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Choose the answear A,B,C,or D from questions with the suitables.

The text is from 1 to 5

Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. A male gorillas can be 180 centimeters tall and can weight
200 kilograms. Gorillas are very strong but they do not often fight. In fact they are peaceful animals.
Gorillas live in small family groups of about 15. In a groups there is one strong, older male, some young
males, and a few fameles with their babies. They move slowly around a large area of jungle eating leaves and
In some ways gorillas are very like humans. When they are happy, they laugh and wave their arms.
When they are angry, they beat their chests. When they are sad, they cry. But they cry quietly, with out any
Unfortunately, people hunt and kill gorillas. They also cut down and burn their trees. There are now
only about 10.000 gorillas left in the world.

1. The weight of a male gorilla can be...

A. 15 kg C. 200 kg
B. 180 kg D. 10.000 kg

2. Which statement is true about a gorilla ?

A. A gorilla likes fighting
B. A gorilla is a carnivorous animal
C. A gorilla is a peaceful animal
D. A gorilla usually lives alone

3. What does a gorilla eat?

A. Meat C. Leaves
B. fish D. Worms

4. In what ways are gorillas very like human ?

A. When they are happy they beat their chest.
B.When they are sad they wave their arms.
C. When they are angry they cry.
D. When they are sad they cry

5. Why are there not many gorillas left ?

A. People do not only hunt and kill gorillas but they also cut down and burn their trees.
B. There are now only about 10,000 gorillas left in the world.
C. Gorillas are the largest of all the primates.
D. In some ways gorillas are very like humans.

Read the text no 6 to 9.

We know, most cats look so cute and clean, so is my cat. My name cat is bugel cat. My cat named bugel
because he looked socute, tail bugel and makes me always want to hug him and hug hie every day. Do you
want to know about my cat? Bugel have gray fur and white. And makes me always want to hug him. He has
beautiful eyes. Its tail bugel and he also has sharp teeth and of course its scary. The whiskers in his mouth to
make the funny. However, although he looks very cute and funny, when he is angry or want to catch prey such
as mice, it is very scary for me. Claws are sharp and seem so long. His voice sounded like a tiger also changed.
I never approached him when he was angry. That cat is bugel.

6. Whose cat is it?

A. Bugel C. The reader
B. the writer D. The cat

7. Why the cat is named bugel?

A. because the tail bugel
B. Because the cat is funny
C. because the cat is bugel
D. Because the cat is cute and funny

8. When the cat like a tiger?

A. Angry C. Cute
B. Funny D. Sharp

9. Why the writer never approached the cat?

A. because the writer afraid
B. Because the writer hug the cat
C. because the cat is funny and cute
D. Because the cat is angry

The text is for number 10 up to 14

Dear diary,
Today is my unforgettable 12nd birthday party. Lost of people are coming. They are my friends and my
family. They give me some presents and they are doing things that I like.
Suryo is playing the guitar and Sally is standing next to suryo. She is playing the violin. They are
playing my favorite music. Everybody is singing nidji’s song for me. In the middle of the room, Nani is
dancing a beautiful dance. It is great. Aunt Ully is serving all the guesta a glass of coke. My parents are
chatting. I really like this party.


10. What type of text is it?

A. report text C. Descriptive text
B. recount text D. Narrative text

11. What event is it?

A. it is a birhday party
B. it is an unforgettable event
C. It is a funny event
D. It is farewell party

12. Why it is unforgettable ?

A. because the writer happy
B. because the writer like this party
C. because the writer doing the party with herfriends
D. because the writer having birthday party

13. Who are at the party?

A. The writer and her friends
B. The writer’s family
C. The writer and her family
D. The writer, her friends, and her family

14. What is the function of the present continous sentences used in this text?
A. to describle what is happening
B. to describle experience
C. to describle specific participants
D. to describle general events

Read the text to answer questions 15 and 16




15. What does the text mean?

A. You cannot park anything on the site.
B. Private vechicles are allowed to park.
C. Public transportation can park on site.
D. People should park their vechicles on site.

