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UDOT - Environmental Impact Statement Project – 8215XCC

Example Work Plan

Example EIS Work Plan


This document provides an example Draft Work Plan for preparing an environmental impact
statement (EIS) following the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Environmental Task
Descriptions for Preparing an EIS. The purpose of the document is to help UDOT project
managers develop a better understanding of what activities are required to prepare an EIS so
that accurate cost estimates can be developed during contract negotiations.

This document should be used as a general guideline of the activities required to prepare an
EIS, as a format for preparing a scope, and to develop a cost estimate. Each activity in this
document should be tailored for the specifics of each project taking into account the expected
issues. For example, the public involvement examples provided in this document might not be
suitable for a small project in a rural area or for a very complex project in an urban setting.

MGT 1 – Project Management/Administration/Quality Control

A. Description of Activity

The purpose of this activity is to provide overall direction and control for the EIS. The Consultant
Project Manager will be responsible for team coordination, implementation of quality control
measures, project reporting to UDOT, project documentation and overall performance of the
project. The tasks undertaken for this activity will include the following:
ƒ Preparation of a quality control plan and quality assurance compliance procedures.
ƒ Preparation of project guide.
ƒ Administration of project costs and schedule control.
ƒ Contract compliance activities.
ƒ Preparation of project status reports.
ƒ Preparation of monthly progress reports describing work completed for the month and
anticipated work for the following period.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of months for the project.

C. Work Product
ƒ Monthly progress reports.
ƒ Monthly updated schedule.
ƒ Meeting minutes.
ƒ Quality assurance (QA) reports.

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Activity 05E – Develop Initial Public Involvement Plan

A. Description of Activity

Develop a public involvement (PI) plan for the project that lays the foundation for meeting with
all stakeholders. The plan will include the following:
ƒ Review of UDOT existing public information regarding the project.
ƒ Schedule of public involvement activities.
ƒ List of initial stakeholders.
ƒ Identify methods to be used to meet with stakeholders including elected officials,
property owners, agencies, cities, businesses and the surrounding community.
ƒ The plan will include potential media strategies and opportunities
ƒ Describe how the public involvement process will be documented.
ƒ Establishment of lines of communication between consultant and UDOT
ƒ Development of a logo for the project
ƒ The plan will be updated as necessary as the process evolves.

B. Assumptions
ƒ The consultant will have one public involvement kick off meeting with the UDOT Public
Information Coordinator (PIC) regarding the format of the plan and public outreach
strategies to be used.
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of PI Plan copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Draft and Final PI Plan.
ƒ Project files.
ƒ Project logo.

Activity 07E – Form Project Team and Set Budgets

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Discuss budget and schedule.
ƒ Develop Project Team staffing plan, including UDOT.
ƒ Prepare and discuss communication plan.
ƒ Prepare and discuss Draft Project Charter.
ƒ Prepare and discuss Draft QC/QA Plan.
ƒ Plan Kick-off meeting and notify team members.
ƒ Hold Kick-off meeting with UDOT and approve the project charter, QC/QA plan, and
communication plan.

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B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
• Project Team staffing plan.
• Project schedule.
• Communication plan.
• Draft Project Charter.
• Draft QC/QA Plan.

Activity 09E – Generate NOI

A. Description of Activity
This activity includes development of the draft and final notice of intent (NOI) consistent with
FHWA Technical Advisory T6640.8A, Appendix B. The tasks undertaken for this activity will
include the following:
ƒ Develop a Draft NOI for UDOT review and comment.
ƒ Develop a Preliminary Final NOI for FHWA review, based on UDOT comments.
ƒ Prepare the Final NOI, based on FHWA comments.

B. Assumptions

ƒ FHWA will submit the final NOI to the Federal Register.

C. Work Product

ƒ 5 copies each of the Draft, Preliminary Final, and Final NOI.

Activity 11E – Obtain Mapping and/or Photography

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Develop appropriate mapping and/or aerial photography for the project
ƒ Develop project coordinate system.
ƒ Determine approximate latitude/longitude of each aerial target to help the surveyor
locate target positions in the field.
ƒ Create PIN_ex_features dgn from aerial mapping including the following features:
roadway, sidewalks, islands, drainage structures, ditches, pipes, buildings walls, signs,
fences, above ground utilities, light poles, signal poles, trees and breaklines.
ƒ Create project digital terrain file (DTM) from aerial mapping. This electronic file will be a
3 dimensional surface with break lines and point information.
ƒ Conduct supplemental field survey to define features not identified from aerial mapping,

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o Culverts – size, material, inlet and outlet invert elevations

o Box Culverts – invert elevations, roof, wing walls, and parapets
o Survey location and elevation of potholed utilities.
o Check gravity utility lines at least one manhole beyond the project corridor.
ƒ Obtain permission from property owners before entering property.
ƒ Obtain encroachment permit onto UDOT right-of-way.
ƒ Coordinate with the Project Surveyor and Region Right-of-Way Engineer as necessary.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Include appropriate assumptions for project aerial photography and/or mapping.

C. Work Product
ƒ Project survey control
ƒ Color aerial photography
ƒ Color ortho-rectified photos covering the proposed study area.
ƒ Ortho-rectified imagery to be furnished on DVD in TIF format along with associated TFW
georeferencing files.
ƒ PIN_Survey.dgn files containing project survey control data.
ƒ PIN_ex_features.dgn file containing both surveyed land based features and aerial
mapped features.
ƒ PIN_ex_coutours.dgn file containing 1’ contours from aerial mapping and supplemental
project surveying.
ƒ Project DTM file from aerial mapping and supplemental project surveying.
ƒ PIN_ex_utils.dgn files containing existing utilities from aerial and field survey.

Activity 13E – Conduct NEPA Scoping

13E 1 – Agency Scoping

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Two methods will be used to seek agency input into the EIS:
(1) Letter requesting information – Notices will be sent to agencies regarding the project
requesting input on potential issues and alternatives.
(2) Agency scoping partnering session – Invitations will be sent to agencies and an
agency scoping meeting will be held.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of agency meetings and letters.

C. Work Product
ƒ Agency scoping letters.
ƒ A map detailing the project and the study area limits.
ƒ Meeting notes detailing the agency scoping meeting.

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13E 2 – Cooperating and Participating Agency Request

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Letters will be developed requesting agencies to become cooperating or participating
agencies. Participating agencies is part of SAFETEA-LU guidance.
ƒ Cooperating/participating letters will be sent to the USFWS, Corps of Engineers, UDWR,
UDNR, FEMA, USGS, and other local agencies (such as the county and cities in the
project area). (note: the list should be revised based on the project and could include
other agencies such as EPA, BLM, Forest Service, SITLA, etc.)

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of letters.

