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Republic of the Philippines)

City of Caloocan ) S.S

Affidavit of Revocation of Desistance

I, the undersigned Arnel Capuno y Gimenez, of legal age,
married and a residing at _______________________ hereby
revoke the desistance dated ____________ and granted
to spouses_____________ both residing at _____________

I hereby give notice to this honorable office that I am now

disregarding our agreement and declare the above Affidavit of
Desistance null and void and of no further force or effect.

Executed this ______ day of September 2008 at Caloocan

City, Philippines.




This document was acknowledged before me on this ___day

of ____________________20__ by ______________(Principal's
Full legal name)

Signature of Notary Public ______________________

Full legal Name ______________________________

My commission expires ________________________

State of ________________________

County of ______________________

plaintiff, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The defendant, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . , offers to settle your claim for
the sum of Php. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and
costs to be assessed.

The defendant, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . , offers to settle your various claims listed
hereunder for the amounts set out opposite each claim, and
costs to be assessed.

The defendant, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
offers to settle your claim on the following terms:

The plaintiff, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. , offers to accept the sum of Php. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . in full settlement of his claim and costs on condition
that payment of that amount be made in cash or by
certified cheque at the time of acceptance of this offer.

at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day
of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 19. . . . . . .
. .


Solicitor for plaintiff

(Court, Court File Number, Style of Proceeding)


The plaintiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
The defendant, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
revokes his offer to settle dated
the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
day of . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 19. . . . .

DATED at . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
this . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . .,
19. . . . .


Solicitor for defendant


THE ____________________________


I, __________________________, whose address is ______________________,

as Settlor in a Revocable Living Trust Agreement dated the _____ day of ____________,
20__, wherein you are designated as Trustee, do hereby revoke the powers and trusts
created and conferred by Settlor in that Revocable Living Trust Agreement, pursuant to
the terms thereof.

  I hereby direct you, as trustee, to turn over and deliver to me all property held by
you subject to the terms and provisions of the Revocable Living Trust Agreement,
together with all accumulations of interest and income.

  THIS REVOCATION OF THE ____________________________

REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT is made this the _____ day of
____________, 20__.



  Sworn to and subscribed before me this the _____ day of ____________, 20__.

Witness my hand and official seal.

 __________________________ My commission expires:

Notary Public


  Case No. _________



Defendant(s) )
 Plaintiff, ______________________, alleges:

 1. Plaintiff is now, and at all times mentioned in this complaint has been, __[state facts
that show plaintiff's status and interest in subject of action, e.g., "Plaintiff is the owner of
certain described real property�/ or Plaintiff is a shareholder of _________corporation
engaged in the business of].

 2. Defendant, _________________, is now, and at all times mentioned in this complaint
has been, [state facts that show defendant's status in relation to plaintiff, e.g., " Defendant
is the owner of certain described real property�/ or Plaintiff is an officer __________
corporation engaged in the business of].

 3. On or about ______, and continuing to the present, defendant has wrongfully and
unlawfully [state particular wrongful acts done by defendant as well as general course of
conduct or if acts have not yet been committed, but are imminent, so state].

 4. On or about ______, and at other times between that date and the present, plaintiff has
demanded that defendant refrain from committing the above named acts, but defendant
has refused and has threatened to continue such acts.

 5. As a result of defendant's acts, plaintiff has sustained/will sustain great and irreparable
injury in that [state specific damages that will result and why they are irreparable].

 6. Plaintiff cannot be fully compensated in damages, is without an adequate remedy at

law because the exact amount of damage plaintiff will sustain will be difficult to
determine, and [state any other facts showing inadequacy of legal remedy].

 7. As a further result of defendant's acts, plaintiff has sustained damage in the amount of
________ dollars ($ ). If these acts are permitted to continue, plaintiff will be further
damaged in an amount to be alleged when additional damages have been determined.

 WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment for:

 1. State character of relief sought, e.g., temporary restraining order/preliminary and
permanent injunction enjoining _______________________ from engaging in or
performing any of the following acts:

 2. Damages against defendant in the amount of Php_____________ .

 3. Costs of this action and other just relief.



Attorney for _______________________


__[Name and address]__

Re:__[Case name]__

Dear __[Name of officer of XYZ Corp.]__:

As you know, this firm ("Firm") represents XYZ Corp. in a civil suit
brought by ABC Co. currently pending in the United States District Court
for the Central District of California (ABC Co. v XYC Corp., et al., CV 00-
000 XXX). I have been the attorney at Firm in charge of that representation
since its inception.

