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International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials

Vol.6, No.4, pp.239–246, December 2012

DOI 10.1007/s40069-012-0024-x
ISSN 1976-0485 / eISSN 2234-1315

Mix Design for Pervious Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Rasiah Sriravindrarajah1),*, Neo Derek Huai Wang2), and Lai Jian Wen Ervin2)

(Received August 29, 2012, Accepted November 6, 2012, Published online November 27, 2012)

Abstract: Pervious concrete is a tailored-property concrete with high water permeability which allow the passage of water to flow
through easily through the existing interconnected large pore structure. This paper reports the results of an experimental inves-
tigation into the development of pervious concrete with reduced cement content and recycled concrete aggregate for sustainable
permeable pavement construction. High fineness ground granulated blast furnace slag was used to replace up to 70 % cement by
weight. The properties of the pervious concrete were evaluated by determining the compressive strength at 7 and 28 days, void
content and water permeability under falling head. The compressive strength of pervious concrete increased with a reduction in the
maximum aggregate size from 20 to 13 mm. The relationship between 28-day compressive strength and porosity for pervious
concrete was adversely affected by the use of recycled concrete aggregate instead of natural aggregate. However, the binder
materials type, age, aggregate size and test specimen shape had marginal effect on the strength–porosity relationship. The results
also showed that the water permeability of pervious concrete is primarily influenced by the porosity and not affected by the use of
recycled concrete aggregate in place of natural aggregate. The empirical inter-relationships developed among porosity, com-
pressive strength and water permeability could be used in the mix design of pervious concrete with either natural or recycled
concrete aggregates to meet the specification requirements of compressive strength and water permeability.
Keywords: pervious concrete, porosity, strength, permeability, recycled concrete aggregate, mix design.

1. Introduction groundwater and reducing stormwater runoff. With a com-

bination of structural and hydrological design with the use
In recent times, major cities around the world have of pervious concrete for pavement construction provided
experienced frequent flooding due to the combination of the best solution to stormwater management, as recognised
increased rainfall and reduced in permeable surface areas. by the US Environmental Protection Agency (Stormwater
With the increasing amount of built infrastructures such as management handbook, US Environmental Protection
residential and commercial buildings and decreasing per- Authority 2009).
meable unpaved open areas, the stormwater runoff is rapidly Pervious concrete is a special type of concrete with a high
increased. As a consequence, the drainage system gets proportion of large sized pores, typically 2–8 mm. The
overloaded and flash flooding becomes inevitable, thus typical porosity of pervious concrete ranged from 15 to
causing disruption to the road transport and flooding of 30 % and the presence of interconnected large pores system
basement car parks and shopping centres. In order to manage allows the water to flow easily through the pervious concrete
the stormwater runoff in urban areas, an engineered solution (ACI 2006). The pervious concrete mixes should meet
is needed to avoid flash flooding. the specification requirements for permeable concrete
The use of pervious concrete for the construction of sec- pavements. Typical pervious concrete mix consists of
ondary roads, parking lots, driveways, walkways and side- 180–355 kg/m3 of binder material, 1420–1600 kg/m3 of
walks is increasing in the USA. By capturing a significant coarse aggregate and water to cement ratio ranged from 0.27
amount of stormwater and allowing it to seep into the to 0.43. The typical 28-day compressive strength ranges
ground, the pervious concrete is instrumental in recharging from 5.6 to 21.0 MPa, with void ratios ranging from 14 to
31 %, and permeability coefficient varies from 0.25 to
6.1 mm/s (Schaefer et al. 2006). Previous studies have
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, reported the influence of water-to-cement ratio, aggregate-to-
University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia. cement ratio, aggregate sizes, and binder material type on the
*Corresponding Author; strengths of pervious concretes (Tennis et al. 2004; Malhotra
E-mail: [email protected] 1976; Meininger 1988; Otani et al. 2005). The properties of
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
pervious concrete having various mix compositions were
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
reported elsewhere (Sriravindrarajah and Aoki 2008; Aoki
and Sriravindrarajah 2008; Aoki et al. 2008; Aoki et al.
Copyright Ó The Author(s) 2012. This article is published 2009; Sriravindrarajah et al. 2010; Aoki et al. 2012). The
with open access at

