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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal

Teacher’s Name: _______________________ Week No. 1-8, Quarter No. 2

Grade & Section: ____________________ Date: January 4-29, 2021

Learning Area: English 9 Day: Monday-Friday Time: _____________

Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School

Learnin Learning Learning Mode of
Date Cainta, Rizal
g Area Competencies Tasks Delivery
Monday ENGLISH Monday, January 4 ODL
-Friday 9 English Module 2, Lesson 1 Online
January Quarter 2, Week 1 submissio
2021 Relate text  Lesson Preview Google
content to In this lesson, you will learn how to make Classroom
particular connections between texts to particular
issues, issues, concerns, and dispositions in life. MDL
concerns or Personal
dispositions in Read the poem entitled “Crossing the River” submissio
life by Alfred Lord Tennyson on p.6 of your n by the
module. Reflect if this relates to you and the parent to
world you live in by answering the questions the
that follow. Write your answer on your teacher in
notebook. school

1. What do sunset and evening star

2. What does turns again home in Stanza 2
3. Who is the entity referred to by the word
Pilot in Stanza 4?
4. What does crossing the bar mean?
5. How can you relate the meaning of the
poem to your personal experiences?
6. Can you associate this with other people’s
experiences? Explain.

 Answer Learning Task 1, p. 7

DIRECTIONS: Read the selection entitled
‘An Excerpt from President Obama's
Presidential Proclamation’ Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day (January 15, 2010) and answer
the questions that follow. Write your answers
on your answer sheet.

1. On the eve of his death, what did Dr. King

say on the opportunity that we have to do?
2. Even after his death, Dr. King has
continued challenging the Americans to
make America a better nation. What
evidence from the text supports this
3. Based on this speech, what can you infer
about economic and social justice in
4. Based on this proclamation, how could
Americans supporting each other bring
America closer to Dr. King's "promised
land" of equality and opportunity? Support
your answer with evidence from the text.
5. In the last paragraph of the text, what did
President Obama try to persuade people to
do? Do you think this could also be applied
in the current situation of our country?
Explain your answer.
Tuesday, January 5 ODL
English Module 2, Lesson 1 Online
Quarter 2, Week 1 submissio
Compare and
n through
Read and study the information given about Google
MAKING CONNECTIONS in your module pp. Classroom
presented in
Note: Keene and Zimmerman (1997, as cited MDL
different texts
in Kardash, 2004) concluded that students like Personal
you comprehend better when you make submissio
Explain how a different kinds of connections. These three (3) n by the
selection may connections include the following: parent to
be influenced  text-to-self, the
by culture,  text-to-text, and teacher in
history,  text-to-world. school
or other  Answer Learning Task 2, p. 11
factors DIRECTIONS: Reread the selection in Learning
Task 1. On your answer sheet, copy and
accomplish the Community Connection
Reading Response graphic organizer below.

This article reminds me of my community

The problem in this article is:

I think we could fix the problem by:

Draw a picture or representation of what

you have read.

Wednesday, January 6 ODL

English Module 2, Lesson 1 Online
Quarter 2, Week 1 submissio
Compare and  Answer Learning Task 3, p. 11 n through
contrast DIRECTIONS: Based on the text in Learning Google
similar Task 1, make a Community Plan using the Classroom
information template below. Use your answer sheet for
presented in your output.
different texts
Explain how a Steps to Picture representing the Personal
selection may complete the plan: submissio
be influenced plan: n by the
by culture, parent to
history, the
environment teacher in
or other People involved school
factors in the plan:
Reasons indicating how this plan will help
the community:
Thursday, January 7 ODL
English Module 2, Lesson 1 Online
Quarter 2, Week 1 submissio
 Answer Learning Task 4, pp. 12-15 n through
DIRECTIONS: Read the short story entitled Google
Explain how a ‘The Gift of the Magi’ by O. Henry pp 12-15. Classroom
selection may On your answer sheet, draw illustrated
be influenced annotations to take note of important details MDL
by culture, and concepts taken from the text. Afterwards, Personal
history, answer the questions that follow. submissio
environment n by the
or other 1. Name the characters in the story. parent to
factors 2. Why did the characters sell their most the
valuable items? teacher in
3. What are magi? Relate your answer to the school
characteristics of Jim and Della.
4. How will you relate the story to your
personal experiences?
5. How will you relate this story to the
on the three magi in the story of the birth
6. Does this world need more magi? Explain
what life lessons can be derived/learned
from the given story.
Friday, January 8 ODL
 Self-assessment and preparation of Online
portfolio submissio
n through