16. The opposite of the word “private” is......

A. Public
B. Specific
C. Random
D. Unique
Read the text and answer question 17 to 18

To : All students of SMP Bahagia Semarang.
To celebrate the National Education Day,Students body will
hold some interesting programs such as English Speech
Contest, Debate, and Class Wall Magazine Competition.
When: May 2, 2017. 8 a.m
Where: School hall
Registration: Mr.Andy, the coordinator of this program

17. What does the text announce?

A. A Student Organization
B. An English Speech Contest
C. A National Day Celebration
D. A National Education Day ceremony

18. Based on the text we can say that ...

A. The programs will last for 4 hours.
B. The programs will be held in the morning.
C. Two competitions will be held.
D. Mr.Andi is the organizerofthe programs.

Read the text to answer questions 19 to 21.

Edinburgh, 19 November 2017

Dear John,
I told you that I was going to England, but actually I was heading for Scotland. I applied for a job and I went
for an interview yesterday. The manager and the factory supervisor interviewed me. At first I found it difficult
to understand them but I managed to answer all their questions. I’ll know on Friday before I return whether I
get the job or not.
Tomorrow I plan to go to the National Museum of Scotland, the Palace of Holy Roodhouse, the Queen’s
residence when she’s in Scotland.I’m going to spent a few more days here enjoying the city which I hope will
become my home for the next few years.
I’ll ring you when I hear something about my job on Friday.
19. Where is Peter writing the letter from?
A. Edinburgh
B. Scotland
C. England
D. His home
20. We know that Peter …
A. will call his friend after getting a job.
B. hopes to stay in Edinburgh for a few days.
C. will get the interviewresult on Friday.
D. will go to see National Museum in Edinburgh.

21. The word “heading” in “I was heading for Scotland” could be replaced with...
A. living in.
B. going to.
C. staying in.
D. moving to

Read the text to answer questions 22 to 25

Rafflesya can be found in the forests of Malaysia, Southern Thailand, Sumatra and Java. But, Rafflesya
flowers are fairly hard to locate. It is especially difficult to see them in bloom. Its buds take up to 10 months to
develop while its blossom lasts for just a few days.
Rafflesya has brownish, scale like leaves and fleshy, smelling flowers of various sizes, from few inches to
meter big in diameter. We usually notice its large fleshy flowers. There is a deep well in the centhre of the
flowers. The sexual organs are located beneath the rim of the disk. Male and female flowers are separate.
The reddish brown colors of the petals, sprinkled with white freckles produce unpleasant stench, similar to
rotting flesh. This would attract flies and insects which help disperse the seeds. Rafflesya isparasite, which
means it takes the nutrient out of its host.

22. The text mainly describes… of Rafflesia

A. the location
B. the petals
C. the sexual organs
D. physical look

23. It is hard to find Rafflesia because of its…

A. location.
B. short life.
C. large size.
D. smell.

24. What is the unpleasant smell for?

A. People repellent
B. Attracting insects
C. Attractinghost
D. Protection

25. The word ‘notice’ in paragraph 2 means…

A. smell.
B. see.
C. find.
D. locate
Read the text to answer questions 26 to 30

Last autumn I was in India during Diwali, the “Festival of Lights” which takes place every year to
celebrate the victory of good over evil. This festival lasts for five days and is held at the end of October or in
the first week of November.
Preparations began weeks before the event. People cleaned their homes and painted wonderful designs
called rangolis on the walls and floors. They bought beautiful new clothes and jewelry to wear during the
festival. Women made delicious sweets which were better than any others I have ever tasted.
During the five days of Diwali, every home and temple was decorated, inside and outside, with lovely
clay lamps and colourful candles. After dark, the whole neighbour hood glittered with thousands of tiny lights,
as though in a fairy tale. Excited children set off firecrackers, and at first I was frightened by the loud bangs, but
the spectacular display was so fascinating that I soon joined in the spirit of celebration.
Diwali is a deeply moving festival. I am very grateful I had the chance to share in this celebration of
peace and harmony. I have fond memories of the experience, and in particular I will never forget how friendly
and generous people were.

