Job Analysis: Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

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Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

Chapter 3
Job Analysis After studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
■ Discuss the nature of job
analysis, including what it
is and how it’s used.
■ Use at least three methods
of collecting job analysis
information, including
interviews, questionnaires,
and observation.
Todd Berkley, U.S. Bank’s new manager for sales ■ Write job descriptions,
support and customer retention, plays a strategic role at that bank. Concerned about including summaries and
job functions, using the
the number of big customers who were closing their accounts and moving to competi- Internet and traditional
tors, U.S. Bank recently refocused its competitive strategy. It’s now emphasizing iden-
■ Write job specifications
tifying—and quickly eliminating—the customer service problems that are causing its using the Internet as well as
customers to leave. But Todd has discovered that doing so has affected every aspect your judgment.
■ Explain job analysis in a
of the bank’s HR policies and procedures. To make sure they emphasize customer ser-
“jobless” world, including
vice and deal with angry customers at once, HR had to write new job descriptions for what it means and how it’s
done in practice.
employees ranging from teller to guard to vice presi-
dent, to include their new service-related duties. And
then, of course, the bank had to train these employ-
ees, and institute new hiring standards to recruit
and hire service-oriented people to fill the new posi-
tions. All the firm’s HR efforts had to support U.S.
Bank’s new customer service strategy if that strat-
egy was to succeed.1 And at U.S. Bank, that had to
start with job analysis.
The EEOC issues we addressed in Chapter 2 usu-
ally first come into play when the firm turns to ana-
lyzing its jobs and writing its job descriptions. The
main purpose of this chapter is to show you how to
analyze a job and write job descriptions. We’ll see
that analyzing jobs involves determining in detail
what the job entails and what kind of people the
firm should hire for the job. We discuss several
60 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

techniques for analyzing jobs, and how to use the Internet and more traditional methods to
draft job descriptions and job specifications. Then, in the following chapter, HR Planning
and Recruiting, we’ll turn to the methods managers use to actually find the employees
they need. ■


job analysis Organizations consist of positions that have to be staffed. Job analysis is the
The procedure for determining procedure through which you determine the duties of these positions and the
the duties and skill characteristics of the people to hire for them.2 Job analysis produces informa-
requirements of a job and the tion used for writing job descriptions (a list of what the job entails) and job
kind of person who should be specifications (what kind of people to hire for the job).
hired for it. The supervisor or HR specialist normally collects one or more of the following
job description types of information via the job analysis:3
A list of a job’s duties, ■ Work activities. First, he or she collects information about the job’s actual work
responsibilities, reporting
activities, such as cleaning, selling, teaching, or painting. This list may also
relationships, working
conditions, and supervisory include how, why, and when the worker performs each activity.
responsibilities—one product ■ Human behaviors. The specialist may also collect information about human behav-
of a job analysis. iors like sensing, communicating, deciding, and writing. Included here would
be information regarding job demands such as lifting weights or walking long
job specification distances.
A list of a job’s “human ■ Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids. This category includes informa-
requirements,” that is, the tion regarding tools used, materials processed, knowledge dealt with or applied
requisite education, skills, (such as finance or law), and services rendered (such as counseling or
personality, and so on—
another product of a job
analysis. ■ Performance standards. The employer may also want information about the job’s
performance standards (in terms of quantity or quality levels for each job duty, for
instance). Management will use these standards to appraise employees.
■ Job context. Included here is information about such matters as physical working
conditions, work schedule, and the organizational and social context—for
instance, the number of people with whom the employee would normally inter-
act. Information regarding incentives might also be included here.
■ Human requirements. This includes information regarding the job’s human require-
ments, such as job-related knowledge or skills (education, training, work experi-
ence) and required personal attributes (aptitudes, physical characteristics, person-
ality, interests).

Uses of Job Analysis Information

As summarized in Figure 3-1, job analysis information is the basis for several inter-
related HR management activities.

Recruitment and Selection Job analysis provides information about what the job
entails and what human characteristics are required to perform these activities.
This information, in the form of job descriptions and specifications, helps man-
agement decide what sort of people to recruit and hire.

Compensation Job analysis information is crucial for estimating the value of each
job and its appropriate compensation. Compensation (such as salary and bonus)
usually depends on the job’s required skill and education level, safety hazards,
degree of responsibility, and so on—all factors you can assess through job analy-
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 61

Job Analysis Uses of Job Analysis

Job Description and

Job Specification

Recruiting and Selection Performance Appraisal Job Evaluation—Wage Training Requirements

Decisions and Salary Decisions

sis. Furthermore, many employers group jobs into classes (say, secretary III and
IV). Job analysis provides the information to determine the relative worth of each
job—and thus its appropriate class.

Performance Appraisal A performance appraisal compares each employee’s actual

performance with his or her performance standards. Managers use job analysis to
determine the job’s specific activities and performance standards.

Training The job description should show the activities and skills—and therefore
the training—that the job requires.

Discovering Unassigned Duties Job analysis can also help reveal unassigned duties.
For example, your company’s production manager says she’s responsible for a
dozen or so duties, such as production scheduling and raw material purchasing.
Missing, however, is any reference to managing raw material inventories. On fur-
ther study, you learn that none of the other manufacturing people are responsible
for inventory management, either. You know from your review of other jobs like
these that someone should be managing inventories. You’ve uncovered an essen-
tial unassigned duty, thanks to job analysis.

EEO Compliance Job analysis also plays a big role in EEO compliance. U.S. Federal
Agencies’ Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection stipulate that job analysis is
a crucial step in validating all major personnel activities.4 For example, employers
must be able to show that their selection criteria and job performance are actually
related. Doing this, of course, requires knowing what the job entails—which in
turn requires a job analysis.

Steps in Job Analysis

There are six steps in doing a job analysis. Let’s look at each of them.

Step 1 Decide how you’ll use the information, since this will determine the data
you collect and how you collect them. Some data collection techniques—like
interviewing the employee and asking what the job entails—are good for writing
job descriptions and selecting employees for the job. Other techniques, like the
position analysis questionnaire described later, do not provide qualitative
62 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

information for job descriptions. Instead, they provide numerical ratings for each
job; these can be used to compare jobs for compensation purposes.

Step 2 Review relevant background information such as organization charts,

organization chart process charts, and job descriptions.5 Organization charts show the organiza-
A chart that shows the tionwide division of work, how the job in question relates to other jobs, and
organizationwide distribution where the job fits in the overall organization. The chart should show the title of
of work, with titles of each each position and, by means of interconnecting lines, who reports to whom and
position and interconnecting with whom the job incumbent communicates.
lines that show who reports to
A process chart provides a more detailed picture of the work flow. In its
and communicates with
whom. simplest form a process chart (like that in Figure 3-2) shows the flow of inputs to
and outputs from the job you’re analyzing. (In Figure 3-2 the inventory control
process chart clerk is expected to receive inventory from suppliers, take requests for inventory
A work flow chart that shows from the two plant managers, provide requested inventory to these managers,
the flow of inputs to and and give information to these managers on the status of in-stock inventories.)
outputs from a particular job.
Finally, the existing job description, if there is one, usually provides a starting
point for building the revised job description.

Step 3 Select representative positions. Why? Because there may be too many sim-
ilar jobs to analyze. For example, it is usually unnecessary to analyze the jobs of
200 assembly workers when a sample of 10 jobs will do.

Step 4 Actually analyze the job—by collecting data on job activities, required
employee behaviors, working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed
to perform the job. For this step, use one or more of the job analysis methods
explained later in this chapter.

Step 5 Verify the job analysis information with the worker performing the job
and with his or her immediate supervisor. This will help confirm that the infor-
mation is factually correct and complete. This review can also help gain the
employee’s acceptance of the job analysis data and conclusions, by giving that
person a chance to review and modify your description of the job activities.

Step 6 Develop a job description and job specification. These are two tangible
products of the job analysis. The job description (to repeat) is a written statement
that describes the activities and responsibilities of the job, as well as its important
features, such as working conditions and safety hazards. The job specification sum-
marizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and background required for getting
the job done. It may be in a separate document or in the same document as the
job description.

 FIGURE 3-2 Input from Input from

Process Chart for Plant Managers Suppliers
Analyzing a Job’s
Work Flow

Job Under Study—

Inventory Control Clerk

Information Output to Inventory Output to

Plant Managers Plant Managers

Source: Richard J. Henderson, Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance, 2nd ed., 1985, p. 158.
Reprinted by permission of Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J.
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 63


There are various ways to collect information on the duties, responsibilities, and
activities of a job, and we’ll discuss the most important ones in this section. In
practice, you could use any one of them, or you could combine the techniques
that best fit your purpose. Thus, an interview might be appropriate for creating a
job description, whereas the position analysis questionnaire may be more appro-
priate for quantifying the worth of a job for compensation purposes.
Conducting the job analysis usually involves a joint effort by an HR specialist,
the worker, and the worker’s supervisor. The HR specialist (perhaps an HR manager,
job analyst, or consultant) might observe and analyze the job and then develop a job
description and specification. The supervisor and worker may fill out questionnaires
listing the subordinate’s activities. The supervisor and worker may then review and
verify the job analyst’s conclusions regarding the job’s activities and duties.
In practice, firms usually collect job analysis data from multiple “subject matter
experts” (mostly job incumbents) using questionnaires and interviews. They then
average data from several employees from different departments to determine how
much time a typical employee spends on each of several specific tasks. The problem is
that employees who have the same job title but work in different departments may
experience very different pressures. Therefore, simply adding up and averaging the
amount of time that, say, HR assistants need to devote to “interviewing candidates”
could end in misleading results. The point is that you must understand the job’s
departmental context: The way someone with a particular job title spends his or her
time is not necessarily the same from department to department.
Interviews, questionnaires, observations, and diary/logs are the most
popular methods for gathering job analysis data. They all provide realistic
information about what job incumbents actually do. Managers use them
for developing job descriptions and job specifications.