C. Work Product
ƒ Cooperating and participating agency letters.

13E 3 – Inform Stakeholders of Scoping

A. Description of Activity

A stakeholder forum will be established (see Activity 38E, Implement Public Involvement Plan)
with mechanisms for contacting stakeholders.
ƒ Key stakeholders (such as local officals, businesses, and organizations) will be
contacted with a personal phone call and a follow up letter of invitation
ƒ Members of the general public will be invited to participate in all scoping activities
through the following methods :
o An announcement will be placed with the utility bill and sent to all businesses and
households in the project area
o A project newsletter / postcard of invitation will be mailed to the businesses and
households in the project area
o A display ad and a legal notice will be placed in appropriate newspapers
o Door hangers will be placed at residences directly impacted
o A project web page will be developed
o Local cities will be asked to provide information and link the project web page to
their city web pages
o An invitation will be sent home with students attending schools in the project area
ƒ The consultant will assist UDOT by drafting press releases or public service
announcements (PSAs).

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of utility announcement, newsletters,
postcard invitation, and door hanger copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Utility bill announcement.
ƒ Project newsletter invitation.

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ƒ Project postcard Invitation.

ƒ Display ad.
ƒ Legal notice.
ƒ Door hanger.
ƒ Web Page.
ƒ School flier.
ƒ Press Release.

13E 4 – Hold Public Scoping Meetings

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Public scoping meeting (s) will be held at a central location in the project corridor.
Meetings will be designed with break-out work groups to maximize stakeholder
ƒ Input will be sought on the project purpose and need and potential alternatives to meet
the intent of SAFETEA-LU.
ƒ Input sought will identify community values and provide information for the community
ƒ Display boards will be used to educate the public on the regulatory process, 4(f) issues,
and the project.
ƒ Participants will be given a project meeting information packet.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of display boards and meeting packets.

C. Work Product
ƒ Meeting Packet
ƒ Display Boards

13E 5 – Document Scoping Process

A. Description of Activity
ƒ The consultant will work with UDOT to develop how to categorize comments received
during the scoping process.
ƒ The consultant will document all scoping process activities and will provide UDOT with a
scoping report.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Draft and final scoping report.

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Activity 15E – Develop Project Context

A. Description of Activity
The scope of the project will be developed including existing and future forecast traffic volumes,
existing and proposed utilities, and planned land use and transportation improvements in the
area. This information will be derived from scoping meetings and existing data collection. The
tasks for this activity include the following:
ƒ Inventory the following items: utilities, roadway geometric features, condition of existing
safety facilities, signing, condition and structure of the existing pavement, condition of
existing structures, boxes, and culverts, bicycle and pedestrian facilities and other
pertinent features.
ƒ Evaluate capacity and congestion problems and review signal requirements.
ƒ Develop existing and future traffic (design year) traffic projections; including average
annual daily traffic (AADT) volumes for the corridor and P.M. peak hour volumes for the
existing signalized intersections. Conduct PM traffic counts for key intersections.
ƒ Collect accident data for the project.
ƒ Identify existing right-of-way lines and properties.
ƒ Research county ownership maps to verify individual properties abutting the project
ƒ Meet with the UDOT Region Pavement Engineer to review any existing test data or
pavement condition studies of the highway pavement. Use the available data to revise
the proposed field testing and investigation program. Review the program with the
UDOT Region Pavement Engineer and incorporate any review comments.
ƒ Perform a field testing and investigation program consisting of pavement deflection tests
with a falling weight deflectometer (FWD), obtaining cores of the asphalt concrete
surfacing, and borings to evaluate the thickness of the pavement section components
and obtain samples of the subgrade soils.
ƒ Perform laboratory tests on representative samples of the subgrade soils to classify and
evaluate the strength characteristics of the subgrade soils.
ƒ Evaluate the FWD, field, and laboratory data to determine the resilient moduli of the
pavement surfacing, base, and subgrade and evaluate the structural characteristics of
the pavement section(s).
ƒ Identify the existing design deficiencies based on existing roadway conditions.
ƒ Prepare a report of existing roadway conditions.
ƒ Prepare plans that show all existing roadway features for use in scoping meeting.
ƒ Establish logical termini.
ƒ Develop scoping meeting minutes and an Engineer’s Estimate showing preliminary
estimated budget.
ƒ Inventory utilities within the project corridor and develop existing utilities from field and
3rd party hard/electronic mapping information.

B. Assumptions
ƒ As-built plans for the existing roadways and railroad will be provided at no cost.

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ƒ Utilities will be placed in the PIN_ex_util.dgn in their approximate location from field
survey of bluestake marking or based upon mapping and information provided by 3rd
party utility companies.
ƒ Utilities may be potholed at the department’s request, but potholing is not included in this
scope of work.
ƒ Ownership will be obtained from tax records in the form of legal descriptions.

C. Work Product
ƒ Daily average daily traffic (ADT) forecasts for the no-action and metropolitan planning
organization (MPO) Long Range Transportation Plan.
ƒ PM Peak hour forecasts and intersection LOS for existing and design year no-action
ƒ Existing roadway conditions report.
ƒ Plans that show existing roadway, utility and railroad features.
ƒ Scoping Meetings and minutes.
ƒ Boring logs, laboratory test results, reduced FWD data, and pavement structural
numbers at each FWD test location.

Activity 17E – Define Project’s Draft Purpose and Need

17E 1 – Prepare Draft Purpose and Need

A. Description of Activity

The activity will include development of the project purpose and need. Public input will be
sought on the project purpose and need during initial scoping and in subsequent stakeholder
meetings to meet the intent of SAFETEA-LU. At the initial scoping meeting a brief overview of
the project need will be provided to the public while requesting additional input. The tasks for
this activity include the following:
ƒ Prepare the draft purpose and need.
ƒ Collect land use and transportation data from local governments, MPO, and UDOT.
ƒ Collect social data such as growth, housing, employment, and community values.
ƒ Review transportation connectivity to include other forms of transportation such as
transit, airports, and pedestrian/bicycle.
ƒ Review existing environmental documents in the project area to that ensure projects are
ƒ Include existing and future travel modeling under no-action conditions and existing
accident information (note: data gathering and travel demand modeling should be
conducted as part of Activity 15E, Develop Project Context).
ƒ A preliminary draft purpose and need will be prepared for UDOT review. After comment
incorporation a draft will be prepared for FHWA review.

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B. Assumptions
ƒ Local government land use plans are adequately included in the MPO regional travel
demand model to the future year conditions.
ƒ Future growth estimates to the project design year will be obtained by local governments
and incorporated in the regional model through cooperation with the MPO staff.
ƒ A “no-action” transportation network will be developed by incorporating transportation
plans in the area not including the project.
ƒ Land use and transportation plans are readily available from local governments.
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product

ƒ Preliminary Draft Purpose and Need Chapter for internal distribution to UDOT.
ƒ Draft Purpose and Need for FHWA review.

