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Promotion at Monash is a thorough and fair assessment process based on merit. We are committed to equal opportunity principles and
recognise that our employees contribute to our vision and goals in diverse ways.
Applications for promotion are accepted annually and are assessed by promotion committees. Successful promotions take effect from 1
January the following year.

This procedure applies to Australia and Malaysia based employees of the University (‘us’, ‘our’ or ‘we’) applying for academic promotion to:
 Senior Lecturer or Senior Research Fellow (Level C);
 Associate Professor (Level D); and
 Professor (Level E).
Staff are herein collectively referred to as ‘you’ for the purpose of this procedure.
The procedure also applies to committee members responsible for evaluating applications.


1. Overview of the promotion process

Review the Promotion Promotion

Promotion Promotion
eligibilty and round opens. We notify you takes effect
round closes. committee
application Prepare and of the for
Reports are consider your
requirements lodge your outcome successful
sourced application
application applicants

2. Eligibility and other information

Am I eligible?
2.1 Academic staff are eligible to apply for promotion. Adjunct and honorary appointees are not staff.
2.2 You must have a current performance development plan in accordance with the Performance Development Process: Academic Staff
2.3 Teaching and research staff (including education-focused) are eligible to apply irrespective of budgetary considerations.
2.4 Research-only staff are eligible to apply provided that the relevant grant holder (on advice from the Monash Research Office) and/or
head of unit confirms that there is funding available for a promotion. The grant holder must confirm the terms and conditions of the
grant contract allow for a promotion and the use of the grant to fund a higher level salary. This could be:
 where you are the grant holder;
 where someone else is the grant holder; or
 alternative arrangements with the head of unit if funding is available from outside the relevant grant to fund a promotion.

Academic Promotion: Level C- E Procedure | 1

Criteria for promotion
2.5 You must satisfy the promotion committee that you have, in accordance with the academic performance framework:
 been a sustained high performer at the current level of appointment;
 the capacity to perform satisfactorily at the level to which promotion is sought.
2.6 In addition, you must demonstrate that you will make an ongoing and positive contribution to, and fit within, the academic unit.
2.7 Relevant evidence of your performance and achievements outlined in your application will be considered. The academic
performance framework will enable you to present a comprehensive view of your performance beyond the metrics.

Information sessions
2.8 You should attend an information session in the year prior, and the year you plan to apply for promotion so you are clear on the
process in the year you intend to apply. Refer to the academic promotion website for sessions.
2.9 If you are employed in a non-faculty area, you should consult with your head of unit about the most relevant faculty to assess your
application. This will also inform your choice of which information session to attend. You should contact the relevant promotion
coordinator to arrange agreement from the relevant faculty dean.

Discussing your intention to apply

2.10 You should discuss your intention to apply for promotion with your performance supervisor and head of unit, and record it in your
performance development plan. In addition, you are encouraged to inform the relevant promotion coordinator of your intent to apply.
2.11 If you are applying for promotion to Professor (level E), you must also discuss your intentions with the dean. You are expected to
have the support of the dean, head of unit and performance supervisor.
2.12 If you are a research-only candidate you must discuss your intention with the relevant grant holder or head of unit.

3. Application for promotion

3.1 Your application should comprise:
 Research Achievement Record;
 Student Evaluation Record (not applicable for research-only candidates who have no weighting in education);
 Case for Academic Promotion Form.
 Optional 5 pages (maximum) of supporting evidence
Note: Further information for each of the above is detailed below.

3.2 Your application should be consistent with the academic performance framework across research, education and engagement.

4. Application - Research Achievement Record

4.1 The Research Achievement Record lists your achievements in the following areas for the period since your last
promotion/appointment (including outputs achieved prior to being employed at Monash, if relevant) to current level:
 research outputs;
 research grants and income; and
 HDR supervisions.
4.2 You are responsible for ensuring your research data is accurate in PURE prior to requesting your report.
4.3 You can obtain the Research Achievement Record by referring to how to apply for system generated reports. If you are from our
Malaysian campus, you must complete the Malaysia: Research Achievement Record Form.
4.4 We suggest you review the report and advise your faculty research office of any significant errors to determine if corrections are
required and another report generated.
4.5 You may supplement the Research Achievement Record by:
 adding any entries not captured on the recent additions and errata page;
 completing the final three columns on the research outputs page (i.e. an estimate of your percentage of contribution, lead
author indication and number and source of citations); and
 completing the final column on the research funding page (i.e. an estimate of contribution percentage).
4.6 The promotion committee consider additional data on the ‘recent additions and errata page’ in the same way as system-generated

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5. Application - Student Evaluation Record
5.1 The Student Evaluation Record lists the following data in for the period since the last promotion/appointment to your current level:
 quantitative unit evaluation data (for each unit offering for which you were evaluated); and
 quantitative teaching evaluation data (SETU).
5.2 If you are research-only and have not allocated a weighting to education, a Student Evaluation Record is not required.
5.3 You can obtain a Student Evaluation Record by lodging an online request from University Planning and Statistics.
5.4 Pre-2011 data available will only be provided upon request, if the period since appointment to your current level spans that period of
time, and is also significant to your case.