The Interview
Managers use three types of interviews to collect job analysis data—indi-
vidual interviews with each employee, group interviews with groups of
employees who have the same job, and supervisor interviews with one or
more supervisors who know the job. They use group interviews when a
large number of employees are performing similar or identical work, since
it can be a quick and inexpensive way to gather information. As a rule, the
workers’ immediate supervisor attends the group session; if not, you can
interview the supervisor separately to get that person’s perspective on the
job’s duties and responsibilities.
Whichever kind of interview you use, you need to be sure the inter-
viewee fully understands the reason for the interview, since there’s a ten-
dency for such interviews to be viewed, rightly or wrongly, as “efficiency
evaluations.” If so, interviewees may hesitate to describe their jobs accurately.

Pros and Cons The interview is probably the most widely used method for
identifying a job’s duties and responsibilities, and its wide use reflects its
advantages. It’s a relatively simple and quick way to collect information,
including information that might never appear on a written form. A
skilled interviewer can unearth important activities that occur only occa-  The job analysis process begins
sionally, or informal contacts that wouldn’t be obvious from the organiza- when the analyst collects information
tion chart. The interview also provides an opportunity to explain the need from the worker and supervisor about
for and functions of the job analysis. And the employee can vent frustra- the nature of the work and the specific
tions that might otherwise go unnoticed by management. tasks the worker does.
64 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

Distortion of information is the main problem—whether due to outright falsi-

fication or honest misunderstanding.6 Job analysis is often a prelude to changing
a job’s pay rate. Employees therefore may legitimately view the interview as an
efficiency evaluation that may affect their pay. They may then tend to exaggerate
certain responsibilities while minimizing others. Obtaining valid information can
thus be a slow process, and prudent analysts get multiple inputs.

Typical Questions Despite their drawbacks, interviews are widely used. Some typi-
cal interview questions include:
What is the job being performed?
What are the major duties of your position? What exactly do you do?
What physical locations do you work in?
What are the education, experience, skill, and [where applicable] certification and
licensing requirements?
In what activities do you participate?
What are the job’s responsibilities and duties?
What are the basic accountabilities or performance standards that typify your work?
What are your responsibilities? What are the environmental and working condi-
tions involved?
What are the job’s physical demands? The emotional and mental demands?
What are the health and safety conditions?
Are you exposed to any hazards or unusual working conditions?
The best interviews follow structured or checklist formats. Figure 3-3 presents
one example—a job analysis questionnaire. It includes a series of detailed ques-
tions regarding matters like the general purpose of the job; supervisory responsi-
bilities; job duties; and education, experience, and skills required. Of course, struc-
tured lists are not just for interviewers: Job analysts who collect information by
personally observing the work or by using questionnaires—two methods
explained below—can also use lists like these.7

Interview Guidelines Keep several things in mind when conducting a job analysis
interview. First, the job analyst and supervisor should work together to identify
the workers who know the job best—and preferably those who’ll be most objec-
tive in describing their duties and responsibilities.
Second, quickly establish rapport with the interviewee. Know the person’s
name, speak in easily understood language, briefly review the interview’s purpose,
and explain how the person was chosen for the interview.
Third, follow a structured guide or checklist, one that lists questions and pro-
vides space for answers. This ensures you’ll identify crucial questions ahead of
time and that all interviewers (if there’s more than one) cover all the required
questions. (However, also make sure to give the worker some leeway in answering
questions, and provide some open-ended questions like, “Was there anything we
didn’t cover with our questions?”)
Fourth, when duties are not performed in a regular manner—for instance,
when the worker doesn’t perform the same job over and over again many times a
day—ask the worker to list his or her duties in order of importance and frequency
of occurrence. This will ensure that you don’t overlook crucial but infrequently
performed activities—like a nurse’s occasional emergency room duties.
Finally, after completing the interview, review and verify the data. Specifically,
review the information with the worker’s immediate supervisor and with the
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 65

Job Analysis
Questionnaire for
Job Analysis Information Sheet Developing Job
Use a questionnaire like
Job Title___________________________________________ Date ___________________________ this to interview job
Job Code________________________________ Dept. _____________________________________ incumbents, or have them
Superior's Title _____________________________________________________________________ fill it out.
Hours worked _______ AM to ________ PM
Job Analyst's Name __________________________________________________________________
1. What is the job's overall purpose?
2. If the incumbent supervises others, list them by job title; if there is more than one employee
with the same title, put the number in parentheses following.
3. Check those activities that are part of the incumbent's supervisory duties.
Performance Appraisal
Inspecting work
Coaching and/or counseling
Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________
4. Describe the type and extent of supervision received by the incumbent.
5. JOB DUTIES: Describe briefly WHAT the incumbent does and, if possible, HOW he/she
does it. Include duties in the following categories:
a. daily duties (those performed on a regular basis every day or almost every day)
b. periodic duties (those performed weekly, monthly, quarterly, or at other regular
c. duties performed at irregular intervals
6. Is the incumbent performing duties he/she considers unnecessary? If so, describe.
7. Is the incumbent performing duties not presently included in the job description? If so,
8. EDUCATION: Check the box that indicates the educational requirements for the job (not the
educational background of the incumbent).
No formal education required Eighth grade education
High school diploma (or equivalent) 2-year college degree (or equivalent)
4-year college degree (or equivalent) Graduate work or advanced degree
Professional license (specify)

Source:, accessed July 28, 2001. (Continued)

66 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

9. EXPERIENCE: Check the amount of experience needed to perform the job.
None Less than one month
One to six months Six months to one year
One to three years Three to five years
Five to ten years More than ten years
10. LOCATION: Check location of job and, if necessary or appropriate, describe briefly.
Outdoor Indoor
Underground Pit
Scaffold Other (specify)
11. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: Check any objectionable conditions found on the job
and note afterward how frequently each is encountered (rarely, occasionally, constantly, etc.)
Dirt Dust
Heat Cold
Noise Fumes
Odors Wetness/humidity
Vibration Sudden temperature changes
Darkness or poor lighting Other (specify)
12. HEALTH AND SAFETY: Check any undesirable health and safety conditions under which
the incumbent must perform and note how often they are encountered.
Elevated workplace Mechanical hazards
Explosives Electrical hazards
Fire hazards Radiation
Other (specify)
13. MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Describe briefly what
machines, tools, equipment, or work aids the incumbent works with on a regular basis:
14. Have concrete work standards been established (errors allowed, time taken for a particular
task, etc.)? If so, what are they?
15. Are there any personal attributes (special aptitudes, physical characteristics, personality
traits, etc.) required by the job?
16. Are there any exceptional problems the incumbent might be expected to encounter in
performing the job under normal conditions? If so, describe.
17. Describe the successful completion and/or end results of the job.
18. What is the seriousness of error on this job? Who or what is affected by errors the incumbent
19. To what job would a successful incumbent expect to be promoted?
[Note: this form is obviously slanted toward a manufacturing environment, but it can be adapted
quite easily to fit a number of different types of jobs.]
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 67

Having employees fill out questionnaires to describe their job-related duties and
responsibilities is another good way to obtain job analysis information.
You have to decide how structured the questionnaire should be and what
questions to include. Some questionnaires are very structured checklists. Each
employee gets an inventory of perhaps hundreds of specific duties or tasks (such
as “change and splice wire”). He or she is asked to indicate whether or not he or
she performs each task and, if so, how much time is normally spent on each. At
the other extreme the questionnaire can be open-ended and simply ask the
employee to “describe the major duties of your job.” In practice, the best ques-
tionnaire often falls between these two extremes. As illustrated in Figure 3-3, a
typical job analysis questionnaire might have several open-ended questions (such
as “state your main job duties”) as well as structured questions (concerning, for
instance, previous experience required).
Whether structured or unstructured, questionnaires have both pros and cons. A
questionnaire is a quick and efficient way to obtain information from a large num-
ber of employees; it’s less costly than interviewing hundreds of workers, for
instance. However, developing the questionnaire and testing it (perhaps by making
sure the workers understand the questions) can be expensive and time consuming.

