Report - Area Appreciation

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Vasant Vihar, Delhi

Aakriti Prasad
Shiv Kumar
Sunaina chahuan



1.1. Study Objective
1.2. Methodology
1.3. Maps
2. Study Area Profile
2.1. Area Context
2.2. Area Location
2.3. History & Evolution
2.4. Historical Timeline
3. Detail of Study Area
3.1. Existing Land Use
3.2. Population & Area Distribution
3.3. Built up & transformation
3.4. Roads & parking
3.5. Social & Physical Infrastructure
1.1 Study Objective
• To understand and contextualize the location of the area with
respect to Delhi, Zone and sub zone.
• To study the area in context with the socio-economic, spatial and
cultural characteristics of Delhi.
• To study and compare the master plan and zonal development
plan in order to understand the evolution of the area with respect
to the surroundings.
• To appreciate the area on its location, linkage, built up, evolution,
physical and social factors

1.2 Methodology
The report presents a study of Vasant Vihar in Delhi,
Development Area and its surrounding areas. The study is based on
site analysis through various primary and secondary surveys,
literature review of MPD 2021 of Delhi, URDPFI Guidelines and
ZPD of Zone F (Sub Zone F13).
The report compares the prevailing present conditions of
development with the previous master and zonal development plans.
The problems and issues faced by the area in terms of transport,
roads and parking, physical and social infrastructure has been

Study of brief History of Delhi and evolution of the Area,

various Master Plans and zonal development Plans
Understanding the character of the site by various
physical and social surveys, marking land use, major
landmarks, connectivity etc.
Marking built-up, commercial zones, road widths, social
and physical infrastructure etc.
Comparing and analysing data with respect to current
use and proposed plan. Drawing inferences in terms of
challenges and issues.
2.1 Study Area Context
2.2 Location
Vasant Vihar lies in the southern part of Delhi, under the Zone F and sub
zone F-13 and it is a Plotted Housing.
Total area of Zone F is 11958ha. The study area is 67ha.
Area is bounded by Paschimi Marg, Poorvi Marg, Vasant Marg and Outer
ring road (Palm Marg). Vasant Vihar is a posh neighbourhood located in
the New Delhi district of National Capital Territory of Delhi. The area is
well connected by roads, metro station and has close proximity to all the
necessary amenities and facilities like schools, markets and other daily

The major landmarks in the area includes Hauz Khas Lake, Deer Park,
Rose Garden, Shiv Temple, IIT-Delhi. The predominant land use of the SDA
area is residential but over time it has grown as a mixed land use with
recreational Areas ,commercial areas, etc.Vasant Vihar comes in HIG
Category, which is also predominantly residential, but rapid
commercialization of the area has taken place over the last years.
Development in the area is influenced by presence of Institutional and
Religious places, Monuments and IIT.

2.3 History and Evolution

With 12.8 million people living over 1483 square kilometres, Delhi is the
capital of India and one of the largest cities in the world with rich heritage
and long history of urbanization. The zone F has been developing since
pre-independence era through MPD-1962, MPD-2001 and now MPD-
2021. As such, the zone has a heterogeneous characters, where the
unplanned areas and planned areas developed under the norms of various
plans co-exist
As the city grows, it incorporates the many villages that come in its way.
These newly subsumed areas are known as Urban villages which are small
clusters of unregulated areas that have emerged as a result of planning
decisions made in the 1960s.
One of the most well known villages is at Hauz Khas. It is unique because
of its heritage value, long historical presence, its position as a green lung of
the city, and the processes by which it has gentrified since the 1980s into
an exclusive market for antiques, rare textiles, designer jewellery, and
expensive art.

Land was leased to refugees by DDA. In 1994, lease hold system got
converted to free hold and people started building apartments and
buildings on their then leased land, leading to development boom in the
It was originally developed in 1960s by retired Government of
India officers, later developed as a posh residential locality like Air india
And Indian Airlines Colony due to its proximity to diplomatic enclave of

IIT Delhi
Qutb Minar

Hauz Khas Tank Hauz Khas Fort Rose Garden

3.1 Existing Land Use

•Site consists of Three Blocks of Vasant Vihar which has Less commercial area and informal
residential area.
•Sufficient recreational Land use is identified in the area with many parks and open spaces.
• C block market is identified to be main commercial market, and many small markets are also
present in B and C block
•Green Area is also found to decrease over the years to meet the needs of growing population of
urban village
•Land Use is influenced by presence of Heritage monument, IIT Delhi and Major road and metro
connectivity in the study area.
3.2 Population and Area Distribution
• Site Area- 67 Ha(Approx.)
• Population - 9600
• Density -143.28 pph (As per MPD 2021)
• Percentage of Residential Area – 51%
• Plot sizes- 150 to 450 sq.m
• Land value- one 4bhk for 10 to 15 crore
3.3(a) Built Up and Transformation- SDA


SDMC has evolved into an intensive mixed use since the 1960s. The
fabric has evolved as a result of amalgamation of the commercial and
residential components. The commercial activities have now slowly
started appearing within the residential colonies as well as along the
tertiary roads. Spill over of informal activities over the pedestrian
walkway and on the road result in reduction of carriageway and
obstruction for the shoppers and pedestrians and congestion.
Initially during the land distribution majority plots were G+1 and were
G+2 storeyed. But with the exploding population rate the MPD 2021
has made the permissible heights of all plots to be G+3 storeys. Old '
G and G+1' storeyed construction is being renovated and
transformed into G+3 and G+4. To control the horizontal growth of
the area MPD 2021 norms have increased the ground coverage and
F.A.R of all plots thereby increasing the total built up area of the study

G+2 Building G+3 Building G+4 Building S+4 Building

3.4 Transportation and Parking

Classification of Roads in Vasant Vihar



Vasant Vihar Area
• On street parking used.

• Designated Parking areas are present near market areas, also in some
residential areas.
• Encroachment of road/shoulders/footpath are found in many mixed
use areas along Aurobindo Marg and Outer ring road.
• Unauthorized parking at shoulder space ,thus encroaching the
pedestrian walkway
3.5 Physical and Social Infrastructure

The social infrastructure of an area includes the public, semi-public,

transport, shopping, educational facilities like schools, colleges. SDMC
residential colonies have park pockets within themselves for evening
activities, parks are not so well. The area has facilities enough to support
the current population and people can comfortably buy their daily basic
supplies and much more within the area. Overall the area has a strong
social infrastructure that caters to all the needs of all strata of people.

Healthcare : Nearest Hospital is AIIMS and Safdurjung Hospital. The

study area lacks hospitals with beds In Vasant Vihar, dispensary is not
present, however SDA area is served by local clinics and medical stores.
Petrol Pumps, Police Posts, Auto stand and bus stands are present.
Social Infrastructure Facilities
Facilities Nos. Existing Nos. Required
Senior Sec School 2 1
Primary School 1 1
Dispensary/Clinic 2 1
Religious Centres 5 2
Park 1 1
Play Area 5 1
Tot Lot 2 5
Local Convenience 1 1
Service Market 1 1
Community Centre 1 1

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