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Activity 2.1.

3 Student Response Sheet

Part I: Example One
A researcher wants to determine if the claim that males are less likely than females to
develop a cold is true. To test this claim, the researcher followed 30 subjects for the
course of three years (17 males and 13 females) to determine how many colds each
subject developed.

The researcher hypothesized that males will develop fewer colds during a period of
three years than females. The results of the study are presented below. Assume alpha
is 0.05.

Number of Colds (in Three Years)

Males (X1) Females (X2)
3 8
8 8
6 7
7 10
4 11
9 4
2 3
5 7
7 6
11 8
10 4
8 10
7 6

Step One: Identify null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

 Null hypothesis (H0):

 Alternative hypothesis (Ha):

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Biomedical Innovation Activity 2.1.3 Student Response Sheet – Page 1
Step Two: Establish the level of significance, which is known as the alpha value. For
the examples, the alpha value will be given.

Step Three: Calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation for both samples.
Check your answer using Excel (optional).

a. Calculate the mean.

Σ xi

Note: Σ is the sum of the sample and n is the sample size.

x́ 1=

x́ 2=

b. Calculate the variance (s2) for both samples and round your answer to the
nearest thousandth.
 Calculate the deviation for each data point.
 Square these deviations.
 Calculate the sum of all of these squared deviations.
 Divide by the number of data points in the data set minus one.

s2=Σ ¿ ¿

Sample 1 Variance (s12) =

Sample 2 Variance (s22) =

c. Calculate the standard deviation (s) by taking the square root of the variance
for both samples.

s= √ Σ ¿ ¿ ¿

Sample 1 standard deviation (s1) =

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Sample 2 standard deviation (s2) =

Step Four: Determine which type of two sample t-test is most appropriate (independent
t-test or dependent t-test).

Step Five: Use the t-test formula to calculate the t-statistic and determine the degrees
of freedom.

a. Calculate the t-statistic.

b. Calculate the degrees of freedom (ν).

Step Six: Use the t-table to compare the t-statistic with the critical values to determine
whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. If you have a two tailed test
(Ha:µ1≠µ2), remember to use α=α/2 for the alpha value.

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Source: Devore, Jay, and Kenneth Berk. Modern Mathematica Statistical with Applications. Belmont: Brooks/Cole, 2007.


Step Seven: Based on your results in Step Six, state whether your results are or are
not statistically significant.

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Part II: Assigned Study
Step One: Identify null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

 Null hypothesis (H0):

 Alternative hypothesis (Ha):

Step Two: Establish the level of significance, which is known as the alpha value. For
the examples, the alpha value will be given.

Step Three: Calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation for both samples.
Check your answer using Excel (optional).

a. Calculate the mean.

Σ xi

Note: Σ is the sum of the sample and n is the sample size.

x́ 1=

x́ 2=

b. Calculate the variance (s2) for both samples and round your answer to the
nearest thousandth.
 Calculate the deviation for each data point.
 Square these deviations.
 Calculate the sum of all of these squared deviations.
 Divide by the number of data points in the data set minus one.

s2=Σ ¿ ¿

Sample 1 Variance (s12) =

Sample 2 Variance (s22) =

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c. Calculate the standard deviation (s) by taking the square root of the variance
for both samples.

s= √ Σ ¿ ¿ ¿

Sample 1 standard deviation (s1) =

Sample 2 standard deviation (s2) =

Step Four: Determine which type of two sample t-test is most appropriate (independent
t-test or dependent t-test).

Step Five: Use the t-test formula to calculate the t-statistic and determine the degrees
of freedom.

c. Calculate the t-statistic.

d. Calculate the degrees of freedom (ν).

Step Six: Use the t-table to compare the t-statistic with the critical values to determine
whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. If you have a two tailed test
(Ha:µ1≠µ2), remember to use α=α/2 for the alpha value.

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Source: Devore, Jay, and Kenneth Berk. Modern Mathematica Statistical with Applications. Belmont: Brooks/Cole, 2007.


Step Seven: Based on your results in Step Six, state whether your results are or are
not statistically significant.

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Biomedical Innovation Activity 2.1.3 Student Response Sheet – Page 7

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