Direct observation is especially useful when jobs consist mainly of observable
physical activities—assembly-line worker and accounting clerk are examples. On
the other hand, observation is usually not appropriate when the job entails a lot
of mental activity (lawyer, design engineer). Nor is it useful if the employee only
occasionally engages in important activities, such as a nurse who handles emer-
gencies. And reactivity—the worker’s changing what he or she normally does
because you are watching—can also be a problem.
Managers often use direct observation and interviewing together. One
approach is to observe the worker on the job during a complete work cycle. (The
cycle is the time it takes to complete the job; it could be a minute for an assembly-
line worker or an hour, a day, or longer for complex jobs.) Here you take notes of
all the job activities. Then, after accumulating as much information as possible,
you interview the worker. Ask the person to clarify points not understood and to
explain what other activities he or she performs that you didn’t observe. You can
also observe and interview simultaneously, asking questions while the worker per-
forms his or her job.

Participant Diary/Logs
Another approach is to ask workers to keep a diary/log of what they do during diary/logs
the day. For every activity he or she engages in, the employee records the activity Daily listings made by workers
(along with the time) in a log. This can produce a very complete picture of the of every activity in which they
job, especially when supplemented with subsequent interviews with the worker engage along with the time
and the supervisor. The employee, of course, might try to exaggerate some activi- each activity takes.
ties and underplay others. However, the detailed, chronological nature of the log
tends to mediate against this.
Some firms take a high-tech approach to diary/logs. They give employees pocket
dictating machines and pagers. Then at random times during the day, they page the
workers, who dictate what they are doing at that time. This approach can avoid one
pitfall of the traditional diary/log method: relying on workers to remember what
they did hours earlier when they complete their logs at the end of the day.
68 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques

Qualitative approaches like interviews and questionnaires are not always suitable.
For example, if your aim is to compare jobs for pay purposes, you may want to be
able to assign quantitative values to each job. The position analysis questionnaire,
the Department of Labor approach, and functional job analysis are three popular
quantitative methods.

Position Analysis Questionnaire The position analysis questionnaire (PAQ)

position analysis
is a very structured job analysis questionnaire.8 The PAQ contains 194 items, each
questionnaire (PAQ)
A questionnaire used to of which (such as “written materials”) represents a basic element that may or may
collect quantifiable data not play an important role in the job. The job analyst decides if each item plays a
concerning the duties and role and, if so, to what extent. In Figure 3-4, for example, “written materials”
responsibilities of various jobs. received a rating of 4, indicating that written materials (like books, reports, and
office notes) play a considerable role in this job. The analyst can do this online;
The advantage of the PAQ is that it provides a quantitative score or profile
of any job in terms of how that job rates on five basic activities: (1) having
decision-making/communication/social responsibilities, (2) performing skilled
activities, (3) being physically active, (4) operating vehicles/equipment, and (5)
processing information. The PAQ’s real strength is thus in classifying jobs. In
other words, it lets you assign a quantitative score to each job based on its
decision-making, skilled activity, physical activity, vehicle/equipment opera-
tion, and information-processing characteristics. You can therefore use the PAQ
results to quantitatively compare jobs to one another,9 and then assign pay lev-
els for each job.10

Department of Labor job Department of Labor (DOL) Procedure The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
analysis procedure job analysis procedure also provides a standardized method by which differ-
Standardized method for ent jobs can be quantitatively rated, classified, and compared. The heart of this
rating, classifying, and analysis is a data, people, and things rating for each job.
comparing virtually every kind Here’s how the procedure works. As Table 3-1 (on page 70) shows, a set of basic
of job based on data, people, activities called worker functions describes what a worker can do with respect to
and things.
data, people, and things. With respect to data, for instance, the basic functions
include synthesizing, coordinating, and copying. With respect to people, they
include mentoring, negotiating, and supervising. With respect to things, the basic
functions include manipulating, tending, and handling.
Note also that each worker function gets an importance level. Thus, “coordi-
nating” is 1, whereas “copying” is 5. If you were analyzing the job of a reception-
ist/clerk, for example, you might label the job 5, 6, 7, which would represent
copying data, speaking—signaling people, and handling things. On the other
hand, you might code a psychiatric aide in a hospital 1, 7, 5 in relation to data,
people, and things. In practice, you would analyze each task that the worker per-
formed in terms of data, people, and things. Then the highest combination (say 4,
6, 5) would be used to identify the job, since this is the highest level that a job
incumbent would be expected to attain.
As illustrated in Figure 3-5 (on page 70) the schedule produced from the
DOL procedure contains several types of information. The job title, in this case
dough mixer in a bakery, is listed first. Also listed are the industry in which this
job is found and the industry’s standard industrial classification code. There is
a one- or two-sentence summary of the job, and the worker function ratings for
data, people, and things—in this case 5, 6, 2. These numbers mean that in
terms of difficulty, a dough mixer copies data, speaks/signals with people, and
operates/controls with respect to things. Finally, the schedule specifies the
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 69

Extent of Use (U) Completed Page from
1 INFORMATION INPUT NA Does not apply the Position Analysis
1 Nominal/very infrequent Questionnaire
1.1 Sources of Job Information 2 Occasional
3 Moderate
Rate each of the following items in terms of the extent to 4 Considerable
which it is used by the worker as a source of information 5 Very substantial
in performing his job.

1.1.1 Visual Sources of Job Information

1 4 Written materials (books, reports, office notes, articles, job instructions, signs,
2 2 Quantitative materials (materials which deal with quantities or amounts, such as
graphs, accounts, specifications, tables of numbers, etc.)
3 1 Pictorial materials (pictures or picturelike materials used as sources of informa-
tion, for example, drawings, blueprints, diagrams, maps, tracings, photo-
graphic films, x-ray films, TV pictures, etc.)
4 1 Patterns/related devices (templates, stencils, patterns, etc., used as sources of
information when observed during use; do not include here materials described
in item 3 above)
5 2 Visual displays (dials, gauges, signal lights, radarscopes, speedometers,
clocks, etc.)
6 5 Measuring devices (rulers, calipers, tire pressure gauges, scales, thickness
gauges, pipettes, thermometers, protractors, etc., used to obtain visual informa-
tion about physical measurements; do not include here devices described in
item 5 above)
7 4 Mechanical devices (tools, equipment, machinery, and other mechanical de-
vices which are sources of information when observed during use or operation)
8 3 Materials in process (parts, materials, objects, etc., which are sources of infor-
mation when being modified, worked on, or otherwise processed, such as
bread dough being mixed, workpiece being turned in a lathe, fabric being cut,
shoe being resoled, etc.)
9 4 Materials not in process (parts, materials, objects, etc., not in the process of
being changed or modified, which are sources of information when being in-
spected, handled, packaged, distributed, or selected, etc., such as items or ma-
terials in inventory, storage, or distribution channels, items being inspected,
10 3 Features of nature (landscapes, fields, geological samples, vegetation, cloud
formations, and other features of nature which are observed or inspected to
provide information)
11 2 Man-made features of environment (structures, buildings, dams, highways,
bridges, docks, railroads, and other “man-made” or altered aspects of the in-
door or outdoor environment which are observed or inspected to provide job
information; do not consider equipment, machines, etc., that an individual uses
in his work, as covered by item 7)

Note: The 194 PAQ elements are grouped into six dimensions. This exhibits 11 of the “information input”
questions or elements. Other PAQ pages contain questions regarding mental processes, work output, relation-
ships with others, job context, and other job characteristics.
Source: E. J. McCormick, P. R. Jeanneret, and R. D. Mecham, Position Analysis Questionnaire. Copyright 1989 by
Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN. Reprinted with permission.
70 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

 TABLE 3-1
Data People Things
Basic Department of
Labor Worker 0 Synthesizing 0 Mentoring 0 Setting up
Functions 1 Coordinating 1 Negotiating 1 Precision working
2 Analyzing 2 Instructing 2 Operating/controlling
3 Compiling 3 Supervising
Basic 4 Computing 4 Diverting 3 Driving/operating
Activities 5 Copying 5 Persuading 4 Manipulating
6 Comparing 6 Speaking/signaling 5 Tending
7 Serving 6 Feeding/offbearing
8 Taking instructions/helping 7 Handling
Note: Determine employee’s job “score” on data, people, and things by observing his or her job and determining, for
each of the three categories, which of the basic functions illustrates the person’s job. “0” is high; “6,” “8,” and “7”
are lows in each column.

human requirements of the job, for instance, in terms of training time

required, aptitudes, temperaments. As you can see, each job ends up with a
numerical score (such as 5, 6, 2). You can thus group together (and assign the
same pay to) all jobs with similar scores, even for very different jobs like job
dough mixer and mechanic’s helper.

on Department of
Labor Job Analysis DOUGH MIXER
1. Established Job Title
(bake prod.)
2. Ind. Assign

3. SIC Code(s) and Title(s) 2051 Bread and other bakery products


Operates mixing machine to mix ingredients for straight

and sponge (yeast) doughs according to established
formulas, directs other workers in fermentation of dough,
and curls dough into pieces with hand cutter.


