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Entry # Time Turn Player Title Entry

101 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Message 3*-2, no leader casualty possible due to force ratio.
11:31:00 AM
102 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Message sorry brain fart.
11:32:00 AM 3*-1, no leader casualty possible due to force ratio. AONV and 8 SPs now proceeds and thankfully can't be anymore
attempts at interception.
103 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Message since you already attempted one this activation.
11:33:00 AM
104 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 1
11:37:00 AM request

Message from Confederate:

3rd MP, AONV attacks Burnside in Frederick. No interception possible but he could retreat with entire force on a roll
of 1.
105 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Message no option to retreat. Burnside receives orders from Lincoln to fight to the last man
11:37:00 AM
106 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 2
11:40:00 AM request

Message from Confederate:

AONV (8 SPs) attacks Burnside (2 SPs) at the fort in Frederick, MD. Medium table again.

CSA: +4 generals +3 force ratio = +7

US: +2 fort +1 burnside = +3

there is a small chance that we lose this one if we can't score a 3* result.
107 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 1
11:40:00 AM request

Message from Confederate:

Ouch, Burnside is only able to take out one division of Rebels and might take a bullet now on a 1 result since CSA
attacekd this time with LOC.
108 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Message 3*-1, no general casualties. now i have to think about this as DC is a very inviting target but 3*-3 result wouldn't win
11:43:00 AM the me battle as it is a capital space.

i will for sure use 4th MP to convert so I can maintain supply whether i attack Baltimore or DC. but i'm going to think
on my 5th MP move.
109 11/1/2017 2:59:00 Fall 1861 Union Message Trouble brewing for the Northern cities...
I do have a question. When the AoNV attacked Frederick, could the AoP attempt to intercept from DC?
110 11/1/2017 3:12:00 Fall 1861 Union Message No need to answer the interception question. The AoP may not attempt to intercept because Burniside already tried.
PM Only 1 attemp against an enemy force per movement.
111 11/1/2017 6:22:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Message yep, it creates real tension when a player's path isn't obvious as you don't know if you should attempt the
PM interception whle you have the chance or wait in case they go the way you think they will. in your case, it was a good
move to try where you did I think since McDowell had same odds of successful interception with his defense of 1
and no cavalry modifier.
112 11/1/2017 6:41:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Message I have a feeling i'm pushing my luck to far, there is 50/50 chance you score 3 SPs of damage against me in DC and
PM make it impossible for me to win as my 3* wouldn't be good enough anyways.

but opportunities to make the capital flee are few and far between.
113 11/1/2017 6:43:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 2
PM request

Message from Confederate:

AONV (7 SPs) attacks DC and fort there guarded by McDowell's A of P (5 SPs).

CSA: +4 generals

US: +1 McDowell/Halleck (Mcdowell suffers -2 penalty for fighting army vs army with no cav intel for min 0) +2 fort =
114 11/1/2017 6:44:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Message yep, there it is. that hurts. 1-2 result. The rebs are pushed back hard and McDowell is the new hero of the Union.
115 11/1/2017 6:46:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Message to you. things coudl have gotten really sour but as you can see, even with some good luck leading up to the final
PM assault on DC, it's not easy to actually make DC fall without Lee at the helm, and by then you have your cavalry.
116 11/1/2017 8:38:00 Fall 1861 Union Play #114: 3 / Frederick Douglas
PM Strategy Union immediately receives five SPs for raising freemen Negro troops. The SPs can be placed in any single Union
card as controlled space with a LOC in NJ, DE, PA or the space that contains the Union capital that does not contain
Event Confederate SPs or forts. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:

5 sp to DC (n9)
117 11/1/2017 8:46:00 Fall 1861 Union Message thx for the "extra" text and comments. Definitely helps understand the strategy better. After Mac intercepted, I figured
PM I was golden. Keep the AoNV OOS and grind it down. But that is more difficult than i thought. And not having cavalry
against superior generals, I need to be defending from a fort with the CSA OOS just to make it even. Need to tell
Abe to double the cavalry budget!!
118 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Message Ha ha. Yep, Union cavalry almost always is an Achilles heel but the good news is that even when you lose yours,
10:04:00 PM you still get them back the very next turn whereas CSA has to wait 3 turns
119 11/1/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Message And that event card seals the fate of any more grand offensives up north
10:05:00 PM
120 11/2/2017 Fall 1861 Confederate Play #49: 3 / CSS Alabama, Commerce Raider
12:35:00 AM Strategy Union SW reduced by two.
card as
Operations Message from Confederate:
THere is just no way that I can afford to go on offense. one more 3 casualty result, and the AONV is in tatters.

but i'm going to try something new and throw down a fort in Frederick, MD.
121 11/3/2017 9:45:00 Fall 1861 Union Play #11: 2 / Nathaniel Lyon
PM Strategy Union places or flips three PC markers in Missouri. The spaces may not contain Confederate SPs or forts.
card as
Event Message from Union:
PC Springfield, Rolla, Ironton
122 11/4/2017 2:00:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Play #4: 1 / Costly Mistake
AM Strategy Pick an enemy army with two or more subordinate generals (includes Cavalry Generals) and randomly determine a
card as target general. On a die roll of 1-3 the chosen general is killed and removed from play. On a die roll of 4-6 the
Operations general is wounded and removed from play, but re-enters during the reinforcement phase of the next game turn.

Message from Confederate:

should have used this before you broke off a general.

place PC in Greenville, MO
123 11/4/2017 6:29:00 Fall 1861 Union Play #74: 2 / Political Crisis
AM Strategy The Union player may remove or demote one Union general for no SW cost. The cost for promoting a general with a
card as lower political value still applies. OR remove ANY Union non-commanding general (even second in commands) from
Operations the game.

Message from Union:

2 SP Lewistown to Harrisburg (n2)
124 11/5/2017 2:34:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Play #90: 3 / Habeas Corpus
AM Strategy Reduce Union SW by 2. Remove from deck if event is played.
card as
Operations Message from Confederate:
would like to use this event but i think i need a fort more. Fort in Sabine City, TX.
125 11/5/2017 5:42:00 Fall 1861 Union Play #13: 2 / Missouri Guerrilla Raids
AM Strategy Confederate removes two Union PC markers from any two Missouri spaces that do not contain a Union SP or fort.
card as
Operations Message from Union:
Activate Pope with 0 sp, 2 sp remain in Cairo
1. Jonesborugh
2. Salem
3. Vicennes
4. Bloomington
5. Lousville +2 (n2)
6. Lebanon +2 (n4)
7. Bowling Green and hold (n4)
126 11/5/2017 5:51:00 Fall 1861 Union Message Once again, I can do the End of Turn file after your last card if you want.
127 11/6/2017 3:08:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Message I can take care of it. I waited to last card play to activate AONV so you can't pull any more event shenanigans. Now i
PM just need to hope I can roll waht I need to pull this off.
128 11/6/2017 3:11:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Play #9: 3 / Clara Barton
PM Strategy Union immediately adds three SPs due to improved sanitary conditions. Place in any space (friendly controlled or
card as not) that already contains a Union SP and has a LOC, no more than one per space.
Message from Confederate:
AONV activated and leave 1 SP behind in fort (N4) 1st and 2nd MP: Gettysburg then attack in Harrisburg 2 SPs of

Banks is in range but defense of 0 means no interception capability if he has no cavalry.

129 11/6/2017 3:13:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 1
PM request

Message from Confederate:

Medium battle in Harrisburg:

CSA: +4 for generals

US (no roll) as DRM is 0 and result will be auto 1.