n by the
parent to
teacher in
Monday ENGLISH Monday, January 11 ODL
-Friday 9 English Module 2, Lesson 1 Online
January Quarter 2, Week 2 submissio
11-15, Compare and  Answer Learning Task 5, p.16 n through
2021 contrast DIRECTIONS: Using the selection in Learning Google
similar Task 4, accomplish the Notice, Wonder, Classroom
information Connect Organizer below. Do this on your
presented in answer sheet.
different texts
Notice, Wonder, Connect Organizer MDL
Explain how a The Gift of the Magi Personal
selection may by O. Henry submissio
be influenced What I NOTICE What I How I n by the
by culture, while Reading WONDER CONNECT parent to
history, about to the Text the
environment while teacher in
or other Reading school
You may focus You may You may
on the focus on focus on
following: the your
unfamiliar following: personal
words, meaning experiences
characters of on the idea
and their unfamiliar of giving.
characteristics words,
, plot, etc. behavior
of the
, plot, etc.

Tuesday, January 12 ODL

English Module 2, Lesson 1 Online
Compare and Quarter 2, Week 2 submissio
contrast  Answer Learning Task 6, p.17 n through
similar DIRECTIONS: Make connections with the text Google
information you read in Learning Task 4 by answering the Classroom
presented in Reflection Using Big Questions form below.
different texts Copy and complete the table on answer MDL
sheet. Personal
Explain how a submissio
selection may Reflection Using Big Questions n by the
be influenced The Gift of the Magi parent to
by culture, by O. Henry the
history, What features or How did they teacher in
environment elements of the surprise me? school
or other story surprised me?

What did the What do I need to do

author think I to address my
already knew? confusion?

What challenged, How has this

changed, or impacted my
confirmed my thinking?

Wednesday, January 13 ODL

English Module 2, Lesson 1 Online
Relate text Quarter 2, Week 2 submissio
content to  Answer Learning Task 7, p.18-19 n through
particular DIRECTIONS: Read the article entitled Google
issues, ‘Community spirit drives volunteer Classroom
concerns or firefighters in Portugal’ By Associated Press,
dispositions in adapted by Newsela Staff carefully. Then, on MDL
life your answer sheet, answer the questions that Personal
follow. Use annotations to get the main idea submissio
of the selection. n by the
parent to
Questions: the
1. What are the two main ideas of the article? teacher in
2. What do you think is the purpose of the school
3. Do you know any similar circumstances
among our Filipino firefighters or other risk-
reduction personnel in your community?
Compare and 4. Complete the Community Connections
contrast graphic organizer on the next page.
similar Community spirit drives volunteer
information firefighters in Portugal
presented in
different texts The article said: My thoughts about
my community
Explain how a
selection may
be influenced
by culture,
or other

Thursday, January 14 ODL

English Module 2, Lesson 1 Online
Compare and Quarter 2, Week 2 submissio
contrast  Answer Learning Task 8, pp. 20-22 n through
similar DIRECTIONS: Make a Cultural Content Google
information Connections Project related to the text you Classroom
presented in have read in Learning Task 1. Do this on your
different texts answer sheet. MDL
Note: Please refer to your Module p. 21 for Personal
Explain how a the Scoring Guide. submissio
selection may Making Cultural Content Connections Project n by the
be influenced Name of Community Icon: ______________ parent to
by culture, the
history, This is an independent project where you will teacher in
environment research on a particular community icon school
or other (living or not-living), like a local hero, leader,
factors volunteer or advocate, who has made some
sort of contribution to the community and
culture where you belong. Whether the
community icon pioneered an advocacy,
made something better, contributed
enormous ideas, or discovered something, we
want to know about it.

You have five (5) choices for the type of

product that you will be completing. Choose
one (1) from the given options.
 News Article: Write a front-page news
story/article about your community icon
and explain how he/she and his/her
advocacy, discovery or contribution
affects your life.
 Children’s Book: Create a printed
children’s book inspired by/using
important details about your famous
community icon and his/her advocacy,
discovery or contribution.
 Poster: Create a poster of your
community icon including all important
facts about his/her life and advocacy,
discovery or contribution.
 Model: Create a small 3-D (physical)
model that represents what your famous
community icon achieved (the advocacy,
discovery, contribution, etc.), with a
written informational speech.
 Digital Presentation: Create a digital
presentation that includes important
details about your famous community

What should be included in your project?

