Chapter 4: Electrical Transients

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Chapter 4: Electrical Transients

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the concepts of transient response and steady-state response.
2. To be able to find circuit response using Laplace transform.
3. To develop the ability to apply circuit analysis to DC and AC circuits.
41. Transient Period
It refers to the process duration under which variables are changing in respect of
particular time period.

4.2 RL series DC Circuit

The time constant in an RL circuit is referred to as “the RL time constant”. With the
equation τ = L/R. As the time constant becomes smaller, behavior of the transient
disappears faster.

The RL circuit is fed by a DC current source, 0I = 5A. At instant t = 0 the switch is
closed and the circuit is short-circuited. Find:1) the current after switching, by separating
the variables and applying the definite integrals, 2) the voltage across the inductance.

4.2 RC series DC Circuit

The time constant in an RC circuit is referred to as “the RC time constant” and

determines how quickly the transient response of the circuit dies. With the equation τ =
RC. When the switch is closed, current flows into the capacitor.

a) What will be the value of the voltage across the capacitors plates at exactly 0.7 time
At 0.7 time constants (0.7T ) Vc = 0.5Vs. Therefore, Vc = 0.5 x 5V = 2.5V
b) What value will be the voltage across the capacitor at 1 time constant?
At 1 time constant ( 1T ) Vc = 0.63Vs. Therefore, Vc = 0.63 x 5V = 3.15V
c) How long will it take to “fully charge” the capacitor from the supply?
We have learnt that the capacitor will be fully charged after 5 time constants, (5T).
1 time constant ( 1T ) = 47 seconds, (from above). Therefore, 5T = 5 x 47 = 235 secs

4.3 RLC series DC Circuit

The parameter ωd is the radian frequency (ωd = 2πf, f the frequency in Hertz), which
depends on the values of R and C. α is the damping factor, that determines the rate at
which the oscillation dies out.

W0 = 1/√LC

Characteristic equation:

𝑠2 + 2𝛼s + 𝜔20 = 0

The roots of the characteristic equation (also called poles) tell us about the nature of the
𝑇he damping ratio, 𝜁, can be defined as:

4.5 RL series AC Circuit

When the switch is in open position, the AC voltage source having a peak voltage

of Vm volts is not connected to the series RL circuit up to this instant. Therefore, there
is no initial current flows through the inductor.

When the switch is in closed position,  the current i(t) flows in the entire circuit, since the

AC voltage source having a peak voltage of Vm volts is connected to the series RL
circuit. The current i(t) flowing through the above circuit will have two terms, one that represents
the transient part and other term represents the steady state. Steady state the region where the
signals are not time dependent

ITr(t) - transient response of the current flowing

through the circuit.
ISS(t) - steady state response of the current flowing through the circuit

4.6 RC series AC Circuit

Transient solution (xN) is a solution of the homogeneous equation, transient (natural)

response. Steady state solution (xF) is a forced response. Complete response is the
sum of natural response and forced response.

4.7 RLC series AC Circuit

An RLC circuit can be used as a band-pass filter, band-stop filter, low-pass filter or high-

pass filter. The tuning application, for instance, is an example of band-pass filtering. The
RLC filter is described as a second-order circuit, meaning that any voltage or current in
the circuit can be described by a second-order differential equation in circuit analysis.

4.8 Transient Analysis by Laplace Transform Method

In circuit analysis problems, the forcing and response functions do not usually exist
endlessly in time, but rather they are initiated at some specific instance of time, selected
as t = O. In transient analysis of electric circuits, t = 0 is denoted as the time just before
the switching action.

The two-sided or bilateral Laplace transform of F(t) are used to emphasize the fact that
both positive and negative times are included in the range of integration.
4.9 Laplace Transform Formulas

Laplace transform is the integral transform of the given derivative function with real
variable t to convert into complex function with variable s. For t ≥ 0, let f(t) be given and
assume the function satisfies certain conditions to be stated later on.
The Laplace transform of f(t), that it is denoted by f(t) or F(s) is defined by the equation


1. The RL circuit is fed by a DC current source, 0I = 5A, R = 40 ohms and L =

20mH. At instant t = 0 the switch is closed and the circuit is short-circuited. Find
a) the current after switching, by separating the variables and applying the
definite integrals, b) the voltage across the inductance.

2. An RC circuit has supply of 6V and 1000µF across the capacitor. With 49kΩ
switch open at t=0. a) What will be the value of the voltage across the capacitors
plates at exactly 0.7 time constants? b) What value will be the voltage across the
capacitor at 1 time constant? c) How long will it take to “fully charge” the
capacitor from the supply? d) The voltage across the Capacitor after 100
3. Given the figure below, solve for the damping factor and damping ratio.


Network Theory Tutorial. Retrieved from

1. -200 V 5. 245 seconds
2. 200 e 6. 5.22 V
3. 3V 7. 500 x 103 rad/sec
4. 3.78 V

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