permeability was 15 mm/s for pervious concrete having the natural aggregate and recycled concrete aggregate with
compressive strength of 10 MPa. The drying shrinkage of ground granulated blast furnace slag as a cement replace-
pervious concrete is lower than that for structural concrete ment material up to 70 % by weight. The investigated
(Aoki and Sriravindrarajah 2008; Sriravindrarajah et al. properties of pervious concrete are compressive strength
2010; Aoki et al. 2012). development with age, porosity and water permeability. The
Table 1 shows the effect of replacing 20 and 50 % of results obtained are used to develop inter-relationships
cement with fly ash on the properties of pervious concrete. among porosity, compressive strength and water perme-
At 50 % cement replacement with fly ash, the compressive ability, needed for the mix design of pervious concrete mixes
strength of pervious concrete was reduced by 44 % but the with either natural aggregate or recycled concrete aggregate.
permeability was marginally improved, when compared with
the corresponding properties of pervious concrete without
cement replacement. The 56-day free drying shrinkage was 2. Experimental Details
decreased by 21 % and the compressive strength of pervious
concrete is closely related to the porosity of concrete. 2.1 Materials and Mix Proportions
In order to achieve environmental sustainability, the use of Binder materials used in pervious concrete mixes were
recycled concrete aggregate in structural and semi-structural Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and ground granulated
concrete mixes is not uncommon. Recycled concrete blast furnace slag (GGBFS). The fineness of the cement and
aggregate has lower strength, stiffness and high water GGBFS was 360 and 870 m2/kg, respectively. The strength
absorption due to the presence of weak attached mortar to activity index for GGBFS was 1.64, 1.20 and 1.16 at 3, 7
the natural aggregate. In 1985, Sriravindrarajah and Tam and 28 days, respectively.
reported that partial replacement of natural coarse aggregate Two single-sized coarse aggregate ranging from either 5 to
with recycled concrete aggregate in medium strength con- 13 mm or 13 to 20 mm were used in pervious concrete
crete had reduced the compressive and tensile strengths and mixes. The commercially available aggregates were either
modulus of elasticity and increased the drying shrinkage of natural aggregate (granite) or recycled concrete aggregate, as
concrete. Adjustments to the mix composition and addition shown in Fig. 1. The specific gravity of the natural aggregate
of supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash and was 2.65 and that for recycled concrete aggregate was 2.19
silica fume could be easily used to improve the compressive and 2.04 for 20 and 13 mm maximum size recycled concrete
strength (Sriravindrarajah and Tam 1988). However, reduced aggregate, respectively. The water absorption for 20 and
modulus of elasticity and increased shrinkage and creep of 13 mm recycled concrete aggregates was 5.3 and 8.2 %,
concrete with recycled concrete aggregate are unavoidable respectively, compared to 1.0 % for the natural aggregate.
due to the poor mechanical properties of recycled concrete High water absorption and lower specific gravity for 13 mm
aggregate compared to natural aggregate. Sriravindrarajah recycled concrete aggregate are due to increased amount of
et al. (2001) showed that quality variation of commercially weak attached mortar compared to that for 20 mm recy-
recycled coarse aggregate had limited influence on the var- cled concrete aggregate. Fine aggregate was deliberately
iability of the properties of recycled aggregate concrete. omitted in the mixes to create large open textured porous
Otani et al. (2005) studied the strength of pervious con- concrete.
crete with four types of aggregates, namely natural, recycled Table 2 summarises the compositions of pervious concrete
concrete, blast-furnace and artificial lightweight. The results mixes. The cement replacement levels with GGBFS were 0,
showed that the strength of pervious concrete is affected by 35 and 70 %, by weight. The maximum aggregate sizes, 13
the density of aggregate. At a given porosity, the use of low and 20 mm, were used in the concrete mixes and the
modulus aggregate produced a significant reduction in the aggregate was either natural or recycled concrete. The
compressive strength. They also found that the type of aggregate to binder ratio for concrete mix with 20 mm
cement had marginal effect on the strength of pervious aggregate was 5.0 and 4.0, by weight for natural and recy-
concrete having the same void content. Murao et al. (2002) cled aggregates, respectively. The aggregate to binder ratio
reported that the strength of pervious concrete at a given was reduced to 3.7 and 2.8, respectively when 13 mm
porosity is reduced when the recycled aggregate is from aggregate size was used, to maintain the same theoretical
15 MPa concrete compared to that from 25 MPa concrete. void content of 20 %.
This paper discusses the results of an experimental The natural and recycled aggregates were saturated in
investigation into the properties of pervious concrete with water for more than 24 h and removed from water an hour

Table 1 Properties of fly ash pervious concrete (Aoki et al. 2012).

Cement (%) Fly ash (%) Porosity (%) Strength (MPa) Permeability (mm/s) 56-Day shrinkage
100 0 36 10.1 14.9 600
80 20 33 8.8 12.1 550
50 50 32 5.7 15.9 470

240 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6, No.4, December 2012)
Fig. 1 Natural and recycled coarse aggregates (20 and 13 mm).

