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Counseling in its widest connotation existed in one form or the other from time
immemorial. In all cultures the elders not only set the norms of behavior within that
culture but also counseled the youngsters to follow the norms. In India, elders especially
parents and teachers thought that imparting counseling in the form of advice and
guidance was one of their fundamental, and seared duty. The oft repeated adage;
"Mata, Pita, Guru, Deivam" (Mother, Father, Teacher, God)reminded the youngsters not
only of the agents of counseling but also of the priority as to who should impart
counseling at various stages of life. Ancient epics of India are replete with depictions of
counseling. Elders were only too ready to take up the role of counselors and youngsters
sought counseling with prompt compliance. Many such incidents could be explained
away as mere acts of 'giving advice'. But in most of those ancient transactions it is not
difficult to see the scientific practice and ethics of modern counseling techniques. The
most widely acknowledges counseling situation in the epics is that of the dialogue
between Krishna and Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Whether this dialogue had
all the characteristics of modern counseling may have to be answered by committed
researchers in this area. Many, often ask questions regarding the relevance and
suitability of modern counselling techniques in all cultures. Experts in this field are of the
opinion that the culture of India with the above heritage is potentially oriented to the
modern techniques of counseling.

Counseling as Others See It

Counseling is a much-misunderstood concept. To the laymen it is an occasion where an

expert solves the problems of others. Laymen believe that the expert has ready-made
solutions for all the problems of human beings. Most counselors know that this is far
from truth.

Guidance and Counseling

The term guidance denotes explicit directions given by an informed person regarding
any subject. An expert in career guidance can impart information regarding different
career possibilities. He may also be able to tell us where the careers are open and even
the possible openings at the time of consultation. In imparting such information the
guidance expert can give pieces of information irrespective of the suitability of the client
for the job. However, he has also the option to test the suitability of the client using
suitable psychological test.

Counselling, on the other hand is more dynamic. It aims at the solution of clients’
problems. Counselling is a much-misunderstood concept. To the laymen it is an
occasion where an expert solves the problems of others. Laymen believe that the expert
has ready-made solutions for all the problems of human beings. Most counselors say
that this is far from the truth. Counselling is a process between the counsellor and the
client in which solutions emerge as a joint venture of the two.

Characteristics of counselling

1. is expected to be a process.
2. Counselling is usually for normal people with problems.
3. It is essentially a dynamic interaction between the client and the counsellor.
4. Client is expected to be frank and forthright in his approach.
5. It is the duty of the counsellor to keep confidentiality regarding the client.
6. Counsellor is to show warmth and sympathy while listening to the client’s
7. Counsellor is expected to be non judgmental and non critical.
8. The relationship between the client and the counsellor is expected to be genuine.
9. Counselling usually works at the level of rapport and not at the level of
10. Client’s conscious motives are explored rather than the unconscious motives.

Perspective of Counseling

The perspective of Counseling may change from counselor to counselor. There are
differences in training, clients and settings, and even goals. But the basic perspective of
counseling remains the same, through with different emphasis. The best examples are
the three different definitions of counseling given by Good (1945), Pepinsky and
Pepinsky (1954) and Wrenn (1951). Good defined counseling as the "...individualized
and personalized assistance with personal, educational, vocational problems, in which
all pertinent facts are studied and analyzed, and a solution is sought, often with the
assistance of Specialists, school and community resources, and personal interviews in
which the counselee is taught to make his own decisions". According to Pepinsky and
Pepinsky, "Counseling is a process involving an interaction between a counselor and a
client in a private setting, worth the purpose of helping the client change his/her
behavior so that a satisfactory resolution of needs may be obtained". To Wrenn,
"Counseling is a dynamic and purposeful relationship between two people in which
procedures vary with the nature of students’ needs, but in which there is always mutual
participation by the counselor and the student with the focus upon self-clarification and
self-determination by the student". All these definitions have common base but are
different in their emphasis. The difference among the three definitions stems from the
fact that they have three different orientations. Hann (1953) identifies one group as the
social welfare advocates with ideographic interest. The second group is more medically
oriented and the thirds group consists of people with student personnel administration
and has great interest in measurement. Along with the differences it is worth noting the
commonalties. Common to all these perspectives are the notions that,

a. counseling is aimed at helping people make choices and act on them,

b. counseling is a learning process, and
c. counseling enables personality development

A recent and much accepted definition is:

"Counseling denotes a professional relationship between a trained counselor and client.