One of Firm's other long-time and important clients, STU Corp., has
recently been named a defendant in a suit brought by XYZ Corp. in the
United States District Court for the Northern District of California (XYZ
Corp. v STU Corp., et al., CV 00000 YYY). STU Corp. has asked Firm to
represent it in that proceeding. As you may know, XYZ Corp. is
by the law firm of Smith & Jones in that case. It is my understanding that
the XYZ Corp. v STU Corp. litigation concerns __[specify]__, and arises
from events that occurred __[date]__. That suit is thus totally unrelated
to the matter of ABC Co. v XYZ Corp. Still, this Firm's representation of
STU Corp. in the Northern District action might raise an apparent conflict
with our representation of XYZ Corp. in the Central District action in that
Firm would be representing XYZ Corp. in one action and representing a
client adverse to XYZ Corp. in another.

This letter will confirm our conversation of __[date]__, in which you

advised that XYZ Corp. waives the conflict described above, and has no
objection to Firm's representation of STU Corp. in the Northern District
action. Please sign the duplicate original of this letter in the place
indicated below and return it in the enclosed stamped, addressed
Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation in this matter.

Very truly yours,

__[Typed name of attorney]__

Agreed and Accepted:

__[Typed name of officer]__
Date: _ _ _ _ _ _


 Agreement made on ___________________, ______ (date), between

______________________________________ (name), of
_____________________________________________________(address), and
______________________________________ (name), of
In consideration of the payment to the undersigned by
_______________________________ (name) of the sum of ________________
Dollars ($__________ ), receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, undersigned
hereby undertakes and agrees that on the payment to undersigned at any time
on or before ___________________, ______ (date), of the further sum of
______________________ Dollars ($___________), undersigned will execute
and deliver to __________________________________ (name) a covenant not
to sue ____________ (him/her) on any claim or cause of action that undersinged
may have against ________________ (him/her), arising out of a certain
_____________________________________________________(description of
incident ) that occurred on or about __________________, _______(date).

The covenant not to sue shall be in the form attached and made a part of this

The payment shall be made to undersigned at

____________________________________________ (address), and may be
made in the form of cash, cashier�s check or draft.If the undersigned refuses to
execute a covenant not to sue, then on payment of the sum of ______________
Dollars ($_________) to undersigned, this agreement will be deemed to operate
as such covenant not to sue and the terms of the covenant not to sue attached
to this document shall be binding as if then executed.

_____________________________________ _______________________

Signature Date

Re: Our Client(s):*

Date of Accident:*
Time of Accident:*

Dear *:

Our file indicates that you might have witnessed an automobile accident
which occurred on the date, time and location indicated above.

It would be greatly appreciated if you would complete the following

information and return it to us in the enclosed stamped, self-addressed
envelope as soon as possible.

1. State Your Name:


2. Residence address:

3. Telephone No.: Home:__________________


4. Specifically, where were you located at the time of the


5. If you were in a vehicle, please state the following:

(a) Street on which you were

(b) Direction you were

(c) Which lane were you on prior to


(d) Were you driving? If not, where were you seated?


(e) How many lanes of travel in your


*[Witness Name]
Page Two

6. Please describe the collision as accurately as you recall, i.e., state,

if possible, the following:

(a) Color, make and year of each vehicle:


(b) Description of driver, i.e., age, sex, etc.:


(c) Number of passengers in each vehicle:


(d) Street on which each vehicle was traveling:


(e) Direction of each vehicle:


(f) Lane in which each vehicle was traveling:


(g) Type of traffic signal, if any, controlling the accident site:


(h) At the specific moment of impact, were any signals controlling

East/West or North/South traffic? If so, state the color or type of
signal for each direction:


7. State the position of each vehicle involved in the collision

immediately prior to the impact:


8. Did any driver make a sudden movement, regarding lane change,

braking, turning, before the impact?


[Witness Name]
Page Three

9. Did you hear any horns or screeching of tires? If so, state when
and from which vehicle the sound came from:


10. Did you discuss the accident with any person involved after the
impact? If so, to whom and what did you say?

11. Who do you think was at fault for this accident, and why?



12. Please indicate weather condition at the time of the accident:


13. Please state anything else you feel might be important for an
understanding of the facts of this case:





I, *[Witness Name] declare the foregoing to be true and correct under

penalty of perjury and that this declaration was executed on
_______________________, 19______,
at _______________________________, [state].

*[Witness Signature]

On behalf of our client and our office, we would like to thank you for your
cooperation in completing this form.

Sincerely yours,

Attorney At Law

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