Grammar: 1 Complete The Sentences With The Correct Form of The Verbs

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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

promise encourage warn recommend tell deny

0 I promise to help you with your homework.

1 Brad .............................. using my laptop. He said it was John.
2 Mum .............................. us not to touch the cooker but as usual we didn’t listen.
3 Mark .............................. me that he was getting a new phone for his birthday.
4 It’s important .............................. your children to do their best.
5 I .............................. learning a few new words every day.

___/5 marks

2 Are the sentences correct (Yes) or incorrect (No)?

0 We would have a small dog. N

1 Were you use to have a lot of toys? ....
2 We didn’t use to do a lot of sport. ....
3 I would visit my cousins every summer. ....
4 Would you live in a flat or a house as a child? ....
5 I never used to study hard. ....

___/5 marks

3 Underline the correct words.

0 Well, it seemed like a good idea at / with the time!

1 OK everyone. Time’s up / off. Stop writing now.
2 I enjoy going swimming at / from time to time.
3 I don’t have much time with / for Simon because he’s so arrogant.
4 When travelling you should keep your valuables with you for / at all times.
5 Who’s the greatest actor of / in all time?

___/5 marks

4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.

0 Rob and Mary had been meeting _____ for years. No one even knew they were friends.
a) in public b) in secret c) by accident
1 I turned my bedroom ________ but couldn’t find my phone anywhere.
a) upside down b) back to front c) from top to bottom
2 You turned up late ____ so that we’d miss the film, didn’t you?
a) in a row b) on purpose c) in private
3 I got covered in mud ________ while I was out jogging.

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a) from head to toe b) from top to bottom c) the wrong way round
4 We won the quiz three times ____ so we were really pleased.
a) in a panic b) in a hurry c) in a row
5 Are you wearing your sweater ________ or should I be able to see the label?
a) upside down b) the wrong way round c) inside out

___/5 marks


Listen to two people talking about past crazes. Are the sentences
5 3
true (T) or false (F)?

0 Hannah apologises for being late. T

1 She’s just been into a new shop. ....
2 Martin is annoyed that she’s late. ....
3 He’s been reading an article on mobile phones. ....
4 He’s been thinking about his childhood. ....
5 English skipping was the craze at Hannah’s school. ....
6 It was possible to do the skipping on your own. ....
7 Martin has never heard of the skipping craze. ....
8 He never got into the Rubik’s Cube craze. ....
9 Hannah compares the Rubik’s Cube to Sudoku. ....
10 She enjoys doing puzzles. ....

___/10 marks

6 Match the gifts to the people.

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Great gifts at great prices
Choosing presents for friends and family can often be a challenge so we’ve created a website that will
save you both time and money. There’s something here to suit all ages and all budgets.
Chess set
When was the last time you sat down to play a game of chess? Do you still remember the rules? We’re
offering a beautifully carved chess set with unique hand-crafted pieces. So turn off your computers and
settle down to work out your winning strategy.
Wii Fit
A must-have for anyone who wants to keep fit in the privacy of their own living room. Forget about going to
the gym and paying those membership fees. Just plug in the console and balance board and you can
create your own fitness programme, whatever your level of fitness. With 60 different exercise activities,
ranging from meditation to skateboarding and even rhythm kung fu, you’re sure to find something to keep
you fit and focused.
Rubik’s Cube
Something for the addictive nature. Let us take you back to 1974 and the creation of this iconic toy.
Invented by Hungarian architect Erno Rubik, this became one of the best-selling ‘toys’ of all time, with
sales in excess of 350 million to date. Take up the challenge and see how quickly you can align all the
colours. Can you beat the world record? A cheap and cheerful reminder of a time without computers.
Hours of fun and frustration guaranteed!
How would you like to have your very own digital pet? Something so small you can hold it in your hand.
Give it a name, feed it, play games with it to keep it happy, watch it grow, keep it healthy and whatever you
do, don’t let it die. The ideal present for anyone who doesn’t have the space to keep a real pet. Join the
millions of people all over the world who are looking after their very own virtual animals.
World of Warcraft
Join the club! Become a member of the world’s most subscribed MMORPG (massively multiplayer online
role-playing game). Choose an avatar and create your own character. Enter this exciting virtual world and
be whoever you want to be. With more than 12 million subscribers globally, you will never run out of
friends and enemies! All you need is the connection.
ebook reader
Why not join the paperless world? With an ebook reader, you can take your books anywhere. With your
ultra-slim, lightweight reader you can turn the pages with a swipe of the finger. Space will no longer be an
issue when packing for a long journey. Whatever your mood and however much time you have, you will be
able to amuse yourself.

0 Dan enjoys tactical games which involve playing with an opponent. He isn’t Chess set
a fan of modern technology.
1 Fiona travels a lot but never takes much luggage. She gets bored easily ..............................
but enjoys her own company.
2 Max doesn’t have much money. He enjoys a challenge and hates giving in. ..............................
3 Lucy is recovering from an operation and has put on quite a lot of weight. ..............................
She can’t get out but wants to be active.
4 Rob is very shy and doesn’t have many friends. He has a very vivid ..............................
imagination and enjoys making up stories.
5 Alice’s parents think she’s quite irresponsible so they want to give her ..............................
something educational.
___/10 marks


7 Write an email.

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A friend wants to come and visit you for a few days. Write an email (100–120 words) to your friend and
include the following information:

 positive response
 best time to visit, giving reason
 suggest things to do
 suggest clothing, etc. to bring


















___/15 marks

Total: _________ / 55

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