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What is the shear transformation for the vector 




In a linear transform, when the orientation of space is inverted, the determinant value
is negative.


For a given vector \vec{v}v⃗ in 2D space, stretching it by a value of 2 is

called ______________________.

Let u⃗ = (1,2,-4) and v⃗ = (2,3,5). What is u⃗⋅v⃗?


__________________ is the span of the columns of your matrix.

Column Span

Every vector in 2D space is associated with multiple pairs of number.


What kind of matrix is A

Answer:-(1)Upper Triangular

The set of all possible vectors you can reach with the linear combination of two
vectors is called ____________________.
Answer:-(3)Linear Combination

The _____________ of a vector space is a set of linearly independent vectors that

span the entire space.

______________ is the number of dimensions in the output of a Transformation .

Linear Combination

________________ vectors are vectors of length 1 pointing in each of the (x,y,z) axes
Answer:-(3)Unit Basis

What is the transpose of given matrix

As per the given below screen select correct option from below list
Answer:- (1)

What is the determinant of the matrix given below

Choose the correct option from below given list

Solution is given below


Answer:- 24
Consider the following 2 X 2 square matrices A , B and C. (A+B) + C = A + (B + C)
signifies which property?
Linear Algebra

Welcome to the beautiful world of Linear Algebra. You would have learnt
concepts such as

 Vectors
 Matrices
 Determinants
 Eigen Values

Using Matrices, you would have numerically crunched formulae to get some

numbers in your high school or college. Have you ever thought how all these
concepts could be interpreted?

This is the right course that will help you answer that.

What will you Learn?

You will be learning the following concepts in this course:

 Vectors
 Linear Combinations
 Matrices as Linear Transformations
 Matrix Multiplication
 Determinant
 Inverse Matrices
 Dot Products
 Change of Basis
 Eigen Vectors and Eigenvalues
 Vector Space
 Singular Value Decomposition
 Principle Component Analysis

and how to interpret them.

Video on Linear Algebra

This video gives an overview of what is covered in this course.

Video on Linear Algebra


Linear Algebra is not just about Matrices, Determinants or Vectors: it is

about Understanding.

Vectors Representation

 Vectors in two dimension or 2-D are geometrically represented by a

directed line segment between two points in space.
 The starting point is called initial point, and the ending point is
called terminal point.
 Vectors are represented by lower case letters \vec{u}u⃗ , \vec{v}v⃗, \vec{w}

Components of a Vector

"A vector can be represented as \vec{v}v⃗ = (x1,y1). This means the initial point
of the vector is the origin (0,0) and the terminal point is (x1,y1) in the coordinate

Quick Facts

 A vector with no length is called zero vector, denoted by \vec{0}0⃗.

 Negative of a given vector \vec{v}v⃗ is denoted by \vec{-v}−v⃗. It is the
same vector in the opposite direction.

Vector Addition

If there are two vectors \vec{u}u⃗ = (x1,y1) and \vec{v}v⃗ = (x2,y2) in 2D space,

the sum of the vectors is \vec{w}w⃗ = \vec{u}u⃗ + \vec{v}v⃗ = (x1+x2 , y1+y2).
Vector Difference

If there are two vectors \vec{u}u⃗ and \vec{v}v⃗ in space, and if we want to

find the difference between them. Then it can be denoted as \vec{u}

u⃗ - \vec{v}v⃗ = \vec{u}u⃗ + (\vec{-v}−v⃗). It is the addition of one vector with

the negative of the other vector.

Scaling Vectors

Suppose we have a vector \vec{v}v⃗ and a non zero scalar 's', then the scalar
multiple of the vector denoted by s\vec{v}v⃗ is a new vector whose length
is s time \vec{v}v⃗.

Unit Basis Vectors

From the above figure, \hat{i}i^ and \hat{j}j^ are vectors of length 1

pointing in the direction of X and Y axes respectively. They are referred to

as Unit Basis vectors.

Scaling Based on Unit Vectors

 Any point in space can be represented as a scaled version of the Unit

Basis vectors.
 A point (3,4) can be represented as \hat{3i}3i^ + \hat{4j}4j^.

