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Quarter 2 – Module 1

Perform Mise en Place

Prepare Vegetable Dishes
Weeks 1-2
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the Development
and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the learners meet
the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social,
and economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. use the module with care, do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module, use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises;
2. don’t forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities included
in the module;
3. read the instructions carefully before doing each task;
4. observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers;
5. finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next; and
6. return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Let’s Learn

This module was prepared and written to help you achieve the required
competency in Cookery. This will be the source of information for you to acquire
knowledge and skills in this craft, with minimum supervision or help from your teacher.
With the aid of this material, you will acquire the competency independently in your
own pace.

Week 1

Learning Competency: Perform Mise en Place

After going through these lessons, you are expected to:

1. discuss the principles and procedures of preparing vegetables

2. describe the characteristics of quality vegetables
3. explain the procedures of thawing frozen vegetables according to standard

Week 2

Learning Competency: Prepare Vegetable Dishes

After going through these lessons, you are expected to:

1. identify the market forms of vegetables

2. prepare a variety of vegetable dishes following appropriate cooking methods
3. prepare suitable sauces and accompaniment in serving vegetable dishes


1 Perform Mise en Place

Vegetables are edible plants (different parts such as flowers, seeds, stems, leaves,
roots, and tubers) that grow in a variety of colors, flavors, and textures. Certain types of
fruit are classified as vegetables because they are savory rather than sweet.

Vegetables are part of a healthy diet because of its fibers, nutrients, and

No single vegetable can provide all the nutrients. Eat plenty every day; variety is
important as quantity. Eat a variety of types and colors of produce to give your body the
mixed nutrients it needs. Try cooking new recipes.

Learning Objectives:
1. discuss the principles and procedures of preparing vegetables
2. describe the characteristics of quality vegetables
3. explain the procedures of thawing frozen vegetables according to standard

Let’s Try

Directions: Choose your answer from the given choices below. Write your answers in
your TLE notebook.

1. Which statement is true?

I. Vegetables are any plants or parts of plants that are inedible
II. Some fruits are classified as vegetables because they are sweet rather than savory
III. Vegetables are notable providers of fibers, and antioxidants.
IV. Eating a variety of types and colors of vegetables do not provide nutrients to the

2. Most vegetables are low in _______

A. calories B. potassium C. vitamins D. fiber

3. Which of the following is/are false about preparing vegetables?

I. wash your hands only after preparing the vegetables
II. unwashed raw vegetables can be combined with other ingredients
III. vegetables should be cut uniformly
IV. one may scrub the surface of firm vegetables during cleaning
A. II & III B. II & IV C. I & II D. III & IV

4. Which statement is true about vegetables in season?
A. it is not nutritious C. it is cheaper in cost
B. it has foul odor D. it is expensive

5. The following are factors to consider in selecting vegetables except

a. degree of maturity b. presence of defects
c. texture d. season of their harvest

6. Leafy and bulky frozen vegetables can be thawed by

a. boiling them in small amount of water
b. running their packaging under cold water
c. use of microwave
d. cooking them directly

7. Which of the statements is/are true?

I. smaller vegetables have often milder flavor than mature counterparts.
II. mature vegetables have often milder flavor that young counterparts.
III. smaller vegetables are most of the time taste bitter

a. statement I b. statements II & III c. statement III d. statement II

8. Which basic cutting technique is best suited for stocks?

a. lozenge b. oblique c. small dice d. mince

9. Which of the following should you consider when purchasing leafy vegetables?
I. It should be young
II. It should be bright in color
III. It should not be wilted

a. statement II b. statement III c. statements I, II, III d. statements I, II

10. Which of the following is incorrect about thawing frozen vegetables?

I. thawing vegetables is different from thawing meat and seafoods
II. use as little water as possible to prevent nutrients loss
III. frozen vegetables should be thawed completely before cooking

a. statement I b. statements I, II c. statement III d. statement II

Let’s Recall

Activity: - Store it!