Table 2 Mix details for the pervious recycled aggregate concrete.

Mix Cement (%) Slag (%) Agg./binder Cement (kg/m3) GGBFS (kg/m3)
NA20 100 0 5.00 270 0
NA13 100 0 3.70 320 0
RA20 100 0 4.00 335 0
RA13 100 0 2.80 440 0
RA13S35 65 35 3.00 230 124
RA13S70 30 70 3.00 120 280

before the concrete mixing. The aggregates were batched in 2.3 Porosity of Pervious Concrete
the saturated surface dry condition. The free water to binder Porosity of hardened pervious concrete was determined
ratio was 0.33, by weight, was maintained for the concrete using the void free density (T) and measured density (D) of
mixes. The pervious concrete mixes were found to have the concrete mixes, using the Eq. (1)
sufficient workability, as assessed by hand-ball rolling test
Porosity ð%Þ ¼ 100  ðT  DÞ=T: ð1Þ
(Sriravindrarajah and Aoki 2008). No chemical admixture
was used in the concrete mixes. 2.4 Water Permeability of Pervious Concrete
For each mix, two identical cylindrical specimens were
2.2 Concrete Mixing and Casting and Curing tested under falling head for water permeability using a
of Test Specimens specially made permeability test set-up (Fig. 2). 100 mm
The pervious concrete mixes were produced in a tilt-drum diameter test cylinders were 150 mm high, which were
type mixer. The coarse aggregate, cement and GGBFS were obtained from 200 mm high standard cylinders. The speci-
initially dry mixed for a few minutes. Then, the required mens were wrapped with a rubber membrane to ensure that
quantity of free water was added gradually while the mixing the water only flows through the cross-section of the spec-
was in progress. The mixing was continued until the mix imen without any leaks along its edges. The specimens were
was found to be uniform in appearance. Immediately after fitted to an acrylic tube with a valve at the end. The top of
mixing, the fresh concrete was tested for its wet density and the specimens was fitted with an acrylic tube with gradation
the standard specimens was cast in steel moulds for hardened to indicate the water head. Prior to the permeability test, the
concrete testing. For each mix, 14 Nos. of 100 mm diameter water was allowed to run freely through the specimen and
by 200 mm high cylinders and 3 Nos. of 150 mmm cubes the specimens were tapped to release the entrapped air in the
were cast in layers and the moulds were gently tapped with specimens.
rubber mallet to provide minimum compaction. Experience The water permeability test was conducted on each
had shown that excessive vibration can cause segregation of cylinder under four falling heads, namely 500–400 mm;
no-fines concrete mixes. The specimens were demoulded 400–300 mm; 300–200 mm and 500–200 mm. The test was
after 24 h and stored in water at room temperature of 28 °C repeated for three times to improve the accuracy of the
until the age of testing. The test cylinders and cubes were results. The coefficient of water permeability (k) is given in
tested at the ages of either 7 or 28 days for the compressive the Eq. (2).
strength, in accordance with the procedures given in EN
12390-3. k ¼ ðaL=AtÞ  lnðho =h1 Þ ð2Þ

International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6, No.4, December 2012) | 241
where a is the cross-sectional area of the reservoir particular concrete mix at the same age, noticeable variation
(7857 mm2), L is the length of the specimen (150 mm), A is in the porosity among the three cylinders was noted. This
the cross-sectional area of the specimen (mm2), T is the time variation has affected the measured compressive strength.
taken for the head to fall from ho to h1, ho is the initial water Nevertheless, the individual results were used to determine
head (500, 400 or 300 mm), h1 is the final water head (400, the mean values for porosity and compressive strength for
300 and 200 mm). each mix. The mean strength values were used to calculate
the 28 to 7-day compressive strength ratio. The individual 7
and 28-day strength results for the pervious concrete mixes
3. Results and Discussion were plotted against individual porosity in Fig. 3.

Table 3 shows the porosity and cylinder strength at the 3.1 Effect of Binder Type and Age
ages of 7 and 28 days for all six concrete mixes. For a on the Strength of Recycled Pervious Concrete
The results shown in Table 3 in the last column indicate
that the mean strength of pervious recycled concrete is
marginally increased with the age, due to the improved
strength of the binder paste with time. Similar results have
been reported for pervious concrete with and without fly ash
(Aoki et al. 2008, 2009, 2012). However, due to the vari-
ability in the porosity of the test specimens, the strength
improvement with age is difficult to determine.
Figure 3 shows that the relationship between compressive
strength and porosity is not significantly affected by either
age or cement replacement with GGBFS. This is as expected
since the compressive strength is primarily affected by the
porosity of concrete and any improvement in the cement
paste strength from 7 days to 28 days can be expected to
have minimum effect on the compressive strength of pervi-
ous concrete.