26. The main idea of paragraph 3is…

A. The preparations for Diwali was very long.
B. Diwali was celebrated everywhere.
C. The writer was very happy with Diwali.
D. During Diwali, houses were decorated with lamps and candles.

27. When is Diwali held?

A. In Autumn
B. Every year
C. First week of November
D. End of October

28. What did the kids do during the celebration?

A. Buying new clothes
B. Setting off firecrackers
C. Painting their homes
D. Lighting the lights

29. From the text we know that …

A. Diwali was a fairy tale.
B. the writer were afraid of the festival.
C. all ages joined the celebration.
D. Diwali was an ordinary festival.

30. The writer feels that Diwali is a…festival.

A. Frightening
B. peaceful
C. fascinating
D. moving
31. In these situation below, you will c ongratulate someone, except
A. Someone get a promotion
B. Your friend pas the exam
C. Your uncle move to this new house
D. You unsure about something
32. . Which of the following is not a way to congratulate someone.
A. Well done ! You did it !
B. Happy graduation !
C. See you later !
D. Congratulations on your wedding day !

33. How would you congratulate someone after the birth of their baby ?
A. Congratulations on your new arrival !
B. Good Luck
C. Thank you
D. Happy anniversary !

34. How would you congratulate someone who wins a competition ?

A. Happy graduation!
B. Congratulations on your promotion.
C. Congratulations for winning the competition.
D. Happy birthday !
35. The following are the expression of congratulations except.
A. Congratulations !
B. Best wish for your next Journey
C. I am sorry to hear that
D. I congratulate you on your success
36. The following sentences are responses of a congratulation expressions, except
A. Thanks you.
B. Thank you very much.
C. It was nice of you
D. Don”t worry about it.

37. Dona : Mom, I finally passed the exam.

Mother :……….
A. Well done, Dona !Congrats !
B. Thank you, Dona !
C. Don”t worry!
D. Do you best !

38. How would you congratulate Someone that get a job promotion.
A. Happy graduation !
B. Happy Anniversary !
C. Congratulations ! I wish a happiness Joy and Love for you both.
D. Congratulations on your promotion.

39. How to congratulation Someone on their Wedding day !

A. Good Luck.
B. Congratulations on your graduation !
C. Congratulations on your wedding day !
D. Good Job.

40. Your Friend was accepted in a reputable university. How would you congratulate him ?
A. Congratulations ! Good Luck for you study
B. Thank you for your achievement.
C. Happy graduations !
D. Happy Anniversary.

41. Fadel is going to participate in the story telling competition. Dara shows her hope that Fadel will get a
Fadel : “Dara, wish me Luck. I will take part in the story telling competition.”
Dara : “………. I hope you will win the Compettition.
A. Thank you very much.
B. I hope so
C. I’m sorry.
D. Sure, Good Luck.

42. You have to register ……. Participate in the forum.

A. in order not to that
B. in order to
43. Ships carry life boats……. the crew can escape when the ship sinks
A. in order to that
B. so too D. in order that

44. Aris : I believe we should learn English in order to face the globalization.
Jenny : I absolutely agree with you
The underlined words express ……
A. uncertainty C.agreement
B. apology D.disagreement.

The questions 45 to 49

Tablets 300mg
30 tablets

Aspirin is used to reduce fever and relieve mild to moderate pain from conditions
such as muscle aches, toothaches, common cold, and headaches.

Side Effects
Upset stomach and heartburn may occur. If either of these effects persist or
worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

Produced by :
Bayer– Laverkusen, Germany

45. Which of the following sickness cannot be relieved by this medicine ?

A. headache C. muscle aches
B. stomach ache D. tootache

46. What’s the writer’s purpose to write the text above ?

A. To inform the process of making the aspirin
B. To persuade people to use the product
C. To explain the ingredients of product and it’s manufacturing factory.
D. To describe the illnesses that can be cured and it’s side effect.