Directions: List all the storage methods applicable in each type of pasta in your

1. Fresh pasta non-airtight container sealable plastic bag airtight container

2. Frozen pasta sealable plastic bag freezer pantry
3. Cooked pasta tight-sealed container sealable plastic bag kitchen counter
4. Dry pasta tight-sealed container sealable plastic bag non-airtight container

Let’s Explore

Activity: What can I say?

Directions: Describe the following vegetables below. Write your answers in your TLE

Let’s Elaborate

Principles of Preparing Vegetable Dishes

Efficient preparation is an essential step in cooking vegetables.

Washing Fresh Vegetables

Most vegetables grow on the ground; therefore, they should be cleaned thoroughly
before cooking. Remember the following steps.

1. Wash hands using the proper procedure.

2. Wash, rinse, sanitize, and air-dry all food-contact surfaces, equipment, and utensils
that will be in contact with produce, such as cutting boards, knives, and sinks.
4. Wash all raw vegetables thoroughly before combining with other ingredients,
a. Unpeeled fresh vegetables that are served whole or cut into pieces.
b. Vegetables that are peeled and cut to use in cooking or served ready-to-eat.

5. Wash fresh produce vigorously under cold running water.
6. Scrub the surface of firm vegetables using a clean and sanitized brush designated
for this purpose.
7. Remove any damaged or bruised areas.
8. Label, date, and refrigerate fresh-cut items.

Peeling, Cutting, and Shaping

Peeling, cutting, and shaping vegetables affects how they will cook and how they
will look when served. Preparation varies on the type and quantity of vegetables.

1. Always trim off and discard only inedible skins, leaves, stems, and stalks.
2. Peel vegetables as thinly as possible
3. Cut vegetables uniformly for even cooking

Basic Cutting Techniques

To make vegetable dishes more attractive, you can try applying the basic cutting

Cut Size/Dimensions Illustrations




Dice ¾”, ½”, ¼”, or 1/8”

½ inch × ½ inch ×
2½-3 inches

¼ inch × ¼ inch × 2 ½
to 3 inches

Paysanne ½”x ½” x 1/8”

Lozenge ½”x ½” x 1/8”




To know how each cut is done go to:

Characteristics of Quality Vegetables

✓ Vegetables should be free from dirt, blemishes, and bruises

✓ Vegetables that are in season are more nutritious, better in flavor, and cheaper
in cost
✓ Leafy vegetables should be young, have vibrant color, and not wilted
✓ Pods like (green beans) should be full and easily snapped, not dry looking
✓ Root crops are best without dark spots, free from dirt, and do not have deep
eyes. It must be crisp not too soft.
✓ Dry seeds or beans must not have holes and not powdery

Thawing of Frozen Vegetables

Frozen vegetables offer convenience. Freezing retains most of the nutrients.

Frozen vegetables keep their bright colors and flavors. Some frozen vegetables are raw.
Others are cooked and need thawing and reheating before serving.

Thawing vegetables is different from thawing meat. Thaw vegetables by cooking

it directly from a frozen state. Use as little water as possible when boiling because some
nutrients dissolve into the water. The suggested amount is ½ to 2/3 cup per 16 ounces
of frozen vegetables.

Another way of thawing frozen vegetables is to microwave or stir-fry them until


Leafy and bulky frozen vegetables are thawed partially by placing them under
cold water.
Watch the video link to know more about thawing frozen vegetables:

Let’s Dig In

Directions: Write C if the statement is correct and I if incorrect. If the statement is
incorrect, replace the underlined word/phrase with the correct word/phrase. Write your
answers in your TLE notebook.

____________1. Wash hands with sanitizer prior to handling vegetables

____________2. Raw vegetables should be washed partially before combining with other
____________3. Fresh produce should be washed under warm running water.
____________4. Firm vegetables like cabbage should be scrubbed using a clean brush.
____________5. Inedible skins, leaves, and stems must be trimmed
____________6. Vegetables should be thawed completely before cooking
____________7. Only cooked vegetables are frozen and thawed.
____________8. Most frozen vegetables are cooked directly from frozen state.