17E 2 – Public Review of Project Purpose and Need

A. Description of Activity
ƒ To meet the intent of SAFTEA-LU guidance this activity will include review of the project
purpose and need.
ƒ Review will occur during the public scoping meeting (or at other meetings developed in
Activity 38E, Implement Public Involvement Plan).
ƒ News letters and website information will include the project purpose and need and the
request for comments.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Summary report and/or memorandum of public input to the project purpose and need.

Activity 19E – Identification and Initial Development of Alternatives

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Through the public involvement process obtain input on the alternatives to consider and
seek comment on the alternatives to carry forward for detailed study to meet the intent of
ƒ Develop initial list of alternatives through public and agency scoping and coordination
with UDOT and FHWA.
ƒ Develop design options and alternatives for the corridor including:
o Horizontal and vertical alignments.
o Intersection improvements.
o Typical sections.
o Drainage onsite and offsite conveyance, water quality, and detention alternatives.

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o Retaining wall vs. slope easement alternatives.

o Access Management alternatives.
o Coordinate pavement alternatives with UDOT.
ƒ Develop and evaluate global options and alternatives such as transit and transportation
system management (TSM) (dependent on project area).
ƒ Develop screening criteria in coordination with UDOT to evaluate initial list of alternatives
and to determine alternatives to carry forward for detailed study.
ƒ Prepare for and hold a team meeting to present alternatives and select alternatives to
carry forward for detailed study using the screening criteria.
ƒ Conduct appropriate travel demand modeling for the build alternatives.
ƒ Conduct appropriate level of design (cross section, alignment, cut and fill, stormwater)
for alternatives carried forward to analyze impacts to the human and natural
environment. The design will provide sufficient detail to determine right-of-way impacts.
ƒ Prepare a comparison of impacts for alternatives considered in detail.
ƒ Develop avoidance alternatives for wetland and 4(f) impacts.
ƒ Develop impacts to utilities
ƒ Develop impacts to property owners from right-of-way needs.
ƒ Prepare the alternatives chapter based on screening process and alternatives
considered in detail in the EIS.
ƒ Obtain legal input on the alternatives.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Preliminary alternatives can be screened using items such as traffic forecasts, cost,
consistency with land use and growth objectives, community values, and environmental
screening factors (or other factors appropriate for the project).
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Draft and final alternatives chapter for internal distribution to UDOT and lead federal
ƒ Stormwater and design technical reports.

Activity 21E – Environmental Resource Identification

21E 1 – Land Use

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Current and future land use and zoning within and adjacent to the project will be
described as detailed in local, state, and federal land use plans.
ƒ Existing land use will be described based on field survey of the project area.
ƒ Existing land use, future land use, and zoning figure (s).

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B. Assumptions
ƒ Land use plans and zoning data are readily available from local, state, and federal

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

21E 2 – Farmland

A. Description of Activity
ƒ The agricultural setting will be defined in terms of prime, unique, and state important
farmlands. Data on Century farms will also be described.
ƒ The type of farmland activities, size of farm, and production rate will be described from
field verifications.
ƒ Agricultural protection areas will be listed.
ƒ Farmland figure(s).

B. Assumptions
ƒ NRCS data will be used for prime and unique farmland determinations.
ƒ Data on agricultural protection areas is available from the cities and counties.
ƒ Field verifications will be conducted.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

21E 3 – Social (Community Assessment)

Note: This effort should be conducted under Activity 27E, Community Impact Assessment. The
community impact assessment report should be written so that it can be easily incorporated into
the EIS to avoid duplication of effort).

A. Description of Activity
ƒ This activity will include a description of the social setting to include community
cohesion; quality of life; public safety; public services and utilities; recreation; and
ƒ See Activity 27E, Community Impact Assessment for more details.

B. Assumptions
ƒ See 27 E, Community Impact Assessment

C. Work Product
ƒ Affected environment should be written under Activity 27E, Community Impact

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21E 4 – Environmental Justice

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Collect environmental justice data from census, community service providers, cities,
counties, EPA environmental justice website, and schools.
ƒ One-on-one meetings will be conducted with organizations such as community service
providers, cities, and counties to refine data.
ƒ Questionnaires and other methods will be used during stakeholder meetings to refine
ƒ Detailed description of low-income and minority populations in the project area.
ƒ Environmental justice figure(s).

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Technical memorandum detailing environmental justice data gathering process.
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

21E 5 – Transportation

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Baseline data to describe existing travel demand and level of service for the project and
connecting arterials or other major roadways (note: Data should be provided from
Activity 15E, Develop Project Context and Activity 17E, Define Project’s Draft Purpose
and Need)).
ƒ General description of existing roadway classification.
ƒ Transportation figure(s).

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

21E 6 – Economics

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Baseline data will be collected for local retail sales, property tax revenue, sales tax
revenue, and property values for each city and/or county.
ƒ General description of the economic makeup of each community and the areas
surrounding the project to provide a context for the corridor.
ƒ Some data will be collected as part of (during) the public involvement process.
ƒ Economics figure(s).

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B. Assumptions
ƒ Data is readily available from census, local MPO, cities, counties, and State.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

21E 7 – Joint Development

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A description of joint development will be provided and what opportunities may be
available within the communities.
ƒ Data will be collected from the cities, counties, State, and local MPO.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

21E 8 – Consideration Related to Pedestrians and Bicyclists

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Data will be collected on pedestrian, bicycle, and trails from public, cities, counties,
State, and local MPO. Existing and future data will be collected.
ƒ Use and connectivity of trails will be detailed.
ƒ Pedestrians and bicyclist figure(s).

B. Assumptions
ƒ Existing and future trails data will be available from land use plans, trail plans, and local
MPO or other appropriate agency.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

21E 9 – Air Quality

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Existing conditions information will be collected from monitors in the project area, the
state of Utah website, Division of Air Quality, local MPO, and other environmental
documentation prepared in the project area.
ƒ Statutory provisions affecting air quality resulting from SAFETEA-LU and other recent
guidance (e.g., mobile air toxics, PM2.5) will be described.
ƒ The air quality attainment status for priority pollutants in the project area will be

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B. Assumptions
ƒ Air quality data is readily available.
ƒ No air monitoring will be conducted.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

21E 10 – Noise

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A detailed description of existing noise conditions along the corridor will be conducted.
ƒ Noise levels at sensitive receptors will be detailed in text with locations shown on maps.
ƒ Short-term (15-minute) noise monitoring will be conducted at sensitive receptors.
Selection of noise sensitive receptor locations will be based on reconnaissance-level
field surveys, aerial photographs of the alignments, and professional judgment while in
the field. Traffic volumes will be videotaped during each monitoring period (if required).
ƒ Noise monitoring will be conducted during peak noise periods, typically when traffic
volumes are free-flowing.

B. Assumptions
ƒ No 24 hour monitoring will be conducted.
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of sensitive receptors to be monitored
for noise.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.
ƒ Noise technical memorandum.