47. What should we do if the effect of the medicine is worsen ?

A. Call the police.
B. Contract the manufacturing factory
C. Go to drugstore
D. Go to the pharmacist or doctor

48. “Upset stomach and heartburn may occur,” The word “occur” has the same meaning as …..
A. emergency C. exist
B. worsen D. disease

49. “If either of these effects persist …”

What does the word “these” refers to ?
A. The stomach acche and heard ache
B. Upset stomach and heartburn
C. The doctor and pharmacist
D. The effect of the pain

The questions 50 to 53


Quaker Oats is 100% whole grains for lasting energy

and may help reduce the risk of heart disearse.
3 grams of soluble fiber from oatmeal dailey in a diet low
In saturalated fat and cholesterol may reduce this risk of heart
This cereal has 2 gram per serving

Lasting energy from 100% whole gram Oats

Help keep you full throung the morning
Serve with 8 oz of skin milk
A sodium from food
Good source of fiber
No artificial flavors
It can be used as a healthful and tasty ingredient to many recipes.

Talk with us.


50. What is the name of the product ?

A. Old Fashioned
B. Fiber Oats
C. Quaker Oats
D. Fiber cereal
51. What is the product used for ?
A. To reduce our energy
B. To lessen our energy
C. To reduce the heart disease threat
D. To increase the risk of heart disease
52. From the label we know that the product contains …… saturated fat.
A. high C.low
B. small D.little

53. From the label we know that this product contain ……

A. artificial preservalives
B. fiber
C. artificial flavor
D sodium

The questions below is for number 54-58.


Each tablet containtsParacetamol ………… 500 mg

Effective for the relief of minor aches and paints such as headache,
backache, menstrual cramps, muscuralar aches, minor arthritis
pain, toothaches, and pain associated with common cold and flu
for fever reduction.

Dizziness, drowsiness, constipation,stomach upset, blurred vision,
or dry mouth/nose/throat may occur.
If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or
pharmacist promptly.

Adults and Children 12 years and older .
Orally, 1 to 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours.
as needed for pain and/or faver, or,
as directed by a doctor.

Do not take more than 4g (8 tablets ) in each 24 hour period.
Do not use more than the recommended dose.
54. The purpose of writing the text is ……..
A. To tell the readers how to make the Medicine
B. To give information about the medicine
C. To announce the prize of the medicine
D. To offer the medicine

55. How much paracetamol is there in two tablets ?

A. 500mg C. 1.000mg
B. 500gr D. 1.000gr

56. Which are not written as the side effect of the medicine ?
A. constipation C. minor arthritis
B. drowsiness D.blurred vision

57. The following painful is helped by consuming the tablet, except……

A. backache C. fever
B. menstrual cramps D. muscular ache

58. How many tablets should be consumed for 4-6 hour ?

A. 1 to 6 tablets
B. More than 8 tablets
C. 1 to 2 tablets
D. Less than 1 tablets

59. Read the sencencebelow !

1. Dissolve the coffee with a tabletspoon of cold water.
2. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of instant coffee to mug.
3. Add milk or cream if you’re not a fan of black coffee
4. Heat up a cup of water.
5. Stir your coffee and serve it.
6. Pour the hot water into the mug.

The best arrangement of the sentences above is …….

A. 3-4-2-1-6-5 C. 4-2-1-6-3-5
B. 4-3-2-1-6-5 D. 2-3-4-1-5-6

60. of – washed - has - mother - dish - all - the - My

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The best arrangement for the words above is …….

A. 8-4-2-6-5-7-1-3
C. 8-5-3-6-4-1-2-7
B. 8-2-3-4-5-6-1-7
D. 8-4-3-2-6-1-7-5






1 C 11 A 21 B 31 D 41 D 51 C
2 C 12 D 22 D 32 C 42 B 52 C
3 C 13 D 23 A 33 A 43 C 53 B
4 D 14 A 24 B 34 C 44 C 54 B
5 B 15 C 25 B 35 C 45 B 55 C
6 B 16 A 26 C 36 D 46 C 56 C
7 D 17 B 27 A 37 A 47 D 57 C
8 D 18 B 28 A 38 D 48 C 58 C
9 D 19 A 29 B 39 C 49 B 59 C
10 C 20 C 30 C 40 A 50 C 60 D

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