____________9. The suggested amount of water to use when thawing vegetables is 1 cup
per 16 ounces.
____________10. If pressed with time, thaw the frozen vegetables in a convection oven.

Let’s Remember
ACTIVITY: Quality checklist
Directions: Copy the table in your TLE notebook. Complete the table by describing the
quality characteristics you should look for in each vegetable.
Vegetable Quality Characteristics
It should be free from dirt, no deep cuts,
Example: Potatoes
and no green spots
1. String beans
2. Water Spinach
3. Tomatoes
4. Carrots
5. Onions
6. Eggplant
7. Pechay
8. Sweet potatoes
9. Bitter melon
10. Cabbage

Let’s Apply
ACTIVITY: Crudites
1. Prepare a piece of large carrot and a cucumber
2. Wear your PPE properly and observe sanitation and safety.
3. Take a video or photo doing steps 4-8. (Make sure you are visible).
4. Perform mise en place
5. Apply the principles of preparing vegetables
6. Choose and perform at least three appropriate cutting technique for each vegetable
7. Serve your crudites with preferred dip
8. Ask a family member to rate your finished product by showing their facial reaction
via video or photo.
9. Send your documentations through a learning platform preferred by your teacher

Wear proper PPE, perform mise en place, principles of preparing vegetables
are applied excellently, the presentation looks excellent, a family member is 20
Wear proper PPE, perform mise en place, principles of preparing vegetables
are applied satisfactorily, the presentation looks good, a family member is 17
Wear proper PPE, mise en place is not observed, principles of preparing
vegetables are applied but missed few important steps, the presentation looks 12
okay, a family member is happy.

Let’s Evaluate

Directions: Write the letter of your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Cleaning and sanitizing all food-contact surfaces is important before and after
preparing vegetables.
A. true B. false C. partly true D. incorrect

2. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

I. using a peeler when paring vegetables is more efficient than using chef knife
II. peeling vegetables should be done as thinly as possible
III. soaking should be done after peeling or paring the vegetables

3. Which of the following vegetables can be washed and scrubbed?

A. garlic B. potatoes C. lettuce D. broccoli

4. Which of the following should be discarded when preparing water spinach

A. Young leaves B. tender stems C. tender stalks D. tough stems
5. Which of the following basic cutting techniques is best used for green leafy
A. batonnet B. chiffonade C. oblique D. lozenge

6. Which of the following statements state(s) the importance of cutting vegetables into
uniform shapes and sizes?
I. It ensures even cooking
II. It enhances the appearance of the dish
III. It guarantees safe cooking

A. statement II B. statement I C. statements I & II D. statements II & III

7. You went to market and bought a kilo of tomatoes. At home, you notice that one of
the tomatoes have holes and dark spots. What should you do about this?
A. ignore and just store it with the rest of the tomatoes

B. remove the parts with holes and dark spots
C. discard it
D. store it in another container

8. Which of the following should you consider when buying potatoes?

A. it has deep eyes C. it is free from dark spots
B. it is tender D. it has green spot

9. Which of the following is true about thawing vegetables?

I. Remove the frozen vegetables from its packaging and soak it in cold water until
II. Some frozen vegetables can be cooked directly from frozen state
III. Bulky frozen vegetables should be thawed partially using warm water

A. Statement I B. Statement II C. Statements I & III D. Statement III

10. Which of the following is a proper step in thawing vegetables?

A. boil it until mushy C. place it in kitchen counter for an hour
B. microwave until crisp D. soak it in hot water

Let’s Extend
ACTIVITY: Inform me!
Directions: Create an infographic or poster that illustrates the concept of choosing
quality fresh vegetables. Copy the links in your browser to have an idea.