6. Application - Case for Academic Promotion

6.1 The Case for Academic Promotion Form is the written component of your application. You must provide evidence to demonstrate
how you meet the promotion criteria consistent with your academic role focusing on outcomes and impact.
6.2 You should only include achievements since the appointment to your current level. If you moved to Monash from the same level of
appointment (or higher) you may include evidence of achievements from that level at the previous university or universities.
However, achievements that pre-date the last appointment or promotion may be cited if they are still having a significant impact (for
example a high profile publication that continues to be very highly cited).

6.3 You are required to allocate weightings to research, education and engagement relevant to your employment contract type.
Weightings should represent the quality and impact of achievements (rather than workload allocations). Please contact your relevant
promotion coordinator for advice regarding your contract type.
6.4 When allocating weightings, you should:
 consider the weighting of your case carefully and seek advice from your performance supervisor, associate deans and head of
unit before finally determining the balance;
 choose weightings that strengthen your case in relation to achievements and which reflect the assessments made annually as
part of the Performance Development Process: Academic Staff; and
 enable you to provide a thorough narrative and supporting evidence of achievements against the chosen criteria in the relevant
areas of academic activity regardless of the weighting attached.
6.5 Weightings should add to 100% and meet the minimum requirements below:

Employment Contract
Research Education Engagement
20% minimum 30% minimum
Teaching and research 10% minimum
30% minimum 20% minimum
60% with significant
Teaching and research: 40% for research and education combined, with a minimum of emphasis on the impact
‘special case’ based on 10% for each, if it reflects the agreed performance development that leadership has had
outstanding engagement plan on the University,
85% maximum, with particular
Education-focused (as a 5% minimum emphasis on educational
subset of the Teaching & 10% minimum
design and delivery and
Research category)
educational leadership

90% maximum Not required to assign a

Research-only weighting towards education 10% minimum
although may do so if relevant

6.6 A ‘special case’ for outstanding engagement may only be considered by senior lecturers or associate professors currently in a
leadership role or who have been in such a role within the University for a substantial period.

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Relevant personal circumstances
6.7 You should specify any relevant personal circumstances to facilitate an assessment of your achievements relative to opportunity.
Circumstances may include:
 family responsibilities (for example child rearing, elder-care, illness of a partner or dependant);
 a temporary or permanent disability;
 relevant cultural expectations or circumstances;
 periods of part-time work; and/or
 absences due to ill-health or injury.
6.8 You may choose not to provide sensitive details about relevant personal circumstances on the form. Where it is important to share
sensitive details for your relevant personal circumstances to be accurately understood, you should have a private discussion with the
chair or chair’s nominee. For further information refer to Preparing relevant circumstances.

Career summary statement

6.9 This summary highlights the main focus of your work, outline of your overall career achievements to date and the impact of your
contributions in the wider context of your discipline.

Achievements in research, education and engagement

6.10 You must illustrate how you meet the criteria for promotion in the relevant areas of academic activity. For most applications, this will
include evidence of achievements across the three key areas of academic activity: research, education and engagement.
6.11 If you are research-only, you are required to make a case against the research and engagement activity areas (consistent with
chosen weightings).
6.12 You are required to comment against the relevant criteria of the academic performance framework for each area of academic activity
– research, education and engagement. You should include evidence that demonstrates outcomes and impact. Focus on outlining
significant achievements since your last promotion/appointment, avoiding unnecessary duplication of data in supplementary reports.
6.13 Committees will consider significant contributions of engagement due to being part of an under-represented group. This includes
women in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) disciplines and Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander candidates.