This relationship is usually person-to-person, although it may sometimes involve more
than two people. It is designed to help clients to understand and their self determined
goals through meaningful resolution of problems of an emotional or interpersonal
nature" (Burks and Stefflre, 1979).

The merit of the definition by Burks and Steffler is that it is sufficiently theoretical and at
the same time reasonably operational.

Theory and Practice of Counseling

Theory and practice should go hand in hand. Many trained counselors initially adhere to
the theory while starting their career as counsellor. However, even those who are
fanatically tied down to one theory appear to change over time. This is because the
client is a human being and he is the link between the theory and practice of the
counsellor. Rigid theories, like the Procrustean bed, repel the human psyche. When the
man does not fit into the theory the counselor is compelled to change his theory. This is
one of the most demanding challenges of counselling.

Counselors should keep their minds more receptive and flexible. The psychological
concept of individual difference must be understood thoroughly. Individual clients
differing in their personalities come with dissimilar problems, goals and aspirations. To
believe that all those clients would benefit from one kind of theory is unrealistic. It is
useful to know that all the well-known theories have emerged from the practice of
individual counselor’s personal experience with counselees. This is why we have
different theories and practices. Trying to know these theories as old and new broadens
our perspective. But what would be ultimately useful is the one that is carved out from
the counselor’s experience with the counselees. This is why all textbook writers speak
of a ‘Personal Theory’.

Current Trends in the Practice of Counseling


Cognitive Approaches

Affective Approaches

Behavioral Approaches

Towards a Personal Theory of Counseling


Prospective counselors should be aware of major approaches to counseling so as to

enable them to acquire a sound basis for developing their own personal brand of
counselling. The current trends in this area can be broadly classified into three
approaches. They are:

1. cognitive approaches
2. affective approaches, and
3. behavioral approaches.

It may be observed that the approaches closely parallel the three aspects of personality
viz., cognition, affection and conation (i.e. knowing, feeling and doing as given by the
ancient Philosophers).

Cognitive Approaches

As Feorge and Cristiani (1981) have pointed out, in the cognitive approaches, the
process of counseling is the curing of unreason by reason; i.e., to help clients eliminate
most emotional disturbances by learning to think rationally, to help them get rid of
illogical, irrational ideas and attitudes and substitute logical, rational ideas and attitudes.
It is believed that this process helps the client to attain rational behavior, happiness, and
self-actualization. For example Transactional Analysis (TA) aims at the internal
dialogues of individuals, which occurs between the various ego states and the struggles
between the real parts of their behavior (whether the same is productive or counter
productive) and the behavior of others by identifying which ego state is in power at any
given time. TA thus gives the clients information about the various types of transactions
that occur among individuals and to help them identify the kinds of behavior in which
they are involved. The goal of TA is to help clients review their past decisions and make
new decisions about their present behavior. It is assumed that this would change their
life direction into developing an autonomous life style characterized by awareness,
spontaneity. This, it is believed that would, eliminate a life style characterized by
manipulative game – playing a self-defeating neurotic tendencies.
Directive teaching is the core in all the cognitive approaches. For example in Rational
Emotive Therapy (RET) the counselor takes up an active teaching role to educate
clients. The RET counselor makes the client understand that the latter’s
internationalized sentences are quite illogical and especially the current illogical thinking
are self-defeating verbalizations of the client. The success if the counselor lies in
bringing illogical thinking forcefully to the client’s attention. He must also show to the
counselee how these thoughts are maintaining his unhappiness and how a rethinking
and maintenance of logically and rationality make him happy and contented. In reality
therapy, the meaning of reality and the necessity to act responsibly are taught by the

Affective Approaches

As the term suggests the affective approaches in counseling focus their attention to
what is going on inside the individual, and particularly what the individual is
experiencing at a given time.

Client-centered counseling of Rogers is perhaps the most well-defined technique in the

affective approaches. It also highlights an issue in counseling; namely, how much
responsibility can be placed on the client for his own problem solving?