This is a very important concept in Linear Algebra.

Linear Combination of Vectors

 When two vectors are scaled and added together, it is called a linear
combination of two vectors.
 Linear combination of vectors \vec{u}u⃗ and \vec{v}v⃗ is a\vec{u}u⃗ +
b\vec{v}v⃗ , where a and b are scalars.
Span of Vectors

From the previous card, take the linear combination example, a\vec{u}u⃗ +
b\vec{v}v⃗ where \vec{u}u⃗ and \vec{v}v⃗ are vectors and a and b are scalars.

 If you let a and b take any arbitrary value in the space, then you can get
all possible vectors in that space. This idea is called span of the vector
 Span is said to be the set of all linear combination of vectors in a given


Linear Algebra revolves around vector addition and scalar multiplication.

Defining Matrices

A matrix is an array of scalars from a field F arranged in m X n format. Each

value in a matrix is known as an entry.
Size of the array is written as m X n, where m and n are the number of rows and
columns, respectively.
Examples for Matrices -

Matrix Notation
 The horizontal entries in a matrix are called rows.
 The vertical entries are called columns.

Types of Matrices


Definition: Two matrices A and B are equal if and only if they have the same
size and
a_{ij}aij = b_{ij}bij for all i, j. (here i and j are the indices of the elements)
Definition: If A is any matrix and \alphaα \in∈ F then the scalar multiplication B
= \alphaαA is defined by
b_{ij}bij = \alphaα a_{ij}aij for all i, j.
Definition: If A and B are matrices of the same size then the sum A and B is
defined by C = A + B, where
c_{ij}cij = a_{ij}aij + b_{ij}bij all i, j
We can also compute the difference D = A − B by summing A and (−1)B D = A
− B = A + (−1)B - matrix subtraction.
Matrix addition “gets” multiple properties from the field F.

Some Theorems to Ponder

 A + B = B + A - commutivity
 A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C - associativity
 \alphaα (A + B) = \alphaαA + \alphaαB - distributivity of a scalar
 If B = 0 (a matrix of all zeros) then A + B = A +0= A
 (\alphaα + \betaβ)A = \alphaαA + \betaβA
 \alphaα(\betaβA) = \alpha\betaαβA
 0A = 0
 \alphaα 0 = 0

Linear Transforms

A transformation takes in an Input and gives an Output.

 All lines must remain as lines.

 Origin must remain fixed.

Definition: (Linear Transformation): A transformation (or mapping) T from a

vector space S1 to a vector space S2, T: S1 → S2 is a linear transformation if:

(i) T(u⃗ + v⃗) = Tu⃗ + T v⃗ for all vectors u⃗,  v⃗ in V1; and

(ii) T(su⃗) = sT u⃗ for all vectors  u⃗ in V1 and all scalars s.

Some Facts About Linear Transformation

If L is a linear transformation, then L0 should be 0. (So if you find L0 not 0 , it

means L is not a linear transformation.)
• Any linear transformation T : R n → Rm can be given by a matrix A of type m
X n,
T(u⃗) = Au⃗ for vectors u⃗ in  Rn.


If you are going to limit your dreams atleast

limx f(x) =∞

tend them to infinity

Examples of Linear Transformations

Scaling expansion by a factor 3 T : R3 -> R2 with matrix

Reflection in R2 through the x2 axis: matrix

Examples of Not Linear Transforms

Topic Summary

In this topic you learnt

 Matrices
 Types of Matrices
 Definition of Transformations
 Interpretation of Transformations

Matrix Multiplication
Welcome to the topic on Matrix Multiplication.

 First You will understand What is a transpose of a Matrix

 Then you will understand Matrix Vector Multiplication and Matrix
Matrix Multiplication
 You will also understand the Geometrical interpretation of these
 Finally you will learn the real Interpretation of a 3D transformation
Let us get started ...

Defining Transpose

When a matrix A undergoes transpose operation, the rows of A become the

columns of A transpose.

Let A ∈ M m,n (F).

 Define the transpose of A, denoted by AT , to be the n X m matrix with

(AT)ij = aji .