Academic Requirements
Demonstrate your achievements drawing on relevant evidence (including the Research Achievement
Record) that focuses on outcomes and impact. You must address:
 research criterion 1 and 2 of the academic performance framework; and
Research  research criteria 3-5 (where relevant).
You should highlight it in bold up to 5 significant research achievements.
You may elect to include achievements in research supervision in either the research or education
category (but not in both).
Demonstrate your achievements drawing on relevant evidence that takes into consideration three distinct
areas of practice:
 activities directly involved in the delivery of learning and teaching to students;
 the scholarship of teaching; and
 continual professional enhancement and self-review.
If you are involved in teaching you must address education criterion 6 of the academic performance
Education framework.
In addition,
 For teaching and research – you must elect and address two additional education criteria from 1 to 5;
 For education-focused – you must address education criterion 5 and elect and address two additional
education criteria from 1 to 4.
Further information is available at the Monash Education Academy website.

Demonstrate your achievement against each chosen criteria drawing on relevant evidence that focuses on
outcomes and impact.
Engagement You may select the engagement criteria from the academic performance framework that most applies to
your case. Examples of engagement activities are available on the academic performance framework

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Supporting evidence
6.14 You may include a maximum of 5 pages of supporting evidence. Supporting evidence is not an academic curriculum vitae or an
extension of the word limit. Examples include (but at are not limited to):
 letters of acceptance of research publications ‘in press';
 copies of media reports that provide evidence of impact of your research or educational research achievements;
 letters of support acknowledging your contribution and fit in the area of engagement and the academic unit; and
 relevant material evidencing educational impact.
6.15 If you were appointed from an international university, you must provide evidence of your equivalent appointment or higher
appointment at your previous university or universities. This will form part of your 5 pages.

Performance supervisor recommendation

6.16 Your performance supervisor must comment on achievements across research, education and engagement; your chosen
weightings, and provides an assessment of your performance against the criteria for promotion (see 2.5 and 2.6 above).
6.17 If you have a dual reporting line, you will need to include a secondary supervisor report. Please contact the relevant promotion
coordinator for advice.

Head of Unit recommendation

6.18 The head of unit must comment on your case for promotion including:
 if your weightings are appropriate;
 if there is a prima facie case for the application to be considered or is premature; and
 any overall comments on your case for promotion.
6.19 Where your case for promotion is premature, the head of unit will detail how you can strengthen your academic performance so this
feedback can be provided to you.

Nomination of assessors
6.20 Assessors will provide a confidential and objective evaluation of your case for promotion.
6.21 The head of unit will recommend impartial and independent assessors to the Dean/Pro-Vice Chancellor and President (Monash
University Malaysia) who will nominate assessors for you.
6.22 An assessor should be a person of eminence in the discipline and at least at the academic level to which you are applying,
preferably higher.
6.23 Assessors should not have:
 a close professional or personal association with you;
 co-published or collaborated with you in the past 5 years;
 supervised your PhD thesis (or have been supervised by you); and/or
 a material personal interest that may impact their ability to perform the role as independent assessor.
6.24 The head of unit must contact each assessor on behalf of the dean/Pro Vice Chancellor (Monash University Malaysia) to determine
their independence, willingness, and availability to provide an assessment and record details of the assessors on the form.
6.25 The following number of independent assessors are required:

Level of Application Number of international assessors Total number of

Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow 0 2
(Level C)
Associate Professor (Level D) 3 (except where the most eminent scholars in a 3
particular discipline are based in Australia/Malaysia)
Professor (Level E) At least 3 must be international assessors (except 4
where the most eminent scholars in a particular
discipline are based in Australia/Malaysia)

6.26 You should review the list of nominated assessors and confirm they are sufficiently independent of you.

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6.27 You may object to an assessor(s) by notifying the dean/Pro-Vice Chancellor (Monash University Malaysia) within seven working
days of being notified of the assessors (copy the relevant promotion coordinator) clearly stating the grounds of objection. If your
objection is accepted, the head of unit will then provide the name(s) of one or more replacement assessors within seven working
days. The dean/Pro-Vice Chancellor (Monash University Malaysia) or head of unit may discuss the proposed replacements with you
but no further objections can be made.

7. Lodge your application

7.1 Lodge your completed and signed application online (except Malaysia candidates who are seeking promotion to level C or D) by 5pm
(AEDT) on the closing date of the promotion round. Any queries on the lodgement process should be directed to
the relevant promotion coordinator.
7.2 Candidates from Malaysia are required to lodge their application via email to the Malaysia promotion coordinator (excluding
professorial candidates).

New information
7.3 You are able to present new information that meets the following criteria after you have lodged your application.
7.4 The nature of the new information is to:
 clarify or update information alluded to in your application, for example the success of a grant application listed as ‘pending'; or
 provide new information about a fact or event that significantly strengthens your case for promotion, for example the receipt of
an award or admission to a learned body or academy.
7.5 You must correct or update information that may mislead the committee, for example the outcome of a grant application or
manuscript submitted to a publisher or journal that has been rejected.
7.6 You may be requested to provide further information on your application if requested by the committee.

