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Lesson Plan in Grade 8

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Identify photosynthesis;
b. Understand the concept, process and importance of photosynthesis;
c. illustrate the process of photosynthesis.


A. Topic
 Photosynthesis
B. Materials
 Projector
 Laptop
 Speaker
 Diagrams
 Book
C. References
 Denfanic. 2016. Photosynthesis Light reaction, Calvin cycle,
Electron Transport 3D Animation. Retrieved from Retrieved on
May 19, 2019.
 Science Learner’s Material pp. 167-171

III. Activity/Activity Proper

A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Attendance
 Classroom Management
 Review of the Past Lesson
B. Motivation
 The students will be shown a video presentation of plant activity:
how they acquire and process their own food.
C. Analysis
 The students will be asked the following questions:
1. What was being shown?
2. What is the significance of the things found in the video?
3. Are plants able to process their own food? If yes, why? If no,
why not?
4. What do you think would happen if plants are not able to
process their own food?
D. Abstraction
 The teacher will discuss about photosynthesis.
 The students will be presented a video about photosynthesis and
will be asked to take down notes on what they have observed from
the video they have just watched.
 The teacher will then discuss the step-by-step process in
E. Application
 The students will be grouped into five.
 Each group will be asked to get 1 whole sheet of paper.
 The groups will write down or illustrate the process of
photosynthesis in their paper.
 The groups will then choose a representative to present their
outputs to the class.

IV. Evaluation
 The students will be asked to answer the following questions:
 The students will write down their answers in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1-5. Enumerate at least 5 components necessary in photosynthesis.
6-10. Explain the in your own words the process of photosynthesis.
10-15. What is the importance of photosynthesis in the ecosystem?

V. Assignment/Agreement
 The students will be asked to study the next topic and answer the
Enrichment Activity on a one whole sheet of paper on pp. 174.

Prepared by:

Joseph L. Puerto BSED II – Bio Sci

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