21E 11 – Water Quality

A. Description of Activity
ƒ An overview of existing canals, streams, and subsurface water sources in the study area
will be provided.
ƒ Existing drainage conditions along the project will be provided.
ƒ A description of impaired waters and water quality data will be described.
ƒ Water quality figure(s).

B. Assumptions
ƒ Water quality data are readily available from the Department of Water Quality or other
ƒ No water quality monitoring will be conducted.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

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21E 12 – Ecosystems (Wetlands, Wildlife, Threatened and Endangered Species, and

Invasive Species)

A. Description of Activity
ƒ This activity will describe the existing wetlands, wildlife, vegetation, wildlife habitat, and
threatened and endangered species along the project corridor. The resources are
combined to provide a description of the ecosystem.
ƒ A field survey of the project area will be conducted to detail wildlife and vegetation of the
corridor. The field survey will include a review for any potential threatened and
endangered species.
ƒ A overview of existing invasive species in the project area will be provided.
ƒ A wetland survey will be conducted. If found, a formal delineation of wetlands will be
ƒ Data will be obtained from Utah Heritage database, Universities, Utah Division of
Wildlife, and USFWS.
ƒ Any existing wetland data will be obtained from the Corps and NWI maps.
ƒ A map will be prepared in GIS detailing habitat and vegetation types and location of any
wetland and threatened and endangered species.
ƒ Coordination with the USFWS, Corps, and Utah Department of Wildlife will be conducted
to develop any methodologies and to obtained data.
ƒ Ecosystem figure (S).
ƒ Section 7 consultation will be required for projects that adversely impact threatened or
endangered species. This consultation will require preparation of a Biological
ƒ Field surveys will be conducted for an area necessary to evaluate impacts from the
project (select appropriate survey distance based on project) on either side of the
corridor. A general overview of the project area will be based on aerial photographs and
windshield surveys.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.
ƒ Wetland delineation (if necessary).
ƒ Biological Assessment (if necessary)
ƒ Field survey report detailing methods.

21E 13 – Floodplains

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Existing floodplains in the project area will be described along with FEMA floodplain
ƒ Data will be collected from FEMA and county floodplain maps
ƒ Floodplain figure (s).

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B. Assumptions
ƒ Flood plain data is readily available from FEMA. No floodplain mapping will be

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

21E 14 – Cultural Resources

A. Description of Activity

ƒ Cultural resources include historical and prehistoric resources such as archaeological

sites, historic structures (e.g., railroads and canals), and buildings.
ƒ Paleontological resources include fossils or trace fossils of past plant and animal life.
ƒ Conduct a search of site and project files at the Utah State Historic Preservation Office
ƒ Conduct a pedestrian inventory for archaeological resources;
ƒ Conduct a selective Reconnaissance Level Survey (RLS) for historical architectural
ƒ Prepare National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility recommendations for all
documented resources;
ƒ Prepare a technical report and supporting forms and graphics outlining the results of the
archaeological and architectural surveys;
ƒ Consult with the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) regarding paleontological resources
within the study corridor(s);
ƒ Consultation with the Local Government contact(s) and other community level historical
societies (if identified) regarding known and potential cultural resources within the project
corridor(s) and the relative historical importance of resources identified within the
respective communities during field inventories;
ƒ Assist UDOT in consulting with Native American tribes;
ƒ Prepare a summary report outlining the results of Native American consultation;
ƒ UDOT Guidelines for Archaeological Survey and Testing (14 July 2000) shall be
ƒ A UDOT Field Authorization Form shall be requested and received prior to fieldwork;
ƒ A search of the site and project files of the SHPO will be required for the entire project
ƒ A paleontological file search and clearance letter for the project area shall be requested
from UGS at the time the UDOT fieldwork authorization is requested.
ƒ A selective RLS for buildings will be necessary to identify historical architectural
properties that could be impacted by project alternatives. This survey will be done in
compliance with Section 4 (f) evaluation of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966
and the RLS guidelines of the Utah SHPO and will include the new SHPO provision for
using digital photographs;

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B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of archaeological and historical sites to
be discovered and evaluated.

C. Work Product
ƒ One technical report outlining the results of the archaeological and architectural field
inventories. This document will include at least the following sections: a summary of
previous research in the area; cultural context of the project area; survey results; results
of Native American consultation; and IMACS forms (including photographs,
documentation, and detailed site sketch maps) for all recorded archaeological sites and
Reconnaissance Level Survey database printouts and digital contact sheets for all
architectural properties identified during the field inventories. All previously documented
sites will be addressed as directed by the UDOT and either existing site forms or
updated site forms will be provided as appropriate. Up to three versions (draft, draft final,
and final) of the report and six copies of each of those versions will be provided to the
ƒ Paleontological consultation letter obtained from the UGS regarding known or potential
fossil localities and resources within the project corridor. This letter will be submitted as
an appendix to the cultural resources technical report;
ƒ Draft Native American consultation letters will be provided to the UDOT for their
finalization and submittal to the appropriate tribes;
ƒ One summary report of Native American consultation efforts, including copies of the
consultation letters and communications records for follow-up phone calls, will be
provided. Up to three versions (draft, draft final, and final) of the report and six copies of
each version will be provided to the UDOT;
ƒ Draft and final versions of the Affected Environment chapter for the Historical,
Archaeological, and Paleontological section(s) of the NEPA document.

21E 15 – Hazardous Waste

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Existing hazardous waste sites along the project area will be described to include both
surface and subsurface sites.
ƒ A search of federal, state, and county environmental data bases will be conducted.
ƒ If necessary, historical aerial photographs will be obtained (1950-2004 as available in 5-
year increments).
ƒ A reconnaissance survey of the study area will be conducted.
ƒ Hazardous waste figure (s).

B. Assumptions
ƒ No soil sampling or other field investigations will be conducted.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.
ƒ Hazardous waste Initial Assessment Report for UDOT.

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21E 16 – Visual Resources

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A description of the existing visual environment will be provided along with photographs
of the project area.
ƒ Visual figure (s).

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

25E 17 – Wild and Scenic Rivers

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A description of potential and existing wild and scenic will be provided.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the affected environment chapter.

Activity 23E – 4(f) Analysis

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Develop a 4(f)/6(f) chapter for the EIS.
ƒ The analysis will use recent SAFETEA-LU guidance.
ƒ The analysis will include the development of avoidance and minimization measures.
ƒ An understanding the social and economic make-up of the community will be developed
to assist in reviewing avoidance alternatives. Land use and transportation plans will also
be considered.
ƒ Coordinate with property owners with jurisdiction over potential 4(f) properties to
determine property importance and to refine boundaries. Obtain written concurrence
from public property owners (cities, county, state, and federal).
ƒ Cultural Resource data and historical boundaries will be developed as part of Activity
21E 14, Cultural Resources.
ƒ Develop avoidance alternatives and measures to minimize harm.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of 4(f)/6(f) sites to be evaluated.

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C. Work Product
ƒ Technical memorandum describing avoidance alternatives for approval by UDOT and
ƒ Preliminary draft 4(f) chapter for review by UDOT and FHWA.