8. Reports
8.1 Following the round close, the relevant promotion coordinator will make all reasonable efforts to obtain reports from:
 associate dean (research) and (education);
 dean (for professorial candidates); and
 assessors.
8.2 Associate Dean(s), Deans and assessors are encouraged to consider potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest that exists as
a result of preparing a candidate report. Examples may include:
 where a head of unit or associate dean is applying for promotion to the same level as a candidate;
 co-publishing with the candidate;
 ongoing joint scholarly projects; and
 a mentoring or personal relationship with the candidate.

The relevant faculty promotion coordinator should be contacted for advice if unsure.

Associate Dean report(s)

8.3 The associate dean(s) responsible for research and education must prepare a report on your case for promotion that includes:
 an overview and assessment of achievements in the relevant areas of academic activity; and
 an assessment of achievements against promotion criteria (see 2.5 and 2.6 above).
8.4 If you are research-only, an associate dean (education) report is only required if you have allocated a weighting to education.
8.5 If you are an education focused candidate the associate dean (education) may prepare the associate dean (research) report if your
research is predominantly pedagogical, rather than discipline-based.
8.6 Copies of associate dean reports will be provided to you.
8.7 Where you do not agree with the factual information contained within the Associate Dean (research or education) report, you may:
 directly discuss your concerns with the relevant associate dean, with any amendments to be made to the report being at the
associate dean’s discretion; or
 prepare a written response to the report utilising the new information template. Your comment is for information only and there
is no requirement for the associate dean or the committee to respond.

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Dean report
8.8 The dean must prepare a report for each Professorial (level E) candidate that includes (but is not limited to):
 an overview and assessment of your achievements in the relevant areas of academic activity;
 an assessment of your achievements against promotion criteria (see 2.5 and 2.6 above); and
 whether they endorse, do not endorse or consider your application to be marginal.
8.9 The dean should discuss the report with you. The final copy of the report will be provided to you by the relevant promotion
8.10 Where you do not agree with the factual information contained within the dean report, you may prepare a written response to the
report utilising the new information template. Your comment is for information only and there is no requirement for the dean or the
committee to respond.

Assessor reports
8.11 The relevant promotion coordinator is the point of contact with assessors. They will provide the assessor with a copy of your
application and a copy of this procedure to enable them to:
 provide an opinion drawn from their understanding of the education and research achievements expected of an academic at
the relevant level in their field, including whether your work aligns with internationally recognised academic standards in that
 comment on the application submitted (in its entirety) and make an assessment of the quality and impact of your achievements
in a specific area of activity in the particular circumstances of the case;
 indicate the extent of their support for the application;
 indicate whether you would be promoted at their university or institution and, if not, explain why;
 indicate whether or not they have a professional and/or personal relationship with you and if so, the nature of the relationship;
 at professorial level, comment on your current international reputation in the field.
8.12 Where a close professional or personal association exists, the report will still be provided to the committee. However, the committee
will consider the likely objectivity of the report.

9. Promotion Committee
9.1 Applications for promotion are considered by the following committees to inform the decision of the chair.

Promotion Committee Committee Chair

Faculty* Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow (level C)
Dean (or nominee)
Faculty* Associate Professor/Associate Professor (Research) (level D)
Malaysia Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow (level C) Pro Vice-Chancellor and President (Monash
Malaysia Associate Professor/Associate Professor (Research) (level D) University Malaysia) (or nominee)

University Professorial Promotion Committee (level E) Provost and Senior Vice President

*Non-faculty applications will be considered by the faculty committee that is most relevant to their discipline/area
9.2 Where a dean delegates responsibilities, the dean remains responsible for the decision of the nominee and any committee that they
chair within the parameters of this procedure.
9.3 The decision about whether a professorial candidate is promoted rests solely with the chair on the advice of the University
Professorial Promotion Committee.

Committee membership
9.4 All committee members must be at the same academic level or higher than the level you are applying for.
9.5 The chair will ensure committee gender diversity, with a minimum of one-third female and one-third male representation. In the case
of faculty/Malaysia Committees, if the chair is unable to meet the minimum gender representation requirement, the relevant
promotion coordinator will assist by suggesting representatives from a cognate area. In exceptional circumstances the chair may
request the Provost and Senior Vice-President vary or waive the requirement.
9.6 The chair will ensure the committee includes broad representation across disciplines and academic activity (which will normally
include research only, teaching and research, education focused representation) and may appoint additional committee members to
ensure sufficient expertise.