Rogers believed that when the individual perceived himself as behaving in a manner
consistent with his 'picture' of himself, he generally experiences feelings of adequacy,
security, and worth. If on the other hand, he acts in a manner different from the way he
defines himself, he experiences what is known as "threat" and feels insecure,
inadequate, or worthless. Under pressure and with no other alternative, he may then
defend himself against this threat using one or more of the commonly described
"defense mechanisms". Unless counseling eliminates this defensive chain reaction and
strengthens his self-concept, the defensive behavior would increase vulnerability to
further threat, guilt, thereby creating more distortion and more self-defeating
mechanisms. The role of the therapist is not just eliminating the defense mechanisms.
Rogers highlights the importance of 'Congruence'. It means the close 'matching of
awareness and experience'. In this context, the client centered counselors emphasizes
the importance of accurate communication. If a client is aware of communicating a
feeling which he is genuinely experiencing, his behavior is said to be congruent or
integrated. In incongruent communication the awareness and experience of the client
are two different if not opposing things. So also the recipient may experience an
awareness of phony communication. The implication here for the counselor is that the
counselor should help the client to face courageously the incongruence between
awareness and experience so that communication of his real experiences is in full
awareness and not distorted with defense mechanisms and neurotic constrictions.

The 'self-theory' of Rogers also assumes a perspective called 'phenomenology'.

According to this perspective, people's 'reality' is that which they perceive. The way to
understand individuals is to infer the 'phenomenological field' from their behavior. In
other words, the 'internal frame of reference' of the client is used in counseling with the
implication that counselors must attempt to perceive client's perceptual worlds as
closely as they can. This is known as the empathic skill of the counselor.

Individual client's need to strive for wholeness is the focus in Gestalt therapy and
counseling. This school of counseling gives importance to the internal world of the
individual. Striving for the gestalt or the wholeness is actually a striving for an integration
of thinking, feeling, and behaving. The key concept here is awareness. It is believed that
the counselors help the clients work toward a total awareness of his experiences.
Gestalt psychologists point out that such awareness permits sellf-regulation and self-
control in the direction of increased integration and creativity.

Recently, one of the major forces that have come to occupy an important place in
psychology is 'Existentialism'. Unlike Psychoanalysis, existentialism is a temperamental
way of looking at life. It is basically a philosophy of experiences which need not
necessarily be categorized into cognitive compartments. Man is essentially an
emotional being rather than a rational animal! The existence of man is unique because
he is the only being who reacts to the fact of his existence. The awareness of one's own
existence and the possibility of non-existence alters the inner world or the
phenomenology. These new premises create new experiences and needs that are yet
to be known. The predicament of human beings is such that it includes the individual's
capacity for increased self-awareness, the search for unique meaning in a meaningless
world, being alone and being in relation with others, freedom to choose one's fate,
responsibility, anxiety, finiteness and death, and a basic urge for self-actualization. As a
theory existentialism is sound and appealing, but the practice of counseling on the basis
of this theory is difficult. However, the existential counselor tries to understand the client
as 'a being' and as 'a being in the world'. Counselors are supposed to expose his own
inner reality and at the same time be human. This according to existentialists enables
clients to become aware of similar conditions and qualities in themselves. It is pointed
out that through this process clients come to recognize their potentialities and achieve
self-growth by accepting it as their responsibility. In a nut shell, it can be said that
making the client accept responsibility for himself is the aim of existential counseling.

Behavioral Approaches

While the dynamically oriented theorists try to understand conscious and unconscious
through inference, the behavioral counselors concentrate on objective study of client
behavior and the learning process. As the emphasis is primarily on overt behavior, the
first emphasis is to discover how the behavior was acquired and how it can be changed.
The second emphasis, which is a later addition, is on precondition for behavior change.
This approach is characterized by (1) a focus on overt and specified behavior; (2) a
precise and well spelt out target behaviors called goals; (3) a formulation of a specific
and objective treatment procedure to the problem at hand; and (4) an objective
assessment of the outcome of counseling in terms of the degree of approximation to the
target behavior.

In the behavioral approaches well defined counseling goals are of central importance.
The much talked about counselor-counselee relationship in other approaches is of
secondary importance only. The main aim of this relationship to the behaviorist
counselor is to facilitate greater understanding of the client's view of the problem. This
helps to formulate a more successful behavioral plan for bringing about change in the
client's maladaptive behavior to one of adaptive behavior (target behavior).

As the behavioral approaches base their understanding of human behavior through the
theories of learning, they use very specific techniques like behavior contracts, social
modeling, systematic desensitization and assertive training. All these techniques are
well known to counselors.