1. You can use any application such as word, PowerPoint, publisher, Canva, Ibis,
2. Work with a partner and plan your infographic via chat or any platform you are
comfortable to use.
3. Do not forget to cite all references and sources
4. Document the planning and development process.
5. Save your output as image, or pdf file
6. Submit it to the learning platform preferred by your teacher


Score 30 25 20 15 10 5
All Information Most Some Little Information
information is detailed, information information information lacks
is detailed, accurate, is detailed, is detailed, is detailed, detail, is
accurate, relevant, accurate, accurate, accurate, inaccurate,
relevant, and relevant, relevant, relevant, irrelevant,
and properly and and/or and/or and/or

properly cited; properly properly properly improperly
cited; layout layout is cited; cited; cited; cited;
is clear and layout is layout may layout may layout may
aesthetically appropriate generally be be be
pleasing for topic. clear and somewhat somewhat confusing,
and appropriate clear unclear messy,
appropriate for topic and/or and/or not and/or
for topic. appropriate appropriate irrelevant
for topic for topic to topic

Week 2
Prepare Vegetable
2 Dishes
Efficiently preparing and arranging vegetables is an important step in cooking

Vegetables can be prepared in various ways. It can be prepared raw or cooked.

Learning Objectives:
1. identify the market forms of vegetables
2. prepare a variety of vegetable dishes following appropriate cooking methods
3. prepare suitable sauces and accompaniment in serving vegetable dishes

Let’s Try
Directions: Choose your answer from the given choices below. Write your answers in a
separate sheet of paper.

1. A market form of vegetable that has undergone little or no processing from the time
they were harvested to the time they were marketed or sold.
A. Frozen B. Dried C. Fresh D. Canned
2. This market form of vegetables is commercially packaged in sealed bags. They
undergo several steps to ensure their quality including blanching or cooking quickly
in boiling water, and then shocked in ice water.
A. Frozen B. Dried C. Fresh D. Canned
3. A market form of vegetable in which moisture is removed to inhibit the growth of
bacteria, yeasts, and molds that can cause spoilage.
A. Frozen B. Dried C. Fresh D. Canned
4. Heat is applied to the vegetables to kill any harmful microorganisms before they are
sealed in airtight containers. Then they are subjected to steam pressure.
A. Frozen B. Dried C. Fresh D. Canned

5. Which of the following is/are true about overcooking vegetables?
I. Loss of fresh flavor
II. Retain its crispness
III. Retain its bright color
A. statements I & II B. statement I C. statement III D. statement II
6. Which of the following statements are false?
I. Vegetables are cooked to toughen fibers
II. Vegetables are cooked to safeguard against disease-producing organism
III. Vegetables are cooked to make them tastier
IV. Vegetables are cooked to reduce its nutrients
A. statements I & IV C. statements I & II
B. statements III & IV D. statements II & III
7. Which of the following cooking method is applied in cooking tortang talong?
A. Sauteing & Grilling C. Blanching & Baking
B. Grilling & Frying D. Steaming & Deep frying
8. Which of the following should be done after blanching, to stop the cooking process?
A. Plunging the vegetables in boiling water
B. Plunging the vegetables in warm water
C. Plunging the vegetables into cold water
D. Placing the vegetables under running water
9. It involves cooking vegetables in a small amount of fat in a hot pan.
A. Broiling B. Simmering C. Sauteing D. Poaching
10. Why it is recommended to cook red vegetables covered?
I. It allows acids to escape
II. It helps shorten the cooking time
III. It helps preserve the flavor and color
A. statement I C. statement III
B. statements II & III D. statements I & I

Let’s Recall
ACTIVITY: Name it!
Directions: Identify the principles of preparing vegetables depicted in each photo.
Write your answers in your TLE notebook.

Let’s Explore

ACTIVITY: Find your way

Directions: Find your way from the beginning to the end of the maze. Write all the
words you found along the way in your TLE notebook.

Question: Make an inference about the

words you found along the maze.

Let’s Elaborate

Market Forms of Vegetables

Vegetables are marketed either fresh, frozen, dried, and processed. Some have
added ingredients like salt and sugar and others are left in their natural state.

They can be bought in bulk or by piece or retail, by kilo or sack. Greens can be
bought by bunch or heaps.