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9.7 The chair should strive for a membership that has a broad representation of staff from culturally and linguistically diverse
9.8 For non-faculty based applications (level C and D), the relevant promotion coordinator on behalf of the dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor and
President (Monash University Malaysia) will ask the relevant Senior Management Portfolio Head (eg. Vice-Provost or Deputy Vice-
Chancellor) to nominate a portfolio representative to attend as a full voting member for deliberation relating to your application.
9.9 For education-focused applications, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Vice-President (Education) or nominee will join the committee as
a full voting member for deliberation relating to your application.

Faculty Promotion Committees

Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow (Level C) Quorum
 Chair: dean, acting dean or deputy dean (or nominee)  Four members comprising the chair, external
 At least two elected members member, one appointed and one elected member.
 At least two appointed members  Additional co-opted members as required, being the
 At least one member external to the faculty nominated non-faculty application representative and/or
by the dean. education-focused expert.
 Additional co-opted members as required, being the
non-faculty application representative and/or
education-focused expert.
The relevant promotion coordinator attends the committee and provides administrative and procedural support.

Associate Professor/Associate Professor (Research) (Level D) Quorum

 Chair: dean or acting dean (or nominee)  Five members comprising the chair, at least one
 Provost and Senior Vice-President (or nominee) appointed and one elected member and the Provost
 President, Academic Board (or nominee) and Vice-President/nominee and President
Academic Board/nominee.
 At least two elected faculty members
 Additional co-opted members as required, being the
 At least two appointed faculty members
non-faculty application representative and/or
 Additional co-opted members as required, being the
education-focused expert.
non-faculty application representative and/ or
education-focused expert.
The relevant promotion coordinator attends the committee and provides administrative and procedural support.

9.10 Members of faculty promotion committees must be academic faculty staff of 0.4 fraction and above.
9.11 Committees should have:
 equal numbers of elected and appointed members; and
 a provision for alternate members in the event of unavailability of any member.
9.12 Committee composition should be determined following elections to assist the chair in attaining gender diversity and a broad
representation across discipline and academic activity.
9.13 Members are normally elected for a three-year term and may be re-elected. Only academic faculty staff of fraction 0.4 and above are
eligible to vote in faculty elections.
9.14 Where there are insufficient nominations to fill an elected position, the position will be re-advertised. If unsuccessful, the chair may
directly appoint a member who will be regarded as an elected member for quorum purposes.
9.15 Appointed members are academic staff of 0.4 fraction and above appointed by the dean and may be re-appointed.
9.16 The external member on the Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow (Level C) committee may be external to the faculty or to the
9.17 The chair may appoint an external member to the Associate Professor/Associate Professor (Research) (Level D) committee for the
purposes of improving or ensuring sufficient disciplinary or academic focus. The external member may be external to the faculty or to
the University.

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Malaysia Promotion Committees
Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow (Level C) Quorum
 Chair: Pro Vice-Chancellor and President (Monash  Four members of whom three include comprising the
University Malaysia), or nominee chair, external member, one appointed and one
 dean (or nominee) elected member.
 A member of Monash University Malaysia appointed  Additional co-opted members as required, being the
by the Chair non-faculty application representative and/or
 At least one faculty member appointed by the dean education-focused expert.
 A member of the relevant discipline from Monash
University Malaysia as nominated by the dean
 At least one external member appointed by the Chair
 Additional co-opted members as required, being the
non-faculty application representative and/or
education-focused expert.
The relevant promotion coordinator attends the committee and provides administrative and procedural support.

Associate Professor/Associate Professor (Research) (Level D) Quorum

 Chair: Pro Vice-Chancellor and President (Monash  Four members comprising the chair, dean (or
University Malaysia), or nominee nominee), a faculty member and either the Provost
 dean (or nominee) and Senior Vice-President (or nominee) or President,
 Provost and Senior Vice-President (or nominee) Academic Board (or nominee).
 President, Academic Board (or nominee)  Additional co-opted members as required, being the
non-faculty application representative and/or
 A member of Monash University Malaysia appointed
education-focused expert.
by the Chair
 One faculty member appointed by the dean
 A member of the relevant discipline from Monash
University Malaysia as nominated by the dean
 Additional co-opted members as required, being the
non-faculty application representative and/or
education-focused expert.
The relevant promotion coordinator attends the committee and provides administrative and procedural support.