130 11/6/2017 3:18:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Message AONV barely pulls it off 2-1. 3rd MP drop 1 SP (n2) in Philly and 4th MP - 5th MP to York-Gettysburg drop 1 SP (n1)
PM and then 6th and final MP back in fort at Frderick MD (n2).

i really wanted to go for the brass ring and hit the fort at Baltimore but that bad roll that almost lost the battle of
Harrisburg scared me off. Harrisburg and Philly count as state capitals so you will have to lose 2 SPs during
reinforcement this next game turn.
131 11/6/2017 3:30:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Message SW situation after raid and border state segments is: Union 102+ and CSA 110+ Both sides feeling very invigorated.
there will be a war weariness as 3rd step of PC phase

132 11/6/2017 3:34:00 Fall 1861 Confederate Message ending turn and over to you for force placement.
133 11/6/2017 3:34:00 Fall 1861 Confederate End Turn
134 11/6/2017 8:18:00 Spring 1862 Union Message Wow. Nice finish to the turn. After reading the rules section 10.3, it states that DC must have rail connections to the
PM Northern Map Edge or only receive 4 SP. While DC has an open port, it does not have rail connections, so I will
place only 4 SPs in PA, DE or NJ. As you said, US lose and additional 2 for the state capitals. Even with Kty, Abe's
approval rating starting to sink!

4 sp to Willmington

1 sp to Jackson
2 sp to Coshocton
2 sp to Columbus
1 sp to Cincinnati

2 sp to Salem
135 11/6/2017 9:28:00 Spring 1862 Confederate Message You are correct, I wanted to take out Baltimore is that is the easiest way to cut rail reinforcements. I only took Philly
PM because it acts as a second capital, never cut DC rail like that before. I had to double check the map to make sure
you were right
136 11/7/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 4
12:16:00 AM request

Message from Confederate:

It was a good turn for the rebel cause. i'm hoping my blockade runners are slippery as usual.

Clockwise from N atlantic - W Gulf

137 11/7/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message Ouch, N ATL and E Gulf both fail on a 1 which was only roll that could fail
12:17:00 AM
138 11/7/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message Nashville, TN Corinth, MS and Tuscumbia AL - 6 SPs left to place
12:28:00 AM
Marshall, TX-Little Rock, AR-Savannah, GA

Charleston, SC-Weldon, NC, Richmond, VA (that's it)

139 11/7/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message back to you for strategic movements. thankfully I still have the east divided from the central and western zones.
12:29:00 AM
140 11/7/2017 5:10:00 Spring 1862 Union Message US SM
2 sp Wilmington (n2) to Baltimore (n4)
2 sp Coshocton to Lewistown (n2)
2 sp Zanesville to Johnstown (n2)
2 sp Salem to Pittsburg (n4)
2 sp Columbus to Pittsburg (n6)
1 sp Cincinati to Lebanon (n1)
1 sp Bowling Green to Lebanon (n2)
2 sp from Cairo to Paducah (n2)
141 11/7/2017 5:17:00 Spring 1862 Union Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 1
AM request

Message from Union:

US Generals
Stoneman to AoP

1-3 Burnside to AoP, Curtis to Pittsburgh

4-6 opposite
142 11/7/2017 5:18:00 Spring 1862 Union Message Curtis to AoP, Burnside to Pittsburgh
143 11/7/2017 5:23:00 Spring 1862 Union Draw 7 cards drawn.
AM Strategy
144 11/9/2017 1:47:00 Spring 1862 Confederate Message PGT and Lee go to Charleston, SC
145 11/9/2017 1:52:00 Spring 1862 Confederate Die roll Request: 999-sided die x 3
AM request

Message from Confederate:


High roll to low:

Dover, TN
Richmond, VA (x2)
146 11/9/2017 1:52:00 Spring 1862 Confederate Message Forrest is high roll so he goes to Dover, the others go to Richmond.
147 11/9/2017 1:54:00 Spring 1862 Confederate Draw 7 cards drawn.
AM Strategy
148 11/9/2017 1:55:00 Spring 1862 Confederate Message your move first good sir.
149 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message In the Vassal file, you are showing the "2 sp" Forrest Cavalry in Dover. I think your intent was to use the "1 sp"
5:55:00 AM version since you reduced the strength of the Dover forces from 3 sp to 2 sp. I have flipped the Forrest Calvary
marker to show the the "1 sp" version. If that was not your intent, go ahead and adjust.
150 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Play #10: 3 / Dorothea Dix
5:57:00 AM Strategy Union immediately receives three SPs. Place in the Union Capital or in any space (friendly or not) that contains a
card as Union army with a LOC.
Message from Union:
3 sp to AoP (n10)
151 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message That was not my intent, I forgot that forest has to be flipped twice. Did we say if we were playing with the optional
10:07:00 AM general school and bonuses? Those are found in general section. Mac gets a SW bonus for being head of an army
near DC, also gets an SP every turn of near DC, Van Dorn can become cavalry commander, Forrest can command
two instead of just 1 SP. Sheridan can be cavalry commander and lastly, cavalry commanders that are killed use
their replacement general when they return
152 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message I do not recall us ever specifying it. That said, I vote that we use the optional general rules (even though Mac is
12:45:00 PM gone!). I was kind of assuming that we were playing by the BPA tournament rules, which include all optional rules
except for the Railroad Logistics (section 19). That said, I'm flexible and am good playing with as many of the
optional rules as you want.
153 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message BPA rules are fine! And you are right I don’t think we specified.
1:38:00 PM
Are you in the BPA tournament this year?
154 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message At doctor appointment, will do move when I can
1:40:00 PM
155 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message I am playing in the BPA PBEM tournament this year. I figured as long as I took the time to learn the game, there is
1:57:00 PM no time like the present to try the tounament out. It has been fun and so far, I've managed to keep the CSA out of
Philidelphia! :) They are letting people sign up until Nov 15 if you are interested.

No problem on your next move, get to it whenever you can. With 2 other games going for the tournament, I am
getting all the FtP I want.
156 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message I got in a few days ago. Good on you for giving it a go, i only have 7 games under my belt so I'm pretty new relative
2:51:00 PM to the field but it's a great way to learn and get better.

157 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Play #80: 1 / Southern Religious Revival
2:54:00 PM Strategy Confederate player immediately receives three SPs in a single space, and loses three SW points. SPs must be
card as placed in a friendly controlled space (including Pro-Union spaces) with a LOC free of Union SPs.
Message from Confederate:
I'll see your 3 troops from Ms Dorothea Dix and bring in 3 SP's of my own into the AONV. one of the best cards I
could possibly draw since it allows me to place them all in one spot unlike most CSA cards.
158 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message we drop to 100- on SW track. log up.
2:56:00 PM
159 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Play #91: 2 / Letters of Marque
3:58:00 PM Strategy Increase Confederate SW by 1. Remove from deck if event is played.
card as
Operations Message from Union:
Activate Burnside w/Buell and 6 sp
1. Uniontown
2. Grafton
3. Franklin
4. Strasburg, drop off Buell +3 sp
5. Manassas w/ 3 sp
160 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 1
4:12:00 PM request

Message from Confederate:

To the surprise of nobody, JJ attempts interception into Manassas. 4 or less. We will leave 1 SP behind in fort if we
succeed and if interception is successful, I will use my best generals
161 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message Huzzah! JJ and his army (leave one SP behind) rush out to meet the Yanks. Let me know if you want to roll combat
4:13:00 PM or me
162 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message You can go ahead and roll since I am away from my computer now.
4:22:00 PM
163 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message I am back, so I will roll this one out. For some reason, I did not really think that move out. I envisioned you the CSA
5:14:00 PM attacking there on the next Strat card and the AoP intercepting! It was Burnside after all!
164 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 2
5:21:00 PM request

Message from Union:

CSA intercepts with 7 sp, Medium Battle.

1. US (no modifiers)
2. CSA +7 (+5 Generals, +2 Interception)
165 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 2
5:24:00 PM request

Message from Union:

Result is 2/3, CSA victory. Possible General Casualties.