D P (T)

Worker Functions Data People Things

5 6 2

Cooking, Food Preparing

Work Field

6. WORKER TRAITS RATING: (To be filled in by analyst)

Training time required

Physical Demands
Environment Conditions
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 71

Functional Job Analysis Functional job analysis is similar to the DOL method, but functional job analysis
differs in two ways.11 First, functional job analysis rates the job not just on data, A method for classifying jobs
people, and things, but also on four more dimensions: the extent to which spe- similar to the DOL method, but
cific instructions are necessary to perform the task; the extent to which reasoning additionally taking into
and judgment are required to perform the task; the mathematical ability required account the extent to which
to perform the task; and the verbal and language facilities required to perform the instructions, reasoning,
judgment, and mathematical
task. Second, functional job analysis also identifies performance standards and
and verbal ability are
training requirements. It therefore lets you answer the question, “To do this task necessary for performing
and meet these standards, what training does the worker require?” job tasks.
You may find both the DOL and functional job analyses methods in use.
However, analysts increasingly use other methods instead, including the U.S. gov-
ernment’s online initiatives, which we’ll discuss below.

Using Multiple Sources of Information

There are obviously many ways to obtain job analysis information. You can get it
from individual workers, groups, or supervisors; or from the observations of job
analysts, for instance. You can use interviews, observations, or questionnaires.
Some firms use just one basic approach, like having the job analyst do interviews
with current job incumbents. Yet a recent study suggests that using just one
source may not be wise.12
The problem is the potential inaccuracies in people’s judgments. For exam-
ple, in a group interview, some group members may feel forced to go along
with the consensus of the group; or an employee may be careless about how he
or she completes a questionnaire. What this means is that collecting job analy-
sis data from just interviews, or just observations, may lead to inaccurate con-
clusions. It’s better to try to avoid such inaccuracies by using several sources.13
For example, where possible, collect job analysis data from several types of
respondents—groups, individuals, observers, supervisors, and analysts; make
sure the questions and surveys are clear and understandable to the respon-
dents. And if possible, observe and question respondents early enough in the
job analysis process to catch any problems while there’s still time to correct


A job description is a written statement of what the worker actually does, how he
or she does it, and what the job’s working conditions are. You use this informa-
tion to write a job specification; this lists the knowledge, abilities, and skills
required to perform the job satisfactorily.
There is no standard format for writing a job description. However, most
descriptions contain sections that cover:
1. Job identification
2. Job summary
3. Responsibilities and duties
4. Authority of incumbent
5. Standards of performance
6. Working conditions
7. Job specifications

Figures 3-6 and 3-7 present two sample forms of job descriptions.
 FIGURE 3-6 Sample Job Description

Job Description
Job Title: Marketing Manager
Department: Marketing
Reports To: President
FLSA Status: Non Exempt
Prepared By: Michael George
Prepared Date: April 1, 2002
Approved By: Ian Alexander
Approved Date: April 15, 2002
Plans, directs, and coordinates the marketing of the organization’s products and/or services by performing the following duties
personally or through subordinate supervisors.
ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned.
Establishes marketing goals to ensure share of market and profitability of products and/or services.
Develops and executes marketing plans and programs, both short and long range, to ensure the profit growth and expansion of
company products and/or services.
Researches, analyzes, and monitors financial, technological, and demographic factors so that market opportunities may be
capitalized on and the effects of competitive activity may be minimized.
Plans and oversees the organization’s advertising and promotion activities including print, electronic, and direct mail outlets.
Communicates with outside advertising agencies on ongoing campaigns.
Works with writers and artists and oversees copywriting, design, layout, pasteup, and production of promotional materials.
Develops and recommends pricing strategy for the organization which will result in the greatest share of the market over the long run.
Achieves satisfactory profit/loss ratio and share of market performance in relation to pre-set standards and to general and spe-
cific trends within the industry and the economy.
Ensures effective control of marketing results and that corrective action takes place to be certain that the achievement of market-
ing objectives are within designated budgets.
Evaluates market reactions to advertising programs, merchandising policy, and product packaging and formulation to ensure
the timely adjustment of marketing strategy and plans to meet changing market and competitive conditions.
Recommends changes in basic structure and organization of marketing group to ensure the effective fulfillment of objectives as-
signed to it and provide the flexibility to move swiftly in relation to marketing problems and opportunities.
Conducts marketing surveys on current and new product concepts.
Prepares marketing activity reports.
Manages three subordinate supervisors who supervise a total of five employees in the Marketing Department. Is responsible for
the overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of this unit. Also directly supervises two non-supervisory employees. Carries
out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization’s policies and applicable laws. Responsibilities include inter-
viewing, hiring, and training employees; planning, assigning, and directing work; appraising performance; rewarding and dis-
ciplining employees; addressing complaints and resolving problems.
To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed
below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable
individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
Master’s degree (M.A.) or equivalent; or four to ten years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of ed-
ucation and experience.
Ability to read, analyze, and interpret common scientific and technical journals, financial reports, and legal documents. Ability
to respond to common inquiries or complaints from customers, regulatory agencies, or members of the business community.
Ability to write speeches and articles for publication that conform to prescribed style and format. Ability to effectively present
information to top management, public groups, and/or boards of directors.
Ability to apply advanced mathematical concepts such as exponents, logarithms, quadratic equations, and permutations. Abil-
ity to apply mathematical operations to such tasks as frequency distribution, determination of test reliability and validity, analy-
sis of variance, correlation techniques, sampling theory, and factor analysis.
Ability to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions. Ability to interpret an extensive variety of
technical instructions in mathematical or diagram form.
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 73

166.117–018 MANAGER, PERSONNEL (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: “Personnel Manager”
manager, human resources Description from
Dictionary of
Plans and carries out policies relating to all phases of personnel activity: Recruits, interviews, and selects Occupational Titles
employees to fill vacant positions. Plans and conducts new employee orientation to foster positive attitude
toward company goals. Keeps record of insurance coverage, pension plan, and personnel transactions, such
as hires, promotions, transfers, and terminations. Investigates accidents and prepares reports for insurance
carrier. Conducts wage survey within labor market to determine competitive wage rate. Prepares budget of
personnel operations. Meets with shop stewards and supervisors to resolve grievances. Writes separation no-
tices for employees separating with cause and conducts exit interviews to determine reasons behind separa-
tions. Prepares reports and recommends procedures to reduce absenteeism and turnover. Represents com-
pany at personnel-related hearings and investigations. Contracts with outside suppliers to provide employee
services, such as canteen, transportation, or relocation service. May prepare budget of personnel operations,
using computer terminal. May administer manual and dexterity tests to applicants. May supervise clerical
workers. May keep records of hired employee characteristics for governmental reporting purposes. May
negotiate collective bargaining agreement with BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE, LABOR UNION (profess.
& kin.) 187.167–018. GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 88

Source: Dictionary of Occupational Titles, 4th ed. (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment
Training Administration, U.S. Employment Service, 1991).

Job Identification
As in Figure 3-6 , the job identification section contains several types of informa-
tion.14 The job title specifies the name of the job, such as supervisor of data pro-
cessing operations, marketing manager, or inventory control clerk. The FLSA sta-
tus section permits quick identification of the job as exempt or nonexempt.
(Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, certain positions, primarily administrative
and professional, are exempt from the act’s overtime and minimum wage provi-
sions.) Date is the date the job description was actually written, and prepared by
indicates who wrote it.
There is also space to indicate who approved the description and perhaps a
space that shows the location of the job in terms of its plant/division and depart-
ment/section. This section might also include the immediate supervisor’s title and
information regarding salary and/or pay scale. There might also be space for the
grade/level of the job, if there is such a category. For example, a firm may classify
programmers as programmer II, programmer III, and so on.

Job Summary
The job summary should describe the general nature of the job, and includes only
its major functions or activities. Thus (in Figure 3-6), the marketing manager
“Plans, directs, and coordinates the marketing of the organizations products
and/or services.” For the job of materials manager, the summary might state that
the “materials manager purchases economically, regulates deliveries of, stores,
and distributes all material necessary on the production line.” For the job of mail-
room supervisor, “the mailroom supervisor receives, sorts, and delivers all incom-
ing mail properly, and he or she handles all outgoing mail including the accurate
and timely posting of such mail.”15
Include general statements like “performs other assignments as required” with
care. Such statements can give supervisors more flexibility in assigning duties.
Some experts, however, state unequivocally that “one item frequently found that
should never be included in a job description is a ‘cop-out clause’ like ‘other duties,
74 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

as assigned,’ ”16 since this leaves open the nature of the job—and the people
needed to staff it.

There is occasionally a relationships statement (not in the example), which shows
the jobholder’s relationships with others inside and outside the organization. For a
human resource manager, such a statement might look like this:17

Reports to: Vice president of employee relations.