9.18 All members of the Malaysia promotion Committees are appointed by the chair.

University Professorial Promotion Committee

Members Quorum
 Chair: Provost and Senior Vice-President, or nominee Five members, including at least two of the following:
 Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President  Deputy Vice-Provost and Vice-President (Education)
(Education), or nominee  Vice-Provost (Faculty and Graduate Affairs)
 Vice-Provost (Faculty and Graduate Affairs), or  Vice-Provost (Research); or
nominee  President, Academic Board.
 Vice-Provost (Research), or nominee
 President, Academic Board, or nominee;
 Pro Vice-Chancellor and President (Monash University
Malaysia), or nominee, for professorial applications
from Monash Malaysia; and
 Four professors of the University appointed by the
Provost and Senior Vice-President; (including at least
one in an education-focused position).

9.19 The Chair must appoint four professors (excluding deputy deans) to the University Professorial Promotion Committee.
9.20 The Chair should ensure equal discipline representation from the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) and STEMM.
9.21 The chair may appoint additional committee members, including an external member for the purposes of improving or ensuring
sufficient disciplinary or academic focus.

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Inquorate or improperly constituted committees
9.22 Where a faculty or Malaysia committee is inquorate or improperly constituted in order not to disadvantage a candidate, the Provost
and Senior Vice-President may use discretion to either validate the relevant decision or require a quorate or properly constituted
committee consider the application.
9.23 In the case of the University Professorial Promotion Committee, an inquorate committee must not proceed.
9.24 If the Provost and Senior Vice-President becomes unexpectedly unavailable on the day of the University Professorial Promotion
Committee, the committee should determine whether to proceed or reschedule the meeting to a date when the Provost and Senior
Vice-President is available. Where the committee decides to proceed, the Provost and Senior Vice-President will nominate the chair.

10. Role and responsibilities of committee members

10.1 For committee members, the role requires:
 fair and objective assessment of applications for promotion;
 ensuring discussion is restricted to matters relevant to the application;
 to not act as an advocate; and
 avoiding comments of a personal nature.

Equal opportunity and inclusive decision making

10.2 Committee members are required to understand and apply the equal opportunity principles of the relevant jurisdiction. For further
information refer to the Equal Opportunity and Unconscious Bias Awareness for Academic Promotion Guide.
10.3 Committee members (excluding Malaysia and external members) are required to complete mandatory Equal Opportunity online
training prior to the commencement of the first committee meeting.
10.4 Inclusive Leadership training is available for Australia based committee members via myDevelopment and is strongly encouraged.
Committee chairs are expected to complete the training.

Conflict of interest
10.5 Committee members must declare to the chair any potential, perceived or actual conflict of interest prior to the meeting date. If a
committee member is uncertain, advice should be sought from the chair as soon as possible. Examples may include:
 a supervisory postgraduate studies relationship (past or present);
 a direct supervisory working relationship with the candidate;
 co-publishing or collaborating with the candidate;
 a mentoring or personal relationship with the candidate; and/or
 a material personal interest that may impact their ability to objectively perform in the role.
10.6 The chair is responsible for ensuring that no declared conflict of interest can influence or be perceived to influence the outcome of
the application. The chair will seek advice from the committee if there is a conflict of interest and may ask the member to withdraw
from deliberations where a conflict of interest cannot be resolved.

Confidentiality and privacy

10.7 All deliberations of the committee are confidential. The privacy of personal information in the applications otherwise obtained must be
respected. These obligations will be emphasised by the chair at the commencement of the meeting.
10.8 All materials are restricted to those directly involved in the assessment process. Following the final meeting, access to materials will
be removed (and any hard copies must be returned).
10.9 Information contained within the application and interview is used for the purpose of assessing promotion applications. Further detail
is available in the Monash HR Privacy Collection Statement and on the Privacy at Monash website.

11. Committee deliberations

11.1 A preliminary assessment form will be distributed to committee members to identify applications that clearly meet the criteria for
promotion and those who do not. This independent evaluation allows for greater discussion where there are mixed views.
11.2 The committee will meet to determine whether you meet the criteria for promotion (see 2.5 and 2.6 above). Cases for promotion to
higher academic levels will emphasise the impact of your academic activity at a national and international level.

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11.3 Committees will take into consideration the following (but not limited to) during their deliberations:

Academic Area Requirements

Committees will assess achievements relative to the opportunities available in cases where
Achievement relative
candidates include relevant personal circumstances for this purpose. For further information, refer to
to opportunity
the Guidelines for Assessing Achievement Relative to Opportunity.
Committees will consider differences between academic disciplines, including the way teaching is
delivered and research is undertaken and recognised. Committees should refer to the following
Differences between information:
academic disciplines
and appointment  responsibilities of teaching and research employees (including education-focused) appointed
types at each academic level;
 responsibilities of research-only employees appointed at each level; and
 the academic performance framework, including relevant performance standards.
Applications from
Committees will consider impact on academic activity where a candidate is required to participate in
candidates from
numerous service activities as a result of being part of an under-represented group e.g. women in
STEMM disciplines and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates.
If an assessor report is not received by the meeting date, candidates will not be disadvantaged.
Assessor reports Where a close professional or personal association exists between an assessor and a candidate,
the committee will consider the likely objectivity of the report.
Weightings The committee may vary the weightings if it advantages the candidate's application. Weightings
must remain within the parameters applicable to their employment contract type as specified above.

