodal text

4. This element of multimodal text observes the vocabulary and grammar.

A. Linguistic
B. Visual
C. Spatial

5. This element of multimodal text uses color, images, and vector.

A. Aural
B. Spatial
C. Visual

6. It is the movement of the body, the facial expression.

A. Gestural
B. Spatial
C. Aural

7. Animation, Infographics, Screencast and eBook are examples of

A. Digital Multimodal
B. Print Multimodal
C. Physical Multimodal

8. Multimodal can be print, ________ or digital.

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
9. Language modes (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and
videographing are often integrated in composing multimodal text.
A. True
B. False

10. Emojis are considered as gestural and visual.

A. True
B. False

Additional Activities

Activity 1: Tell Me A Story

Directions: Compose an exposition text using multimodal text based on the

pictures/still images given below. Use the given rubrics as your guide
to do the activity.


CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7


(10 PTS.) (8 PTS) (6 PTS.) (4 PTS)
Use of - Indicated the - Indicated - Indicated only - Used only 1
Multimodal use of all some of the 2 Multimodals. Multimodal
Multimodals Multimodals
Grammar - Proper use of - Proper use of - Proper use of - Improper use
terms and some terms terms was of terms and
correct use of and correct limited and SVA were not
SVA were SVA were SVA was not followed
observed observed followed
Organization - The ideas were - The ideas - The ideas - Ideas were not
of Idea chronologically were were organized
arranged and somewhat in somewhat in
with a good order but still order and the
flow of thought gives a good flow of
flow of thought needs
thought improvement.
Presentation - It gave the - It gave - Gave direct - It did not give
direct and extended interpretation any direct or
extended interpretation but no exact
interpretation of idea extended idea interpretation
of idea of idea

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
What’s More?
1. Spatial
2. Visual
What I Can Do/Additional Activity Assessment
3. Linguistics
Note: Answers will depend on the output of 1. B 4. Gestural
the learner 2. B 5. Spatial
3. C 6. Visual
4. A 7. Linguistics
5. C 8. Gestural
6. A 9. Audio
7. A 10. Audio
8. physical
9. False What’s New?
10. True
1. Running Late
2. Good Luck
3. Party Time
4. Be Quite
5. You Go Girl
6. See You Soon
7. Be On Time
8. No Monkey
9. Laughing Out
10. Call You
What’s I Have Learned Today
COVID-19 a Deadly Virus
In the last quarter of 2019, there have been reported a spillover of What I Know
the virus from animals to humans in Wuhan, China. Since then, the entire
world was affected by the said virus causing a lot of people to be sick and 1. B
hospitalized, resulting to some deaths. 2. B
By the first week of March the virus spread to the different 3. C
neighboring countries until it reached the western part of the globe. 4. A
America was one of the countries that was badly affected due to the 5. C
increasing number of cases of patients affected by the Corona Virus 6. A
7. A
The World Health Organization declared a pandemic crisis resulting to the
immobilization of the economy of the world, where establishments were 8. physical
forced to close due to the quarantine ordered by the government. This issue 9. False
made a lot of people to suffer and lose their jobs. The Philippine 10. True
Government decided that all Filipino citizens are already required to strictly
stay at home and avoid any physical contact with other people.
Months later, all the Filipino citizens were required to wear masks
and practice proper hygiene in order to minimize the spread of the virus.
Answer Key
"What Is Multimodal Text? - Creating Multimodal Text". 2020. Sites.Google.Com.
"Multimodal Literacy". 2020. Education.Vic.Gov.Au.
"The Five Modes | UM Rhetlab". 2020. Courses.Lumenlearning.Com.
2020. Google.Com.
"Wayback Machine". 2020. Web.Archive.Org.
"Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)". 2020. Centers For Disease Control And

CO_Q2_English 10_ Module 7
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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