Supervises: Human resource clerk, test administrator, labor relations director, and
one secretary.
Works with: All department managers and executive management.
Outside the company: Employment agencies, executive recruiting firms, union rep-
resentatives, state and federal employment offices, and various vendors.18

Responsibilities and Duties

This section presents a list of the job’s major responsibilities and duties. As in
Figure 3-6, list each of the job’s major duties separately, and describe it in a
few sentences. In the figure, for instance, the duties include “establishes mar-
keting goals to ensure share of market,” “develops and executes marketing
plans and programs,” “communicates with
outside advertising agencies,” and “develops
and recommends pricing strategy.” Typical
duties for other jobs might include maintain-
ing balanced and controlled inventories, mak-
ing accurate postings to accounts payable,
maintaining favorable purchase price vari-
ances, and repairing production-line tools and
You can use the Department of Labor’s
Dictionary of Occupational Titles here for itemiz-
ing the job’s duties and responsibilities. Take the
HR manager’s duties, as shown in Figure
3-7. These duties include “plans and carries out
policies relating to all phases of personnel activ-
ity”; “recruits, interviews, and selects employees
to fill vacant positions”; and “conducts wage
surveys within labor markets to determine com-
petitive wage rate.”
This section should also define the limits
of the jobholder’s authority, including his or
her decision-making authority, direct supervi-
sion of other personnel, and budgetary limita-
 Job analysis can help clarify the responsibilities and duties of tions. For example, the jobholder might have
newly created job positions, such as the job of Jules Polonetsky, authority to approve purchase requests up to
chief privacy officer of the Internet firm DoubleClick. Some privacy $5,000, grant time off or leaves of absence, dis-
experts suggest this position should include such duties as setting cipline department personnel, recommend
up a privacy committee, assessing privacy risks of all the firm’s salary increases, and interview and hire new
operations that utilize personal data, and developing a corporate employees. 19 You also need to comply with
privacy code. Here Mr. Polonetsky participates in a roundtable on ADA regulations: See the New Workplace fea-
privacy issues. ture following.
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 75

Congress enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to reduce or eliminate serious Writing Job
problems of discrimination against disabled individuals. Under the ADA, the individual must Descriptions That
have the requisite skills, educational background, and experience to perform the job’s Comply with the ADA
essential functions. A job function is essential when it is the reason the position exists or
when the function is so specialized that the firm hired the person doing the job for his or her
expertise or ability to perform that particular function. If the disabled individual can’t perform
the job as currently structured, the employer is required to make a “reasonable accommo-
dation,” unless doing so would present an “undue hardship.”
As we said earlier, the ADA does not require job descriptions, but it’s probably advisable
to have them. Virtually all ADA legal actions will revolve around the question, “What are the
essential functions of the job?” Without a job description that lists such functions, it will be
hard to convince a court that the functions were essential to the job. The corollary is that you
should clearly identify the essential functions: don’t just list them along with other duties on
the description.
Essential job functions are the job duties that employees must be able to perform, with
or without reasonable accommodation.20 Is a function essential? Questions to ask include:

1. Does the position exist to perform that function?21

2. Are employees in the position actually required to perform the function?22
3. Is there a limited number of other employees available to perform the function?
4. What is the degree of expertise or skill required to perform the function?
5. What is the actual work experience of present or past employees in the job?
6. What is the amount of time an individual actually spends performing the function?
7. What are the consequences of not requiring the performance of the function?

Standards of Performance and Working Conditions

Some job descriptions contain a standards of performance section. This lists the
standards the employee is expected to achieve under each of the job description’s
main duties and responsibilities.
Setting standards is never an easy matter. However, most managers soon learn
that just telling subordinates to “do their best” doesn’t provide enough guidance.
One straightforward way of setting standards is to finish the statement: “I will be
completely satisfied with your work when . . .” This sentence, if completed for
each duty listed in the job description, should result in a usable set of perfor-
mance standards.23 Here are some examples:

Duty: Accurately Posting Accounts Payable

1. Post all invoices received within the same working day.
2. Route all invoices to proper department managers for approval no later than the
day following receipt.
3. An average of no more than three posting errors per month.

Duty: Meeting Daily Production Schedule

1. Work group produces no less than 426 units per working day.
2. Next work station rejects no more than an average of 2% of units.
3. Weekly overtime does not exceed an average of 5%.
76 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

The job description may also list the working conditions involved on the job.
These might include things like noise level, hazardous conditions, or heat.

Using the Internet Most employers probably still write their own job descriptions, but more are turning to the
for Writing Job Internet. One site,, illustrates why. The process is simple. Search by
Descriptions alphabetical title, keyword, category, or industry to find the desired job title. This leads you to
a generic job description for that title—say, “Computers & EDP systems sales representa-
tive.” You can then use the wizard to customize the generic description for this position. For
example, you can add specific information about your organization, such as job title, job
codes, department, and preparation date. And you can indicate whether the job has super-
visory abilities, and choose from a number of possible desirable competencies and experi-
ence levels.
The U.S. Department of Labor’s occupational information
network, called O*NET, is another useful Web tool (you’ll find it
at It’s replacing the
Dictionary of Occupational Titles as a source of occupational
information. O*NET contains data adapted from preexisting
sources, including the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
However, it is growing fast and adding new data about jobs in
today’s increasingly information-based economy. Built-in soft-
ware allows users to see the most important characteristics
of occupations, as well as the experience, education, and
knowledge required to do each job well. Both the Dictionary of
Occupational Titles and O*NET include the specific tasks
associated with many occupations. O *NET also provides
skills, including basic skills such as reading and writing,
 WEBNOTE process skills such as critical thinking, and transferable skills
Many employers are turning to Web sites that create such as persuasion and negotiation.
customized job descriptions in a few simple clicks. O*NET improves on the Dictionary of Occupational Titles in other ways. For example, an O*NET listing also includes infor-
mation on worker requirements (required knowledge, for
instance), occupation requirements (based on work activities such as compiling, coding,
and categorizing data), and experience requirements (including education and job training).
You can also check the job’s labor market characteristics (such as employment projections
and earnings data).24 The Entrepreneurs + HR feature on page 79 shows you how to use


The job specification takes the job description and answers the question, “What
human traits and experience are required to do this job well?” It shows what kind
of person to recruit and for what qualities that person should be tested. The job
specification may be a section of the job description or a separate document
entirely. Often—as in Figure 3-6—the employer presents it as part of the job
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 77

Specifications for Trained Versus Untrained Personnel

Writing job specifications for trained employees is relatively straightforward. For
example, suppose you want to fill a position for a bookkeeper (or counselor or
programmer). In cases like these, your job specifications might focus mostly on
traits like length of previous service, quality of relevant training, and previous job
performance. Thus, it’s usually not too difficult to determine the human require-
ments for placing already trained people on a job.
The problems are more complex when you’re filling jobs with untrained peo-
ple (with the intention of training them on the job). Here you must specify qual-
ities such as physical traits, personality, interests, or sensory skills that imply some
potential for performing or for being trained to do the job.
For example, suppose the job requires detailed manipulation in a circuit board
assembly line. Here you might want to ensure that the person scores high on a
test of finger dexterity. Your goal, in other words, is to identify those personal
traits—those human requirements—that validly predict which candidates would
do well on the job and which would not. Employers identify these human
requirements through a subjective, judgmental approach or through statistical
analysis. Let’s examine both approaches in detail.

Specifications Based on Judgment

Most job specifications come from the educated guesses of people like supervisors
and human resource managers. The basic procedure here is to ask, “What does it
take in terms of education, intelligence, training, and the like to do this job well?”
There are several ways to get educated guesses or judgments. You could simply
create them yourself, or you could choose them from the competencies listed in
Web-based job descriptions like those at The typical job
description there lists competencies like “Generates creative solutions” and
“Manages difficult or emotional customer situations.” O*NET online is another
good option. Job listings there include complete descriptions of educational and
other experience and skills required.
The Dictionary of Occupational Titles can also still
be useful. For each job in the dictionary, job analysts
and vocational counselors have made judgments
regarding its human requirements. The dictionary
assigns ratings and letters to human requirements or
traits as follows: G (intelligence), V (verbal), N
(numerical), S (spatial), P (perception), Q (clerical
perception), K (motor coordination), F (finger dex-
terity), M (manual dexterity), E (eye-hand-foot coor-
dination), and C (color discrimination). The ratings
reflect the amount of each trait or ability possessed
by people with different performance levels cur-
rently working on the job, based on the experts’
Use common sense when compiling a list of the
job’s human requirements. Certainly job-specific
human traits like those unearthed through job
analysis—manual dexterity, say, or educational
level—are important. However, don’t ignore the fact
that some work behaviors may apply to almost any  The job specifications for already trained candidates, such as
job (although they might not normally surface the customer service operator shown here, should clearly indicate
through a job analysis). which skills, like computer literacy, are job requirements.
78 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

◆ RESEARCH INSIGHT One researcher, for example, obtained supervisor ratings and
other information from 18,000 employees in 42 different hourly entry-level jobs
in predominantly retail settings.26 Regardless of the job, here are the work behav-
iors (with examples) that he found to be “generic”—in other words, that seem to
be important to all jobs:

Job-Related Behavior Some Examples

Industriousness Keeps working even when other employees are
standing around talking; takes the initiative to
find another task when finished with regular
Thoroughness Cleans equipment thoroughly, creating a more
attractive display; notices merchandise out of place
and returns it to the proper area.
Schedule flexibility Accepts schedule changes when necessary; offers to
stay late when the store is extremely busy.
Attendance Arrives at work on time; maintains good atten-
Off-task behavior (reverse) Uses store phones to make personal unauthorized
calls; conducts personal business during work time;
lets joking friends be a distraction and interruption
to work.
Unruliness (reverse) Threatens to bully another employee; refuses to
take routine orders from supervisors; does not coop-
erate with other employees.
Theft (reverse) (As a cashier) Underrings the price of merchandise
for a friend; cheats on reporting time worked; allows
nonemployees in unauthorized areas.
Drug misuse (reverse) Drinks alcohol or takes drugs on company property;
comes to work under the influence of alcohol or

