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Asian Terminal v Simon

GR No.177116
February 27, 2013
Villarama Jr., J.

October 25, 1995- Contiquincybunge Export Company loaded 6,843.700 metric tons of U.S.
Soybean Meal in Bulk on board the vessel M/V “Sea Dream” at the Port of Darrow, Louisiana,
U.S.A., for delivery to the Port of Manila to respondent Simon Enterprises, Inc., as consignee.
When the vessel arrived at the South Harbor in Manila, the shipment was discharged to the
receiving barges of petitioner Asian Terminals, Inc. (ATI), the arrastre operator. Respondent
later received the shipment but claimed having received only 6,825.144 metric tons of U.S.
Soybean Meal, or short by 18.556 metric tons, which is estimated to be worth US$7,100.16 or

November 25, 1995- Contiquincybunge Export Company made another shipment to respondent
and allegedly loaded on board the vessel M/V “Tern” at the Port of Darrow, Louisiana, U.S.A.
3,300.000 metric tons of U.S. Soybean Meal in Bulk for delivery to respondent at the Port of
Manila. The carrier issued its clean Berth Term Grain Bill of Lading.

January 25, 1996- the carrier docked at the inner Anchorage, South Harbor, Manila. The subject
shipment was discharged to the receiving barges of petitioner ATI and received by respondent
which, however, reported receiving only 3,100.137 metric tons instead of the manifested
3,300.000 metric tons of shipment. Respondent filed against petitioner ATI and the carrier a
claim for the shortage of 199.863 metric tons, estimated to be worth US$79,848.86 or
P2,100,025.00, but its claim was denied.

December 3, 1996- respondent filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila an action for
damages against the unknown owner of the vessels M/V “Sea Dream” and M/V “Tern,” its local
agent Inter-Asia Marine Transport, Inc., and petitioner ATI alleging that it suffered the losses
through the fault or negligence of the said defendants. Respondent sought to claim damages
plus attorney’s fees and costs of suit. Its claim against the unknown owner of the vessel M/V
“Sea Dream,” however, was later settled in a Release and Quitclaim dated June 9, 1998, and
only the claims against the unknown owner of the M/V “Tern,” Inter-Asia Marine Transport, Inc.,
and petitioner ATI remained.

Issue: Whether Asian Terminals, Inc is solidarily liable with his codefendants for the shortage
incurred in the shipment of the goods to the respondent

Ruling: No, the respondent failed to prove that the subject shipment suffered actual shortage as
there was no competent evidence to prove that it actually weighed 3,300 metric toms at the
point of origin

Though it is true that common carriers are presumed to have been at fault or to have
acted negligently if the goods transported by them are lost, destroyed, or deteriorated,
and that the common carrier must prove that it exercised extraordinary diligence in
order to overcome the presumption, 21 the plaintiff must still, before the burden is
shifted to the defendant, prove that the subject shipment suffered actual shortage. This
can only be done if the weight of the shipment at the port of origin and its subsequent
weight at the port of arrival have been proven by a preponderance of evidence, and it
can be seen that the former weight is considerably greater than the latter weight,
taking into consideration the exceptions provided in Article 1734 of the Civil Code.

The weight of the shipment as indicated in the bill of lading is not conclusive as to the
actual weight of the goods. Consequently, the respondent must still prove the actual
weight of the subject shipment at the time it was loaded at the port of origin so that a
conclusion may be made as to whether there was indeed a shortage for which petitioner
must be liable. This, the respondent failed to do.

The respondent having failed to present evidence to prove the actual weight of the
subject shipment when it was loaded onto the M/V “Tern,” its cause of action must then
fail because it cannot prove the shortage that it was alleging. Indeed, if the claimant
cannot definitively establish the weight of the subject shipment at the point of origin,
the fact of shortage or loss cannot be ascertained. The claimant then has no basis for
claiming damages resulting from an alleged shortage.

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