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Quick Vaastu Tips

Follow These and See the Good Results Yourself  

                                  Learn Vaastu  
# Keep all electrical/heat generating appliances in the SE corner of the room.

# Do not construct kitchen, toilets and prayer room (puja-room) next to one another.

# The kitchen should not be directly in front of the main door.

# Do not keep broken mirrors,  and watches and electrical gadgets which are either lying idle or out of order  in the house.

# Mirrors, sinks, wash-basins and taps should preferably be along the NE wall.

# The safe should open towards the north or the east. So, keep it along south or the west.

# The toilet seat ahould preferably be along the North-South axis. The septic tank can be in the NW or the SE corner of the House.

# Avoid having garbage dump, street-light pole, or boulders in front of the main gate or door.

# Your main door should not be opposite the main door of another house.

# The number of doors and windows should be more on the ground floor and less on the upper floor.

# The image of Gajalaxmi at the main door is considered auspicious.

# The north-east corner is the face house and should always be kept clean.

# While cleaning the floor with any disinfectant, a little  sea salt should be added.

# Students should study facing the north or east.

# Do not sit or sleep under a beam.

# Do not keep or hang  paintings depicting war, crime, violence, unrest, agony or distress.

# Construct the front door in such a manner as to avoid the fall of a shadow on it.

# Grow a tulsi or basil plant in front of the house.

# Do not have any cactus in the house. Having it outside the boundry is good.

# Rain water or drainage should flow towards NE-East-North.

# Material to be used in the construction of a house or even commercial building should always be new, except when renovating.

# Elderly people are always more comfortable in the South-West corner.

# The height of the building should reduced from the SW to the NE.

# Walls along the SW should be thicker as compared to walls along the NE.

# Bhumi-pujan ceremony should be performed before commencing the construction of a new house and Griha-pravesh ceremony before shifting into it.

#  Do not have a toilet or prayer room (puja room) under a staircase.

# Do not dig well in the middle of a house or plot. It  is very inauspicious.

  Quick Vaastu Shanti Tips

 When sitting for worship, keep your face towards North-West and sit in that corner to intake air from that direction. 

 Cash boxes can be located in the room towards the North (treasury). But if the box is heavy (such as a safe, heavy almirah) then it should be kept in the Southwest corner and

the door of the almirah should open towards the North.

 TVs and computers should ideally be placed in the Southeast corner of the living room or study room. They should not be placed in the Northeast corner or Southwest corner.

 Telephones can be placed in the Southeast or Northwest corner but not in the Southwest or Northeast.

 An aquarium with 9 gold fish and one black fish, in the north east corner/portion of the house or factory is very good.

 If the north-east area is untidy or unshapely, the well being of male issues is found to be precarious.

 One should sleep with his head pointing towards the South.

 Students should be facing east while studying, for Academic Excellence.

 If the kitchen is off the proper place, some member or the other is always found to be suffering from severe digestive disorder.
 Keep the Gas in the south east corner of the kitchen 

 Person should face the east while cooking. 

 Drinking water should be in the north east of the kitchen. 

 While Taking meals the plate should be in South-East. 

 The statue of Hanumanji should not be placed in South-East. It may create fire hazard.

 All the doors should open inside so that the energy may remain inside. 

 The hinges of doors should be noiseless. If so. The hinges may be greased periodically. 

 The doors should open towards right hand. 

 Bed should not be put under a beam. 

 There should not be five corners in the ceiling of a room. 

 Efforts should be made a leave the rooms open on North-East side. 

 While ascending the staircase, the face should be either towards the north or the east. 

 The seat of the toilet should face North-South. 

 No doors or windows should be provided on South-West side. 

 Almirahs and beds should be set very close to the South - West wall and at a distance from the north - east wall. 

 A house should not have paintings, which depicts depressing scenes, i.e. like an old woman crying, scenes of war or poverty. It should have picture of say, a sunrise, an ocean,

mountains, flowers or laughing children.

 Tall trees are nowhere recommended close to the main building. For trees the south in itself is good and so is the west. No tree should be grown in the north and the east. The

one at the north-east is the worst. 

 Small decorative plants and shrubs may be grown in the north and the east. The height should not exceed, say, half a meter at the north-east increasing gradually to not more

than 1.5 meter as one moves from the north-east to the north-west or to the south-east end. 
 Except rose and a few medicinal ones, all thorny plants give rise to tensions in the environment. Plants exuding white sap should also be kept off. Lime and karonda etc. are OK

in an orchard but not in residence or business premises. 

 Amongst the beneficial plants, the best is Tulsi. It is commendable to keep at least one Tulsi plant in the north-east area of the premises, but its height should not exceed 1.5

 Growing creepers/climbers with support on the compound wall or a house wall is best avoided.

 Cactus should not be planted or kept in the house.

