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Cultural Factors in Negotiations

Different cultures enter into negotiation with different expectations. Therefore, when dealing
with negotiations across cultures, you will find that the steps you need to take will be
different. Look for clues that help you understand how the other party views sense of time,
appropriateness of places, significance of gender and body language, and patterns of
communication. Being aware of these differences and adjusting your negotiation expectations
will provide the best environment for a successful negotiation.

In part 1 of this 2 part post, we will examine the factors of time and place.

Sense of Time
Some cultures run rigidly by the clock, while others are more fluid when interpreting a start
and end time for meetings or deadlines. Try to be as flexible as possible with time constraints.
Beginning a meeting later than planned is a minor inconvenience if the outcome is favorable
for you. While you may be ingrained with the idea that a late start is a snub or rude statement,
other cultures may simply view time as an inconsequential factor to preparedness or

Settings or Places
Various cultures view the setting and location of negotiations as critical. Some will not want
to discuss business during refreshments or meals, while others will come directly to the point
while giving you a hug or hoisting a beverage. Be open to either launching in directly or
waiting until invited to discuss the matter at hand. Allow your host to dictate the pace. Or if
you are the host, try to discern the other party’s expectations beforehand.

Negotiation with different cultures provides an interesting challenge and a new facet in your
professional experience. In part 2 of Cultural Factors in Negotiations, we will elaborate on
gender, body language, and communication patterns that may affect negotiations with
cultural variations.

As with the Part 1 post of Cultural Factors in Negotiations, different cultures enter into
negotiation situations with different procedural expectations.  Common differences include: 
sense of time, appropriateness of places, significance of gender and body language, and
patterns of communication.  Being aware of these differences and adjusting your negotiation
expectations will provide the best environment for a successful negotiation.

Gender, Gestures, and Body Language

Most cultures have specific emphasis for which genders are appropriate to discuss business,
as well as specific ideas about gestures and other body language signals.  Try to be
accommodating and open-minded on these points, even if they seem off-putting to you.  A
common example is with cultures that do not allow women to participate in decision making. 
While this may be unseemly to you, remember that your goal is to successfully complete a
negotiation, not to overcome generations of tradition from another culture.  Likewise, crossed
arms or other body language may well have different significances than you first expect.
Communication Patterns
Take notice of the communication patterns the other party or parties.  Watch for whether
several people speak at once or whether they wait respectfully to talk in turn.  Look for
pauses before speaking, indicating polite consideration of the last point. Notice if eye contact
is steadily held or used only for emphasis.  Is the head held still or nodded in understanding? 
Mimicking these communication patterns will demonstrate more effective communication
from you.

Information about negotiating with each specific culture is readily available, and you should
do diligent research.  Just remember that generalizations are not as effective as careful
observation, since every culture has variations throughout a population.

Regardless of the other party’s cultural differences in negotiations, the first steps for you
should always be the same:  relax, keep an open mind, and keep a sense of humor.

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