Knowing the different market forms of vegetables can help in deciding which
vegetables to buy and prepare.
1. Fresh vegetables have undergone little or no processing from the time they were
harvested to the time they were marketed or sold. Fresh vegetables are often referred
to as produce and are commonly sold in market, and supermarkets.
2. Frozen vegetables are commercially packaged in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.
Usually, vegetables are frozen within hours of harvest, but they undergo several
steps that ensure their quality before actual freezing process. They are washed, to
remove the debris and chemicals. Then, they are often blanched, or cooked quickly
in boiling water, and then shocked in ice water to stop the cooking process. Lastly,
they are packaged and shipped off to distributors.
Fresh vs. Frozen Vegetables:
3. Dried vegetables have longer shelf-life. Drying involves the removal of moisture
which inhibits the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and molds that can cause spoilage and
rot vegetables fast. Drying is done in different ways such as freeze drying, air drying,
and sun drying.
Air & Sun Drying:
Drying vegetables using a dehydrator:
4. Canned vegetables last longer. Buying and using canned vegetables saves time.
Canned vegetables undergo some form of processing. Heat is applied to vegetables
to kill any harmful microorganisms before they are sealed in airtight containers such
as cans or jar. The canned items are then heated under steam pressure.
Canning vegetables at home:

Factors in the Selection of Vegetables Used for Culinary Arts

The proper selection of vegetables will ultimately result in very tasty and
appetizing dishes. Thus, it is important that one must know how to select and prepare

1. Buy vegetables which are in season. They not only cost less but are also very high
in quality when in season.
2. Choose vegetables which are crisp and bright in color with no signs of decay or
3. Fresh vegetables cannot be stored for a very long time. Buy only which can be
properly stored. Before storing, remove any spoiled portions.
4. Blanching before storage is often a good way of extending the usable life of
5. For other market forms of vegetables (frozen, dried, and canned) check the label of
the packet for the use-by-date and information on how they should be stored. Also
check the sodium content on the nutritional label and aim for vegetables with “no
added salt” and without added butter.

Methods of Cooking Vegetables

Vegetables can be prepared in different ways. It can be prepared raw or cooked.

The following are some principles in cooking vegetables.

Vegetables are cooked to:

a. Soften fibers
b. To safeguard against disease-producing
c. To make them tastier
Do’s and Don’ts in cooking vegetables:
a. Do not overcook
b. Prepare vegetables as close to service
time as possible and in small quantities
c. Cook vegetables with their skin whenever

The following are the most common ways of

cooking vegetables:

1. Boil preferably simmer vegetables in minimum amount of water. Soluble nutrients

in vegetables will be lost in the cooking water.
2. Frying uses a small amount of fat and the vegetables are cooked mainly by steam
3. French fry in hot fat deep enough to cover or float the vegetables.
4. Braise in covered pan or skillet with about two tablespoons of fat and one to two
tablespoons of water.
5. Steam preserves the color and nutritional value of vegetables to a very high degree.
The vegetables are placed in a perforated container of a steamer and covered.
6. Blanching is often used to loosen the skin of vegetables. It involves plunging foods
briefly into boiling water and then plunging them into cold water to stop the cooking
7. Bake directly in rack or baking sheet or in covered casseroles. The vegetables may
be pared, sliced, or diced.
8. Stir-fry or sauté in hot oil. The vegetables should be cut into small pieces to facilitate
9. Grilling involves cooking vegetables quickly under very high heat. The heat
caramelizes the vegetables, giving a pleasing flavor.

Methods of Cooking:

Sauces and Accompaniment for Serving Vegetable Dishes

Sauce/accompaniment Vegetable
Demi-glace Braised cabbage, stuffed eggplant

Hollandaise Steamed asparagus, cauliflower

Asparagus, cauliflower broccoli, baked

Cream Carrots, mushrooms, spinach
Carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green
Sweet potatoes, potatoes, mushroom,

Various Vegetable Dishes

Sauteed Bitter Gourd (Ginisang Ampalaya)

Sauteed bitter gourd (ginisang ampalaya) is also a simple but nutritious
vegetable dish which consists of bitter gourd or bitter melon.

