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 Abella v Argentina (La Tablada), Case 11.

137, Report No 55/97 (18 November 1997)

 Al-Skeini v Secretary of State for Defence [2007] UKHL 26, [2007] 3 WLR 33
 Bankovic v Russia (App no 52207/99) (2007) 44 EHRR SE5
 Beckford v R [1988] 1 AC 130 (PC)
 Beit Sourik Village Council v Government of Israel, HCJ/2056/04 (30 June 2004)
 Bosnia and Herzegovina v Serbia and Montenegro (Application of the Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide) (Merits) (26 February 2007)
 Christian Society for the Holy Places v Minister of Defence (1972) 52 ILR 512
 Coard v United States, Case 10.951, Report No 109/99 (29 September 1999)
 Commission Internationale des Droits de l’Homme et des Libertés v Chad, African
Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Comm. No 74/92 (1995)
 Corfu Channel Case see United Kingdom v Albania
 Cyprus v Turkey (2002) 35 EHRR 30
 Dalmia Cement Ltd v National Bank of Pakistan (1984) 67 ILR 611
 Democratic Republic of Congo v Belgium (Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000) [2002] ICJ
Rep 3
 Democratic Republic of Congo v Uganda (Armed Activities on the Territory of the
Congo) [2006] ICJ Rep 6
 Detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Decision on Request for Precautionary Measures)
[2004] 14 ILM 553
 Detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Response of the United States to Request for
Precautionary Measures) [2002] 14 ILM 1015
 Eritrea v Ethiopia (Central Front—Eritrea’s Claims 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 22) (28 April 2004)
 Eritrea v Ethiopia (Prisoners of War—Eritrea’s Claim 17) (1 July 2003)
 Essen Lynching Case (1945) 1 LRTWC 88
 Ethiopia v Eritrea (Civilians’ Claim—Ethiopia’s Claim 5) (17 December 2004)
 Ethiopia v Eritrea (Prisoners of War—Ethiopia’s Claim 4) (1 July 2003)
 Ethiopia v Eritrea (Western and Eastern Fronts—Ethiopia’s Claims (19 December 2005)
 Germany v Denmark; Germany v Netherlands [1969] ICJ Rep 3
 Grahame v Director of Prosecutions (British Military Courts in Germany) (1947) 14 AD
 Hagendorf, Re (1948) 13 WCR
 Hamdan v Rumsfeld (2006) 126 S Ct 2749
 Horgan v An Taoiseach [2003] 2 IR 468
 Hostages Case see United States v List
 IG Farben Trials see United States v Krauch
 Isayeva v Russia (App no 57947-49/00) (2005) 41 EHRR
 Kawasaki Kisen Kabushiki Kaisha of Kobe v Bantham Steamship Co Ltd [1939] 2 KB
 Kim, The [1915] P 215
 La Tablada see Abella v Argentina
 Las Palmeras v Colombia (Preliminary Objections), Inter-American Court of Human
Rights Series C No 67 (4 February 2000)
 Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
(Advisory Opinion) [2004] ICJ Rep 136
 Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep
 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v Malta [1985] ICJ Rep 13
 Llandovery Castle, The (1922) 16 AJIL 708
 Military Prosecutor v Kassam (1968) 42 ILR 470
 Ministries Trial see United States v Von Weizsäcker
 Mohamed Ali v Public Prosecutor [1969] AC 430 (PC)
 Navios Corp v The Ulysses II (1958) 161 F Supp 932
 Nicaragua v United States of America (Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against
Nicaragua) (Merits) [1986] ICJ Rep 14
 North Sea Continental Shelf Cases see Germany v Denmark; Germany v Netherlands
 Nuremburg International Military Tribunal 1946 (Judgment) (1947) 41 AJIL 172
 Paklat, The (1915) 1 British and Colonial Prize Cases 515
 Peleus, The; Re Eck (1946) 13 AD 248
 Prosecutor v Akayesu (Trial Judgment) ICTR-96-4-T (2 September 1998) .
 Prosecutor v Akayesu (Judgment) ICTR-96-4-A (1 June 2001)
 Prosecutor v Bagilishema (Appeal Judgment) ICTR-95-IA-A (2 July 2002)