Personal Theory of Counselling

The three basic approaches (Cognitive, Affective, and Conative) with their differing
foundations vary in their theory and practice of counselling. By about 1973, Patterson
began to think in terms of commonalties among the approaches. Fortunately most of the
controversies existed only as academic gymnastics at a theoretical level. The practicing
counselors were undergoing transformation as the clients were not interested in
theories and their subtleties but were interested only in immediate problem solving. This
demand of the client to the counsellor had made many counselors to abandon their
dogmatic approach. Orientation of the counselors started changing towards a pragmatic
approach. The client and his needs became more important than the counselor’s theory
and dogma. This was how ‘personal theory’ emerged.

Here it is absolutely necessary to point out that training in some known approach is
better than no training. Corey (19977) recommends the eclectic approach as a
framework to begin with. However, George and Cristiani (1981) point out that although
beginning counselors need a firm understanding of all the major approaches, they
should start first with a thorough grounding in one theoretical approach to counselling. It
is further pointed out that judicious integration and assimilation of techniques from other
approaches could be done with experience.

Caution has been sounded in developing a personal view of counseling. Counselors

must know their own assumptions about the nature of people, they must explore in
depth their own values, attitudes, and beliefs about what constitutes a good life, what
people are like, and what they themselves are like. Counselors should also identify their
own models of mature, well-functioning individual so that they can keep this as a goal.
(A summary of the above is given as appendix).

The present author’s personal opinion is that here in the cultural setting of India, let us
start with the behavioral approach. The advantage of this approach is that it is
sufficiently objective. It is based on sound principles of learning. The process involved is
clear and well defined. The tangible alone are taken into account. There is high
accountability for the behavior of the client and counsellor. The goals are operationally
defined and free from philosophical overtones.

In conclusion I wish to quote this important paragraph form Brammer and Shostrom
(19977) as guidance to all of us who are interested in the area of counselling practice.

"Each counselor and psychotherapist must ultimately develop a point of view which is
uniquely his or her own. Freud was not a Freudian, Jung not Jungian, and Rogers not a
Rogerian. Each of them was himself most fully and completely, while building upon the
wisdom of the past. Each practitioner must feel that his counseling practice reflects such
individuality. This is the reason why no one text or school is fully adequate, and why we
try to exemplify an approach which we have termed 'creative synthesizing'. This
approach is not an arrogant attempt to put down predecessors. Ideas are rarely
developed in solitary efforts. Usually, they are the results of many years of cumulative
cross-fertilization of numerous minds. Isaac Newton is alleged to have said on this
point, 'If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants'. ".


Established Eclectic Approaches Creative Synthesis

single theory

Main Integrated set Strategies and Application of broad and

Characteristic of assumptions methods from several varied strategies and
related directly approaches applied methods related to a
to strategy and selectively to clients synthesized theory
method evolved and "owned" by
the practitioner

Examples Freud's Thorne's Integrative Assagioli's

Psychoanalytic Psychology Psychosynthesis

Rogers's Client Lazarus's Structural Shostrom's Actualizing

Centered Eclectism Therapy

Advantages Ready-made Collection of various Continuous synthesizing,

system of methods Extendeding and
assumptions amplifying personal
and concepts Flexibility of choice on system
Extensive Discourages competition
experience and Wide agency
database application of Fosters therapist's identity
methods with own views
Consistency of
theory and

Limitations Tendency Encourages uncritical A continuous lifelong task

towards picking and choosing
restricted view Tends to be idealistic
of data De-emphasizes
integrative theorizing Futuristic -- ahead of its
Often a closed time
system Tends toward fadism
Requires continuous
Encourages Additive collection of creativity
hero worship what works for now
Requires trust in self
Fosters Imitative, and tends
competition towards limited Risky -- requires standing
and creativity on one's own

Illustrative "Client- "I use what works" "I'm constantly

comments by centered reevaluating my ideas"
practitioners theory" "I'm flexible"
"I develop my own theory
"Speaks to me" "I like TA methods but to fit me"
not the basic
"Ellis is my assumption" "I try to keep open and
here" take some risks"
"Everyone says
"I dig Freud" something important" "I trust my own
observations and
"I am analytic" judgements"

"I stick with the

tried and true"

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