1. The first, middle and last name of your
community icon
2. A mugshot (picture of your community
3. Years living (examples: 1901-1959; 1973 –
to present)
4. His/Her place of origin
5. Your similarity with your community icon
6. Place where he/she did/does his/her
7. A description of what your community
icon is most famous for
8. Pictures, graphics or illustrations of what
your community icon is famous for
9. A paragraph explaining how his/her
accomplishment has benefited the
10.Two interesting facts about your
community icon
Friday, January 15 ODL
 Self-assessment and preparation of Online
portfolio submissio
n through

n by the
parent to
teacher in
Monday ENGLISH Monday, January 18 ODL
-Friday 9 English Module 2, Lesson 2 Online
January Quarter 2, Week 3 submissio
18-22, Unchanging Values in the VUCA World n through
2021 Analyze  Lesson Preview Google
literature as In this lesson, you will be introduced to Classroom
means of literary pieces in order to learn how to
understandin analyze literature as means of understanding MDL
g unchanging values in the VUCA (volatile, Personal
unchanging uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world. submissio
values in the n by the
VUCA Read and analyze the poem written by parent to
(volatile, Alfred Edward Housman, an English scholar the
uncertain, and poet. Evaluate the specific values teacher in
complex, embedded in the given text. Then, answer school
ambiguous) and reflect on the questions that follow on p.
world 23 of your module.

Analyze Reflection Questions:

literature as 1. What is the theme portrayed by the poem?
means of 2. What specific attitude of the young
valuing other towards
people and life is shown in the text?
other various 3. What specific advice was given by the wise
circumstances man to the young man?
in life 4. Did the young man listen to the advice of
the wise man? Explain your answer.
5. Based from the text, how does the wise
man perceive life?
6. How will you explain the idea of ‘wisdom of
elders’ in the given poem? Relate your
answer to your personal experiences.
 Answer Learning Task 1, p. 24
DIRECTIONS: In order to know if you already
have knowledge about the literary
masterpiece, Beowulf, read each statement
carefully and determine whether each given
statement is true or false. Write your answers
on your answer sheet.

1. King Hrothgar built a mead-hall called

2. Jubilant noise and celebration angered
3. Beowulf was a warrior from Geatland.
4. Unferth was the political advisor of King
5. Grendel died because of a leg injury.
6. Grendel’s mother sought revenge against
7. Grendel’s mother killed Beowulf.
8. Beowulf became king after King Hygelac
was killed in a battle.
9. The dragon killed Beowulf.
10. Wiglaf was Beowulf’s most trusted
Tuesday, January 19 ODL
English Module 2, Lesson 2 Online
Quarter 2, Week 3 submissio
Read and study the information given about n through
Analyze Unchanging Values in the VUCA World in Google
literature as your module pp. 24-26. Classroom
means of  Answer Learning Task 2, pp. 26-27
understandin DIRECTIONS: Having read the epic Beowulf,
g answer the following questions ON your MDL
unchanging answer sheet. Personal
values in the submissio
VUCA 1. Why did Beowulf decide to free the Danes n by the
(volatile, from Grendel? parent to
uncertain, 2. Why did Beowulf fight Grendel with his the
complex, bare hands? What does this reveal about teacher in
ambiguous) his character? school
world 3. Why was it harder for Beowulf to kill
Grendel’s mother than Grendel himself?
4. What were the qualities deeply esteemed
by the people of those times? Would those
qualities be equally esteemed in our times?
5. Complete the story below. (Note: Please
refer to your module p. 27 for this
Wednesday, January 20 ODL
English Module 2, Lesson 2 Online
Quarter 2, Week 3 submissio
 Answer Learning Task 3, p.28 n through
DIRECTIONS: Analyze the characters in the Google
epic, Beowulf, by providing significant Classroom
information about them and relating them to
the present time. MDL
Analyze Significant Representation Personal
literature as Details of the submissio
means of Character about the Character in n by the
valuing other Character the Present parent to
people and Society the
other various teacher in
circumstances Beowulf school
in life