Perhaps the bigger challenge is to make sure that in doing the job analysis,
you don’t miss the forest for the trees. Consider a recent study of 50 testing engi-
neers at a Volvo plant in Sweden. When asked what determined job competence
for a testing engineer, most of the engineers focused on traditional criteria such
as “to make the engine perform according to specifications.” But the most effec-
tive testing engineers defined the job’s main task differently: “to make sure the
engine provides a customer with a good driving experience.” As a result, these
engineers went about their jobs testing and tuning the engines “not as engineers
trying to hit a number, but as ordinary drivers—imagining themselves as seniors,
students, commuters, or vacationers.” This subgroup of the testing engineers
worked hard to develop their knowledge of customers’ driving needs, even when
it meant reaching out to people outside their own group, such as designers or
The point, says the researcher, is that “if people don’t recognize or value the
attributes that really determine success, how easy will it be for them to acquire
those attributes?” Employers should therefore “shift the focus of their recruitment
and training programs from flawed attribute checklists toward identifying and, if
necessary, changing people’s understanding of what jobs entail.” In other words,
in developing the job description and job specification, make sure you really
understand the reason for the job and therefore the skills a person actually needs
to be competent at it.27
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 79

Specifications Based on Statistical Analysis

Basing job specifications on statistical analysis is the more defensible approach,
but it’s also more difficult. The aim here is to determine statistically the relation-
ship between (1) some predictor or human trait, such as height, intelligence, or
finger dexterity, and (2) some indicator or criterion of job effectiveness, such as
performance as rated by the supervisor. The procedure has five steps: (1) analyze
the job and decide how to measure job performance; (2) select personal traits like
finger dexterity that you believe should predict successful performance; (3) test
candidates for these traits; (4) measure these candidates’ subsequent job perfor-
mance; and (5) statistically analyze the relationship between the human trait (fin-
ger dexterity) and job performance. Your objective is to determine whether the for-
mer predicts the latter.
This method is more defensible than the judgmental approach because equal
rights legislation forbids using traits that you can’t prove distinguish between
high and low job performers. Hiring standards that discriminate based on sex,
race, religion, national origin, or age may have to be shown to predict job perfor-
mance. Ideally, this is done with a statistical validation study.

Without their own job analysts or (in many cases) HR managers, many small-business own- A Practical Job
ers face two hurdles when doing job analyses and job descriptions. First, they often need a Analysis Approach
more streamlined approach than those provided by questionnaires like the one shown in
Figure 3-3. Second, there is always the reasonable fear that in writing their job descriptions,
they will overlook duties that subordinates should be assigned, or assign duties not usually
associated with such positions. What they need is an encyclopedia listing all the possible
positions they might encounter, including a detailed listing of the duties normally assigned to
these positions.
Help is at hand: The small-business owner has at least three options. The Dictionary of
Occupational Titles, mentioned earlier, provides detailed descriptions of thousands of jobs
and their human requirements. Web sites like provide customizable
descriptions by title and industry. And the Department of Labor’s O*NET is a third alterna-
tive. We’ll focus on using O*NET in this feature.

Step 1. Decide on a Plan

Start by developing at least the broad outline of a corporate plan. What do you expect your
sales revenue to be next year, and in the next few years? What products do you intend to
emphasize? What areas or departments in your company do you think will have to be
expanded, reduced, or consolidated, given where you plan to go with your firm over the next
few years? What kinds of new positions do you think you’ll need in order to accomplish your
strategic plans?

Step 2. Develop an Organization Chart

Next, develop an organization chart for the firm. Show who reports to the president and to
each of his or her subordinates. Complete the chart by showing who reports to each of the
other managers and supervisors in the firm. Start by drawing up the organization chart as it
is now. Then, depending upon how far in advance you’re planning, produce a chart showing
how you’d like your chart to look in the immediate future (say, in two months) and perhaps
two or three other charts showing how you’d like your organization to evolve over the next
two or three years.
80 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

You can use several tools here. For example, MS Word

includes an organization charting function: On the insert menu,
click Object, then Create New. In the Object type box, click MS
Organization Chart, and then OK. Software packages such as
OrgPublisher for Intranet 3.0 from TimeVision of Irving, Texas,
are another option.28

Step 3. Use a Job Analysis/Description Questionnaire

Next, use a job analysis questionnaire to determine what the
job entails. You can use one of the more comprehensive ques-
tionnaires (see Figure 3-3 ); however, the job description ques-
tionnaire in Figure 3-8, is a simpler and often satisfactory alter-
native. Fill in the required information, then ask the supervisors
and/or employees to list the job’s duties (on the bottom of the
page), breaking them into daily duties, periodic duties, and
duties performed at irregular intervals. You can distribute a
sample of one of these duties (Figure 3-9) to supervisors
and/or employees to facilitate the process.

Step 4: Obtain Lists of Job Duties from O*NET

The list of job duties you uncovered in the previous step may or
may not be complete. We’ll therefore use O*NET to compile
a more comprehensive list. (Refer to the Webnote for a visual
example as you read along.) Start by going to (top). Here, click on Find Occupations. Assume you
want to create job descriptions for retail salespeople. Type in
Retail Sales for the occupational titles, and Sales and Related
from the job families drop-down box. Click Find Occupations to
continue, which brings you to the Find Occupations Search
Result (middle). Clicking on Retail Salespersons—snapshots—
produces the job summary and specific occupational duties
for retail salespersons (bottom). For a small operation, you
might want to combine the duties of the retail salesperson
with those of first-line supervisors/managers of retail sales

Step 5: Compile the Job’s Human Requirements

from O*NET
Next, return to the Snapshot for Retail Salesperson (bottom).
Here, instead of choosing occupation-specific information,
choose, for example, Worker Experiences, Occupational
Requirements, and Worker Characteristics. You can use this
information to develop a job specification for recruiting, select-
 WEBNOTE ing, and training the employees.
Shown in the three screen captures above, O*NET easily
allows the user to develop job descriptions. STEP 6: Complete Your Job Description
Finally, using Figure 3-8, write an appropriate job summary for the job. Then use the infor-
mation obtained in Steps 4 and 5 to create a complete listing of the tasks, duties, and
human requirements of each of the jobs you will need to fill.
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 81

Job Description
Background Data
for Job Description

Job Title Department

Job Number Written by

Today’s Date Applicable DOT Codes

I. Applicable DOT Definition(s):

II. Job Summary:

(List the more important or regularly performed tasks)

III. Reports To:

IV. Supervises:

V. Job Duties:
(Briefly describe, for each duty, what employee does and, if possible, how
employee does it. Show in parentheses at end of each duty the approximate
percentage of time devoted to duty.)

A. Daily Duties:

B. Periodic Duties:
(Indicate whether weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)

C. Duties Performed at Irregular Intervals:

Example of Job Title: Customer Service Clerk Background Data for
Example of Job Summary: Answers inquiries and gives directions to customers, autho-
rizes cashing of customers’ checks, records and returns lost charge cards, sorts and reviews new
credit applications, works at customer-service desk in department store.
Example of One Job Duty: Authorizes cashing of checks: authorizes cashing of personal
or payroll checks (up to a specified amount) by customers desiring to make payment by check.
Requests identification, such as driver’s license, from customers, and examines check to verify
date, amount, signature, and endorsement. Initials check and sends customer to cashier.
82 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement


Job is generally defined as “a set of closely related activities carried out for pay,”
but over the past few years the concept of a job has been changing quite dramati-
cally. As one observer put it:
The modern world is on the verge of another huge leap in creativity and productivity, but
the job is not going to be part of tomorrow’s economic reality. There still is and will
always be enormous amounts of work to do, but it is not going to be contained in the
familiar envelopes we call jobs. In fact, many organizations are today well along the path
toward being “de-jobbed.”29