Activity 25E – Determine and Analyze Impacts, Refine Alternatives as Necessary

25E 1 – Land Use

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze impacts to existing land use, future land use plans, and zoning.
ƒ Determine the consistency of the project to land use plans and zoning
ƒ Determine mitigation measures
ƒ Indirect and growth related impacts are addressed under 25E – 23, Indirect Impacts

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 2 – Farmland

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential impacts to prime, unique, and state important farmland.
ƒ Evaluate impacts to agricultural protection areas.
ƒ Analyze potential indirect impacts resulting from partial loss of farm land including water
sources and structures
ƒ Prepare Farmland Impact Rating Form AD-1006 (if necessary for farmland outside of
city boundaries)
ƒ Determine mitigation measures

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 3 – Social (Community Assessment)

Note: This effort should be conducted under Activity 27E, Community Impact Assessment. The
community impact assessment report should be written so that it can be copied into the EIS.

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A. Description of Activity
ƒ This chapter will include community cohesion, quality of life, public safety, public
services and utilities, recreation, and relocations.
ƒ See Activity 27 E, Community Impact Assessment.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 4 – Environmental Justice

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential impacts to low-income and minority populations
ƒ Through the public involvement effort, work with environmental justice communities to
develop ways to minimize impacts.
ƒ Develop mitigation measures.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 5 – Transportation

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential impacts to other arterials (or other types of transportation facilities)
along the project from roadway improvements. Build impacts will be compared to the No-
Action to determine how the project will change travel patterns.
ƒ Temporary construction impacts will also be evaluated.
ƒ Develop mitigation measures
ƒ A base network of transportation improvements will be defined for an interim year
representative of the year of construction and will be available on the MPO regional
travel demand model to estimate temporary construction related impacts

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

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25E 6 – Economics

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential economic impacts from alternatives to existing tax base, revenues
(sales and property), employment, changes in business oriented land uses, and the
permanent and temporary loss of businesses and business access, respectively.
ƒ Evaluate direct and indirect economic benefits including the value of time.
ƒ Qualitatively analyze the change in property values from roadway improvements
including noise related impacts.
ƒ Develop mitigation measures.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 7 – Joint Development

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Evaluated potential joint development opportunities with other projects proposed along
the project area. This could include trails, parks, city and county projects, and improved
access to public facilities.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 8 – Consideration Related to Pedestrians and Bicyclists

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential impacts from project alternatives on pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
Impacts to existing and planned facilities will be evaluated.
ƒ Develop mitigation measures.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

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25E 9 – Air Quality

A. Description of Activity

ƒ The air quality analysis involves obtaining traffic data, calculation of carbon monoxide
(CO) and ozone precursor (nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons/volatile organic
compounds) emissions for existing and future year conditions, and calculation of CO
impacts via dispersion modeling.
ƒ A qualitative discussion of construction related impacts on particulate matter will be
ƒ Impacts associated with operation of the project will be quantified using generally
accepted air quality models (such as CAL3QHC and MOBILE6) and procedures.
ƒ In non attainment areas address local project conformity at intersections or interchanges
that operate at LOS of D, E, or F by modeling current and future emissions at those
ƒ Use CAL3QHC to perform CO “hotspot” analysis for intersections that operate at an LOS
of D, E, or F. Predicted CO levels will be compared to national ambient air quality
standards to determine the level of impact.
ƒ Incorporate guidance and procedures from FHWA and EPA in place at the time of the
analysis with respect to mobile air toxics, PM2.5, and other air quality provisions
resulting from SAFETEA-LU.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of hot spot analysis.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 10 – Noise

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A noise impact analysis will be prepared to document existing and project-related noise
levels in the study area. The analysis will be prepared consistent with FHWA and UDOT
methodologies and mitigation procedures.
ƒ Estimate current and future noise levels (Leq) using the most recent version of FHWA’s
Traffic Noise Model (TNM). Modeling will include noise levels for the existing year and
the design year for the Build and No-Action conditions.
ƒ Recommend reasonable and feasible mitigation based on current UDOT Policy.
ƒ Discuss construction-related impacts.
ƒ Develop noise contour maps.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

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C. Work Product
ƒ Noise impact technical report discussing background noise information, methodologies
used for the analysis, noise impacts under existing and future year conditions (with and
without the proposed project), and mitigation.
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 11 – Water Quality

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential impacts to water quality from project alternatives including any
impaired waters, surface waters, and subsurface waters.
ƒ The evaluation will include impacts from foreseeable events attributable to
implementation of the roadway alternatives (e.g., de-icing practices and stormwater
ƒ Provide a quantitative analysis of water quality impacts from increases in impervious
ƒ Evaluate engineering controls that mitigate impacts.
ƒ Develop mitigation measures

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 12 – Ecosystems (Wetlands, Wildlife, Threatened and Endangered Species, and

Invasive Species)

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Evaluate impacts to wetlands, wildlife, vegetation, and threatened and endangered
species from the project alternatives.
ƒ Evaluate impacts to wildlife corridors and habitat fragmentation.
ƒ If necessary coordinate with the Corps regarding wetland impacts, least damaging
practicable alternative, and 404 permits. Develop appropriate mitigation sites and plan
for any impacted wetlands.
ƒ Coordinate with USFWS and DWR regarding wildlife and threatened and endangered
species impacts and develop impact methodology.
ƒ Evaluate the impacts from noxious weeds (invasive species).
ƒ Develop mitigation measures
ƒ If required, complete formal Section 7 consultation for impacts on threatened and
endangered species. Submit Biological Assessment to USFWS to obtain a biological

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

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C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.
ƒ Wetland plans as necessary.

25E 13 – Floodplains

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential impacts to floodplains from alternatives based on regulatory
ƒ Evaluate engineering controls to minimize impacts.
ƒ Develop mitigation measures.

B. Assumptions
ƒ For floodplain impacts a development permit will not be submitted and no mapping
revisions prepared.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 14 – Cultural Resources

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Assess impact of project alternative(s) on cultural and paleontological resources
identified as eligible for the NRHP;
ƒ Assist in the preparation of the Section 4(f) evaluation;
ƒ Assist the UDOT in negotiating and preparing a draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
to resolve adverse impacts.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Draft and final versions of the Environmental Consequences chapter for the Historical,
Archaeological, and Paleontological section(s) of the NEPA document;
ƒ A draft MOA will be prepared, if requested by the UDOT, and submitted to the UDOT for
finalization and routing.

25E 15 – Hazardous Waste

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential impacts to hazardous waste sites from alternatives including operation
and construction.
ƒ Provide UDOT with information regarding any sites that may impact construction and
provide appropriate recommendations to resolve issues.
ƒ Evaluation of existing lead from vehicles will be qualitative.
ƒ Mitigation measures will be developed.