 Prosecutor v Blaskic (Trial Judgment) IT-95-14-T (3 March 2000)
 Prosecutor v Blaskic (Appeal Judgment) IT-95-14-A (29 July 2004)
 Prosecutor v Brdjanin (Trial Judgment) IT-99-36-T (1 September 2004)
 Prosecutor v Brima, Kamara and Kanu (Trial Judgment) SCSL-04-16-T (20 June2007)
 Prosecutor v Delalic (Trial Judgment) IT-96-21-T (16 November 1998)
 Prosecutor v Delalic (Appeal Judgment) IT-96-21-A (15 July 1999)
 Prosecutor v Erdemovic (Appeal Judgment) IT-96-22-A (7 October 1997)
 Prosecutor v Fofana and Kondewa (Trial Judgment) SCSL-04-14-T (2 August 2007)
 Prosecutor v Furundzija (Trial Judgment) IT-95-17/1-T (10 December 1998)
 Prosecutor v Galic (Trial Judgment) IT-98-29-T (5 December 2003)
 Prosecutor v Galic (Appeal Judgment) IT-98-29-A (30 November 2006)
 Prosecutor v Hadzihasanovic (Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Challenging Jurisdiction
in Relation to Command Responsibility) IT-01-47-AR72 (16 July 2003)
 Prosecutor v Halilovic (Trial Judgment) IT-01-48-T (16 November 2005)
 Prosecutor v Kordic and Cerkez (Trial Judgment) IT-95-14/2-T (26 February 2001)
 Prosecutor v Kronjelac (Trial Judgment) IT-97-25-T (15 March 2002)
 Prosecutor v Krstic (Trial Judgment) IT-98-33-T (2 August 2001)
 Prosecutor v Kunarac (Trial Judgment) IT-96-23-T (2 February 2001)
 Prosecutor v Kupreskic (Trial Judgment) IT-95-16-T (14 January 2000)
 Prosecutor v Limaj, Bala and Musliu (Trial Judgment) IT-03-66-T (30 November 2005)
 Prosecutor v Lubanga (Decision on the Confirmation of Charges) ICC-01/04-01/06 (29
January 2007)
 Prosecutor v Martic (Rule 61 Decision) IT-95-11-R61 (8 March 1996)
 Prosecutor v Martic (Trial Judgment) IT-95-11-T (12 June 2007)
 Prosecutor v Naletelic and Martinovic (Trial Judgment) IT-98-34-T (31 March 2003)
 Prosecutor v Norman (Decision on Preliminary Motion Based on Lack of Jurisdiction
(Child Recruitment)) SCSL-04-14-AR72(E)-131 (31 May 2004)
 Prosecutor v Oric (Trial Judgment) IT-03-68-T (30 June 2006)
 Prosecutor v Simic (Decision on the Prosecution Motion under Rule 73 for a Ruling
Concerning the Testimony of a Witness) IT-95-9-PT (27 July 1999)
 Prosecutor v Strugar (Trial Judgment) IT-01-42-T (31 January 2005)
 Prosecutor v Tadic (Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on
Jurisdiction) IT-49-1-AR72 (2 October 1995)
 Prosecutor v Tadic (Trial Judgment) IT-49-1-6 (7 May 1997)
 Prosecutor v Tadic (Appeal Judgment) IT-94-1-A (15 July 1999)
 Prosecutor v Yamashita (1946) 13 AD 269
 Public Committee against Torture in Israel v Government of Israel (Targeted Killings)
HCJ 769/02 (13 December 2006)
 Public Prosecutor v Folkerts (1977) 74 ILR
 Public Prosecutor v Koi [1968] 1 All ER 419 (PC)
 SS Lotus see Turkey v France
 Tesch Re (Zyklon B) (1946) 13 AD 250
 Turkey v France (SS Lotus) PCIJ Rep Series A No 10
 United Kingdom v Albania (Corfu Channel Case) (Merits) [1949] ICJ Rep 4
 United States v Buck and Shakur (1988) 690 F Supp 1291
 United States v Calley (1973) 1 Military Law Reporter 2488
 United States v Flick (1947) 14 AD 266
 United States v Khadr (Opinion of the Court and Action on Appeal by the United States
Filed Pursuant to 10 USC § 950d) (24 September 2007)
 United States v Krauch (1948) 15 AD 668
 United States v Krupp (1948) 15 AD 622
 United States v List (Hostages Case) (1948) 15 AD 632
 United States v Noriega (1997) 99 ILR 143
 United States v Noriega (Order Dismissing Defendant’s ‘Petition for Writ of Habeas
Corpus Pursuant to 28 USC § 2241’)
 United States v Von Weizsäcker (Ministries Trial) (1949) 16 AD 344
 Zamora (No 1), The [1916] 2 AC 77 (PC)

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