From Specialized to Enlarged Jobs

The term job as we know it today is largely an outgrowth of the industrial revolu-
tion’s emphasis on efficiency. During this time, experts like Adam Smith and
Frederick Taylor wrote glowingly of the positive correlation between specializa-
tion and efficiency.30 Jobs and job descriptions, until quite recently, tended to fol-
low their prescriptions and to be fairly detailed and specific.
By the mid-1900s other writers were reacting to what they viewed as the
“dehumanizing” aspects of pigeonholing workers into highly repetitive and spe-
cialized jobs; many proposed solutions like job enlargement, job rotation, and
job enlargement job enrichment. Job enlargement means assigning workers additional same-
Assigning workers additional level activities, thus increasing the number of activities they perform. Thus, the
same-level activities, thus worker who previously only bolted the seat to the legs might attach the back as
increasing the number of well. Job rotation means systematically moving workers from one job to
activities they perform. another.
job rotation
Psychologist Frederick Herzberg argued that the best way to motivate workers
Systematically moving workers is to build opportunities for challenge and achievement into their jobs via job
from one job to another. enrichment. Job enrichment means redesigning jobs in a way that increases
the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility, achieve-
job enrichment ment, growth, and recognition—for instance, by letting the worker plan and con-
Redesigning jobs in a way that trol his or her own work instead of having it controlled by outsiders.31
increases the opportunities for
the worker to experience
feelings of responsibility,
achievement, growth, and Why Managers Are Dejobbing Their Companies
recognition. Whether specialized, enlarged, or enriched, however, workers still generally have
had specific jobs to do, and these jobs have required job descriptions. In many
firms today, however, jobs are becoming more amorphous and more difficult to
define. In other words, the trend is toward dejobbing.
Dejobbing—broadening the responsibilities of the company’s jobs, and
Broadening the responsibilities encouraging employees not to limit themselves to what’s on their job descrip-
of the company’s jobs, and tions—is a result of the changes taking place in business today. Organizations
encouraging employees not to need to grapple with trends like rapid product and technological change, global
limit themselves to what’s on competition, deregulation, political instability, demographic changes, and a
their job descriptions. shift to a service economy. This has increased the need for firms to be responsive,
flexible, and generally more competitive. In turn, the organizational methods
managers use to accomplish this have helped weaken the meaning of job as a
well-defined and clearly delineated set of responsibilities. Here is a sampling of
methods that have contributed to this weakening.

Flatter Organizations Instead of traditional pyramid-shaped organizations with

seven or more management layers, flat organizations with just three or four levels
are becoming more prevalent. Most firms (including AT&T, ABB, and General
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 83

Electric) have already cut their management layers from a dozen to six or fewer.
Because the remaining managers have more people reporting to them, they can
supervise them less, so the jobs of subordinates end up bigger in terms of both
breadth and depth of responsibilities.

Work Teams Managers increasingly organize tasks around teams and processes
rather than around specialized functions. For example, at Chesebrough-Ponds
USA, a subsidiary of Unilever, managers replaced a traditional pyramidal organi-
zation with multiskilled, cross-functional, and self-directed teams; the latter now
run the plant’s four product areas. Hourly employees make employee assign-
ments, schedule overtime, establish production times and changeovers, and even
handle cost control, requisitions, and work orders. They also are solely responsible
for quality control under the plant’s continuous quality improvement program.32
In an organization like this, employees’ jobs change daily; there is thus an
intentional effort to avoid having employees view their jobs as a specific set of

The Boundaryless Organization In a boundaryless organization the wide- boundaryless organization

spread use of teams and similar structural mechanisms reduces and makes more Organization marked by the
permeable the boundaries that typically separate departments (like sales and pro- widespread use of teams and
duction) and hierarchical levels.33 Boundaryless organizations foster responsive- similar structural mechanisms
ness by encouraging employees to rid themselves of the “it’s-not-my-job” atti- that reduce and make more
tudes that typically create walls between one employee’s area and another’s. permeable the boundaries
that typically separate
Instead the focus is on defining the project or task at hand in terms of the overall departments.
best interests of the organization, thereby further reducing the idea of a job as a
clearly defined set of duties.

Reengineering Reengineering is “the fundamental rethinking and radical reengineering

redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical con- The fundamental rethinking
temporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.”34 and radical redesign of
In their book Reengineering the Corporation, Michael Hammer and James Champy business processes to achieve
argue that the principles that shaped the structure and management of business dramatic improvements in
for hundreds of years—like highly specialized divisions of work—should critical, contemporary
measures of performance,
be retired. Instead, the firm should emphasize combining tasks into inte-
such as cost, quality, service,
grated, unspecialized processes (such as customer service) assigned to teams of and speed.
You can reengineer jobs in many ways. For example, you can combine several
specialized jobs into a few relatively enlarged and enriched ones.35 Typically, in
reengineered situations workers tend to become collectively responsible for over-
all results rather than being individually responsible for just their own tasks:
“They share joint responsibility with their team members for performing the
whole process, not just a small piece of it. They not only use a broader range of
skills from day to day, they have to be thinking of a far greater picture.”36 Most
important, “while not every member of the team will be doing exactly the same
work . . . the lines between [the workers’ jobs] blur.”

The Future of Job Descriptions Most firms today continue to use job descriptions
and to rely on jobs as traditionally defined. However, it’s clear that more firms are
moving toward new organizational configurations built around jobs that are
broad and that may change every day. As one writer said, “In such a situation peo-
ple no longer take their cues from a job description or a supervisor’s instructions.
Signals come from the changing demands of the project. Workers learn to focus
their individual efforts and collective resources on the work that needs doing,
changing as that changes. Managers lose their ‘jobs,’ too. . . .”37 Yet some feel that
84 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

“job descriptions, although they include the ubiquitous phrase, ‘and all other
duties as assigned,’ are still relatively rigid and limiting.”38
Some employers are moving from traditional to more performance-based job
descriptions. For example, Acxiom Corporation in Little Rock, Arkansas,
recently moved from more traditional job descriptions to a new system. Instead
of listing specific language skills (such as Java) for a software developer’s job
description, it now emphasizes behavioral competencies, such as self-directed
learning. This is because Acxiom has decided that it’s this self-directed learning
that’s really important for keeping software developers up to date. The typical
job description at Acxiom now includes just a few statements describing overall
responsibilities. Supervisors then set specific expectations by defining the skills
(such as “learn two new software languages”) the employee needs at that time.
The job description thus becomes more of a flexible, living, performance-based
Dejobbing also triggers broader HR issues. For example, “you must find peo-
ple who can work well without the cue system of job descriptions.”40 This puts
a premium on hiring people with the skills and values to handle empowered

For multi-dimensional and changing jobs, companies don’t need people to fill a slot,
because the slot will be only roughly defined. Companies need people who can figure out
what the job takes and do it, people who can create the slot that fits them. Moreover, the
slot will keep changing.41

There’s also a shift from training to education, from teaching employees the
“how” of a job to enhancing their insight and understanding regarding its “why.”
This is because in a fast-changing global environment, jobs change so quickly that
it’s impossible to hire people “who already know everything they’re ever going to
need to know.”42

◆ HIGH-PERFORMANCE INSIGHT Modern job analysis/job design techniques can

help companies implement high-performance strategies. In one firm—British
Petroleum’s exploration division—the need for more efficient, faster-acting, flat-
ter organizations and empowered employees inspired management to replace job
descriptions with matrices listing skills and skill levels.43 Senior managers wanted
to shift employees’ attention from a job description/“that’s-not-my-job” mental-
ity to one that would motivate them to obtain the new skills they needed to
accomplish their broader responsibilities.
The solution was a skills matrix like that in Figure 3-10. They created skills
matrices for various jobs within two groups of employees, those on a manage-
ment track and those whose aims lay elsewhere (such as to stay in engineering).
HR prepared a matrix for each job or job family (such as drilling manager). As in
Figure 3-10, the matrix listed (1) the basic skills needed for that job (such as tech-
nical expertise) and (2) the minimum level of each skill required for that job or
job family. The emphasis is no longer on specific job duties. Instead, the focus is
on developing the new skills needed for the employees’ broader, empowered, and
often relatively undefined responsibilities.
The skills matrix approach triggered other HR changes in this division. For
example, the matrices gave employees a constant reminder of what skills they
must improve. The firm instituted a new skill-based pay plan that awards raises
based on skills improvement. Performance appraisals now focus more on skills
acquisitions. And training emphasizes developing broad skills like leadership and
planning—skills applicable across a wide range of responsibilities and jobs. The
result was a new firm-wide emphasis on performance.
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 85

 FIGURE 3-10 The Skills Matrix for One Job at BP

The light blue boxes indicate the minimum level of skill required for the job.