Candidate interviews
11.4 If you are applying for Associate Professor (level D) you may be interviewed at the chair’s request.
11.5 If you are applying for Professor (level E), you will be interviewed by the University Professorial Promotion Committee
11.6 Interviews allow the committee to clarify information contained in your application and for you to answer relevant questions.
11.7 It is your responsibility to be available for all dates on which the relevant committee meeting is held. Individual requests for a specific
interview date or time will not normally be met.

Dean interviews
11.8 The dean will be interviewed by the University Professorial Promotion Committee.
11.9 The focus of the interview is to allow the committee to ask the dean questions regarding your application or to seek further clarity or
context. The dean will be familiar with all background material relating to your case and be prepared to discuss it in detail.
11.10 In exceptional circumstances the deputy dean may act as proxy for the dean at interview.

11.11 A committees vote will inform the decision of the chair.
11.12 The chair, in consultation with committee members, may determine the method of voting.
11.13 During the meeting, each voting member may cast one ‘yes' or ‘no' vote. There can be no abstentions. Any committee member with
an unresolved conflict of interest would not be present during the vote.

12. Application outcome

Notification of outcomes
12.1 Only the chair or a representative nominated by the chair can provide feedback to you on your application. All other committee
members must not discuss the meeting with you or anyone else.
12.2 The chair of the relevant committee will inform you in writing of the outcome within 7 working days of the final committee meeting
12.3 For professorial candidates, the chair will inform you in writing of the outcome within 14 working days the final committee meeting
12.4 If you are on probation at the time of a successful promotion, your probation will be confirmed from the effective date of promotion.
Academic Promotion: Level C- E Procedure | 11
Conditional promotion
12.5 A conditional promotion may occur where a case for promotion is ‘borderline’ but some specified achievements by 1 May the
following year would lead to a clear case for promotion.
12.6 The outcome letter will define the conditions to be met, consistent with expectations contained in the academic performance
framework for the level of promotion sought and employment contract type.
12.7 You must provide evidence of meeting the conditions before 1 May to the relevant promotion coordinator for review by the
12.8 If conditions are not met before 1 May in the following year, and you wish to be reconsidered for promotion, you must submit a new
application according to this procedure.
12.9 The chair’s decision is final and there is no appeal for conditional promotion.

Support for unsuccessful candidates

12.10 If you are not recommended for promotion, you will receive written feedback outlining the areas for strengthening before a future
application is lodged.
12.11 You are encouraged to meet with the chair (or nominee) individually to discuss the feedback. You are also encouraged to take your
performance supervisor or head of unit to this meeting. You and your supervisor should use this advice, when revising performance
development plans. You are unlikely to be successful in subsequent promotion applications unless you have addressed
recommendations in the feedback.
12.12 Where relevant, the chair may provide the name of an appropriate staff member nominated by the committee to give you additional
support, mentoring and guidance on the development of a future application.

13. Effective date of promotions

13.1 All promotions take effect from 1 January of the following year, or such later date in the case of a conditional promotion.

14. Rehearing
14.1 If your application is not successful, you may lodge an application for a rehearing only on the basis that a procedural
irregularity substantive enough to result in material disadvantage to you has occurred with regards to the decision. For further
information, refer to the Academic Promotion Rehearing Procedure.

15. Breach of procedure

15.1 We treat any breach of our policies or procedures seriously. We encourage reporting of concerns about non-compliance and
manage compliance in accordance with the applicable Enterprise Agreement or contract terms

Academic Performance A framework that articulates high level expectations for academic performance adopting a consistent
Framework approach across the three categories of Research, Education and Engagement, against which all
academic performance will be measured. Further information is available on the Academic
Performance Framework website.

Achievement(s) relative to An evaluative framework in which the overall quality and impact of achievements is given more weight
opportunity than the quantity, rate or breadth of particular achievements. Assessing achievements relative to
opportunity involves giving consideration to circumstances, arrangements, career histories and overall
time available. This in turn allows appropriate evaluation of achievements in relation to:
 the quantum or rate of productivity,
 the opportunity to participate in certain types of activities, and
 the consistency of activities or output over the period of consideration.
Achievement relative to opportunity is a positive acknowledgement of what a person can and has
achieved given the opportunities available and is not about providing “special consideration” or
expecting lesser standards of performance.