 In the South-West Corner of the house one should sleep pointing his head towards south. 

 If north of any house is blocked it blocks prosperity.

 Water flowing/water fountain from north to east is very good. 

Directions & their respective Rulers 

 North-east (Eshan) is ruled by Sadasiva or God Himself. Hence this direction is

paramount, which demands keeping it scrupulously clean, open and highly receptive in
a welcome "mode" always.
 East is ruled by Indra, the chief of the gods, giver of pleasures. The direction also

represents the realm of the rising Sun projecting ultra-violet rays, so essential for
health in several ways. 
 South-east (Agneya) is the habitat of fire, the storehouse of energy.

 South is the abode of Yama, the god of death.

 South-west (Nairitya) is the abode of Putna demoness. 

 West is the abode of Varuna, the god of ocean. It is also the direction of the setting

Sun which gives infra-red radiation.

 North-west (Vayavva) is the abode of air/wind, the invisible, but the most effective

blessing for all objects in need of motion/movement for their efficiency.

 North is the abode of Kuber, the god of wealth.


    Sometimes, it so happens that the man does such acts, out of ignorance, which harm him and their remedy seems impossible. Here, we are giving solutions to the problems of
those, who had constructed their houses against the rules of Vastu -Shastra. To overcome following information is given, however, it is strongly recommended that the Vastu of your
own house especially correction of Vastu should be done with the help of Vastu expert and should not be attempted by acquiring shallow knowledge or tips for Vastu. Few ill effects of
Vastu if not done correctly and remedies are discussed below for only general information.
 If some river or drain is flowing in a direction other than the north-east direction of the house and has anti - clock movement, then it is advised to place a statue of dancing

Ganeshji facing the west on the north-east corner of the house. 

 If the boring has taken place in the wrong direction in a house or a factory, then it is advised to place a picture of Panchmukhi Hanumanji, facing South-West to the boring. 

 If a naked wall is seen while entering into a flat, then either a picture or a statue of Ganeshji should be placed there. The naked wall is the sign of loneliness. Hence, the wall

should not be kept naked. 

 If high voltage overhead wires pass over a house, then a plastic pipe filled with lime should be erected from one corner to the other of the affected area in such a manner that its

both ends should remain outside by at least three feet each. This will eliminate the evil effects of energy being generated out of the overhead wire. In certain cases, energy circles can
be improved by using Swastika Yantra. But, this requires a lot of care. This should be handled under the supervision of an able Vastu Shastri.


The following are the guidelines to design and construct an ideal house which houses prosperity, protection and peaceful environment in the house. It is essential to understand and
interpret these ground rules and then apply.
 The main door of the house should preferably be located in any of the exalted positions from the Northeast corner - either from North of Northeast or from East of Northeast.

Doors can also be in the South of Southeast or West of Northwest but in no case, should the main entrance be from the center of any direction. Also the main entrance or door should
be avoided in all the following four directions, namely, North of Northwest, East of Southeast, South of Southwest and West of Southwest. There should not be any obstruction or water
body just opposite the main entrance.
 Balconies should be planned towards the East and North and should be definitely avoided in the South and West. If balconies in the South and West cannot be avoided, then larger

balconies must be provided towards the North and East. Care should be taken while providing balconies so that a cut or truncation is not created in the Northeast corner. 
 The kitchen should be ideally situated in the Southeast corner of the house and as an alternative in certain cases, may be in the Northwest corner, but in both cases, the cooking

platform should be arranged to facilitate cooking while facing east only. The Kitchen should never be in the Northeast corner and it should also be avoided in the Southwest too, as both
locations will create problems with respect to the health and finance of the inmates.
 Rooms in the West and East can be used for dining. The appetite can be stimulated in the dining hall by having the walls painted in light pink or orange. A rectangular dining table

is the most preferred. In the dining room, while eating, one should sit facing East or West.
 Grains and other food can be stored in the Northwest sector. Oil, butter, ghee, milk and other oily liquids can be stored in the Southeast of the Northwest room.

 When a generator or transformer is to be located outside the plot, it should be placed in an open space in the Southeast sector. As a second choice, it may be placed in the

Northwest sector.
 The overhead water tank should be located in the Southwest corner of the terrace preferably in the West of Southwest. 

 Penthouses, if built, should be in the Southwest corner of the terrace leaving an open space in the North and East.

 The prayer room should be planned in such a way that it is placed either in the Northeast corner or in the central portion (Brahmasthana) of the house. The pictures of the god

should touch the wall on the East side in the prayer room facing West; inmates should perform their prayers facing East for better concentration and devotion.  
 No garbage should be thrown or dumped in the Northeast corner of the building or plot and the Northeast should always be kept free and clean. 

 Heavy equipments such as the grinder, fridge, etc, should be placed towards the South and West walls in the kitchen. Even in the storeroom, racks should be built on the South

and West walls.

