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Reading Test (S2)

Name 2 Bac
Hello 2Bac students, I am a Moroccan technician aged twenty-two. My name is Omar and I’d like to
share my story with you. After I had got my vocational degree with honors, I thought of applying for a visa to
Italy and I got it. I was so excited, and I felt like my future was promising. However, when I arrived there, I
felt uncomfortable as everything was hard for me even buying bread. I found out that the language, the food,
the clothes and all was completely different. I suddenly looked like a fish out of water. I became worried,
depressed and nostalgic. As a result, I started complaining about the country and the people.
Old immigrants told me that it’s normal to suffer from culture shock just like them, and that I had to
be patient and try hard to put up with the new environment. So I had to try hard to adapt to it to regain my self-
confidence. Gradually, I started to feel less isolated. Being extroverted and sociable, I could adjust rapidly. In
a year or so, I have finally become relaxed and more comfortable, and all those negative feelings about the
host country had gone. I still miss my culture, but it’s OK now; I enjoy being bicultural.

A. Answer the questions 5 points
1. What is the text about? __________________________________________________________________
2. When did Omar decide to go to Italy?
3. How did he feel when he got the visa?
________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

4. Why did Omar start complaining?

________________________________________________________ ______________________________
5. What is Omar like? ____________________________________________________________________
B. Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE? Justify 3 points
1. Omar is educated _____________
____ ______________________________________ __________________________________________
2. Simple things become difficult in the host country __________________
______ _____________________________________________ _________________________________
3. Omar forgot completely about his original country ________________
_____________________________________________ _______________________________________
C. What do the underlined words in the text refer to? 2 points
1. it (§1/l.3) ______________________________ 2. there (§1/l.3) __________________________________
3. them (§2/l.1) ___________________ _________ 4. it (§2/l.2) ______________________ ______________
D. Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as 2points
1. professional ((§1) ______________________ 2. discovered (§1) ____________________________________
3. homesick (§2) ________________________ 4. quickly (§2) _____________________________________
E. Complete the sentences with words from the text 2point
1. Omar compared himself to _______________________________________________________________
2. Old immigrants advised Omar to ____________________________________________________ ______
II. WRITING 6 points
Complete the following paragraph
I need to have friends for plenty of good reasons. First, _____________________________________

Reading Test (S2)

Reading Test (S2)

Hello 2Bac students, I am a Moroccan technician aged twenty-two. My name is Omar and I’d like to
share my story with you. After I had got my vocational degree with honors, I thought of applying for a visa to
Italy and I got it. I was so excited, and I felt like my future was promising. However, when I arrived there, I
felt uncomfortable as everything was hard for me even buying bread. I found out that the language, the food,
the clothes and all was completely different. I suddenly looked like a fish out of water. I became worried,
depressed and nostalgic. As a result, I started complaining about the country and the people.
Old immigrants told me that it’s normal to suffer from culture shock just like them, and that I had to
be patient and try hard to put up with the new environment. So I had to try hard to adapt to it to regain my self-
confidence. Gradually, I started to feel less isolated. Being extroverted and sociable, I could adjust rapidly. In
a year or so, I have finally become relaxed and more comfortable, and all those negative feelings about the
host country had gone. I still miss my culture, but it’s OK now; I enjoy being bicultural.

A. Answer the questions 5 points
1. What is the text about? __It is about culture shock_____________________________________________
2. When did Omar decide to go to Italy? ___When he got his vocational degree_________________________
3. How did he feel when he got the visa?
________ He was so excited, and I felt like my future was promising ___________________

4. Why did Omar start complaining?

________Because he was very sad, depressed and nostalgic ______________________________
5. What is Omar like? _He is extroverted and sociable ________________________________________
B. Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE? Justify 3 points
1. Omar is educated ____True________
____ He got a vocational degree with honors ________________________________________
2. Simple things become difficult in the host country ____True_____
______ Everything was hard for him even buying bread _________________________________
3. Omar forgot completely about his original country _____False_______
______ I still miss my culture _______________________________________
C. What do the underlined words in the text refer to? 2 points
1. it (§1/l.3) __________the visa__________ 2. there (§1/l.4) __________Italy_____________
3. them (§2/l.1) _____ Old immigrants _________ 4. it (§2/l.3) _______ new environment ______________
D. Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as 2points
1. professional ((§1) ______vocational_____ 2. discovered (§1) ______found out__________________
3. homesick (§2) ______nostalgic__________ 4. quickly (§2) _______rapidly_______________
E. Complete the sentences with words from the text 2point
1. Omar compared himself to a fish out of water____________________________________
2. Old immigrants advised Omar to be patient and try hard to put up with the new environment ______

II. WRITING 6 points

I need to have friends for plenty of good reasons. First, friends make life agreeable. We can have fun
together and enjoy our time wherever we go. Second, they are precious in hard times. Whenever I run into
troubles, they are the first to call for assistance. Besides, friends are comforting, that’s why I need them to
share secrets, ideas, plans and other things. Finally, good friends are necessary for me because when I need
anything like money, advice, opinion or just care, I am sure I’ll find them by my side. In brief, I cannot do
without friends as they make life easy and worth enjoying.


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