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B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.
ƒ As necessary, recommendation on future actions to be taken at hazardous waste sites.

25E 16 – Visual Resources

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential impacts to visual resources from alternatives.
ƒ Evaluation of impacts will follow FHWA guidelines
ƒ Visual renders will be used to determine impacts and as part of the public involvement
effort (if necessary).
ƒ Mitigation measures will be developed.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of visual renderings.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 17 – Wild and Scenic Rivers

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential impacts to wild and scenic rivers from alternatives.
ƒ Mitigation measures will be developed.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 18 – Energy Impacts

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze the potential impacts from the project alternatives on energy consumption.
ƒ A quantitative analysis will be performed for each alternative based on travel demand
modeling projections.
ƒ Construction impacts will be evaluated.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

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C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 19 – Construction Impacts

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze temporary impacts associated with construction. Impacts will include access,
traffic, water quality, noise, dust/air quality, safety, visual, and vibration.
ƒ Construction hauling methods, staging areas, phasing, and material pits will be
discussed in general terms.
ƒ Mitigation measures will be developed.
ƒ Determine impacts to property owners abutting the project corridor due to temporary
construction access

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 20 – Short-Term Use and Irreversible Commitment

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Evaluation of short-term uses versus long-term productivity and irreversible and
irretrievable commitment of resources will be conducted.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft of the environmental consequences chapter.

25E 21 – Permits and Clearances

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A table showing the potential permits and clearances that would be required from project
alternatives will be developed.
ƒ A general description of each permit and clearance will be provided.

B. Assumptions
ƒ No permits will be obtained.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft permits and clearances section

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25E 22 – Mitigation Summary

A. Description of Activity
ƒ At the end of the consequences chapter a summary of all of the mitigation commitments
will be provided.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft mitigation summary section

25E 23 – Cumulative Impacts

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential cumulative impacts from project alternatives.
ƒ Analysis will include identifying potential significant issues to be considered and identify
temporal and geographic boundaries.
ƒ Significant issues to evaluate will be developed in coordination with UDOT, FHWA, and
resource agencies.
ƒ Temporal boundaries will be based on available information

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft cumulative impacts section.

25E 24 – Indirect Impacts

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Analyze potential indirect (growth related) impacts from the project alternatives.
ƒ Data will be collected from local government agencies to determine how the area will
develop with and without the project.
ƒ Maps will be developed comparing the no-action and build alternatives.
ƒ Analysis will include an evaluation of travel demand changes.
ƒ Indirect impacts will be determined in coordination with developers and local

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft indirect impacts section.

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25E 25 – Refine Alternatives

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Based on environmental consequences data the alternatives will be revised to minimize
potential major impacts to resources such as 4(f), wetlands, threatened and endangered
species, and community values.
ƒ Input from UDOT, FHWA, resource agencies, and the public will be used to refine
ƒ Alternative refinement will include measures to reduce costly mitigation.
ƒ After refinement the detailed alternatives to be evaluated in detail will be developed.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Refined alternatives to be evaluated in detail.

Activity 27E – Community Impact Analysis

Note: This activity provides the information necessary to complete the social sections for the
EIS. The Community Impact Assessment Report should be written so that it can be easily
incorporated into the EIS. Avoid duplication of effort between the social sections of the EIS and
public outreach efforts.

A. Description of Activity
ƒ This activity will include developing an understanding of community values so context
sensitive solutions can be implemented.
ƒ Data will be collected through the public involvement process (see Activity 38E,
Implement Public Involvement Plan).
ƒ Data will be collected through questionnaires, specific input process during public
meetings, and discussions during stakeholder forums.
ƒ Photographs will be used to develop an understanding of community values.
ƒ Community values input will come from the public, cities, service providers, and religious
ƒ Alternatives will be evaluated to determine the impact on community values and
potential context sensitive solutions and mitigation measures developed.
ƒ Mitigation measures will be developed in coordination with the stakeholders.
ƒ List impacts due to right-of-way acquisition from property owners abutting the project

B. Assumptions
ƒ The public involvement effort will be used to obtain community data.

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C. Work Product
ƒ Community Assessment Technical Memorandum.

Activity 29E – Prepare Draft Document

29E 1 – Assemble Draft EIS

A. Description of Activity
ƒ This activity will include assembling the individual sections and chapters of the document
including technical editing and word processing.

B. Assumptions
ƒ This Activity will include mainly technical editing and word processing

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary Draft EIS.

29E 2 – Comments and Coordination

A. Description of Activity
ƒ This chapter will summarize the public and agency involvement process prior to release
of the Draft EIS.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ The comments and coordination chapter.

29E 3 – List of Preparers

A. Description of Activity
ƒ The list of preparers will include all personnel responsible for the content of the EIS.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ List of preparers chapter of the Draft EIS.

29E 4 – References

A. Description of Activity
ƒ References for all documents, contacts, and websites used to develop the EIS.

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B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Reference chapter of the Draft EIS.

29E 5 – Executive Summary

A. Description of Activity
ƒ An executive summary will be prepared and can be used as a stand alone document.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Executive summary of the Draft EIS.

29E 6 – Distribution List

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A public and agency distribution list for the Draft EIS will be developed.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Distribution chapter of the Draft EIS.

29E 7 – Pertinent Correspondence, Index, and Other Appendices

A. Description of Activity
ƒ EIS index of key terms will be developed.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Index chapter of the Draft EIS.

29E 8 – Preliminary Draft EIS Review and Comment

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A preliminary Draft EIS will be provided to UDOT for review.
ƒ UDOT comments will be incorporated.
ƒ Comment and response form will be prepared.

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B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary draft EIS.
ƒ Comment and response form.

Activity 31E – Internal QC/QA of Draft Document

31E 1 – Internal QC/QA and Technical Edit

A. Description of Activity
ƒ This activity will include an internal review of the Preliminary and Draft EISs.
ƒ Technical editing is included under Activity 29E -1, Assemble Draft EIS.
ƒ Independent NEPA specialists will review the document for quality and consistency
among sections.
ƒ The internal review will include methods to streamline the EIS and make it more reader
ƒ The EIS will be revised prior to the document being provided to UDOT (See Activity 29E-
8, Preliminary Draft EIS Review and Comment) for their initial review.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Internal QC/QA comments to the EIS.

31E 2 – UDOT Internal Legal Sufficiency Review

A. Description of Activity
ƒ This activity will be conducted by a UDOT attorney during the Preliminary Draft EIS

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ None.

Activity 33E – Pre-Legal Sufficiency Review

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A Draft EIS will be prepared for FHWA review.

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ƒ All comments from FHWA will be reviewed and appropriate revisions made to the Draft

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Responses to FHWA comment form.