3.2 Effect of Aggregate Type on the Strength

of Pervious Concrete
Figure 4 shows the relationship between 28-day cube
strength and porosity for pervious concrete with natural and
recycled concrete aggregates. The results from additional
mixes performed at the preliminary investigation with both
types of aggregates are included in the plot to improve the
Fig. 2 Water permeability test set-up. relationship prediction. Figure 2 shows that for a given

Table 3 Porosity and compressive cylinder strength of pervious concrete.

Mix Age (days) Porosity range (%) 28-Day strength f28 Mean porosity (%) Mean 28-day Strength ratio (f28/
range (MPa) strength (MPa) f7)
NA20 7 30.9–36.7 6.16–8.53 42.1 7.41 1.00
28 33.3–36.1 6.69–7.79 34.3 7.41 1.00
NA13 7 25.5–29.3 11.1–13.1 27.7 11.8 1.00
28 26.8–28.1 12.0–15.8 27.5 13.9 1.18
RA20 7 23.5–25.4 6.03–6.80 27.7 6.47 1.00
28 24.6–28.8 4.48–6.96 27.5 6.06 0.94
RA13 7 13.8–16.1 6.42–12.1 14.4 11.1 1.00
28 7.0–13.2 10.4–13.3 9.87 12.1 1.09
RA13S35 7 22.1–27.0 4.99–6.81 24.4 5.79 1.00
28 22.8–28.4 5.09–7.00 25.5 6.19 1.07
RA13S70 7 13.7–16.0 8.55–10.8 15.0 10.0 1.00
28 13.9–19.7 10.2–11.1 16.7 10.6 1.06

242 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6, No.4, December 2012)
porosity, the compressive strength of recycled pervious honeycombed and need to be capped before the testing was
concrete is lower than that for the pervious natural aggregate carried out. Cubes are easy to handle and 150 mm cubes
concrete. Otani et al. (2005) showed similar drop in com- were appropriate. Further research is needed to establish the
pressive strength for pervious recycled aggregate concrete. appropriate test specimen size and shape for the evaluation
The difference in strength reduced with the increase in of compressive strength for low strength pervious concrete.
porosity. At 20–25 % porosity, recycled aggregate pervious Figure 7 shows the relationship between compressive
concrete is considerable weaker than the natural aggregate strength and porosity. Both cube and cylinder strength
pervious concrete. results were used in this plot. It is evident that the rela-
tionship between compressive strength and porosity is not
3.3 Effect of Aggregate Size on Strength of significantly affected by the specimen size. This implies that
Pervious Concrete 150 mm cubes could be used for strength testing and cap-
Figures 5 and 6 show the influence on maximum aggregate ping of the specimens may be needed, considering the
size on the compressive strength of pervious concrete with uneven surface profile even of the cast surface.
recycled concrete aggregate and natural aggregate, respectively.
With the increase in the aggregate size, the bulk density of 3.5 Strength and Porosity Relationship for
aggregate is decreased and this in turn increased the porosity Pervious Recycled Aggregate Concrete
of concrete. Mahboub et al. (2009) reported that the porosity of Following the earlier discussion, it is clear that influence
pervious concrete can be estimated with the knowledge of the of age, specimen size and shape, binder material type on
bulk density of aggregate, through the existing linear relation- compressive strength of pervious concrete are not significant
ship. With the increase in the porosity, the strength of pervious when compared with the influence of porosity of concrete.
concrete is reduced. Any improvement in the strength of the Figure 8 shows the correlation between compressive
cement paste with time will not be able to produce any signif- strength and porosity of pervious concrete and the expo-
icant improvement in strength for pervious concrete. nential relationship showed very high degree of correlation.
In these plots, the compressive strength results obtained with
3.4 Effect of Shape of Test Specimens all six mixes using cubes and cylinders are combined. It is
Compressive strength of concrete can be determined by clear that for pervious concrete, the type of aggregate
using either cubes or cylinders. In this study, both cubes influenced the relationship between strength and porosity.
(150 mm) and cylinders (100 mm diameter by 200 mm The following empirical equations for 28-day compressive
high) were used. Since the test specimens were cast with strength are obtained for pervious concrete with natural and
minimum compaction, the surface of the specimens was recycled aggregates. These equations could be used for the

Fig. 3 Relationship between strength and porosity for recy- Fig. 5 Effect of aggregate size on the strength of recycled
cled pervious concrete. aggregate pervious concrete.