Technical Business Communication Decision Leadership and Planning and Problem

Expertise Awareness and Making and Guidance Organizational Solving
Interpersonal Initiative Ability

U.S. Bank’s new customer service and retention manager, Todd Berkley, discovered that Implementing the New
focusing the bank’s competitive strategy on customer service affected every aspect of the Strategy at U.S. Bank
bank. Employees must now perform a multitude of new tasks. When they meet with cus-
tomers closing their accounts, service reps now have to try to understand the customer’s
reason for leaving, and keep detailed records of frequent complaints. The bank is installing
complaint identification initiatives to identify, track, and solve complaints in all branches, call
centers, and Web sites. Salespeople must gather more information about customer prefer-
ences when they open new accounts. Employees across the bank have had to learn how to
use the bank’s new complaint-monitoring software. The bank designed new jobs to place
care calls when customers complain. The bank is developing a new customer assurance
unit, which will swing into action when high-value accounts are in danger of leaving.
All of which means Todd and his colleagues had to reanalyze all of the bank’s jobs, from
teller to guard to vice president; add duties like those above to current lists of job functions;
and create several new jobs (such as customer assurance manager). Todd and his col-
leagues found, in other words, that they couldn’t implement the bank’s new strategy without
a keen understanding of job analysis.44

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Web sites, and more.
86 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

1. Developing an organization structure results in jobs that have to be staffed. Job analy-
Summary sis is the procedure through which you find out (1) what the job entails and (2) what
kinds of people you should hire for the job. It involves six steps: (1) determine the use
of the job analysis information, (2) collect background information, (3) select the posi-
tions to be analyzed, (4) collect job analysis data, (5) review information with partici-
pants, and (6) develop a job description and job specification.
2. You can use four basic techniques to gather job analysis data: interviews, direct obser-
vation, questionnaires, and participant diary logs. These are good for developing job
descriptions and specifications. The Department of Labor, functional job analysis, and
PAQ approaches result in quantitative ratings of each job and are usually useful for
classifying jobs for pay purposes.
3. The job description should portray the work of the position so well that the duties are
clear without reference to other job descriptions. Always ask, “Will the new employee
understand the job if he or she reads the job description?”
4. The job specification takes the job description and uses it to answer the question,
“What human traits and experience are necessary to do this job well?” It tells what
kind of person to recruit and for what qualities that person should be tested. Job
specifications are usually based on the educated guesses of managers; a more
accurate statistical approach to developing job specifications can also be used,
5. Use the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to help you write job descriptions. Find and
reproduce the DOT descriptions that relate to the job you’re describing. Then use those
DOT descriptions to “anchor” your own description and particularly to suggest duties to
be included. You can also use Internet sources like
6. Firms increasingly use O*NET to create job descriptions. To use this tool, start at
7. Dejobbing is ultimately a product of the rapid changes taking place in business today.
As firms try to speed decision making by taking steps such as reengineering, individual
jobs are becoming broader and much less specialized. Increasingly, firms don’t want
employees to feel limited by a specific set of responsibilities like those listed in a job
description. As a result, more employers are substituting brief job summaries, perhaps
combined with summaries of the skills required for the position.

In the previous chapter we discussed the EEOC and the legal factors managers should con-
Tying It All sider when recruiting and hiring employees. The purpose of the current chapter, Job
Together Analysis, was to explain how managers determine what jobs need to be done, what these
jobs’ specific duties are, and the characteristics of the employees who will fill these jobs.
The chapter covered such topics as methods for collecting job analysis information and how
to use the Internet, as well as traditional methods of writing job descriptions and job speci-
fications. In the following chapter, HR Planning and Recruiting, we’ll turn to the methods
managers use to find the employees they need to fill their positions.

1. What items are typically included in the job description? What items are not shown?
Discussion 2. What is job analysis? How can you make use of the information it provides?
Questions 3. We discussed several methods for collecting job analysis data—questionnaires, the
position analysis questionnaire, and so on. Compare and contrast these methods,
explaining what each is useful for and listing the pros and cons of each.
4. Describe the types of information typically found in a job specification.
5. Explain how you would conduct a job analysis.
6. Do you think companies can really do without detailed job descriptions? Why or why
Chapter 3 Job Analysis 87

7. In a company with only 25 employees, is there less need for job descriptions for the
employees of the company? Why or why not?

1. Working individually or in groups, obtain copies of job descriptions for clerical positions
at the college or university where you study, or the firm where you work. What types of Individual and
information do they contain? Do they give you enough information to explain what the Group Activities
job involves and how to do it? How would you improve on the description?
2. Working individually or in groups, use O*NET to develop a job description for your pro-
fessor in this class. Based on that, use your judgment to develop a job specification.
Compare your conclusions with those of other students or groups. Were there any sig-
nificant differences? What do you think accounted for the differences?
3. Working individually or in groups, obtain a copy of the DOT from your library. Choose any
two positions and compare the jobs’ data-people-things ratings. (These are the fourth,
fifth, and sixth digits of the job’s DOT number; ratings are explained at the end of the
DOT.) Do the ratings make sense based on what you know about the jobs? Why or
why not?


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to give you experi- 1. Each group should do a job analysis of the instructor’s
ence in developing a job description, by developing one for job; half the groups (to repeat) will use the job analysis
your instructor. questionnaire for this purpose, and half will use the job
description questionnaire.
Required Understanding: You should understand the mechan-
2. Based on this information, each group will develop its own
ics of job analysis and be thoroughly familiar with the job
job description and job specification for the instructor.
analysis questionnaires. (See Figure 3-3 and the job descrip-
3. Next, each group should choose a partner group, one
tion questionnaire, Figure 3-8.)
that developed the job description and job specification
How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Set up groups of using the alternate method. (A group that used the job
four to six students for this exercise. As in all exercises in analysis questionnaire should be paired with a group
this book, the groups should be separated and should not that used the job description questionnaire.)
converse with each other. Half the groups in the class will 4. Finally, within each of these new combined groups, com-
develop the job description using the job analysis question- pare and critique each of the two sets of job descrip-
naire (3.3), and the other half of the groups will develop it tions and job specifications. Did each job analysis
using the job description questionnaire (3.8). Each student method provide different types of information? Which
should review his or her questionnaire (as appropriate) seems superior? Does one seem more advantageous
before joining his or her group. for some types of jobs than others?

APPLICATION CASE Tropical Storm Allison

In June 2001 tropical storm Allison hit North Carolina and their places, there was general confusion about what they
the Optima Air Filter Company. Many employees’ homes were should do and how they should do it.
devastated, and the firm found that it had to hire almost The storm quickly became old news to the firm’s out-of-
three completely new crews, one for each of its shifts. The state customers, who wanted filters, not excuses. Phil Mann,
problem was that the “old-timers” had known their jobs so the firm’s president, was at his wit’s end. He had about 30
well that no one had ever bothered to draw up job descrip- new employees, 10 old-timers, and his original factory super-
tions for them. When about 30 new employees began taking visor, Maybelline. He decided to meet with Linda Lowe, a con-
88 Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

sultant from the local university’s business school. She Questions

immediately had the old-timers fill out a job questionnaire 1. Should Phil and Linda ignore the old-timers’ protests
that listed all their duties. Arguments ensued almost at and write up the job descriptions as they see fit?
once: Both Phil and Maybelline thought the old-timers were Why? Why not? How would you go about resolving the
exaggerating to make themselves look more important, and differences?
the old-timers insisted that the lists faithfully reflected their 2. How would you have conducted the job analysis?
duties. Meanwhile, the customers clamored for their filters.

CONTINUING CASE: Who Do We Have to Hire?

As the excitement surrounding the move into their new offices accountants, who’d then produce monthly reports for the ven-
wound down, the two principal owners of, ture capitalist? Would the salespeople generate their own
Mel and Jennifer, turned to the task of hiring new employees. leads? Or would have to hire Web surfers
In their business plan they’d specified several basic aims for to search and find the names of people for the sales staff to
the venture capital funds they’d just received, and hiring a call or e-mail? What would happen when the company had to
team topped the list. They knew their other goals—boosting purchase supplies, such as fax paper or computer disks?
sales and expanding the Web site, for instance—would be Would the owners have to do this themselves, or should they
unreachable without the right team. have someone in house do it for them? The list, it seemed,
They were just about to place their ads when Mel asked a went on and on.
question that brought them to a stop: “What kind of people It was obvious, in other words, that the owners had
do we want to hire?” It seemed they hadn’t really considered to get their managerial act together and draw up the sorts
this. They knew the answer in general terms, of course. For of documents they’d read about as business majors—
example, they knew they needed at least two salespeople, job descriptions, job specifications, and so forth. The trouble
plus a programmer, a Web designer, and several content man- is, it all seemed a lot easier when they read the textbook.
agement people to transform the incoming material into con- Now they want you, their management consultants, to help
tent they could post on their site. But it was obvious that job them actually do it. Here’s what they want you to do for them.
titles alone really didn’t provide enough guidance. For exam-
ple, if they couldn’t specify the exact duties of these posi- Questions and Assignments
tions, how could they decide whether they needed experi- 1. Draw up a set of job descriptions for each of the posi-
enced employees? How could they decide exactly what sorts tions in the case: salesperson, Web designer, program-
of experiences and skills they had to look for in their candi- mer, content manager. You may use whatever sources
dates if they didn’t know exactly what these candidates would you want, but preferably search the Internet and rele-
have to do? They wouldn’t even know what questions to ask. vant Web sites, since you want job descriptions and
And that wasn’t all. For example, there were obviously lists of duties that apply specifically to dot-com firms.
other tasks to do, and these weren’t necessarily included in 2. Next, using sources similar to those in Question 1—
the sorts of things that salespeople, programmers, Web and whatever other sources you can think of—draw up
designers, or content management people typically do. Who specifications for each of these jobs, including things
was going to answer the phones? (Jennifer and Mel had orig- such as desirable work habits, skills, education, and
inally assumed they’d put in one of those fancy automated experiences.
call directory and voice-mail systems—until they found out it 3. Next, keeping in mind that this company is on a tight
would cost close to $10,000.) As a practical matter, they budget, write a short proposal explaining how it should
knew they had to have someone answering the phones and accomplish the other activities it needs done, such as
directing callers to the proper extension. Who was going to answering the phones, compiling sales leads, producing
keep track of the monthly expenses and compile them for the monthly reports, and purchasing supplies.

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