Activity 35E – Conduct Public Hearing

35E 1 – Coordination to conduct and schedule hearing

A. Description of Activity
ƒ An announcement will be placed with the utility bill and sent to all citizens in the project
area (if appropriate).
ƒ A project newsletter invitation will be mailed to the citizens in the project area and on the
project mailing list.
ƒ A display ad and a legal notice will be placed in appropriate newspapers
ƒ Door hangers will be placed at the homes of resident’s directly impacted
ƒ The project web page will be updated and will provide meting information
ƒ An invitation will be sent home with students attending the elementary and middle
schools in the project area
ƒ The consultant will write Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
ƒ Translation of public involvement material into Spanish (if required for the project area)
ƒ The consultant will hire a court reporter.
ƒ The consultant will arrange for the public hearing location

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies of public involvement

C. Work Product
ƒ Utility bill announcement.
ƒ Project newsletter invitation.
ƒ Project postcard Invitation.
ƒ Display ad.
ƒ Legal notice.
ƒ Door hanger.
ƒ Web Page.
ƒ Public Service Announcements.
ƒ School flier.
ƒ Press Release.
ƒ Meeting plan.

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ƒ Updated press kit.

35E 2 – Prepare Graphics, Handouts, and Presentations

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Preparation of material for the public hearing.
ƒ Aerials with the alternatives will be developed for the meeting.
ƒ Boards will be prepared to display project information.
ƒ Comment form will be developed

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Display material and handouts including maps.
ƒ Comment forms.
ƒ Display boards.
ƒ Copies of a summary of project impacts flier.
ƒ Aerial photography showing project alternatives.

35E 3 – Conduct Hearing and Prepare Transcripts

A. Description of Activity
ƒ This activity includes the open house and preparation of transcripts.
ƒ Prepare UDOT’s public hearing certification documentation
ƒ A dry run will be required.
ƒ The consultant will provide 6 staff members (select appropriate number for the project)
to attend the meeting.
ƒ The transcript will be limited to oral testimony given at the hearing.
ƒ Written comments will be invited.
ƒ The open house and hearing will be from 4 to 7 pm (select appropriate time for project)

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of meetings.

C. Work Product
ƒ Transcript and public hearing certification documentation which will include handouts,
written comments, attendance lists, oral testimonies, copies of newspaper ads, etc.

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Activity 37E – Public and Agency Draft Document Review

37E 1 – Prepare DRAFT EIS Notice of Availability (NOA)

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Preparation of the Draft EIS NOA

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product

37E 2 – Prepare agency, library, and public distribution letters

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Draft EIS distribution letters will be prepared for agencies, libraries, and the public.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Distribution letters.

37E 3 – Draft EIS Printing and Distribution

A. Description of Activity
ƒ The Draft EIS will go through a final QC and be submitted for printing.
ƒ Distribution of the Draft EIS will be made to the public and agencies.
ƒ Draft EIS will be placed on the project website and made available at local libraries and
copy centers.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of EIS and CD copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Public Draft EIS

Activity 38E – Implement Public Involvement Plan

Note: This is only an example of some of the public involvement activities that could be used for
a project. Identify the appropriate methods for each specific project.

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38E 1 – Develop and Maintain Public Website

A. Description of Activity
ƒ The consultant will design, develop and maintain a project web page with the goal to
educate, update and provide an additional venue for community input.

B. Assumptions
ƒ The web page will be used through the duration of the project

C. Work Product
ƒ Web page

38E 2 – School Project (if appropriate for the project)

A. Description of Activity
ƒ To better engage the schools currently on the corridor, develop a school project that
involves both students and parents and helps identify safety concerns and solutions. The
project will be designed to not only gain information but to educate the communities’
children on transportation and environmental issues. Work closely with the school district
to maximize efforts. Keep school staff informed through project presentations and
ƒ The consultant will work directly with school teachers to give classroom presentations
during key points of the project, regarding UDOT, the NEPA regulatory process and this
ƒ The consultant will sponsor a Corridor Activity where students from schools are asked to
draw what they want the road or school crossing to look like. These pictures will be
represented at community scoping and alternative development meetings.
ƒ School children and their families will be invited to attend the public scoping meetings
where there will be project displays catered to children, highlighted displays of the
students work and children’s activities relating to the project.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Children pictures
ƒ Up to 4 Meeting display boards catered to children’s interests
ƒ Presentation materials
ƒ Summary report of school project.

38E 3 – City Stakeholder Meetings

A. Description of Activity
ƒ The establishment of a stakeholder forum with clearly established goals, roles and rules
and realistic understanding of their decision-space would help 1) create ownership of the
project, 2) provide a forum for data and information sharing, 3) encourage the sharing of

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ideas and solutions, 4) develop consensus between stakeholders, 5) coordinate projects

and efforts and, 6) strengthen relationships between UDOT, the cities, counties, school
district and local businesses.
ƒ Potential Stakeholders include representatives from the city (s), county (s), developers,
utility companies, irrigation companies, farmers, MPO, and religious organizations.
ƒ Each stakeholder will be contacted by phone and interviewed in person to assess their
project interest and concerns.
ƒ The stakeholder group will be facilitated. Possible meetings could include:

o Goals Roles & Rules Kick-off

o Purpose/ Need & Issue Identification
o Community impact assessment meeting
o Understanding of NEPA and 4(f) process
o Alternatives Workshop
o Preferred alternative meeting
o Draft EIS Review Response Meeting
o Project updates

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number and length of meetings.

C. Work Product
ƒ Stakeholder Feasibility Report
ƒ Meeting Minutes

38E 4 – Presentations to Local City Councils/Community Groups

A. Description of Activity
ƒ The consultant will make project update presentations to local city councils and
community groups over the course of the project to involve and educate elected officials.
ƒ Each city will be contacted with an offer to make a presentation at a city council meeting.
ƒ The consultant will develop all presentation material such as handouts, maps, boards

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of meetings.

C. Work Product
ƒ Presentation material (handouts, boards)
ƒ Presentation summary report

38E 5 – Newsletters & Postcards

A. Description of Activity
ƒ 3 newsletters and 3 postcards will be designed and sent to the general public during the

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ƒ A pre-scoping newsletter will be developed (see Activity 13E-3, Inform Stakeholders of

Scoping) and mailed to community members.
ƒ A scoping follow-up newsletter will also be developed and sent.
ƒ A workshop alternative development postcard invitation will be sent to community
members and the general project mailing list.
ƒ An alternative workshop follow-up newsletter will be designed and sent to the general
public after the completion of the alternative workshops.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies for the above material.

C. Work Product
ƒ Post cards and news letters

38E 6 – Alternative Development Workshops with the community

A. Description of Activity
ƒ To more fully gain community input, an alternative development solution focused
workshop will be hosted. Community members will be given an opportunity to comment
on maps, brainstorm solutions and hear what their neighbors feel is important for this
project. In addition, this workshop will also be designed to gain input on community
values and transportation needs to be used in the development of a community impact
assessment (see Activity 27E, Community Impact Assessment).
ƒ Information Packets will be designed and given to each participant. 200 packets per
meeting will be developed and will consist of meeting agenda, project newsletter, fact
sheets, community values questionnaire etc

B. Assumptions
ƒ Breakout groups will be facilitated by project team members and UDOT representatives
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of meetings.