Academic Promotion: Level C- E Procedure | 12

Assessor An expert in the field able to offer a balanced and confidential independent assessment of the
candidate’s standing in the field and of the merits of the application based on stated criteria. Assessors
may or may not be known personally to the candidate and should be nominated by the Dean/Pro Vice-
Chancellor and President (Monash University Malaysia)

Conditional promotion A conditional promotion means that the committee authorises the chair of the committee to approve
the promotion if certain specific criteria are met before 1 May in the following year. A conditional
promotion will come into effect on the date that the chair approves the promotion or 1 January in the
year following the candidate’s application, whichever is the later.

Dean The dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor and President (Monash University Malaysia) or director of institute or
centre or, where applicable, a person acting as nominee. Even when responsibilities are delegated,
the person remains responsible for the decision of the delegate and any committee that they chair
within the parameters of this procedure.

Education-focused A candidate for promotion who is employed on an education-focused contract of employment and is
candidate characterised by educational innovation and leadership in educational design and delivery.

Head of Unit The head of an academic or organisational work unit, for example Head of School, Head of
Department or where applicable, a person acting as nominee. If there are no heads of unit within the
faculty, a deputy dean or equivalent may be delegated the head of unit’s responsibilities for the
academic promotion process.

myPlan An online performance planning tool that supports academic employees and supervisors to manage
the performance development cycle.

Performance Development A plan that documents the annual work goals and career aspirations and development goals for the
Plan employee and the specific targets and progress towards achieving those goals. The performance
development plan forms the basis for the annual performance planning and review cycle.

Procedural irregularity Where the University has not followed a process that is articulated in this procedure.

Promotion coordinator The designated employee within Monash HR who is responsible for administration and coordination of
the promotion process. The relevant promotion coordinators are:
 for applications to professor (Level E), the Senior Adviser, Academic Performance (Promotion) in
Monash HR;
 for Australian-based applications to lecturer or research fellow (level B), senior lecturer or senior
research fellow (level C) and associate professor (level D), an employee within the Academic
Performance team, Workplace Relations, Monash HR; and
 for Malaysian-based applications to lecturer or research fellow (level B), to senior lecturer or senior
research fellow (level C) and associate professor (level D), a member of the HR team at the
University's Malaysia campus.

Promotion Committee The relevant panel committee constituted in accordance with item 10 in this procedure that is
responsible for assessing the promotion application.

Pure The University’s research management software which provides information for Monash employees on
their grants, contracts, research outputs and research achievements.

Research Achievement A report that details the candidate's research outputs, funding applications and awards, and HDR
Record supervision during the relevant promotion period. For Australian candidates, this report is generated
via the University's Business Intelligence system.

Research-only candidate: A candidate for promotion who is employed on a research-only contract of employment and who is
appointed to undertake predominately research and research-related activities.

Student Evaluation Record A record of a candidate's student evaluation results for units/unit offerings in which the candidate has
had a teaching role and will cover the period relevant to the promotion application. The report is
generated by University Planning and Statistics and is requested via the UPS website. The report will
not contain Monquest data (i.e. 2010 and before). This data is still available and can be requested by
Committees via the relevant promotions co-ordinator if required.

Academic Promotion: Level C- E Procedure | 13

Parent policy Probation, performance and promotion

Supporting policies  Employment conditions

 Equal opportunity
 Ethics Statement
 Integrity and respect
 Leave and wellbeing
 Pay, benefits and entitlements
 Recruitment and appointment

Supporting procedures  Academic Promotion Rehearing Process

 Academic Titles
 Conflict of Interest (including Conflict of Interest in Research)
 Performance Development Process: Academic Staff

Supporting documents Documents & Forms

 Academic Promotion Application Form
 Academic Performance Framework
 Academic promotion website
 Guidelines for Assessing Achievement Relative to Opportunity
 Monash Education Academy education criteria
 University Planning and Statistics

Documents & Forms (Malaysia)

 Application for Promotion Cover Page
 Malaysia: Research Achievement Record Form

Legislation mandating

Responsibility for

Approval body Chief Human Resources Officer

Procedure owner Director, Workplace Relations

Date effective 2 August 2018

Review date 3 years from effective date

Category Human Resources

Version number 3

Content enquiries or phone Monash HR on (03) 990 20400

Academic Promotion: Level C- E Procedure | 14

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