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2101 Arapahoe St.

Denver, CO 80205
[email protected]
@CoFOIC on Twitter
The Voice for Open Government in Colorado

Jan. 15, 2021

Speaker Alec Garnett

Senate President Leroy Garcia
House Majority Leader Daneya Esgar
Senate Majority Leader Stephen Fenberg
House Minority Leader Hugh McKean
Senate Minority Leader Chris Holbert
Colorado State Capitol
200 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203

Dear Speaker Garnett, President Garcia, Majority Leader Esgar, Majority Leader Fenberg, Minority
Leader McKean and Minority Leader Holbert:

We, the undersigned organizations, want to thank you and other legislative leaders for taking
steps during the fall 2020 special session to ensure public and journalist access to the legislative
process at a time when many Coloradans do not feel safe appearing in person at the state Capitol.
Adding a mechanism for remote testimony during committee hearings afforded interest groups
and individual Coloradans all over the state essential opportunities to express their views on
proposed legislation during the COVID-19 public health emergency, and we urge the General
Assembly to continue offering remote testimony for every committee of reference during the
2021 session. Additionally, journalists appreciated the preservation of at least limited floor access
to each chamber and we ask that this same access continue.

We also ask you to consider the following observations and recommendations regarding
transparency and public/journalist access to the legislative process, both during the session and
when lawmakers are not in session.

 Reporters have learned about “working groups” involving multiple legislators that met via
Zoom or other conferencing platforms prior to the special session. Please be mindful of, and
adhere to, the letter and spirit of the Colorado Open Meetings Law, which deems all
meetings of two or more members of a state public body “open to the public at all times”
when those meetings pertain to public business. We ask you to notify journalists and the
public of such working-group meetings (including meetings that take place in person) and
allow contemporaneous access to them. Posting recordings of these meetings on the
General Assembly’s website also would ensure a transparent process.

 As you know, it was difficult at times for reporters and the public to hear and understand

Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition | | [email protected]

remote testimony and remote participation by legislators during the special session and a
recent Legislative Audit Committee meeting. Please do whatever is technically feasible to
ensure that speakers can be understood and clearly identified by listeners.

 We encourage you to integrate video into the legislature’s system for online monitoring of
committee hearings, like the Colorado Channel system for floor sessions, if doing so is
feasible. A video feed would help broadcast new outlets adequately cover committee
hearings and make it easier for everyone to clearly identify anyone speaking via the WebEx
conferencing platform.

 Please archive recordings of committee hearings as quickly as possible.

 Please post written public testimony on the legislature’s website so that journalists and the
public do not need to file Colorado Open Records Act requests to obtain copies.

Thank you for your consideration of these matters.


Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition

Colorado Capitol Press Association
Colorado Press Association
Colorado Broadcasters Association
Colorado News Collaborative
Society of Professional Journalists – Colorado Pro Chapter
Colorado Common Cause

Jeff Roberts, Executive Director, Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition
[email protected]

Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition | | [email protected]

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