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Kamrun Nahar

ID 191055022

What is Theme -Based Instruction?

Theme-Based teaching is one of the approaches with the broader model of content-
based instruction (CBI) in which the emphasis is on exposing students to a “highly
contextualized” second language environment by using the subject matter as the
content of language learning.

•Loughran (2005) similarly reiterates that the idea of teaching with themes as a
means of integrating curriculum can be traced back to the reforms of 1930’s
(Lipson et al. 1993).

The Methods

•initiation of the theme

•the teacher’s role

•group exploration

•Integrating the theme with curriculum and learning centers

•Building and maintaining spirit and enthusiasm

What is Experiential Learning?

Experiential learning is a broad category for teaching methods and activities that
involve the learner in the learning process. Students are given the opportunity to
learn by experience.

According to Carl Rogers“Experiential learning is equivalent to personal change

and growth”.

He also feels that all human beings have a natural propensity to learn; the role of
the teacher is to facilitate such learning.

The Methods




Role playing and Simulations



Utilizing media

Advantages and Disadvantages

Theme-based Experiential Learning


* Connections *Creates real-world

*Variety within relevance.
Learning *Provides opportunity for
Advantages * Classroom Culture creativity.
*  Curriculum *Teaches the value of
Advancements mistakes.
*Guides students toward
the future

*A decentralized approach.
*Interest Issues *need more preparation by
*Content Issues the teacher.
*A Turn with Classroom *need more patience and
Disadvantages Culture guidence.
*Inaccessible to some *There is often no single
students due to cultural, “right” answer
academic, or ability
      Connections
o     Helps students understand connections and how to connect
o     Draw connections from the real world
o     Makes connections through a common them
o     Focuses the Learner on the Mastery of Objectives/Overall
o     Models for Students the Resources Used in Research
       Variety within Learning
  o      Makes for well-rounded students (experienced many different
ways of learning)
o       Keeps students engaged through making learning activities
o     Teacher is able to be creative, authentic, and original (as well
as the students)
o     Expands your Assessment Strategies
o     Can integrate all subjects and use literacy within those
       Classroom Culture
o     Students have choice in what they learn- topic choice
o     Utilizes Collaborative and Cooperative Learning
o     Share the same learning goals
o     Creates a community of learners
o     Not all teacher-student centered, this is student centered
       Curriculum Advancements
o     Technology in the classroom
o     Compacts the curriculum
o     Integrates Word Processing Skills into Creative Activities
o       Time savers- teaching multiple subjects at one time
       Interest Issues
o     Some students may lose interest
o     Student/Teacher could become bored with one theme
o     Not participate due to low motivation or interest
       Content Issues
o     Students miss a day- may miss the connections
o     Finding enough resources/information to cover every aspect
of the topic
o     Intertwining the benchmarks within that one topic may be
o     Missing out on some content that could be covered
    o     Less organization for teacher (compared to basal program)-
more work for the teacher
       A Turn with Classroom Culture
o     With student choice- may cause arguments, unwilling to
want to be involved because it wasn’t there first choice
o      Inaccessible to some students due to cultural, academic,
or ability differences
       Cultural- never experiences winter
       Academic- lower level students having a hard time with
concepts within that theme- but expected to connect
         Ability- ESL students do not receive a variety of
language practice- mostly how to use that language
toward only one topic

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