Example of Transpose

“The rows of A become the columns of AT, taken in the same order.”The
following results are easy to prove.
If A is of order m X n then AT is n X m

Laws of transposes
Matrix Vector Multiplication

Matrix vector multiplication is performed in the above manner.

Matrix vector multiplication is performed in the above manner.

Matrix Multiplication

Matrix matrix multiplication is an extension of Matrix Vector Multiplication.

Consider the matrix

Matrix multiplication is possible between matrices A and B only if the number of

columns of A are equal to number of rows of B.

Rules of Matrix Multiplication

Consider the following matrix A , B and C with order m X m


Fact: For given Matrices A,B,C If AC and BC are equal, it does not follow that

Matrix Multiplication Video

This video explains Matrix Multiplication and its interpretation.

3D Transformations

 So far you have seen how transformations happen in 2D space.

 Let us now see how they behave in 3D.

3D Trans Video

Video explaining 3d Transsformations.

Summary of this Topic

In this topic you have learnt

 Transpose of a Matrix
 Matrix Vector Multiplication
 Matrix Matrix Multiplication
 How to interpret Matrix Matrix Multiplication
 Interpretation of 3D transformations

About this Topic

In this topic , you will learn

 How to find the determinant of a Matrix
 Inverse of Matrix
 How to interpret the Determinant and Inverse of a Matrix

Let us get started ...

Matrix Determinant

Consider a matrix M of dimenstion 2 x 2 .

The determinant of M is represented as det(M) or |M| The determinant is

calculated in the following manner

m11m22 -  m21m12

Calculating the determinant

Conside the following matrix

The determinant of A is represented as

Minor of Matrix

Consider a Matrix A of dimension 3 x 3 .

The minor M12 is the determinant of the matrix obtained after eliminating first
row and second column.
The minor M22 is the determinant of the matrix obtained after eliminating
second row and second column.

Cofactor Matrix

The cofactor Ci,j of a Matrix A is defined by the relationship Ci,j = (−1)i+j Mi,j

Where Mi,j is the Minor.
Consider the Matrix

Calculating Determinant from Co factor

Calculating Determinant from Co-factor

Given a square Matrix P and its cofactors Ci,j , the determinant can be obtained
by co-factor expansion method.

 Choose a specific Row or Column of the matrix P

 Multiply each element pi,j chosen with its respective co-factor Ci,j and
add the results

Determinant of a Matrix

For a given 3 x 3 matrix the determinant would be

The determinant can also be calculated by choosing any other row or column
Consider the matrix

Applying Co-factor expansion

Invertible Matrices

Inverse of a Matrix Let A be a square matrix of order n.

 A square matrix B is said to be a left inverse of A if

BABA = I_nIn
 A square matrix C is called a right inverse of A, if
ACAC = I_nIn
 A matrix A is said to be invertible(or is said to have an inverse)if there
exists a matrix B such that

Where I_nIn is the identity matrix of order n

Properties of Invertibility

(A−1)−1 = AA
(AB)−1 = B−1A−1

Row Column and Null Space

For a given vector AA = (-1 ,1,3)(−1,1,3) , null space consists of the solution

to Ax = 00
Consider a Matrix A

Row Space of A is span

Column Space of A is span

Topic Summary

In this topic you learnt

 How to find the determinant of a Matrix

 How to interpret the value of the determinant
 Invertible Matrices , and their Inference

Dot Product Definition

The scalar dot product of two vectors

and is given by
Dot Product Example

Consider the following Example

Dot Product Properties

Vector Cross Product

The cross product x is an operation that takes two vectors \vec{u}u⃗ and \vec{v}

v⃗ in space and determines another vector \vec{u}u⃗ x \vec{v}v⃗ in space.

The geometric interpretation is the area of parallelogram formed by the two

vectors \vec{u}u⃗ and \vec{v}v⃗ .

Determining the Cross Product

Consider two vector

Properties of Cross Product

Change of Basis

 We usually go for unit vectors as basis to construct other vectors in

 When we go with other vectors as basis , it is called change of basis.

