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1. What are the key elements of JetBlue and Azul’s culture ?

There are several key elements of JetBlue and Azul’s culture. First of all, I
believed that senior managers consistently interact with employees and customers
to listen and get feedback from them to keep addressing their concerns. The
managers interested the reponses from the customer to improve and innovate step
by step for the company. Then, the managers can attractive potiential customer
and retain the employees in the company.
Secondly, Neeleman concerns to listen to the epmployees in the company,
especially who veto his decisions, he said” If you treat people well, the
company’sphilosophy goes, they will treat the customer well”. Because he
believed that the employees in the company is the person who meet directly with
customer. So he try to talk and keep a contact with employee and customer in
order to maintain the close relationship with others.
2. Would you to like to work for Azul airlines ? If so, please give your reasons.
From my points of view, I think Success comes from changing people’s lives and
contributuing to society rather than simple making money is the main factors that I
really like to work for Azul airlines, Davis Neeleman said.
The first reason for this decision is CEO has a visonary who always gives the
generous profit sharing, excellent benefits so as to retain employees if they are
excellent. He trains one by one employees and then keep a contact to support them
try as hard as they can.
Next, he tried to update his leadership lifestyle bringing the best environments and
services for all the employee and customer.

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