1 medium bitter melon, cut in half (lengthwise), cored, and sliced into thin pieces
2 eggs, beaten
1 medium tomato, cut into cubes
1 small onion, sliced
4 cloves garlic, crushed and chopped
3 tbsp cooking oil
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Combine the bitter melon and 1 tbsp salt. Mix well and let it stand for 15
minutes. Rinse with water.
2. Sauté garlic in hot oil until the color turns light brown.
3. Add the onion and tomato. Cook until the texture turns soft.
4. Stir in the bitter melon. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.
5. Pour the beaten eggs. Cook for a minute.
6. Arrange in platter and serve hot.

Pechay Guisado

Pechay guisado is a vegetable dish with meat. It is best served with rice and
with additional fish sauce.

4 cups pechay, chopped
¼ lb meat of choice, sliced into small pieces
1 tsp garlic, minced
3 tbsp cooking oil
2 tbsp fish sauce
¾ cup chicken broth/stock
¼ tsp ground black pepper

1. Heat the cooking oil, sauté the garlic and onion.
2. Add the meat. Cook until medium brown
3. Cook for another 3 minutes
4. Add the pechay. Stir-fry for 3-5 minutes

5. Pour in the chicken broth, fish sauce and ground black pepper. Let it boil and
cook for 5 minutes.
6. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve with rice.

Let’s Dig In
Directions: Add a letter to each pie to make a complete word. When each of the missing
letters is put together, they form a market form. You will have to figure out where the
word begins, and if it is to be read forward or backward. List at least two vegetables for
each market form. Write the correct answers in your TLE notebook.

1. Mushrooms
2. Taro leaves

1. Examples: 2. Examples:
1. 1.
2. 2.

3. Examples: 4. Examples:
1. 1.
2. 2.

Let’s Remember
ACTIVITY: How is it cooked?
Directions: Below are lists of Filipino vegetable dishes. Identify the method of cooking
used in preparing these dishes and explain how it is done. Write your answers in your
TLE notebook.

1. Pinakbet
Method of Cooking: __________________________________________________________

How it is done:________________________________________________________________
2. Chop suey
Method of Cooking: _________________________________________________________
How it is done:________________________________________________________________
3. Lumpiang Togue
Method of Cooking: _________________________________________________________
How it is done: _______________________________________________________________
4. Ensaladang Talong
Method of Cooking: _________________________________________________________
How it is done: _______________________________________________________________
5. Sinabawang Talbos ng Kamote
Method of Cooking: _________________________________________________________
How it is done: _______________________________________________________________

Let’s Apply
ACTIVITY: Budget Vegetable Dish

1. Prepare your own vegetable dish with your innovative sauce or accompaniment.
2. Document the following (can be handwritten or typewritten)
a. name of your dish
b. ingredients and procedures (vegetable dish & sauce)
c. method (s) of cooking applied
d. costing (vegetable dish & sauce)
3. Take a video or photos of the following:
a. wearing proper PPE and observe sanitation and safety
b. mise en place
c. performing the procedures in making your vegetable dish and sauce
d. plating
e. at least two family members/relatives evaluating your output.


Arranged all the tools and utensils according to order of preparation, 20
ingredients are neatly and properly placed in separate containers,
excellent presentation.

Arranged all the tools and utensils according to order of preparation, 17
ingredients are properly placed in separate containers, nice
Arranged all the tools and utensils according to order of preparation, 14
ingredients not properly placed in separate containers, nice

Let’s Evaluate
Directions: Choose your answer from the given choices below. Write your answers in a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is/are true about frozen vegetables?

I. frozen vegetables have longer shelf-life than fresh vegetables
II. frozen vegetables are always pre-cooked
III. examples of vegetables that are commonly frozen are corn kernels, carrots, and

A. statements II & III C. statements I & III

B. statements I & II D. statement III

2. Which of the following is incorrect?

I. Dried vegetables last long if stored properly
II. Dried vegetables are prone to yeasts and molds
III. Dried vegetables can be prepared in different methods such as air-drying,
sun-drying, and using a dehydrator

A. statement I B. statements I & II C. statement III D. statement II

3. When buying canned vegetables, which of the following is not a main consideration?
A. The size of the can/jar C. the sodium contents
B. Use-by-date D. whether it has rust in the surface