1. US 1
2. CSA 1-3
166 11/10/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message ANV in Manassas with 5sp
5:27:00 PM Burnside, after losing his 3 sp corps, on his way to the White House for a meeting with Abe and then to the track.
167 11/12/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message sorry for delay, busy week of work and a weekend get away trip.
10:49:00 PM
one thing you missed, you have to trace supply through the space from which you attack. and you attacked from
Strasburg, VA which is under my Control so you are OOS for the attack. So i would have additional +2 DRM and no
possibility for general casualties.
168 11/12/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Play #106: 3 / British Clydeside Shipyards
10:57:00 PM Strategy Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but
card as more than one SP per Blockade zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost.
Message from Confederate:
Morehead City, NC
Charleston, SC
Mobile, AL
169 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message You are absolutely right about the attack being OOS. I was not thinking about the interception and assuming that
6:47:00 AM Burnside would stop in Manassas and reestablish supply through DC. No problem with the pace of play and no
apology necessary. Work/life definitely gets in the way of making moves.
170 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Union Play #27: 3 / Choctaw Indians
6:47:00 AM Strategy Confederate randomly removes one strategy card from the Union player’s hand, which is discarded.
card as
Operations Message from Union:
Activate Buell in Strasburg w/ 3 sp
1. Winchester
2. Harpers Ferry
3. Chambersburg
4. Harrisburg
5. Lewistown +2 sp (n4)
6. Harrisburg
7. York
8. Baltimore (n8)

Any reaction? Otherwise, I will update the Vassal files around lunch time today.
171 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message no stop, i didn't see a log so i'm doing it now then I will load my move.
7:07:00 PM
172 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message you picked up 2 in Lewistown and then had 5 with you, you typed 4 though. so you are actually at Baltimore with 9
7:09:00 PM SPs now. I loaded log.
173 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Play #93: 2 / Strategy Board
7:12:00 PM Strategy Union player may make a naval move with up to three SPs plus one general.
card as
Operations Message from Confederate:
Activate Lee and take PGT B and 5 SPs with him (leaves 1 behind) to go to Richmond and stop which is all 10 MP's
(rail bonus)

Now 8 SPs there.

174 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message Thanks for noticing the extra SP in Baltimore (I agree should be 9) and for completing the log file.
8:25:00 PM
175 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Union Play #100: 3 / Shiloh
9:06:00 PM Strategy Confederate Player may move 5 SPs using Strategic Movement (rail connections only) to the same space with a
card as Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs
Operations or fort. If a general casualty occurs in a battle caused by this card, the Commanding General is eligible, this is an
exception to the rules. See 4.5.

Message from Union:

Activate AoP w/9 sp +all generals
1. Baltimore, +6 sp (n15); 3 sp, Buell, Banks remain in Baltimore
2. Washington
3. Manassas

I have DRMs at +5 CSA and +4 US.

176 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message That is a very good move. Forces me to choose between possible army annihilation or abandon my fort.
9:36:00 PM
I thought about retreating but I’m going to play a card instead. I hate doing this but it’s drastic measures time. Very
good move.
177 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Play #89: 1 / Quaker Guns
9:36:00 PM Strategy Play as an interrupt to cancel the activation of any Union general with a strategy rating of 2 or 3.
card as
Event Message from Confederate:
We cancel A of P’s activation entirely. This is payback for earlier ;)
178 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message When you cancelled my army movement up in PA.
10:07:00 PM
179 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message I do remember and guess I had that coming! Having the last card play will be nice though.
10:18:00 PM
180 11/15/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message Indeed it’s s nice consolation prize
10:29:00 PM
181 11/16/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Play #60: 2 / USS Monitor
8:47:00 PM Strategy The Union player may remove one Confederate ironclad from the mapboard.
card as
Operations Message from Confederate:
activating Van Dorn and taking 2 SP with him 3 spaces to Manassas, pick up Pemberton and drop 1 SP (n6 with
AONV) then 4th MP is to Frederick fort, drop Pemberton and teh last SP (n2 in Frederick) and Van Dorn returns to
182 11/17/2017 Spring 1862 Union Play #119: 2 / War in the West: Valverde/Glorietta Pass
8:28:00 PM Strategy Randomly remove one strategy card from your opponent’s hand, which is discarded. Remove from deck if event is
card as played.
Message from Union:
I believe you play your last card after discarding one. Maybe the Abe can get the final two card plays and do
something positive!
183 11/17/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message Oh my. This is going to hurt
8:36:00 PM
184 11/17/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Discard Operations - 2 / Fortified Lines
8:37:00 PM random
Strategy Message from Confederate:
card Not sure which card I want more anyways but two go by you will be trouble
185 11/17/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message There goes my plan for an army for Lee. But there is an interesting event with my remaining card. Probably need to
8:39:00 PM use it to position Lee instead though
186 11/17/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message If you have a campaign card , ouch
8:49:00 PM
187 11/18/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Play #55: 1 / CSS Tennessee
2:14:00 AM Strategy Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space.
card as
Operations Message from Confederate:
this is my last card, it's going to be played for Mr. Lee, just deciding what to do. definitely can't use it to place an iron
188 11/18/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message Lee takes Morgan and 4 SP (n2 left in Richmond which is Wheeler/cav SP plus 1 infantry SP and PGT B).
2:22:00 AM
moves 4 MPs to Strasburg and stops.
189 11/18/2017 Spring 1862 Union Play #108: 2 / Richmond Bread Riots
9:17:00 PM Strategy Confederate player loses 2 SW. Remove from deck if event is played.
card as
Operations Message from Union:
Activate Pope +2 sp in Bowling Green
1. Lebanon +2 sp (n4)
2. Somerset, pick up Rosecrans +2 sp (n6)
3. Clinton, drop 1 sp (n5)
4. Knoxville, drop 1 sp (n4)
5. Cleveland, drop 1 sp (n3)
6. Dalton, drop 1 sp (n2)
7. Kingston, drop 1 sp (n1)
8. Atlanta w/ 1 sp
190 11/18/2017 Spring 1862 Union Play #69: 3 / Gideon Welles, The Naval Program
9:26:00 PM Strategy The Union player may either increase the Blockade Level by one or increase the Amphibious Assault modifier by
card as two.
Message from Union:
Activate AoP w/ 4sp. Leave 6 sp, Curtis in DC