 Rainwater should flow West to East or South to North and ultimately flow out from the Northeast corner of the house or plot. 

 The Northeast, North and East walls should be decorated with photo frames, mirrors, and paintings of gods and with wallpaper with natural scenery; whereas the West, South and

Southwest walls can be decorated with scenery in a dull or matte finish. The South wall can be used for hanging pictures of departed souls. Pictures of living beings may be hung on the
Eastern wall. 
 It is always advisable, and it is considered profitable, to purchase additional adjacent plots on the Northeast, North and East sides. 

 Under no circumstance, should one acquire any plot adjoining the South or West sides of one's plot. Any adjacent land acquired on the South or West side can be disastrous to the

 The master bedroom should be in the Southwest corner, while other bedrooms can be in the CentralSouth and Central-West directions. A bedroom in the Northwest is also recom-

mended but should be used as a guest room or only for daughters. Bedrooms should be avoided in the Southeast corner. 
 It is preferable to have children's rooms in the West or North. Children should have their study desks in the North or East of the room and they should face East while studying.

 One should sleep with one's head pointing towards the South. Children, however, can sleep with their heads pointing towards the West. No one should sleep with their heads in

the North.
 The bedroom can be painted in light to deep blues to induce sleep. Green is advised for study rooms to promote intelligence. Sandal/ yellow is advised for the prayer room. 

 The living room should be located in the North or East sectors of the house. Heavy chandeliers or fancy lamps should not be located in the geometrical center of the rooms. They

may be placed slightly towards the West or South of the room. 

 TVs and computers should ideally be placed in the Southeast corner of the living room or study room. They should not be placed in the Northeast corner or Southwest corner.

 Telephones can be placed in the Southeast or Northwest corner but not in the Southwest or Northeast. 

 Living rooms can be painted in white, yellow, light pink, light blue or green. Grey, red and black are to be avoided. 

 Always keep the center of the room, building and plot, free from any loads, weights, pillars, columns, beams, water bodies, etc. 

 It is preferable to have the staircase towards the South, West or Southwest of the building but it may be in the Southeast or Northwest, depending on other parameters.

Staircases should be avoided in the Northeast, North and the East.


While construction a bedroom, following things should be kept in mind

Northeast - representing Ishwar grants us wisdom, divinity and relieves us from sufferings.
  Bedrooms in this section should be avoided.
Southeast - representing Agni, the God of fire grants energy vigor and beautiful personality.
Children rooms and rooms specifically for any one should be avoided as it leads to anger,
Southwest - representing Niruti (demon) grants purity, cleanliness and eradicates fear of
  enemies. This is direction in which the room of head of the house should be located.
Northwest - representing Vayu, the God of wind and the basis of life grants health, strength
  and long-life. This direction is suitable for girls of marriagable and guests

Head should be in the South While sleeping. Children should preferably have head in
the East direction while sleeping to increase positive energy.

Beams should not be above the position of bed since they enhance negative energy.

Looking mirror should be positioned such that they are not at the foot of bed or on
opposite side of the entry door.


In order to bring in prosperity to cash and valuables it should be stored in South-west


Prayer Room

North-East is considered to be auspicious for prayer rooms with face of the idol
towards North or East. Depending on reason of worship the direction of devotee can
change e.g. in order to  gain knowledge, devotee should worship by keeping his face
towards the North and sit near the northern wall .In case economic gain is the focus
one should pray by keeping one's face towards East and sit in the Eastern side.

Water Bodies
Water is also a key element in vastu. Water bodies like Overhead tanks should be
placed preferable in North-West. Wells as wel as underground tanks etc should be
placed in North-East corner the corner of god to bring in prosperity and wealth.


South-East represents Agni, the God of fire grants energy vigor and beautiful
personality should be direction of kitchen. Since housewives spend their times in
kitchen they should work facing east to avoid health hazards.

Living Area

Drawing room or Living area should be in North-East, North-West, South or West

direction. Furniture should be placed in South and West directions preferably


Should be placed so that they are not visible to the guests all direction except North-
East can be used. Preferably it should be in south or west direction.

 Important Tips  
Blocking of the Northeast (Ishan) restricts the inflow of the blessing of God. It leads to
  tension, quarrel and insufficient growth of the inhabitants; especially children of the owner.
More open space in north or east gives name, fame and prosperity.
Leaving more space on the south-west side in the house can affect the male members badly.
Trees which give milk when cut should not be there near main gate or inside the plot.
In between two big plots or big houses a smaller house or plot should not be purchased or
  occupied because such buyer or occupier will become poorer day by day.
There should not be any obstruction in front of the entrance or house of the plot.
Elevated land at north will reduce the monetary flow.
Elevated land at east will give unhappiness from children.
Elevated land at west will enjoy good progeny

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