Thursday, January 21 ODL

English Module 2, Lesson 2 Online
Quarter 2, Week 3 submissio
 Answer Learning Task 4, p.29 n through
Analyze DIRECTIONS: With the characters mentioned Google
literature as in Learning Task 3, decide whether the points Classroom
means of below are observable in the given epic or not.
understandin Cite an instance that would illustrate the MDL
g indicated behavioral pattern. Write your Personal
unchanging answers on your answer sheet. submissio
values in the Behavioral Evidence n by the
VUCA Pattern (State a parent to
(volatile, Character scene or the
uncertain, instance) teacher in
complex, Beowulf school
Analyze Hrothgar
literature as
means of Grendel
valuing other
people and
other various Grendel’s
circumstances Mother
in life


Friday, January 22 ODL

 Self-assessment and preparation of Online
portfolio submissio
n through

n by the
parent to
teacher in
Monday ENGLISH Analyze Monday, January 25 ODL
-Friday 9 literature as English Module 2, Lesson 2 Online
January means of Quarter 2, Week 4 submissio
25-29, understandin  Answer Learning Task 5, pp. 30-32 n through
2021 g DIRECTIONS: Read the article below entitled Google
unchanging ‘WE ARE NOT THE VIRUS Classroom
values in the ‘Health workers speak to UNICEF about their
VUCA struggles’’ by Jacques Gimeno (May 19, 2020) MDL
(volatile, and answer the questions that follow. Write Personal
uncertain, your answer on your answer sheet. submissio
complex, n by the
ambiguous) 1. What does the article say about the parent to
world medical frontliners' situation in the the
country? teacher in
Analyze school
literature as 2. How can the situation influence the Filipino
means of medical frontliners?
valuing other 3. How should this situation be addressed?
people and 4. What Filipino values can be gained from
other various the given text?
circumstances 5. Based on the article, trace the
in life development of your thinking. Use the
graphic organizer below to jot down your
initial and final perspectives concerning
other people’s circumstances.
Note: Please refer to your module p. 32
for this activity.
Tuesday, January 26 ODL
English Module 2, Lesson 2 Online
Analyze Quarter 2, Week 4 submissio
literature as  Answer Learning Task 6, p. 33 n through
means of DIRECTIONS: Read the poem entitled ‘If We Google
understandin Must Die’ by Claude McKay (1889–1948) Classroom
g carefully. Then, answer the questions that
unchanging follow. Do this on your answer sheet. MDL
values in the Personal
VUCA Questions: submissio
(volatile, 1. What do the first four lines establish? n by the
uncertain, 2. What message does the persona forward parent to
complex, to his allies? the
ambiguous) 3. How does the persona describe his teacher in
world enemies? school
4. According to the poet, how can one die
Analyze nobly?
literature as 5. Using the Venn diagram below, compare
means of and contrast the specific messages and/or
valuing other values presented in the poem and in the
people and article in Learning Task 5.
other various Note: Please refer to your module p. 33
circumstances for this activity.
in life Wednesday, January 27 ODL
English Module 2, Lesson 2 Online
Quarter 2, Week 4 submissio
 Answer Learning Task 7, p. 34 n through
DIRECTIONS: Research on a person in history Google
Analyze or in your community who worked toward Classroom
literature as achieving social justice. Prepare an
means of infographic and paste it on your answer MDL
valuing other sheet. Be sure to include responses to the Personal
people and following questions: submissio
other various  What was this person or group fighting n by the
circumstances for? parent to
in life  What were his/her values as an individual the
or a group which you think are still teacher in
relevant today? school
 What were some of the efforts he/she/it
used in achieving social justice?
 Were these efforts successful? Why or
why not?
Thursday, January 28 ODL
English Module 2, Lesson 2 Online
Quarter 2, Week 4 submissio
 Learning Task 8, pp. 35-36 n through
DIRECTIONS: Recognize the present “real- Google
time heroes” amid the ongoing COVID-19 Classroom
pandemic by composing an acrostic poem
with the phrase OUR HERO. Make sure to
construct cohesive, meaningful and
grammatically correct sentences. Do this on
your answer sheet. (Note: Please refer to
your module p. 35 for this activity.) MDL
n by the
parent to
teacher in
Friday, January 29 ODL
 Self-assessment and preparation of Online
portfolio submissio
n through

n by the
parent to
teacher in

Prepared by:


T-II, English Department

Checked by:

MT-II, English Department

Noted by:


HT-III, English Department

Approved by:


Principal IV

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