1. Baltimore. drop off Stoneman Brigade, pick up Banks +8 sp (n11)

2. York drop off 2 sp (n9)
3. Liberate Philly, drop off 2 sp (n7)
4. Liberate Harrisburg, drp off 2 sp (n5)
5. Chambersburg drop off 2 sp (n3)
6. Gettysburg w/ 3 sp

Any Intercept?
191 11/19/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message Very good move to go take out Atlanta. Didn’t even realize that was possible
10:30:00 AM
192 11/19/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 1
10:31:00 AM request

Message from Confederate:

Interception attempt into Gettysburg with both SP’s. Need a 1
193 11/19/2017 Spring 1862 Confederate Message Close but no cigar. You can do end of turn
10:31:00 AM
194 11/19/2017 Spring 1862 Union Message Not sure if could have done more in the east, but at least US will get its full allotment of Reinforcements.
7:36:00 PM
End of Spring 1862.

PC Phase:
Details in Vassal Log.
US PC from Clinton to Atlanta
Atlanta destroyed
CSA SW -5 to 95-
US SW +5 +2 to 102+
CSA PCs removed north of Frederick

Attrition detailed in Vassal log.

195 11/19/2017 Spring 1862 Union End Turn
7:37:00 PM
196 11/19/2017 Summer 1862 Union Message US Reinforcements
7:43:00 PM
Washington +8 (n13)

Coshocton +2
Cincinati +2
Bloomington +2

Cairo +2
Salem +2

Over to you for Reinforcements...

197 11/25/2017 Summer 1862 Confederate Die roll Request: 6-sided die x 4
3:42:00 AM request

Message from Confederate:

Blockade run attempts in order:
Morehead, NC
Jacksonville, FL
Columbus, GA
New Orleans

need 2+ to succeed.
198 11/25/2017 Summer 1862 Confederate Message failed once in Columbus, GA (n93- SW)
3:43:00 AM
199 11/25/2017 Summer 1862 Confederate Message 9 state SPs:
3:54:00 AM Strasburg, VA (n4)
Weldon, NC (n1)
Marion, SC (n1)
Columbus, GA (n2)
Tuscumbia, AL (n1)
Corinth, MS (n2)
Monroe, LA (n1)
Fernandina, FL (n1)
Nashville, TN (n2)
200 11/25/2017 Summer 1862 Confederate Message you are up for strat moves. hope you had a great Thanksgiving. also, how is your FTP tourney going?
3:56:00 AM

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