Fig. 4 Effect of aggregate type on strength of pervious Fig. 6 Effect of aggregate size on the strength of natural
concrete. aggregate pervious concrete.

International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6, No.4, December 2012) | 243
mix design of pervious concrete with either natural or highest due to the highest porosity of 35.9 %. The lowest
recycled concrete aggregates. The correlation coefficient permeability of 7.45 mm/s was recorded with the pervious
for these two equations was 0.95, indicating a high degree concrete with 13 mm recycled concrete aggregate which had
of correlation between compressive strength and porosity, the lowest porosity of 22 %.
independent on the type of aggregate. Figure 9 shows the relationship between porosity and
permeability for pervious concrete as a function of the water
For natural aggregate: f n ¼ 70:2 e0:066P ð3Þ head. As expected, the water permeability of pervious con-
crete is sensitive to pressure head when the porosity is more
For recycled concrete aggregate: f r ¼ 22:2 e0:052P ð4Þ
that 25 %. The variation in the permeability with water head
is observed for pervious concrete with both natural and
where fn and fr are the 28-day compressive strength for
recycled concrete aggregates. Considering the water level of
natural and recycled pervious concrete, respectively and P is
300 mm, the permeability of pervious concrete for the
the porosity of the pervious concrete mix.
falling head from 300 to 200 mm could be used for the
mix design of pervious concrete, to meet the specification
3.6 Permeability of Pervious Concrete
Table 4 shows the mean permeability of pervious concrete
Figure 10 shows the relationship between permeability
using falling head method. The permeability of pervious
coefficient (PC) and porosity (P) for pervious concrete under
concrete with 20 mm natural aggregate was 26.7 mm/s is the

Fig. 7 Effect of test specimens shape on the strength of

recycled pervious concrete. Fig. 9 Effect of head on the permeability and porosity
relationship for pervious concrete.

Fig. 8 Effect of aggregate type on the strength and porosity Fig. 10 Relationship between permeability and porosity for
relationship for pervious concrete. pervious concrete.

Table 4 Mean Porosity and permeability of pervious concrete.

Mix Density (kg/m3) Porosity (%) Permeability (mm/s)
NA20 1610 35.9 26.7
NA13 1780 28.5 15.5
RA20 1540 29.1 15.6
RA13 1650 22.0 7.45
RA13S35 1385 32.4 17.1
RA13S70 1535 24.6 9.78

244 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6, No.4, December 2012)
the water head of 300 mm and the Eq. (5) shows the 3. For a given porosity, recycled concrete aggregate had
empirical equation. The type of aggregate has no significant reduced the compressive strength of pervious concrete;
effect on the permeability of pervious concrete. the influence of aggregate type on strength is non-
linearly reduced with the increase in the porosity.
PC ¼ 1:93 e0:0755P ð5Þ 4. Permeability of pervious concrete is influenced by the
porosity and the use of recycled concrete aggregate had
3.7 Mix Design for Pervious Concrete no significant effect on the permeability of pervious
Figure 11 shows the relationships among porosity, concrete.
strength and permeability for pervious concrete, developed 5. The relationship between compressive strength (f) and
using the Eqs. (3 to 5), as a function of the aggregate type. porosity (P) are given by the following empirical
For a given porosity, Fig. 11 could be used to estimate the equations: for pervious natural aggregate concrete:
strength and permeability of pervious concrete. As an fn = 70.2 e-0.066P; for pervious recycled aggregate
example, at the specified porosity of 20 %, pervious con- concrete: fr = 22.2 e-0.052P
crete will have the water permeability of 8.5 mm/s (or 30.6 6. The relationship between permeability (PC) and poros-
cu. m. of water drainage through 1 sq. m. area in an hour) ity (P) is not affected by the aggregate type and given by
and the expected 28-day compressive strength of pervious PC = 1.93 e0.0755P.
concrete will be 19 MPa and 8 MPa with natural aggregate
and recycled concrete aggregate, respectively.
In the process of mix design of pervious concrete with
either natural aggregate or recycled concrete aggregate,
Fig. 11 could be used to obtain the void content needed for Open Access
trial mixes to satisfy the specification requirement for water
permeability and compressive strength of concrete. Once the This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
void content is known, simple mathematical approach can be Commons Attribution License which permits any use,
used to determine the mix composition using volumetric distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
calculations. original author(s) and the source are credited.

4. Conclusions References

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