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Perceptions of Hospital Staff about the Structure of Hospital

in a Prominent City in Isabela

A Research Paper
presented to
the class of
Mrs. Remedios Selmo
University of La Salette Incorporated, High School

In fulfillment
of the requirements
in the subject Inquiry, Investigation and Immersion

Abesamis, Vincent
Isip, Axl Jay
Santos, Odyson
Bombarda, Joriz Crystal
Cauilan, Mirjanah Cassandra
Soriano, Ericha

October 12, 2018

Perception of Hospital Staff about the Structure of Hospital
in a Prominent City in Isabela

Abesamis, Vincent, Isip, Axl Jay, Santos, Odyson, Bombarda, Joriz Crystal,
Cauilan, Mirjanah Cassandra, Soriano, Ericha
12 STEM 1

Researchers from the University of La Salette conducted a study on the perception of

hospital staff in one of the hospital on a prominent city in Isabela. This study aims to explore the

hospital staff’s perception on the physical structure of hospital to provide basis for future

developments of medical care facilities. Moreover, the purpose of the study is to give solutions

to existing problems encountered in hospital as well as to provide a good basis of structural

design - a well-built hospital. The researchers adopted purposive snowball sampling technique in

selecting the sample for the study. There were five (5) participants of the study. Data was

collected using interview. Researchers interviewed the respondents one-by-one and recorded it

through jotting down notes and audio recording. All the data categorized in a table for finding

their common themes. Findings of the study shows that structure of hospital does not really

affects the performances of the hospital staff but somehow contribute to some task-related issues.

Keywords: Perception, Hospital Staff & Structure


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Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Contact Number: 09750860052

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Personal Background

Name: Isip, Axl Jay P.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Address: Bonifacio, Alicia, Isabela

Date of Birth: July 28, 2000

Birth Place: Porac, Pampanga

Nationality: Filipino

Educational Background

Elementary Education: Becuran Elementary School

Junior High School Education: San Sebastian Integrated School

Senior High School Education: University of La Salette Incorporated, Senior High School

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Contact No: 09360692587

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Personal Background

Name: Santos, Odyson D.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Address: P-4 Barangay Rizal Santiago City, Philippines

Date of Birth: November 03, 2000

Birth Place: Rizal Santiago City

Nationality: Filipino

Educational Background

Elementary Education: United Methodist School

Junior High School Education: Rizal National High School

Senior High School Education: University of La Salette Incorporated, Senior High School

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Contact No: 09268726187

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Personal Background

Name: Soriano, Ericha A.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Address: P-7 Bugallon Ramon, Philippines

Birth Place: Santiago City

Date of Birth: December 21, 2000

Nationality: Filipino

Educational Background

Elementary Education: Alvarez-Ramales School Foundation

Junior High School Education: Alvarez-Ramales School Foundation

Senior High School Education: University of La Salette Incorporated, Senior High School

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Contact Number: 09554133165

Email Address: [email protected]

Personal Background

Name: Bombarda, Joriz Crystal C

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Address: Bantug, Ramon, Isabela

Date of Birth: June 18, 2002

Birth Place: Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Nationality: Filipino

Educational Background

Elementary Education: Ramon United Methodist School

Junior High School Education: San Sebastian Integrated School

Senior High School Education: University of La Salette Incorporated, Senior High School

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Contact No: 09277434885

Email Address: [email protected]

Personal Information 

Name: Abesamis, Vincent G.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Address: P-3 Baluarte, Santiago City

Date of Birth: October 07, 2001

Birth Place: University of La Salette, Inc. Hospital

Nationality: Filipino

Education Background

Elementary Education: Baluarte Elementary School

Junior High School Education: Santiago City National High School

Senior High School Education: University of La Salette Incorporated, Senior High School
Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Contact No: 09159681880

Email Address: [email protected]

Personal Information 

Name: Cauilan, Mirjanah Cassandra

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Address: #3 Ramos St. Cabugao, Echague, Isabela

Date of Birth: October 31, 2001

Birth Place: Gamu, Isabela

Nationality: Filipino

Education Background

Elementary Education: Echague West Central School

Junior High School Education: St. Joseph the Worker

Senior High School Education: University of La Salette Incorporated, Senior High School

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