4. You are going to prepare a squash soup for breakfast, but you are pressed in time.
What market form of vegetable will be best to use?
A. Fresh squash B. frozen squash C. canned pureed squash D. pre-cut squash

5. What method of cooking is best for preparing adobong sitaw?

A. Sauteing B. braising C. grilling D. poaching

6. What method of cooking is best for preparing Munggo?

A. Deep-frying B. Stir-Frying C. Simmering D. Steaming

7. If you prefer a healthier vegetable dish. Which is the best method of cooking to use?
A. deep-frying B. pan-frying C. boiling D. steaming

8. Which of the following methods of cooking can add a smoky flavor to your vegetable
A. baking B. simmering C. grilling D. braising

9. Which of the following methods of cooking is best used for tiny pieces/slices of
A. sauteing B. deep-frying C. boiling D. french frying

10. Which of the following methods of cooking is best used when freezing vegetables?
A. deep-frying B. baking C. sauteing D. blanching

Let’s Extend

ACTIVITY: Plan and Design

Directions: Watch the video in the link provided below. Sketch three plating and
presentations of vegetable dishes with sauces or accompaniments in a paper or in
drawing application (ex. Ibis, MediBang, etc.) Submit your output in image format
through a learning platform preferred by your teacher.


Week 1


• Rondilla, Aida, Elsa Roque, Jeannette Wang, Estelita Gregorio, Elena Reyes, and
Josephine Abitria. “Basic Cookery.” Essay. In Career Pathways for the New Century
Food and Food Service I, 3–4. Quezon City, Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., 2012.
• Kong, Aniceta s, Anecita P. Domo, and Merlyn Lee. “Prepare Vegetable Dishes.” In
Technical Vocational and Livelihood Education-Cookery Module 2 Manual, 1st ed., 116–
56. Pasig : Department of Education, 2016.
• Rondilla, Aida H., Emma S. Avedano, and Elsa P. Roque. “Vegetable Dishes.” In
Technology and Livelihood Education: Cookery Grade 10II, II:52–69. Quezon City:
Adriana Publishing, 2016.
• Serraon-Claudio, Virginia, Adela Jamorabo-Ruiz, Sonia Yuson-De Leon, and Libia De
Lima-Chavez. “Fruits and Vegetables.” In Basic Foods for Filipinos , 5Th ed., 426–31.
Manila, Philippines: Merriam & Webster Bookstore, Inc., 2014.
• Johnson & Wales University, and The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. “Vegetables.”
Essay. In Culinary Essentials, 646–57. New York: Glencoe / McGraw Hill, 2010.


Week 2


• Rondilla, Aida, Elsa Roque, Jeannette Wang, Estelita Gregorio, Elena Reyes, and
Josephine Abitria. “Basic Cookery.” Essay. In Career Pathways for the New Century
Food and Food Service I, 3–4. Quezon City, Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., 2012.
• Kong, Aniceta s, Anecita P. Domo, and Merlyn Lee. “Prepare Vegetable Dishes.” In
Technical Vocational and Livelihood Education-Cookery Module 2 Manual, 1st ed., 116–
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Adriana Publishing, 2016.
• Serraon-Claudio, Virginia, Adela Jamorabo-Ruiz, Sonia Yuson-De Leon, and Libia De
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• Johnson & Wales University, and The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. “Vegetables.”
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Content Editor: DR. ANGELA K. ALAMAN, Head Teacher IV
Language Editor: MRS. MADONNA A. DOMINGO
Reviewers: DR. ANGELA K. ALAMAN, Head Teacher IV
Illustrator: MS. ATHENA MAE B. ABAD
Layout Artist: MS. ATHENA MAE B. ABAD,
JHS Team Leader/Facilitator: DR. MELEDA H. POLITA, SDS (Ret.)
School Head-In-Charge: DR. REA M. CRUZ, Principal IV
Content Validator/Editor: MR. SANTIAGO P. ALVIS, Principal II


Names of EPS in-charge of Learning Area


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