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ball to create space and provide a different

crossing angle or shot on goal. The heat map

is an indicator of where she often positions on
the field, we can see there is heavy activity in
the wide right area, mirroring her role as a wide
winger. In 999 minutes this season, Cascarino
has contributed three goals and five assists
for Lyon. That ties her in 4th place alongside
Khadija Shaw and Sandie Toletti, and is only
surpassed by teammates Amel Majri and
Dzenifer Marozsán. Nadia Nadim and Lena
Petermann are also included.

Delphine Cascarino's
play style
T o better place Cascarino’s strengths we must first understand the system she is
played under at Lyon. Lyon have been pretty
faithful to their 4-2-3-1 formati For this scout report, we will only look at the
FAWSL in our research and identify the clubs
that could match Cascarino’s philosophy.
This report will include a general overview of
Cascarino followed up by detailing her style
of play. Following this, I will conduct a data
analysis on Europe’s best wingers and identify
Cascarino’s standing against them. Does she
stack up against the best in the world? The next
step would be to understand and detail the type
of clubs that fit Cascarino’s profile and whether
she fits in their tactics and then choose the best

D elphine Cascarino is Complete Guide to Coaching Soccer Systems and
T he top-level of women’s football has a number of talented young players that
can be better matched with clubs that fit
their philosophy and playing style. Delphine
Cascarino is one such player at Olympique
Lyonnais Féminin who could benefit a number
of clubs around Europe and the US. The aim of
this dossier is to compile a report on Cascarino
and use the data to understand which club
matches and is in need of a player of her style. a 24-year-old right winger playing for
Olympique Lyonnais in
France’s Division 1 Féminine. At first glance,
Cascarino role resembles that of a traditional
winger that uses the touchline and sends in
crosses for the strikers in the box. However,
there is a modern element to her play style
as she doesn’t solely rely on overlapping
movements, rather Cascarino is also able to
make underlapping moves both on and off the
on and they’ve
used this system for 77% of the season, rarely
opting for another formation. They rely on their
superiority in possession to ensure they keep
the opposition as far away from their goal as
possible. Cascarino plays on the right side
of the three attackers that play behind Ada
Hegerberg. Lyon have a mobile attacking lineup
with Cascarino, Marozsán, and Eugenie Le
Sommer - three players who interact intelligently
with Hegerberg. Hegerberg is mobile and
intelligent in her movement and is able to get on
the end of both aerial and low whipped crosses
making use of Lyon’s different profile of wingers.
Because of Lyon’s aggressive and possessionhungry style, the full-backs are usually
up high and play close to their wingers. Both
wide pairings will interchange positions between
wide and narrow positions seamlessly with
similar output as both are equally proficient at
crossing and ball progression.
Taking a look at her statistics, we can see that
Cascarino has all the attributes of a winger
with her high frequency and volume of crosses
and dribbles per 90. Her expected assists (xA)
is quite good and her offensive duel figures
indicate a player that is constantly on the ball
and is reluctant to surrender possession easily.
These statistics go a long way in helping us
understand her traits and ability as a player.
Cascarino is an aggressive, hard-working
winger with excellent crossing and dribbling
ability. Her high number of offensive duels is an
indicator of her determination to protect and get
past players whilst in possession. Combined
with her pace, this could also indicate her
ability in offensive 1 v 1 situations, where she
is able to get the better of her marker and put
herself in a better position to cross. What this
also could indicate is her ability to create space
in transition where she becomes the focus of
defenders while she’s on the ball. Her pace
and dribbling down the line will force full-backs
to focus on her movement, possibly leaving
gaps between the centre-back and full-back
for another player to exploit or drag the central
defender out of position for the centre-forward.
Cascarino combines her pace, intelligent
positioning, and movement off the ball in
another effort to create space and allow her
right-back, Lucy Bronze, to make overlapping
runs and present herself as another passing
This pass map is a perfect illustration of Lyon’s
attacking structure against Stade de Reims,
where we can see Selma Bacha (#4) and
Bronze (#2) (she is located under the #23)
are both positioned near the halfway line with
Cascarino (#20) ahead of Bronze. There were
17 passes between Bronze and Cascarino
showing their connection and Cascarino’s ability
to develop a partnership with her full-back.
This method of ball progression has made
Olympique Lyon a massive threat and is why
they’ve scored 67 goals this season.
The winger’s main attributes include her
understanding of space through her movement,
positioning both on and off the ball, ability to
drive past players using her pace and dribbling,
and output with her crossing. Starting with her
in-possession traits, we know that this is one
of her strongest assets from just looking at her
dribbling statistics. Cascarino averages 10.72
dribbles per 90 with a 61% success rate this
season. That alone illustrates her ability to
progress play with high frequency and in 1 v 1

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