C. Work Product
ƒ Workshop summary report
ƒ Community Impact assessment

38E 7 – Focus Groups and Community Interviews

A. Description of Activity
ƒ To better understand the values of members of the represented cities, focus groups will
be held to discuss community values (as part of the community impact assessment) and
transportation needs. In addition, personal interviews of key members of the public will
also be held.
ƒ Suggestions of participants in the focus groups or interviews will be requested to each
City mayor.

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B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number and length of meetings.

C. Work Product
ƒ Community Impact assessment

Activity 39E – Select Preferred Alternative

A. Description of Activity
ƒ In coordination with UDOT, FHWA, and any participating and cooperating agencies
determine the preferred alternative.
ƒ A matrix considering items such as cost, operations, safety, environmental impacts, and
public input will be used to select the preferred alternative.
ƒ Public involvement process will be used to gather input from local governments and the

B. Assumptions
ƒ The preferred alternative will be identified for the Draft EIS (if appropriate).

C. Work Product
ƒ Preferred alternative evaluation matrix and technical memorandum.

Activity 41E – Receive, Evaluate, and Respond to Public and Agency Input

A. Description of Activity
ƒ The consultant will evaluate and respond to all comments to the Draft EIS.
ƒ A comment and response document will be prepared detailing on comments and
responses to facilitate review.
ƒ The consultant will incorporate UDOT and FHWA comments to the response document.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Comment and response document.

Activity 43E – Legal Sufficiency Review

A. Description of Activity
ƒ A Draft EIS will be prepared and submitted to FHWA for review.
ƒ FHWA comments will be incorporated into the EIS.

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ƒ The consultant will prepare a response to comment document detailing how all
comments were incorporated. Changes to the EIS will be shown in strikeout.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ EIS for legal review.
ƒ Response to comment document.

Activity 45E – Prepare Final EIS

45E 1 – Prepare Preliminary Final EIS for UDOT review

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Prepare Final EIS for UDOT
ƒ Incorporate UDOT’s comments to the Preliminary Final EIS.
ƒ Prepare response to comment document detailing how UDOT’s comments were

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary Final EIS
ƒ Response to comment document.

45E 2 – Prepare Preliminary Final EIS for FHWA review

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Prepare Final EIS for FHWA review.
ƒ Incorporate FHWA’s comments to the Preliminary Final EIS.
ƒ Prepare response to comment document detailing how FHWA’s comments were

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies

C. Work Product
ƒ Preliminary Final EIS
ƒ Response to comment document

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Activity 47E – Internal QC/QA of Final Document

A. Description of Activity
ƒ This activity will include an internal review of the Final EIS including technical editing.
ƒ Independent NEPA specialists will review the document for quality and consistency
among sections.
ƒ The EIS will be revised prior to the document being provided to UDOT for their initial

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ Internal QC/QA comments to the EIS.

Activity 49E Submit for Decision

Description of Activity
ƒ This activity will be conducted as part of Activity 39E, Select Preferred Alternative.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ None

Activity 51E – Public and Agency Final Document Review

51E 1 – Prepare Final EIS Notice of Availability (NOA)

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Preparation of the Draft EIS NOA

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product

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51E 2 – Prepare agency, library, and public distribution letters

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Final EIS distribution letters will be prepared for agencies, libraries, and the public.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Distribution letters.

51E 3 – Final EIS Printing and Distribution

A. Description of Activity
ƒ The Final EIS will go through a final QC and be submitted for printing.
ƒ Distribution of the Final EIS will be made to the public.
ƒ Final EIS will be placed on the project website and made available at local libraries and
copy centers

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of EIS and CD copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Final EIS for public review.

Activity 53E – Submit for ROD

53E 1 – Prepare Draft ROD

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Prepare a Draft ROD for UDOT and FHWA review.
ƒ Incorporate UDOT and FHWA comments to the ROD.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product

ƒ Draft ROD

53E 2 – Prepare Final ROD

A. Description of Activity
ƒ Based on UDOT and FHWA comments to the Draft ROD prepare a final ROD for public

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ƒ Public and agency distribution letters will be prepared.

ƒ The ROD will be placed on the public website.
ƒ The ROD will be sent to all agencies and public that requested a copy of the final EIS.

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of Final ROD and distribution letter

C. Work Product
ƒ Final ROD
ƒ Distribution letters for the ROD.

Activity 55E – Develop Concept Report

55E 1 – Prepare Project Concept Report.

A. Description of Activity

Prepare Project Concept Report utilizing inventory data, inventory reports, and preliminary plans
completed in previous tasks
ƒ Compile inventory data and reports, possible design exceptions, and project concept
ƒ Prepare cost estimate
ƒ Identify need for environmental clearance for borrow/disposal/staging sites.
ƒ Complete Draft Concept Report which includes a concept report summary.
ƒ Complete Concept Report Summary which contains
o Improvements to be made
o Design exceptions
o Concept cost estimate
o Input from, feedback to, and commitments made to stakeholders
o Recommended project parameters and design criteria
o Project schedule
ƒ Distribute Draft Concept Report to all team members to review for completeness and
ƒ Finalize Concept Report

B. Assumptions
ƒ Provide appropriate assumptions about number of copies.

C. Work Product
ƒ Concept Report

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55E 2 – Prepare Preliminary Plans for Preferred Alternative

Prior to the start of this activity, the Preferred Alternative is assumed to be selected. The
preliminary plans will be developed in sufficient detail to identify the footprint of the roadway
embankment, finalize right-of-way needs and assemble an opinion on construction costs.

A. Description of Activity
Roadway plans will be developed as follows:
ƒ Cross sections every 100 feet
ƒ Locate major cross-drain structures.
ƒ Locate major retaining walls.

B. Assumptions
ƒ None

C. Work Product
ƒ 1” = 100’ roadway plans on 11” x 17” sheets.
ƒ 1” = 100’ (h) and 1” = 10’ (v) profiles
ƒ Typical plan sheet
ƒ X-section electronically
ƒ Mainline – 50 plan and 50 profile sheets
ƒ Intersection/Cross Streets – 20 plan and profile (over/under) sheets
ƒ Typical Section Sheets

Activity 57E – Maintain Administrative Record

A. Description of Activity
ƒ An electronic administrative record will be maintained so that files can be searched. The
electronic data base will identify all files entered into the system and include all reference
ƒ All notices, contacts, deliverables, and consultation will be included in the administrative
ƒ Hard copies will not be scanned into an electronic format but will be placed in the paper
ƒ The data base will track the hard copy file system.

B. Assumptions
ƒ The final administrative record will be delivered in hard copy with an electronic data base
identifying all material placed into the record. The electronic data base can be searched
to find records.

C. Work Product
ƒ Administrative record.

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