Topic Summary

In this topic you have learnt

 Scalar dot product and its interpretation

 Vector cross product and its interpretation
 Change of basis

Eigen Vectors and Eigen Values Introduction

In this topic , you will understand

 What are eigen values and eigen vectors ?

 How to determing their values ?
 What are its applications ?
 How to interpret the values ?


For a matrix A , if any vector x⃗ <> 0 satisfies the equation  Ax=λx then

λ is the eigenvalue of Matrix A .
x is eigenvector of A corresponding to eigenvalue λ .

Calculating the value and vector

Consider the matrix

λ = 5 is eigenvalue of A
x is an eigen vector corresponding to eigen value


Some prominent applications of Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

 Google's Page Ranking Algorithm

 Singular Value Decomposition
 Principle Component Analysis

Topic Introduction

In this topic you will understand

 Singular Value Decomposition

 Principle Component Analysis

SVD Explained

The above image explains how a given matrix can be disintegrated into 3
different matrices by preserving their properties.


Singular Value Decomposition can be used for

 Solving Linear Equations

 Dimension Reduction for Machine Learning Problems
 Image Compression

Principle Component Analysis

PCA is a very important dimension reduction technique .

It has very good applications in Machine Learning.
The following videos will explain PCA in detail.

Applications of PCA

PCA is used for

 Dimension Reduction of Feature Vectors in Machine Learning Problems

Topic Summary

In this topic you have learnt

 Singular Value Decomposition in Detail

 Principal Component Analysis and its Application

Linear Algebra Course Summary

In this course You have Learnt

 Vectors and some simple operations using Vectors

 Matrix and some of its properties
 Linear Transformation and its interpretation
 Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
 Singular Value Decomposition and Principle Component Analysis

Hope you enjoyed the course.

Consider the matrix A = \begin{pmatrix} 7 & 9 & -3 \\ 3 & -6 & 5 \\ 4 &
0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}⎝⎛7349−60−351⎠⎞ . What is the value of
minor M_{11}M11?
______________ is the number of dimensions in the output of a
Transformation .
Consider two square matrices A and B with dimension m X m. AB =
________________ vectors are vectors of length 1 pointing in each of
the (x,y,z) axes respectively.
Unit Basis
For a given vector \vec{v}v⃗ in 2D space, stretching it by a value of 2 is
called ______________________.
What kind of matrix is A? A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 0 & 5 & 7 \\
0 & 0 & 9 \end{pmatrix}⎝⎛100250379⎠⎞
Upper Triangular

Let \vec{u}u⃗ = (6,0,-2) and \vec{v}v⃗ = (0,8,0). What is \vec{u}

u⃗ X \vec{v}v⃗?
What is the transpose of the given matrix? \begin{pmatrix} 7 & 9 &
-3 \\ 3 & -6 & 5 \\ 4 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}⎝⎛7349−60−351⎠⎞

Consider two matrices A = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1

\end{pmatrix}(0111) B = \begin{pmatrix} 5 & 6 \\ 2 & 1 \end{pmatrix}(
What is the value of AB? [2 1;7 7]

________________ vectors are vectors of length 1 pointing in each of

the (x,y,z) axes respectively.
Unit basis

The set of all possible vectors you can reach with the linear
combination of two vectors is called ____________________.
Linear combination

The _____________ of a vector space is a set of linearly independent

vectors that span the entire space.

Consider the following 2 X 2 square matrices A , B and C. (A+B) + C =

A + (B + C) signifies which property?

What kind of matrix is A ? A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 0 & 5 & 7 \\

0 & 0 & 9 \end{pmatrix}⎝⎛100250379⎠⎞
Upper triangular

In a linear transform, when the orientation of space is inverted the

determinant value is negative


Consider two square matrices A and B with dimension m X m. AB =


According to the property of Singular Value Decomposition , it is

always possible to decompose a real matrix A into $$ A = U \sum V^T .

If one set of vectors can be expressed as a linear combination of other

set of vectors , they are called __________________.
Linearly dependent
Let \vec{u}u⃗ = (6,0,-2) and \vec{v}v⃗ = (0,8,0). What is \vec{u}
u⃗ X \vec{v}v⃗?

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